The Crap that is Plenty Of Fish

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Post by jjtheprince »

I've been on there & besides money, all of them are only looking for guys 6 foot or taller.

Then there's age discrimination/The Cougar factor. I'm 35 & younger girls wouldn't even talk to me, but I got messages from women in their 50's, and even one in her 60's, ugh I don't want a senior citizen.

Also I've noticed the ones that put "few extra pounds" under their body type look far more than that. To me, "few extra pounds" means 10 to 20 over average. Some of these girls looked 50-75 pounds over average.
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Post by Linc4Love »

Shokkers wrote:I thought I'd throw in my two cents: I met my last three girlfriends on That site is free, and offers quizzes and blogs and lots of other apps. You can search locally or globally, set age restrictions, etc.
Naturally there are snotty and/or flaky girls on there but the ones I met so far were pretty was a neurobiologist, another was an engineer in the morning and a semi-pro poker player by night. Pretty good sex drives, too...
I tried OKCupid a few times, one thing that struck me was how many on there were bisexual. Weird. I talked to one girl I really thought I had a connection with because she was an introvert like me, and she blew me off after two days, said she was going to a major party and was exploring "other options." Really, an introvert is a party animal too? Go figure.

I tried one last time recently, and immediately got an email from a local... girl (I use the term loosely) who noticed I was into a outdoors activity called orienteering. It's not a common sport and of course the one girl who might be into it is local and so damned ugly I literally gagged every time I saw her photo. What in God's name do they put in the water around here?

I sent out several more messages to women whose profiles caught my attention but never got a response. :roll:
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Post by momopi »

If you have to use an online dating service, try instead.

Avoid craiglist, plenty of fish,, web cam girls, etc. etc.

If all you want is to attend social events and meet some people, try (look up local events in your area).

If you're Asian American, try OCA, APEX, YGAP, etc.

For bigger selection of women, go overseas. Actually, if any of you have never lived or at least traveled overseas, you should pack up and go. Life is short and you should go see the world before you die.

You might have a bigger selection of avail women overseas, but don't assume that they're always of higher quality. Keep your eyes open and understand that every good thing comes at a price. "Hotties" are great for a girlfriend and passionate relationship. But a "wife" is someone who will be there when you're 80 to change your adult diaper and wipe your butt. Ask yourself realistically if the women in front of you is a "girlfriend" or a "wife", then make your decisions.
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Post by jamesbond »

momopi wrote:If you have to use an online dating service, try instead.
A friend of mine tried eharmony a long time ago and said it was the biggest dating scam ever! It's $ 49.95 a month and they ONLY send you profiles of people within 5 years of your age! WTF? Also, it's a dating site ONLY for people looking for a serious relationship (like marriage). My friend was not looking for a wife, just some dates but he got NO dates and wasted a lot of money. DO NOT use eharmony unless you are looking for a serious relationship and don't mind dating hidious looking women!

One more thing, the proflies he did receive from eharmony, he said the women were as UGLY AS SIN! Some of them were morbidly obese and others were single mothers! He is a good looking guy who is in shape and has a masters degree in psychology. And the womans profiles eharmony sent him were an embarrasement!

Shame on eharmony for advertising on tv saying, "yes, you will meet that special someone." Unless you don't mind your special someone looking hidious! lol :lol:
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Post by momopi »

Hint: if the women in your area are cows, then you're going to get cows from online dating sites.

The solution, is to vote with your feet.
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Post by Linc4Love »

eHarmony was also a complete waste of time and money. I knew right away I was getting scammed because some of the women I was being matched with I had already come across on OTHER f***ing DATING SITES. How f***ed up is that shit? You could join ten sites and the dating pool would still be exactly the same. Seriously? And these women were scientifically matched to me? Yeah right, 29 dimensions my ass.

I set my criteria to worldwide too, and the women were still ugly as sin, either because they were ridiculously obese, or looked like crack bunnies. The only prospect I had after sifting through 1000 matches over the months I tried this service was a Kirsten Dunst look-alike from Uzbekistan. We exchanged one message and then I never heard from her again. Great, I pay $30 plus a month to get ignored by my matches. f***ing beautiful.

Of all the dating sites, I think eHarmony pissed me off more than any of them.
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Post by MrPeabody »

I put an ad on Plenty of Fish and received mail from a lady in China. She is beautiful and wrote me a long romantic letter which felt genuine to me. I am not sure how she found me, maybe it was their match system. They also have this neat feature that if you click on someone’s picture, it automatically registers and the person you viewed can see you in a list called “Viewed me�. It may have been when I was looking at women’s pictures from China, but I don’t remember. But, in any case you can try it. Just go to the country you are interested in and click on their pictures, and check your mail to see if someone says “hi�.
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Dating sites

Post by TheForeigner1983 »

Before leaving the U.S. I'd use various free dating sites like POF/CL/Tagged and I never had a problem getting a date with a woman. I was surprised at how fast women would just give me their number online. When I moved to Korea I had a hard time online dating. I just could not get a response from Korean women. So I checked out Filipina women and I got responses immediately One woman was going to buy a ticket from the Filipines to Korea just to live with me.
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Post by Winston »

catameran wrote:I put an ad on Plenty of Fish and received mail from a lady in China. She is beautiful and wrote me a long romantic letter which felt genuine to me. I am not sure how she found me, maybe it was their match system. They also have this neat feature that if you click on someone’s picture, it automatically registers and the person you viewed can see you in a list called “Viewed me�. It may have been when I was looking at women’s pictures from China, but I don’t remember. But, in any case you can try it. Just go to the country you are interested in and click on their pictures, and check your mail to see if someone says “hi�.
Was it a long letter on her first time? Women don't usually write long letters on first communication, unless they use form letters.

You'd better be careful. If you want, post it here and we can see if it sounds genuine or not.
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Post by MrPeabody »

Unfortunately, I no longer have the letter. I discovered that Plenty of Fish deletes all the mail that is more then 20 days old. However, I actually find the long letters to be the ones where they are the most interested. Usually, if you get short replies, it’s because she is corresponding with so many people, she doesn’t have time for you. It was the first communication, and sounded genuine.
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Post by Winston »

Check out what this woman on Plenty of Fish said about her dates there, which someone sent me:
I've been doing online dating on & off since 2005. I'd say I've gone on.. oh, let's say dates with 50 guys. Out of those, I'd say 5 went to second dates, and 1 turned into a relationship which lasted for nearly a year. So not great stats. That said, I think it's a great way to meet people, at least in terms of quantity over quality, which is important in dating. I've been on OKCupid this whole time, and just signed up for eHarmony a few months ago. OKC is a way better fit for me; it tends to skew younger. eHarmony seems to have a lot of older men looking for wives.

Yeah, I've had horror stories. The guy who whined about how I didn't like him during our date, then sent me a psycho e-mail a few days later that I was his last chance for happiness in this city. The guy who's most scintillating contribution to our date conversation was asking me what my favorite dinosaur was. But overall, they've been good dates. The guys are nice and interesting, for the most part, but I've just had a hard time finding a good connection.
And check out the complaints posted by these guys:
Bent says:
May 10, 2010 at 6:40 pm

I think the posters here have nailed it. You have women on pof who have vastly overrated their net worth simply because the bid/offer ratio is out of whack. You have women who you wouldn’t give a second glance at in the mall, grocery store, bar, etc being deluged with emails from guys that are dating down just to have a shot at getting a reply from one of them


I also have the done the ol’ post a picture of an attractive woman to see what happens trick and like many of you, I was floored by the number of responses I got from decent looking, educated, “normal sounding� guys. What also needs to be said however was my disappointment and shock at some of the responses. It was revolting and reeked of sissy men who had lost all self respect:

“I know I’m not worthy of you but..�
“Probably a waste of time talking to you but…�
“WOW! You’re sooo out of my league but here it goes..�
“If you could talk to me just a little bit I’d be so happy I’d do anything!�

WTF? Now I’m not claiming to be Mr. Macho Man here but MEN what are you doing? I feel like giving some of them the riot act on manhood! You’re “unworthy� for what? talking to a woman?!? Is this what a generation of single moms has produced??

So guys when you’re wondering why the pretty girl isn’t writing back THIS is why! Because she knows that there are plenty of pathetic, groveling “men� who are desperate with no feelings of self worth or self respect that are “unworthy� for simply talking to them!
This combination of selfish, self centered, superficial women and pathetic, sissy men with no self respect is why

Guys are so desperate and this is 50x worse than the bar scene for guys --- the negative feedback goes on for many pages ... mment-1013

July 4, 2009 at 2:56 am

Man, all these comments are so on-track. I’m glad that I’m not the only one who’s dealt with this crap. I didn’t so much spend time on POF, but another site called OKCupid.

I spent almost a year trying to meet someone on it to no avail. Of all the people I’ve messaged, I got next to no replies. No matter what, I got nothing. I tried to learn from my unsuccessful messages and changed it up, but still nothing. And forget about someone else trying to contact me, I got nothing there.


The issue is that these women never want to date — soon as I try to set up a date they disappear or some excuse comes up.

I believe that 90 % of women on dating sites are there just for an ego boost and to make themselves “feel good� they have zero intention of meeting anyone. In fact I would say many are already in a relationship and are feeling neglected by their partner

They want too see how much in “demand� they are and by what type of men and as such this inflates their sense of “self worth� in the dating scene. They are basically ranking their own attractiveness and desirability.

By doing this it assist them to overcome depression or the likes so that they can somehow feel good about their lives.
I believe only 1 in 10 women on dating sites is genuine.
Apparently there is a hate site for Plenty of Fish now:

Why do people stay on a sinking ship?

And why is it no matter how many women you meet online in America, they all blow you off, even if the meeting went great? It's almost like a programmed response from them to blow off everyone. It's really weird.

I thought the problem was me at first, but then later I realized it wasn't. But on Friends and Seinfeld, getting repeated dates seemed so easy. When I was little, I watched "Three's Company". It was one of the few sitcoms I really enjoyed that was funny too. It made getting hot women seem so fun and easy. But when reality doesn't turn out that way, you are then supposed to blame yourself? WTF?!
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Post by Winston »

Check this out. Steve Hoca uploaded this stupid video from POF where a chick who works there gives guys dating advice. lol

Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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Post by marklambo »

Winston wrote:Check this out. Steve Hoca uploaded this stupid video from POF where a chick who works there gives guys dating advice. lol

All these so called "tips" only work if you're a 10 or if you're looking for a 1. Plenty of Fish is a joke, and so is Ok Cupid. I deleted one of my accounts the other day. I haven't logged in for months so I decided to go in and do a quick browse. I've seen nothing but obese girls and it made me sick so I deleted my account. When you delete your account, they ask you to give a reason. My answer was "too many fat women". These sites are a joke.
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Post by Ghost »

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Post by Maker55 »

Shokkers wrote:I thought I'd throw in my two cents: I met my last three girlfriends on That site is free, and offers quizzes and blogs and lots of other apps. You can search locally or globally, set age restrictions, etc.
Naturally there are snotty and/or flaky girls on there but the ones I met so far were pretty was a neurobiologist, another was an engineer in the morning and a semi-pro poker player by night. Pretty good sex drives, too...
You must have all-american looks because I must have sent messages to about 40 girls with no success of all races.

Today, I deleted my account on okcupid.
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