Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by Gali »

Winston wrote:
September 1st, 2021, 2:20 pm
Gali wrote:
September 1st, 2021, 6:21 am
Winston wrote:
September 1st, 2021, 2:33 am
Gali wrote:
September 1st, 2021, 2:13 am
Yes I guess so.
Can you give some examples from your life? If you care to do so? Why haven't you posted anything about your life story or background?

Could this mysterious force that repels people in us, be responsible for why we are not able to get a social clique in America like normal people do?

If you think about it, the odds of finding a social clique by chance are very remote. So most people cannot be using chance to find a social clique. It must be destiny or some organizing principle in the matrix that we cannot see, which brings people together into a social clique. Not a random process.

Kind of like how people always walk in and out of Walmart or a supermarket in a steady flow, because by chance they should all come at the same time sometimes, but they never do. For example, if everyone who wanted to go at Walmart, came at 3pm on a given day, it would be blocked and jammed for that time period. But that never happens, because some organizing principle in the matrix that we can't see arranges everything so there is always a flow and balance. Same with the subway or cars on a highway. They never all come at the same time except during rush hour.

Do you think we repel people because of a curse in us, or we are just on a different frequency than everyone else and people sense that so it makes them repulsed and want to avoid us?

It can't be about looks because many men who look average or ugly can still make a lot of friends and find a long term relationship. There has to be some intangible factor or force we cannot see or quantify, something that is very real and consistent, but cannot be measured or touched. So you can't blame something superficial like looks. Some people are liked for no reason and others are disliked for no reason.
You know me. You just forgot it. For example I am the one who introduced Alex to you because I knew you have a lot of weird things in common.

As I am not that much into magical thinking I have actually only one reasonable explanation. That is that we are determined to do and be whatever we are. That is there is no free will. Things just happen.

On a lower level people work with patterns that seem reasonable to them. I try it more with science some try it more with magical thinking.

You can come up with a lot of psychological explanations. You said it in the past that you did not want to be a truth seeker. You wanted to be happy but things have their own flow.

We are just Atoms in the Matrix doing what they are predetermined to do.

On a lower level as said before we have the illusion of explanatation. I from a scientific view. You more from the magical view.

Like you I was also between cultures. My theory is that if you are confronted with situations like that it can trigger a truth seeker trait. Then you become addicted to find out the workings of the matrix because you feel something is wrong you do not fit there. That can make you anti social as you no longer want to go with the flow. You become weirder and weirder.

Until I guess till you find people who have similar weird traits.

Like you I am also a bit interested in religions specially muslim because I come from that background though I am an Atheist and living in Turkey now. So I think it is relevant to know a bit about the culture and history of your environment to have more understanding and with that more power.
Oh yes I remember who you are now. Thanks for introducing me to Alex. Sorry I forgot who you were even though you PMed me.

Why don't you tell the forum who you are? Why the secret and anonymity?

Also, how come you are quick to answer me on the forum but when I text you on Whatsapp you ignore me most of the time? It's like you cannot tolerate debate on Whatsapp but here on the forum you're ok with it. Funny. lol

Alex said he flooded you with a ton of proof, evidence, and logic for intelligent design and why macroevolution is impossible, but he said you were overwhelmed and couldn't take it. lol. Is that so? lol

You call my views "magical thinking" but that's from the standpoint of materialistic science, which you take as the absolute truth and authority. If materialistic science is wrong, then you should change your terms. Before modern times, magical thinking was normal and just called nature and reality. So it depends on your reality. Perhaps you listen too much to Richard Dawkins types. Why are you so sure atheism and materialism are absolute truth? Do you consider that you may be wrong? I can guarantee you that there is more to reality than just the physical materialistic dimension. There's more than enough proof of that. Just because there are more dimensions than the physical does not mean it is "magical thinking".

You say me being a misfit was being between cultures. But that's only a small factor. Most Asian Americans in the US are well adjusted with good jobs and family and stable life. Not like me. So you can't blame it on race or culture. There has to be a deeper X factor here.

I do agree with you that free will is overrated and we have less free will than Americans think. However that doesn't mean free will doesn't exist. Since we are conscious and self-aware we must have some free will, at least a little.

You said we are just atoms that are predetermined. But then who does the determining? Randomness? If not, then you have to posit some sort of intelligent design or divine intelligence. If you don't wanna call that God, then what do you call it? A computer programmer running our simulation? An A.I. like in the movie The Matrix? It does seem that some form of A.I. is running things. Because God cannot be everywhere at once and do everything at once. Only an A.I. automated program can do that. Do you believe in the matrix theory? Clearly our bodies and brains and this universe is designed, not random. So the question is, who or what designed it? Have you pondered this question?

Plus chemicals alone cannot be self-aware or conscious. So if we are just chemicals, then why are we conscious or self-aware? Evolution has no explanation for that, because consciousness is not required in evolution. Many neurons and synapses and connections in the brain don't create consciousness, as atheist scientists claim. If that were true than the top supercomputer with the most internal connections would be conscious, but they are not. I don't think A.I. will ever be conscious or self-aware because A.I. people assume consciousness is created by a high number of synapses and connections in the brain. If they are wrong, then computers and A.I. will never be conscious as they expect.
I do not think it is worth telling people who I am because most guys here do not vibe with me. Actually I should not even be here in the forum as I am not a big fan of it.

The reason I did not answer you is because you did spamtext me. That is annoying and disrespectful. Additionally in AC I was in a different mode. I am now in Turkey so I have more time and things are more relaxed.

Yes Alex flooded me with a lot of stuff but he is biased. He unconsciously wants to prove his religion that is why he does not come from a reasonable perspective even he is quite intelligent. Plus he loses himself in some details nobody does care about.

I agreed that I was not able to think deeply in AC. The reason is because that is not why I went to AC. It is like some nerds talking about computers in a disco. It does not fit the environment. I was happy to even get my everday duties done.

I care more about the materialistic science because it broght meassurable results. The team magical thinking had their chance but not much came out of it. Like I said on a higher level I think science is also an illusion so probably I am kind of programmed to agree with it.

You love to speculate about what is outside of the matrix. I think it is quite a waste of time. You can not know anything about it. The energy you might spend for that might be better for your normal life but in the end you do not have a choice anyway. It is your programming.

You say stuff like pure chemicals can not be conscious without having evidence. You do speculate a lot about things you do not anything about.

Actually I think I would not even mind magical thinking if it is done in an artful way. One of the many problems are weird idosyncracies that make even interesting topics annoying. That is why I like self improvement. There you can work on your blind spots and bottle necks to make communication more effective and enjoyable. At least in theory.

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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by Winston »

Yes but Alex has a good point that intelligent design and patterns cannot be random or due to unguided forces.

The key question Gali that you didn't answer is: What do you believe is the organizing principle or intelligent design that created the universe and us? If not God then what? I'm sure you know that randomness cannot create patterns or specified complexity or intelligent design, like a machine or computer or program or human body or human DNA. This is the key question you keep dodging. Chance or unguided processes cannot create your computer or car, yet the human body and DNA is infinitely more complex. The discoverer of DNA Francis Cricke said so too. Bill Gates said DNA Is more complex than anything ever developed at Microsoft.

What's your answer to that? This is the important question.

Are you saying that consciousness can be created by complex and high number of synapses? If so then a supercomputer should be conscious and self-aware but it isn't. Where's the evidence that it can? It's an assumption, never been proven. Why do you believe consciousness is an illusion? Are you self-aware? If so, you should know that it's not an illusion.

Why do we dream, have imagination, NDE's, etc? A machine or robot cannot do that, only a conscious being with a soul can, right? Chemicals do not have imagination or dreams or divine experiences.
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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by Outcast9428 »

I definitely think I have a lot of internal, vengeful rage and resentment towards normal society. I feel like at every stage of my life normal society has tried its hardest to beat me down and make me fail. Since I was born its like normal society has decided I was unfit for happiness. So I've tried my hardest to be happy against normal society's wishes and find everything I've always wanted. More so then that though, my goal is to be happy while not doing what people keep telling me to do. Not because I fundamentally feel a need to be contrarian for no reason, but because I honestly despise the values of modern day American culture. I feel that we have become a depraved country that doesn't care about anything other then money and power and that this country seeks to destroy the lives of anybody who doesn't subscribe to those values. Anybody who just wants to live a peaceful, simple life is attacked.

And ultimately, Winston, I think that's why we are accepted more by poor people in foreign countries. Because rich countries got the way they were through valuing competition more then anything. And unfortunately in our countries, money and social status is God to the average person. Foreign countries that are poor believe more in love, spirituality, and family.
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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by yick »

Winston wrote:
September 1st, 2021, 10:33 am

But yick. I told you this before. This isn't about race. This goes far beyond race. Other Asians in America are not loners. They have social cliques and if whites are racist to them then they have Asian social cliques. They also marry other Asians or Asian Americans. All my cousins found Asian spouses in America. In high school no clique wanted me and no one wanted to be seen with me. The universe tagged me as a loser and everyone treated me like one. How do you explain that?
It is if you want the blonde cheerleader - it's definitely about race - you had girlfriends at high school - didn't you have a cute, Vietnamese-American girlfriend? I wish I had a cute Vietnamese-American girlfriend at high school! :lol:

White women mainly like white men - you have admitted this yourself so if you try to get one, it will mainly end in failure - everytime you have been in Asia you have got women, you had a really nice looking girlfriend in China.
Nearly everyone has a social clique. They don't try to find one. It's not rocket science. Somehow in high school everyone knew which clique they belong to, as if a higher order organized them into their clique. I was the only one who had no social clique, so I never knew how I was supposed to break into one. The question is: WHY? That's the 64k question. Do you see what I mean? There has to be something going on that's far deeper than race or bad luck. Something intangible but very real. You didn't take that into account.
Most people have mainstream ideas and concepts about reality, I am sure if you were talking about UFO's and flat earth theory or similar teenage versions of those subjects then most people aren't going to go out of the way to listen to you - they're not going to waste what they consider their valuable time.
Did you have a social clique in high school? Was it tight knit like the sitcom "Friends"? Were you offered to join any or welcomed into any? Most people are, but not me. No one can explain why. Even trying to get a social clique felt unnatural like going against the grain or going against the will of the universe. Why? Why doesn't it come naturally for me like it does for normal people, such as HouseMD? That's the 64k question.
I had friends in high school, I had loads of friends in university and the army, I have always had friends but then they get married and have kids or they move on with their lives, the worst ones were the friends at university - they went back to where they came from and they haven't bothered with me since and nor I with them apart from their existence being on my facebook friends list - it's life. People eventually go their own way once shared interests and goals have been eliminated.
It can't be about social skills. Because that only matters if you're a diplomat or in public relations. Most people are simple and dumb and have no social skills like diplomats do. Yet they are able to find cliques and find a long term relationship. They just follow their destiny and it happens. There is some organizing principle in the universe that does all this, without our control or choice. But not me. Why? That's the 64k question.
So if most people are 'simple and dumb' what do you want to hang out with them for? Do you think anyone wants to hang out with someone who thinks they're smarter than them and has obvious (and unjustified) superiority complexes?
Even today only people in poor countries like me and accept me. Never in first world countries and never middle class people, who are very cliquish, rigid, closed, and judgmental. Middle class cliques never accept me for some reason. They don't like freespirits or brutally honest people or freethinkers.
Most people don't want to be bored, the last thing most people want to listen to is you go on about flat earth - they're not interested and don't you think you thinking that most people are stupid and simple will turn people off?
That comes out so much in non-verbal cues that it is amazing you don't realise it - you obviously think you are a superior intellect instead of thinking that these people might be your equal (which is how and why friendships form and flourish...).

They like conformists who are judgmental and conform to society and have status and are normal and square and cool. For some reason they never vibe with me or welcome me or like me but act cold toward me as if repulsed. Even in the Philippines, the middle class is like that, snobby and judgmental and closed. Not open at all. Not inclusive either. Why? Why can't I date within my own economic class like everyone else can? Why do middle class people exclude me and dislike me?

Only misfits, New Agers, and UFO/Conspiracy buffs are friendly to me. But not the mainstream or normal people.
QED - if your interests are UFO's, conspiracy theories and spiritual stuff then the people who will want to befriend you are those people who are interested in that shit - which is not many people. Like you said, most people are mainstream so you have to pick - your interests (that most people don't give two shits about...) or a wider social circle (that means giving up talking about flat earth and conspiracy theories).
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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by yick »

Winston wrote:
September 1st, 2021, 2:31 pm
Why aren't you guys as open minded and broad minded as me? (not to brag)
An excellent example why most people have no interest in hanging out with you. :lol:

Do you not have the basic social ability to be able to keep things light? Does it always have to be about your niche interests, your 'intellect' and enormous ego?

@mattyman is another one who wants a wide social circle but wonders why everyone ignores his COVID conspiracy posts on facebook and gets annoyed about it.

If you want people to share their time with you and have a coffee or a beer then you need to be able to keep things light some of the time if not most of the time - I am not going to listen to anyone - not even Brittany Decker - talk about UFO shit for two hours, I would last about... twenty minutes with her because she's hot, you? About thirty seconds! :lol:
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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by yick »


Brooklyn (I thought it was Brittany...) Decker: Yick... do you think I am fascinating? Do you believe the world is flat like I do?

Yick: Ermmmm... yeah and yeah! :lol:
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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by Tsar »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
September 1st, 2021, 9:34 pm
It's not some "X factor" with many of these men. For instance, you mention Elliot Rodger. Why did he not get girls when he was okay-looking, you ponder. Lets look at him for just a moment, shall we. Here's Elliot Rodger:


He looks like a homosexual, @Winston. That's why he had a hard time getting girls. As for his personality, he was not friendly like you, but he was very cynical, arrogant, cocky, had incredibly high standards for both friendship and relationships and he was just not a pleasant person to be around, at all. He was overly competitive, in a world where he failed to meet the basic standards to even compete. He couldn't cope, and he killed himself. He was also diagnosed with autism, which makes social interaction more difficult in general.

Aren't you a bit autistic yourself, Winston? I think you may have alluded to this in the past. I have seen several members here mention they may be on the autistic spectrum themselves. Autistic people, as a rule, tend to have a hard time attracting friends, or mates. Good-looking autistic blokes can probably get laid with relative ease but would fail to maintain the relationships because of their social awkwardness. More average or even ugly looking ones would get hardly a thing, unless they managed to be particularly charming or gain some wealth, like Zuckerberg and those Sillicon Valley nerds.

As for friends, autistic people tend to befriend other autistic people. Who like to rant about the same inane gibberish they like to rant about, or watch the same weird anime series they are into. Only in niche, weird circles do they find a home. Add on top of mental illness, or a brain simply wired a bit differently, a hint of delusions of grandeur and a sense of "I'm better/deeper/smarter/more openminded than everyone" and you got yourself... a recipe for disaster, Winston.

I think your neurons may be wired a bit differently than those of most other human beings. You're also a bit older now, so organically finding a group of place you feel like you belong into is very much an uphill battle for you. The universe isn't out to get you. You are not marked with 'the sign of the beast', third eyes do not follow you around and the Devil doesn't have it out for you... your biggest problem, ultimately, is you. Your own mind. Your own looks. Your own personality. And the fact that, even as a man who hates the competitive nature of one-upping of the West, you cannot help but one-up everyone on the grounds of 'deepness' or 'open-mindedness'. :lol:
Am I probably autistic or a lot like Elliot Rodger? I don't know anymore if I am just not able to really be loved. Or am I just a really damaged person because America really destroyed my mind and my ability to really socialize?

I do think I can maintain a friendship and a relationship is just a romantic friendship, but I can't without the other person also making an effort.
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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by yick »

Exactly! @MarcosZeitola
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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by Gali »

Winston wrote:
September 1st, 2021, 3:28 pm
Yes but Alex has a good point that intelligent design and patterns cannot be random or due to unguided forces.

The key question Gali that you didn't answer is: What do you believe is the organizing principle or intelligent design that created the universe and us? If not God then what? I'm sure you know that randomness cannot create patterns or specified complexity or intelligent design, like a machine or computer or program or human body or human DNA. This is the key question you keep dodging. Chance or unguided processes cannot create your computer or car, yet the human body and DNA is infinitely more complex. The discoverer of DNA Francis Cricke said so too. Bill Gates said DNA Is more complex than anything ever developed at Microsoft.

What's your answer to that? This is the important question.

Are you saying that consciousness can be created by complex and high number of synapses? If so then a supercomputer should be conscious and self-aware but it isn't. Where's the evidence that it can? It's an assumption, never been proven. Why do you believe consciousness is an illusion? Are you self-aware? If so, you should know that it's not an illusion.

Why do we dream, have imagination, NDE's, etc? A machine or robot cannot do that, only a conscious being with a soul can, right? Chemicals do not have imagination or dreams or divine experiences.
You and Alex are wasting your and everybodies time with this bullshido. All you do is make people angy and annoyed.period.

Just stop it.
Get a life and maybe an education so you might get some respect and don't have to be annoying to get attention.

I should not write this because it is a waste of time and annoying but here we go

Again Alex and you are talking about stuff you do not anything about. It is mostly losers who ask these questions to look intelligent. If you are intelligent you would be able to solve real life problems or at least put your energy there.

You can not compare synapses to computer. I do not have to bring evidence because I do not care about this question anyway because we can not know about the answer. Even if you are right it would not change your life anyway. It is just stupid coping to try to look intelligent and escapism.

You can talk about the topics if you do it in an artful way. Otherwise you look like a guy who tries to be funny but is not. That is extremely annoying.

Again the divine thinking had it's time it did not change our life so who cares about the divine bullshido? Just live your life without annoying everybody. That is good enough. If you want to be useful solve real life problems and do not practice bullshido. Or at least do not talk about bullshido if people do not like the topic or find the way you talk about it annoying.
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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by Winston »

Outcast9428 wrote:
September 1st, 2021, 4:30 pm
I definitely think I have a lot of internal, vengeful rage and resentment towards normal society. I feel like at every stage of my life normal society has tried its hardest to beat me down and make me fail. Since I was born its like normal society has decided I was unfit for happiness. So I've tried my hardest to be happy against normal society's wishes and find everything I've always wanted. More so then that though, my goal is to be happy while not doing what people keep telling me to do. Not because I fundamentally feel a need to be contrarian for no reason, but because I honestly despise the values of modern day American culture. I feel that we have become a depraved country that doesn't care about anything other then money and power and that this country seeks to destroy the lives of anybody who doesn't subscribe to those values. Anybody who just wants to live a peaceful, simple life is attacked.

And ultimately, Winston, I think that's why we are accepted more by poor people in foreign countries. Because rich countries got the way they were through valuing competition more then anything. And unfortunately in our countries, money and social status is God to the average person. Foreign countries that are poor believe more in love, spirituality, and family.
Good points. Yes I think many of us here are angry and resentful. It's obvious in the tone of many posters here, not all of course, but many.

But the question is: Did our deep anger and resentment cause people to ostracize us? I don't think so. I think it's the opposite. People dislike you first for whatever reason, which then causes you to be resentful. No one chooses to be angry and resentful for no reason. Think about it. People who are victim blaming don't realize that.

The reason I'm a deep thinker is that I seek meaning to understand why I am mistreated and given no social life in America. It's not the cause. That's what MarcosZeitola doesn't understand. He's got it BACKWARDS. And he doesn't listen. He just ridicules me and makes fun of me and comes up with arguments that aren't serious and don't make sense, and he doesn't listen so he doesn't understand the root of the problem.

I may be a naturally curious imaginative person. But people only look deeper when they are unhappy and confused. No one who is cool, popular, has fun, goes to the hip parties, etc needs to be a deep thinker. Hot girls who are cheerleaders don't need to be deep thinkers, for example. So my situation is what incited me to be a deep thinker, not the other way around, my deep thinking mind did NOT cause people to alienate me. People have it backwards. It's so dumb. I don't know why.

Yes and plus, middle class people seem to be VERY judgmental and dislike you for trivial reasons. Not laid back at all. Even in the Philippines the middle class look closed off, snobby and look judgmental on their faces. The middle class girls have this HAUGHTY attitude that you see in California. It's sickening to see.
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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by Winston »

Yick and MarcosZeitola,

WTF? Are you joking?! Are you even listening? You sound like my dad. All you do is nitpick IRRELEVANT and UNRELATED stuff that is not even true and makes no sense and has NO CONNECTION to anything I say!

FYI, the flat earth movement didn't exist in the 1980s. It only became a hot topic in 2015. DUH! How can you guys miss that???!!! So of course I didn't talk about flat earth in the 80's. I talked about it for a few months in 2015 and after that, not much anymore. Today I rarely talk about it.

As to UFO's and ghosts, duh. It's part of pop culture. Nothing wrong with talking about it. Lots of people are into it. Tons of paranormal videos and movies are hits. It's part of pop culture. Lots of horror movies feature teenagers going to haunted houses and getting in trouble. Even Stephen King's "IT" is like that too. It's part of pop culture. Even Asians like horror movies like "The Ring" and stuff. Talking about that doesn't make people dislike you. DUH! Are you trying to be dumb? Why you saying DUMB things?!

In real life, if someone likes you, you can talk about anything. I'm sure you know that. Are you guys real? Or just AI and NPCs? A real soul would know all this. Aren't you guys just programs in the matrix? No offense. But you seem like you are programmed to ridicule me with fallacious illogical arguments, not serious ones. You are just making fun of me. Your points are IRRELEVANT.

Back in the 80s I was into pop TV shows like AIrwolf, Blue Thunder, Knight Rider, The A-Team, etc. Everyone was. It has nothing to do with common interests. DUH!

In high school you don't have to do anything wrong to be disliked. Even assholes get friends in high school, unlike me.

Btw I never acted arrogant or smart in high school. And even if I did, it would have been normal because in high school everyone acted snobby, arrogant, spoiled, etc. NO ONE was humble or down to earth. So why you BSing me and telling me false BS?

Explain this then: How come even my Christian youth group friends, whom I had something in common with since I was passionate about Jesus and the Bible too like they were, were not that close to me? They tolerated me because it was their Christian duty. But I never felt like they truly liked me or accepted me. They did not love me for me, they only acted nice out of Christian duty. Yet of course we had religion in common. How do you explain that??? BUSTED! See how wrong and dumb you are Yick and Marcos? No offense, but your points are REAL DUMB. NO JOKE!

Also, I am NOT a braggart and I do NOT boast about my "superior intellect". If I were a braggart, like PAG, I would be boasting about all the women I scored and all the money I made, and adding two zeros, 00, to every number in my life. That's what braggarts do! I don't do that. DUH! If I were a braggart I would NEVER start a self-deprecating thread like this! No way. I would be boasting about all my conquests like PAG does! DUH! All I pointed out was an OBJECTIVE FACT, which anyone can see in this thread, which is that I am considering a wide range of possibilities and explanations to explain the mystery of my question, some of which are outside the box, but you guys are NOT. That's a FACT. Nothing to do with bragging or boasting. I am not trying to sound arrogant at all. I swear to God! You got me WRONG as usual! Stop lying please!

Please listen to all the above so you do NOT repeat your mistakes! Otherwise, I will just copy and paste the above again. Why don't you ever listen???!!!

Why can't you just assume that my theory may be right? That there is an A.I. that runs this matrix and once it pegged me as a "loser and reject" then everyone, especially those who are NPCs and just programs in the matrix, treated me accordingly? And maybe some real souls followed suit too, to fit into the crowd. That theory FITS THE DATA. If FITS what I experienced and saw. It may be outlandish, but it FITS THE DATA! Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction, remember?

Haven't you studied the simulation hypothesis? Haven't you heard of Philip K. Dick, who wrote the story that turned into the movie "Blade Runner"? He said in the 1970s that we are in a computer simulation. He was the first one. Go to YouTube and type "Jim Elvidge interivew". He has several interviews where he gives valid evidence about why we are living in a simulation that are fascinating and worth listening to. Also see his website:

Also experts from Oxford like Nick Bostrom endorse this theory too. So does the billionaire Elon Musk.

So why can't you consider my theory as a POSSIBILITY at least? Especially since many experts agree with it???!!! WHY???!!! Especially since it FITS the data and FITS what I experienced and saw!!! OPEN YOUR MIND MAN!!!
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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by Winston »

Gali wrote:
September 1st, 2021, 11:17 pm
Winston wrote:
September 1st, 2021, 3:28 pm
Yes but Alex has a good point that intelligent design and patterns cannot be random or due to unguided forces.

The key question Gali that you didn't answer is: What do you believe is the organizing principle or intelligent design that created the universe and us? If not God then what? I'm sure you know that randomness cannot create patterns or specified complexity or intelligent design, like a machine or computer or program or human body or human DNA. This is the key question you keep dodging. Chance or unguided processes cannot create your computer or car, yet the human body and DNA is infinitely more complex. The discoverer of DNA Francis Cricke said so too. Bill Gates said DNA Is more complex than anything ever developed at Microsoft.

What's your answer to that? This is the important question.

Are you saying that consciousness can be created by complex and high number of synapses? If so then a supercomputer should be conscious and self-aware but it isn't. Where's the evidence that it can? It's an assumption, never been proven. Why do you believe consciousness is an illusion? Are you self-aware? If so, you should know that it's not an illusion.

Why do we dream, have imagination, NDE's, etc? A machine or robot cannot do that, only a conscious being with a soul can, right? Chemicals do not have imagination or dreams or divine experiences.
You and Alex are wasting your and everybodies time with this bullshido. All you do is make people angy and annoyed.period.

Just stop it.
Get a life and maybe an education so you might get some respect and don't have to be annoying to get attention.

I should not write this because it is a waste of time and annoying but here we go

Again Alex and you are talking about stuff you do not anything about. It is mostly losers who ask these questions to look intelligent. If you are intelligent you would be able to solve real life problems or at least put your energy there.

You can not compare synapses to computer. I do not have to bring evidence because I do not care about this question anyway because we can not know about the answer. Even if you are right it would not change your life anyway. It is just stupid coping to try to look intelligent and escapism.

You can talk about the topics if you do it in an artful way. Otherwise you look like a guy who tries to be funny but is not. That is extremely annoying.

Again the divine thinking had it's time it did not change our life so who cares about the divine bullshido? Just live your life without annoying everybody. That is good enough. If you want to be useful solve real life problems and do not practice bullshido. Or at least do not talk about bullshido if people do not like the topic or find the way you talk about it annoying.
So basically, in order to be cool I have to be dumb? lol. That's what you are saying. You are acting like a program in the matrix. You are programmed to shame and ridicule what I say, so you do just that. That's why you believe there is no free will, because you are NPC right? lol. Well I am not, I am a real soul, and maybe one of the few. So that's why the matrix targets me. Makes sense. Notice how you are just following a program, while I am THINKING FOR MYSELF, which you see as a bad thing. Why? You do act like a program, not a real soul. No offense, but your actions DEFINE you.

You dodged all my key questions above, btw. If you were smart, why do you dodge key questions? How come I never do that, but you do?
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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by Winston »

Btw Yick and Marcos,

Yes I could have semi-autism. However autistic people usually aren't social and don't like to connect with others. But I do. Maybe I am semi aspie? Who knows. It could be true. Because the way I think and move is different than others. Normal people can walk or drive from Point A to Point B quickly without thinking or stopping and looking confused and wondering what's going on. I cannot do that. That's why I am slow, but very active in thinking about everything. I cannot go from Point A to Point B quickly like a robot or program. I am often confused and stop to wonder what's going on. When people see that, they may think I am weird because I cannot move quickly around without thinking like everyone else can, so they think I'm a creep or weirdo on a different wavelength. That is possible. Maybe I'm mentally ill, or maybe I'm not a program like everyone else, but a real soul in the matrix and hence confused? Who knows.

Maybe people who are autistic are real souls in the matrix who are confused because they don't belong in the matrix and are thus confused since they are not an autobot program like everything else, so they don't have a function in the matrix? After all, aspies do commonly say that they feel like they are in a movie but do not have a script like everyone else. So that would fit the data.

I know I sound batshit crazy and insane saying all this, but what if I am right and what I say is true? What if.......? You don't really know do you? Seriously. Not joking here.

If I am right, just for argument's sake, then it would explain A LOT of mysteries, and I mean A LOT!
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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by Gali »

Winston wrote:
September 2nd, 2021, 7:17 am
Gali wrote:
September 1st, 2021, 11:17 pm
Winston wrote:
September 1st, 2021, 3:28 pm
Yes but Alex has a good point that intelligent design and patterns cannot be random or due to unguided forces.

The key question Gali that you didn't answer is: What do you believe is the organizing principle or intelligent design that created the universe and us? If not God then what? I'm sure you know that randomness cannot create patterns or specified complexity or intelligent design, like a machine or computer or program or human body or human DNA. This is the key question you keep dodging. Chance or unguided processes cannot create your computer or car, yet the human body and DNA is infinitely more complex. The discoverer of DNA Francis Cricke said so too. Bill Gates said DNA Is more complex than anything ever developed at Microsoft.

What's your answer to that? This is the important question.

Are you saying that consciousness can be created by complex and high number of synapses? If so then a supercomputer should be conscious and self-aware but it isn't. Where's the evidence that it can? It's an assumption, never been proven. Why do you believe consciousness is an illusion? Are you self-aware? If so, you should know that it's not an illusion.

Why do we dream, have imagination, NDE's, etc? A machine or robot cannot do that, only a conscious being with a soul can, right? Chemicals do not have imagination or dreams or divine experiences.
You and Alex are wasting your and everybodies time with this bullshido. All you do is make people angy and annoyed.period.

Just stop it.
Get a life and maybe an education so you might get some respect and don't have to be annoying to get attention.

I should not write this because it is a waste of time and annoying but here we go

Again Alex and you are talking about stuff you do not anything about. It is mostly losers who ask these questions to look intelligent. If you are intelligent you would be able to solve real life problems or at least put your energy there.

You can not compare synapses to computer. I do not have to bring evidence because I do not care about this question anyway because we can not know about the answer. Even if you are right it would not change your life anyway. It is just stupid coping to try to look intelligent and escapism.

You can talk about the topics if you do it in an artful way. Otherwise you look like a guy who tries to be funny but is not. That is extremely annoying.

Again the divine thinking had it's time it did not change our life so who cares about the divine bullshido? Just live your life without annoying everybody. That is good enough. If you want to be useful solve real life problems and do not practice bullshido. Or at least do not talk about bullshido if people do not like the topic or find the way you talk about it annoying.
So basically, in order to be cool I have to be dumb? lol. That's what you are saying. You are acting like a program in the matrix. You are programmed to shame and ridicule what I say, so you do just that. That's why you believe there is no free will, because you are NPC right? lol. Well I am not, I am a real soul, and maybe one of the few. So that's why the matrix targets me. Makes sense. Notice how you are just following a program, while I am THINKING FOR MYSELF, which you see as a bad thing. Why? You do act like a program, not a real soul. No offense, but your actions DEFINE you.

You dodged all my key questions above, btw. If you were smart, why do you dodge key questions? How come I never do that, but you do?
No I am not saying that you should be dumb. Quite the oppsoite. Put your energy into the right places like SELF IMPROVEMENT. That is INTELLIGENT. This way you become more skilled in life and do not annoy people for no reason. Get classic education that is intelligent.

Actually I know how you feel. I have similar feelings but I do fight it because it is a trap to be unhappy. I dealt with philosophy early in my life but it is important to be balanced and not mix fiction with real life.

How I am dodging questions when I do not have the answers? I just do not know the answer. It is stupid to speculate non stop about that topic.
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Re: Are we cursed in love? Do we have a dark side that repels people?

Post by Winston »

Yick and Marcos,
Here is a recent interview Jim Elvidge did with Anthony Peake, so you can see that intellectuals and freethinkers do take my matrix theory seriously. As you can see these two are very smart and outside the box, unlike you (no offense lol).

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