Boomers piss me off

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Boomers piss me off

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

Eeeh by eckers!!!
Remember the good old days when you could beat your kids fellas?
Them were the good old days them was...
Remember polio and not naming your kid for the first year incase they died like 60% of kids in the good old days??? Remember leaded petrol and lead paint and lead toys playing a significant role in the number of brain damaged children in the good old days...
Eeeh by eck Remember beating your kid in the good old days???
Can’t beat your kid anymore these days...
Remember the good old days when you could batter your kid and nobody would stop it???
Them were the good old days them....
Remember when life expectancy was lower and you wouldnt of survived to be lamenting not beating your kids in 2022???
Give it a rest boomers
The collective f***ing ignorance of these cunts infuriates me!!!
Maybe the reason they don’t respect you Karen is cause youre a cunt???
Maybe they grew up watching an endless f***ing stream of boomers on the news getting locked up for abusing kids that respected them???
That puddled cunt shouting obscenitys at birds cars and passing schoolchildren at 3pm is older than me does he deserve my respect???
Does he deserve your kids and grandkids respect???
f***ing boomers fellas, thick as f**k!!!!
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