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Posted: May 2nd, 2011, 10:59 am
by Rock
Winston wrote: Anyway, can we get back on topic in this thread?
OK, why are you publicly posting a photo of yourself smooching with a married woman (if she's still married)? You better hope her husband is not the intensely jealous type.

Posted: May 2nd, 2011, 11:31 am
by Rock
Winston wrote: You lost your memory on many occassions, but I didn't write them all down. For example:

- You asked me several times why I didn't implement Momopi's business ideas. I explained clearly why many times with lots of common sense, but you kept asking again.
- You kept saying that I never scored with regular girls in the Philippines. But I told you I had, with about 10 of them. Yet you still repeat it.
- You said that all the girls in my Angeles photo thread and collage were bar girls, even after I said many times that they weren't.
- You kept saying that I didn't spend any time in Taipei, even after I told you that I'd been there many times, even in childhood.
- You keep asking why I don't just leave Angeles, even after I gave you a list of practical reasons. Reasons? I think most would call them lame-ass excuses. Just ask around.

You lost your memory on many occassions, but I didn't write them all down. For example: Why would you need to write them down if your memory is so strong?

- You asked me several times why I didn't implement Momopi's business ideas. I explained clearly why many times with lots of common sense, but you kept asking again. I never agreed with your explanations. They sounded like excuses for laziness more than anything else. And during the same period, you kept telling me what a bright guy Momopi was. So my common sense response was to put your money where your mouth was and give his ideas a full chance. But you treated his advice just the way you do most of the advice you get on this forum - you criticized it and followed none of it.

- You kept saying that I never scored with regular girls in the Philippines. But I told you I had, with about 10 of them. Yet you still repeat it. When did I repeat it? How many times and where? Come-on, just query your photographic memory and answer?
- You said that all the girls in my Angeles photo thread and collage were bar girls, even after I said many times that they weren't. The vast majority of the Filipina girls in your collage are working girls. And I only made that comment once, right? So what's the problem?
- You kept saying that I didn't spend any time in Taipei, even after I told you that I'd been there many times, even in childhood. There you go again changing my words. I never said that. I said that you have not spent much time in Taipei (add up all the days you've been in Taipei to see what I mean) nor do you have much clubbing experience here because you obviously don't know what's going on.
- You keep asking why I don't just leave Angeles, even after I gave you a list of practical reasons. Your 'practical reasons' sounded like lame-ass excuses for doing nothing. Just ask around to see what I mean.

Posted: May 2nd, 2011, 12:19 pm
by CheezeRaider
actually DNA testing is lot cheaper about $200 US, but his site offers for less. ... gwodFnFSpg


As I said, on OP, it's greener of the other side of the fence. And you other Gentemen have just proven that for me.

Posted: May 2nd, 2011, 12:26 pm
by Mr S
CheezeRaider wrote:actually DNA testing is lot cheaper about $200 US, but his site offers for less. ... gwodFnFSpg


As I said, on OP, it's greener of the other side of the fence. And you other Gentemen have just proven that for me.
For DNA to verify paternity for citizenship, embassies will have you go to a select hospital to get it done and at "their" price; no other options. I think around 4 years ago it cost me around 30k pesos I think, it's probably more now.

Posted: May 2nd, 2011, 12:48 pm
by CheezeRaider
r DNA to verify paternity for citizenship, embassies will have you go to a select hospital to get it done and at "their" price; no other options. I think around 4 years ago it cost me around 30k pesos I think, it's probably more now.[/quote]

Interesting I was not aware of that. I had simply assumed that as long a one of the parents declared parenthood and it's on the birth certificat it was green light. Even if it is 30k peso, it's your childs future. 30k peso = $700 is hella cheap to secure it. I don't understand the problem?

Posted: May 2nd, 2011, 12:54 pm
by well-informed
@ Winston

1) That's not me in my avatar smartness, thanks for asking. It's a major league baseball player called Miguel Cabrera who i've been told that i look like him. So don't assume things Winston.

2) Who cares if you were cute at 3, look at you now Mr.Vegeterian who thinks he's a ninja. I'm pretty sure you were getting a ton of play from girls here in the states.

3) Where in my response did i say genes didn't matter. You're lumping the upbringing/environment of your son and calling it "bad genes" and that is not true you are WRONG. Yes genes can skip a generation that is true, but the thing is you completely take no fault in the development of your son. That's the problem with you. You keep blaming Dianne and her family about this and that but you NEVER look at your faults as well. YOU AREN'T PERFECT HA FAR FROM IT WINSTON.. HOW ANGELO TURNS OUT TO BE IN THE FUTURE CAN'T BE 100% DIANNE'S FAULT.

4) You're open to criticism if you reveal every little thing of your personal life for the sake of attention and hearing yourself talk. And forgive me for being so polite before :)

Posted: May 2nd, 2011, 1:27 pm
by Mr S
CheezeRaider wrote:r DNA to verify paternity for citizenship, embassies will have you go to a select hospital to get it done and at "their" price; no other options. I think around 4 years ago it cost me around 30k pesos I think, it's probably more now.

Interesting I was not aware of that. I had simply assumed that as long a one of the parents declared parenthood and it's on the birth certificat it was green light. Even if it is 30k peso, it's your childs future. 30k peso = $700 is hella cheap to secure it. I don't understand the problem?
That only works if your married. If you have a child out of wedlock and your a male, you have to jump through a bunch of hoops to register it as a citizen in whichever country your from. I guess if you want to spread your DNA around the world without responsibilities just have sex with whores and easy women then f**k off if they try to say they are pregnant. It impossible for them to get you to sign the birth certificate if your a foreigner and your not married to them. Unless there is proof you live with the women or have been together for a while, women have little power to force guys to pay child support or be a father if your not a citizen of that country. You have to REALLY want to be a father to go through all the bullshit the embassies put you through.

Posted: May 2nd, 2011, 1:34 pm
by Rock
CheezeRaider wrote:r DNA to verify paternity for citizenship, embassies will have you go to a select hospital to get it done and at "their" price; no other options. I think around 4 years ago it cost me around 30k pesos I think, it's probably more now.
CheezeRaider wrote:Interesting I was not aware of that. I had simply assumed that as long a one of the parents declared parenthood and it's on the birth certificat it was green light. Even if it is 30k peso, it's your childs future. 30k peso = $700 is hella cheap to secure it. I don't understand the problem?
Even if its 300K Peso = $7,000, its worth it to give your son a much better future. Winston just doesn't get that.

This forum is just a venting avenue for him. He does not take any of the sincere advice or constructive criticism from it seriously. And often, he gets offended and lashes back emotionally. I hope some of these discussions are at least of some use to others, perhaps silent readers in similar situations.

Posted: May 2nd, 2011, 1:42 pm
by Repatriate
Rock wrote:
Even if its 300K Peso = $7,000, its worth it to give your son a much better future. Winston just doesn't get that.

This forum is just a venting avenue for him. He does not take any of the sincere advice or constructive criticism from it seriously. And often, he gets offended and lashes back emotionally. I hope some of these discussions are at least of some use to others, perhaps silent readers in similar situations.
When all is said and done that's what bothers me the most about Winston. He's a silver spoon kid born to wealthy Taiwanese parents and is also a U.S. citizen. He could take total control of his kid and raise him with all the opportunities and influences shaped by his privileged background. Instead his whole attitude is, "my kid's an asshole" and he feels his FIL half are basically degenerates. It's really despicable and i'll call it like how I see it in this situation.

Posted: May 2nd, 2011, 1:56 pm
by Rock
Winston wrote: There are many more examples, many of them trivial. Trust me dude. I have an accurate memory and I KNOW when I've already told you something and have to repeat it. When I have to repeat something that I've told you before, I get tired easily, and I did experience that when I repeatedly answered the same questions from you, not just about the above, but about a ton of little things.

I can pull a ton of things straight from memory. I remember that the movie "The Karate Kid" came out in the Summer of 1984. I swear I didn't look it up. Look it up and tell me how accurate that is.

"Return of the Jedi" came out in 1983. I remember that clearly. My parents are even amazed at the things that I remember that they forgot, such as what year we went to Taiwan and where, who we visited, what was said, etc.

I can also remember old commercials from 1982, including exact words and slogans in them, and can recite them.

But anyway, trust me dude. I don't hallucinate things, and if I remember something, it's a very good bet that it's accurate.
And I can remember when a lot of old movies came-out too, some from before I was born since I noted their year when I first watched them. It’s easy to remember commercial songs and slogans because they are catchy and phrased so you will remember them. I have plenty of those stuck in my head as well. A lot of songs too. Big deal, it means squat. I have some clear memories from my pre-school days when I was just 4 years old. So what. Like you, I can remember many details from family trips, fights, discussions, etc. that my parents or even sister have no recollection of. But guess what? They remember other things which I don’t recall. A big part of long term memories which you are conscious of are things, people, and events which moved you emotionally in some way at the time. Kids remember different things than adults because their perception is so different.

One of my colleagues from work could cite the main academy award winners from the last 10 years and doesn’t even make a conscious effort to memorize them. That’s a lot more impressive. I’ve seen people immediately repeat 9 or even 10 random digits read to them just once. Most people can just get 7 or at most 8. Why don’t you try that and see how amazing your memory really is?

Posted: May 2nd, 2011, 1:59 pm
by CheezeRaider
Rock wrote:
CheezeRaider wrote:r DNA to verify paternity for citizenship, embassies will have you go to a select hospital to get it done and at "their" price; no other options. I think around 4 years ago it cost me around 30k pesos I think, it's probably more now.
CheezeRaider wrote:Interesting I was not aware of that. I had simply assumed that as long a one of the parents declared parenthood and it's on the birth certificat it was green light. Even if it is 30k peso, it's your childs future. 30k peso = $700 is hella cheap to secure it. I don't understand the problem?
Even if its 300K Peso = $7,000, its worth it to give your son a much better future. Winston just doesn't get that.

This forum is just a venting avenue for him. He does not take any of the sincere advice or constructive criticism from it seriously. And often, he gets offended and lashes back emotionally. I hope some of these discussions are at least of some use to others, perhaps silent readers in similar situations.
Yes, Yes! I get what you mean. It's what finaly got me to register on this site and say something. I got tired of being that silent reader. And having Winston as our poster boy scoreing abroad, is like sending the weakest athlete to Olypmic winning gold medel. That equals average Western men scoring major.

Posted: May 2nd, 2011, 2:11 pm
by Repatriate
Winston wrote:

I can pull a ton of things straight from memory. I remember that the movie "The Karate Kid" came out in the Summer of 1984. I swear I didn't look it up. Look it up and tell me how accurate that is.
Oh yeah? I remember Revenge of the nerds when it came out and I remember what was on my home made burger when I was watching it (illegally) as a little elementary school kid.
"Return of the Jedi" came out in 1983. I remember that clearly. My parents are even amazed at the things that I remember that they forgot, such as what year we went to Taiwan and where, who we visited, what was said, etc.
I remember ROTJ too. I even had free merchandise given away from cereal box vouchers including a limited edition Boba Fett. I must be a genius Winston!

Posted: May 2nd, 2011, 2:18 pm
by keius
Jesus F'ing H F'ing again Christ.
I knew this thread was going to devolve into this kind of shiz as soon as Winston started criticizing his EX.
Winston, it really makes you seem petty and vindictive. It's not like your perfect ok? She probably has her own long list of your own faults.

And you are trashing your image even more than it already is. Your own posts/responses are doing that, not the other posters. Your posts here makes it seem like you are still somewhat bitter of an ages old relationship. I can understand if your curious, but FFS, let it be AND let this thread die like the other ones.

Way off topic, yet again.

Posted: May 2nd, 2011, 2:28 pm
by Rock
Winston wrote: But anyway, trust me dude. I don't hallucinate things, and if I remember something, it's a very good bet that it's accurate.

Also, not to brag, but if you look at your posts and mine, you will see that your posts contain more spelling errors than mine do. For instance, you spelled "foggy" as "fogy" in a post above. I am very keen on accuracy so I can't help but notice such things. I've noticed a ton of errors and typos like that in your posts before. Not that it matters of course. But I'm just saying that I have a strong knack and aptitude for accuracy. And therefore, if I say that I've had to repeat things to you multiple times, then there is a 99.99 percent chance that I have.

Do you think I could beat a chess computer up to level 5 if I wasn't a careful and accurate person? In chess, just one mistake will cost you the whole game, so accuracy is key and you can't afford to make even one mistake. Everyone makes mistakes in life. But I make far less mistakes than average. My spelling in my articles attests to that. Need I say more?

You ought to give credit where credit is due and stop playing devil's advocate all the time.

Btw, I don't live on stats. I base my observations on what I see.
OK, I'm a bad speller. I admit it, guilty as charged. Never won any spelling-bees in my elementary or middle school days. And sometimes I'm too lazy or in a hurry to spell check. I also make obvious typos too. So sue me.

But since you say it doesn't matter, why bring it up? Because you are accurate? Well, you may be. At least for some things like spelling, avoiding typos, wrong punctuation, etc; things that an anal retentive elementary school grammar teacher would care a lot about. But what about the broader and IMO more relevant issues Dr. Big Picture. Your logic is all over the map - subjective and emotional. Your arguments are often weak, inconsistent, and full of holes or inaccuracies. When you respond to written criticisms or attacks, you often cherry pick too, conveniently ignoring the more challenging parts. And you like to pull numbers and percentages out of your ass. Yet in spite of all this, you claim to be a master debater.

As for what you see, I think its clear to many that you look through a very clouded lens and apply a double-standard to issues which affect you personally. Since you are so honest and open about your perceptions, I believe that you are not even conscious of this.

Posted: May 2nd, 2011, 3:01 pm
by Truthville
This quote from CheezeRaider made me laugh!

" is like sending the weakest athlete to Olypmic winning gold medel."

Can you imagine Winston "sprinting?"
