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CNN report- Wow. More proof of Winston's claims!

Posted: August 7th, 2013, 9:23 am
by steve55
Winston claim #1- Despite its relative affluence, it seems Americans are not all that happy
Winston claim#2 - American women walk around with scowling faces (though this article implies men too?)

The United States, land of freedom and opportunity, is also the land of scowling faces and folded arms, according to a new poll.

"Travel magazine Conde Nast Traveler has unveiled the results of its annual readers' choice survey. More than 46,000 readers gave their opinions last year on everything from favorite airlines, the best hotels and the friendliest and unfriendliest cities.

It's the latter, released in the last few days, that might cause the most surprises, with U.S. cities dominating the "unfriendly" list."

Posted: August 7th, 2013, 10:04 am
by Banano
AW need good stiff banana to put smile on that stressed, overworked bitchy face

Posted: August 7th, 2013, 1:11 pm
by skateboardstephen
It may have some truth to it..New Jersey in general is not friendly at all..i worked in Camden and Trenton,New Jersey and would not live in either city if i where paid to do so. I met a girl in Salvador from Florianópolis and she was quite pleasant.

Posted: August 7th, 2013, 1:58 pm
by Moretorque
We went from being the most productive nation on earth to nothing but a welfare queen in less than 40 years, the welfare warfare state.

I am not happy about it.