I will never give to charity

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I will never give to charity

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

I fuckin hate charity!!!
I will never give anything to charity at all
Those adverts with the little sad looking african kid who looks like an alien with his huge cranium covered in flys like a turd
Only they smell worse than a turd :lol:
"Plz give 2 pounds a month so little Mogli can drink water from a tap instead of out of a hole in the floor"
f**k off!!!
They wouldnt need all this fuckin charity if they just picked up their boney asses and moved somewhere where things f***ing GROW!!!!
These idiots live in a f***ing desert where nothing grows and we have to pay for their stupidity :roll:
I call it natural selection.....
Then what about the f***ing donkey adverts as well???
"Plz give 2 pounds a month to daisy the donkey so she can buy that new gucchi bag she wanted"
Its a f***ing donkey!! What purpose do they serve if they aint taking kids for a stroll up and down the beach
I fuckin tell ya
Who gives a f**k about donkeys anyway!!! Donkeys are just spasticated hirses!!!
And the amount of money and resources that goes into soup kitchens pisses me off when half the homeless bums who turn up have never worked for anything in their lousy lives!!!
They dont try to make their own lives better so f**k them!
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Re: I will never give to charity

Post by TruthSeeker »

There are very few charitable organizations I would give to as most of the money goes to administration costs and salaries.

A few weeks ago I encountered a homeless guy going through garbage cans looking for food. I gave him $3. I gave it to him because he wasn't asking. The best type of charity is when you help people directly.
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Re: I will never give to charity

Post by Pixel--Dude »

TruthSeeker wrote:
November 8th, 2022, 7:13 am
There are very few charitable organizations I would give to as most of the money goes to administration costs and salaries.

A few weeks ago I encountered a homeless guy going through garbage cans looking for food. I gave him $3. I gave it to him because he wasn't asking. The best type of charity is when you help people directly.
I agree with you. I don't give to any organised charities for the same reason. I do give homeless money though or a hot meal. And if they want to spend the money I give them on drugs or alcohol why should I be bothered? I can't imagine trying to sleep on a street sober.
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Re: I will never give to charity

Post by Yohan »

CaptainSkelebob wrote:
November 7th, 2022, 2:20 pm
I fuckin hate charity!!!
I will never give anything to charity at all
I also give NEVER anything to charities, you cannot trust such organizations.

Their bookkeeping is not transparent, owners of such charities are more into self-administration with a good salary for themselves and for tax-exempt purposes for their sponsors.

Most money - and not only my opinion - is never arriving where it should be. It is either wasted for so-called fund raising exclusive parties with celebrities in some de-luxe hotels or beach resorts, for expensive office rent in a major city in a prime location, for 1st class air tickets to corrupt nations to study about 'poverty', and sometimes funds are just going missing and goods are stolen somewhere on route and sold later on for their own pocket somewhere etc. Plenty of misuse.

It is said, that more than 80 to 90 percent of support is never arriving with the poor and the sick, this is true also for religious charities.
The remaining 10 percent are often given to not so poor people in the country of destination against a movie and pictures in return to show them happily to take over a cheque of a few hundred dollars.

It is sometimes even worse, and the charity does not even exist, but is nothing but a fake and 100 % of the support is ending up in the wallet of some braggart, fraudster and con-man....


About myself, my donations for a few selected poor people are given directly in the Philippines, and it is never cash money, but only something like rice and tinned food, sometimes medicine, drinking water, something for school for the children, some material for repairing the roof of their hut against rain etc.

At least such people are grateful if you give something to them and welcome you if you show up again later on, even after years.

I do this since many years, just a nice holiday trip and give something away to help some people. My Filipina fosterdaughter was 9, when I met her first, and now she is 27 and still she is grateful and in frequent contact with me today...
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Re: I will never give to charity

Post by MrMan »

If I have more than I need, the reason for that is so I can share with others. Not everyone who is poor is a lazy drunk. Some people live paycheck to paycheck who get sick.

I used to visit a men's shelter to for Bible study with a friend who worked there. One man there said he used to make so much selling large industrial printers that he maxed out how much he could make in social security. But he was in an accident, his wife took the money, and left him. Another man had been well-to-do but had some similar issue with his wife draining the account and leaving him.

Some of the men there had substance abuse problems in their past. I would imagine most homeless--probably the poorest in our society-- have had some substance abuse issues, but that is not necessarily true of all. Those who do not graduate high school can also be in poverty.

As far as charity overhead goes I am not as cynical as some posters. I think a lot of them are well run and audited.

Some have high overhead. But it could be if one looks at impact as the key metric rather than overhead that could change one's choice in giving.

I have been in spots where I was low on resources and benefited from the generosity of others.

After years of grad school with a wife and children we were very short on the cash need to move somewhere more affordable. They were selling our condo and our lease was ending. We could not afford to live there. But we could not afford to move. We had a small business. We did not tell others about our needs, except we prayed of course.

As we got ready to leave, different Christians we knew began to give us money--well my wife. I was working on a dissertation. She would go to more prayer meetings and knew a lot of people.

We needed to put the finish the last bit of packing. I was with my wife at an all-night prayer meeting. She told me a certain woman had given her $400. If we were going to get the provision to leave from various Christians giving unsolicited gifts, I didn't want it all to come through my wife. So I prayed] silently that I wanted someone to give me $400.

After a while I left to go pack late at night. On the way out of the meeting I saw a woman and her son who went to our church. It was a school night and I knew they did not have a car. We had tried to give them our van but they had declined. So I offered them a ride.

When I dropped them off the mother got out of the car. She said she and her husband had discussed it and they wanted to give me some money. She put $400 into my hands. I would have refused and given it back. But then I saw it was exactly $400 and did not want to reject God's answer to a prayer, realizing if God directed them to hive, He would provide for them.

I eventually got set up with a good job after grad school in line with my education. But I remember what it is like to have to trust God for financial needs, not to know where the rent is going to come from month after month. Grad school requires a lot of work but in the short term does not pay enough to cover expenses. In my case it looks like it will pay off in the long term.
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Re: I will never give to charity

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

By giving money to homeless ppl you are only making their situation worse
The best thing for them is to get off their arse for once and do something for themself
By giving money to them you are encouraging them and enabling their laziness
As for organised charity I wont give them anything either I see no need to waste resources on the weak....
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