Cheers from The Bay Area! (weiqilover)

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Cheers from The Bay Area! (weiqilover)

Post by WeiqiLover »

Hello to everyone! I have sporadically come across this site over the last 2 years and the idea of marrying a foreign women has been growing as well.

I am early 30s, live with family, I come from a low-socio economic background but because of the environment I live in and some family friends I have upper middle class influences.

I could go on and on about the negatives of american women or at least women in the bayarea in general but im sure everybody here has heard it!

Essentially as im exiting my youth and coming closer to middle-age im more and more ready to settle down with a wife and have children.

I am reasonably intelligent, moderately creative, very friendly, good looking. Kind of sad someone like me even has to jump countries to find love.

After giving internet dating a go and getting stuck with fat and ugly dysfunctional women who still somehow think they are gods gift to men, I have surrendered to the idea that I am not going to find love romance or even any kind of regular sexual satisfaction out of american women.

It is pragmatic decision but the idea is becoming more appealing.

I have a dozen or so contacts with women from other countries, mostly from the Philippines. Im a little bit familiar with the concept of *mail order brides*

I do not have much resources and very little knowledge though. I would never do something obviously stupid like send a plane ticket or send money. Beyond that though I really am a deer caught in the headlights!

Within the next year or so I will probably be able to at least travel for a couple of months again. It will be quite some time before I could actually support a family all by myself.

I tend to take service jobs and have not established a profession but I am recently taking up photography and thinking about culinary school.

So basically any tips, especially for somebody in my position would be greatly appreciated.

I am a good guy, far from perfect but gentle and kind, I have a lot of love to offer but probably little material resources compared with some.
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Post by mguy »

I'm originally from the east bay. Bay area is a marketer's paradise. The consumerism is insane. People live in a box and have nothing much of value to give.

I'm in the Philippines now. I am also a Fil-am. There really is no such thing as "mail order bride" so to speak. You meet the girl online then you go to the country to see if things work out. More than likely you will be seeing multiple girls, and she is also seeing multiple guys. It is a transaction nothing else. There is also the problem of Filipina quality online, as I think these are the lowest hanging fruits in the nation but that is not to say they are not worth it. Lastly, when you bring a Filipina statesside then she begins the Americanization phase where you may or may not have just been better off without her.

A better idea is to do an expatriation. That is to live overseas for a longer time. This requires a lot more planning. However, guys in this forum have done this and some have even done it for very little money with no job prospects lined up (and they have kids) so it's really just a mental barrier. I have a thread here about my observation about Filipina. My site on the bottom has a link that will bring you there. Regards
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Post by WeiqiLover »

Thank you very much for the information.

I have traveled to europe once (mostly italy)and did fine with women, i come back to the bayarea and I go from hero to 0 lol

It is mostly filipina's I talk with but sometimes women from other countries, im sure some of them are scammers but a few i've cammed with and know my socio economic status and still talk with me. Actually being poor some actually have something in common with me for a change...

I would never however marry without a prenuptial. Helping somebody get a greencard, sure, no loss for me. I can always continue my search if it doesn't work out. Having children could be a big trap though haha

I have no idea what kind of resources I am going to have in the future, im still relatively young and bright.

I think if needed I could be resourceful, even in another country.

Im going to check out that link and begin the process of researching!
Tired of struggling with americans superficial and shallow mentality.
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