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Star Trek and Pacific Northwest, USA especially Washington

Posted: January 3rd, 2024, 8:05 pm
by josephty2
I used regression from an audiobook. I found out I was a male prisoner in ancient Egypt.

He (cheezeraider) would've flourished in ancient Egypt. Or at least would've had a decent rank above slave or farmer, like idk the middle rank of the pyramid analogy. I'm confused that Winston, if he agrees with you than why did you ever went to the Philippines or China?

Then again, you were on prozac a few years before you first dated Robin. You said/wrote you and her were not compatible. Fair enough. It's bizarre that while there's a winner take all system in politics it also is the case. I'm not saying it's rare for exes to date an ex's sibling of the same gender. It make sense. Robin's mom is employed in the medical industry.

Education employment makes sense, Winston liking mickey mouse when he was younger is not that different from special Ed kids liking other cartoon characters.

It's just so strange to force (ancient Egypt philosophy) prozac to someone to have awkward dates. I get it. Winston studied calculus.

For the first girlfriend after prozac, an accounting student who is Vietnamese American, accounting doesn't require calculus. It requires algebra and trigonometry. However vietnamese Americans in the 1980s, 1990s was just after the end of the Vietnam war and before computers were significant part of civilian life. Only knowing her photo, I understand that she might see taller couples with money and fancy expensive things and get jealous. Also lack of chemistry. Also Winston being bullied in childhood, first of all, a Vietnamese American girl could probably consider that even a 5'9 nerdy white guy who likes chess or Star Trek would be "normal". Or a 6' white guy Star Trek fan.

The 2nd was robin. Teaching special Ed requires the ability to remember k12 basic math and science. You can't have an old man who was once a math professor while in nursing home teach math remotely.

Of course, the problem is that Winston likes Star Trek and chess. Prozac and other meds he took after that fools people into thinking they are the exact opposite. Even years after mediation discontinuation. It might be beneficial for the parents, and the interweb of friends & family. Though it failed. Deep down Winston wanted to be accepted for his hobby, because he didn't want an semi passive relationship, they broke up (the actual reason was something else, flirting with girls online).

Arranged marriage is a dark concept. It still exists in some places.

In Asia, many people never heard of Star Trek. (Same with Russia and Ukraine) Some have. However chess is not something that Asians in Asia frown upon. Because of this he found success in the Philippines.
Many like to say that Bellingham is a nice place. Sure, it might be a nice place if you have no sexual desires, don?t like to meet beautiful women, are anti-social, reclusive, isolationist, or a hermit. If not, it can be a living nightmare.

Obviously, your next instinct would be to ask why I am here then. Well that's what I ask myself everyday. Of course I don?t want to be here and never did. It is the topic I am trying to explore in this essay, but I will go over my story later of why I keep getting trapped in the worst place to live in the world. What might surprise you though if you?ve never been here, is that in spite of how I described Bellingham above, almost everyone here LOVES it and never leaves! That is so freaking odd to me, that everyday I feel like I?m in the ?Twilight Zone? here.
The state has a lot of butterfly shirts. Some people who wear these are really in the ecology movement. Others are into politics. Let me explain the breakdown of the culture.

Tree huggers are extremely naive. It reminds me of a UCLA (I think) university student who argued with a immigrant from the Soviet Union. Another argued with Ray Bradbury.

Tree huggers aren't so bad, but their friends and family are toxic. The folks that wear north face jackets (not all) and butterfly shirts (yeah, pretty much all), please heed to my warning, these are toxic people.

California is familiar to many Washingtonians. It's a very similar culture. That's why Winston had to leave Bellingham.
This "freeze" is an intrinsic part of the Pacific Northwest in general, not just Seattle. People are just reserved, ghost-like and introverted. It is one of the hardest places in the world to make friends or get dates.

Being stuck in Bellingham, WA for years, I even wrote a long treatise about what a nightmare it was, which you can see here:

Now the GOOD NEWS is that I have an easy solution to it. It involves not only leaving the Northwest, but the country altogether! Doing so works wonders and changes your universe! Just look at all these testimonials.

See here in pictures of how my dating life went from zero to abundance overseas. And also see my Dating Abroad slide shows.
Wonders. I have played civilization 3 and 4, and the wonder that comes in mind is the great pyramids. It has the game bonus once built, of in civ3, granary in every city in the same continent. In civ4 it lets you have access to communism (police state) and democracy (universal suffrage) and Republic (representation) super early in the game.

Obviously pyramids have layers of traps, secret locks and hidden entrances designed to keep thieves from treasures, preserved grains, and glass jars of organs.
Yet if you were not allowed to complain about this. If you did, Washingtonians became defensive and condemning, telling you that you're the only one who thinks that and that everyone else loves Washington. They refused to hear any evidence to the contrary.
Remember they have these valuable stuff in the pyramids. They only see people that are second class citizens as thieves, ability to lock pick, and only respect those with archeologists aspirations etc.
I even have some photos that show this "Seattle Freeze" in public, taken aboard a Seattle Ferry. Notice how everyone is isolated in their own bubble, wanting to be alone, not needing any social interaction. Obviously, this is not the right environment for an extrovert.

Now, contrast that with these photos I took during a ferry ride in Riga, Latvia (in Eastern Europe). Even though the ride was in the late afternoon, people still knew how to party and dance. Here you see a mini-disco lounge on board the ferry being enjoyed by the passengers.
The most north ancient Egyptians would travel by galley, canoe, would be the ambassador and foreign diplomats. Obviously if there were dozens of them there is no reason for them to dance to music.
Seattle was a terrible place to live. I have never met such awful people in my life, awful to cruel. People do not care for others, if you need any kind of help you will not find any. If you are not white or of asian decent you are not welcome. I'm Latin and I was reminded every day. I was denied housing (even though my credit and income was high) because “people like me arent trustworthy”. I was told to go back to my country, I was told to speak english “this is America”. I was working late in my building and they asked me to refill the toilet paper, because all non white people must be the help. I was told by my job that there was another hispanic person in the other office 2 cities down and we should be introduced cause maybe I know him. I got laughed at at a UPS as I walked out because a worker said “dos cervesas por favor". No one ever talked to me. Heres the worse part. I fell, in the street, twisted my ankle, and not one person stopped to help me. I crawled to a post at the end of the street to lift up and joggers went right by. I had to call an Uber to take me to a clinic. I've had co workers trick me and use my kindness to do their work. If I smiled at people they would look down. When I saw another minority I would get so excited to just get a break, and they would too. They would talk to me, I even got a hug, like I'm sorry. Theres also no life, no soul, it's a cold appliance of a city, the whole area. People here think they're liberal, until it's in their street then they hate, pure hate. I got the patrol called on me because I was parked on a street looking at trees! Because this lady came out and didnt like a non luxury car with a minority in it. A friend of mine who is also latin visited from texas, she took a wine tour and started talking to some women at a wine bar about her wanting to move to Seattle. My friend looks white completely, they told her that it's a “Great place to live, we keep the Mexicans and Blacks out as much as we can, they can go south or north", they actually said that. Sports events were quiet, unless the home team was losing then it's all screams about how much they suck…maybe support your team? There really isnt much to do. The food is limited and not very good for being expensive. The good part is its beauty. Seattle, and WA in general is magnificent nature wise. Its truly magical. The weather was terrific,never hot, no bugs, no mosquitos or roaches. Sorry, I can type forever about this heartbreaking place. But then, if you have money and are white or asian, it is quite literally heaven.
This person was used to people sharing stuff to her from idk southwest usa. Remember the pyramids!

Also tall people who like star trek and chess, so many of them are extremely shy, some of them didn't have friends from high school, rather found them within 25 mile radius. Let's just say that type of person (fine, also short and average people too) is the easiest to get along with, realistically.

Technically those in prison and psychiatric hospital in the state are the easiest to get along with, that's not realistic isn't it?

Let's just say an employee working in a warehouse or ups processing center isn't gonna socialize without having 25 hour days.
On the other side of things, we have dweebs. I realize no one even uses this word outside of “The Breakfast Club” but it’s pretty fitting. Dweebs are ACTUAL nerds. By this , I mean that all those people who were getting f***ed with in high school , that hated everyone and eventually landed themselves in art school , became cutters and owned pet rats.
I learned from experience that some people do not use the word nerd in a way that makes sense. Basically they define nerd as someone with an encyclopedia knowledge of something, or at least enough to get a decent white collar job. Some people do not refer it as "socially awkward".

It also sucks because Seattle has a lot of people with an encyclopedia knowledge of something. Obviously those folks aren't nerds.
As far as you being a banana - a white man trapped in an Asian body - I would like to qualify that you are not an American white man inside an Asian body but a European Existentialist - a Frenchman, Italian or Spaniard trapped in an Asian body. You are certainly not a modern Anglo-Saxon trapped in it.
Obviously Winston isn't white. I should research the Dutch and Japan, but why should I? I don't have friends who are from Japan or the Netherlands.