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Chinese men stealing Africa's women!

Posted: March 29th, 2017, 9:03 am
by Boxman
Chinese men stealing Africa's women!

Funny articles about Ugandan men getting pissed that so many local women are now marrying Chinese men that are flooding the country for economic projects: ... eir-women/

Contractors, petty traders, investors, and entrepreneurs from China have been pouring into Uganda for the past decade. China is a top investor in the east African country, accounting for as much as half of total foreign investment between 2014 and 2015, according to the Uganda Investment Authority.

But according to Ugandan immigration officials, there’s one major downside: an increasing number of Chinese men are marrying Ugandan women to gain residency and continue their business interests in the country.

Officials told a parliamentary committee in late November that they are seeing more and more Chinese-Ugandan couples, often in sham unions. Couples are normally interviewed before spousal status is granted and Chinese men involved in sham marriages are deported.

“But we have many who are marrying and even producing… Even our Ugandan women are accepting to [reproduce] with these men,”an official from Uganda’s directorate of citizenship and immigration control told the committee.

Major infrastructure projects like Uganda’s Mandela National Stadium, a $1.7 billion hydropower dam in western Uganda, and the highway connecting Entebbe to Kampala have all been built by Chinese companies. Attracted by Uganda’s stability and demand for cheap goods, independent traders and business people are also opening factories and retail shops selling imported Chinese goods. There are between 10,000 and 50,000 Chinese in the country, local Chinese expatriates estimate.

But now, tensions appear to be rising. Ugandan authorities are conducting more raids to catch foreigners living in the country illegally. In July, 12 Chinese were arrested for violating immigration laws.

Government-to-government relations have also come under strain. Last month, Ugandan lawmakers summoned a Chinese executive of the state-owned China Communication Construction to explain the circumstances of his company’s securing a $475 million contract to build an expressway in Entebbe.

Annoyed during the briefing, Zhong Weidong, managing director of the company, told the panel, “China assists African countries to develop. If you don’t like, it can stop; we can stop
See you Asisan guys are always complaining but I think you just found your niche! I love me some fine black women...

Re: Chinese men stealing Africa's women!

Posted: March 29th, 2017, 9:20 pm
by Teal Lantern
I've been saying for a while that as China gains more power, non-Asian women would start leaning that way.
Between urban athletes & entertainers and Asian businessmen, there's going to be some real fireworks if/when this comes to 'murika. :lol:

Re: Chinese men stealing Africa's women!

Posted: March 29th, 2017, 10:12 pm
by Kradmelder
They are doing it just for residence permits. No man in his right mind would mate with these savages. May as well mate with a baboon.

Can such acts of bestiality really be considered marriage? Fornicating with the beasts of the field is a more apt description.

It would serve a purpose if the Chinese took 500 million coonesses to China, or dumped them in the sea, because at least it would stop the savages breeding more of themselves and africa would benefit. They just need to leave some breeding pairs behind to stock zoos.

Re: Chinese men stealing Africa's women!

Posted: March 30th, 2017, 11:15 am
by Boxman
Kradmelder wrote:They are doing it just for residence permits. No man in his right mind would mate with these savages. May as well mate with a baboon.

Can such acts of bestiality really be considered marriage? Fornicating with the beasts of the field is a more apt description.

It would serve a purpose if the Chinese took 500 million coonesses to China, or dumped them in the sea, because at least it would stop the savages breeding more of themselves and africa would benefit. They just need to leave some breeding pairs behind to stock zoos.

Whoah! Simmer down, champ! These are probably the more educated and civilized Ugandan women we're talking about; the average Ugandan chick probably just wants the BBC and is too simple to even contemplate hooking up with a Chinaman.

But what's wrong with educated black African chicks that behave civilized? I've personally known a few of these African women (not African American, mind you) and they have nothing in common with their fellow American blacks. They act 100% white and seem very sweet and "respectable". Is it all an act? Are these classy African ladies all hiding their inner hoodrat underneath a veneer of civility?

Maybe, but I doubt it. I think your years in S. Africa have made you too cynical my bru.

Re: Chinese men stealing Africa's women!

Posted: March 30th, 2017, 2:14 pm
by Contrarian Expatriate
I once had a Chinese Australian accuse me of stealing "their women." I thought then as I think now that such thinking is the province of the low ranking simp.

Foreign men who are more attractive to the local women are not stealing women any more than a foreigner obtaining wealth in a new country is stealing wealth.

The "stealing" complaint is simply a rationalization of their lowly status and indicative of the same inferiority complex exhibited by our two resident reprobates, Cornfed and Kradmelder.

If you can't pull the women you want, don't blame the foreign men because the problem is YOU!

Re: Chinese men stealing Africa's women!

Posted: March 30th, 2017, 2:52 pm
by Kradmelder
Contrarian Expatriate wrote:I once had a Chinese Australian accuse me of stealing "their women." I thougghtt then as I think now that such thinking is the province of the low ranking simp.

Foreign men who are more attractive to the local women are not stealing women any more than a foreigner obtaining wealth in a new country is stealing wealth.

The "stealing" complaint is simply a rationalization of their lowly status and indicative of the same inferiority complex exhibited by our two resident reprobates, Cornfed and Kradmelder.

If you can't pull the women you want, don't blame the foreign men because the problem is YOU!
You are black. You steal. That is what blacks do. Where is the surprise if as you say you steal women?

I never had a woman who would consider a darkie. All have been white only. women who commit bestiality are trash and are a write off. Decent women would rather die. And they are educated and successful. You would only be considered as a garden boy and be given a plate of pap. That sounds about right. So you are stealing only what white men put out with the trash.

so what is your point? I want nothing to do with darkies, but you want whites, That says something about climbing. First descend from the trees before climbing.

I dont really care what darkies think anyway. I may as well ask my darkie staff what is on your mind because I care.

Re: Chinese men stealing Africa's women!

Posted: March 30th, 2017, 3:15 pm
by Contrarian Expatriate
Kradmelder wrote:
Contrarian Expatriate wrote:I once had a Chinese Australian accuse me of stealing "their women." I thought then as I think now that such thinking is the province of the low ranking simp.

Foreign men who are more attractive to the local women are not stealing women any more than a foreigner obtaining wealth in a new country is stealing wealth.

The "stealing" complaint is simply a rationalization of their lowly status and indicative of the same inferiority complex exhibited by our two resident reprobates, Cornfed and Kradmelder.

If you can't pull the women you want, don't blame the foreign men because the problem is YOU!
You are black. You steal. That is what blacks do. Where is the surprise if as you say you steal women?

I never had a woman who would consider a darkie. All have been white only. women who commit bestiality are trash and are a write off. Decent women would rather die. And they are educated and successful. You would only be considered as a garden boy and be given a plate of pap. That sounds about right. So you are stealing only what white men put out with the trash.

so what is your point? I want nothing to do with darkies, but you want whites, That says something about climbing. First descend from the trees before climbing.

I dont really care what darkies think anyway. I may as well ask my darkie staff what is on your mind because I care.
The only white men who think as you do are the sex-deprived, envious, and resentful ones whose sexual insecurities prevent them from risking embarrassment for not being able to sexually please a white woman whose felt the truly "deep" and "widening" experience of being with a black man.

I get that. But what I don't get is a white South African who claims I steal when white South African men often engage in pedophilia, child rape, fraud, and historical land larceny in volumes unrivaled any where in the world. This being Happier Abroad, I find in necessary to state that no country to permit you to enter as a protective measure for the local children. Just because you don't have what it takes to please a "black man-pleasured" white woman, does not give you license to go after little children!

Something will ultimately ignite in South Africa so your people get your just desserts. When I was working in Africa, black south Africans were already whispering about it to me even. After having encountered your attitude here, I know they are fully justified.

Re: Chinese men stealing Africa's women!

Posted: March 30th, 2017, 4:27 pm
by Cornfed
Contrarian Expatriate wrote:Foreign men who are more attractive to the local women are not stealing women
If people have invested a lot of resources in developing an asset and then someone can come along and uplift it because he has some unwarranted advantage (in your case the ZOG handing you money for being a monkoid) then how is that not stealing?

Re: Chinese men stealing Africa's women!

Posted: March 30th, 2017, 4:34 pm
by Adama
Contrarian Expatriate wrote:I once had a Chinese Australian accuse me of stealing "their women."

God made all nations of one blood. Some say that going with a different race is an abomination. However, every idle world will come under judgment and will have to be accounted for before the Lord (either at the Great White Throne or at the Seat of Bema).

And we know that men don't gather sharp weapons with their tongues, such as thorns or thistles, unless they are corrupt trees. Those who speak with thorns and thistles are corrupt trees.

Matthew 12
33 Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit.
34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
35 A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.
36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

Re: Chinese men stealing Africa's women!

Posted: March 30th, 2017, 6:32 pm
by starchild5
Guys, Marriage is a sacred union. It does not involve race at all. You got to make the same sacrifice irrespective of your better half is white, black or brown to make things work.

Its commendable that people are actually marrying in these times. I respect that. Its not easy to be married in these times for anyone.

After I read the article...I watched a bunch of videos and this Chinese guy story was Amazing.


He married a local zambian women, has three kids and they all are super smart and wants to become doctors and pilots. He owns over 200 stores in Zambia and employees 100s of locals.

He is happy, his family is happy, zambians are happy with the Chinese bringing business to Africa.

Much better than making a girl pregnant and running away or getting divorced as with many same race marriage. If the marriage is rock solid...whats the problem here...

If you sacrifice in a relationship...Race problems are nullified...

Its a good thing that Chinese are marrying local women, even if to get just a visa but they are not dumping them once they get permanent residency or making fake marriage certificates to stay in Africa.

Yesterday, I watched many many Chinese-African marriage family videos and Its all a WORKING FAMILY...

Isn't this really the essence of this forum itself..??? HAPPIER ABROAD :D

Re: Chinese men stealing Africa's women!

Posted: March 30th, 2017, 8:08 pm
by Yohan
The problem I see is not about international/interracial marriage - it is about marriage and life in Africa in countries, which are under the administration of governments you cannot trust. Many of these black people in power are totally uneducated and corrupt and such a country can go totally crazy and the only what you can do is to leave immediately.

You have to make sure to be always ready to pack your things overnight and to go back from where you come originally.
Have a reliable escape route and keep a good part of your money outside of these countries.

BTW, all black educated African people I had to do while still working for African former French colonies did the same, they had their accounts somewhere in France or Belgium and a first class air ticket and creditcard in their wallet.

Things can seriously change within a very short time in Africa, just enough time to run...

I have to mention again, I was working for former French colonies only. There was never anything coming up among us all which could be considered as race discrimination.
Just more the opposite, every black man told me to come to their home and for sure the young black girl is ready to serve and you like it white then buy her a white bra and a white panty.... LOL

Black poor women often told me, they had good experience with white families when serving them as maid or similar low-paid job and were often treated better by them than by rich local black families.

Race discrimination is somewhat a UK/USA/South Africa thing, it does not exist everywhere.

Re: Chinese men stealing Africa's women!

Posted: March 30th, 2017, 10:23 pm
by Kradmelder
Cornfed wrote:
Contrarian Expatriate wrote:Foreign men who are more attractive to the local women are not stealing women
If people have invested a lot of resources in developing an asset and then someone can come along and uplift it because he has some unwarranted advantage (in your case the ZOG handing you money for being a monkoid) then how is that not stealing?
When a darkie takes your sugar, or breaks into your home, they don't see it as stealing. They feel entitled to it. Just like a baboon stealing a farmer's bananas feels entitled tof take what it wants if it can get away with it. Then when they get shot for their apelike pilfering it is racism. Just like a baboon, they would never consider working to grow their own. Their nature is to steal.

They will never admit it is their nature. It is always slavery, apartheid, racism, colonialism to blame. Blame it on whitey. They will continue to use this story 100 years from now when they are rioting and stealing in New York, London, Johannesburg or where ever they infest.

Re: Chinese men stealing Africa's women!

Posted: March 31st, 2017, 5:44 am
by Adama
This message that blacks are darkies, kaffirs, baboons, monkeys, apes, subhuman, etc. is getting old rather quickly. This is basically ruining every thread in which certain person(s) participate in, to the point where normal discussion is derailed by this racism. It's like we're all being sucked into this world of hate. If we wanted to read about this kind of racial talk, we'd each join a forum tailored to it. Yet these persons come here to infect us with their vile speech and hatred which they have for humanity. Normal people do not want to read this on a daily basis, especially considering we have not signed up for it. It is also ungodly and testifies that the person repeatedly speaking such evil has an evil heart. There is truly no reason to bring this up repeatedly.

Those people who love devouring words will be destroyed by God. That's even in the Old Testament, Psalms 52. Those who mock the poor are reproaching God. That is in Proverbs twice that I recall.

Re: Chinese men stealing Africa's women!

Posted: March 31st, 2017, 6:29 am
by Contrarian Expatriate
Adama wrote:This message that blacks are darkies, kaffirs, baboons, monkeys, apes, subhuman, etc. is getting old rather quickly. This is basically ruining every thread in which certain person(s) participate in, to the point where normal discussion is derailed by this racism. It's like we're all being sucked into this world of hate. If we wanted to read about this kind of racial talk, we'd each join a forum tailored to it. Yet these persons come here to infect us with their vile speech and hatred which they have for humanity. Normal people do not want to read this on a daily basis, especially considering we have not signed up for it. It is also ungodly and testifies that the person repeatedly speaking such evil has an evil heart. There is truly no reason to bring this up repeatedly.

Those people who love devouring words will be destroyed by God. That's even in the Old Testament, Psalms 52. Those who mock the poor are reproaching God. That is in Proverbs twice that I recall.
Part of this is my fault. I enjoy drawing these views out of our special cases so others see just what we are dealing with. Perhaps I've gotten a bit too efficient at baiting them, but I truly enjoy deciphering the clues in their posts as to why they feel that way.

Succumbing to the pangs of personal failure coupled with convenient scapegoating is the reason. I am 100% sure that Cornfed and Kaldmelder feel themselves to be rejected by their own women and inferior to blacks in some ways, so theirs is a deep overcompensation akin to the Shakespearean "Woman [who] doth protesteth too much." They are to be pitied more than scorned.

But the true cause is Winston's overly permissive policing of the board. If there were a modicum of moderating the forums, this would again be a forum for finding happiness abroad instead of a sounding board for socially rejected malcontents like our "special" two members. As it stands now, the RooshV's travel forum has supplanted Happier Abroad.

Re: Chinese men stealing Africa's women!

Posted: March 31st, 2017, 6:58 am
by Adama
Even before you commented, the third post of this thread was unprovoked, in which relations with blacks is likened to bestiality. So it isn't your fault. I don't know who is envious or not, but it is sickening to read such filth every single day.