Is fasting a good way to lose weight and detoxify yourself?

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Re: Is fasting a good way to detoxify yourself?

Post by Citizen »

MrMan wrote:I suppose these Breatherians can only get energy from a yellow sun. A red one won't feed them. That's why Clark Kent doesn't actually have to eat. If it was in a Superman movie, why not believe it, right? Our bodies can use sunlight to process vitamin D. That's what I've heard about. Plants have chlorophyll. They convert sunlight into sugars. We eat the sugars.

If someone can go for a super long period of time without eating and stay healthy, that's a miracle. A 40 day fast is possible, though. I know of someone whose done it, probably more than one.

A lot of this 'detox' stuff is a myth. There are people who believe they can eat saturated fats and preservatives for 30 years, and then go for a week eating broccoli shakes and that is supposed to suck all kinds of poison from their bloodstream. I hear, it takes 7 years to replace all the molecules from our bodies with new ones. It takes a while to 'cleanse' from bad eating habits. A week of drinking broccoli won't do it. People who sell books on fasting may insist that toxins are stored in the fat. Is there any kind of scientific literature to back that up? Fasting may have some health benefits. I'm suspicious of calling it 'detox.'
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Re: Is fasting a good way to detoxify yourself?

Post by w.p.o. »

fasting is a good way to neglect your body of the nutrients it needs for survival. Eating very clean and drinking juiced fruits and veggies are the way to go. Tea with ginger (the actual root). Coupled with frequent trips to the sauna (preferably an infarred sauna). Seriously consider supplementing nascent iodine and selenium. Google Dr. Edward Group for some good tips. Of course, with anything else, trial-n-error is something you must go through to see what is ideal. Don't forget a probiotic. It helps flushes you from within.

The word 'detox' refers to the elimination of toxins from the body. Either it be from the organs or the skin. You need natural laxatives and you gotta sweat profusely.
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Is Intermittent Fasting effective for growing muscles and losing weight?

Post by Aron »

This video seems highly logical as far as I can tell. The gist of it is that by fasting on week days prior to 4 PM in the day, after which you eat, and exercising during the period of fasting, your body isn't busy digesting any food so your cells can focus on dealing with the fat and promoting muscle growth. Also it's important to mention that when starting this diet you're supposed to ease into it and not do 5 days of fasting a week immediately, so your body can adjust. First 2 weeks you fast 3 days in a week(not sequentially) and later on you adjust to 5 days of fasting a week, although obviously you still get to eat after 4 PM but no later than 12PM. From an evolutionary biology standpoint this seems logical as well as in hunter gatherer societies you might have to spend a while hunting food in the morning and day before you could get a solid meal. Eating food all the time doesn't seem so rational given that your body will then be constantly spending energy digesting and not on losing weight.

Last edited by Aron on July 6th, 2018, 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Is Intermittent Fasting effective for growing muscles and losing weight?

Post by Winston »

Ok I think you can post links now Aron. Try posting the link to the video here, or embedding it using the YouTube tags.
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Re: Is Intermittent Fasting effective for growing muscles and losing weight?

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

I've been Intermittent Fasting for 4 years now. I essentially eat only one meal a day. It works but start slow by fasting a few times a week. After awhile, you''ll find that you will want to eat only one meal a day. Three meals a day is ridiculous and unnecessary.

There are some caveats to note. When you are fasting, you should be drinking more water than usual. In fact, it is dangerous to not drink water while fasting.

Also, it is ok to take in about 500 calories or less while you are fasting so a typical day might be:

One bottle of cold water first thing in the morning!

One banana and green tea without sugar (use Stevia or no sweetener if you can) and nuts and fiber.

For lunch have an apple, peach, or other fruit and water or tea and nuts and fiber.

For dinner have your meal of choice ideally with lean meat included.

-You should be working out after the banana or fruit injection and drink, drink, drink more water!
-None of this grows your muscles, but it cuts you up by burning the fat that hides the muscles.
-Eating fruit and other things can trigger you to want to break the fast so you should be careful.
-The hunger pangs are your friend. It means your body is burning fat instead of calories.
-Take a vitamin-mineral supplement with your fruit for optimal functioning.

This is the kicker: You will find that you have MORE energy and MORE focus at work while fasting. Fasting sharpens your senses and your resolve in the way that hunger motivates an animal that has yet to eat.

Always get your doctor's ok before you do this. Most Western doctors will advise against this, but so long as you have no pre-existing condition like diabetes, you should try it, at least a few times a week.

The one meal a day approach I use is called the Warrior Diet, although it is not a diet. It is more of a lifestyle where I don't waste hours of my day preparing and selecting breakfast and lunch.
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Re: Is Intermittent Fasting effective for growing muscles and losing weight?

Post by Moretorque »

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Re: Is Intermittent Fasting effective for growing muscles and losing weight?

Post by Aron »

"You will find that you have MORE energy and MORE focus at work while fasting. Fasting sharpens your senses and your resolve in the way that hunger motivates an animal that has yet to eat."

Yeah i've tried this diet for a little bit on and off and i do agree that it has some positive effect, possibly due to increased release of human growth hormone as Thomas De Lauer claims in the video.
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Re: Is Intermittent Fasting effective for growing muscles and losing weight?

Post by Wolfeye »

It seems like a good idea, but you might actually try most of your food in a large meal 1-2 hours before you go to sleep (Warrior Diet gets into it more, but he gist of it is that your body will go for the reserve fat instead of going for the food you theoretically ate & you don't get that crash after you eat all throughout the day- plus, your insulin doesn't keep on all the time & your body doesn't build a tolerance to it like it does with alcohol). This DOES work to lose weight & is an easy diet to adhere to (seemingly because humans ARE omnivorous predators that are more or less designed for persistence hunting during the day- so going out to look for tracks, track the animal, then continuously running after it so it keeps running away & eventually gets tired, then it either dies from the chase or a finishing blow with a spear/knife/etc). I find more energy this way & the meal is a bit more satisfying. You can actually help yourself get to sleep with this. It's less effective the more you eat in the middle, but you might have a lunch after you workout or do a decent amount of manual labor.

The metabolism isn't going to slow down until you haven't eaten for about 3 days straight. People say things like: "The body thinks it's starving so it goes into survival mode & will store everything as fat.' So then why don't starving people look like sumo wrestlers, if the body won't go after the reserve fat? It doesn't happen until it's been a long while.

As for getting STRONGER, you don't really have to get bigger. If you go as heavy as you can do 3-5 reps with (and still do 1-2 at the end, so your form doesn't go bad, as often as you can, and keeping as fresh as you can- that will work very well. You do something like 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps with 3-5 minutes of rest in between sets. This is actually called: "The 3-5 Method." You can do bodyweight calisthenics with progressively less support ("Progressive Calisthenics"), which gives you some lee-way that you don't always have with weights (ex: you do a set of presses with weights & get tired, maybe it just crept up on you or maybe you're just starting out & don't know where your level is, now that weight is going toward the ground on its own & you don't have the strength left to control its decent- with handstand or even one-armed handstand push-ups, you can just come down at any time).

You can get bigger by doing fatigue sets (ex: something you can do 10-15 sets of 10-15 reps with about 1-2 minutes of rest in between), but what winds up happening when you do intermediate-to-hard exertions for more than 20 seconds is that it'll go from being the ATP system to the glycolytic system & this starts killing your muscular mitochondria (cellular "powerhouses"), which the body has to repair on top of giving adaptation/gains- instead of it just being gains. When you get older & older, the body won't do this damage control so well, either. So you can find yourself being sluggish & more easily injured (because your musculature does a lot to keep your joints together, whether it's in a fight or a fall) because of "training to the max" & "damaging the body to make it stronger." If someone drinks & drinks their whole life, they don't get a super liver. They don't get a super pancreas from eating more & more sugar, either. So the saying "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger," is an exaggeration, at best.

A few good books are Power to the People, Relax into Stretch, and Simple & Sinister by Pavel Tsatsouline, Warrior Diet by Ori Hofmekler, and Convict Conditioning 1,2, and 3 by Paul Wade (actually the third one is called "Explosive Calisthenics," but it might come up if you type in Convict Conditioning 3). There's a thing by Dennis Rogers about stuff he does to do strongman stuff like bending wrenches, but you have to e-mail him if you want it in book form (instead of a download, which might not work on your computer or you don't have one or whatever). There's also a book called "Rough & Ready" by Mark Hatmaker that's supposed to be coming out this fall that looks VERY good (doesn't sound like there'll be a lot of the science, but a lot what historical people like Vikings & Indians did to get in shape).
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Re: Is Intermittent Fasting effective for growing muscles and losing weight?

Post by Aron »

So how often do you fast? I don't mean what you described about fasting for all but one meal a day 1-2 hours before sleep but how many days a week do you do it? Every day? 5 a week? I'd personally rather just go with the version of intermittent fasting i just mentioned since it seems like a real chore to not eat all the way until 1-2 hours before bed, but thanks for the detailed response anyways.
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Re: Is fasting a good way to lose weight and detoxify yourself?

Post by Winston »

Great video about why ancient, spiritually wise societies promoted fasting whereas the modern health industry does not:

"The practice of fasting for purification and health can be traced back as far as early as ancient Greece. The great philosopher, Pythagoras, required all his disciples to first purify themselves through fasting. Plato said, “I fast for greater physical and mental efficiency.” Plutarch said, "Instead of using medicine, rather, fast a day." The Spiritual master, Pythagoras required all his disciples to first purify themselves through fasting. The founder of modern medicine, Hippocrates, prescribed either a strict fast with nothing but water or medicinal teas, or a very slender liquid diet. He said: "Everyone has a physician inside him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food. But to eat when you are sick is to feed your sickness."

One professor of Egyptology - Waseem al-Sisi, notes that Ancient Egyptians used to fast for a total of 30 days each year. They practiced this as an exercise in self-control, which, he says, meant they considered a moral law.

Many of the world’s great religions practice fasting to purify body and mind as well: The Hindi, Baha’i, Buddhists, and Taoists and Christians. The Bible mentions several 40-day fasts, including those done by Moses, Elijah, and Jesus. In Judaism, Yom Kippur is a fast for atonement, and in Islam, fasting for Ramadan is an expression of devotion. Historically, these fasts were conducted to purify the mind and body. How does this work?"

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