Why do people start smoking if they weren't addicted prior?

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Why do people start smoking if they weren't addicted prior?

Post by Winston »

I have some questions about smoking. Perhaps some of you who are, or were, smokers can answer them?

1. How do people start smoking, when prior to starting, they were not addicted to it?

I mean, the first few cigarettes do nothing for a newbie, so why would anyone continue on to the point where it becomes addicting? I don't get it. It doesn't seem logical.

2. Why would anyone want to start smoking when they know it's bad for them and becomes addicting?

3. Dianne has a smoking problem. If she got one of those electric cigarettes that do not contain nicotine, would that fulfill the craving and solve the addiction problem? They are sold at malls in the Philippines now.

4. Is it true that people who die from smoking do so from the anxiety and stress of trying to quit, rather than the nicotine itself? Why is it that people in the 1800's and in Germany today, where people smoke a lot, they do not die of lung cancer like smokers in America do? Is it because if you don't worry about it, it's not as harmful as if you keep worrying about it? Is this theory true?
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Post by momopi »

Have you asked Diane these questions?
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Re: Why do people start smoking if they're not addicted prio

Post by somedude »

Winston wrote:I have some questions about smoking. Perhaps some of you who are, or were, smokers can answer them?

1. How do people start smoking, when prior to starting, they were not addicted to it?

I mean, the first few cigarettes do nothing for a newbie, so why would anyone continue on to the point where it becomes addicting? I don't get it. It doesn't seem logical.

2. Why would anyone want to start smoking when they know it's bad for them and becomes addicting?

3. Dianne has a smoking problem. If she got one of those electric cigarettes that do not contain nicotine, would that fulfill the craving and solve the addiction problem? They are sold at malls in the Philippines now.

4. Is it true that people who die from smoking do so from the anxiety and stress of trying to quit, rather than the nicotine itself? Why is it that people in the 1800's and in Germany today, where people smoke a lot, they do not die of lung cancer like smokers in America do? Is it because if you don't worry about it, it's not as harmful as if you keep worrying about it? Is this theory true?
1) Different reasons for different people. I started at 12 because it was cool and rebellious at the time, did not think of health at that age lol

2) see above

3) No, it must have nicotine in it to help curb the cravings and even then it's still pretty hard as nicotine is not the only chemical addiction. I quit smoking cigs a year ago, have been using an "e-cig", although I prefer to call them personal vaporizers (PV) since they are absolutely nothing like a cigarette.

4) I have never heard of anyone dying from trying to quit so cannot really answer on that one, but back in the 1800's tobacco was just tobacco without the 4000 other chemicals in it.

Nicotine is not really that bad of a thing, all by itself it's no more harmful or addictive than caffeine and as mentioned it's not really the sole addiction in smoking. In fact nicotine (by itself) has proven to help ADHD, Alzhiemer's, depression and a few other things.

The problem with burning a cigarette and inhaling the smoke is all the carcinogens and tar, this is very bad in and of itself as that stuff is cancer causing. However the other issue is the tobacco companies add another 4000 chemicals to the cigarette to make it more addictive. Chemically what this does is turn receptors in your body that's normally not tuned to nicotine to now be nicotine receptors. Basically making the cigarette freebase (worse than heroin), plus an addiction to whatever those other 4000 chemicals are to boot.

This is why everyone still has major cravings even when using nicotine supplements in cessation (patches, gum, e-cigs, etc.). I can relate this from first hand experience. Back when I was trying to quit smoking, I made myself sick with too much nicotine overdoing it with the PV and still had cravings to light up! No friggin way was it nicotine withdrawal giving me those cravings!

I managed to plow through the cravings with will power telling myself each time that my PV is the new "cig" and to get over it. The hardest is the first week, then it comes in waves of 3's... 3rd day, 3rd week, 3rd month etc. After a year I do not get these massive cravings anymore. I still use the PV but at a lower nic percentage. Even when I get the urge to use the PV, the pull is much softer, nothing like a cig craving (more like cup of coffee craving), which I can simply ignore it and say I don't feel like it right now. I plan to someday stop using the PV altogether too.

So I'd say to your friend to go for it, but get a nice unit like an E-Go type battery with a good clearomizer, not one of those cheap cigalikes sold at gas stations or walmart type places... they really are junk and barely produce any vapor.

The main thing is the willingness to quit smoking. Nothing, not even a e-cig is going to magically replace the cigarette and it's cravings with no effort of the user... in other words will power is still required with a strong willingness to quit lighting up. My PV helped me more than gum or other nic products, because it tricked my brain enough to help me power through the cravings with the actions of putting something to my mouth, inhaling and exhaling something that looked like smoke but was just water vapor.

If it's ok to post it here, a massive forum for everything e-cig related: http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/forum.php

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Post by Winston »

momopi wrote:Have you asked Diane these questions?
Yes, but she has no answers. All she can say is "I don't know" or "That's just the way it is." Trying asking Filipinas such questions and you will get that kind of response. She can't even explain to me how Filipinos who make 300p a day (6 or 7 dollars), which is the average salary, are able to eat two meals a day, pay all their bills and support a family. It's mathematically impossible.

I've asked this question for years. No one in the Philippines wants to talk about it. They can only say "They have survival strategies". Other expats there told me they are baffled by that same question and can only speculate.
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Post by Renata »

People that smoke are just plain stupid ... they know it's detrimental to their health but still do it anyway. The cost of cigarettes could double & they would still buy it.
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Post by johnponting74 »

The issue with losing a smoking and breathing in the smoking is all the harmful toxins and tar, this is very bad in and of itself as that things is extremely dangerous. However the other issue is the cigarettes organizations add another 4000 substances to the smoking to create it more obsessive. Chemical what this does is convert receptors in your whole body that's normally not updated to smoking to now be smoking receptors. Generally creating the smoking freebase (worse than heroin), plus an habit to whatever those other 4000 substances are to start.
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Re: Why do people start smoking if they're not addicted prio

Post by Nightngale »

Winston wrote:I have some questions about smoking. Perhaps some of you who are, or were, smokers can answer them?

1. How do people start smoking, when prior to starting, they were not addicted to it?

I mean, the first few cigarettes do nothing for a newbie, so why would anyone continue on to the point where it becomes addicting? I don't get it. It doesn't seem logical.

2. Why would anyone want to start smoking when they know it's bad for them and becomes addicting?

3. Dianne has a smoking problem. If she got one of those electric cigarettes that do not contain nicotine, would that fulfill the craving and solve the addiction problem? They are sold at malls in the Philippines now.

4. Is it true that people who die from smoking do so from the anxiety and stress of trying to quit, rather than the nicotine itself? Why is it that people in the 1800's and in Germany today, where people smoke a lot, they do not die of lung cancer like smokers in America do? Is it because if you don't worry about it, it's not as harmful as if you keep worrying about it? Is this theory true?
1. It's enjoyable, like any other drug nicotine provides a high, it's easy to access and relatively cheap. I started smoking when I was out with friends at bars. Whiskey and Cigars were a very pleasurable mix for me. Originally, I would only smoke when I was drinking. Then, my life got stressful and occasionally I would ask for cigarettes from friends. Months down the road I began to buy packs. Next thing I know, on bad days I'm tearing though my room looking for change. That's how cigarettes are, a slow building addiction.

2. The problem is as human beings we like to rationalize tolerance levels and addiction. We go through several phases of denial. In my case I was actually a military medic. I taught smoking cessation classes, gave lectures on the health risk associated with smoking and, i even prescribed the gum and patches. So, i knew the affects of carcinogens in cigarettes and, the potential long term health problems. I felt as though this was all shock therapy and, that for major health risk you'd need to smoke 1+ packs a day. So i kept my smoking down to 4 max cigarettes a day. Even though I had it rationed I could still feel the effects smoking was having on my body. Mainly crappy lungs and always being tired.

3. I'm sorry to say this but those e-cigarettes will not help Diane. They eliminate the health problems associated with smoking but, she is still addicted to nicotine (and other additives found in cigarettes) to some degree. She can either stop smoking completely or ration the amount of nicotine she uses. The problem with rationing is that when she's in stressful situations she will crave and relapse. Hell, she'll crave even on good days. She can though use them to decrease her nicotine dependency over time. They suck though, nothing like an actually cigarette.

4. I've never heard of anyone dying from trying to quit. The amount of deaths come from the additives that Tobacco companies put in the cigarettes. They usually contain a lot of carcinogens, that can potentially create health problem (i.e. cancer) in heavy users. I'm not going to lie man that shit isn't good for her but, she has to want to stop.

Personally, once you start smoking you're always going to have cravings. I want one now and, that's just from writing you about it. She(Dianne) has to realize addiction of any sort is a big deal especially if she feels she can not keep it in control. I see nothing wrong with the occasional smoke but, i guarantee that she doesn't what to be dependent on them.

If she wants to quit the best thing for her to do is just stop. She has to have the resolve, you can help her but, she has to do it herself. It is going to be shitty though if she takes that route.
You can also look up smoking cessation information together.

For an interesting watch on the subject you should try "Thank you for not smoking". It's pretty good bit of an eye opener about the smoking industry.
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Post by Luc Furr »

Renata wrote:People that smoke are just plain stupid ... they know it's detrimental to their health but still do it anyway. The cost of cigarettes could double & they would still buy it.
I guess there are different kinds of stupid,

there is the mentally deficient stupid where a smoker can't really understand the costs of smoking,
there is the honest and good stupid where a person is decent and kind believing that others have good intentions also. Wrong.
there is the susceptible to peer pressure stupid where a person cares what the creatures who are wealthy, athletic and "beautiful" are doing.

Smokers a captured from all these kinds of stupid.
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Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

I am up against this issue in the country I am in currently. Two girls I am dating smoke and don't see a huge problem with it other than they cannot stop.

Smoking is a social activity here and that, coupled with clever marketing, hooks people in early.

Nicotine is a drug, period. And people who cannot stop smoking are nicotine addicts.

The silver lining to this is that I tell the girls I would never marry a woman who smokes. One tried to stop, but could not and that is the card I play to avoid the marriage pressure.
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Re: Why do people start smoking if they're not addicted prio

Post by RickyRetardo »

Winston wrote:I have some questions about smoking. Perhaps some of you who are, or were, smokers can answer them?

1. How do people start smoking, when prior to starting, they were not addicted to it?
Some will begin on a whim, or due to trying to fit in, or because they are stressed and have heard that nicotine relieves stress.
I mean, the first few cigarettes do nothing for a newbie, so why would anyone continue on to the point where it becomes addicting? I don't get it. It doesn't seem logical.
Actually, many new smokers find cigarettes intoxicating. To someone unfamiliar with nicotine, it can give them a buzz.
2. Why would anyone want to start smoking when they know it's bad for them and becomes addicting?
They may just be stupid. Or, they may feel that the risks of smoking will be outweighed by the perceived reduction in stress and increase in pleasure.
3. Dianne has a smoking problem. If she got one of those electric cigarettes that do not contain nicotine, would that fulfill the craving and solve the addiction problem? They are sold at malls in the Philippines now.
It could help her replace the action of smoking, but if there is no nicotine in the vapor, she will not get the drug that her body and brain crave. Also, not all the vapor formulas are the same and I don't know which ones are better quality or worse quality. They generally contain propylene glycol or glycerin and some flavors (and some actually do contain nicotine--in fact, a lot of them do). But some are bad quality. And some of the electronic cigarettes themselves are bad quality and break easily, so they are a waste of money. before buying something like this, there is some research that needs to be done.

Also, electronic cigarette vapor may possibly contain some small quantity of toxins (almost everything contains some toxins, though), or irritate the lungs somewhat. But there is no reason to believe they are as hazardous as cigarette smoke.

Cigarette smoke is very hot and is known to contain appreciable quantities of carcinogens. The exposure of mucous membranes to extreme heat alone can increase the risk of cancer (people who drink boiling hot tea get cancer at a high rate--even though the tea doesn't contain many carcinogens, the extreme heat itself is carcinogenic). So the lack of heat from an electronic cigarette, itself, is a huge benefit.
4. Is it true that people who die from smoking do so from the anxiety and stress of trying to quit, rather than the nicotine itself?
The worse part of cigarettes are the carcinogens and the heat of the smoke. The nicotine itself, while not great for you, is RELATIVELY benign. The worst part of nicotine is that it is addictive when combined with the MAOIs in the tobacco plant, and also that it is somewhat of a co-carcinogen (it discourages cellular apoptosis for cells damaged by toxins in cigarette smoke).

People who die from smoking generally die from heart disease or cancer. There is ample evidence that the cigarette smoke itself is the cause of this.
Why is it that people in the 1800's and in Germany today, where people smoke a lot, they do not die of lung cancer like smokers in America do?
In the 1800's, diagnostics were not as advanced as they are today. It's very possible that a lot of people did die of lung cancer back then, but doctors weren't good at identifying lung cancer, so the cause of death could have been listed as something else.

I would be curious to see the smoking rate and lung cancer rate of modern germany.
Is it because if you don't worry about it, it's not as harmful as if you keep worrying about it? Is this theory true?
I doubt there's any good evidence for this idea.
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Post by jamesbond »

Renata wrote:People that smoke are just plain stupid ... they know it's detrimental to their health but still do it anyway. The cost of cigarettes could double & they would still buy it.
I also have never understood people who smoke. They know it's bad for their health and yet they still do it. I would never date or marry a woman who smokes, I avoid smokers like the plague! :D

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Re: Why do people start smoking if they're not addicted prio

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

I also think that smoking is like marriage. Everyone knows that both are bad for them, but social pressure prompts them to do both and once they engage in it, they cannot extract themselves without undue harm to their well-being.

I suspect a form of cognitive dissonance is at play.
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Re: Why do people start smoking if they're not addicted prio

Post by xiongmao »

In Spain everybody seems to smoke. A Spanish person would think it strange to have a coffee without a cigarette - it's definitely a cultural thing which we tea drinking Brits wouldn't understand.

I like my apartment, but my housemates were economical with the truth about their smoking habits. Spanish people smoke in their apartments, whereas British people rarely do these days - they'll go outside for a cigarette. It's like I'm back in 1970's Britain or America where people still smoked in movie theatres and offices.

I've always had a bit of a cough, and it seems to be the lingering stuff in cigarettes that irritates my throat.
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Re: Why do people start smoking if they're not addicted prio

Post by onethousandknives »

Tried smoking, do not smoke, though. I've had a total of about a dozen cigarettes in my life? Most in high school. Anyway, basically, having a cigarette gives you a nice stimulant rush and relaxes you, not in a gigantic way, but enough to feel something. I've been told after you're addicted you don't get much of a rush or feeling of relaxation from cigarettes, but at least the few cigarettes I've tried in my life I've gotten that feeling, and it feels good. Basically, the closest I can describe the feeling is like having a coffee or energy drink, just with the initial hit being stronger, but lasting less time, and also more relaxation.

However, weighing the cost/benefit analysis, I decided to not smoke because it's unhealthy and costs a lot. But, I completely understand why people smoke, though, having tried it. But for me personally I decided coffee was more economical, as cigarettes and coffee felt almost identical in feeling to me, and coffee is less likely to harm your health. But, can't deny that cigarettes actually do feel good, and I completely understand why people do it. I won't do it, but I understand. If cigarettes cost $1 a pack and I didn't know it was unhealthy, I'd probably do it, too.

Winston, regarding #4, smoking is still obviously bad. However, I do believe it is at least somewhat overblown as far as health effects go. In Japan life expectancy is better than in USA but tobacco use rates are way higher. However, lots more people die of lung cancer. But, they die later than Americans. So if you're smoking and have an otherwise healthy diet and lifestyle, obviously it's a strike against you, but it's probably better to smoke and walk around everyday and eat the generally low fat home cooked food common in Japan than sit on the couch, be 300lbs, and eat frozen pizza and Lil Debbie snacks all day.

Also, the weight gain regarding quitting smoking isn't to be taken lightly. Especially if you're using an SSRI drug to quit smoking. My aunt was already obese when starting smoking, at around 200lbs at 5'2, but now that she quit smoking she's closer to 300lbs thanks likely to the SSRI and not having a raised metabolic rate from the nicotine stimulant in cigarettes. I mean she doesn't cough as much anymore, but she's still very unhealthy, and now her diabetic problems are much worse and she's been hospitalized for them a few times.
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Re: Why do people start smoking if they're not addicted prio

Post by Wolfeye »

I smoke & I don't smoke all the time. If she wants to cut down, tell her to try smoking one ALL the way & then going without a couple that she'd normally have afterward. I don't think there's really a HUGE issue when someone smokes, it's just that there are a lot of other issues that get blamed on smoking where present. I'm not saying you couldn't get any problems, it's just that there's a difference between smoking a few cigarettes in a day & smoking a few packs in a day.

As for why someone would keep doing it, I think it's something you want later, not immediately- like you want another cigarette in a few days, not right after the first one.

For the damage, I think American cigarettes are f***ed-with more than others. It seems like there's more chemicals & the tobacco is probably altered in some way. Maybe it works in combination with other things & causes problems that way?

A side-note: I've heard that smoking can have benefits to the brain, at least when it's not in huge doses. It seems that it can prevent Alzheimer's & Parkinson's- possibly off-setting the second. I guess it's a bit like coffee- if you have three POTS a day, it'll do a number on you & the longer you do it the worse it'll be.

I notice no one seems to get nervous if they see someone swallow a pill, even though it can be pretty hard to predict what the effect of that pill will be. Someone might go bat-shit crazy right after taking it & go after random people in the same coffee place that people used to smoke in. And if you take out a cigarette to light outside, people will look at you like you just pulled out an Uzi. I swear, it seems like whipping out your dick in a crowd is more socially acceptable than smoking in public.
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