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Posted: August 25th, 2011, 6:24 pm
by MrPeabody
odbo wrote:
MrPeabody wrote:And your comments don't show an understanding of meditation. Meditation is how you discover evil as you remove the defilements from your own mind. You still think evil is out there. You can meditate for 5 minutes and find plenty of stuff in your own mind. If one purifies his mind, it makes him better able to resist evil and not less able. When you track what they do, you are always playing defensive and reactive. Your prescription of analyzing the "evil" out there only creates a waste of time and more morbidity.
I understand meditation and its benefits just fine, but your comments don't show an understanding of reality. How many more monks have to be massacred for you to realize that it takes strength to survive. You don't overcome the workings of evil through disassociation with the physical world. Keep spinning your wheels. You and your fellow weaklings will die off as quietly as you lived.
O really? Weak? There are dozens of examples of Tibetan monks who were imprisoned and tortured by the Communist Chinese for more than 10 years and came out of the experience happy human beings. Could you do that? And what about the two monks who recently burned themselves to death in protest of the communist government? You can’t get tougher than a meditating monk. And look at the Dalai Lama. He has no power but yet the powerful Communist government is scared to death of him. If it wasn’t for the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan resistance would have died a long time ago. But yet he is a happy person and has the ability to help and inspire millions of people around the world. Nobody has any idea of his burdens and responsibilities because he never complains. And why are the Communists afraid? Because he doesn’t react to anything they do, so they can’t control him. He is pro-active – he acts and doesn’t react. That is a real effect in the physical world. You react which makes you 100 percent predictable which makes you 100 percent controllable. The Dalai Lama didn’t get his power by studying his enemy – Chairman Mao – but rather by understanding ultimate reality through meditation.

Posted: August 25th, 2011, 11:21 pm
by odbo
When their American wives are acting like men and on the verge of divorcing them, I will tell my friends the solution is meditation. When I can't find anything but genetically modified food at the store, I shouldn't raise alarm in the community, that would be reactionary, I will meditate myself an organic vegetable garden. In 5 years time when the government will begin forcing every American to receive an RFID implant in their hand or forehead, I will meditate away the tyranny. I could have warned people of what was to come, but that would be reactionary. Only suckers do that.
MrPeabody wrote:And what about the two monks who recently burned themselves to death in protest of the communist government?
What did those delusional monks in 1960s Vietnam achieve when they burned themselves alive? The government laughed and was happy to throw gasoline on their fire.
MrPeabody wrote:You can’t get tougher than a meditating monk.
How about those who don't try to decrease their suffering by meditating, but actually learn from it. Telling their children and grandchildren the truth about the system and even writing novels about their experience. These are the people who do damage to the system long after they're dead. These are not people who die quietly.

You want strength, look at someone like Alexander Solzhenitsyn. That is a workhorse against evil. That is Russian strength from orthodox Christianity. What does the typical Buddhist sect preach? Some ideas about starving yourself for weeks to attain a peaceful state, and refraining from sexual thoughts or desires for anything. I've read books by some of these "enlightened" monks. Why would we be created to shave our heads and do nothing but sit around starving? Simple logic also reveals that if everyone refrained from sexual thoughts there would be no more humanity. These kinds of activities and beliefs are pure delusion and mind control. Toxic new age disassociation disguised as wisdom.

I think about someone like Solzhenitsyn, a family man who got shit done, then I think about this frail monk meditating by a river in the cross-legged position, pretending he has found the meaning of life. (I don't remember the author's name). But what else can I think besides what an idiot. I won't look into Buddhism again unless I travel to Asia. What I've seen offers no solutions. I don't feel like wading in shit trying to pick out a gem. And for one thing, I don't know the language (i.e. Chinese).

Christ took wisdom from Buddhism and taught what would become Christianity. The teachings of mainstream Buddhism is no less corrupted than "western" Christianity and if there is still wisdom in it, it's hidden by the all the nonsense involving shaving heads, offering food, rubbing Buddha icons, burning monopoly money to attract wealthy and so on.

For the record, the Book of Revelation describes exactly what is happening. Meditate on that.
MrPeabody wrote:And look at the Dalai Lama. He has no power but yet the powerful Communist government is scared to death of him. If it wasn’t for the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan resistance would have died a long time ago.
The Dalai Lama is a terrible example.

First of all he is an asset of the CIA. It is well documented that he was/is on their pay roll. Yes, US taxpayers paid for his "crusade." If he was genuine resistance do you think he would receive enough media coverage for every person in the western world to recognize him as easily as they would Mickey Mouse? Think about it! He is not a monk he is at best a political prostitute.

Second of all China is afraid of him because of the sway he has with the media. Yes, people watching tv gives him power. Meditating doesn't give him power, not over the communists at least.

Posted: August 26th, 2011, 6:51 am
by MrPeabody
odbo wrote:When their American wives are acting like men and on the verge of divorcing them, I will tell my friends the solution is meditation. When I can't find anything but genetically modified food at the store, I shouldn't raise alarm in the community, that would be reactionary, I will meditate myself an organic vegetable garden. In 5 years time when the government will begin forcing every American to receive an RFID implant in their hand or forehead, I will meditate away the tyranny. I could have warned people of what was to come, but that would be reactionary. Only suckers do that.
MrPeabody wrote:And what about the two monks who recently burned themselves to death in protest of the communist government?
What did those delusional monks in 1960s Vietnam achieve when they burned themselves alive? The government laughed and was happy to throw gasoline on their fire.
MrPeabody wrote:You can’t get tougher than a meditating monk.
How about those who don't try to decrease their suffering by meditating, but actually learn from it. Telling their children and grandchildren the truth about the system and even writing novels about their experience. These are the people who do damage to the system long after they're dead. These are not people who die quietly.

You want strength, look at someone like Alexander Solzhenitsyn. That is a workhorse against evil. That is Russian strength from orthodox Christianity. What does the typical Buddhist sect preach? Some ideas about starving yourself for weeks to attain a peaceful state, and refraining from sexual thoughts or desires for anything. I've read books by some of these "enlightened" monks. Why would we be created to shave our heads and do nothing but sit around starving? Simple logic also reveals that if everyone refrained from sexual thoughts there would be no more humanity. These kinds of activities and beliefs are pure delusion and mind control. Toxic new age disassociation disguised as wisdom.

I think about someone like Solzhenitsyn, a family man who got shit done, then I think about this frail monk meditating by a river in the cross-legged position, pretending he has found the meaning of life. (I don't remember the author's name). But what else can I think besides what an idiot. I won't look into Buddhism again unless I travel to Asia. What I've seen offers no solutions. I don't feel like wading in shit trying to pick out a gem. And for one thing, I don't know the language (i.e. Chinese).

Christ took wisdom from Buddhism and taught what would become Christianity. The teachings of mainstream Buddhism is no less corrupted than "western" Christianity and if there is still wisdom in it, it's hidden by the all the nonsense involving shaving heads, offering food, rubbing Buddha icons, burning monopoly money to attract wealthy and so on.

For the record, the Book of Revelation describes exactly what is happening. Meditate on that.
MrPeabody wrote:And look at the Dalai Lama. He has no power but yet the powerful Communist government is scared to death of him. If it wasn’t for the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan resistance would have died a long time ago.
The Dalai Lama is a terrible example.

First of all he is an asset of the CIA. It is well documented that he was/is on their pay roll. Yes, US taxpayers paid for his "crusade." If he was genuine resistance do you think he would receive enough media coverage for every person in the western world to recognize him as easily as they would Mickey Mouse? Think about it! He is not a monk he is at best a political prostitute.

Second of all China is afraid of him because of the sway he has with the media. Yes, people watching tv gives him power. Meditating doesn't give him power, not over the communists at least.

One of the reasons I stopped reading this conspiracy theory literature is because I found the whole thing to be unreliable. Anyone with a website can make up any nonsense and there aren't any controls. You have thousands of people believing that the world is controlled by reptiles because a charismatic figure has mixed in his own fantasies with a little truth. You react and can be manipulated by anyone who taints your information supply. With meditation, you are immediately in contact with reality by feeling your breath, and then your body feelings. You start from there because it is pure truth. Then you drill down into more subtle feelings going to the source of truth. You can draw conclusions from direct experience absent the manipulation and delusions of the external world.

The Chinese government has spent millions to put out propaganda against the Dalai Lama who they fear because if the Tibetan resistance succeeds, their control over all their minorities will begin to unravel. They know the only way to attack him is to draw into question his moral authority which is his source of power. So, you pick up one of their Youtube videos, which illustrates my point that you are a slave of your information supply which can always be tainted. Congratulations for reacting and being a dupe of the atheistic communists.

Posted: August 26th, 2011, 2:54 pm
by odbo
MrPeabody wrote:One of the reasons I stopped reading this conspiracy theory literature is because I found the whole thing to be unreliable. Anyone with a website can make up any nonsense and there aren't any controls. You have thousands of people believing that the world is controlled by reptiles because a charismatic figure has mixed in his own fantasies with a little truth.
I understand exactly what you were trying say earlier and I know the value of meditation. Overcoming reactionary tendencies is very difficult for everyone. A predictable reaction would be to gather a bunch of angry people and go marching about 9/11 truth or Ron Paul. That doesn't threaten their power what so ever and only shows how we are trapped in the perception of reality they have created. But if one's mind has been compromised by conditioning, the only way to overcome that conditioning is to go back and "dissect" (observe) manipulation first hand. By seeing the techniques and reading about the agendas, (which reveals the reasons for the techniques), you immunize yourself from them. You strip their power over you and you become a clear thinking sentient human being. If you're careful, you can make Hollywood work for you rather than against you. I don't watch films to be entertained, I watch films to observe the nefarious ideas they might have subconsciously implanted in me when I was a child. You'll always find something new! You cannot simply run away from the problem by withdrawing into the forest. It doesn't work that way!! You can't reformat your brain and suddenly get a fresh operating system, but you can detect and quarantine mental viruses.
MrPeabody wrote:The Chinese government has spent millions to put out propaganda against the Dalai Lama who they fear because if the Tibetan resistance succeeds, their control over all their minorities will begin to unravel. They know the only way to attack him is to draw into question his moral authority which is his source of power.
The American government has spent millions to put out propaganda that Tibet was bliss before China recaptured it. Every other college educated liberal has or had a "free Tibet" bumper sticker on his car, some even took part in marches for this cause which they know next to nothing about. Free Tibet? How about Free America.
MrPeabody wrote:So, you pick up one of their Youtube videos, which illustrates my point that you are a slave of your information supply which can always be tainted.
You choose to ignore reality once more because it doesn't suit your comfort zone, and make an excuse for it. That is disassociation masquerading as wisdom. Watch the video! It isn't for me, I already know how to think clearly. It is for you. Putting questions in your mind and viewing things from another angle is never a bad thing. Otherwise why would you read books? If you can't contemplate a given scenario then that is proof you are programmed. If it's not true you have nothing to be afraid of.

Posted: August 26th, 2011, 3:53 pm
by MrPeabody
odbo wrote:
MrPeabody wrote:One of the reasons I stopped reading this conspiracy theory literature is because I found the whole thing to be unreliable. Anyone with a website can make up any nonsense and there aren't any controls. You have thousands of people believing that the world is controlled by reptiles because a charismatic figure has mixed in his own fantasies with a little truth.
I understand exactly what you were trying say earlier and I know the value of meditation. Overcoming reactionary tendencies is very difficult for everyone. A predictable reaction would be to gather a bunch of angry people and go marching about 9/11 truth or Ron Paul. That doesn't threaten their power what so ever and only shows how we are trapped in the perception of reality they have created. But if one's mind has been compromised by conditioning, the only way to overcome that conditioning is to go back and "dissect" (observe) manipulation first hand. By seeing the techniques and reading about the agendas, (which reveals the reasons for the techniques), you immunize yourself from them. You strip their power over you and you become a clear thinking sentient human being. If you're careful, you can make Hollywood work for you rather than against you. I don't watch films to be entertained, I watch films to observe the nefarious ideas they might have subconsciously implanted in me when I was a child. You'll always find something new! You cannot simply run away from the problem by withdrawing into the forest. It doesn't work that way!! You can't reformat your brain and suddenly get a fresh operating system, but you can detect and quarantine mental viruses.
MrPeabody wrote:The Chinese government has spent millions to put out propaganda against the Dalai Lama who they fear because if the Tibetan resistance succeeds, their control over all their minorities will begin to unravel. They know the only way to attack him is to draw into question his moral authority which is his source of power.
The American government has spent millions to put out propaganda that Tibet was bliss before China recaptured it. Every other college educated liberal has or had a "free Tibet" bumper sticker on his car, some even took part in marches for this cause which they know next to nothing about. Free Tibet? How about Free America.
MrPeabody wrote:So, you pick up one of their Youtube videos, which illustrates my point that you are a slave of your information supply which can always be tainted.
You choose to ignore reality once more because it doesn't suit your comfort zone, and make an excuse for it. That is disassociation masquerading as wisdom. Watch the video! It isn't for me, I already know how to think clearly. It is for you. Putting questions in your mind and viewing things from another angle is never a bad thing. Otherwise why would you read books? If you can't contemplate a given scenario then that is proof you are programmed. If it's not true you have nothing to be afraid of.
I actually have seen that video before, along with many others put out by the communist government and their western frontmen. At one point the Dalai Lama's brother was getting help from the CIA to start an insurgency campaign in Tibet. So what? The point is that the Dalai Lama is very open and admits all of this. He also admits that Tibet was a feudal society and that they need to account for that. Keep in mind that he never actually got to rule Tibet long before it was invaded. He has also recently voluntarily deposed himself and instituted a democratic election for a new Tibetan government. He openly supports democracy and separation of church and state. There is a lot of information on the Internet, so you can research this yourself. This will be a good opportunity for you to see the real situation and compare it to what some of these conspiracy theorists are saying. Then you may conclude they are untrustworthy also. ... 28967.html

Dalai Lama Biography

Re: Winston

Posted: August 30th, 2011, 1:48 am
by Winston
ErikHeaven wrote:I downloaded it and it wont play i dont know what to do.
Did you download the version I linked above? If so, it plays good in Windows Media Player. That's what I used to watch it. What software are you using to play it? VLC doesn't seem to play it smoothly. Try Windows Media Player.

odbo and mr peabody, why don't you stop the bickering, download this masterpiece film, watch it, and then comment on it? That was the whole point of this thread.

Re: Winston

Posted: August 30th, 2011, 3:01 am
by Jackal
Winston wrote: odbo and mr peabody, why don't you stop the bickering, download this masterpiece film, watch it, and then comment on it? That was the whole point of this thread.
Perhaps their side conversation could be taken out and made into a separate thread.

I've seen the US version of EWS many times. I really enjoy the visuals and the eerie modern, classical music, but I don't see any "deep" meanings in it. Rich men simply like to f**k hot chicks and sometimes use ancient rituals and symbols to pretend to be more important than they are. Being married in America is tough and husbands and wives often distrust each other. Being a rich, handsome doctor makes life much easier, but isn't any protection from mental suffering. Modern couples who are too f***ed up to bond mentally can only bond through sex. That's my basic take on it.

What is the least-censored version of EWS available? The European version?

Here's a Norwegian black metal video whose slow middle part reminds me a bit of EWS. Basically, most westerners all do the same shit when they want to put on a theatrical version of occultism. It's all the same quasi-eastern stuff meets satanic stuff with masks thrown in for good measure, yet despite all the fakery, something about it always seems to grab our attention--perhaps it's just a side effect of our tribal animal brains.

Posted: October 2nd, 2011, 12:47 pm
by Winston
Here is part of the masked ball scene from "Eyes Wide Shut" that shows some nudity, along with the eerie haunting music, which is a Latin song played backwards.

Here is a video showing some of the Illuminati symbolism in the movie.

Jackal, nothing that Kubrick did was an accident. He was a perfectionist. This wasn't just about rich men f***ing. If it was, why would they need rituals? There are many reviews of EWS that discuss its deep meaning. Besides the Illuminati theory, there are many other interpretations that are not as conspiracy oriented. Kubrick often liked to show his film in layers of meaning, leaving many questions unanswered and unclear, so we would THINK about it. He did not like to give us all the answers, but left things open to interpretation. That's how his movies are. Don't you get it?

Since you failed to THINK during this movie, you missed the intention of it.

Do you really think Jackal, that the two models at the beginning saying, "follow the rainbow, see where it ends" and then the name of the costume shop being "Rainbow" are just a coincidence?

Posted: November 2nd, 2011, 9:51 am
by Beliso
Do you also know the novel where the movie is based on? It's the Traumnovelle by Arthur Schnitzler. The book is great and the movie doesn't stand behind! I like the way they use colors in it! And Nicole Kidman is very beautiful in her role. I think she looks perfect there (I wish she would look like that nowadays too, instead of having a face made out of Botox).

Posted: July 31st, 2014, 8:59 am
by Luc Furr
MrPeabody wrote:
odbo wrote:
MrPeabody wrote:And your comments don't show an understanding of meditation. Meditation is how you discover evil as you remove the defilements from your own mind. You still think evil is out there. You can meditate for 5 minutes and find plenty of stuff in your own mind. If one purifies his mind, it makes him better able to resist evil and not less able. When you track what they do, you are always playing defensive and reactive. Your prescription of analyzing the "evil" out there only creates a waste of time and more morbidity.
I understand meditation and its benefits just fine, but your comments don't show an understanding of reality. How many more monks have to be massacred for you to realize that it takes strength to survive. You don't overcome the workings of evil through disassociation with the physical world. Keep spinning your wheels. You and your fellow weaklings will die off as quietly as you lived.
O really? Weak? There are dozens of examples of Tibetan monks who were imprisoned and tortured by the Communist Chinese for more than 10 years and came out of the experience happy human beings. Could you do that? And what about the two monks who recently burned themselves to death in protest of the communist government? You can’t get tougher than a meditating monk. And look at the Dalai Lama. He has no power but yet the powerful Communist government is scared to death of him. If it wasn’t for the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan resistance would have died a long time ago. But yet he is a happy person and has the ability to help and inspire millions of people around the world. Nobody has any idea of his burdens and responsibilities because he never complains. And why are the Communists afraid? Because he doesn’t react to anything they do, so they can’t control him. He is pro-active – he acts and doesn’t react. That is a real effect in the physical world. You react which makes you 100 percent predictable which makes you 100 percent controllable. The Dalai Lama didn’t get his power by studying his enemy – Chairman Mao – but rather by understanding ultimate reality through meditation.
impressive comment Peabody. Yes it is better to not get angry and to not react. Evil hates that.

Re: Eyes Wide Shut - Amazing and Disturbing!

Posted: December 11th, 2015, 10:08 am
by Winston
The movie "Eyes Wide Shut" is probably a realistic depiction of sex magick rituals of the elite. Aleister Crowley, the most infamous black magician and Freemason, talked about it in his books.

Re: Eyes Wide Shut Movie - Amazing, Disturbing, Revealing!

Posted: July 24th, 2018, 2:10 pm
by Winston
Chilling video by Jay Myers about "Eyes Wide Shut"and how it is real and non-fiction and reveals what the elites such as the Rothschilds actually do in secret.

Re: "Eyes Wide Shut" Movie Reveals Secret Shocking Rituals of the Elite!

Posted: April 24th, 2019, 4:24 am
by Winston
Did you know that 30 years before "Eyes Wide Shut" a similar movie was made with Sharon Tate called "Eye of the Devil"? See comparison below by Jay Dyer.

I found the full film "Eye of the Devil" on YouTube here if anyone wants to see it.

It supposedly reveals the inner secret world of Satanic cults of the elite and dark occult sorcerers of the Illuminati, etc. Perhaps by starring in such films, Sharon Tate was set up to be an Illuminati occult sacrifice herself when the Manson murders happened? I don't know. But it would appear that something like that happened to Brandon Lee as well.

Re: "Eyes Wide Shut" Movie Reveals Secret Shocking Rituals of the Elite!

Posted: February 9th, 2022, 1:11 am
by WorldTraveler
I hate this movie. It maybe Tom Cruise's worse performance.