Is the white race evil?

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Post by Jester »

ChosenTraveler wrote:I wouldn't say that the white race is evil, but they have become quite proficient at it.
hah that's a thought-provoking line - I'll share it with my sons
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Post by Jester »

FreeYourMind wrote:
Jester wrote:
FreeYourMind wrote:Jester, how then do you explain the 180 degree change in U.S. policies over the past 50 or so years -- immigration was always geared toward Europeans, then with the passage of the 1965 Immigration Act it became 90% non-White, with the result that Whites will be a minority in the U.S. in roughly 20 years.

How do you explain affirmative action, the degradation of Whites in the media (women as sluts, men as nerds and buffoons), the reality that not a single White politician will stand up for White rights in this country because it means instant ruination of his career, and a whole slew of other revolutionary changes, including feminism, Cultural Marxism, de-Christianization, rabid pro-Zionism, etc.

It happened because the old money White ruling class was supplanted by a Jewish elite
that now dominates the media, finance, the judiciary including the Supreme Court, and just about all other institutions. The Jewish agenda is about what's good for the Jews, not what's good for Whites, Blacks, Asians or anyone else. Whites did have an elite that looked out for their interests for a long time, but those days are gone because the new elite is hostile to all but its own narrow group interests. One can't understand what's taking place in the U.S. without understanding who has the power and what it's being used for.
I agree with most of what you say. But the White elite began its betrayal as early as the 1840's, with the importation of Irish workers, and the nasty vilification that led to the bloody War Between the States. And there were no Jews here at the time. OK a few British Sephardic types, but no Russian Jews, and no Marxist Jews. Jews had no control of government or culture. We can't blame Jews for the Civil War. Both sides were White.

What we DID have at the time were masons, and they were powerful and openly murderous at the time. Conspiracy festers among the Jews, as among Sicilians and Gypsies as well. Sure. But they apparently do not have a monopoly on evil.

OTOH look at the situation today, a century and a half later. Are the Jews the most powerful group in the U.S.? Sure. But even today. the conspiratorial elite includes slightly more White faces than Jewish. I counted the ruling committee of Bilderberg, and it was 50% White, 40% Jew or Jew-married, and 10% other.

We could go back and forth on people like the Rockefellers. Sure, they were conversos way way back. Hell, so was I probably, a lot of Jews settled in my town in Armenia 1800 years ago. They left when we became Christians, in a fit of pique apparently, but obviously like everywhere Jewish, some became Christians, and stayed. It's who you identify with that counts, though.

But Rockefellers aside, look at the clearly White faces among the treasonous killer elite. Janet Napolitano. Ted Turner. Winston Churchill. Stalin. George Bush Senior. The Windsors. Dwight Eisenhower.

Yes, Jews have too much control over Hollywood and over finance, and this should be limited. It is not okay. They are out of control.

But let's be fair, and acknowledge how many Jews are compulsively, obnoxiously truthful, which is a good thing. It means that they are on our side. The LaRouche movement, which began my awakening, is full of Jews. You've seen the George Carlin video where he warns about the corporatist government. I don't know much about Paul Wellstone, but I suspect he fits this profile as well. Read the Jerusalem Post sometime, it is LESS neocon, violent Zionist than the U.S. press. You have to give credit where credit is due.

In a miltary situation, if you have a traitor in your unit, you would eliminate that traitor before engaging opposing forces. So to me, guys like Donald Rumsfeld or Dick Cheney are the first ones to arrest.

"Are Whites evil?" I would say no - but some are.

"Are Jews evil?" Well, they have Blood on their hands, true. But only a few really understand that fact and revel in it. Most see themselves as following ancient rules of success, I think. Some morality coupled with practical, ruthless know-how on business and life.

Most Jews do act in a tribalist fashion - but this is not in itself evil. A little tribal protectionism is a wise thing. Obnoxious, and suspect to the rest of us, but hey, it's a rough world out there.

A tiny minority of Jews, including virtually all Talmudic rabbis who are into Kabbalah, DO practice evil (human sacrifice). Or at least they know about these things and keep silent, which makes them complicit.

OTOH, again to be fair, most Whites know about the murder of JFK, and about the Rockefellers, and about the Rothschilds, etc., and they keep silent about it. That makes them complicit.

Re your first question, about immigration since 1965, these people have a timetable. They no longer needed a powerful White America to crush Germany, etc., and so they could begin to replace the White working class with more controllable types. There was no sudden change in their leadership, it was just time for a new phase.

If not for the Lindberghs and the Huey Longs and the Hitlers, etc., they would have started this phase much earlier. The head of the American Bankers Association (ABA) wrote in the 1920's that the plan was to reduce homeowners to renters living essentially in serfdom.

And - he was White.

You're right that the White elite has been far from ideal in the U.S. And they were decadent enough and altruistic enough to allow themselves to be supplanted by the more energetic and cohesive Jews.

There's a lot of flaws in this country's history. The Mason connection is indeed very important, and still is. Secret societies played a significant role in the establishment of the country and their influence remains strong.

The White establishment seemed to want a kind of universal White nation beginning with the importation of large numbers of Irish, then immigrants from all over Europe, which was strongly resisted by native elements. Once the Jews became more influential, then the U.S. elite decided they wanted a true universal nation of all races and ethnicities, which is seen in every movie, TV show, commercial and other media and which has resulted in today's crazy madhouse of a society.

Certainly slavery was horribly unjust and much of today's bad feelings between Blacks and Whites stems from it. Whites want Blacks to "get over it" but many Blacks can't and can't say I blame them to a large degree. Whites and Blacks are shaped by very different historical experiences, which leads too easily to each denouncing the other as racist.

It seems incredible to me that anyone can still call this a "White racist" country or a "White supremacist" one when the agenda is so aggressive in making Whites a minority numerically and psychologically. Those that want to bash Whites should focus on the elites, because they've warped just about all of the 99%, no matter their racial background, with divide and conquer tactics.
I get you better now. I see decay as caused by sin and satanic conspiracy, you see it more as caused by racial/class self-interest. You have a point.

I can see where you're coming from. I can't argue with you really. All I can say is that the reason I avoid sites like Stormfront, is that I find that the racialist explanation for decay is too facile. It absolves me of complicity, when I know in fact that I am damn well guilty of complicity, through sloth, cowardice, lust, etc.

In fact, I simply have never met that virtuous White man who would save the country and the civilization without divine intervention.

And in the current environment, with the facade of civilization growing brittle, about to crumble, I don't see what guidance the Stormfront POV offers me for the future. If Whites are civilization-builders, where are they? For example, the non-Christians and White Nationalists on this board are among those most likely to foreswear having kids. How is that a plan for victory?

My gut feeling is that the old White upper class you mention, that yielded to the Jews in the 1940's to 1990's, was already agnostic, and therefore vulnerable. New England Puritans, or Spanish Conquistadors, with a heart full of faith and a flask of dry gunpowder, would not have so yielded. Materialism is a stage on the way to servitude.

Paris Hilton is an example of what once-great White families have descended to. I knew White preppies like this at college.

If you read the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", you find that the Rothschild cartel identified "the Russian autocracy" as their most dangerous enemy. So I think that a racially aware White upper class - say in Western Europe - was of less concern to the Rothschilds than was the religious Russian tsar. The masonic, self-interested Western white elite did not scare the Rothschilds.
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Post by ChosenTraveler »

Jester wrote:
FreeYourMind wrote:
Jester wrote:
FreeYourMind wrote:Jester, how then do you explain the 180 degree change in U.S. policies over the past 50 or so years -- immigration was always geared toward Europeans, then with the passage of the 1965 Immigration Act it became 90% non-White, with the result that Whites will be a minority in the U.S. in roughly 20 years.

How do you explain affirmative action, the degradation of Whites in the media (women as sluts, men as nerds and buffoons), the reality that not a single White politician will stand up for White rights in this country because it means instant ruination of his career, and a whole slew of other revolutionary changes, including feminism, Cultural Marxism, de-Christianization, rabid pro-Zionism, etc.

It happened because the old money White ruling class was supplanted by a Jewish elite
that now dominates the media, finance, the judiciary including the Supreme Court, and just about all other institutions. The Jewish agenda is about what's good for the Jews, not what's good for Whites, Blacks, Asians or anyone else. Whites did have an elite that looked out for their interests for a long time, but those days are gone because the new elite is hostile to all but its own narrow group interests. One can't understand what's taking place in the U.S. without understanding who has the power and what it's being used for.
I agree with most of what you say. But the White elite began its betrayal as early as the 1840's, with the importation of Irish workers, and the nasty vilification that led to the bloody War Between the States. And there were no Jews here at the time. OK a few British Sephardic types, but no Russian Jews, and no Marxist Jews. Jews had no control of government or culture. We can't blame Jews for the Civil War. Both sides were White.

What we DID have at the time were masons, and they were powerful and openly murderous at the time. Conspiracy festers among the Jews, as among Sicilians and Gypsies as well. Sure. But they apparently do not have a monopoly on evil.

OTOH look at the situation today, a century and a half later. Are the Jews the most powerful group in the U.S.? Sure. But even today. the conspiratorial elite includes slightly more White faces than Jewish. I counted the ruling committee of Bilderberg, and it was 50% White, 40% Jew or Jew-married, and 10% other.

We could go back and forth on people like the Rockefellers. Sure, they were conversos way way back. Hell, so was I probably, a lot of Jews settled in my town in Armenia 1800 years ago. They left when we became Christians, in a fit of pique apparently, but obviously like everywhere Jewish, some became Christians, and stayed. It's who you identify with that counts, though.

But Rockefellers aside, look at the clearly White faces among the treasonous killer elite. Janet Napolitano. Ted Turner. Winston Churchill. Stalin. George Bush Senior. The Windsors. Dwight Eisenhower.

Yes, Jews have too much control over Hollywood and over finance, and this should be limited. It is not okay. They are out of control.

But let's be fair, and acknowledge how many Jews are compulsively, obnoxiously truthful, which is a good thing. It means that they are on our side. The LaRouche movement, which began my awakening, is full of Jews. You've seen the George Carlin video where he warns about the corporatist government. I don't know much about Paul Wellstone, but I suspect he fits this profile as well. Read the Jerusalem Post sometime, it is LESS neocon, violent Zionist than the U.S. press. You have to give credit where credit is due.

In a miltary situation, if you have a traitor in your unit, you would eliminate that traitor before engaging opposing forces. So to me, guys like Donald Rumsfeld or Dick Cheney are the first ones to arrest.

"Are Whites evil?" I would say no - but some are.

"Are Jews evil?" Well, they have Blood on their hands, true. But only a few really understand that fact and revel in it. Most see themselves as following ancient rules of success, I think. Some morality coupled with practical, ruthless know-how on business and life.

Most Jews do act in a tribalist fashion - but this is not in itself evil. A little tribal protectionism is a wise thing. Obnoxious, and suspect to the rest of us, but hey, it's a rough world out there.

A tiny minority of Jews, including virtually all Talmudic rabbis who are into Kabbalah, DO practice evil (human sacrifice). Or at least they know about these things and keep silent, which makes them complicit.

OTOH, again to be fair, most Whites know about the murder of JFK, and about the Rockefellers, and about the Rothschilds, etc., and they keep silent about it. That makes them complicit.

Re your first question, about immigration since 1965, these people have a timetable. They no longer needed a powerful White America to crush Germany, etc., and so they could begin to replace the White working class with more controllable types. There was no sudden change in their leadership, it was just time for a new phase.

If not for the Lindberghs and the Huey Longs and the Hitlers, etc., they would have started this phase much earlier. The head of the American Bankers Association (ABA) wrote in the 1920's that the plan was to reduce homeowners to renters living essentially in serfdom.

And - he was White.

You're right that the White elite has been far from ideal in the U.S. And they were decadent enough and altruistic enough to allow themselves to be supplanted by the more energetic and cohesive Jews.

There's a lot of flaws in this country's history. The Mason connection is indeed very important, and still is. Secret societies played a significant role in the establishment of the country and their influence remains strong.

The White establishment seemed to want a kind of universal White nation beginning with the importation of large numbers of Irish, then immigrants from all over Europe, which was strongly resisted by native elements. Once the Jews became more influential, then the U.S. elite decided they wanted a true universal nation of all races and ethnicities, which is seen in every movie, TV show, commercial and other media and which has resulted in today's crazy madhouse of a society.

Certainly slavery was horribly unjust and much of today's bad feelings between Blacks and Whites stems from it. Whites want Blacks to "get over it" but many Blacks can't and can't say I blame them to a large degree. Whites and Blacks are shaped by very different historical experiences, which leads too easily to each denouncing the other as racist.

It seems incredible to me that anyone can still call this a "White racist" country or a "White supremacist" one when the agenda is so aggressive in making Whites a minority numerically and psychologically. Those that want to bash Whites should focus on the elites, because they've warped just about all of the 99%, no matter their racial background, with divide and conquer tactics.
I get you better now. I see decay as caused by sin and satanic conspiracy, you see it more as caused by racial/class self-interest. You have a point.

I can see where you're coming from. I can't argue with you really. All I can say is that the reason I avoid sites like Stormfront, is that I find that the racialist explanation for decay is too facile. It absolves me of complicity, when I know in fact that I am damn well guilty of complicity, through sloth, cowardice, lust, etc.

In fact, I simply have never met that virtuous White man who would save the country and the civilization without divine intervention.

And in the current environment, with the facade of civilization growing brittle, about to crumble, I don't see what guidance the Stormfront POV offers me for the future. If Whites are civilization-builders, where are they? For example, the non-Christians and White Nationalists on this board are among those most likely to foreswear having kids. How is that a plan for victory?

My gut feeling is that the old White upper class you mention, that yielded to the Jews in the 1940's to 1990's, was already agnostic, and therefore vulnerable. New England Puritans, or Spanish Conquistadors, with a heart full of faith and a flask of dry gunpowder, would not have so yielded. Materialism is a stage on the way to servitude.

Paris Hilton is an example of what once-great White families have descended to. I knew White preppies like this at college.

If you read the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", you find that the Rothschild cartel identified "the Russian autocracy" as their most dangerous enemy. So I think that a racially aware White upper class - say in Western Europe - was of less concern to the Rothschilds than was the religious Russian tsar. The masonic, self-interested Western white elite did not scare the Rothschilds.

Jester's entire post is loaded with accuracy. This is an interesting thread thus far.
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Post by Intolerant »

Armenians, Georgians, Serbs and Greeks are white people but they aren't evil.
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Post by Maker55 »

Yes, whites are evil but evil is found in every race on the planet.

The evil of whites has been the worst of any race in the past 600 years but that's because they started getting into more power roles.

While I marvel at the accomplishments of my ancient African ancestors who spread civilization across the world at one point, it wouldn't be any better if blacks were in charge.

In some ways it would be worse, especially for other blacks because blacks have harsher mindsets towards their own people and like putting their own people on short leashes.

I like to tell my black brothers and sisters that be glad that African Americans don't live in Africa right now because the Africans possibly hate us more than whites do.
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Post by Jester »

Intolerant wrote:Armenians, Georgians, Serbs and Greeks are white people but they aren't evil.
On their behalf, I thank you.

At least three of those groups spent time under vicious Turkish rule, and three fended off some not-so-nice Persians etc. as well. Is that a pre-requisite to be a decent culture - to have suffered? I don't know.

But it reminds of a conversation with one of my sons. he asked me how it is that we say "God blesses those who believe in Him", when he allows Believers to be raped, murdered, etc. I thought for a moment, then replied, "He blesses us by teaching us not to BE the rapists." it took him a while to aborb that. Not a felicitous answer, not the answer you want.

My reply may sound facile to a young man reading this. Older readers will understand. The sins you have committed don't go away. They remain, they lurk, they haunt you like dinner guests that never leave. If my personal life, my upbringing was really f***ing hard, and because of that I didn't commit much bullying, or commit date rape, or whatever, that I might have committed if I had been top dog..... I am thankful, grudgingly, very thankful, for the hardship. Grudgingly.

So I guess I am saying that suffering builds character. But that doesn't mean that the group who has undergone suffering and built character is innately superior.

I know there are evildoers in the world who ought to be wiped out. But there are a lot of folks who are just ignorant. Folks who have lived sheltered lives, and have never experienced suffering. I just don't think it's right to call them evil.

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Post by lone_yakuza »

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Post by C.J. »

The jews are the most evil race on this planet. Whites were not inherently evil; the jews MADE THEM THAT WAY. They corrupt EVERYTHING they touch and want. They follow ancient rules, made up by the most diabolical of their race, they practice black rituals of the most arcane, yet most defiling, they and their children are soulless beings, who have accepted the devil as their ruler. All this is for conquest of all. And they would destroy the Earth and its people to accomplish this, as long as they have their virgin bitches, their endless pots of money, their ill-gotten health etc.

If you guys really knew what disgusting things they have done throughout history, many mobs would be created to hunt down the jew. They even say it themselves in the Talmud, their most precious of texts, that they would be hunted down for eternity and none of them would be left alive if the world knew true history! Which is why most of their agenda was designed centuries ago, to MAKE SURE THAT NEVER HAPPENED! Even in the age of the internet, possibly only 19% of the world's total population maximum, know true history. This is because most humans are truly dumb animals.

Now some of you fools might ask "Certainly, not ALL jews are bad, are they?" Any of them who aren't, will never read these posts, or care what we say. So you can pretty much group everybody. :D
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Re: Is the white race evil?

Post by clowny »

AmericanEvil wrote:When you look at the behavior of the majority of white people, both men and women, you can't help but get the impression that this is a barbarian race, that the white race is an uncivilized, uncultured, barbarian race.

White people were behind most of the evils of past and present history

-Whites came to America, murdered millions of native Americans, and stole the land.
-Whites colonized many parts of the world, brutually enslaving them, such as Africa and India.
-White people went into Iraq and Afghanistan and murdered millions of people. Along with the help of African American and Spanish American soldiers too, of course.
-White people created liberalism, feminism, capitalism, and so many other soul-killing ideologies and philosophies.
-White people killed each other in massive numbers during the first two world wars, since both wars was fought mostly between white Europeans, and white Americans.
Are you seriously this delusional, acting as though such atrocities are exclusively committed by people with white skin? ALL RACES of people have invaded, conquered, tortured and killed people of other races since the dawn of man.
AmericanEvil wrote:Anyone got any more examples of bad behavior from white people they want to mention here?
Yeah, I think you forgot the part where america dropped atomic bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki in WW2. You might also want to include america's occupation of vietnam, where some of the most atrocious war crimes in america's history were committed, such as the me lai massacre.
AmericanEvil wrote: One more question- would it be a good thing if the white race simply ceased to exist? It's happening, as whites slowly breed themselves out of existence.
NO, they are not, and cannot ever be bred out of existence. Racial interbreeding is resulting in mixed races all over the world. Therefore, a "RACE" cannot be bred out because racial interbreeding results in mixed races; not the prevalence of one race to the total exclusion of the other.
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Re: Is the white race evil?

Post by Maker55 »

clowny wrote:
AmericanEvil wrote:When you look at the behavior of the majority of white people, both men and women, you can't help but get the impression that this is a barbarian race, that the white race is an uncivilized, uncultured, barbarian race.

White people were behind most of the evils of past and present history

-Whites came to America, murdered millions of native Americans, and stole the land.
-Whites colonized many parts of the world, brutually enslaving them, such as Africa and India.
-White people went into Iraq and Afghanistan and murdered millions of people. Along with the help of African American and Spanish American soldiers too, of course.
-White people created liberalism, feminism, capitalism, and so many other soul-killing ideologies and philosophies.
-White people killed each other in massive numbers during the first two world wars, since both wars was fought mostly between white Europeans, and white Americans.
Are you seriously this delusional, acting as though such atrocities are exclusively committed by people with white skin? ALL RACES of people have invaded, conquered, tortured and killed people of other races since the dawn of man.
AmericanEvil wrote:Anyone got any more examples of bad behavior from white people they want to mention here?
Yeah, I think you forgot the part where america dropped atomic bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki in WW2. You might also want to include america's occupation of vietnam, where some of the most atrocious war crimes in america's history were committed, such as the me lai massacre.
AmericanEvil wrote: One more question- would it be a good thing if the white race simply ceased to exist? It's happening, as whites slowly breed themselves out of existence.
NO, they are not, and cannot ever be bred out of existence. Racial interbreeding is resulting in mixed races all over the world. Therefore, a "RACE" cannot be bred out because racial interbreeding results in mixed races; not the prevalence of one race to the total exclusion of the other.
Of course all races have killed but you haven't had a race of people kill millions world wide like whites have.

Whites have gone to every part of the earth and killed many of its native people.

The white man's western society has destroyed the balance of nature and relationships between men and women.

No other race has done that.

But like I said before, it still wouldn't be no more better if other races were in charge of the world.

Because as a black person, whites have treated me a lot better than my own black people.
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Post by Winston »

Not to be racist, but I do notice a pattern here. It does seem that overall throughout history, people with lighter skin, such as Caucasians and Asians, are more prone to conquer, control and plunder others, whereas people with darker skin (brown or black) are more laid back, humble and easy going and do not try to control or conquer others.

Why is that?

Also, lighter skinned people tend to be more materialistic as well.

I heard that the ancient Indian vedas and older texts, say that a light skinned race came to Earth from Mars who were warlike and devoted to conquest. They destroyed their own planet and came to Earth to recuperate and colonize it. If that's true, then perhaps the white race are descended from these Martians? Who knows.
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Post by abcdavid01 »

I've posted this enough in other topics, but the metaphor is truly remarkable:

Socialism brings starvation, but Capitalism brings obesity.

Look at the difference between Chinese Buddhas and Indian ones. The Chinese Buddhas are all fat because it's a sign of wealth. Chinese care about gold, bunch of materialists.

Well I'm a little drained of it. Trying to find happiness abroad, I think I'll go brown.
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Re: Is the white race evil?

Post by Winston »

Doctor says white people are parasites and gets away with it. Tucker Carlson is enraged. See below.

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