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Not a True Citizen

Posted: November 15th, 2021, 6:51 am
by ladislav
Fully becoming an American is not possible.

The US has two concepts: 1) a natural/native born citizen and 2) a naturalized citizen. A naturalized citizen cannot be elected President or Vice President. The Constitution does not allow it. So, such a person is not fully trusted.

Imagine two scenarios: a person was brought by his Canadian parents to the US from Canada at the age of one month. He lives all his life in the USA, but is handicapped as " foreign-born". Can never aspire to be President.

Another person is born in the USA one month after the parents had immigrated to the US from Canada. Then, they take him back to Canada, and he lives all his life in Canada. He's eligible to run for President.

Then, the culture has a very strong nativistic element. The " Where you from?" means where a person was born even if he/she does not remember that place. If he/she were not born in the USA, a big part of Americans will never accept him/her as an American. In a moment of anger, some will tell them, " Go back to where you came from!"

In case people are not white, such words are sometimes said to them even if they were born in the USA. And often, they get the country wrong. Puerto Ricans ( US citizens) are told to go back to Mexico. Arabs are told to go back to Iran. And of course, black people are still told to go back to Africa.

Racism in America is being tackled, but nativism is still quite strong and not seen as an issue because they dump it into the same category with racism. But it is not the same thing.

Better education as well as an amendment to the Constitution would be in order. Otherwise, it appears that " all people were created equal" is just baloney.

Re: Not a True Citizen

Posted: November 15th, 2021, 7:18 am
by Cornfed
This is a natural consequence of traitors and foreign infiltrators pushing the evil notion that America (but not their countries or cabals of course) is a "proposition nation". Hopefully in due course all these scum can be exterminated like the deranged vermin that they are and everyone can revert to the common sense proposition that America is a Western European and largely English based Protestant project. Thus a true American is from or assimilable into that stock and is from family that has lived in America for several generations, and anyone else in America is there at their sufferance or, better yet, should GTFO.