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Respectable sites?

Posted: July 20th, 2016, 5:43 am
by spectre16
Hi all.

So, I'm nearly 27 and it seems that my relationship options in Australia have slimmed down to:

1) Date a fat/ugly/horrible woman. (Or a doomsday situation of all 3)
2) Become a step father
or 3) Live alone for the rest of my life

(For the record, I'm not a complete dropkick. I have a steady job, bought a house and I'm pretty fit and active, but, I guess since I am a little on the short side at 173 cm tall, I don't "measure up" to Australian womens standards)

In my opinion, Australian women are such a waste of time and effort, so, I've been pretty well set on going option 3, but, thanks to Anti Feminism Australia, this site caught my eye and now I'm wondering if maybe I would have more luck overseas and since we live in the wonderful age of the internet, I was wondering, are there any respectable sites that might help put me on the right track? Or, is this a pipe dream? (And when I say respectable, I mean sites that aren't scams filled to the brim with fake profiles)

Posted: July 25th, 2016, 2:45 am
by Ghost

Re: Respectable sites?

Posted: July 25th, 2016, 8:04 pm
by wanderlust
The pickings online are mighty slim throughout the Anglosphere. I've noticed the quality of interactions there go downhill sharply since the smartphone became the norm.

From past experience, the girls who were always online were the worst investment of time and effort. Of all the Anglosphere sites I've ever used, Eharmony was the only one worth talking about. It wasn't good (mainly lots of time wasters), but the other sites were definitely worse.

You can't expect to find a childless, sincere, sane, healthy, intelligent, respectable, single woman of an acceptable age range online in the West if you're a normal guy. If you don't know such a woman in person for at least a few weeks, but maybe several few years, you're probably out of luck.

Re: Respectable sites?

Posted: July 25th, 2016, 9:26 pm
by Signet
It would be helpful to know what kind of women you are interested in.

I do believe that there was supposed to be a master list of 'legit' international dating sites somewhere in one of the subforums here, but I have no idea if it has since become an unreadable mess (as is wont to happen around here), as I have not looked for it in awhile.

Re: Respectable sites?

Posted: July 27th, 2016, 12:55 pm
by Slick
spectre16 wrote:
1) Date a fat/ugly/horrible woman. (Or a doomsday situation of all 3)
2) Become a step father
or 3) Live alone for the rest of my life
This is being quite common in the United States as well. For a fourth option, I'd rather bang childfree 18 year old girls without any drama or complications. If I could, I'd hop on a jet plane and adios. Off to Eastern Europe where there's a surplus of young single women.