Meet your meat: Can you stomach the truth about your dinner?

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Meet your meat: Can you stomach the truth about your dinner?

Post by Winston »

Meet your meat: Can you stomach the truth about your dinner plate?

To see a shocking film of the truth, and learn how you can help save lives and be healthier, have cleaner karma, and look younger, view this video below or download it.

Note: If you agree with it and want to help save lives, please pass this on to your friends.

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Meat eaters and those who argue in favor of it can NEVER refute one fact, which is that if THEY were the cows, chickens or pigs, they would not want to be slaughtered. Thus if I ask them, “If you were the cow or chicken or pig, would you want someone to slaughter you?� they either admit that they wouldn’t, or they try to dodge the question. This proves beyond a doubt that their meat eating is in direct contradiction with their principles. If they don’t want to be killed, they can’t logically justify eating meat of animals that are killed in painful atrocities, which support and increases the demand for it. To do so creates an inescapable hypocrisy. Thus the meat eater’s value system is inherently flawed, “I don’t mind that animals are killed for meat, as long as I’m not an animal.� Yeah right. That is indefensible.
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Post by Winston »

Here is a response from my list to this post. My response is below it as well.

"I have to argue against this Wiston:

I am not a cow, pig, or chicken ut I am an Omnivore Homosapien thus I was designed to eat meat. Cows, pigs, and chickens are on this earth to be eaten. They are a source of food for me and countless other living organisms. Cows, pigs and chickens serve a purpose just like corn, tomatoes, and beans... to be eaten for food which makes energy which allows me to conitnue living. Inorder for me to eat meat an animal has to serve its purpose, the means to that purpose is death. The hypothetical question of if I were a cow, pig, or chicken will not and cannot work on me. I am a human. The cow is for me to eat and drink from as well as provide clothing. The chicken provides me with eggs and meat, the pig provides meat. Just like the corn, tomatoes, and potatoes. The cow happens to have four legs, the corn has a stalk. The beans have a vine and the tomatoes have little flowers. Texans raise cattle, the Iceland People raise lambs, the Argentines raise goats, and the Japanese catch fish. This is there means of supporting their families and bringing in an income as well as a meal on the table. If I were a cow I would not know any better than to graze in a pasture under blue skys all day everyday and rest at night every night until my owner sent me to market. I sacrifice income to buy meat just like the farmer sacrificed his cow to the market for money. The cow sacrificed his life and gets 10 years of grazing pastures. "

My response:

"But how do you know that the animals are here to give you meat? Where is the proof or evidence of that? Isn't that highly subjective and a mere belief based on what other people told you?

The hypothetical question is still valid. If you don't want someone killing you for food, then you can't logically demand it of other creatures. What if superior aliens came to earth and said they could kidnap you and do awful experiments on you, because you were inferior to them? Would you accept that?

I don't think cows and pigs like to be killed. Why do you think animals run away when being attacked? There is scientific evidence that they experience pain and fear too. Didn't you know?

Did you try watching the videos that were linked in the post yet? If so, they might open your eyes to what's going on. With spiritual growth comes awakenings such as vegetarianism is better, among other progresses. "
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Post by mattizzle81 »

Lions, tigers, bears, wolves, dogs, snakes, sharks and a multitude of other animals have preyed upon and slaughtered other species for food for millions upon millions of years. We are no different. Humans evolved to eat meat, that is why we have all this technology today. A lot of our technology was developed in order to hunt for food and to defend ourselves against predators which would eat US without mercy.

So despite our weak bodies, we came up with a strategy of using our brains to develop better substitutes for teeth and claws.

Are lions immoral? Are wolves? Sharks? Are they inherently "bad" or evil in what they do to feed themselves? All those poor seals that the sharks kill, brutally eating the seals alive to feed their appetite for meat. THOSE CRUEL INSENSITIVE BASTARDS!

If a shark along with thousands of other types of animals in nature are perfectly fine with eating meat, and have been for millions of years along with our ancestors, I have no problem with it.

Just like a shark feels no pity for a seal it kills, I feel no pity for a fish or a chicken. A shark would feel no guilt in eating me alive, I feel no guilt eating shark fin soup ;)

Carnivores are part of nature and have been for millions of years, there is nothing "immoral" about something so natural that has been part of nature since almost he beginning of life itself.

Peta are a bunch of nutbars who feel more compassion for other species than their own species and seek to demonize and create guilt for something which is perfectly natural and by no means more cruel than anything else in nature.

I'm sure a shark could try to survive by eating seaweed, but that wasn't the niche that it was given in nature. It's DNA tells it to eat meat, that is how it survives best.

Humans survived by eating a combination diet of meat and veggies, that's what I'll continue to eat despite protests from PETA ;)

Post by Guest »

While the topic of evolution is very relevant and applicable for this topic, it, and the other arguments, are unwarranted because of the very question itself. The question itself is illogical because cows, pigs, chickens, etc. are not capable of such advanced consciousness wherein they could pose the question of life. Cows do not think this practice is cruel or unfair, simply because they can't.

I think therefore I am. They don't therefore they are dinner. Eat up!
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Post by TheRiDdLeR »

Just because you are too cheap to buy meat Wu doesnt mean the rest of us should be to. Your choice to not eat meat would be more financially driven than anything else.
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Post by Winston »

mattizzle81 wrote:Lions, tigers, bears, wolves, dogs, snakes, sharks and a multitude of other animals have preyed upon and slaughtered other species for food for millions upon millions of years. We are no different. Humans evolved to eat meat, that is why we have all this technology today. A lot of our technology was developed in order to hunt for food and to defend ourselves against predators which would eat US without mercy.

So despite our weak bodies, we came up with a strategy of using our brains to develop better substitutes for teeth and claws.

Are lions immoral? Are wolves? Sharks? Are they inherently "bad" or evil in what they do to feed themselves? All those poor seals that the sharks kill, brutally eating the seals alive to feed their appetite for meat. THOSE CRUEL INSENSITIVE BASTARDS!

If a shark along with thousands of other types of animals in nature are perfectly fine with eating meat, and have been for millions of years along with our ancestors, I have no problem with it.

Just like a shark feels no pity for a seal it kills, I feel no pity for a fish or a chicken. A shark would feel no guilt in eating me alive, I feel no guilt eating shark fin soup ;)

Carnivores are part of nature and have been for millions of years, there is nothing "immoral" about something so natural that has been part of nature since almost he beginning of life itself.

Peta are a bunch of nutbars who feel more compassion for other species than their own species and seek to demonize and create guilt for something which is perfectly natural and by no means more cruel than anything else in nature.

I'm sure a shark could try to survive by eating seaweed, but that wasn't the niche that it was given in nature. It's DNA tells it to eat meat, that is how it survives best.

Humans survived by eating a combination diet of meat and veggies, that's what I'll continue to eat despite protests from PETA ;)
W: If that's so, then by that logic, shouldn't humans not have jail times or death penalties for murderers too? Is murder ok then?
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Post by Winston »

TheRiDdLeR wrote:Just because you are too cheap to buy meat Wu doesnt mean the rest of us should be to. Your choice to not eat meat would be more financially driven than anything else.
W: Fuller, you don't know anything. The vegetarian meat that I eat is more expensive than real meat. Didn't you know that?

Even rice milk is more expensive than real milk.

You've never checked prices on these things have you? You are uneducated and unknowledgeable about these things, as in most things.
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Post by mattizzle81 »

W: If that's so, then by that logic, shouldn't humans not have jail times or death penalties for murderers too? Is murder ok then?[/quote]

I can easily find fault with that logic. Murder has never been acceptable as it does not benefit the group as a whole. Any murderer in a group would immediately become an outcast and punished because they are a threat to the entire group. Death penalty was probably the most natural end result for a crazed murderer.

Also, murder is not something most carnivores engage in. Wolves work together, they don't murder eachother. Same with sharks. They don't eat eachother. It makes no sense. Even when they have rivalries or are competing for mates, when they fight, it's usually symbolic and they always make sure not to seriously injure eachother when they fight. Watch any nature video and you'll see.

The only reason we have murder today is because society is much less close-knit, plus we have invented all these weapons which make killing SOOO much easier then it would've been in the environment which we physically evolved in.

We never used to have guns for most of our history, which makes killing so impersonal. If we didn't have all this technology, we'd have to kill with our bare hands or with stones. Rarely is a person THAT brutal and psychotic to kill with their bare hands, up close, face to face.

A human killing another human isn't natural, but weapons really mess up what would otherwise be a society with no murder and a lot of harmless fist fights.

If pigs were the same species as us your logic would make sense, however, pigs aren't humans. By the very rules of nature, it isn't even comparable to murder if I eat them.
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Post by Winston »

This FAQ by the Animal Liberation Front addresses a lot of these questions: ... ityFAQ.htm

A lot of reasoned arguments are presented, for instance:

"Other common rationalizations:

"Animals eat one another in nature, so why shouldn't we eat them?"

"Aren't humans at the top of the food chain?"

"Aren't humans omnivores?"

You may choose to say, "I hear what you're saying, and I used to feel that way, too. But then I realized that in all other aspects of our lives, we don't rely on the law of the jungle, the idea that ‘might makes right,' to determine our moral values. Wouldn't you agree that we should have laws to protect dogs and cats from being abused?" Once you get their assent on that point, you can point out that farmed animals have no legal protection, that what happens to them would be illegal if they were dogs or cats, and move on, perhaps, to say something like, "Like you, I don't support murder, even though animals do fight territorial battles to the death. And no ethical person endorses rape, even though some animals rape as a method of procreation. As humans, we have the ability to be kind, rather than cruel. And of course, there is nothing natural about factory farming; these places are about as unnatural as you can get—mass cruelty, mass abuse, mass torture. Chickens are bred and drugged to grow so quickly that their legs become crippled beneath them—talk about unnatural! Does that make sense to you?"

Here you grant that the question makes sense, find some common ground in combating the argument with things that the other person will resonate with, and then steer the discussion back to cruelty. "
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Re: Meet your meat: Can you stomach the truth about your dinner?

Post by josephty2 »

Trying to convince people to be vegetarians?

The mind that dreams...

oh Winston, did you ever find your Zoey? Or did you fail (caused by someone else)? I was thinking of Zoey 101 Season 1 reference, its on Netflix now. Winston, you're a lot like Quinn Pensky.
Then again, some people go all the way (cognitive dissonance/fallacy of incomplete evidence).

Eat dates.

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Re: Meet your meat: Can you stomach the truth about your dinner?

Post by Moretorque »

I went Veg in 2007 but it did not last because I prepared meals for others who were big meat eaters and now because these people are no longer with me I am doing it again for the last 9 months and it does suck but because all the information I read about the planet going to crap can mostly be solved by not eating living creatures to allow the eco to recover.

Considering the current situation humanity is in it is the right choice, besides I have eaten way more than my share of meat.
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Re: Meet your meat: Can you stomach the truth about your dinner?

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

Put your fingers in ur mouths and feel those sharp canine teeth. Know what they are for???
They are for tearing and rendering meat
Its natural to eat meat since we are the top of the food chain
Animals become out meat because that is the natural order of things
The strong feed upon the weak
The weak are meat
And the strong must eat
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Re: Meet your meat: Can you stomach the truth about your dinner?

Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

Yeap I know how most hot dogs are made and how bacon is made. "More pork sausages, Mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Please!" is still the mantra of the year!
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