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Considering looking overseas

Posted: February 8th, 2017, 6:32 am
by StepRightUp
Hi. I'm new to the forum and wanted to ask for advice. I'm from the Northeast in the U.S. and am a marriage-minded dater that has been experiencing a lot of disappointment. Most of this stems from seeming to be surrounded by people who don't want a serious relationship. I could date casually here until the day I die, but there seems to be no hope of finding something more meaningful. I'm familiar with doing international dating and have seen/read stuff about it, so I'm considering the option.

A little about myself. I'm in my mid-30s, white and fair, good shape, and healthy. If the women I date are any indication, I'm decent looking. I'd probably be considered a social liberal, at least by a conservative. I don't expect a woman to cook and clean for me just because she's a woman. I tend to prefer an equal partnership in my relationships so I don't have a problem with a woman who wants a career (I have one myself). As long as both people are pulling their weight in the home and make time for quality time with each other, it's all good. I'd like to find someone close to my age. The absolute youngest I could see myself going is late-20s. I'm leaning towards preferring someone with no kids (this would be a complicated enough situation as is), but it's not necessarily a deal breaker.

If I had to pick a religion, I would say I'm a Buddhist (though raised Catholic). One of my best friends comes from a Tibetan tradition and she got me started. These days, I'm more focused on Alan Watts treatment of Zen. However, I'm definitely not devout and don't practice regularly.

My other interests are probably a little outside the mainstream (in terms of music and movies). I'm not really into pop culture and don't watch TV. I prefer independent music and movies. I'm pretty health-conscious, though, and spend a lot of my free time between yoga and the gym.

I dunno. That's pretty comprehensive, I'd say. I'm planning a two week trip to some country or another, but am not sure where. From what I've read online, it seems like the Philippines would be the place to look, though I'm not sure specifically where to go. I've also thought about Peru. I speak a little Spanish and wouldn't mind the opportunity to learn more. Personally, I'd prefer to network my way into a place rather than using a dating site or just showing up and winging it.

Anyways, that's where I'm at now. I'd appreciate input from a more experienced community. Thanks!

Re: Considering looking overseas

Posted: February 8th, 2017, 7:12 am
by Winston
Are you asking where you should go to be HA? Sounds like you may like Asia if you're into Zen. Try going on a trip around different countries of Asia to see where you fit in best or get the best vibe. Every culture will have pros and cons, you gotta find one with the right mix for you. Have you been overseas before? The only way to know where go is to try a few hot spots and see how you feel there. And while there, seek signs from the universe or God or your higher self.

Did you have a more specific question than this? How did you find us?

Re: Considering looking overseas

Posted: February 9th, 2017, 5:19 am
by StepRightUp
Thanks for the response, Winston!

Well, ideally, I'm thinking I'd like to network my way into some (American?) ex-pat community. Before I take a trip, I'd like to know some people where I'm going.

Based on what I've read, PI seems like it would be the best fit. Much less of a language barrier, for starters. I've read that the Philippines is predominantly Catholic (and I know how that works due to my upbringing). I can be supportive if that's what my partner observes (most of my family is still Catholic), but she would have to be cool with me doing my own thing (which is evolving/changing over time). I've read that Thailand is super Buddhist, but that it's pretty institutionalized like Christianity is here, so I don't think that would speak to me too much.

I'm actually cool with helping support the family back home, as long as it's within a mutually agreed upon budget. I'm pretty involved with my own extended family, so that cultural aspect is not daunting.

I found this place through Google. It doesn't look like the forum is super active, but I figured I should start somewhere with talking to and meeting people about this.