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Posted: November 11th, 2012, 1:45 am
by zboy1
lone_yakuza wrote:As for weapons, that is a completely different ballgame. I don't have much knowledge about gun fighting other than that some effective methods are obviously to first of all stay out of melee range, to shoot them before they can close, to run/dodge in zigzag motions or to advance in zig zag motions as you shoot if you are being shot at as well, and to make it random, make it fast, and get to cover as soon as f***ing possible.

If you are good enough or highly trained such as being ex INfantry or SWAT, then you'd know about rolling to cover, rolling to prone position to fire, etc. Basically you want to make yourself as small a target as possible.

That's all I know about gun fighting.

Knife fighting is about controlling the knife and is pretty f***ing scary. I dont know much else about knife fighting other than that you must always try to control the enemy's knife/knife arm and to perform a jointlock that immobilizes their knife arm ASAP. Or you get the f**k out of melee range and blow their head off.

Also, knife fighting is much more arm work, I think as opposed to sword fighting which is more about footwork, form, lunging, side stepping, block/counter and maybe trying to get in a kick while their sword is occupied.
How about Krav Maga? Is it effective? I know it originated in Israel and all their soldiers are trained in it.

Posted: November 11th, 2012, 2:18 am
by lone_yakuza

Posted: November 11th, 2012, 2:47 am
by lone_yakuza

Posted: November 26th, 2012, 11:19 pm
by abcdavid01
I heard that about the Commies. Didn't Tai Chi used to be a martial art? There's a Tae Kwon Do dojo in my town I trained in for a few years. You're right about it being finishing moves; I figured that out pretty quickly. Luckily I'm pretty flexible, but it never struck me as a good base art. They taught grappling, arnis sticks, stuff like that too. If I get back in I think I'd go for Muay Thai or Kyokushin.

Posted: November 27th, 2012, 10:17 am
by Jackal
lone_yakuza wrote: Boxing w/ Mike Tyson, one of the best boxers ever. Watch his defense and head movements. It is unreal.
Mike Tyson was a great boxer and a great athlete, but in a thai boxing match or in an MMA match, such head movements would just get one kneed in the head!

[youtube] ... re=related[/youtube]

Posted: November 28th, 2012, 1:09 am
by Jester
Winston wrote:Can you guys explain this one? Is it for real? What is this touch he has that renders people unconscious? Is there such a thing in ancient martial arts?

Posted: May 14th, 2013, 6:47 pm
by anamericaninbangkok
For five years I worked as a matchmaker, manager, and trainer for pro boxers from Thailand, the PI, and Guyana. Now I've semi-retired from boxing, for the most part because the sport has gone to shit.

Anyhow, here's vid of some Muay Thai with my kids training. I trained them in boxing, maybe 15 minutes a day 3-4 days a week but their Thai boxing training has lagged. It's getting better but they're still immature physically.

Re: Martial Arts that don't work

Posted: March 1st, 2021, 8:46 pm
by Winston
Is this video true that martial arts don't really work in real life fights and could dangerously give you a false sense of confidence which could cost you your life?

Comment I left below the video:

"Thoughty2, again you don't tell the whole story, only partially. Yes it's true that against a skilled street fighter, martial arts won't help much, but if you are fighting a stupid drunk guy in a bar, or an average guy, then yes martial arts will give you an edge and make a difference. We are talking average regular folks here or drunk a-holes in a bar. Most average people are not good fighters, so yes martial arts does help you beat them up or win against them if they are attacking you. You should have pointed that out in your video. You are so narrow man. Thumbs down."

Re: Martial Arts that don't work

Posted: May 17th, 2022, 12:40 pm
by Lucas88
Winston wrote:
March 1st, 2021, 8:46 pm
Is this video true that martial arts don't really work in real life fights and could dangerously give you a false sense of confidence which could cost you your life?

Comment I left below the video:

"Thoughty2, again you don't tell the whole story, only partially. Yes it's true that against a skilled street fighter, martial arts won't help much, but if you are fighting a stupid drunk guy in a bar, or an average guy, then yes martial arts will give you an edge and make a difference. We are talking average regular folks here or drunk a-holes in a bar. Most average people are not good fighters, so yes martial arts does help you beat them up or win against them if they are attacking you. You should have pointed that out in your video. You are so narrow man. Thumbs down."
I'll comment on this thread since the topic of martial arts is now being discussed on the forum and I saw this thread linked from the most recent one.

I've been practicing martial arts since the age of 15 and have trained in various styles and I think that what the video says is true. What people learn in most Traditional Martials Arts schools isn't much use in a real fight. The reason for this is because these styles don't practice sparring against a resisting opponent or pressure test the techniques that they teach in a realistic way and so their classes don't prepare students for the struggle of real combat.

Learning a TMA like Wing Chung or traditional (Japanese) Jujitsu or Ninjitsu might give the practitioner a very marginal advantage in a fight against an untrained dude but a very marginal advantage is not a good prospect for investment. Plenty of traditional martial artists try to use their techniques in a real fight but end up getting beat by an untrained opponent who just swings aggressively and ends up connecting hard or overwhelming them with a violent yet unskilled flurry of strikes. Most TMA practitioners straight up suck at fighting!

Modern styles such as MMA, boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai and wrestling are a much better investment for real fighting. They teach effective and highly practical techniques that you can use to seriously beat people up even with only a basic level of training.