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Re: Are we all God or Gods? Are we all One? Did Christianity deceive us and incite self-loathing in us?

Posted: September 6th, 2023, 5:48 pm
by Winston
For those of you who believe you are gods or gods in training, here is a website and movement dedicated to that belief. lol

Re: Are we all God or Gods? Are we all One? Did Christianity deceive us and incite self-loathing in us?

Posted: September 6th, 2023, 6:08 pm
by Winston
I've never understood something. If we are sons of God, why can't we become God then? Just like sons grow up to become fathers in the human world? It's basic logic. Obviously something or someone wants to keep us down and suppressed.

Re: Are we all God or Gods? Are we all One? Did Christianity deceive us and incite self-loathing in us?

Posted: September 6th, 2023, 8:49 pm
by MrMan
Winston wrote:
September 6th, 2023, 6:08 pm
I've never understood something. If we are sons of God, why can't we become God then? Just like sons grow up to become fathers in the human world? It's basic logic. Obviously something or someone wants to keep us down and suppressed.
Not all people are sons of God. Those who are in Christ are sons of God, but won't be manifested as sons of God until the resurrection (or for those who are alive, a transformation) and putting on immortality. But we as sons of God are not the same as Yahweh. The sons of the resurrection are equal to the angels.

Re: Are we all God or Gods? Are we all One? Did Christianity deceive us and incite self-loathing in us?

Posted: September 7th, 2023, 3:18 pm
by Epsilon99
It's certainly interesting to think about the possibility of having powers or abilities that we don't yet realize or understand. The concept of hidden powers that can be unlocked or accessed is a common theme in fiction, fantasy, and mythology, and it has captured the imagination of people for centuries.

It's also important to consider the limitations of the human body and mind, and the natural laws that govern the world. While it may be fun to speculate about the possibility of hidden powers, it's also important to be grounded in reality and evidence-based understanding of the world.

Ultimately, the pursuit of knowledge and understanding is a lifelong process that can be both exciting and rewarding. Whether or not we possess hidden powers or abilities, it's important to continue exploring, learning, and seeking new experiences to expand our minds and broaden our perspectives.

Re: Are we all God or Gods? Did Christianity deceive us and incite self-loathing in us?

Posted: September 7th, 2023, 9:04 pm
by MrPeabody
Lucas88 wrote:
May 26th, 2022, 4:37 pm

Christians often assert that Pagan gods are demons who attempt to deceive people through false religions but at the same time they never stop to consider that their own god Yahweh might be a demonic impostor and that they themselves might have fallen for a deception. Many like to point the finger and accuse others but they never apply anywhere near the same level of skepticism to their own religion. Christians will argue that the Bible says that Yahweh is the one true god and so therefore it is true, but is that really an argument? A non-Christian may just as easily argue that the Bible itself could be a book of propaganda given to the Hebrew prophets by deceptive entities for the deception of mankind. Incidentally many Christian fundamentalists use this very same argument against the holy scriptures of other religions. But for some reason it never occurs to them that their own holy book could likewise by the work of malevolent demons. And there is plenty of reason to suspect that the god of the Bible is a demonic psychopath. The Old Testament is chock-full of perverse atrocities attributed to Yahweh yet most Christians turn a blind eye to this and prefer to rave ad nauseum about some supposed devil called "Satan".
It’s obvious from simple observation that Yahweh is a lower vibration entity and would fit into the description of “demon”. Why? Because in the Torah he requires animal sacrifice. He needs blood just like all the other Middle Eastern Deities of that time (and also Vampires). In contrast, a light being doesn’t have needs. A light being is 100% complete in itself. Doesn’t need worship, sacrifice, or slaves. A light being will give to you through grace without requiring any thing in return. A light being has no need to make a contract with anyone. If you don’t receive transmission from a light being then you are not yet a proper receiver and have to purify yourself through yoga.

Re: Are we all God or Gods? Are we all One? Did Christianity deceive us and incite self-loathing in us?

Posted: September 12th, 2023, 8:34 pm
by Winston
Wow check this out. Jesus said that WE ARE GOD in the Gospels and the Gnostic Gospels too.