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Are we all male chauvinists? What does that term mean?

Posted: December 25th, 2015, 10:01 pm
by Winston
I have a question. Obviously, in the eyes of the modern liberal politically correct Western society, where multiculturalism and racial/gender equality is a gospel religion, all that we stand for and believe in here on HA would make us "male chauvinists" to them.

So is that true? Are we all "male chauvinists" here, technically speaking? What does that term mean anyway? Why is it used in a negative connotation? Why is the belief that men should be the boss and women should be sexy and feminine, considered "chauvinism"? Why is the belief that men should be men and women should be women, considered "chauvinistic"?

Have any of you been called a "chauvinist" before? I gotta wonder, how many foreign languages have an equivalent term for "male chauvinism" in their language? Does anyone here who speak a foreign language know?

Posted: December 26th, 2015, 6:57 am
by Ghost

Re: Are we all male chauvinists? What does that term mean?

Posted: December 26th, 2015, 7:57 am
by jamesbond
Ghost wrote:To feminists, 'male chauvinist' means "has a penis without being transgender or gay."

Re: Are we all male chauvinists? What does that term mean?

Posted: December 26th, 2015, 8:01 am
by Adama
It's just a shaming tactic to get men with old fashioned values to fall in line with modern day feminism. If you don't want to walk lock step with them, then you're a pig. But what they do not know is, the women who act like women are supposed to are the happiest women in the world. While the women who embrace feminism are the most miserable. So let them think what they want. All that you need to concern yourself with is how the woman you're with reacts to this. As for the rest of the women who don't agree, well let them be miserable, lonely, angry feminists.

Re: Are we all male chauvinists? What does that term mean?

Posted: December 30th, 2015, 11:47 am
by IraqVet2003
Adama wrote:It's just a shaming tactic to get men with old fashioned values to fall in line with modern day feminism. If you don't want to walk lock step with them, then you're a pig. But what they do not know is, the women who act like women are supposed to are the happiest women in the world. While the women who embrace feminism are the most miserable. So let them think what they want. All that you need to concern yourself with is how the woman you're with reacts to this. As for the rest of the women who don't agree, well let them be miserable, lonely, angry feminists.
Adama, I'm guilty as charged!!! Because I too believe in the traditional or old fashioned values of men being gentlemen and for women to be ladies in their conduct and how they carry themselves. After all I'm considered an "old soul" who hates feminism, liberalism, political correctness, homosexuality, misandry, a gynocentric society, the emasculation of males, the NWO, etc.

Re: Are we all male chauvinists? What does that term mean?

Posted: December 30th, 2015, 3:43 pm
by Winston
MarcosZeitola wrote:I have some such tendencies. But my views are a bit more dynamic, and I am open to alternative views. Anyway, as stated above by others: anyone with any inkling of old-fashioned views is instantly labeled a male chauvinist. Or, when female, "self-hating" or "internalized mysoginist".

Wear the negativity your ideological opponents shower you with as a badge of honor.
Do women in holland use that term "chauvinist" or "misogynist" too? Are there dutch equivalents of those words? Why would they want to copy america? Europeans know how degenerate and uncultured and fake americans are. Theyve known that since the 1700s.

Re: Are we all male chauvinists? What does that term mean?

Posted: January 22nd, 2016, 7:10 am
by tom
Agreed a shaming tactic, but if enough men are exposed to the red pill this word will fall out of use. Its usefulness as a shaming word will loose effectiveness.