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Posted: April 17th, 2012, 4:05 pm
by JamesSa
I used to sub-contract work to for various web projects.

It's essentially a micro-freelancing site. You post projects as a seller, naming what you're willing to do for $5. For those that are desperate and need quick cash, it's an option. As a long-term passive income strategy, however, fiverr may require more than just ingenuity and patience.

I have mixed feelings about the site since it can lead to exploitation. Some buyers pay $5 yet expect $500 quality work.

Posted: July 22nd, 2012, 1:25 pm
by woodwater
Oops where is Phoenix? He said he would tell us more

Re: Freelance/Work-at-Home Jobs (Online)

Posted: July 22nd, 2012, 1:27 pm
by woodwater
Phx wrote:Hello gentlemen! I will reiterate this and say I am a freelance writer and I have been doing this online for almost 3 years now. I get to work at home, make my own schedule, work when I want to, and I work at home (had to say this twice!). This is part one of freelance jobs. I will do it in parts. I will give you guys the links to all writing websites online that pay. Ignore the revenue share sites because you have to generate page views and you make pennies and peanuts, so it is not really worth it. Many of these jobs pay like $10 an article right, but if you can write 10-15 articles, 5 days a week, you can make good income. I make about $3,000 a month (when everything is rolling with the work). Things are slow right now. Anyway, I will post freelance writing, paid surveys, transcription jobs, and other work for you guys! First, freelance sites. Here is the link to the freelance writing:

If you have any questions about freelance writing, feel free to ask me here or PM me. I only know about freelance writing and not the other areas though. Oh yeah, I will also post freelance writing markets too. Freelance writing is filled with so many options. Bianca, the Australian girl that saved my life, is the reason why I am freelancing. She is the one that told me about this. I would be working at McDonald's or some other pennies and peanuts job somewhere in Arizona. Saved my life meaning I didn't know what to do as far as jobs were concerned. I had no hope. I was stuck with temp or telemarketing jobs and I hate those jobs. I haven't looked back! I will never work an hourly wage ever again (knock on burnt wood).

Enough of me being a babbling Brooke...Here's the first link. I will add the others tomorrow when I organize my bookmarks. Oh, you're welcome! :P

P.S. You can work anywhere in the world, as long as you have a PayPal!

Freelance Writing List I: ... me-tracker
Do you have to be American or be based in America to apply for these sites, like for paying taxes etc?


Posted: November 20th, 2012, 4:32 pm
by Renata

Posted: September 27th, 2013, 11:22 am
by Digit
Great thread!
I work from home too. I got a regular job that I can do online and I also freelance a bit on the side. Its also very possible to make a living just by freelancing, I know several people who do it.

Also, while its possible to just crank out a lot of low-paid articles there is also better work available as well. I made over 4000 Dollars this month and most from was from elance. I also had a project that paid me over 100 Dollar / hour, again from elance.

This was an exceptional month though. Usually I make between 1000-1300 dollars a month. Then again Im lazy and hardly work more than 4 hours a day :lol:

Its all about positioning yourself and building a nice profile. There are some real gems to be found on these freelancing sites.

Re: Freelance/Work-at-Home Jobs (Online)

Posted: October 17th, 2015, 11:39 pm
by cbcsurvivalist
I tried going the freelance writing route but haven't been successful. I even created a website to showcase my work and cold emailed nearly 200 companies and got 3 replies back and as soon as I told them my prices $25 per an article I never heard back. I think $25 per an article is more then fair considering I have to do research and actually write good content for them instead of spinning articles. I also have a fiverr account offering my writing services as well, and only had 1 buyer so far and that was because I posted an ad outside of fiverr. Its been over a month now and I only got that one sale. I also had an upworks account but the pay on it was shit for what they wanted you to do so I gave up on it.

Re: Freelance/Work-at-Home Jobs (Online)

Posted: October 17th, 2015, 11:59 pm
by The_Adventurer
cbcsurvivalist wrote:I tried going the freelance writing route but haven't been successful. I even created a website to showcase my work and cold emailed nearly 200 companies and got 3 replies back and as soon as I told them my prices $25 per an article I never heard back. I think $25 per an article is more then fair considering I have to do research and actually write good content for them instead of spinning articles. I also have a fiverr account offering my writing services as well, and only had 1 buyer so far and that was because I posted an ad outside of fiverr. Its been over a month now and I only got that one sale. I also had an upworks account but the pay on it was shit for what they wanted you to do so I gave up on it.
The only way to be successful at this is to start writing at $0.01 or $0.02 per word. That means your article should be $5 not $25. You also have to better than everyone else doing this. This, however, is not hard since most are not native English speakers and use software to generate articles.

At this low rate, you do great work and build up a client base. When you have a ton of regulars hooked you slowly raise your rates until you get to $25 per article. They will pay it for a guy they know and like. They will never pay it for an unknown.

I did the same thing, and event to the point where I wrote a couple of $500 articles. The problem for me was, once I learned this, I realised I should be doing this with my art, where my passion is, rather than with writing. That's what I am doing now.

Re: Freelance/Work-at-Home Jobs (Online)

Posted: October 18th, 2015, 12:07 am
by cbcsurvivalist
The_Adventurer wrote:
cbcsurvivalist wrote:I tried going the freelance writing route but haven't been successful. I even created a website to showcase my work and cold emailed nearly 200 companies and got 3 replies back and as soon as I told them my prices $25 per an article I never heard back. I think $25 per an article is more then fair considering I have to do research and actually write good content for them instead of spinning articles. I also have a fiverr account offering my writing services as well, and only had 1 buyer so far and that was because I posted an ad outside of fiverr. Its been over a month now and I only got that one sale. I also had an upworks account but the pay on it was shit for what they wanted you to do so I gave up on it.
The only way to be successful at this is to start writing at $0.01 or $0.02 per word. That means your article should be $5 not $25. You also have to better than everyone else doing this. This, however, is not hard since most are not native English speakers and use software to generate articles.

At this low rate, you do great work and build up a client base. When you have a ton of regulars hooked you slowly raise your rates until you get to $25 per article. They will pay it for a guy they know and like. They will never pay it for an unknown.

I did the same thing, and event to the point where I wrote a couple of $500 articles. The problem for me was, once I learned this, I realised I should be doing this with my art, where my passion is, rather than with writing. That's what I am doing now.
Couldn't they just hire another native English speaker if I jack up my rates? Also writing for $5 per 500 word article is not sustainable. Are you doing this via a freelance website or did you prospect for your own clients?

Posted: October 18th, 2015, 12:31 am
by Ghost

Re: Freelance/Work-at-Home Jobs (Online)

Posted: October 18th, 2015, 12:46 am
by The_Adventurer
cbcsurvivalist wrote: Couldn't they just hire another native English speaker if I jack up my rates? Also writing for $5 per 500 word article is not sustainable. Are you doing this via a freelance website or did you prospect for your own clients?
It's always easier to go with someone you know and trust, even if the price is higher. If I needed something done, art wise, I can go to a CG website and see thousands upon thousands of incredibly skilled artists on display. Some of them are likely in developing economies and very cheap. I'm still going to call someone I know and have worked with before, because I know what to expect and what I'm going to get.

I don't do this now. (article writing) But I started on the freelance websites, very cheap. I built up my client base and then moved off the sites, with rates steadily rising. My loyal clients contacted me directly because they knew what they were going to get.

I was living in the Philippines at the time, so while it sucked, I could survive writing $5 articles. The guy who inspired me to take the leap was working 12 - 14 hours per day writing $5 articles, but it allowed him to live in Philippines, marry a beautiful girl and start a family. That wasn't my goal, but I saw an opportunity to take control of my life and my time, and did so on the faith that it would one day become $10 articles, then $20 and so on...

Re: Freelance/Work-at-Home Jobs (Online)

Posted: October 18th, 2015, 2:28 pm
by cbcsurvivalist
The_Adventurer wrote:
cbcsurvivalist wrote: Couldn't they just hire another native English speaker if I jack up my rates? Also writing for $5 per 500 word article is not sustainable. Are you doing this via a freelance website or did you prospect for your own clients?
It's always easier to go with someone you know and trust, even if the price is higher. If I needed something done, art wise, I can go to a CG website and see thousands upon thousands of incredibly skilled artists on display. Some of them are likely in developing economies and very cheap. I'm still going to call someone I know and have worked with before, because I know what to expect and what I'm going to get.

I don't do this now. (article writing) But I started on the freelance websites, very cheap. I built up my client base and then moved off the sites, with rates steadily rising. My loyal clients contacted me directly because they knew what they were going to get.

I was living in the Philippines at the time, so while it sucked, I could survive writing $5 articles. The guy who inspired me to take the leap was working 12 - 14 hours per day writing $5 articles, but it allowed him to live in Philippines, marry a beautiful girl and start a family. That wasn't my goal, but I saw an opportunity to take control of my life and my time, and did so on the faith that it would one day become $10 articles, then $20 and so on...
I was thinking about writing for dirt cheap first on upworks but then I didn't know how I would be able to migrate my clients off because they would have banned me for migrating all of my clients outsite of the freelance website. I'm definitely going to give this another shot with a different strategy this time. I just had a previous client who I worked with like 3 days ago contact me again today asking about the price for writing 10 articles at 1000 words each. I told her it would be $100, so it works out at $0.01 per word she told me she'd think about it. WTF, like seriously that's already next to nothing. The last article I wrote for her took me 4 hours and I stayed up until 4am just because she said she needed it asap. People expect the world from you and then cheap out and don't pay a fair price.

At the moment I'm just trying to build up my readership on my new blog to develop a reputation. Right now I'm in the process of writing a free ebook for my email subscriptions which I hope will help attract new readers while maintaining loyal readers. I don't even know how to self publish an ebook yet but I will learn this as I go along. Later on I plan on selling an ebook or something or perhaps add in affiliate links. I'm also thinking about purchasing a few domains and then uploading like 10 articles on it and then put in adsense ads and affiliate links on them and just leave it there. Now I'm not expecting to become rich by doing this but if I could make like an extra $50-100 a month from those sites I would be satisfied. Do you think that would work?

Re: Freelance/Work-at-Home Jobs (Online)

Posted: May 16th, 2016, 9:04 am
by Eric
You need permission from the owner to have access to that site? I tried to go in, but it's saying I need to have approval from whatever owner to get in. Who knows how long I'll wait for this.

Re: Freelance/Work-at-Home Jobs (Online)

Posted: May 16th, 2016, 9:30 am
by Eric
Does anyone have a link for a freelancer site, that actually works? I ask because I've tried the main one Fenix posted, and the access denied me, says it's waiting for a permission from some "owner" who I have no idea about. The other links won't open, or they just are blogs!

Thanks, I need to make some money fast.

Also, this stuff doesn't seem to pay up. $1.00 per 500 words? I'll be broke at the end of the day. How are you guys making money doing this? I'm talking editing/writing essay content, because that's what I'm natural at. What are you guys doing to make 3g's?
It also seems like you have to start slow, with small jobs, build a rep. then people will hire you. This seems like a long, long drawn out process..And I'm competing with Indian guys who just, sit behind their computers all day for 15 hours with nothing else to do - hogging all the jobs because owners always give it to them - for they have monopolized the boards, and no one can or will compete with that. Am I right?

Re: Freelance/Work-at-Home Jobs (Online)

Posted: May 16th, 2016, 10:25 am
by The_Adventurer
Eric wrote:Does anyone have a link for a freelancer site, that actually works? Doesn't get much easier than that.

Elance has now become

Still, I'm going to say the best work-at-home job is to create your own.

Re: Freelance/Work-at-Home Jobs (Online)

Posted: May 16th, 2016, 5:51 pm
by Eric
Some of these sites also have like, Hidden fees - or fees that activate after a month in the small print. Didn't know that, just saying..I saw it only on close inspection. I'll check them out. Thanks