Taken Into Custody (Divorce Industry Corruption)

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Taken Into Custody (Divorce Industry Corruption)

Post by outcastsuperstar »


If there is just a 1% chance of you or one of your buddies getting married in the United States, this is the book to buy.
I have never read a scarier horror story in my life.
Even Scarier is 1 million men each year are getting victimized by the corrupt divorce industry each year.

Here are some reviews from Amazon.

Joe Tenaglia wrote

"7 years ago I was a happy loving father with 2 daughters a nice house and a good job. Now after 7 years of living hell, I am broke, lost my house, children, real estate, life's savings and 70% of my income. I have been accused of being a threat to myself and others arrested, banned from my house, taken against my will to a psychiatric hospital, and denied access to my children. What have I done, I married a woman who knew how to use the divorce system. Taken into Custody is the first real expose of the greatest injustice in our society. Guilty until proven innocent, insulted, threatened, falsely imprisoned, impoverished I suffered alone and confused. How can this be happening? It can and does happen. The war against fathers is real. Thank you Dr Baskerville, for the truth. We can't let this go on, I don't worry about myself anymore, I worry about my children."
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Post by outcastsuperstar »

J. Ehrlich "I took back custody" writes

"Had I not gone through the divorce system, I would have never believed what was written in this book.

It is very scary that in America, with no-fault divorce and no wrong even being alleged, that the government can strip a parent of custody. Criminals have a higher burden of proof and the right to a jury trial; fit, loving parents don't. The precident this sets from a legal standpoint should scare every American who cares about our country.

Most important, he shows that children are suffering at the hands of our judicial system. The "best interest of the child" is nothing more than a subjective slogan to plunder dads who have done nothing wrong and care about their children. I hope every judicial officer in the country reads this book.

In America, the opinion of a custody evaluator is almost never challenged, and if it is, seldom overturned. If you want to hear the bizarre reasons dads are stripped of custody, join a father's right's group. You'll be shocked. Pull the court files and you'll find that what they tell you is true.

We need a presumption of joint physical custody NOW. Divorce will decline, there will be less abuse, children won't be put in the middle.

The mean-spirited advocates who want to label men as all bad will diss this book, no doubt, but this book is spot on."

Bookman "BookMan writes

This book is a must read for not only victims of the family courts (both 'Winners and Losers') but also anyone living in this great country of ours. It describes, in rational, well-thought out, objective terms a government controlled and funded 'system' which rapes good and loving parents both emotionally and financially. Baskerville does this with a significant flair for literature and more importantly with complete backing of research and prior studies all of which are appropriately foot-noted.

This country, and many which are based on our system, need this book, need the right people exposed to this book and need it badly. The government has basically taken on the role of patriarch and done so to the exclusion of loving parents - this has had disastrous results and if not stopped by our immediate actions will have even more disastrous results in the not so distant future.

Even if you have an intact family - Baskerville makes it clear that you are largely fooled (or perhaps brainwashed) that this family is actually yours, because lurking just behind the governmental guise of 'the best interest' the government is waiting to swoop down, take your children and your money and do with them whatever they see fit. It sounds like paranoia, but please be aware, this is happening on a daily basis in this country - go sit in on a family court for a full day - you will leave shocked and dismayed that we call these procedures 'court-room justice.' All the government needs is a little catalyst - someone just needs to say 'no-fault divorce.'

Buy this book! Read it thoroughly and pass the word on.

T. Simon "Father" Writes

About the only thing the feminist/Bar Association alliance for exploiting children for hate and profit can't seem to control is Stephen Baskerville shining the light of truth on what they are doing to our children and families. It's illegal, it's corrupt, it's extortion, it's child abuse, and it preys upon innocent citizens and their children.

Besides everyone, who specifically should read this book and why:

Young men, so that if they are still dumb enough to marry or have children they will have nobody to blame for their eventual loss of freedom, children, savings, and income but themselves.

Children of divorce, to understand why their father is/was "absent" all those years, what sorts of things their mother did to get rid of him, and how it was virtually impossible for their father to be there and help them.

Divorced mothers, to understand what suckers you are for damaging your children just because some special interest groups offered you some easy money and a selfish feeling of power and control over your children's father(s).

Fathers and those who care about them. Whether you have had your children taken from you (yet) or not, and whether you have read Baskerville in the past or not, this is the most thorough yet concise description of how your government violates your rights and forces abuse upon your children as a routine matter of course.

Government employees of all stripes, assuming you have not yet sold your soul to the child abuse alliance of Bar Associations and feminists.

People truly concerned with the well-being of children, preserving family, or salvaging liberty in America before it is too late, as Baskerville outlines the workings of the most extreme threat to children, family, society, and civil rights at least since slavery. Stop wasting your time on relatively trivial matters and face the enemy where it is doing the most damage.

Feminists. Are you a disillusioned useful idiot for your leaders, or do you truly believe in abusing children to promote a proven failed ideology. Matriarchy, Communism, and hatred towards members of certain groups are proven failures - get over it. Read this book, then decide.

Bar Association members. The jig is up, the word is out, you are profiting from violating fundamental rights and abusing children. Surely there are enough of you who oppose what your constituents are doing to children and families to get together and put a stop to it before your organization goes down in the annals of history alongside tyrannical despots like Hitler. At least Hitler was crazy, your organization is just greedy. Are you part of the problem or the solution.

Anybody who wants to understand why we have had an explosion of social pathologies over the last few decades, especially involving children.

People in the media. Stop peddling the PC party line that everybody knows is nonsense and start reporting on government corruption like you are supposed to be doing.

Anybody who has lost a child, niece, nephew, grandchild, or other relative to the corruption of family law. That includes those who have lost a son, brother, uncle, or FATHER targeted for extortion through the exploitation of his children by the corrupt family law machine.

Dr. G. "Dr. G." Writes

I have known Stephen Baskerville and his work for years. I am pleased and proud to review this important work by one of the United States leading scholars.

"Destroy the family, and you destroy society." (V. I. Lenin)

No-fault divorce was invented by the Bolsheviks in 1918. The Bolsheviks destroyed the old bourgeois notions of the family and the home, and recreated an allegiance to the government. The United States began a social experiment with no-fault divorce with California's passage of the Family Act of 1969.

The term no-fault divorce is misleading. Rather than no-fault divorce, what we have is unilateral divorce. No-fault divorce is the dissolution of a marriage, upon petition to the court by either party, without the requirement of fault on either party. Either party may request, and receive, the dissolution of the marriage, despite the objections of the other party. Marriage is a contract, and no-fault divorce allows either party to breach the contract without penalty. There is no legal defense against a petition for dissolution of a marriage under no-fault divorce.

The radical swing from 100% fault-based divorce to 100% unilateral non-binding marriage is a failed social experiment. It is today's equivalent of Prohibition. Over 50% of all first marriages end in divorce. The statistics for subsequent marriages are even worse. More than half of all these marriages that end in divorce involve children. Whether these are contested divorces or not, the family court will control the careers, incomes, wealth, debts, and lives of these mothers, fathers, and children until the children are between 18 and 21 years of age.

According to the Americans for Divorce Reform, as the divorce rate soared, so did the number of children involved in divorce. Since in 1972, over one million American children every year have seen their parents divorce. There are over 40 million non-custodial parents and over 50 million children of divorce.

There is much discussion about the protection of marriage, and President Bush proposed a marriage amendment to the Constitution. While this is admirable, it will not protect the institution of marriage until we end our failed social experiment with Bolshevik no-fault divorce. The unintended consequence of prohibition was the rise of organized crime. The (unintended?) consequence of unilateral divorce is the achievement of Lenin's goal, the destruction of the family.

Attorneys, who were elected to their state's legislature, or to the Congress, wrote most of today's divorce laws. When one becomes an attorney, one becomes a member of the Judicial Branch of government. The separation of powers doctrine of the Constitution prohibits a member of the Judicial Branch from also being a member of the Legislative Branch. These attorneys were successful in creating a complex network of laws that guaranteed their involvement in our lives.

In 2004, the Chief Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court declared that marriage was no longer an institution in that state. She pointed out that over two-thirds of all litigation in Michigan was divorce related.

The Democratic Party has been the major proponent of laws and programs that continue the destruction of the family and the demonization of the male. They have gone so far as to promote misandry (hatred of men) in the United States as a form of political correctness. The Republican Party is moving in the direction of the Democratic Party as it courts the female vote. As the Republican Party strives to redefine itself, it moves in the direction of the Democrats and is becoming the "other" big government party. The viability of third parties in the United States is extremely limited, although the Libertarians have succeeded in electing some state and local officials in the Mid-West.

Perhaps the most glaring and blatantly unconstitutional example of misandry is VAWA (Violence Against Women Act), in all of its forms. Democrats Biden, Kennedy, Clinton, and other fellow travelers pushed VAWA through the Congress. Baiden is now pushing for I-VAWA.

Leftists perpetuate the myth of the "Deadbeat Dad" for political gain, although research discredited this myth. Ironically, it is non-custodial Mothers with the worst child support payment record. Research shows that over 75% of the non-payers have no income, are disabled, or are incarcerated. This is despite the fact that academic and government research proved that child support vastly exceeds the cost of raising a child.

Our adversarial legal system feeds upon the conflict that is inherent in divorce. The children pay for the conflict and the lawyers profit from it. We cannot protect our children until we end the Communist's no-fault divorce and take the profit out of divorce.

Dr. Baskerville's books is a must read for all citizens, male and female, married, unmarried, or divorced.

Stephen J. Van Osdell "tabsaw" writes

It is about time that a book like this was published! Ever wonder why things happen the way they do in family courts across the country? Wonder why the custody of children usually always goes to the parent with the lowest income? Why custody always goes to the mother unless she voluntarily gives it up or is in prison? Why fathers can't seem to get more than about 35% physical time with their kids when both parents are fit and live close together?

Common sense and wisdom would dictate that, with all other things being about equal, the parent with an income significantly higher than the other would be better able to provide for and raise a child following a divorce - especially considering how expensive it is these days with the rising cost of college tuition, clothes, food, and extracurricular activities. But, then whey is it that it seems that the parent with the highest income is always the one made to pay outrageous sums to money to the parent with the lower income? And the courts will unabashedly tell us that a 'child must be maintained in a standard of living he/she would have enjoyed had the divorce not happened'. Please!

All too often, we run around examining individual cases in disbelief and outrage at the way father's are methodically ostracized and demonized in today's culture without searched for doing a 'root cause' analysis. This is similar to finding an apple tree and trying to determine why just about each apple we pick is poison and trying to determine this on an apple by apple basis. We MUST stop analyzing the apples and start looking at the tree trunk and its roots! THERE is where we will find the problem!

The poison is the TITLE IV-D and IV-E sections of our Social Security Law! It can be found by going to this link http://www.access.gpo.gov/uscode/title4 ... eriv_.html
It is United State Code (USC) Title 42 Chapter 7 SubChapter IV. You MUST read all the sections of these laws in their entirety and you will then begin to understand how every state in the union is PROFITING big time on the backs of parents going through divorce. They are profiting so big that if divorces stopped tomorrow, their state budgets would be in the RED big time!

And NO mainstream media outlet will TOUCH this! The so-called conservative big-mouths like Limbaugh, Hannity, and Savage will talk all day long about Hillary's 'SChip' program for child medical care (which is another joke), but they won't dare talk about what is already in place and is ruining this country from the inside. Most mainstream radio stations won't even let organizations purchase time on their stations to try to expose it! This is how well-kept the dirty secret is!

This book exposes this dirty secret, but I wish it would have gone into even more detail about it. For low level details, the best website I have found is http://www.laryholland.com. This person has done extensive research thru Freedom of Information Acts (FOIA) requests and has the 'goods' on them!

Hopefully, this book will serve as the catalyst that has been needed for so long that will finally expose the corruption in this nation's family courts and how the judges are ALL in on the profiteering! It is truly disgusting what is being allowed (and indeed approved) to happen in this country.

In 2006, Ohio collected 2.1 BILLION dollars in child support and spousal support payments! Because of this, they were able to obtain approximately an additional BILLION dollars from the Federal Government in incentives and block grants that can go into the GENERAL FUND! Basically, for every dollar the state claims as an enforcement expense, the Feds give them back $2. If you were told that for every dollar you spend remodeling your house, the government would give you back $2, can you imagine the remodeling that would start tomorrow??

Richard K. Stephens "Historian" writes

This is going to sound like hyperbole, but let me assure you that the following opinion is in actuality a deeply informed one: This is perhaps the most important book ever to be published about the Western Family. "Taken Into Custody" is the most thorough examination of the Anti-Family Movement's enormously successful (and very heavily funded) efforts to "replace" the natural family with a simulacrum of "the extended family" in the form of a big business/big government bureaucratic "village" that will "scientifically" raise "all of our children" (as their slogans boast). We can be sure that every serious advocate of the idea that the natural family must be destroyed (such as Professor Linda Gordon of New York University) will read the book -- and devote substantial resources to attack its truths -- but the big question is whether the various existing strands of "pro family" movement will read it, will wake up and will begin to do something substantial to win back the Constitution's protections for family life and family love. If this Pro-Family revival does not soon occur, we are going to have to brace ourselves for further erosions of the Constitution by the growing monstrous blob (that we might as well dub "Big Sibling")
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Post by outcastsuperstar »

Robert J. Norton writes

he "Divorce and Domestic Violence INDUSTRY" is out of control and ruining the lives of millions of parents and children daily. It has been scientifically proven that when both parents have equal custody rights children do enormously better by all twenty six different measures. Equal rights and custody must be mandated by law unless there is real proof of harm to a child in front of a jury! The U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to a jury trial for anything over $20 and when your family, home and all future income is at state your get in front of an ignorant family court judge with an agenda: extract money for the state and his lawyer pals from the couple by taking advantage of human nature and abuse of laws.

The divorce system has now evolved into nothing but a cash cow and power machine for lawyer$, judge$ and other government bureaucrats. This system hurts families and children every day for its own convenience and profit totally ignoring the fundamental rights granted by the U.S. Constitution. It is now an ILLEGAL kangaroo court more often than not. These people have lost touch with "We the people . .".

Family courts today are not a solution for divorcing parents, but a hindrance to the process and very harmful to children and families. Unfortunately this is a simple scientific and statistical fact - NOT AN OPINION. Over 80% of custody awards are for sole custody and this has been proven the absolute WORST arrangement for children - yet it is the easiest and most profitable for lawyers and the states. Therefore it is a fact that divorce courts today are destroying millions of children's chances of growing up normal. In fact the chance of divorce of a child later in life goes up 93% when raised in a sole-custody home.

What most people don't know this books gets out there:
1. States get BILLIONS in federal tax dollars (we pay) in incentives to separate children from their parents
2. Lawyers pour gasoline on the fire intentionally to drive up legal fees and soak the estates of divorcing couples (this is conspiracy and fraud)
3. Equal parenting time is almost never awarded and fought by lawyers and others who make LOTS of money off of CREATING nasty divorces
4. Domestic violence laws are used as weapons and even lawyers admit most are bogus. One expert says 95% should not be issued. These destroy parents, children and families at a rate of 1 million per year in the U.S. alone. THAT'S MORE THAN 3,000 FAMILIES PER DAY!!!!

Get this book and buy 5 extra for gifts. This will be a major scandal when the public understands the inner workings of our divorce and domestic violence industry.

Also see http://www.FathersUnite.org for further information

qulteresq "quilteresq" writes

This book is not only well researched and written, Steven Baskerville has done an excellent job of comparing today's family courts shenanigans to the courts of totalitarian states and dictators. In doing so, he makes a compelling case for the proposition that the abuses of family courts in this country - widely ignored by mainstream media - signal the beginning of the end of all of our constitutional freedoms.

As an attorney that has frequently represented fathers in the family court system, I've seen first hand that everything he talks about in this book is true. Judges simply don't care about the constitution any more because the political clout of the feminists has either convinced them that either all men are really evil or the consequences of being fair to men in court will result in a backlash from this well organized, federally funded womens' rights advocates. The fundamental nature of parental rights in this country has been completely ignored not only by trial courts, but has actually been held in New Hampshire to be non-existent in the case of non-custodial parents. It's far too late to convince the judiciary that the what they are doing is undermining freedom itself. We need to convince legislators that they must take back the broad discretion they permit judges in all family law matters. They must write laws that mandate to the court that they cannot simply ignore parental rights simply because the parents, often through no fault of their own, no longer live with the mothers of their chidren.

Buy two copies of this book - one for yourself and one for a family law legislator in your state. And if you've been hurt by the family court system in your state, commit to writing to legislators to change the laws, show up at hearings on the legislation, and tell them first hand what harm separating children from parents has done to your family. Give them a copy of the book to put into the legislative record as well. It's time to stop hurting children using the fallacy that the courts are "protecting" them.

JL "JL" (NV) writes

With this timely book, Stephen Baskerville remains at the forefront of the single greatest violation of civil rights in 50 years: The for-profit and willful destruction of the American family. Baskerville has exposed the ideological link between failed Soviet policy of the 20's and 30's and American Marxist-style gender feminism's assault on the family by way of no-fault divorce, presumption of male guilt, the loss of each and every fundamental Constitutional right for male litigants, and the secret-court nature of Family Court.

How is this taking place? Oppressive, unconstitutional, inescapable trilateral force is daily imposed by corrupted legislatures writing laws specifically for shoddy trial lawyers and hateful gender feminists and then counting on massive federal financial aid and kickbacks to all 50 states to support the result, partly under the guise of "welfare reform".

The result is as intended: Everything from accusation-for-profit, false accusations constituting the sum and substance of revenge litigation, entire urban landscapes populated with generation after generation of single-parent welfare dependents, and to sum it all up, the most dysfunctional group of maladjusted children in the nation, those who are themselves emotional victims of an utterly fraudulent "best-interest" policy enacted by jury-less Courts that tear their families apart.

Government always profits by creating dependents and by creating criminals. To be a father in America is to risk being made a criminal for no reason and to be a mother or fatherless child is to risk being made a dependent. Because it pays.

Naturally, the divorce and custody industry calls all this the fault of families themselves, refusing to admit the horrific impact their own designed incentives. Even as all statistics point to the very results of their designs, they beg ignorance of their obvious handiwork. That handiwork permeates in one fashion or another federal welfare, federal domestic violence statutes, TANF, the DHHS, civil licensing and personal records, all local social services and DA's family support divisions, legislatures, local courts, and ultimately whether or not each and every parent in America will be allowed to continue to parent.

The solution? A nationwide presumption of joint parenting, due process for every litigant regardless of gender, and the abolition of the unconstitutional Family Court. FC judges have run roughshod over the Constitution long enough. These tyrants and their enabling counterparts in the lawyer ranks, in legislatures, and in social services are a monopoly of abusers beholden to a failed ideology so corrupt it was already abandoned by the Soviet Union eighty years ago after they tried it and failed.

Every parent in the country of minor children should read this book. Not knowing the corrupt rules of the family law/divorce industry cesspool is a very dangerous status to possess. The sad irony is that even as bad family law ruins the social fabric of this country for the profit of the multi-billion dollar divorce and custody industry, people are seeing through this holocaust and simply electing to never marry or have children. That unintended result may just be what saves us all.

Jimmy Plevick (Aus)

This is the book that had to be written on the divorce racket. For anyone who has woken up one day and found his children have been stolen, his assets plundered, and himself now a potential criminal because of it, this explains how and why.
It is a salutary lesson on the importance of not paying too much heed to what passes for political discourse these days too.
"Family Law" is a very boring issue that usually sends those not involved, running for cover. However they too should have an interest in this book; it highlights how divorce and anti-family courts are merely stalking horses for the state and its flunkeys to further encroach into the private lives of citizens.
Indispensable; a must read. For outsiders, it will evoke disbelief.

Lewis Moore writes

Baskerville demonstrates repeatedly how families are destroyed by the delegation of authority to the social workers, psychologists, and often "activist" judges of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court. This transfer of "family" cases to a bureaucracy -- whose individual members have plenty to gain by stigmatizing fathers as "deadbeats and "abusers" -- allows divorce lawyers to routinely contrive abuse allegations, depriving fathers of contact with their children and frequently getting them jailed for perjured accusations of abuse.

The widespread adoption of "no-fault" divorce in states formerly requring "grounds" for divorce has opened the door for mothers to "trash" the father of her children, alienate them from him, and to enrich herself in the process. Baskerville documents many cases of fathers who are blindsided by groundless divorce filings and are denied their constitutional rights by the entrenched bias of the "Family" Court. (Mothers 189, Fathers 0 -- in Arlington County, Virginia)

As a divorced father who considers himself a Liberal, this book gave me surprising new insight into the political and social process that led to the destruction of families by County apparatchiks. Baskerville gives some thoughtful remedies for this tragedy, but the road is a long one...
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Post by outcastsuperstar »

wombatty writes

This book is nothing short of horrifying. The family law/divorce bureaucracy in America (and other western countries) is, in reality, a totalitarian arm of the state. In Baskerville's words, 'Divorce today means the invasion and destruction of private life by the state.' (p. 20). If you think this is hyperbole, read this book: accounts of innocent citizens (involuntarily divorced men) imprisoned without trial, unaccountable social service workers who destroy individuals and families with blatantly false accusations, men turned into destitute slaves by outrageous child-support bills, and it goes on and on.

In the first chapter, Baskerville notes that, `As we will see, the astonishing but incontrovertible fact is that with the exception of convicted criminals, no group in our society has fewer rights that fathers...Once a man has a child, he forfeits his most important constitutional rights. And mothers are not immune' (pp. 33-34). He then goes on, in the next chapter (Divorce and the Constitution) to document, in detail, how divorce/family law systematically violates the most basic rights recognized and safeguarded by the Constitution.

The chapter Deadbeat Dads or Plundered Pops? lays the hoax, as Baskerville puts it, of the `Deadbeat Dad' to rest once and for all. Though such creatures exist, they are exceedingly rare. The reality of the situation is that the vast majority of divorced dads are forbidden by lay, on pain of imprisonment, to have any contact with their children. Such men have been summarily imprisoned (without trial) for sending their children birthday cards, saying `I love you', showing up for a school play or sports event, or even accidentally running across them in public. All of this, of course, despite the fact that they are forced to pay punitive levels of `child support'. Sadly, even some conservatives have unwittingly bought into this hoax and make a habit of blaming dads who abandon their families for cultural breakdown.

Baskerville exposes how child support obligations came to so incommensurate with its purpose; to support a child (such obligations regularly are far in excess of that needed to provide for a child). 'Current child support guidelines are largely the creation of one man, who is also the founder and primary owner of the nations largest private debt collection company (pp. 128ff). Needless to say, there is conflict of interest here: if someone is not in arrears, such companies have no work. Therefore it was, and is, in the interest of such creeps to keep these bills as high (and difficult to pay) as possible so as to insure that their services will be needed.

Compounding this is the fact that it is in the States' best interest to keep these obligations as high as possible as well. This is because the more outstanding child support obligations a state has, the more federal money they get to enforce child support. Thus, the more unreasonable and onerous the child support obligations are, the more states, like the debt collection agencies, are likely to profit from it.

A typical sample is cited on page 135, 'one father, who's take-home pay is aproximately $1,200...of which he is left $200 to care for a family of four. (more on pp.144-145)

The sad fact is that divorced men have no protection from this oppressive regime; they are completely defenseless (unless they have political connections). Married men are, of course, at risk; should their wife choose to divorce them, they are screwed. Which leads us to another subject, touched on only briefly in the book: the `marriage strike' (Baskerville elaborates on this in a recent article at http://www.intellectualconservative.com ... -children/). Baskerville puts it pointedly on page 295:

If we truly believe our present divorce policy is appropriate, we should at least have the honesty to tell young people up front that marriage provides them no protection against government seizure of their children and everything else they have. Let us inform them that even if they remain faithful to their vows, they can lose their children, their home, their savings and future earnings, their freedom, and even their lives. Not only will government afford them no protection; it will prosecute them as criminals, though without the due process of law afforded to formally accuses criminals. And let us see how many young people - let us be honest, young men - are willing to start families.

Yes, we need to be honest; but young men are already waking up. There are many who are justifiably concerned by the decline in marriage rates, especially among the young (early-mid twenties). However, some like to pretend that concerns about this divorce regime (or its handmaiden, feminism - see the chapter 5) are just excuses invoked by immature men seeking to avoid the responsibility of marriage.

Chief among these ostriches is author Debbie Maken. In her book `Getting Serious About Getting Married' and on her blog, she regularly castigates men for invoking the `bogey of feminism' and using fears of divorce as a convenient excuse to avoid `manning up' and getting married. Apparently, men are not only to be brave, but stupid. The family law/divorce bureaucracy is a meat-grinder, and men justifiably fear it. If Maken wants to be taken seriously by those outside her fanclub, she needs to pull her head out of the sand.

More ominously, Maken and her ilk ignore this reality at their own peril (and that of families in general) for as Baskerville points out, though fathers are the first and most common causalities of this `war on the family', the state has begun to cast its rapacious eye toward mothers and happily married couples as well. Baskerville recounts cases where a married woman hs been given an ultimatum by social service bureaucrats: divorce your husband or we will confiscate your children. Baskerville notes that this is standard practice in Massachusetts, and that reporters there claim seeing hundreds of such cases. On pp. 210-211, Baskerville discusses one such case involviing a couple with a terminally ill child. A visiting home-healthcare nurse (also a social service worker) made false accusations of physical and sexual abuse. The courts threw out the case, but social services didn't give up. They hauled the innocent couple away in shackles and confiscated their children. The ill child was returned to the couple at death. The couple then fleed and eventually had another child. Social services hunted them down and took the child. At the hearing the judge took the child, citing that the couple was `stressed'. Despite freely admitting that the stress was induced by social services, the couple was still deprived of their child. The state then planned to put the children up for adoption. All of this because a social worker LIED (and was never held accountable). This, as Baskerville points out, is where all this is headed. The state is not just out to destroy fathers, they are out to destroy the family as a unit of society; fathers are the frontline defense for families and are thus attacked first. The state, in its current incarnation, is simply unwilling to tolerate authority structures outside of itself (hence the attack on families and the church).

There is much, much more in this important book; everyone must read it. And then we be willing to pull our heads out of the sand and acknowledge this threat.

John "Bookworm" writes

There is a war that is very little noted in the media. It is not in some faraway land. It takes place inside America itself and is a war upon the family, especially fathers. In this well-documented book, Dr. Stephen Baskerville argues that a "divorce industry" favors America's epidemic of divorce, family breakdown, and fatherlessness.
Many factors enter into this war. One driving force is the infiltration of feminist ideas that have become institutionalized in modern family law. This makes possible a penal apparatus that has proven an "effective instrument for waging gender warfare on the most personal level." Because they represent the hated "patriarchy," fathers are often demonized and automatically labeled as official villains by many social workers.
Equally important is the psychological climate that has been created around the "crisis in the family." Dr. Baskerville claims the media has created certain myths that predispose people to accept certain social policies. One of the greatest myths is that of the "deadbeat dad" which is not only a myth but a hoax, the creation of government officials and lawyers plundering parents whose children they have taken away.
The result of feminist ideology, media myths and no-fault divorce policies is a government-run system tearing apart families, separating children from fit and loving parents, confiscating the wealth of families, and turning law-abiding citizens into criminals in ways they are powerless to avoid.
The evidence is overwhelming, and the author takes great pains to cite tragic real life cases.
Raising a family in these modern times is hard enough in today's hostile culture. Dr. Baskerville's devastating indictment of the divorce industry only highlights just how difficult, if not miraculous, it is that families survive at all in the crossfire of a brutal yet unacknowledged war on the family.

Paul M. Clements writes

As a fathers' rights/family values advocate for 20 (+) years, I've read many books on the subjects of divorce, custody, child support, and domestic violence. Dr. Baskerville's, "TAKEN INTO CUSTODY" is by far the best of all I've read. It examines the bias against, and mistreatment of, fathers from several perspectives. Dr. Sanford Braver did the same in, "DIVORCED DADS, Shattering the Myths", but Baskerville goes further.
TAKEN INTO CUSTODY examines the REASONS for the widespread bias and mistreatment. Details exposing the extent of the bias will probably shock many readers. Moreover he offers solutions to solve the problems. The book is thoroughly researched and documented, coherently assembled, and intelligently written. No one, friend or foe, interested in family law should miss this book; although one suspects that those who have reason to fear the truth about our family courts will avoid it like the plague.
Paul Clements
DADD (Dads Against Divorce Discrimination)

Gregory J. Fischer "the children's lobbyist" (Calverton, NY)

Thank god for this book! It about time that this [...] is exposed. Dads are EQUAL PARENTS and there should not be schemes and tricks employed by the system (and complicit mothers) to deny fit fathers their rights to be active fathers.

Sadly, and ironicly, the same tricks are now starting to be used against the moms and between members of same sex couples.

What got lost in translation is that, although there is a huge gender bias against heterosexual men, the real target is ANY Family Court party.

As well a disgrace, the tricks an schemes a of less than fit parent trying to bias the court and STEAL the child through perjury takes government resources away from truly harmed victims.

The Family Law profession employs the same tricks over and over again FOR PROFIT AND GLUTTONY:
1.) Split the parties --- filter and even reduce all communications.
2.) Fuel acrimony albeit unwittingly in some instances.
3.) Add as many 3rd party providers to bill the marital estate as is possible.
4.) Purge the host (parties) of all assets.
5.) Abandon the children's best interests and reder them quasi-orphaned.
6.) Empower the drug companies to treat the symptoms of conflict and family chaos.
7.) Raise taxes for the working classes.
8.) Feed the "blood money" of Family Court litigation into lobbying to quash legal reform.

Children, the parents, and the extended family are all commonly destroyed in the process. Who gains?

Thank you Mr. Baskerville (author) for a great effort on this very important book.

To you, the prospective buyer of this book, buy every copy of this book you can and give a copy out to every member of your entire family ASAP.

Then give copies to clergy and teachers to educate them. Give copies to politicians, judges, and YOUR LAWYER to let them know you are HIP TO THE CON GAME!

This book is about a CRISIS and a NATIONAL EMERGENCY! Don't delay; get the word out ASAP!
Freshman Poster
Posts: 60
Joined: September 22nd, 2007, 1:20 pm

Post by outcastsuperstar »

Mark Ruffolo writes

Though family is a popular word in America, its divorce rate is one of the highest in the world of about 220 countries. Divorce is America's white elephant in the living room - we all see it but most ignore it.

I thought that I experienced most of what divorce court had to offer - being legally innocent, I lost a son, 18 years of income, property, certain liberties, inaccurate Support Reports, bias police, jail, false domestic violence charge, bankruptcy, lost of career from about 125 court appearance, and more, from court orders without due process, but after reading Taken into Custody I was surprised by the other injustices against fathers (and some wives).

Similar things written in the book that happened to me were described accurately without exaggeration. If the other situations, policies, and procedures are truth, then I sense that living in America is dangerous place for divorced dads (The governments "separate but equal" Jim Crow laws of the 1870s to 1960s come to mind as being similar to the government's divorce laws of 1970s to now).

I expect to give copies of book as gifts.

If any person does not want to invest the $20 or disbelieves these truths, they can visit their local county courthouse Monday through Wednesday 9AM to 11AM. It's free and reservations are not required. If you are brave, ask the fathers in the hallway outside the courtroom, "How's it going?"

Tim Frank writes

I have been struggling with the "ex" wife now for three years. I have now just begun, just begun, to recover both socially and financially. My case included the gamut that Stephen describes: false accusations of domestic violence and child abuse, having to "prove my innocence" rather than her having to "prove my guilt", my children taken away from me and my being forbidden to see them for ten months, dictation by the court as to what I can and cannot do in my own home despite the fact that I have never been convicted of any crime and have an entirely clean record, etc. I absolutely thought I was going crazy ... the personal persecution perpetrated on me by her attorney was disgusting ... and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. No objective criteria. Stephen describes all this in such clear detail in his book - and just a few years ago several friends of mine described this nightmarish scenario for me and I thought "they must be kidding". No - they are not kidding - and yes, Stephen is not exaggerating in any way. In fact, he is quite mild mannered - he is simply giving you the absolute truth. It's all here - in clear, concise, easily readable English. I can't even tell you the legalistic gibberish that they use to justify their i

T. Miller "Advoc8" writes

Awesome and factually backed up.

Have you ever read a book that you just can't put down? Well, this book is beyond that. Everyone I talk to that has read it or is reading it just has to put it down, very often, due to the shocking thought provoking nature of presenting the truth in the most believable way. Great job, Dr. Baskerville!

Dr. Baskerville sees that the real root of the war on dads (which is the war on families and society) isn't just selfish feminism, media and our "learning" institutions, or even just the barrage of parasitic greedy attorneys, judges and all their "full court" of hangers-on who profit immensely and gain unlimited power from this. It has become government at the center and root of destroying the family, and all of our rights, for these same reasons. Our forefathers warned us often that this would happen every generation/20 years, lest we be aware and prevent it.

Becoming aware can sometimes be tricky when attractive hysteria prevails so strongly. The healthy, intact traditional family is indeed the number one enemy of government becoming in total control, put above the citizens and thus decaying into corruption. People will readily support family-destroying lies and anti-male/father hysteria propaganda if it has been warped into "protecting" women and children. People have always supported hysteria propaganda and lies when they are craftily twisted around to look so important and good. But supporting anti-father agenda and hysteria isn't just hurting but is destroying women badly too, and especially children. After all, that's what government generated hysteria is all about, milking the masses, not just one group. Remember, where there's hysteria, there's fire, for all!

Like Dr. Baskerville points out - fathers are the weakest link to taking down the whole family, not just dad. It's ironic that while fathers are the weakest link to destroying the family, that they are also in fact the keystone and guardians of not just the family, but the keystone and guardians of any healthy society. The true patriarchy puts the family, the group and society before themselves. This isn't what you hear in the news or at school? This is what has always built and preserved healthy families and society. We'd still be in the stone age without this selflessness which feminists and government have discovered in men and fathers and have now exploited for only their own interests and "good." They use this to get men and fathers to help destroy themselves and take themselves down as protectors of society and family, against abuse and evil. Anything to prove they are not guilty of all the horrid atrocities which men and fathers are falsely, rampantly and hysterically accused of.

Fathers are the most important part of protecting and keeping families and children most protected and intact, from being ravaged by the many wolves in sheep's clothing. This includes fatherhood's main rival to truth, equality and justice for all (government). The classic signature of all totalitarian governments is to cleverly pretend to be putting up a valiant fight for these good things while doing the opposite. This is also the selfish radical feminist agenda, "Me first and only; it's all about ME, me milking you and everyone around me with my drama, while I pretend and dramatize doing the exact opposite."

Many just don't fully understand (they will benefit greatly from this book too) that it's not that fathers have abandoned their children or are bad, abusive and any more evil than mothers are. Government and their hangers-on would like you to believe dads are bad, more risky and suspect or guilty, until they can prove their innocence, which isn't even allowed anyway. These lies and hysteria just help them do more business than ever, and look like the good guys while raping and pillaging you and your family, and of course the whole village. They easily do this with the fully support of a largely happily ignorant village itself, because they can hysterically point the finger at those they have set up as villains.

Thanks for helping "our" government "help" us all so very much: Hillary, Obama, McCain, Pres. Bush, legislators on both "sides," governors, AG's, prosecutors and so very many "friends" of the family - very attractive wolves in sheep's clothing. There is little if any distinction between republicans and democrats when it comes to this subject and a few others.

Dr. Baskerville documents and backs up what he writes in this book. And, thanks for the quote from Dickens in the opening of chapter 1:

"The one great principle of the ... law is to make business for itself."

- Charles Dickens, "Bleak House"

William Bryan writes

bout this time, 20 years ago I filed for divorce from my wife of
7 years. At that time I worked as a Chief Electrician at the Fulton
County Courthouse where my divorce would be held. I knew most of the
Superior and State Court Judges on a personal basis; but, I did not
know how most judges handled divorce cases so I went to Kim Warden
who handled abused kids and abused women to ask her opinion of the
judge who would handle my case.

As best I remember, this is what Ms. Warden said: "Your divorce has
been assigned to Superior Court Judge Ralph Hicks? Good luck. While
Hicks has tried to mitigate the horrendous way Child Support payments
is handled in Fulton County by creating 'The Fulton County Child Support
Receiver's Office, Hicks is extremely biased against men. For example:

"Bill, if you were a combination of Jesus Christ and Santa Claus and
you wife were a Convicted prostitute, a Convicted drug user and a Convicted child abuser and you and her both wanted custody of your child? You, Mr. Claus would have a 50-50 chance that you would get
custody. I suggest you try to get Judge Hicks recused from your case;
but, don't cite bias against men as your reason. Be creative."

Drat! My wife was not a convicted drug user, etc..., so I was creative
in my attempt before any hearings to get Hicks recused and have an out
of county Judge who did not know me to handle my case.

My first attorney refused to file a Motion to Recuse! (Should have
dismissed this attorney right then and there. Unfortunately, 1st
attorney eventually stabbed me in the back; but, that's another story.)

Judge Hicks lived down to Ms. Warden's low opinon---and then some.

Long story short, it took over 3 years to get my divorce here in Georgia. Judge Hicks finally, FINALLY, recused himself after charges
of incompetence were made against him in YR 2 of my divorce. My case was then heard by 4 other judges.

The last judge, a woman named Frank Hull, wouldn't put up with my
wife's attorney's shenanigans, reduced my child support from $850 per
month to $700 for one child and quickly granted me a divorce after
Judge Hull threatened my wife that she might reduce child custory
payments even further and, maybe, grant me sole custody.

During these 3+ years of monetary and judicial agony, I joined Fathers
Are Parents Too and Children's Rights Council of Georgia. If I thought
I'd had it bad, a goodly number these members had divorces that made
mine look like a cake walk. Both these groups really helped me
cope and I will be forever grateful.

Bill Bryan
EducationChoiceActivist at yahoo dot com
Freshman Poster
Posts: 60
Joined: September 22nd, 2007, 1:20 pm

Post by outcastsuperstar »

Gary Wolf "author of The Kicker of St. John's Wood" Writes

There is a grave threat to the integrity of the legal system and to the core values of our society: The destruction of due process of law in the family courts, a malady that has now reached epidemic proportions throughout the Anglosphere.

Of all the scandalous behavior of the Left, perhaps none is so underreported as the systematic destruction of marriage and the family that is now practiced by the governmental divorce and child-custody machinery. This industry and the travesties it has perpetrated are summarized proficiently in the book, "Taken Into Custody: The War Against Fathers, Marriage, and the Family" by Stephen Baskerville, a professor of political science at Patrick Henry College.

Declares Baskerville:

"This book is about our unwillingness to confront the most destructive and dangerous injustice in our society today: the systematic seizure of children by government officials and the criminalization of their parents. A parent today who has committed no legal infraction can have his (or sometimes her) parenthood and relationship with his children criminalized entirely through the actions of others in ways that are completely beyond his control. [The book] focuses largely on fathers and divorce, because these are the ones most commonly involved."

The attack on fathers has been facilitated by the myth that they are abandoning their children in droves, at which point they become "deadbeats," and must be tracked down by government officials seeking justice for the forlorn wives and children. Nothing could be further from the truth, writes Baskerville:

"The myth of the deadbeat dad has already been discredited conclusively by Sanford Braver and other scholars. We have already seen that Braver is one of many social scientists who have found that few married fathers voluntarily abandon their children. Beyond this, Braver has also shown that little scientific basis exists for claims that large numbers of fathers are not paying child support. Braver found that government claims of nonpayment were derived not from any compiled database or hard figures but entirely from surveys of custodial parents. In other words, the Census Bureau simply asked mothers what they were receiving....Fathers overwhelmingly do pay court-ordered child support when they are employed, often at enormous personal sacrifice."

In the vast majority of cases, it is the wife who initiates the divorce proceedings. She is encouraged in this action by the regime of "no-fault" divorce. The old concept of marriage as a contract has broken down; today, the flimsiest, most whimsical reasons can be offered as justification--if justification is even needed.

Once this machinery is set in motion, the deck is stacked against the father. In the blink of an eye, he can be evicted from his home, forbidden from seeing his children, have his assets seized, his wages garnished, and he can be assessed huge fees--all without due process of law. Though not even charged with committing a crime, he is presumed guilty. Many of the proceedings are held without his knowledge or presence, and he cannot cross-examine witnesses.

In a macabre recitation, Baskerville shows how each amendment in the Bill of Rights is being systematically violated, with no appeal. For example:

"The Fourth Amendment protects the 'right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures'. Yet as we have seen, parents suspected of no legal wrongdoing and who have given no grounds or agreement for divorce are routinely ordered without warrants to surrender not only their children but personal diaries, notebooks, correspondence, financial records, and other documents. Those unwilling or unable to produce the demanded documents can be fined, ordered to pay attorneys' fees, and summarily incarcerated. We have also seen that fathers are regularly interrogated behind closed doors about intimate family matters most parents would not normally discuss with strangers, such as conversations with their children and spouse, and they can be jailed for failing to answer....In shades of Soviet psychiatry, citizens who refuse to submit to this inquisition--and even those who do not--can be ordered to undergo a 'mental evaluation'."

The divorce and child-custody apparatus has grown to enormous proportions. It is a veritable industry, with judges, lawyers, social workers, collection agencies, therapists, psychiatrists, caseworkers, and researchers making their living from the ever-expanding pie. The enforcement effort employs thousands of agents who have a degree of authority and immunity that is unthinkable for ordinary police and law enforcement agencies. It has become an independent fiefdom, with no oversight and little scrutiny, with an entrenched interest in generating more divorce, more restraining orders, more mental evaluations, and more outrageously inflated child-support payments (commonly approaching or exceeding the income of the victim).

Another myth deconstructed by Baskerville is that fathers commonly commit child abuse, incest, and wife-beating. In reality, this is rare. Mothers are more likely to use violence on fathers, and children are most subjected to abuse in single-parent households headed by a woman.

After describing in gory detail the horrors of the family-law system (backed up, I might add, by reams of studies and testimony), Baskerville turns his attention to the culprits, those whose ideology has resulted in one of the grossest perversions of justice in American (and British, and Canadian) history. There are several culprits, but towering above them all are the feminists, who have carved out this untouchable empire for the purpose of destroying fatherhood and the nuclear family.

A key buzzword used by advocates of this ideology is "for the children." This is the clarion call behind the incessant demand to insert the power of the state into the deepest recesses of the private lives of the citizenry. Children are used, in the most cynical fashion, to attain political ends. This has reached the highest echelons of America's Leftist establishment:

"The philosophy of turning children over to state control and denying a sphere of family privacy is succinctly conveyed in Hillary Clinton's aphorism, 'There is no such thing as other people's children.' Hillary rejects the notion that 'families are private, nonpolitical units whose interests subsume those of children' and believes instead in 'the status of children as political beings.' Commenting on these passages and others like them, the late Barbara Olson wrote, 'For Hillary, children are the levers by which one forces social change'."

Overall, "Taken Into Custody" is a balanced, non-emotional, well-written, and copiously footnoted exposé. The only sour note, I would say, are several odd forays into macro-level political analysis, such as the perplexing statement that "it is perhaps a legacy of the Enlightenment that today both liberals and conservatives seem to worship at the altar of the meritocracy." The author would have been better advised to confine the scope of the work to his area of expertise, in which his competence is duly impressive.

In any case, the book is a must-read for understanding the nature and scope of this insidious attack on a key foundation of Western society.

S. Lee "Concerned Father" writes

Family Court Law is the most corrupt industry in America today. It is also the most dangerous threat to the constitutional freedoms and protections (which many claim that all citizens are granted) in the history of our society - really, since the institution of slavery. The parallels between slavery and the divorce industry are erily compelling...

Upon first glance, Family Court Law is just another harmless branch of our legal system. We've all been brain-washed into believing that state employees, lawyers and social workers really do care and want what's best for our children - and that they know what is in our children's best interests better than we parents do. After all, they are very righteous people, aren't they? And they really DO care. Thus, we are given Hillary Clinton's assertion that "it takes a village to raise a child..."

There is something inherently bizzare about this whole concept... Why would these strangers care about my child, whom they've never even met? How could their judgment ever supercede that of a fit parent who has raised and loved his daughter from birth? What is REALLY motivating these people to assume control over our children and our lives? What business do they have when they pompously assert that they are acting in my child's "best interest" and on my behalf?

This book systematically exposes all of these cleverly hidden motivations behind the "12 billion dollar child trafficking industry." If you want to know the truth about the divorce industry, then read this book - and tell everyone you know about it so that they can see behind the dark wall called Family Court Law...
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