Should I go after this guy who scammed $1000 from my aunt?

Expose or warn others about scams and scammers, or shady business practices. Expose those that have cheated you or ripped you off. Caution: Before naming specific individuals or groups, make sure that they really wronged you and that there was no misunderstanding. Otherwise your post may constitute slander or libel if it contains false information.
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Post by Mr S »

Although I believe and follow many of the adherents of supposed "new age" philosophy, I think a lot of authors such as Deepak Chopra are just modern day Charlatans that are just taking advantage of gullible individuals looking for spiritual knowledge and awakening but only getting sugar coated reprinting of past Spiritual knowledge from deceased spiritual masters. I don't think he has come up with a unique spiritual thought in his upteen years of peddling his supposed unique version of spiritual teachings. He is just a really intelligent guy that knows where the wind blows to find naive people to fall for his whole spiritual schtick. Now his ego is so huge he actually believes he is a spiritual master, ha ha.

Wayne Dyer is a bit better and at least has come up with some of his own unique viewpoints although he does tow the line sometimes with general rehashed spiritual stuff.

This is a great blog and link to "New Age Bullshit Generator":

On the New Age Bullshit Generator and parodying woo

15 April 2014

Link to the Generator:
(Yes, it’s open source: GitHub link)

A while back, I was on a philosophy debate binge. Watching Sam Harris and the late Christopher Hitchens annihilate their opponents with precision and wit is my idea of a good night in, and YouTube’s “related videosâ€￾ are a deep, dark rabbithole.

I stumbled upon two debates involving Deepak Chopra: one alongside possible alien Jean Houston against Sam Harris and Michael Shermer called Does God Have A Future? and one against Richard Dawkins at the Dangerous Ideas festival. I had never seen Chopra speak before, and I was only familiar with his name from cheesy-looking self-help titles. As I watched the debate, his childish behaviour and smugness amazed me. He constantly interrupted and talked over the others, usually to make cheap shots or have the last word instead of making a sound argument. He got weirdly defensive when Harris pointed out that nobody at the debate was qualified to talk about quantum physics — quantum is one of his favourite buzzwords — and boasted that he was the most qualified one there because he’s an MD(!). It’s clear the man isn’t used to being challenged.

The thing that really impressed me, though, was his command of the vocabulary of woo (short for woo-woo for those not in the skeptic scene). This word is a blanket term for pseudoscience, New Age thinking, dubious alternative medicine and other things that reek of the heady fumes of snake oil.

Here’s a sample of Chopra’s sermons taken from Does God Have A Future?:

Science is now in a process of overthrowing the climactic overthrow of the superstition of materialism. That everything that we call “matterâ€￾ comes from something that is not material. That the essential nature of the physical world is that it’s not physical.
Science tells us that nature is a discontinuity, that is, an on-off phenomenon. That there are gaps between every two 1s where you find a field of possibilities, a field of pure potentiality. Science doesn’t call it God, but what is God if not the immeasurable potential of all that was, all that is, and all that will be? Science also tells us that there’s a field of non-locality where everything is correlated with everything else.
There is hidden creativity; there are quantum leaps of creativity. There is something called the Observer Effect where intention orchestrates spacetime events which we then measure as movement and motion and energy and matter… You have the resources within you to intuitively grasp this mystery.

Just dreadful.

The sad thing, I realised, is that if the younger, scientifically illiterate, spiritually frustrated, eighteen-year-old me had heard this type of nonsense, I would have likely been taken in by it. It’s so full of hope and wonder and impressive ideas that you want it to be true — and for people who feel powerless, that’s more important than whether it is actually true or just a quack trying to sell a few books. After that, confirmation bias sets in and they’ve got you hook, line and sinker.

So after enduring a few hours of this nonsense and feeling profoundly irritated at the applause given to it, I had an idea.

People like Harris and Shermer and Dawkins are taking care of the rational side of things in the war on woo. They listen patiently to the babble from the other side and painstakingly try to take it apart piece by piece, dealing with each fallacy as it arises. For people who are inclined towards logical thinking and don’t have a huge emotional stake in woo, this is excellent. But what about the others?

Sometimes, there is a better way to pull your head out of the clouds and the charlatans’ hands out of your pockets. All it takes is a sneaking suspicion that this doctrine you’ve come to defend, fund and worship is, all things considered, perhaps a bit silly. Ridicule can be more persuasive than reason when it’s done right. I know this because it was the first thing that tipped me off in my early twenties.

As I sat there listening to the debates, I thought to myself, “This all sounds like random sequences of buzzwords. I bet I could write code to generate it.â€￾ It seemed like not only a fun side project, but a great way to prove how easy it is to make hogwash that looks compelling. It might help show that it’s the language games and emotions that lure people into this stuff. I started scribbling down any words I could think of that evoked a feeling of bullshit: quantum, growth, matrix, path, potential, flowering…

And thus the New Age Bullshit Generator was born.

I put it on Facebook and a few friends shared it. Then I put it on Reddit, and it exploded on the Internet. There were 50,000 likes within 4 days. I must have scratched some sort of itch, because the comments it generated were full of praise and people said they’d been waiting for something like this to come along. I was even getting donations. It seems almost everyone knows someone who has been suckered in.

Thanks to everyone who shared the link around, commented, followed me and donated — you gave me my first taste of Internet fame. Thanks also to those who created spin-offs and blogged about it.

Lastly, to the people it offended: don’t worry. This is just a digital manifestation of the infinite being mocking itself through quantum pulses of energy. And who is the “Iâ€￾ who is offended, anyway?
"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor and stoic philosopher, 121-180 A.D.

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Post by Winston »

Rock wrote: Hmm, there you go. I don't trust you Winston, not because I think you are a really bad or evil person but because you lack a lot of sense sometimes and your judgments are off. You may even be getting mentally ill now. The first things I saw on this site besides the attacks on Taiwan girls were the Wu Bashing section and that crazy fight you were having with Chemist or something like that which did become an online attack.
Well you are the only guy I've met who doesn't trust me. Other guys I've met always say that I seem so kind and genuine that they'd gladly trust me, at least more than they would other guys. Most women that know me willingly tell me their darkest secrets, because I am a good listener and nonjudgemental and they feel that they can share their secrets with me. I've always had a vibe that makes people trust me.

Monkro and Momopi, for example, gave me their real names. So did Mr S and Ladislav. Yet they did NOT suffer any negative results from it. I NEVER posted their real name here on the forum. I never betrayed them or double crossed them. So why doesn't that earn trust in your book? I have no history of backstabbing people or breaking promises. You know that. So why would you not trust me? You don't make sense. Perhaps the problem is you?

Other guys gave me their real names, such as Monkro, Momopi, Mr S, Ladislav, and many others. But they did not get any bad repercussions from it. So your paranoia is very UNJUSTIFIED. There is no basis to not trust me. Others have no problem with trusting me. Why do you?

Did you ever think that maybe YOU are OVERLY PARANOID and hence mentally ill in that sense? There is something about you that is a bit "off" and out of balance. It's hard to define. But you can't claim to be normal either. Neither of us are normal.

You can't deny that it's NOT normal for a guy to never give out his real name to his friends. I don't know any guy who does that. Does that mean maybe you are mentally ill? lol. If so, then at least I'm not mentally ill in the same way that you are.

Question for you: How come everyone else has no problem giving out their real name to me, except you? Is it because you're smarter than everyone? I doubt it. Or is it because you're more paranoid than everyone? Your paranoia is excessive, and makes you more American than anything else.

I've always had some kind of OCD since my teenage years. But that doesn't mean I'm mentally ill in the way you think. We are all crazy here from being victims of a highly toxic and inauthentic culture in the US.

How am I mentally ill? I do not say anything untrue or inaccurate. And I don't bullshit like you do sometimes (no offense, just calling it as I see it).

Yes I have a hot temper and I may overreact sometimes. And we may disagree. But that doesn't make me mentally ill.

Yes I deal with a lot of obstacles that you can't understand. But hey, you have faults too, that I don't have. You have faults too. But you aren't honest about them. At least I'm more honest and open than you are. That's for sure.

You can't claim to be brighter than me. We both know that in Chess, Chinese Chess or Scrabble, I'd easily steamroll you without effort. I'd bet a lot of money on it too. You know it's true. Those games are my forte. I'm not stupid obviously and I do have some good mental talents. And I'm very good when it comes to reason and logic.
When Steve Jobs went to India as a youth, he said he learned a lot about spirituality and intuition not just from the spiritual leaders but also from the simple illiterate folk. Sometimes I intentionally keep it simple. I"m not trying to impress people by talking the talk. If I wanted to do that, I'm smart enough and know how. But I don't wanna go there. I had to do it in some fields for practical reasons. But spirituality is another matter. And who said I believe in reincarnation? The honest answer about such specifics is I don't know. My belief in something positive is at the gut level and very general. I think debates between different faiths on details are the most retarded things. That's why I abhor religions. Because they get humanized and humans don't know. People constantly judge others instead of just focusing on the essence which to me is showing love. Faith and spirituality is something not to be intellectualized in my book. Just leave it at that.

If you wanna delve deeper into personal issues of an individual like myself, I suggest you try to do it privately. This is a public forum and I choose not to spill my guts out but rather remain quasi anonymous. Many others are like me on that so it's not so strange. I've shared more than many here already - both directly through my writings and indirectly by meeting up with posters here. I hope you will respect that. If not, it will push more distance between myself and your forum. I contribute in my own way, take it or leave it.
Fine. Maybe you are spiritual in your own way. But you aren't an intellectual on the subject because you can't even discuss it.

If you want to talk about this privately, ok then let's do that next time. But if we meet and I find out that you are not able to demonstrate any knowledge in spirituality, or in any of the subjects you claim to be interested in (martial arts, etc) do you mind if I call you on your bullshit? Is that ok? Is it a sin to you for someone to call you out on your faults?

Again, take Jackal for example. He says he's interested in Buddhism and meditation. And he proves it, because when I ask him questions about it, he DEMONSTRATES that he has knowledge and understanding in those subjects. So I believe him.

But you don't. How do you explain that? How can you be interested in something yet not know much about it?! Surely you are educated and capable of reading right? Then why do you feign ignorance? No one who truly loves knowledge would do that. Am I missing something? You aren't making sense here.

Also, how come me and Mr S can have deep conversations about metaphysics and spirituality? He has a LOT of knowledge in this area too. And he can hold deep intellectual conversations about it. But when I try to do that with you, you resist and draw a blank. How come?

A spiritual person does not act invulnerable like you do. A spiritual person acts humble and will admit their faults. But you have NEVER EVER said "I was wrong". NEVER. Why? Are you so insecure that you have to act tough and faultless? You never answer this question. Why can't you be real and human and admit your faults and weaknesses? Remember that real men admit their faults and when they are wrong. Only insecure people act like know it alls.
Last edited by Winston on April 23rd, 2014, 6:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Winston »

Last edited by Winston on April 24th, 2014, 8:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Winston »

Ok I did it. I finally put up a webpage about the guy. Here it is. ... trust.html

Please help by clicking on the link above, and leaving a comment, to help get it higher in Google rankings. Thanks.
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Post by Winston »

Here are three more pages I put up about him under different domain names I control. I simply copied and pasted the same one as above.

Again, as with the link above, please help out here by clicking all the links below and leaving a comment. This will raise these hits in Google higher. The first link above in our blog is already on the first page of Google. If you don't have much time, then just click the links without leaving any comments, which is better than nothing. Thanks.

Here is the first one again: ... trust.html

The next three: ... =26&t=3416 ... o-not.html ... mer-alert/

The guy is not answering my PM's on YouTube or Facebook. But these links will get his attention for sure. The first one is already on the first page of Google.
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Post by Bitch_Slapper »

Winston wrote: Well you are the only guy I've met who doesn't trust me. Other guys I've met always say that I seem so kind and genuine that they'd gladly trust me, at least more than they would other guys. Most women that know me willingly tell me their darkest secrets, because I am a good listener and nonjudgemental and they feel that they can share their secrets with me. I've always had a vibe that makes people trust me.
To be honest Winston, I hate to say this but I wouldn't trust you either.

I don't think you're a bad person or a sociopath, but you do seem to have self-control problems. I know lots of people who are kind and sincere too, but I would still never trust them with my personal shit.

As this thread indicates, you veer off on some silly tangent and soon enough, you're having a major tiff over some BS that nobody else would ever dream of having.

And you never should have posted a forum member's name like that. Doesn't matter if it's a fake name. That was a dick move, and proof that you shouldn't ever be trusted with vital information. You really need to get a proper handle on your impulses.
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Post by Rock »

Winston wrote:
Rock wrote: Hmm, there you go. I don't trust you Winston, not because I think you are a really bad or evil person but because you lack a lot of sense sometimes and your judgments are off. You may even be getting mentally ill now. The first things I saw on this site besides the attacks on Taiwan girls were the Wu Bashing section and that crazy fight you were having with Chemist or something like that which did become an online attack.
Well you are the only guy I've met who doesn't trust me. Other guys I've met always say that I seem so kind and genuine that they'd gladly trust me, at least more than they would other guys. Most women that know me willingly tell me their darkest secrets, because I am a good listener and nonjudgemental and they feel that they can share their secrets with me. I've always had a vibe that makes people trust me.

Monkro and Momopi, for example, gave me their real names. So did Mr S and Ladislav. Yet they did NOT suffer any negative results from it. I NEVER posted their real name here on the forum. I never betrayed them or double crossed them. So why doesn't that earn trust in your book? I have no history of backstabbing people or breaking promises. You know that. So why would you not trust me? You don't make sense. Perhaps the problem is you?

Other guys gave me their real names, such as Monkro, Momopi, Mr S, Ladislav, and many others. But they did not get any bad repercussions from it. So your paranoia is very UNJUSTIFIED. There is no basis to not trust me. Others have no problem with trusting me. Why do you?

Did you ever think that maybe YOU are OVERLY PARANOID and hence mentally ill in that sense? There is something about you that is a bit "off" and out of balance. It's hard to define. But you can't claim to be normal either. Neither of us are normal.

You can't deny that it's NOT normal for a guy to never give out his real name to his friends. I don't know any guy who does that. Does that mean maybe you are mentally ill? lol. If so, then at least I'm not mentally ill in the same way that you are.

Question for you: How come everyone else has no problem giving out their real name to me, except you? Is it because you're smarter than everyone? I doubt it. Or is it because you're more paranoid than everyone? Your paranoia is excessive, and makes you more American than anything else.

I've always had some kind of OCD since my teenage years. But that doesn't mean I'm mentally ill in the way you think. We are all crazy here from being victims of a highly toxic and inauthentic culture in the US.

How am I mentally ill? I do not say anything untrue or inaccurate. And I don't bullshit like you do sometimes (no offense, just calling it as I see it).

Yes I have a hot temper and I may overreact sometimes. And we may disagree. But that doesn't make me mentally ill.

Yes I deal with a lot of obstacles that you can't understand. But hey, you have faults too, that I don't have. You have faults too. But you aren't honest about them. At least I'm more honest and open than you are. That's for sure.

You can't claim to be brighter than me. We both know that in Chess, Chinese Chess or Scrabble, I'd easily steamroll you without effort. I'd bet a lot of money on it too. You know it's true. Those games are my forte. I'm not stupid obviously and I do have some good mental talents. And I'm very good when it comes to reason and logic.
When Steve Jobs went to India as a youth, he said he learned a lot about spirituality and intuition not just from the spiritual leaders but also from the simple illiterate folk. Sometimes I intentionally keep it simple. I"m not trying to impress people by talking the talk. If I wanted to do that, I'm smart enough and know how. But I don't wanna go there. I had to do it in some fields for practical reasons. But spirituality is another matter. And who said I believe in reincarnation? The honest answer about such specifics is I don't know. My belief in something positive is at the gut level and very general. I think debates between different faiths on details are the most retarded things. That's why I abhor religions. Because they get humanized and humans don't know. People constantly judge others instead of just focusing on the essence which to me is showing love. Faith and spirituality is something not to be intellectualized in my book. Just leave it at that.

If you wanna delve deeper into personal issues of an individual like myself, I suggest you try to do it privately. This is a public forum and I choose not to spill my guts out but rather remain quasi anonymous. Many others are like me on that so it's not so strange. I've shared more than many here already - both directly through my writings and indirectly by meeting up with posters here. I hope you will respect that. If not, it will push more distance between myself and your forum. I contribute in my own way, take it or leave it.
Fine. Maybe you are spiritual in your own way. But you aren't an intellectual on the subject because you can't even discuss it.

If you want to talk about this privately, ok then let's do that next time. But if we meet and I find out that you are not able to demonstrate any knowledge in spirituality, or in any of the subjects you claim to be interested in (martial arts, etc) do you mind if I call you on your bullshit? Is that ok? Is it a sin to you for someone to call you out on your faults?

Again, take Jackal for example. He says he's interested in Buddhism and meditation. And he proves it, because when I ask him questions about it, he DEMONSTRATES that he has knowledge and understanding in those subjects. So I believe him.

But you don't. How do you explain that? How can you be interested in something yet not know much about it?! Surely you are educated and capable of reading right? Then why do you feign ignorance? No one who truly loves knowledge would do that. Am I missing something? You aren't making sense here.

Also, how come me and Mr S can have deep conversations about metaphysics and spirituality? He has a LOT of knowledge in this area too. And he can hold deep intellectual conversations about it. But when I try to do that with you, you resist and draw a blank. How come?

A spiritual person does not act invulnerable like you do. A spiritual person acts humble and will admit their faults. But you have NEVER EVER said "I was wrong". NEVER. Why? Are you so insecure that you have to act tough and faultless? You never answer this question. Why can't you be real and human and admit your faults and weaknesses? Remember that real men admit their faults and when they are wrong. Only insecure people act like know it alls.
Winston, I'm not BSing. You are projecting as you often do.

1. I never claimed to be an intellectual or capable of discussing spiritual topics. For all I know, my IQ might be well under 100. So perhaps I'm without such capacity. I'm interested in many things yet may have no capability or interest to discuss them. There are certain songs I quite like for which I don't even know the words or remember the artists name for example. I just don't care. But so be it. I'll stay the way I am and enjoy my life if the only alternative is to become a schmuck loser victim like you lol.

2. If you find out...? Like I'm gonna even try to prove myself to someone like you. Who are you anyway?

3. Monkro only revealed himself to you and even let you meet him because I persuaded him over many months. Trust me, he had deep reservations. I think he now regrets it. He's been sending me messages about this very thread telling me that you've proven yourself beyond trust.

4. Like a lot of people, I've chosen to be fairly private about myself. If you don't like it and insist on keeping this personal discussion public, I will just vote with my feet. Your call.
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Post by Rock »

Winston wrote: Monkro and Momopi, for example, gave me their real names. So did Mr S and Ladislav. Yet they did NOT suffer any negative results from it. I NEVER posted their real name here on the forum. I never betrayed them or double crossed them. So why doesn't that earn trust in your book? I have no history of backstabbing people or breaking promises. You know that. So why would you not trust me? You don't make sense. Perhaps the problem is you?
Monkro told me you included his visible email address (which has his name on it) on some mass email even though he asked you in advance not to do that. And you did it more than once. He said you probably did it out of carelessness (not intentionally) but result is the same, damage suffered by him. He says you did not seem to care about his sincere request for privacy. Trust me, he doesn't really trust you lol. Dragonboy, who I met in Taiwan, wouldn't even meet you because he says you are a loose cannon. Just because certain guys on the forum feel comfortable giving you their personal details (first name which does not mean much or perhaps full names which means more) does not mean others do as well.

I still remember you posting what you believed to be Repat's real name. Why did you pull a stunt like that? A trustworthy person would not turn on him, a strong contributor to your personal franchise, in such a personal and petty way. That was below the belt.
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Post by Winston »

But the bottom line is that I've never betrayed or backstabbed anyone. All the people I've attacked online deserved it. As you know, I'm a very fair and just forum moderator, which you have applauded recently on this forum. That should tell you something.

I don't think Monkro regrets meeting me. He texts me a lot and says that I am a very good guy with a good heart. Every time he asked me to remove something, I've removed it. I don't remember posting his email address. I only posted his letters. He was afraid that someone might recognize his writing style, which is highly improbable and paranoid. I never did anything wrong to him.

Bottom line: I've never wronged anyone innocent and you know it. You can ask my other friends. They will tell you that they trust me more than they do anyone else. I don't understand why you don't either.

Just because I go after scammers doesn't mean that I'm not trustworthy or that one can't trust me. That makes no logical sense. Rock, seriously, sometimes you make leaps or connections that are NOT logical. So you are weird sometimes too. Like that time you connected having an approachable face being bullshit because scammers and gold diggers are approachable too, yet that does not make them not approachable. Your logic there was very very bad and made no sense. You know that? Sometimes you are not rational at all. Seriously.

Yes I know the full name of a lot of people here. But I never betray them. I'm too nice and kind. I value friendship highly and am loyal. Probably more than you do. I stick up for my friends and help them. But you seem to criticize your friends too much. I'm not sure you know what a real friend is. Do you? So how can you say that I am not trustworthy but you are? WTF?!

Did you ever consider that maybe you are wrong? You seem to be the type of guy who never admits when he's wrong. What does it take to get you to admit that you were wrong about anything? I didn't know such a mellow guy like you could be that stubborn. lol

I'm not a loose cannon. lol. Everything I do is usually deliberate and calculated. My thoughts are a lot more orderly than you can imagine. Seriously. I may be outspoken and aggressive, but it's all deliberate and calculated. Not like a loose cannon. Honestly.

Dragonboy is not a credible source. I've talked to him on the phone. He sounds like a braggart and BSer. The way he talks is fake. Not down to earth or genuine at all. But you seem to think that every guy you meet is for real for some reason. lol. He even said that in Dan Shui, a Taiwanese girl made eye contact with him and then started making out with him, just like that. Yeah right. What a crock of shit. Not a single person I showed that to believes him. A young female stranger in Taiwan is not gonna start making out with a male stranger on the street, no matter how good looking he is. Everyone knows that.

Even if you're not intellectual, you don't have to be intellectual to know a lot of stuff. You just have to be interested in it. For example, Christian fundamentalists who know a lot of Bible verses by memorization are not more intellectual than you. They are simply interested and passionate about their religion, so they spend lots of time reading the Bible. If you are interested in something, you will gain knowledge about it. You don't have to be intellectual.

If you studied NDE's, the you would know the famous authors in the field, such as Raymond Moody, Kenneth Ring, Melvin Morse, Jeffrey Long, etc. I think you downloaded Jeffrey Long's book on NDE's into your Kindle, at my suggestion, didn't you?

I don't know. Maybe your mind does not like to store data about something abstract, and only likes to store data about practical things? lol

But you did tell me that you studied martial arts to counter my claim that you knew nothing about it. So why can't you answer any questions about it? You don't have to be an intellectual. Anyone who has taken martial arts classes knows some stuff. So what's your excuse for not knowing anything about it? lol

Rock, come on now. Are you seriously claiming that you are 100 percent honest and that you never BS just to argue or counter a point? Please tell the truth.

One more question: What if my webpages about that guy who scammed my aunt results in him returning some of the money, and thus my plan succeeds? Then what? Will you admit that my strategy was successful?

I'm only doing what I think is right and following my conscience. Why should I go against my conscience just because you say so?

Remember this spiritual lesson: Do not judge others. Everyone is trying to do the best they can with what they know.

PS - Rock, you also know that I have a real conscience. Remember how I told you that one of my advertisers was paying me too much, and so I asked them to lower their monthly payment to me to something that I felt was more reasonable? How many guys do you know who would have done that? You applauded that remember? It shows that I have a strong conscience and am not greedy. You told me that you respected me for that remember? I told you that I never overcharge people because I don't like to be overcharged myself, thus my morals are consistent. You said that you respected that remember?

In contrast, most guys I know, even very frugal ones who don't like to spend much, will gladly charge high prices if they can get away with it. Not me though. To me that's hypocrisy. Since I'm frugal, I will expect others to be too and so will never overcharge or overprice anything that's in my control. But other guys don't think that way. I don't know why. You gave me credit for this before remember? So how can you claim that I'm not trustworthy?!
Last edited by Winston on April 26th, 2014, 7:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Winston »


Well it turns out the guy works at Pinnacle Bank of Arizona in Scottsdale, according to his LinkedIn profile. So I went to their website and emailed them through it, asking them to forward a letter from me to the him, showing him the four links I put up about him, and asking him to contact me to resolve it.

I'm curious to see what his reaction will be. Aren't you? I'm sure Rock is itching with curiosity too. He is a highly curious fellow and thrives on controversy, even the worst kind. lol
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Post by Rock »

Winston wrote:Rock,
But the bottom line is that I've never betrayed or backstabbed anyone. All the people I've attacked online deserved it. As you know, I'm a very fair and just forum moderator, which you have applauded recently on this forum. That should tell you something.

I don't think Monkro regrets meeting me. He texts me a lot and says that I am a very good guy with a good heart. Every time he asked me to remove something, I've removed it. I don't remember posting his email address. I only posted his letters. He was afraid that someone might recognize his writing style, which is highly improbable and paranoid. I never did anything wrong to him.

Bottom line: I've never wronged anyone innocent and you know it. You can ask my other friends. They will tell you that they trust me more than they do anyone else. I don't understand why you don't either.

Yes I know the full name of a lot of people here. But I never betray them. I'm too nice and kind. I value friendship highly and am loyal. Probably more than you do. I stick up for my friends and help them. But you seem to criticize your friends too much. I'm not sure you know what a real friend is. Do you? So how can you say that I am not trustworthy but you are? WTF?!
1. I have admitted to being wrong on this very forum before. Read comprehensively before using absolutes like NEVER.

2. We (Monkro and I) don't question your heart but rather the soundness of your mind. You may be quite smart in a lot of ways. But you have glaring blindspots in your judgement and common sense. That is why you are not trustworthy and I sometimes refer to you as a loose cannon. For example, you don't seem able to put 2 and 2 together sometimes. Did you ever think that if you include Monkro's visible email on a mass mailing, that his real name would show up? He explained that to you yet you were too lazy or complacent to respect his wishes. You violated the trust not only once but twice.

Remember when you thought you knew Repat's real name? What did you do? Reveal it here on this very forum. You violated the trust.

So how is it that you've never wronged anyone? Even I've wronged people in my life and I admit right here. Yet you claim that you haven't. Are you really so perfect. You also claim that you've never betrayed anyone's name publicly. So what about Monkro? What about Repat?

If your moves are all well thought out and planned, how do you explain your results? I mean you've spent almost all the last what 3 or 4 years in countries you don't even like. You talk incessantly about never having time to do what you need to do in order to leave. Then you flood the forum with posts about all kinds of random things which should be at the very bottom of your bucket list. Yet you give it your here and now, as if it's the most important thing you have to do.

If I don't wanna discuss certain interests with you or on this forum, that's my prerogative. Maybe it's because I don't have the ability or maybe it's just because I don't want to. Either way, it's my choice. I"m not a public person so I can do just as I please on such things. What's the point of criticizing my personal choices or abilities? I don't ever claim to be perfect or without mistakes.

But you, on the other hand, are the front man for this movement, and a paid one at that. So all eyes here are on you. You can do better, much better, if you would just stop blaming externals and act instead of thinking so much. It behooves you to just move your butt.
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Post by Winston »

When did you admit you were wrong? Can you show me?

I told you, Repat was an asshole and did some shitty things too. I felt he deserved it. I explained it in the post about him.

He was not a nice innocent guy. I do not give people what they don't deserve.

Weren't you overly harsh and mean to air king?

I just asked Monkro by text. He told me that he does not regret meeting me at all, and that he likes the person that I am. You are sometimes overly negative Rock.

I am open about private things, so I assume that others are too.

But again, I do not backstab or betray people.

When have I failed to put 2 and 2 together? At least I don't make horrid logic errors like you did, when you said in that bizarre thread "Approachable faces BS" that being approachable and being a scammer/gold digger can't be both true. Wtf were you smoking rock? Being a user/taker and being approachable are NOT mutually exclusive. EVERYONE knows that. So why did you make such an absurd statement that's not even true? So weird!

So you see, you sometimes do not add 2 and 2 either and you make bizarre statements that make no sense at all. You got a lot of flaws too bud.

At least I don't claim to study something and then have zero knowledge of it, like you did with martial arts. lol. I never BS like that. I have that over you.

Maybe you just are terrible at seeing the big picture? I don't know. But I'll bet you that your logic is so horrible that I can beat you 10 out of 10 games in chess easily. Do you doubt that? I'm sure I can win because you aren't good at abstract thought and your logic is sometimes clumsy. Such traits would make you horrible in chess.

I'll bet you $200 that you can't even win 1 out of 10 games in chess with me. You wanna take the bet? You only have to win one game. lol

I told you, I have bad time management skills, and deal with Murphy's Law, Charlie Brown luck, and an invisible wall. Too much stuff in my way.

When I said my moves were calculated, I meant the web pages and posts I put up. You can tell in my posts that my words are deliberate and calculated. They are not made on impulse or instinct or randomly.

If I put Monkro's email on a mass email, then that was many years ago. And only happened once.

Sure I make mistakes that might have caused damage. But I never deliberately backstab people or deliberately wrong innocent people. That's what I mean. When have I deliberately wronged someone innocent?

I'm probably the only guy you know who won't backstab you. Most people will, especially Americans.

Ask WorldTraveler. He says that I'm one of two guys in the world that he trusts.

Finally Rock, why did you tell me that you studied martial arts when you didn't? You obviously didn't. So why did you say that you did, just to counter my claim that you aren't qualified to talk about fighting or martial arts? See what I mean? You are not 100 percent honest. Sometimes you will make up stuff just to counter a claim. You should be honest and admit that. You did not study any martial arts. If you did, you would not have zero knowledge of it. Come on now. I'm not stupid.
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Post by Rock »

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Post by Rock »

Winston wrote:
Dragonboy is not a credible source. I've talked to him on the phone. He sounds like a braggart and BSer. The way he talks is fake. Not down to earth or genuine at all. But you seem to think that every guy you meet is for real for some reason. lol. He even said that in Dan Shui, a Taiwanese girl made eye contact with him and then started making out with him, just like that. Yeah right. What a crock of shit. Not a single person I showed that to believes him. A young female stranger in Taiwan is not gonna start making out with a male stranger on the street, no matter how good looking he is. Everyone knows that.
How would you know? Did you ever meet him? You have no idea who he is. But I do. I've hung out with him in Phils, Thailand, and Taiwan. I know some of his friends and have even met others independently here in Phils (foreign business people) who have known him for over 8 years.

I've never caught him lying, not even once. He's very credible. His businesses are very successful and I have first hand proof of this. When he was younger, he looked like a model. And he has a personal magnetism which seems to work well on some European and Taiwanese girls. I've seen proof of this too. Even a girl I've known for awhile felt attraction towards him. And I've witnessed him pick-up an a tall and cute girl in Taichung at a party who was like 15 years his junior (under 30) and get sex with her the same night and several times subsequent. Imagine what he was like in his younger days.

He's very calm and in touch with spiritual side. And he even has online groupies. He's not at all a braggart. Most of what I learned about him came from independent sources.

You like to project your own situation on others. That's not fair. There are even guys who can do well in USA. Just because we can't doesn't mean they can't. So why not reserve judgements until you have some real basis. In case of Dragonboy, you don't. Everything you say about him is based on your own subjective bias. You don't know the guy at all. So why talk crap about him? It makes you a lot harder to trust.
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Post by Winston »

Last edited by Winston on April 27th, 2014, 1:15 am, edited 6 times in total.
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