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Do you believe a lot of Happier Abroaders are faux-traditionalists?

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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Jester »

Adama wrote:
Cornfed wrote:
Adama wrote:No reason for such a community anyway. What for?
Perhaps for a place where your family could have normal social interactions without everyone constantly scheming to turn your wife into a treacherous shrew, your daughters into worthless sluts and your sons into useless pussies.

If that is what you want, then homeschool your kids. Believe me, if you have a problem already with regular people, forming a community with more regular people is only going to intensify the problem. That will not cure anything. There will be many disagreements over other matters, and you might be surprised to learn that although you thought your community was full of people who think like yourself, you'll slowly discover that the mangina tendencies are deeply ingrained into the average American man. In other words, even among men who claim to be MGTOW/MRA/PUA/Incel, you will find that most of them are manginas deep down when it comes down to it.

Also, some of you might dream of becoming Amish or whatever, but life there is not rosy either. You would not want to be part of such a community. Especially since you will not be independent and in charge but rather subject to others who may not have your best interests in mind.

Let us not forget that there is a not so insignificant chance that this could slide down into a cult over time, not unlike Warren Jeffs and the Mormons or David Koresh and his splinter sect of 7thDayAdventists called the Branch Davidians. So joining on with fellow members who want to form their own cult may not be the best idea.
The points you make are all good.

Yet you fail to suggest an alternative. Just what WOULD be the best idea?

Home schooling helps, great people involved, including well-off libertarian secularists, Evangelical Christians and Catholic Christians. Works well while kids are small. No sports teams or science labs though. And its just for kids, and the moms. Nothing for the family as a whole, to socialize with others like minded

It doesnt have to look like a "cult". (No disrespect intended to Fundamentalist Mormons etc.) For example the YMCA has a program for families to go camping together. I don't know what its called. But that is an ancient Biblical practice - in the Bible i's called "sukkot" or "feast of booths" (actually improvised huts, a place to make love outdoors with some privacy. (I don't know where the kids slept.)

But ancient Israel gathered together for big feasts three times a year, plus this camping thing I think.

They had common values. Noone was trying to get your son to drink liquor through a hose, or thinking he could get away with screwing your daughter. Doesnt mean people were GOOD, it means they had common rules they all acknowledged.

Going to a homeschoolers convention once a year, mostly moms no dads, just doesnt come close.

BTW anti-community pundits constantly bring up Warren Jeffs and polygamy, or various pacifist groups like Amish. An intentional community of traditional values does not have to be a personality cult, and does not have to be pacifist. For example, Orania in South Africa has dome quite well I think.
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Adama »

Jester wrote:
Adama wrote:
Cornfed wrote:
Adama wrote:No reason for such a community anyway. What for?
Perhaps for a place where your family could have normal social interactions without everyone constantly scheming to turn your wife into a treacherous shrew, your daughters into worthless sluts and your sons into useless pussies.

If that is what you want, then homeschool your kids. Believe me, if you have a problem already with regular people, forming a community with more regular people is only going to intensify the problem. That will not cure anything. There will be many disagreements over other matters, and you might be surprised to learn that although you thought your community was full of people who think like yourself, you'll slowly discover that the mangina tendencies are deeply ingrained into the average American man. In other words, even among men who claim to be MGTOW/MRA/PUA/Incel, you will find that most of them are manginas deep down when it comes down to it.

Also, some of you might dream of becoming Amish or whatever, but life there is not rosy either. You would not want to be part of such a community. Especially since you will not be independent and in charge but rather subject to others who may not have your best interests in mind.

Let us not forget that there is a not so insignificant chance that this could slide down into a cult over time, not unlike Warren Jeffs and the Mormons or David Koresh and his splinter sect of 7thDayAdventists called the Branch Davidians. So joining on with fellow members who want to form their own cult may not be the best idea.
The points you make are all good.

Yet you fail to suggest an alternative. Just what WOULD be the best idea?

Home schooling helps, great people involved, including well-off libertarian secularists, Evangelical Christians and Catholic Christians. Works well while kids are small. No sports teams or science labs though. And its just for kids, and the moms. Nothing for the family as a whole, to socialize with others like minded

It doesnt have to look like a "cult". (No disrespect intended to Fundamentalist Mormons etc.) For example the YMCA has a program for families to go camping together. I don't know what its called. But that is an ancient Biblical practice - in the Bible i's called "sukkot" or "feast of booths" (actually improvised huts, a place to make love outdoors with some privacy. (I don't know where the kids slept.)

But ancient Israel gathered together for big feasts three times a year, plus this camping thing I think.

They had common values. Noone was trying to get your son to drink liquor through a hose, or thinking he could get away with screwing your daughter. Doesnt mean people were GOOD, it means they had common rules they all acknowledged.

Going to a homeschoolers convention once a year, mostly moms no dads, just doesnt come close.

BTW anti-community pundits constantly bring up Warren Jeffs and polygamy, or various pacifist groups like Amish. An intentional community of traditional values does not have to be a personality cult, and does not have to be pacifist. For example, Orania in South Africa has dome quite well I think.
No, it doesn't have to be a cult. All I am saying is, it could easily become one. Anyone who has had a coworker jerk who became his boss and ruined the place can tell you what sociopaths are capable of doing when they get in control. They can destroy many lives. Many people will blindly follow leadership. So although this is a very small chance, it wouldnt be something that is worth risking in my opinion. Most people want to be led. I think that is the key problem here.

Also in general people are not very nice, especially when they learn that you live a slightly different way from how they live, or even if you believe something different from what they believe. I do not think a community with any type of modern people can work under any circumstance whatsoever. None.

There is no need to outline anything else because once you realize you can homeschool your children, you know you can find other ways to socialize your children. For example, church organizations and sports teams. There's also piano lessons, guitar lessons, martial arts, and other activities which can keep children busy and socially fulfilled, without having to expose them to the drama that modern people bring with them (because they will be intensely focused on effort rather than being indoctrinated_).

You men here are free to join any organization you choose. I am just warning you that it may not be as great as you think it will be. There are people involved here, and people have egos and pride. There will be no way to nullify people's egos, especially if you happen to have others in your community who are sociopaths, reprobates or otherwise spiritually unhealthy. And not everyone will agree that the obvious sociopath is a sociopath. Many people will say it is just a strong person.

Also, some pro-community pundits may think the stories of Warren Jeffs is exaggerated (even though I specifically said it is a small chance), but I wouldn't want anyone I know to become a victim of a reprobate because I chose to join a community of some kind.

Besides that, this is all pie in the sky nonsense anyhow. Fschmidt and others have been ranting about starting a community for many years now. It is much easier to go find a wife or girlfriend and have children of your own than.

What is the whole point anyhow? Just buy a farm somewhere if you want to live off the grid. Or become a Filipino. You marry a Filipina girl and you will have an instant community without being closed off from society. There is no way around that if you marry one of them, because I have never met an outcast Filipino of any type, not even the reprobate homos.
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Tsar »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
January 29th, 2016, 6:34 am
I believe a lot of people here would identify as somewhat traditional. Traditional in the sense that they would like their wives to be loyal, caring, virginal. Traditional in the sense that they have major issues with feminism. But in them we find a lot of vestiges of modern culture as well. The desire to bone a lot of women, for example. The frustration at not getting laid enough, rampant materialism, envy of more socially or sexually successful men. Also, selfishness, being oriented on material wealth, and of course still caring about what others thing of you to sometimes insane degrees.

The sad thing is, a lot of you faux-traditionalists are doing feminism's bidding. I see a lot of posters here who:

-would like for their wife to work, earn money, be independent
-are very self-centered and view a wife or girlfriend as essentially a commodity
-refuse to get married because "daddy government and feminism will steal my money"
-are not interested in or vehemently against raising a family

The same men complain about how "modern women suck", and wonder where "all the sweet girls have gone". What they fail to realize, IMO, is that they aren't the polar opposite of the modern female they would like to portray theirselves as; more often then not, they are her male counterpart. Her mirror image.

If you really want to flip off the status quo, free yourselves of the toxic mindset that has enslaved so many of your brothers, the best way to do it is not to do things half-assed. You either live a traditional life, or you don't. And don't complain about women being awful in whatever society you hail from, when you yourself aren't any better. The amount of hypocracy is staggering.

Most faux-tradionalists, if given the opportunity to bang Western sluts, would do so. They would no go out of their way to monger abroad, but monger around in their own home towns. Low sexual market value is what drives them to look for alternative measures, but their heart isn't truly in it. Religion, historical revisionism, obsessing over unimportant issues such as race and hatred born from intense envy of all those who succeeded where they failed, is what truly drives these men.

These guys like to paint an idyllic picture of themselves. They are noble "free thinkers", "independent souls" or "men's rights activists". Some call themselves "incel", or identify as "man going his own way". A common thread in their lives seems to be a lack of life experience, a lack of power and lack of any drive to make something of themselves. Another common ailment is the failure to ever put the blame with themselves, and a tendency to always blame third parties, whether it be "western women", "American government", "ZOG", "affirmative action", "feminism" or even their parents or hometown. It's never me, and always them. They can never help it, they are always the victim. A complete and utter lack of passion and the desire for genuine change or self-reflection complete this toxic mix for complete failure.

I believe faux-traditionalists are probably the worst and most pathetic group of men alive today, and certainly the most hypocritical. I would put them at the same level as male feminists and other "manginas" so despised by them. Because they are innately the same, and in denial over it.

American women, and Western women as a whole (who aren't as different from one another as HA would led you to believe because of the 'grass is always greener' principle) are often blamed for their mentality of wanting to have their cake and eat it too. A lot of Happier Abroaders, similarly, want to have their cake and eat it too. At the same time they seem unwilling to make any concessions. Unrealistic expectations meets a harsh reality and the whole thing comes crashing down. If you really want to be free from the cage of modernity, there are some demons left for you to slay. Some of the worst among those demons house in your own mind.
I have to agree about traditionalist vs. faux traditionalist.

Around 2016 was when I knew that even if a beautiful North American or Western European girl wanted me, I wouldn't be interested in her. Too independent, too Western, and too "free" to do whatever she wants.

Men who don't want children aren't traditional. Men who want their female to work aren't traditional.

Marriage is one of the best ways to lockdown a high quality girl for a long-term or hopefully permanent relationship.

1. Taking a girl's virginity
2. The girl is youthful enough to really bond
3. Marriage to the girl

Those are the three best ways to really get a girl truly won over for the long-term.

For example:
A 16 year old virgin girl will really bond with a guy if he's the first to take her virginity and then he marries her sometime afterwards.

Most modern men cannot accept the facts about youthful virgin girls because the Elites have engaged in indoctrination has been using the media as propaganda to normalize untraditional behavior. The weak "modern" men are often jealous of the men who are courageous and strong enough to only want one regardless of what the majority opinion is and what other people think or the weak "modern" men have been indoctrinated into denying reality. However, people have a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. It's easy to brainwash the conscious but the subconscious is much more difficult. Their inability to reconcile the two minds to determine what's true is why many weak men hate the better men, seek to bring other men down, get jealous or angry at traditional men, or they eventually snap after getting divorces, failed relationships, and getting cucked by women who they have been indoctrinated to pursue but their subconscious doesn't really want.

A 26 year old who has 6-8 partners that gets married to her current partner won't be able to bond with a man and she won't be able to truly be won over. She's a whore. A slut. It's idealistic and delusional for people to believe a whore is marriage material.

Most of history, these females were whores. Men had pride and self-respect and wouldn't marry a whore. They would do little for a whore. If a non-virgin became a partner for a guy, she would typically be bought as a slave market or taken as payment from people who couldn't pay their debt.

Females, especially virgin females, are very valuable commodities in certain cases. One mistake people make is genuinely considering a female equal in ability to a men. Humans, especially Males and Females, are not equal, and until the 1900s, everyone knew this.

Men are rational and logical. Women are more feeling and emotional.

Feminism and other toxic social movements undermine society and that's why most modern problems are the result of the Jews first using their propaganda to target the female population.

Also, any traditional person that's honest about biology and nature will admit that people cannot be expected to control their hormones, especially girls. When people first complete puberty or have all the noticeable signs of being a biological adult capable of reproduction is when for almost all of history, girls could be courted by older, single men.

The gender ratio in nature at birth is 105 males for every 95 females. This ratio means that men will always need to pursue younger females.

Traditional people look to history, nature, and facts for guidance.

Modern people look to the law for guidance.

Here's a fact. The law isn't something that exists for ethics, justice, or morals. The law exists to protect the interests of the people who wrote it or appease special interests. The law is one way that tradition has been undermined and destroyed by the ruling elites.
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Jackfruits »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
January 29th, 2016, 6:34 am
I believe a lot of people here would identify as somewhat traditional. Traditional in the sense that they would like their wives to be loyal, caring, virginal. Traditional in the sense that they have major issues with feminism. But in them we find a lot of vestiges of modern culture as well. The desire to bone a lot of women, for example. The frustration at not getting laid enough, rampant materialism, envy of more socially or sexually successful men. Also, selfishness, being oriented on material wealth, and of course still caring about what others thing of you to sometimes insane degrees.

The sad thing is, a lot of you faux-traditionalists are doing feminism's bidding. I see a lot of posters here who:

-would like for their wife to work, earn money, be independent
-are very self-centered and view a wife or girlfriend as essentially a commodity
-refuse to get married because "daddy government and feminism will steal my money"
-are not interested in or vehemently against raising a family

The same men complain about how "modern women suck", and wonder where "all the sweet girls have gone". What they fail to realize, IMO, is that they aren't the polar opposite of the modern female they would like to portray theirselves as; more often then not, they are her male counterpart. Her mirror image.

If you really want to flip off the status quo, free yourselves of the toxic mindset that has enslaved so many of your brothers, the best way to do it is not to do things half-assed. You either live a traditional life, or you don't. And don't complain about women being awful in whatever society you hail from, when you yourself aren't any better. The amount of hypocracy is staggering.

Most faux-tradionalists, if given the opportunity to bang Western sluts, would do so. They would no go out of their way to monger abroad, but monger around in their own home towns. Low sexual market value is what drives them to look for alternative measures, but their heart isn't truly in it. Religion, historical revisionism, obsessing over unimportant issues such as race and hatred born from intense envy of all those who succeeded where they failed, is what truly drives these men.

These guys like to paint an idyllic picture of themselves. They are noble "free thinkers", "independent souls" or "men's rights activists". Some call themselves "incel", or identify as "man going his own way". A common thread in their lives seems to be a lack of life experience, a lack of power and lack of any drive to make something of themselves. Another common ailment is the failure to ever put the blame with themselves, and a tendency to always blame third parties, whether it be "western women", "American government", "ZOG", "affirmative action", "feminism" or even their parents or hometown. It's never me, and always them. They can never help it, they are always the victim. A complete and utter lack of passion and the desire for genuine change or self-reflection complete this toxic mix for complete failure.

I believe faux-traditionalists are probably the worst and most pathetic group of men alive today, and certainly the most hypocritical. I would put them at the same level as male feminists and other "manginas" so despised by them. Because they are innately the same, and in denial over it.

American women, and Western women as a whole (who aren't as different from one another as HA would led you to believe because of the 'grass is always greener' principle) are often blamed for their mentality of wanting to have their cake and eat it too. A lot of Happier Abroaders, similarly, want to have their cake and eat it too. At the same time they seem unwilling to make any concessions. Unrealistic expectations meets a harsh reality and the whole thing comes crashing down. If you really want to be free from the cage of modernity, there are some demons left for you to slay. Some of the worst among those demons house in your own mind.
So true! Yes. I noticed it's not so much more heavenly in Asia. Yes I'm a giant in PH, yes I stick out as Mr foreigner but don't necessarily say it attracts the good attention
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Jackfruits »

yes im the type of guy that rather spoils himself with stupid shit (dont like to spend on women i dont know). Probably too picky with girls though i think, especially with online dating as when i get annoyed by women i instantly in a rage delete and block them. I think I was seen as both: great genetics (5'11, though that's average in the west) and mr ATM. A friend recently confessed to have wasted 16k (4k/y) on a girl from badoo he met 4y ago and when he went to marry his love it seems it was a ladyboy and totally different person from the online video calls. guess ladyboy to scare him off and the girl worked together. the guy works at Asset management department of a london investment bank so not stupid either and not ugly as well but he is worlds biggest nerd, will admit he is that. the funny thing, he still hopes to meet the girl and kept sending money till i told his parents about it. needed to do this even if it ended the friendship (which it did), but for him this is better for the future
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Winston »

When you say "faux" don't you mean like fake or false or pseudo? If so, I think that is partially true, but you can't paint everyone with a broad brush. You are right in that some guys here are hypocrites in that they want all women to be traditional like in the old days, where women could not even go out without an escort like in the early 1900s, and so had to be super feminine and lady like, yet they want men to be free to be playboys and whoremongers. Yeah that is a bit hypocritical, but that is male nature and always has been. Rich men in Victorian England for example had women and mistresses on the side, yet they expected their wives to be faithful. Men and women are different, when men cheat they can still love their wives, but it's not the same for women. So men and women aren't equal in every way, nor are they the same. Everyone is a hypocrite, both men and women are, and society is full of double standards. How come women get free benefits for their looks but men don't? How come a woman's virginity has value but a man's does not? See what I mean? There are double standards on both sides, and everyone is a hypocrite. There's no perfect equality or consistency.

Now as to the men here, yeah some are like that, they want women to be traditional, but they want the freedom to bang many women. But some men here are monogamous too and want a stable faithful marriage where no one cheats. Also I think some of this is a backlash against feminism, some men feel so oppressed by feminism and the rotten nature of modern American women, that they want to rebel by banging many sluts. Possibly to make up for a lot of loneliness and sexual deprivation in their life. So this is a BACKLASH, not necessary a fake form of traditionalism. You know what I mean?

That being said, there is nothing wrong with wanting society to have traditional values, like it did in the 1950s before the Beatles introduced modern Luciferian culture and anti-Christian values into society (according to Mike Williams of Sage of Quay Radio). In the 1950s and 1960s women were in a perfect sweet spot, not too oppressed but not too feminist, yet still very feminine and natural. That was a good thing and men could feel like real men and date women who were real ladies, and meet them at ball room dancing events or barnyard dances, which is how men and women met traditionally. Just because some men here are hypocrites and have double standards, doesn't change that fact. We aren't perfect here. But there is nothing wrong with wanting women to be lady like and feminine like they were in the 50s and 60s. Right? How is that "faux"?
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Outcast9428 »


To expand upon what what said by @MarcosZeitola, you're talking about how countries like the Philippines are better places because their society is different. I agree with you 100% on that. I think society and culture makes an enormous difference. But its like Marcos said, if you just tell men its okay to run off to the Philippines and do whatever they want, you are going to ruin that country. This attitude of "I want women to be faithful but I don't need to be because I am a man!" That's not 1950s. That's what liberal men in the 1950s thought, and ultimately it was because more and more men starting thinking like that which caused the world of the 1950s to die and and give us the world we have today. Nowadays those same men think they are right-wing or conservative just because they don't like liberalism reaching its logical conclusion even though they were the original liberals.

Women are only going to be sweet, traditional wives for you if you promise to be a good traditional man for them. That means not sleeping around, not cheating on her, not watching depraved porn (the truly sick stuff, I'm not talking about a picture of a naked girl), or use her as an outlet for depraved fetishes, it means being willing to be a provider and not whining about women not wanting to split the restaurant bill, it means being chivalrous and gentlemanly with how you conduct yourself. If you want the 1950s to come back then you need to act the way men were expected to act in the 1950s.

Otherwise, you are just bringing modern day America to the Philippines. You are literally importing degenerate American values to their country and ruining it. This goes beyond "not being perfect." It doesn't take that much willpower to not be a playboy running around sleeping with multiple women or trying to have polygamous arrangements. The people doing that are simply greedy and making excuses for their selfishness. I'm not telling people to be chaste until marriage because nobody even did that in the 1950s and I can't do that either. But not banging women and kicking them out the door like an empty soda can or having threesomes or whatever is not that difficult to stop yourself from doing. And if people like the 1950s esque values of the Philippines, then they better be prepared to behave the way Filipino society would respect them for behaving rather then behaving the way they think they can get away with behaving... Because those two are very different things.
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Outcast9428 »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
December 16th, 2022, 11:55 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
December 16th, 2022, 12:53 pm

To expand upon what what said by @MarcosZeitola, you're talking about how countries like the Philippines are better places because their society is different. I agree with you 100% on that. I think society and culture makes an enormous difference. But its like Marcos said, if you just tell men its okay to run off to the Philippines and do whatever they want, you are going to ruin that country. This attitude of "I want women to be faithful but I don't need to be because I am a man!" That's not 1950s. That's what liberal men in the 1950s thought, and ultimately it was because more and more men starting thinking like that which caused the world of the 1950s to die and and give us the world we have today. Nowadays those same men think they are right-wing or conservative just because they don't like liberalism reaching its logical conclusion even though they were the original liberals.

Women are only going to be sweet, traditional wives for you if you promise to be a good traditional man for them. That means not sleeping around, not cheating on her, not watching depraved porn (the truly sick stuff, I'm not talking about a picture of a naked girl), or use her as an outlet for depraved fetishes, it means being willing to be a provider and not whining about women not wanting to split the restaurant bill, it means being chivalrous and gentlemanly with how you conduct yourself. If you want the 1950s to come back then you need to act the way men were expected to act in the 1950s.

Otherwise, you are just bringing modern day America to the Philippines. You are literally importing degenerate American values to their country and ruining it. This goes beyond "not being perfect." It doesn't take that much willpower to not be a playboy running around sleeping with multiple women or trying to have polygamous arrangements. The people doing that are simply greedy and making excuses for their selfishness. I'm not telling people to be chaste until marriage because nobody even did that in the 1950s and I can't do that either. But not banging women and kicking them out the door like an empty soda can or having threesomes or whatever is not that difficult to stop yourself from doing. And if people like the 1950s esque values of the Philippines, then they better be prepared to behave the way Filipino society would respect them for behaving rather then behaving the way they think they can get away with behaving... Because those two are very different things.
@Outcast9428 you may find this interesting,
I just read this article a while ago about Australian men who are known as "serial husbands" who keep flying in Filipina after Filipina and more or less just using them as slave laborers, sexual slaves or house servants. When they tire of the girl they dispose of her. Some get as many as five or more Filipinas to believe they're The One only to kick her to the curb like a stray dog afterward:

https://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/the-sh ... 09b5i.html

It's really sad... these girls are made to believe a better life is just around the corner, but it isn't. In fact many Filipina wives have even been physically and sexually abused by their foreign spouses, dehumanized, and a number of them have been killed, abused so badly they died as a result. Things can go terribly wrong when desperation meets degeneracy, and a lot of absolute degenerates from all over the world make women from the third world into their own personal little playthings, to be taken advantage of and done with as they please. To such men, a woman has a clear expiriation date and is just a dime a dozen. Don't like the mistreatment, get replaced in an instant.

As someone who has a great love for the Filipino people, this personally affects and hurts me. It's sad to see the reputation of an entire nation, people and society being dragged through the mud in such a way, tarnished, made a mockery of. Since most of my own children are half-Filipino, I can only hope and pray this madness will one day end, but there is no end in sight. In fact even in China if one asks about a Filipina, the very first word that comes to mind is "maid" as in Hong Kong, most maids are Filipinas. And yes, they get abused there too, even on the job; it isn't just Western men who behave like animals towards them. As much as I respect Winston, some people attracted to the whole HappierAbroad philosophy are absolute thugs and should be summarily executed. They're rabid dogs, and yes, some of them hide under the cloak of "traditionalism".
I used to think that women didn't like traditional men, that they see us as being "sexist" basically... But what I'm discovering more and more, is that the men they truly hate are the fake traditionalists. A lot of girls love authentic traditionalism. A man who behaves like MrMan does often does get admired from a decent number of women. But fake traditionalists who espouse the same values regarding gender roles as authentic traditionalists do, but don't have any of the moralism that authentic traditionalists have, scare the hell out of women and I don't blame them because those kind of men are dangerous. Its the way a lot of abusive husbands think.

And I think these men are incredibly dangerous to the advancement of traditional values because they very well could take over and become the public face of "traditional values." Andrew Tate is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. I think he is intentionally being promoted by the elites to give traditionalism a bad image. Fake traditionalists are often very determined to push their false brand of traditional values, as the authentic version of traditional values so they can claim that their degeneracy is natural and should be expected by society.

Unfortunately, its easier to convince people to become degenerates then it is to convince them to become moralists. So faux versions of traditional values, if we don't actively suppress it, could become more popular then authentic traditionalism is.

And unfortunately I think that's what happened in 60s, 70s, and 80s. During those decades, more and more men became degenerates who supported a hypocritical version of traditional values and ultimately gave us a terrible image. More women were victims of homicide in the 1970s then any other decade and I think its because a lot of women were getting married to fake traditional, abuisve husbands. If @Winston wonders why American women are not sweet anymore, why they don't want to be approached by men anymore. Its because American men have taught women here, through their behavior, that any man who approaches them is just trying to f**k them. So as a result, the only women who are okay with being approached by random men, are women looking to f**k random men. If we wonder why women don't want to be housewives, then we have to look at the men out there who talk about wanting women to be feminine, who talk about how they want to be providers and want women to be at home and then when the woman does what he wants, he starts cheating on her or abusing her.

Even though my ex-girlfriend was very conservative, and I think she could tell I was a real traditionalist... One of her ex-boyfriends was a fake traditionalist who behaved exactly how I described. He was abusive, and he cheated on her, and that experience made it impossible for her to truly let go of the feminist values and become my woman.

So yes, that's why I'm so aggressive about going after guys here who talk about being traditional but then make excuses for adultery. I believe that those fake traditional types of men are what ruined the nice, 1950s society we used to have and caused so many women to flock towards feminism as a solution. Because women didn't trust us anymore. They don't trust us anymore to honor our end of the bargain because so few men now are willing to be actual traditionalists. Traditionalism is an agreement between men and women. Men provide safety and resources, women provide sexual fulfillment, emotional comfort, nurturing and attachment. But if the man becomes abusive, unfaithful, or both then he is no longer providing safety as he has become the greatest threat to the woman's life.

Liberalism on the other hand is basically an agreement to give each other sex but remain independent in other areas of life so that if the arrangement turns sour, either party is free to leave whenever they want to. I personally believe liberal relationships are inferior to traditional ones, but if we want traditional relationships to become popular again, then we have to honor our end of the bargain and we need to aggressively stigmatize every man who doesn't honor his end of the bargain with his woman. Because if we don't, women are not going to trust us enough to have traditional relationships with us.

If the Happier Abroad community does not work to stigmatize these men, then they will ruin the countries and cultures y'all cherish so much. The women there will not be sweet, feminine, or traditional anymore because they will be scared that every foreign man is trying to exploit or abuse her.
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Outcast9428 »

@MarcosZeitola Are you aware that you've quoted me three times in a row? I've gotten like 3-6 notifications from you?
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by WilliamSmith »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
December 16th, 2022, 11:55 pm
@Outcast9428 you may find this interesting,
I just read this article a while ago about Australian men who are known as "serial husbands" who keep flying in Filipina after Filipina and more or less just using them as slave laborers, sexual slaves or house servants. When they tire of the girl they dispose of her. Some get as many as five or more Filipinas to believe they're The One only to kick her to the curb like a stray dog afterward:

https://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/the-sh ... 09b5i.html

It's really sad... these girls are made to believe a better life is just around the corner, but it isn't. In fact many Filipina wives have even been physically and sexually abused by their foreign spouses, dehumanized, and a number of them have been killed, abused so badly they died as a result. Things can go terribly wrong when desperation meets degeneracy, and a lot of absolute degenerates from all over the world make women from the third world into their own personal little playthings, to be taken advantage of and done with as they please. To such men, a woman has a clear expiriation date and is just a dime a dozen. Don't like the mistreatment, get replaced in an instant.

DAMN! That's horrible. :x
But thank you for posting this.

This abusive and exploitative behavior on the part of those "Western" sexpats is really sickening.

This and other cases I have read about or heard about from Africans and islanders has just strengthened my own feeling I need to actually forge some real ties with people in the foreign nations I am going to apply for citizenship in, when I choose a final destination (or multiple destinations, if I can work multiple passports). So that I actually have friends and people around me who know I am not like these abusive invaders.

It's one of the reasons why even I have actually seriously been considering getting married, despite being a longtime 'polyamorist'...

Ordinarily, I vastly prefer the 'lone wolf' lifestyle (assuming a lot of women are also a part of my "lone wolf" lifestyle, LOL) up to now, but if you're getting out of dodge and going overseas (especially amongst a completely difference race of people), the degradation of the alleged "West" has got to the point where I see so many sordid cases of abusive/exploitative "Westerners" taking advantage of women, or pushing in homosexuality, or worse (**shudder**), I need to differentiate myself from the bad crowd of expats, even if I only want to live secretively in the nations I end up getting citizenship in, in the long-run...................
MarcosZeitola wrote:
December 16th, 2022, 11:55 pm
As someone who has a great love for the Filipino people, this personally affects and hurts me. It's sad to see the reputation of an entire nation, people and society being dragged through the mud in such a way, tarnished, made a mockery of. Since most of my own children are half-Filipino, I can only hope and pray this madness will one day end, but there is no end in sight. In fact even in China if one asks about a Filipina, the very first word that comes to mind is "maid" as in Hong Kong, most maids are Filipinas. And yes, they get abused there too, even on the job; it isn't just Western men who behave like animals towards them. As much as I respect Winston, some people attracted to the whole HappierAbroad philosophy are absolute thugs and should be summarily executed. They're rabid dogs, and yes, some of them hide under the cloak of "traditionalism".
Ah, that's so damn true, I personally think the Philippines looks nice though I don't know that much about it (you guys on HA and some travel books being my main source of info), but I've been personally hearing Hong Kong and other Chinese people (and some other Asians) talking massive !@#$ about Filipinos for decades now, including the "Filipino maid" trope or whatever it's called, LOL. (And I'm not glad they do that, just sayin', as our Southern European cousins would say.) The ones I heard doing this in person and in HK films were doing it in the context of low-brow humor, but still, my point is: It's not all us gweilos (whites) who are to blame for this crap.

By the way: I really don't have anything against Arabs in theory, but from what I've heard about from people and read, they have often been the worst abusers of both Filipino people and also (especially) black people, and the modern-day slave trade in black Africans is still a major problem in parts of the Islamic world. After the ZOG destroyed Libya there's been both a problematic mass-migration of Africans into cucked-out Europe (a big can of worms even if I personally am in the minority who actually likes black African people the best), but also various Arabian/jew slave-trading rings assaulting black Africans and literally enslaving them right at this very time.

I haven't read your whole thread yet, but in line with the overall topic, I'm pretty sure a lot of those worst abusers from all nations would also praise themselves as "traditionalists" too........
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Jackfruits »

I sometimes come back to watch what is written here but I think it is in the top 1% of intellectual conversations on this forum, most is full of retarded BS made by loonies. Congratulations @MarcosZeitola for encouraging intellectualism!
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Jackfruits »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
January 3rd, 2023, 10:37 am
You can engage in mindless hedonism in the West just fine, you just have to bring a little more to the table. The lazy poor man's way of being a hedonist is just getting on a plane. But it creates more problems than it solves, in the long run. Something I don't think @Winston has ever given genuine thought to.
agree 100%. Winston: found russia and then asia and especially PH to be the escape of feelings of incompentcy/ being an incel in the west. But instead of improving he's doing the same thing as 10 years ago and hasn't improved on himself: he is still overweight ugly man (here it does not matter his insecurity as asian American as any overweight man without money in the west has no shot with the hotties), which is ofc not a good example of every common man that is not happy in the west. Yes like Christopher Henderson of Nomad Capitalist says "go where you are treated best" In his case its about taxes, but still what Winston did. Maybe he is inside a serial monger and doesn't want a family or whatever... all possible. I would have expected 10 years ago he was out to start a family, even though it was a disaster.

Most men going to asia do fall in similar category as winston: lower socio economic background or maybe retired and old.
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by WilliamSmith »

Well, I just posted this and this pretty much summed up my take on this, so I remembered your thread here and thought I'd repost it by partially requoting:

...surely you must have seen from the things a lot of those whining misogynistic guys say that they're total degenerates and their claims of moral superiority and rubber-stamping themselves "traditionalists" is BS?
For example, a lot of them whine constantly in self-pity about their manginosphere "men's rights" pathologies while saying they should be able to buy and sell women to be their "tradwives" like women were livestock (since these males have it in their warped minds that they can't breed by actually becoming appealing to any kind of woman at all), but they're not even remotely nice either even if they were given a "tradwife," and on top of that they start talking about how they want subsidies and UBI and shit so they can "f**k whores" (as they put it, I'd never say something mean like that about "pro" women even though I'm not one of their clients, LOL).
So those assholes think they somehow have a rubber stamp to go around branding themselves "traditionalists," but obviously it's all talk and they've just got themselves into a big nasty circle-jerk of feeling sorry for themselves while spewing hatred at women, all while refusing to do anything that'd actually help them succeed with any women (unlike you [ I was addressing @Outcast9428 ], who actually can get nice girls while still being a nice man, right? :D ).
So my point about them (not you) is: They're OBVIOUSLY even worse moral degenerates than comparatively harmless womanizers like me and @Lucas88, even if you somehow think it's horrible that we like going around and getting it on with easy going women. :wink:
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by WilliamSmith »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
January 6th, 2023, 2:34 am
There's nothing wrong with a man going abroad to live a better, happier and more fulfilling life there. In fact this is admirable. Having said this, it's very important a man is honest and upfront about what exactly it is he is looking for.
If a man just wants to bone girls, "pump and dump" and leave them out to dry after... why bother going to places where girls are still 'good' and ruin them further with this behavior? It's kind of sad if you think about it. If a girl is serious, marriage-minded, by all means let him be HappierAbroad.
Agree completely up to this point. :)
MarcosZeitola wrote:
January 6th, 2023, 2:34 am
But if he's just another whoremonger, it's probably better for him to stick to whores and bargirls, strippers and other lowlife girls for whom there is no hope... let him be Captain "Save A Hoe" if he wishes, or just hop from warm body to warm body, paying for the right of entry.
All the legit traditionalists' "tradwives" are safe from me, but I'd like to point out that there's the 3rd category of men other than either just "whoremongers" or traditionalists: The so-called "polyamorous" womanizers who actually prefer sexually extroverted women, so I'd much rather have multiple girlfriends who are these types of women you're saying mean stuff about (as long as they were "entrepreneurs," so to speak, and weren't being pimped by some asshole or gang that I'd then have to have on my hitlist like in that old flick "True Romance," LOL).
And it's not true that a lot of those women have "no hope" to be good people even if they're not what the more traditionally minded guys prefer: A lot of them even get into stuff like stripping or sex work because they either got forced into it or (common) because they become single moms and need to take care of their kids since their baby daddy's useless as either a provider or role model for the kids (maybe he was even a "faux-traditionalist" LOL). So now here Mercer, Cornfed, and fschmidt can all start flaming me for "simping" or call me "a radical feminist" even though I always point out feminism is a mess because of perverted female jews (not "women") after I've taken the liberty of pointing out that women who might be strippers, "pros," or ***gasp*** "sluts" aren't actually just throw-aways, even though they're not suitable for the guys who are obsessed with monogamy and "tradwives."
MarcosZeitola wrote:
January 6th, 2023, 2:34 am
The problems really start when men who claim to be traditionalists and marriage minded go abroad and engage in hedonism... they say one thing, but act completely different. It's sad, and disgusting. Honesty is the best policy in these matters. You're either an open-and-proud hedonist who wants to "make up for lost years" or you're a serious bloke who wants to be with one woman and looks for actual love. You cannot be both. You cannot have your cake, and eat it too.
And if you do, you ruin it for the rest of men, in the long run, because you ruin the source of good girls with your selfish desires and lack of self-control. And, above all, with your hypocrisy.
Yeah, other than my point above about how there's a third category, that was exactly what I was getting at in my post too, even though I've been on an HA marathon and am feeling my brain get blurry, LOL. So... enough said, +1 8)
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by fschmidt »

WilliamSmith wrote:
July 5th, 2023, 6:56 pm
All the legit traditionalists' "tradwives" are safe from me, but I'd like to point out that there's the 3rd category of men other than either just "whoremongers" or traditionalists: The so-called "polyamorous" womanizers who actually prefer sexually extroverted women, so I'd much rather have multiple girlfriends who are these types of women you're saying mean stuff about (as long as they were "entrepreneurs," so to speak, and weren't being pimped by some asshole or gang that I'd then have to have on my hitlist like in that old flick "True Romance," LOL).
And it's not true that a lot of those women have "no hope" to be good people even if they're not what the more traditionally minded guys prefer: A lot of them even get into stuff like stripping or sex work because they either got forced into it or (common) because they become single moms and need to take care of their kids since their baby daddy's useless as either a provider or role model for the kids (maybe he was even a "faux-traditionalist" LOL). So now here Mercer, Cornfed, and fschmidt can all start flaming me for "simping" or call me "a radical feminist" even though I always point out feminism is a mess because of perverted female jews (not "women") after I've taken the liberty of pointing out that women who might be strippers, "pros," or ***gasp*** "sluts" aren't actually just throw-aways, even though they're not suitable for the guys who are obsessed with monogamy and "tradwives."
The problem is that the numbers don't work. A healthy monogamous society has a small number of prostitutes to service the single men, and the rest of the women become wives. Here the numbers work. But once you allow womanizers and sluts, you get a few womanizers having sex with a lot of sluts, and then there aren't enough wives available to the men. The obvious solution is to stone womanizers and sluts to death to prevent this issue.

Of course womanizers and sluts can do what they want in a promiscuous society, but monogamy doesn't work in such societies. And such societies are dysgenic, and eventually become so low quality genetically that they simply need to be exterminated by some conquering monogamous society. See the Old Testament for details.
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