Poll: Does Winston give a damn about his own forum?

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Poll: Does Winston give a damn about his own forum?

No, he doesn't get rid of trolls or clean up the spam since they make it look more active. Claiming he had to let all trolls back in due to a technicality was just an excuse
Intermediate opinion
Yes, but he is so hell bent on free speech that prefers to err on the side of freedom.
Does Winston really make a living out of this?
Total votes: 36
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Re: Poll: Does Winston give a damn about his own forum?

Post by Rock »

Winston wrote:
Rock wrote:
Cornfed wrote:
Winston wrote:Notice that option number one got the most votes, despite it being the LEAST accurate. The reason? Obviously because it is the most NEGATIVE option and the RIDICULING one as well. So it got the most votes ONLY for being the most negative, even though it was the least accurate. A logical person would have voted the second or third option. That doesn't bode well for the members here. It means they aren't logical or objective at all, but hell bent toward anything negative, even if it's false and inaccurate. That doesn't speak well of the members here. So Steve55 and other critics are right, that the problem here is that you guys are way wayyyyyyyyyyyy wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too hell bent on negativity, criticism, cynicism and ridicule. That's what's driving people away from this forum, NOT my bad management. So look at yourself in the mirror guys.
Oh come on Winston. If you had not been neglecting the forum this wouldn’t be an issue. If you had been a diligent employee or entrepreneur you would have been doing what you have been doing in the last few days all the time. Instead it has taken you weeks to do anything. Imagine your dad owned this forum as a business, the guy managing it ran it like you do and your dad asked for your advice. I think you would advise him to fire the manager.
Winston, it's not that we wanna be negative. It's just that the overwhelming majority of core posters here from past and present believe:

1. You frequently neglect the forum completely, maybe as much as 70-80% or more of the time.

2. You don't even bother to at least skim each thread. You miss a lot more than even many of us even though you are the owner and beneficiary of all the work that goes in it. And when you do read stuff, you're often very late to the game, often many weeks late.

3. A large number of quality core posters have either left or no longer contribute much because they are not happy with the direction this forum has gone.

4. The forum has become a cesspit of negativity, racism, and trolling.

5. As Mr. S pointed out, volume (post numbers and word count) seems to have declined significantly from a few years ago unless you include all the spam and troll posts.

6. Many get tired of the retarded conspiracy flat earth nonsense and other half baked pseudo science and sky is falling Tacoest stuff.

I'm personally fed up with this place. I follow it everyday like an addict but I don't contribute much anymore. As I explained to El Claudio, if I spent a lot of time to put together a good report, I might get 2-3 quality responses if I was lucky and perhaps a few one-liners or sarcastic quips from the likes of Banano. Back in the day, a good report could generate many pages of great discussion. Now it's kinda become a small circus and we come off as losers for being here.

Case in point. At this very moment, I'm in Accra Ghana, a very exotic local. Am I gonna put together a trip report with photos similar to what I did with Jamaica, Haiti, or DR? Nah. Too much trouble for too little reward in the way of responses and follow-up discussion. I'd be better off just sharing w a few friends on Whats app or not even bothering. There is no reward for posting here like there used to be.

I realize you will deny much if not all of what I've stated above. Again, as I told El Claudilo, what looks purple to Winston may look green to many others. Such is the nature of perception and perhaps reality itself is not absolute but rather relative. Still though Winston, you should ask yourself a few hard questions - Why have so many good to great posters abandoned ship or cut down their contributions here to almost nil if nothing has gotten any worse? Why are trip reports so rare these days? Why is the noise to signal ratio here so high? If we've all become negative, perhaps the source is a chronic lack of leadership and consistent hands-on management of the place. If happierabroad.com was a publicly traded asset, I bet the share price would be way down from it's peak by now. It's an eroding asset.
Whether you want to be negative or not, you ARE negative. Most of you are. There no doubt about it. Why else would most people pick the most NEGATIVE option in this poll even though it's the least accurate and least logical? Obviously because people love negativity and are addicted to it. It's obvious and a no brainer.

1, 2. Excuse me Rock. Most forum owners rarely participate in their own forum. David Icke does not participate in his massive forum. Neither does Alex Jones. Even Rooshv doesn't participate that much in his own forum. Get real. The forum owner is supposed to have a life and be a role model to follow. The forum owner is not supposed to read every thread either. That would take all day and all night, or at least many hours.

3. The reason a lot of good posters no longer post is the SAME reason I don't. They have a life in the real offline world, and they are busy with lots of things. You know how life is. Tons of distractions, people to pay attention to, things to do, errands, eat, sleep, laundry, etc. etc. Only computer geeks have time to post all the time. Don't you get it?

Besides, Ladislav and Mr S are active in the Facebook group. They find it easier to upload pics and follow. Some people prefer FB. That's not my fault. Why do you think everyone is my fault or under my control? Free speech is not supposed to have too much control or censorship. Some of my other forums died out due to posters getting banned.

4. Why do you blame me for what people post here? Do you expect me to control and restrict their free speech? If so, tons of people will complain and leave. What solution do you suggest for getting people to post more positive useful stuff here? You are complaining but you don't have realistic solutions.

5. I thought you conceded that forum traffic was the same, according to Google Analytics, as we discussed earlier. Why are you now saying the opposite? You keep contradicting yourself. You are so unstable Rock and waffling. I told you, there's no objective proof that the forum traffic is dwindling. Again, click the Active Topics link above. Last time I clicked it, there were 76 active topics of the last 7 days, which is pretty good, remember? That right there PROVES you wrong. Traffic may rise and fall, but on the average, it's still about the same. Click on the active topics page and you will see. Did you do that? If so, you will prove yourself wrong, but you don't want to be wrong right? So you don't click the link. lol. Go figure.

How many times do I have to repeat the same things to you Rock? Are you deaf?????? Should I copy and paste the above to you again below? Do you need to read the above twice in order to remember it? lol Or thrice? lol

6. If you don't like the flat earth stuff, then don't participate in those threads. Don't read them. Don't post in them. Simple as that. Are you a child who needs to be told what to do? Do you need to learn common sense? If you don't like something, then ignore it. But if we set up a rule that no flat earth topics are allowed, then it would restrict free speech and another group of people would complain. How about we start a poll to see if the majority of posters would like to have rules banning pseudo topics like flat earth, etc? If so, then what else would you lump into this "pseudo" category? Conspiracy topics? 9/11? Anti-semitism? What's next? Anything weird or someone thinks is kooky (even if true) would go into that category? Pretty soon we would be a politically correct forum. Is that what you want? If not, then what do you suggest exactly?

Be a man. Honor free speech. If you don't like a topic, then ignore it. Don't click on them.

Even Mr S does not believe that free speech here should be restricted. Like me, he posts a lot of conspiracy stuff and metaphysical stuff here too. So he wouldn't be in favor of censoring such topics.

Yes I understand what you mean about writing a long trip report with pictures, and then getting very few replies. That happens with my threads sometimes too. It even happens with Everdred, though some of his threads have a good number of responses. Why is that my fault? What do you want me to do about that? You want me to force people to reply to your trip report threads? How would I force people to do that????????? Why you blaming me for things outside my control? lol. Isn't that illogical?

Besides Rock, we all know you come here for the entertainment value of it. You like oddballs and you find the odd cast of characters to be interesting and intriguing. It tickles your funny bone. That's why you loved odbo's posts. He didn't contribute anything practical, but his anti-semite posts and cartoons were funny and made you laugh. That's why you wanted him back remember? For your ENTERTAINMENT. Admit it. You like oddballs and eccentrics. That's why you even defend that poser who pretends to be my dad. You know it's not my dad, but you find it funny, so you defend it, cause it's ENTERTAINING to you. So admit it, this forum is a source of entertainment for you. You like the weird characters here, the eccentric personalities and the oddballs, as well as the free flowing free speech here. It creates a vibe and character that is like nowhere else. That's why you come back, and why others do too.

Even regular posters check in sometimes. Even MarcosZeitola checks the forum sometimes. I saw his profile and he regularly comes and reads posts still, even though he's not active. Same with billy and anamericaninbangkok other non-active members. They still come back to see what's going on, even if they no longer post. I know because their profiles show that they recently logged in.

I'm tired of repeating all this Rock, please re-read the above a few times. Sheesh.
Yes you repeat things many times. Like your ebook could be boiled down to a fraction of it's size an still have all the relevant content in-tact. I'll let you in on something Winston. Just because you repeat something doesn't make it correct or accurate. Just because you swear to something or say it's 1000% true doesn't make it so. So you told us many times? So what. I know that this forum used to be a much better place as far as the topic of Happier Abroad is concerned.

As for the most active topics, it's a big mistake for you to use that as a gauge. If you instead use the latest 100 topics, you can monitor when a post is made and how many posts are made in a certain period of time, say over a 24 hour period of time. That's what I do. It ensures that you don't miss anything, especially threads which are started but don't attract responses. I've made many such threads and usually you miss them unless I point them out to you. And if you eliminate the troll threads, harsh racism, moon landing idiocy, rants about American women, and petty fights between the few left here, you will find the post numbers and word counts are in fact down when compared to a few years ago. Even if you include the retarded conspiracy flat earth stuff, it's still down.

Yes, many moderators of larger forums are not so active anymore. But guess what. They put solid systems in place to make sure the forum get's 24/7 moderation according to guidelines and that spam does not flood the place. They also seem to know whats going on through their lieutenants and deputies. So if I bring up a thread to them, they don't scratch their head and ask me who that poster is. The forum content generated at present is light enough that one person could follow it all. Even with my skimming, I pretty much catch everything. That's more than I can say for you, the guy who's collecting 1-2 K per month from a forum which is coasting on it's archives.

Your forum is kinda a joke these days. Yes, perhaps it may be out of your control to some extent. But you've become lazy and inconsistent as far as it's concerned so you don't even try much.

BTW, I'm not negative about everything. I'm positive about Thailand for fun, Taiwan for quality life environment, Philippines for dating, and Africa for exotic experiences. I try to encourage people when I see solutions for them. I only become negative when I see them dropping the ball, being lazy, or acting stupid. You see, when I get pissed off in Phils, it usually has to do with one of those three factors above when I try to accomplish a business task or even get decent service.

As leader, you should at least shape the forum into positive directions such as spiritual growth, creative solutions to finding happier abroad lives now that many areas are being contaminated, help to newbies, and quashing of extreme racism, negativity, or petty bickering which you yourself sometimes participate in.

You are like a 40 year old kid when it comes to taking in constructive criticism. You've lost many posters who might have stayed if you behaved more like a man and less like an emotional boy. So straight up, it is what it has become and that's not good. If you changed, it might be salvageable to an extent in spite of what Mr. S and Cornfed have said about the broader environment. But none of us are holding our breathes.

Guys, are there any alternatives to forums like this now that forums in general seem to be in decline? What do people do now to swap happier abroad information and trip reports?

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Re: Poll: Does Winston give a damn about his own forum?

Post by droid »

Winston wrote: Ok I just sent you the code for that file to your PM. I sent a copy to fschmidt too. But the code didn't wrap around though and goes off the screen. If it's too hard to read, I'll try to find a way to send it to you as a file attachment. Let me know by PM. Thanks.
Yeah i could see it. I sent you a message with something you might try or look into.
Your Captcha scheme seems to be working well though.
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Re: Poll: Does Winston give a damn about his own forum?

Post by Shemp »

Winston wrote: What you propose is censorship. That would undermine one of the unique qualities here, of free speech and honesty.

As to racist topics, the forum members voted in a poll here before to allow racist topics, in the name of free speech. See here:

You banned several people for attacking you personally, for posting stuff you didn't like, etc. There is plenty of censorship here, you just call it something other than censorship when you want to get rid of things you don't like.

If people want to talk about racism, conspiracy theories, flat-earth, etc, then you should start a separate forum for that. I really don't understand why Crapmelder and Cornfed don't go to the white nationalist forums, since pretty much ALL they talk about is race, very seldom anything to do with happier abroad. Ditto for all the conspiracy theorists. Why not give these guys their own forum?

I do ignore irrelevant threads, but I mostly access via mobile phone and use the active topics list. That list is currently mostly crap. If you are going to continue to allow the forum to be filled with crap, and you want to keep people like me, then you need to create a list of non-crap topics.

Bottom line: Rock's criticisms are valid. Seeking happiness abroad is something I've been doing since I early retired way back in 1998. Seeking women was never my primary goal, nor did I go abroad to make money. Rather, I sensed that there was something limiting about American culture and I wanted to broaden myself through travel. And so I've been doing that ever since, for almost 20 years now, for an average of 6 months/year, including this year (leaving in two weeks for Spain, after that Ukraine). So I was very excited when I first found this forum, because many of the people here share my travel passion. But the forum has definitely gone downhill in the last three years since I first joined. (I was banned under my old name, I believe inadvertently, since I've been more of a troll under my current name than I ever was under the old name.) And not because forums are obsolete.

The main problem is the host of this forum, you Winston Wu, is bored and doesn't give a damn about much of anything anymore and that attitude is contagious. The personality of the forum host makes a big difference. The reason RVF went downhill (and yes, it has gone downhill a lot) is Roosh got bored with women (because he never treated women as anything but notch counts to boast about to other guys, and that gets old after a while) and became another right-wing political crank, which is just boring to most of us. Plus he banned too many people and wouldn't tolerate criticism. (Note that I don't recommend banning Crapmelder or Cornfed or Adama, or deleting posts that are hostile or critical of other members. All I recommend is deleting each and every post of theirs that is not relevant to the primary theme of HA.) So aside from cleaning up the crap postings, you need to reawaken your own interest in travel.

As for facebook, I despise that place plus I prefer to remain anonymous. But if you want to dump HA in favor of facebook, in order to make money for Mark Zuckerberg rather than yourself, go ahead.
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Re: Poll: Does Winston give a damn about his own forum?

Post by starchild5 »

ohh my God....I so much love Winston vs Rock...Drama... :lol:

The best American Sitcom you can get for free right here in India... :D

Wait, let me get the popcorn....

Winston vs Rock - Viewpoints could be made into Episodes and Seasons...because they come back every year, fighting for the same issues...

Only competitions for them is Korean Drama in Asia... :mrgreen:

I seriously love Winston vs Rock Season 7 Episode 1 :)

Who are the new entrants this time..

RetiredFrank and Mr. S...Can't wait to see how they play this season.
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Re: Poll: Does Winston give a damn about his own forum?

Post by Tsar »

In reference to my earlier post on the thread, my Twitter following spiked again by +20% so I have more followers than people I'm following. But about 3 were banned by Twitter. I still can't believe how far I'm rising. This is the 4 week mark. So if it weren't for followers being banned I would have many more.

Being a White Nationalist/National Socialist doesn't mean a person is racist. It means they value racial purity, want a White Homeland, and are against how a "Cabal" is exterminating the White Race (and feminism is one of the ways they do it).
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Re: Poll: Does Winston give a damn about his own forum?

Post by Johnny1975 »

For the last couple of days I've been following this thread, and wondering if I should say something. Twice I've started typing and then changed my mind, thinking what's the point. For some reason I've decided to try again.

I lurk here every day, but I very rarely post. I used to post quite a bit, but not any more. I just don't feel like it's worth it. Some of the threads and conversations here are so ridiculous and juvenile. How odd that a forum which is about a topic that interests me greatly doesn't inspire me to take part. That's not normal. If Winston finds it hard to do the things that a moderator is supposed to do (discipline), fine, but he should at least appoint a couple of hardasses to do it.

Winston you keep getting complaints about how you don't moderate enough, or how you let the quality deteriorate, but all you want to do is give people a numbered checklist of reasons why you're right and they're wrong. Try this for a change. Try coming up with reasons why the other person might be right. Stop defending your position just because it's your position, and listen to what people are trying to tell you.

If someone started a thread on my forum about how it's going downhill, I'd pull my socks up quick and find out what the problem is so I can solve it. Have some humility. People are telling you that there's a problem. There's nothing wrong with disagreeing but if you're just not going to listen to anything people say, the forum will continue to deteriorate and then you'll blame everything and everyone but the one who let it happen.

I've probably wasted my time typing this but what the heck.
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Re: Poll: Does Winston give a damn about his own forum?

Post by OutWest »

Johnny1975 wrote:For the last couple of days I've been following this thread, and wondering if I should say something. Twice I've started typing and then changed my mind, thinking what's the point. For some reason I've decided to try again.

I lurk here every day, but I very rarely post. I used to post quite a bit, but not any more. I just don't feel like it's worth it. Some of the threads and conversations here are so ridiculous and juvenile. How odd that a forum which is about a topic that interests me greatly doesn't inspire me to take part. That's not normal. If Winston finds it hard to do the things that a moderator is supposed to do (discipline), fine, but he should at least appoint a couple of hardasses to do it.

Winston you keep getting complaints about how you don't moderate enough, or how you let the quality deteriorate, but all you want to do is give people a numbered checklist of reasons why you're right and they're wrong. Try this for a change. Try coming up with reasons why the other person might be right. Stop defending your position just because it's your position, and listen to what people are trying to tell you.

If someone started a thread on my forum about how it's going downhill, I'd pull my socks up quick and find out what the problem is so I can solve it. Have some humility. People are telling you that there's a problem. There's nothing wrong with disagreeing but if you're just not going to listen to anything people say, the forum will continue to deteriorate and then you'll blame everything and everyone but the one who let it happen.

I've probably wasted my time typing this but what the heck.

A word to the wise...excellent constructive observation by you, Rock and some others

Its also true that popular YouTube channels on any topic are owning the forum traffic. I sail, so I pay attention to sailing channels, and some of the popular sailing channels/ vlogs, get mass views with vigorous comment traffic, far greater than anything on HA. Some of these channels have around 300,000 subscribers and a new video might generate tens of thousands of views in a few hours. Its obviously more popular than HA. Some of these popular channels are only a year or two old.
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Re: Poll: Does Winston give a damn about his own forum?

Post by droid »

Tsar wrote:In reference to my earlier post on the thread, my Twitter following spiked again by +20% so I have more followers than people I'm following. But about 3 were banned by Twitter. I still can't believe how far I'm rising. This is the 4 week mark. So if it weren't for followers being banned I would have many more.
Being a White Nationalist/National Socialist doesn't mean a person is racist. It means they value racial purity, want a White Homeland, and are against how a "Cabal" is exterminating the White Race (and feminism is one of the ways they do it).
What does this have to do with the thread? I mean yeah you 'quit' this forum, but it's too unrelated.
Maybe make an update thread for your progress?
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Re: Poll: Does Winston give a damn about his own forum?

Post by Winston »

Rock wrote:
Winston wrote:
Rock wrote:
Cornfed wrote:
Winston wrote:Notice that option number one got the most votes, despite it being the LEAST accurate. The reason? Obviously because it is the most NEGATIVE option and the RIDICULING one as well. So it got the most votes ONLY for being the most negative, even though it was the least accurate. A logical person would have voted the second or third option. That doesn't bode well for the members here. It means they aren't logical or objective at all, but hell bent toward anything negative, even if it's false and inaccurate. That doesn't speak well of the members here. So Steve55 and other critics are right, that the problem here is that you guys are way wayyyyyyyyyyyy wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too hell bent on negativity, criticism, cynicism and ridicule. That's what's driving people away from this forum, NOT my bad management. So look at yourself in the mirror guys.
Oh come on Winston. If you had not been neglecting the forum this wouldn’t be an issue. If you had been a diligent employee or entrepreneur you would have been doing what you have been doing in the last few days all the time. Instead it has taken you weeks to do anything. Imagine your dad owned this forum as a business, the guy managing it ran it like you do and your dad asked for your advice. I think you would advise him to fire the manager.
Winston, it's not that we wanna be negative. It's just that the overwhelming majority of core posters here from past and present believe:

1. You frequently neglect the forum completely, maybe as much as 70-80% or more of the time.

2. You don't even bother to at least skim each thread. You miss a lot more than even many of us even though you are the owner and beneficiary of all the work that goes in it. And when you do read stuff, you're often very late to the game, often many weeks late.

3. A large number of quality core posters have either left or no longer contribute much because they are not happy with the direction this forum has gone.

4. The forum has become a cesspit of negativity, racism, and trolling.

5. As Mr. S pointed out, volume (post numbers and word count) seems to have declined significantly from a few years ago unless you include all the spam and troll posts.

6. Many get tired of the retarded conspiracy flat earth nonsense and other half baked pseudo science and sky is falling Tacoest stuff.

I'm personally fed up with this place. I follow it everyday like an addict but I don't contribute much anymore. As I explained to El Claudio, if I spent a lot of time to put together a good report, I might get 2-3 quality responses if I was lucky and perhaps a few one-liners or sarcastic quips from the likes of Banano. Back in the day, a good report could generate many pages of great discussion. Now it's kinda become a small circus and we come off as losers for being here.

Case in point. At this very moment, I'm in Accra Ghana, a very exotic local. Am I gonna put together a trip report with photos similar to what I did with Jamaica, Haiti, or DR? Nah. Too much trouble for too little reward in the way of responses and follow-up discussion. I'd be better off just sharing w a few friends on Whats app or not even bothering. There is no reward for posting here like there used to be.

I realize you will deny much if not all of what I've stated above. Again, as I told El Claudilo, what looks purple to Winston may look green to many others. Such is the nature of perception and perhaps reality itself is not absolute but rather relative. Still though Winston, you should ask yourself a few hard questions - Why have so many good to great posters abandoned ship or cut down their contributions here to almost nil if nothing has gotten any worse? Why are trip reports so rare these days? Why is the noise to signal ratio here so high? If we've all become negative, perhaps the source is a chronic lack of leadership and consistent hands-on management of the place. If happierabroad.com was a publicly traded asset, I bet the share price would be way down from it's peak by now. It's an eroding asset.
Whether you want to be negative or not, you ARE negative. Most of you are. There no doubt about it. Why else would most people pick the most NEGATIVE option in this poll even though it's the least accurate and least logical? Obviously because people love negativity and are addicted to it. It's obvious and a no brainer.

1, 2. Excuse me Rock. Most forum owners rarely participate in their own forum. David Icke does not participate in his massive forum. Neither does Alex Jones. Even Rooshv doesn't participate that much in his own forum. Get real. The forum owner is supposed to have a life and be a role model to follow. The forum owner is not supposed to read every thread either. That would take all day and all night, or at least many hours.

3. The reason a lot of good posters no longer post is the SAME reason I don't. They have a life in the real offline world, and they are busy with lots of things. You know how life is. Tons of distractions, people to pay attention to, things to do, errands, eat, sleep, laundry, etc. etc. Only computer geeks have time to post all the time. Don't you get it?

Besides, Ladislav and Mr S are active in the Facebook group. They find it easier to upload pics and follow. Some people prefer FB. That's not my fault. Why do you think everyone is my fault or under my control? Free speech is not supposed to have too much control or censorship. Some of my other forums died out due to posters getting banned.

4. Why do you blame me for what people post here? Do you expect me to control and restrict their free speech? If so, tons of people will complain and leave. What solution do you suggest for getting people to post more positive useful stuff here? You are complaining but you don't have realistic solutions.

5. I thought you conceded that forum traffic was the same, according to Google Analytics, as we discussed earlier. Why are you now saying the opposite? You keep contradicting yourself. You are so unstable Rock and waffling. I told you, there's no objective proof that the forum traffic is dwindling. Again, click the Active Topics link above. Last time I clicked it, there were 76 active topics of the last 7 days, which is pretty good, remember? That right there PROVES you wrong. Traffic may rise and fall, but on the average, it's still about the same. Click on the active topics page and you will see. Did you do that? If so, you will prove yourself wrong, but you don't want to be wrong right? So you don't click the link. lol. Go figure.

How many times do I have to repeat the same things to you Rock? Are you deaf?????? Should I copy and paste the above to you again below? Do you need to read the above twice in order to remember it? lol Or thrice? lol

6. If you don't like the flat earth stuff, then don't participate in those threads. Don't read them. Don't post in them. Simple as that. Are you a child who needs to be told what to do? Do you need to learn common sense? If you don't like something, then ignore it. But if we set up a rule that no flat earth topics are allowed, then it would restrict free speech and another group of people would complain. How about we start a poll to see if the majority of posters would like to have rules banning pseudo topics like flat earth, etc? If so, then what else would you lump into this "pseudo" category? Conspiracy topics? 9/11? Anti-semitism? What's next? Anything weird or someone thinks is kooky (even if true) would go into that category? Pretty soon we would be a politically correct forum. Is that what you want? If not, then what do you suggest exactly?

Be a man. Honor free speech. If you don't like a topic, then ignore it. Don't click on them.

Even Mr S does not believe that free speech here should be restricted. Like me, he posts a lot of conspiracy stuff and metaphysical stuff here too. So he wouldn't be in favor of censoring such topics.

Yes I understand what you mean about writing a long trip report with pictures, and then getting very few replies. That happens with my threads sometimes too. It even happens with Everdred, though some of his threads have a good number of responses. Why is that my fault? What do you want me to do about that? You want me to force people to reply to your trip report threads? How would I force people to do that????????? Why you blaming me for things outside my control? lol. Isn't that illogical?

Besides Rock, we all know you come here for the entertainment value of it. You like oddballs and you find the odd cast of characters to be interesting and intriguing. It tickles your funny bone. That's why you loved odbo's posts. He didn't contribute anything practical, but his anti-semite posts and cartoons were funny and made you laugh. That's why you wanted him back remember? For your ENTERTAINMENT. Admit it. You like oddballs and eccentrics. That's why you even defend that poser who pretends to be my dad. You know it's not my dad, but you find it funny, so you defend it, cause it's ENTERTAINING to you. So admit it, this forum is a source of entertainment for you. You like the weird characters here, the eccentric personalities and the oddballs, as well as the free flowing free speech here. It creates a vibe and character that is like nowhere else. That's why you come back, and why others do too.

Even regular posters check in sometimes. Even MarcosZeitola checks the forum sometimes. I saw his profile and he regularly comes and reads posts still, even though he's not active. Same with billy and anamericaninbangkok other non-active members. They still come back to see what's going on, even if they no longer post. I know because their profiles show that they recently logged in.

I'm tired of repeating all this Rock, please re-read the above a few times. Sheesh.
Yes you repeat things many times. Like your ebook could be boiled down to a fraction of it's size an still have all the relevant content in-tact. I'll let you in on something Winston. Just because you repeat something doesn't make it correct or accurate. Just because you swear to something or say it's 1000% true doesn't make it so. So you told us many times? So what. I know that this forum used to be a much better place as far as the topic of Happier Abroad is concerned.

As for the most active topics, it's a big mistake for you to use that as a gauge. If you instead use the latest 100 topics, you can monitor when a post is made and how many posts are made in a certain period of time, say over a 24 hour period of time. That's what I do. It ensures that you don't miss anything, especially threads which are started but don't attract responses. I've made many such threads and usually you miss them unless I point them out to you. And if you eliminate the troll threads, harsh racism, moon landing idiocy, rants about American women, and petty fights between the few left here, you will find the post numbers and word counts are in fact down when compared to a few years ago. Even if you include the retarded conspiracy flat earth stuff, it's still down.

Yes, many moderators of larger forums are not so active anymore. But guess what. They put solid systems in place to make sure the forum get's 24/7 moderation according to guidelines and that spam does not flood the place. They also seem to know whats going on through their lieutenants and deputies. So if I bring up a thread to them, they don't scratch their head and ask me who that poster is. The forum content generated at present is light enough that one person could follow it all. Even with my skimming, I pretty much catch everything. That's more than I can say for you, the guy who's collecting 1-2 K per month from a forum which is coasting on it's archives.

Your forum is kinda a joke these days. Yes, perhaps it may be out of your control to some extent. But you've become lazy and inconsistent as far as it's concerned so you don't even try much.

BTW, I'm not negative about everything. I'm positive about Thailand for fun, Taiwan for quality life environment, Philippines for dating, and Africa for exotic experiences. I try to encourage people when I see solutions for them. I only become negative when I see them dropping the ball, being lazy, or acting stupid. You see, when I get pissed off in Phils, it usually has to do with one of those three factors above when I try to accomplish a business task or even get decent service.

As leader, you should at least shape the forum into positive directions such as spiritual growth, creative solutions to finding happier abroad lives now that many areas are being contaminated, help to newbies, and quashing of extreme racism, negativity, or petty bickering which you yourself sometimes participate in.

You are like a 40 year old kid when it comes to taking in constructive criticism. You've lost many posters who might have stayed if you behaved more like a man and less like an emotional boy. So straight up, it is what it has become and that's not good. If you changed, it might be salvageable to an extent in spite of what Mr. S and Cornfed have said about the broader environment. But none of us are holding our breathes.

Guys, are there any alternatives to forums like this now that forums in general seem to be in decline? What do people do now to swap happier abroad information and trip reports?
Yes it's true that just because I repeat something doesn't make it true. However, it's also true that just because YOU DENY something or IGNORE something, does not make it false either. Agreed? But we can go around in circles with this. The facts ought to speak for themselves. Unfortunately, most posters in this thread are not objective, they are bashing me out of an inclination. Not all the bashing of me here is fair either. I'm sure you know that. As Gandhi said, the truth is the truth even if only one person believes in it.

People trust me because I tend to be a very accurate person. I do not spill drinks on the table, like I've seen you done a few times before, because I always put my drinks close to the center of the table to eliminate that risk to almost zero. I never lock my keys in the car either, like almost everyone has at some point. So I'm a very calculating and accurate person in many ways. That's why you know you can trust me and you know I am credible.

The problem Rock, is that you aren't always accurate and fighting for truth like I am. Often, you argue for SPORT or fun, not for truth. Mr S has noticed this pattern in you too. When you refused to admit that China is bigger than Taiwan, or that Shenzhen has way bigger parks than Taipei, that is not a man of truth or honesty. It is a man arguing for sport. Everyone can see that, and you know that too Rock. I know you aren't stupid. So you are aware of all this too. Hence is somewhat damages your credibility somewhat, despite the fact that many of your cultural observations are deep and accurate.

I can take constructive criticism Rock. But where is it? All that's here is bashing. If any of you have SOLUTIONS to the problems described here, I'd love to hear them. But bashing and presenting solutions are not the same thing. Do you know the difference Rock?

So let's get to the bottom line: What SOLUTIONS do you propose?

I told you some of the problems with upgrading or changing forum software already. I explained the technical difficulties that make that impractical or would wreck this forum. I explained it in detail in an earlier post. Do you remember it? If not, scroll up.

Some criticisms are valid. Some are not. But you seem to think 100 percent of all bashing here is valid. It is not. Sure I neglect the forum sometimes. We are all busy. And I was hoping my spam countermeasures would work, as well as the moderators here. Yes, as you said, I did leave a system in place here for the forum to run itself. Or at least I tried. But the spammers and trolls somehow crack the anti-spam measures. Why is that my fault? I did not purposely allow spammers here. They crack the security measures and get in. It's part of their game. Why blame me for it? Some things are out of my control Rock. And you should be FAIR as to cite what I am to be blamed for and what I am not to be blamed for. Not all criticisms here are reasonable Rock. Some are bashing with no solutions. And some are emotional and not legit. Some people are stupid and dimwits, even here, unfortunately. Your flaw Rock, is assuming that ALL negative statements about me in this thread must be true simply because they are negative, and you feed off them.

Btw, when I say "I swear" to something it does mean something, because I have an almost 100 percent accuracy record when I am willing to swear to it. I've never been proven wrong after I've sworn to something. So I've definitely EARNED my credibility. I'm sure you know that Rock. All my friends know it. You've met me many times. People who meet me trust me because I look and act very credible and very accurate. That's why people get good vibes from me. So do you too Rock. You know all this of course. But again, you are arguing for sport, which you often do. You somehow get an emotional power play over doing it. We all extract energy in different ways and this is one of the ways you do.

I don't understand why you say the Latest 100 topics page is better than the Active Topics page. Have you seen them both? The Active Topics Page has more info about each thread than the Latest 100 Topics Page. The Latest 100 Topics page only shows the last poster. It doesn't show the post count. The Active Topics page shows both, including the last poster. So I think you have it backwards. I ought to know because I installed the Latest 100 Topics Page. So I know it is definitely NOT more detailed than the Active Topics page. So you are technically wrong and inaccurate about that. Check both again and you will see your error.

If I misunderstood you, then please explain exactly what info is on the Latest 100 topics page that isn't on the Active topics page. Btw, I can find all your threads, even if they received no replies, on the Active Topics page too, as long as they were made within the past 7 days.

You said: "Yes, many moderators of larger forums are not so active anymore. But guess what. They put solid systems in place to make sure the forum get's 24/7 moderation according to guidelines and that spam does not flood the place."

Yes that's true. And so do I. Haven't you noticed? I had many anti-spam features installed in this forum, including a Q&A security question, which the support staff at phpBB said would guarantee to eliminate all bots and non-human spam. Well I guess they were wrong. However, the Q&A humanizer questions did stop spam for months here on the forum. So it did work for some period of time. And yes I did have moderators here take care of things too. Thus I did have systems in place, as you said. But alas, sometimes the spam breaks the system. Happens to all forums, not just mine. So what is my fault?

Sure I am slow to respond sometimes, but when the spam kept flooding this place, I honestly did not know what to do about it since my past security measures and humanizer questions were no longer working. I had no idea what to do, and neither did you. Did you suggest installing Google ReCAPTCHA? No you didn't Rock! I did. I was the one who finally found the solution. You just bash. I am the one who has to come up with the actual solutions. Consider that. Anyone can bash or complain. Even a child one. But it doesn't make it legit.

I do try to post positive things here too, such as health advice and new natural cures and remedies. See the Health section.

Like everyone here, I post what I am interested in. So do you.

How do you expect me to get rid of negativity here? Any solutions? Do you suggest I outlaw it? If I did, then another group of people would complain that there was no more free speech here. You can't please everyone. All you can do is go by what you believe in and stick to your principles. If I'm wrong, then tell me what you would do if you were me to change things for the better?

Your last sentence doesn't make sense and is beneath you Rock. Are you claiming that I am to blame for all the posters here who left? LOL. Excuse me bud, but most of the posters that left, cited the extreme NEGATIVITY and RACISM here, including El_Caudillo. Ask El_Caudillo. He said there was too much racism and misogyny here and when he saw the thread about how to cull blacks, he had it. He had no problem with my personality. Ask Mr S or Ladislav. They are my friends and do not dislike me personally. They have no problem with me. They merely dislike all the hateful rantings and negativity here. So it's the group's fault, not mine.

Thus you are being UNFAIR and DISHONEST Rock, in trying to claim that my personality is to blame for many good posters leaving, when in fact, THEY claim that it is not me, it is the extreme negativity and racism here that turns them off. Even Steve55 said that he does not want to post here anymore because of all the negative bashing and negative people here. And Ghost won't post anymore because of all the bashing and bullying he's received here too. But it's not because I have a "bad personality" as you falsely claim. You do OWE me an apology for that Rock. Making false insinuations against a friend is a very bad thing. I would never do that. It's above my principles. So why do you do it? I know you are error prone sometimes Rock, but you shouldn't unfairly pit the blame on me when the evidence shows that I was not at fault. So I will patiently wait for your apology. A real man admits his mistakes and apologizes when he makes unfair accusations. I know you do have some principles Rock.

Again, ask the following posters who have left:


None of them left because of me. And Mr S still posts here sometimes. But he posts metaphysical and esoteric stuff here too, like me, so he doesn't have a problem with that obviously, since he and I share the same esoteric interests.

Btw, FYI, MarcosZeitola replied back to me via PM. He said he accepts my apology. However, he said he does not want to return to this forum because there is too much negativity here from other posters, too many losers here, and because he is busy with his new business too. So you see, even Marcos said the negative tone of this forum is to blame, not my personality. So again, you owe me an apology Rock. Be a man and admit that you were wrong. You should never spread false lies about your friends like that. I don't. So why do you???????

Btw, I don't understand why some of the critics here are claiming that the flat earth topics are "taking over the forum". LOL. What a joke. How can that be? There are over 23,000 topic threads here now. Look at the bottom of the forum index page and see. Out of 23,000 threads, only one is about flat earth. How is one out of 23,000 "taking over" the board? LOL. That's ridiculously exaggerated. Rock, if you were fair, you would call out these ridiculous exaggerations. But you don't, because God knows, you enjoy bashing me for sport, even if it's subtle, rather than on being accurate. God knows it too.

There was another thread about an "ice wall around the Earth", but it got very few replies. That's kind of like seeing 23,000 white people and then one nigger, and saying "This place is being overrun by niggers". lol. Rock you out to rebuff such ridiculous statements if you are honest and fair. Please be honest admit that some of the guys here are making ridiculous accusations.

Jester did the same thing. He bashed me with unfair facts and criticisms, and assumed that all negative attacks about me must be true, even if they are not, just because they are negative. He was a psychic bully too, just like you, who got a power trip out of arguing for sport and bashing me, even if it was unfair or included false statements. So Jester behaved in an immoral and dishonest manner at times too. Good wise men don't do that. Yet he had the nerve to call himself a Christian. LOL

Again Rock, I can take criticism if it's legit and valid. But please be FAIR and REASONABLE, and apologize when you've made a mistake as you clearly did above. You love to bash me for sport, even if it's unfair. That's bad character Rock. Ask yourself. Ask God. You know it's wrong and a bad character trait of yours. Even Mr S said he noticed you do that a lot and derive energy from others that way, by putting them down and one upping them and denigrating them, but sometimes UNFAIRLY and INACCURATELY too.

Recently Rock, I sent you a girl's profile from DateinAsia. I told you her profile said that she played chess. Yet when you went to it you could not find the word "chess". I had to copy and paste the whole profile for you in order for you to see it. So you see Rock, you do miss things and make a lot of mistakes and overlook things that I don't. No one is perfect Rock. But you do make many little mistakes and definitely aren't as accurate as I am in these things.

Finally, you said: "Guys, are there any alternatives to forums like this now that forums in general seem to be in decline? What do people do now to swap happier abroad information and trip reports?"

Um Rock, why you playing dumb? You know that the alternative to this forum now is our Facebook Group, which you are a part of. Some members here, such as Ladislav, are preferring to post there now instead of here, because they say a lot easier to upload photos to FB to share trip reports. It has nothing to do with my "bad personality" as you FALSELY claim Rock and ought to apologize for, but has to do with the fact that some people prefer FB to forums. Ladislav is one of them. Several others prefer FB too. It's just a preference and choice. So that is the main alternative now to forums, unfortunately. I know you know this since you are on our FB group too. So don't play dumb. Anyone can see that our FB group is very active as well by going to the link below and joining.


Mr S has noticed that our FB group is gaining more participants now too. He has told me that he worries that we may lose all our members here to the FB group. He says that I ought to make it a rule on FB that those who post there, must also post here in the forum too. However, I am not sure how I could enforce such a rule though, especially with 1000 members there. What do you think? What do you suggest? Can you think of solutions other than childish unfair bashings?
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Re: Poll: Does Winston give a damn about his own forum?

Post by Winston »

retiredfrank wrote:
Winston wrote: What you propose is censorship. That would undermine one of the unique qualities here, of free speech and honesty.

As to racist topics, the forum members voted in a poll here before to allow racist topics, in the name of free speech. See here:

You banned several people for attacking you personally, for posting stuff you didn't like, etc. There is plenty of censorship here, you just call it something other than censorship when you want to get rid of things you don't like.

If people want to talk about racism, conspiracy theories, flat-earth, etc, then you should start a separate forum for that. I really don't understand why Crapmelder and Cornfed don't go to the white nationalist forums, since pretty much ALL they talk about is race, very seldom anything to do with happier abroad. Ditto for all the conspiracy theorists. Why not give these guys their own forum?

I do ignore irrelevant threads, but I mostly access via mobile phone and use the active topics list. That list is currently mostly crap. If you are going to continue to allow the forum to be filled with crap, and you want to keep people like me, then you need to create a list of non-crap topics.

Bottom line: Rock's criticisms are valid. Seeking happiness abroad is something I've been doing since I early retired way back in 1998. Seeking women was never my primary goal, nor did I go abroad to make money. Rather, I sensed that there was something limiting about American culture and I wanted to broaden myself through travel. And so I've been doing that ever since, for almost 20 years now, for an average of 6 months/year, including this year (leaving in two weeks for Spain, after that Ukraine). So I was very excited when I first found this forum, because many of the people here share my travel passion. But the forum has definitely gone downhill in the last three years since I first joined. (I was banned under my old name, I believe inadvertently, since I've been more of a troll under my current name than I ever was under the old name.) And not because forums are obsolete.

The main problem is the host of this forum, you Winston Wu, is bored and doesn't give a damn about much of anything anymore and that attitude is contagious. The personality of the forum host makes a big difference. The reason RVF went downhill (and yes, it has gone downhill a lot) is Roosh got bored with women (because he never treated women as anything but notch counts to boast about to other guys, and that gets old after a while) and became another right-wing political crank, which is just boring to most of us. Plus he banned too many people and wouldn't tolerate criticism. (Note that I don't recommend banning Crapmelder or Cornfed or Adama, or deleting posts that are hostile or critical of other members. All I recommend is deleting each and every post of theirs that is not relevant to the primary theme of HA.) So aside from cleaning up the crap postings, you need to reawaken your own interest in travel.

As for facebook, I despise that place plus I prefer to remain anonymous. But if you want to dump HA in favor of facebook, in order to make money for Mark Zuckerberg rather than yourself, go ahead.
Who did I ban? Name one person that was illegitimately banned. Very few people get banned here. Yes I banned some who attacked me, but not because they criticized me, but because they SPREAD LIES and FALSE info which constituted LIBEL. Read the forum rules. Nothing wrong with criticism, but LYING about others is not allowed. Would you like it if I posted your real name here and spread lies about you? Would you? ANSWER! No you wouldn't. So why do you expect me to tolerate lies and libel? DUH!

You are a hypocrite, like most are. You want to be able to criticize others freely but you don't want anyone to criticize you.

Which forum owner tolerates criticism more than I do? Ask starchild5. No one does! Go criticize Roosh on his forum and see what happens!

Of course, I give several warnings before I ban someone. So I do not ban them outright.

Maybe Kradmelder and Cornfed were kicked out of white nationalist forums, because they didn't have as much free speech as we do? If those forums are full of hate, how tolerant do you expect their forums to be? LOL. It's an oxymoron to expect stormfront to be tolerate of opposing views. We are one of the few forums that is truly free speech, but within reason of course.

Free speech doesn't mean you can LIE or yell "fire" in a crowded theater when there's no fire. Did you know that? Are you aware of that?

There is also a thing called civility. People here must behave in a civil manner too. There is no such thing as 100 percent free speech, but we are the closest thing to it for sure.

As to flat earth, excuse me, but there is only one big flat earth thread. Among 23,000 topic threads here, there is only one flat earth thread. One out of 23,000 is "taking over"? lol. That's like saying that one nigger out of 23,000 white people constitutes "niggers taking over". It's ridiculous.

There is a conspiracy board here for such topics. See the index page. So yes, the conspiracy people do have their own board. Do you mean a separate forum? Why? I told you to just ignore topics you don't like.

Let me ask you something. When you get satellite cable TV, it comes with 500 channels. Obviously most of those channels are crap. But do you have to watch the channels you don't like? Of course not. Like a typical guy, you flip through channels you don't like. Well the same goes here. Some of the topics here may be crap to you, but like flipping the cable channels with your remote control, you should simply change the channel. Simple as that. So what's your problem? Why don't you call the cable company and complain about all the crappy channels they have too? No one forces you to watch any of the crap channels.

Some of Rock's criticisms may be valid. But others are not and just for sport. That's his pattern. But the thing is, he has NO SOLUTIONS. Tell me what you propose. I'm always open to solutions.

You say I should delete crap threads not related to HA. If I did that, then a lot of people here would complain that there is no longer free speech here. What you gonna do about that? You can't please everyone. You know that. One can only follow his principles.

Rather than me deleting threads you don't like or aren't HA related, why don't you ignore those posters you don't like? Put them on ignore by adding them to your Foes list in the UCP. That's my solution for you. So why don't you follow it? LOL

If I started deleting threads that are not relevant to HA, then we would get complaints for that too. Are you aware of that? There are many topic categories here, even for health, movies, politics, etc. Why don't you cherish the diversity of topics here like I do? Why limit this board to ONLY HA topics?

Also, why don't you try to be part of the solution? If things are too negative here or off focused, then why don't YOU try to be part of the solution and start posting positive stuff and relevant stuff. You could post health advice to help people feel better emotionally and physically. You could share your positive experiences abroad. Etc. Etc. Start posting what YOU like and what YOU deem to be relevant and positive. If EVERYONE did that here, including me, instead of complaining, then this forum would be a more positive place. It's not all on me. It's a group effort.

Btw, I see no evidence that people here post similar topics to what I post. The guys here are freethinkers and post whatever they want. They don't try to follow my lead. I see no evidence that they do. So if you see trash threads here, it's not because I am posting trash and everyone's following suit. I see no evidence of that. If I'm wrong, I'd like you to show some examples where I am wrong about this.

Make sense?
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Re: Poll: Does Winston give a damn about his own forum?

Post by Winston »

Tsar wrote:In reference to my earlier post on the thread, my Twitter following spiked again by +20% so I have more followers than people I'm following. But about 3 were banned by Twitter. I still can't believe how far I'm rising. This is the 4 week mark. So if it weren't for followers being banned I would have many more.

Being a White Nationalist/National Socialist doesn't mean a person is racist. It means they value racial purity, want a White Homeland, and are against how a "Cabal" is exterminating the White Race (and feminism is one of the ways they do it).
Congrats. I think you need thousands of subscribers to start making waves online though. When you are in the 10,000's range, that's when you become truly popular. That's when the authorities might take notice.

Why not try making some YouTube videos and link your Twitter page and YouTube page together with interlinks so you can combine followers from both platforms? YouTube gets a lot of attention and that's where you can make waves and become popular. But you gotta tread lightly. People sometimes get banned or lose their videos on YouTube simply because they are offensive. So try mixing your videos with innocent ones to avoid too much negative publicity. Turn up the heat slightly, not too much at once. Kind of like when you boil a frog, do it gradually. If you put too much heat at first, the moderators may censor you.

Yes being in favor of racial preservation doesn't make you a racist. That's liberal media lies. David Duke has spoken much about this. You should download his audiobooks. They are so factual and full of good information that can't be refuted. http://www.davidduke.com
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Re: Poll: Does Winston give a damn about his own forum?

Post by Winston »

Johnny1975 wrote:For the last couple of days I've been following this thread, and wondering if I should say something. Twice I've started typing and then changed my mind, thinking what's the point. For some reason I've decided to try again.

I lurk here every day, but I very rarely post. I used to post quite a bit, but not any more. I just don't feel like it's worth it. Some of the threads and conversations here are so ridiculous and juvenile. How odd that a forum which is about a topic that interests me greatly doesn't inspire me to take part. That's not normal. If Winston finds it hard to do the things that a moderator is supposed to do (discipline), fine, but he should at least appoint a couple of hardasses to do it.

Winston you keep getting complaints about how you don't moderate enough, or how you let the quality deteriorate, but all you want to do is give people a numbered checklist of reasons why you're right and they're wrong. Try this for a change. Try coming up with reasons why the other person might be right. Stop defending your position just because it's your position, and listen to what people are trying to tell you.

If someone started a thread on my forum about how it's going downhill, I'd pull my socks up quick and find out what the problem is so I can solve it. Have some humility. People are telling you that there's a problem. There's nothing wrong with disagreeing but if you're just not going to listen to anything people say, the forum will continue to deteriorate and then you'll blame everything and everyone but the one who let it happen.

I've probably wasted my time typing this but what the heck.
You've never met me. But just from reading my posts, you should see that I'm a VERY FAIR and REASONABLE person, at least more so than Roosh and other forum owners. You should praise me on that give credit where it's due. Of course I consider all complaints here. And I can take criticism better than most. Anyone here can see that. But not all negative points are true. Some are inaccurate too. You gotta separate the wheat from the chaff. If you assume that 100 percent of attacks on Winston are true simply because they are negative, then you've lost the plot. Look at the poll options here. The LEAST accurate one got the most votes, simply because it was the MOST NEGATIVE option. What does that tell you? That people here are honest truth seekers? NOT.

We can complain all day. But what we need are solutions. Solutions that work. Do you have any? Do you really think applying censorship here is gonna improve things? Are you seriously suggesting we make it a rule that no non-HA topics are allowed and no conspiracy topics are allowed either? What about free speech? Does that mean anything to do you? Where do you draw the line?

You act as though I have full control over everyone here. If I did, then this thread wouldn't exist. Think about it. How do you expect me to control all the negativity here? By outlawing it? lol. Be specific. Do you think if I told everyone here: "Hey guys! Stop being so negative! Be positive! We need to have positive posts here and relevant posts here from now on please!" that that would make a difference? lol

What about the blame on you guys? Did you know that most posters who leave here say that they are leaving because of too much negativity here? Not because of me? I named some of them earlier. You can ask them. So why are you guys all blaming me and not the negativity here amongst the crowd? Why do you guys not accept responsibility for making this forum such a negative place and turning away people including some long time posters? Why is all the blame on me? Because it's easier to bash one person than a group?

I will accept the blame that I am sometimes neglectful because I am busy and do not have time to take care of every problem here. No forum owner does. That is understandable. But where is the blame on the group for being too negative? You gotta be FAIR Johnny. Not just bash me because it's the popular thing to do. That's a subtle form of bullying. You should acknowledge the fault of everyone here, not just me. Remember that many of our former posters are complaining that the guys here are too hateful and negative, not because I suck. It's in their own words.

All I'm asking is that you guys be fair. So far, you guys have not been fair or reasonable unfortunately. This has nothing to do with me not accepting criticism. I do accept criticism. Ask starchild5. He can see the truth of the matter clearly here. If I didn't accept criticism, this thread would be deleted. Think about it. You guys need to be more logical, fair and solution-oriented and less negative and blame-oriented.

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Re: Poll: Does Winston give a damn about his own forum?

Post by Winston »

OutWest wrote:
Johnny1975 wrote:For the last couple of days I've been following this thread, and wondering if I should say something. Twice I've started typing and then changed my mind, thinking what's the point. For some reason I've decided to try again.

I lurk here every day, but I very rarely post. I used to post quite a bit, but not any more. I just don't feel like it's worth it. Some of the threads and conversations here are so ridiculous and juvenile. How odd that a forum which is about a topic that interests me greatly doesn't inspire me to take part. That's not normal. If Winston finds it hard to do the things that a moderator is supposed to do (discipline), fine, but he should at least appoint a couple of hardasses to do it.

Winston you keep getting complaints about how you don't moderate enough, or how you let the quality deteriorate, but all you want to do is give people a numbered checklist of reasons why you're right and they're wrong. Try this for a change. Try coming up with reasons why the other person might be right. Stop defending your position just because it's your position, and listen to what people are trying to tell you.

If someone started a thread on my forum about how it's going downhill, I'd pull my socks up quick and find out what the problem is so I can solve it. Have some humility. People are telling you that there's a problem. There's nothing wrong with disagreeing but if you're just not going to listen to anything people say, the forum will continue to deteriorate and then you'll blame everything and everyone but the one who let it happen.

I've probably wasted my time typing this but what the heck.

A word to the wise...excellent constructive observation by you, Rock and some others

Its also true that popular YouTube channels on any topic are owning the forum traffic. I sail, so I pay attention to sailing channels, and some of the popular sailing channels/ vlogs, get mass views with vigorous comment traffic, far greater than anything on HA. Some of these channels have around 300,000 subscribers and a new video might generate tens of thousands of views in a few hours. Its obviously more popular than HA. Some of these popular channels are only a year or two old.
Yes that's true. YouTube is where it's at nowadays. Videos get a lot more hits and attention than forums do. That's the trend. Videos are more fun, engaging, entertaining, captivating and hypnotizing. That's why people like Mark Davis is focusing almost all his marketing on YouTube now. That's why I have been paying people to upload my videos and podcasts to YouTube too. Because that's where the prime marketing and traffic is at. Forums are for dedicated fans who love to read and think and debate, more for the intellectual introverted types. I am working on more YouTube videos as well. It's all in the works.

So anyway, you got any solutions to the problems discussed in this thread? Any constructive practical solutions? Or should I yell out loud to everyone: "HEY GUYS! STOP POSTING IRRELEVANT CRAP! STOP BEING SO NEGATIVE! ONLY POST POSITIVE RELEVANT CONTENT RELATED TO HA PLEASE!" Would that help if I shouted that out everyday? Or made it an official rule?

Btw before recommending a solution, please explain why it would work. Anyone can give advice or solutions, but not everyone can give real solutions. And some advice is crap too. Admit it. There are quacks and nutcases on every forum too.
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Re: Poll: Does Winston give a damn about his own forum?

Post by starchild5 »

You shouldn't have apologised to Marcos...He was never coming back. He is way too proud of his sh*t...his logic is...he is on his way to become a millionaire so he does not have time ..what a cliched cop-out response. He was wrong..not you.

Winston..You should stop apologising. I have never seen most western people admitting to their mistake and apologising. Has he apologised for saying demeaning things about you for the reason for not meeting you and rock when he was in Manila. He said some pretty nasty stuff for the reason for not meeting you as he was a holier than thou family man. I also don't think he is ever going to meet you or anyone here in person. HE IS FAKE.

I'm a third world guy and this is by far the BEST forum online. Most western posters are living in FALSE POSITIVITY MATRIX PUSHED BY THE ELITE. I have seen life closely and it ain't a Disney movie...

The west have become way too PC oriented. What is wrong with Negative Posts?...when 99% of humanity is suffering, 70% live in third world sh*t hole.

Lot of Tony Robbins followers here it seems. Most humans need to be racist, judgemental to survive on earth. Look what they did to Sweden, Germany with refugees, immigrants have destroyed west and still no one is allowed to speak against it.

The FACT is Non-White People do not value WHITE CULTURE....They are in-it for money. White Countries MUST belong to White race only....Not even jews should be allowed, for they thrive of Chaos.

See, this is what REAL POSITIVITY LOOKS LIKE. When White People have their own Country without Mix-Ins...India should follow its own Vedic Culture without western influence etc.

When races are left to their own devices they will create even more beautiful culture. I would then love to visit western countries for their culture. London has become Londonistan now :D

Where is Positivity in talking about Multi-Culturalism, Federal Reserve Bank, White House, Chemtrails, fake Oscars, Hollywood, jews etc.

Where is true Positivity..Its hidden in layers of negativity which this forum helps unravel.


What happened to Cornfed with Stormfront is the fate of all these POSITIVE EXPERIENCE SEEKERS :lol: ..Eventually, you get booted out or banned. Try Roosh for a change :mrgreen:

Roosh is so positive ..Try him then and see how far you go with your views.

Of all the people..White race should Thank Winston for truly following their own ideology of free speech and freedom. We in most Asian countries are too busy with survival.

Honestly, Winston is the only good thing that came out of America :D ..I would rate him higher than the internet because he follows True Freedom...While Internet is censored all around us and is been used as tool to control humanity, soon it will be another propaganda like TV.

You are not allowed to speak your mind anywhere online except here. :idea: :idea:
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Re: Poll: Does Winston give a damn about his own forum?

Post by Kradmelder »

Winston wrote:

Who did I ban? Name one person that was illegitimately banned. Very few people get banned here. Yes I banned some who attacked me, but not because they criticized me, but because they SPREAD LIES and FALSE info which constituted LIBEL. Read the forum rules. Nothing wrong with criticism, but LYING about others is not allowed. Would you like it if I posted your real name here and spread lies about you? Would you? ANSWER! No you wouldn't. So why do you expect me to tolerate lies and libel? DUH!

You are a hypocrite, like most are. You want to be able to criticize others freely but you don't want anyone to criticize you.

Which forum owner tolerates criticism more than I do? Ask starchild5. No one does! Go criticize Roosh on his forum and see what happens!

Of course, I give several warnings before I ban someone. So I do not ban them outright.

Maybe Kradmelder and Cornfed were kicked out of white nationalist forums, because they didn't have as much free speech as we do? If those forums are full of hate, how tolerant do you expect their forums to be? LOL. It's an oxymoron to expect stormfront to be tolerate of opposing views. We are one of the few forums that is truly free speech, but within reason of course.

Free speech doesn't mean you can LIE or yell "fire" in a crowded theater when there's no fire. Did you know that? Are you aware of that?

There is also a thing called civility. People here must behave in a civil manner too. There is no such thing as 100 percent free speech, but we are the closest thing to it for sure.

As to flat earth, excuse me, but there is only one big flat earth thread. Among 23,000 topic threads here, there is only one flat earth thread. One out of 23,000 is "taking over"? lol. That's like saying that one nigger out of 23,000 white people constitutes "niggers taking over". It's ridiculous.

There is a conspiracy board here for such topics. See the index page. So yes, the conspiracy people do have their own board. Do you mean a separate forum? Why? I told you to just ignore topics you don't like.

Let me ask you something. When you get satellite cable TV, it comes with 500 channels. Obviously most of those channels are crap. But do you have to watch the channels you don't like? Of course not. Like a typical guy, you flip through channels you don't like. Well the same goes here. Some of the topics here may be crap to you, but like flipping the cable channels with your remote control, you should simply change the channel. Simple as that. So what's your problem? Why don't you call the cable company and complain about all the crappy channels they have too? No one forces you to watch any of the crap channels.

Some of Rock's criticisms may be valid. But others are not and just for sport. That's his pattern. But the thing is, he has NO SOLUTIONS. Tell me what you propose. I'm always open to solutions.

You say I should delete crap threads not related to HA. If I did that, then a lot of people here would complain that there is no longer free speech here. What you gonna do about that? You can't please everyone. You know that. One can only follow his principles.

Rather than me deleting threads you don't like or aren't HA related, why don't you ignore those posters you don't like? Put them on ignore by adding them to your Foes list in the UCP. That's my solution for you. So why don't you follow it? LOL

If I started deleting threads that are not relevant to HA, then we would get complaints for that too. Are you aware of that? There are many topic categories here, even for health, movies, politics, etc. Why don't you cherish the diversity of topics here like I do? Why limit this board to ONLY HA topics?

Also, why don't you try to be part of the solution? If things are too negative here or off focused, then why don't YOU try to be part of the solution and start posting positive stuff and relevant stuff. You could post health advice to help people feel better emotionally and physically. You could share your positive experiences abroad. Etc. Etc. Start posting what YOU like and what YOU deem to be relevant and positive. If EVERYONE did that here, including me, instead of complaining, then this forum would be a more positive place. It's not all on me. It's a group effort.

Btw, I see no evidence that people here post similar topics to what I post. The guys here are freethinkers and post whatever they want. They don't try to follow my lead. I see no evidence that they do. So if you see trash threads here, it's not because I am posting trash and everyone's following suit. I see no evidence of that. If I'm wrong, I'd like you to show some examples where I am wrong about this.

Make sense?
Winston, your forum does cover a broad spectrum but then again what I don't want to read I don't click on. Why blame you for it? If I read carp I dont want to read it is my own fault for clicking on it. Far better to live and let live. If you post shit all the time no one will read it.

I am not banned from any WN forum. I just don't want to go on them and don't post there or read anything there as they bore me quick. Mostly a bunch of loser whites with no proper job, no family or kids yet talking about making a future for the white kids, white families and declining white numbers. What hypocrisy is that? There are some good decent whites on there but they never stick around long. If you lament the decline of whites, get married, and raise kids right yourself. Do something to make whites strong and disciplined again. why just moan and do nothing about it but rant on the internet? There are women on there. Why not marry them? because the men on there don't have jobs or a decent character so not even WN women will marry them. I have nothing in common with such people as I am an educated professional, partner in a professional business and kids I am very involved with and will be successful and raise their own families. They don't mix with white trash either. Such sites are an embarrassment to whites and just blame everyone for their own failings.

On the other hand, with your forum I can interact with asians, blacks, and who knows what I would never have a chance to interact with. I have no intention to interact carnally wit non-whites, however, quite a few nonwhites on here are actually nice decent people.

The negative people, well they are always negative and negative about the forum as well. They will blame jews, the forum, others, women, aliens or whatever for what is reality their own failings and character defects. they probably have no friends in real life as well.

So don't worry about them. Such people are never a big loss. If they are in heaven they would hang a picture of hell on the wall.
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