Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

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Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Which of these belief systems do you subscribe to and what is the basis for your beliefs?

CHRISTIANITY: A monotheistic and Abrahamic religion which follows the life and teachings of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Christians believe the teachings of the bible are 100% real and that their god is all loving and all powerful. Members of the forum such as @MrMan and @Outcast9428 follow this religion.

ATHEISM: An absence of belief in any deities. Sometimes atheists assert as fact that there is no intelligent creator because evolution and science give an explanation for the universe without there being a need for a god, therefore no such god exists. I only know of one atheist on the forum @flowerthief00

SPIRITUALITY: Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature. It is something personal to the individual, but has sort of become institutionalised with the New Age. Members of the forum open to spirituality are @Lucas88 and @Winston although Lucas88 believes in a more personal form of spirituality, I am not sure if Winston is the same or whether he considers himself part of the New Age.

Let the discourse begin!

To kick off I will give my impression of the three belief systems.

ATHEISM: I have never been able to see any inherent sense in this. This is a belief system based on nothing but the theories of materialist scientists who are essentially the high priests of atheism. Their arguments tend to hinge on the Big Bang Theory or the Theory of Evolution. Both just theories widely accepted by the masses and elevated as fact.

There is no room for philosophical thinking, such as the idea that we are something more than just insignificant specks floating through a random universe which has no meaning at all. It means that when you die it would be as if you never existed at all, not just you but every human on the planet. All of it would be pointless.

Atheists believe that consciousness is just a byproduct of your biological programming in order to keep your body alive and your responses to these natural impulses. But we actually have little to do with our bodies or their functions, most of the brains functions are mechanical and operate outside of our input. Like breathing or the beating of your heart for example. The part of you that is the inner voice is consciousness, and something independent of the normal workings of your biological machine.

Atheists believe there is nothing when you die. I've often wondered if this is preferable to the alternative for an afterlife as presented by Christianity. The idea of burning in hell forever or being in church forever, both equally terrifying. "It will be just like before you were born." Life is just medium through which to gain experience and to grow. Things like before birth and death are necessary and unavoidable experiences which give the experiences of the life in-between any meaning.

The only philosophical question with an atheistic worldview is the philosophy of suicide. If life is meaningless and I'm miserable then why don't I just kill myself and end it in an instant rather than just prolong that which is inexorable. But in defense of this I think atheists tend to live more in the moment and believe they matter because they matter to those around them etc. Atheists also tend to be people who are more inclined to a corporate way of thinking and adopt the philosophies of capitalism, making money and success a sense of meaning and purpose for some atheists. Totally solipsistic

Atheists believe in mathematics, but totally ignore the fibonacchi sequence and the Golden ratio because to acknowledge it is to recognise a consistent design throughout all things.

The problem I have with most atheists is that their arguments tend to be dismissive "burden of proof" arguments but offer no substantial reason as to why a creator god is just not possible. Half the time Atheists are disrespectful to people who believe in something other than what these high priests of atheism and call them idiots when this isn't the case at all. People who are curious about cosmology other than the one of nihilism, gravitate to something which they instinctually know deep down. That the universe does have an intelligent creator.

CHRISTIANITY: I think Christians have the prevailing argument when it comes to a discussion between Christians and atheists. Particularly when it comes to creationism. But the ideology still has its flaws. I used to be Christian at one time, but it didn't stick.

I don't like the idea that we are constantly living under probation or that this is a religion which made a virtue out of guilt. God is supposedly all loving but demands the sacrifice of both animals and children to satisfy his blood lust.

Christianity is a religion of slave morality where Christians must relentlessly grovel and apologise to this insecure God who demands constant worship and praise... it is about obeying authority and turning the other cheek so your enemies can oppress you with minimal resistance.

The bible itself is a direct plagiarism of much older religions which originate in Sumer, or the cradle of civilization. The cuneiform tablets translated tell stories of a great flood and a pantheon of gods who came from the heavens on flying boats. They created man in THEIR image, something you can find in any bible. The line on genesis which reads "Let US make man in OUR image".

I do believe in a God, but I could never worship the blood thirsty tyrant from the bible or the Abrahamic Religions. Any occultic knowledge was burned by these enemies of spiritual progress and the gnostics of Britain were slaughtered in the name of Yahweh and Christianity. In gnosticism, they believe Yahweh is an imposter god who keeps us all enslaved here in this world of economic slavery. "In God we trust."

The false dichotomy, which Winston mentioned in another post, of if Christianity is false then Atheism must be true and if atheism is false then Christianity must be true gets many people because in the west these are the prevailing belief systems because they are both set out and institutionalised and ready for people to accept.

Both these ideologies espouse the notion that we are less than what we are. Either insignificant specks of meat floating through a cold and meaningless universe or sinful beings whose very nature is in exact opposition with what God sees as righteous. At least atheists don't think human nature is evil.

SPIRITUALITY: This is the one I personally align myself with. Spirituality and occultism isn't something you get taught at school, it is deliberately obscured. Both Christians and atheists scoff at the idea of spirituality, dismissing it as something stupid or something demonic and evil.

Speaking of occultism I would like to hear what knowledge and experiences you have with it @Tsar.

Spirituality is something personal to the individual, it is something sought after by open minded individuals who do not accept the Christian or atheist cosmological belief. Spiritual people realise they are more than just meat marionettes in a meaningless universe or a dog for a cosmic tyrant to kick. Spiritual people know we are young gods who forgot about our godhood.

Spirituality is also something you can experience with out of body experiences and the use of psychedelics like magic mushrooms or ayahuasca. Of course, these experiences are dismissed as either simple hallucinations or evil demons deceiving the user by the religious and secular members of society. In reality these substances are a gift from nature and show us the underlying fabric of reality.

Spirituality encourages personal growth and the ultimate evolution of consciousness. A feeling of deep connection with nature and an appreciation for its beauty along with feeling powerful.

God is consciousness, and we are all individuated units of consciousness whose experiences helps the growth of everything through the collective experience of every conscious being. Everything in nature wants to grow and thrive. A creator is not perfect as the Christians believe, but Life (god) is experimental with her various life forms. She likes to see what works and what doesn't. A perfect god wouldn't need to create a material world, the world of experience. The only explanation is that a creator god would want to grow too, to keep growing until its maximum potential is reached.

I don't identify with the New Age side of spirituality. As I said, my spirituality is personal to me and not a large movement like the New Age. New Age again use the same notions as Christianity, but replacing sin with karmic debt and replacing angels with so called ascended masters. The New Age also differs from individual forms of spirituality because it teaches that we are all one, we are all just manifestations of The All, eradicating any notion of individuality.

I'll be interested to see what some of you guys think.
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by Lucas88 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
July 13th, 2022, 1:10 pm
Which of these belief systems do you subscribe to and what is the basis for your beliefs?

CHRISTIANITY: A monotheistic and Abrahamic religion which follows the life and teachings of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Christians believe the teachings of the bible are 100% real and that their god is all loving and all powerful. Members of the forum such as @MrMan and @Outcast9428 follow this religion.

ATHEISM: An absence of belief in any deities. Sometimes atheists assert as fact that there is no intelligent creator because evolution and science give an explanation for the universe without there being a need for a god, therefore no such god exists. I only know of one atheist on the forum @flowerthief00

SPIRITUALITY: Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature. It is something personal to the individual, but has sort of become institutionalised with the New Age. Members of the forum open to spirituality are @Lucas88 and @Winston although Lucas88 believes in a more personal form of spirituality, I am not sure if Winston is the same or whether he considers himself part of the New Age.
Like you, @Pixel--Dude, I also subscribe to a spiritual view of reality believing that a deeper occult level of reality exists and that everything is the evolving consciousness of a single intelligent supreme being but at the same time don't subscribe to any organized religion whether it be Christianity or even Hinduism and view the organized religions as mostly negative systems of control. I think that this is especially the case for Christianity but I also view atheism as a dogmatic ideology of anti-spirituality aimed at our disempowerment.

I'll begin with my evaluation of atheism since that is what you did.

The tenets of atheism are NOT empirical despite frequent claims by its proponents that atheism is somehow supported by science or based on scientific evidence. Ideas such as "there is no intelligent creator", "the universe has no purpose", "physical reality is all that exists", "consciousness is an emergent product of the material brain" and "an afterlife and/or reincarnation is impossible" are merely philosophical postulates without any strong empirical basis. Atheism is nothing more than a speculative philosophy at best yet many of its fanatical proponents push the false narrative that the atheist worldview is an objective reality demonstrated by science and that all other possibilities are necessarily wrong. In this regard their position is majorly dishonest.

Some of the philosophical postulates made by the atheist model are even contradicted by empirical data. The atheist model asserts that consciousness cannot exist independent of the physical body and that survival after bodily death is impossible yet there are consistent reports of near-death experiences in which the clinically dead have found themselves conscious outside of the physical body despite being flatlined and without heart activity, come face to face with a vastly expanded deeper dimension of nonphysical reality and even been able to observe and accurately recount real-life events from an out-of-body perspective in cases of veridical perception. These phenomena have been studied by medical experts such as Jeffrey Long and Pim van Lommel among others who view them as evidence for the afterlife. Moreover, there is also the phenomenon of accurately recalled and later confirmed past-life memories in children which has been investigated by the likes of Ian Stevenson and Jim Tucker. Many of the cases indicate reincarnation or at least a strong supernatural element such as superpsi as an alternative hypothesis and are not easily accounted for by materialist explanations. But dishonest atheists cavalierly dismiss any data that contradicts their own worldview or deny that it even constitutes evidence. They are not truth seekers or even open-minded skeptics but simply closed-minded dogmatists.

I myself have direct experience of the occult/paranormal. I'm not just talking about fleeting ghost sightings which can be dismissed as the witness's imagination either. I've personally experienced qi phenomena and a premature Kundalini awakening after practicing Yoga which messed up my body's meridians (the energy channels recognized by Qi Gong and Traditional Chinese Medicine) and left me in agony and with severe physiological dysfunctions for a long time. I've also experienced energetic distance healing for the alleviation of this same problem and then the benefits of acupuncture for the reopening of my affected meridians. I wrote about this ordeal of mine in detail in @WilliamSmith's energy arts/qi thread and can testify that all of this stuff is 100% real. I've also witnessed poltergeist phenomena on multiple occasions and had an out-of-body experience of my own although none of this is as tangible and experientially unmistakable as my experiences with qi/Kundalini and energetic distance healing. Atheists/staunch materialists assert that nothing occult or paranormal is real but I know through direct experience that it is. I therefore have no reason to take their speculative philosophy or worldview seriously yet alone assume that it is the sole objective truth.

Moreover, atheism is just absurd to begin with. No amount of scientism propaganda will ever change that. The universe is so complex and ordered that it makes absolutely no sense to believe that it all just made itself out of nothing (or out of some preexisting quantum vacuum) with no underlying intelligence or design. It is much more logical to assume design and purpose in the Creation. But atheism simply seeks to deny what is obvious and logical to many and convince us that there is no design or purpose in a complex and ordered universe.

I also have a negative view of atheists as people in light of my interactions with them. I've found that when it comes to disagreements on questions of a metaphysical nature atheists are generally the quickest to resort to mockery and insults as well as accusations that people with a different point of view are stupid or unintelligent. I think that this is a reflection of their narrow-minded fanaticism and pseudo-skepticism and also says more about their quality as people. I also think that this same quick recourse to mockery and insults serves as a way to avoid any meaningful discussion since atheists understand deep down that they don't really have as firm a basis for their beliefs as they would like to believe and don't like having their own assumptions challenged either. Some of them use the "burden of proof" argument but this is just a cop-out and what many atheists fail to realize is that even a negative assertion requires burden of proof. If an atheist says for example "I don't believe in god or the supernatural" then the burden of proof is not on him since he is merely stating a personal opinion but as soon as that same atheist asserts "there is no intelligent creator" or "the supernatural doesn't exist" then he too must assume the burden of proof for his arguments. But many atheists employ a blatant double standard. Atheists are not really as objective as they claim to be. They often have emotional and ideological motives of their own and fervently adhere to atheism because they want it to be true. Some people prefer to believe that everything is due to random causes and that life has no purpose or deeper meaning because that gives them justification to live whatever kind of hedonistic lifestyle they like and not to think too deeply about anything.

In short, I don't have a positive evaluation of atheism at all and don't see why any honest philosophical person would ever take it seriously. At this point it's just an ideological cult pushed by the establishment because that is the simplistic and narrow way of thinking that the establishment wants people to adopt.

Now for my evaluation of Christianity.

While Christianity recognizes the existence of a creator and intelligent design with its biblical creationism as well as the realm of the supernatural, the religion likewise falls into ideological dogmatism with regard to things such as the nature of the creator, the purpose of man, the nature of the soul and the afterlife. In this regard it is quite like its nemesis atheism. While atheism claims "science" as the basis for its ideological dogmatism, Christianity claims inerrant divine revelation.

Although many supernatural things can be directly experienced, Christianity's core theological doctrines are not experiential. Beliefs such as atonement through Jesus' blood sacrifice, salvation through faith or the promise of eternal life following the purported resurrection at the end of time have no empirical basis in reality. They cannot be directly experienced and must be taken on faith -- faith based on wishful thinking. I had a discussion with @MrMan about this in another thread. I explained to him that Christianity's core theological doctrines such as those mentioned above are all abstract constructs which can neither be experienced nor demonstrated and possibly only exist in the collective consciousness of believers while occult phenomena such as qi cultivation and the Kundalini are things which myself and many others have experienced directly and which we therefore know to have concrete existence. But MrMan just skeddadled without addressing my point. He most likely knew that he had no convincing counterargument. Christian fundamentalists often assert that nonbelievers refuse to accept Christianity because of their preference for sin and a life of unrighteousness. Many people however just find no reason to put their faith in doctrines with no empirical or experiential basis. There is simply no obvious reason to believe in Christianity other than simply wanting to believe in it.

Christian doctrine is also contradicted by empirical data. Many people have had near-death experiences and encountered supernatural entities on the other side such as purported angels, Buddha, other religious figures and deceased relatives but very few of these people come back with the message that Jesus is the only path to salvation or that religion is even necessary. Christian fundamentalists argue that those people were deceived by Satan and his demons and deception is certainly a possibility but somebody from another religion could argue just as easily that Paul's vision of Christ on the road to Damascus or any other part of Christianity's "revelations" were instances of deception at the hands of malevolent or demonic entities who merely masquerade as god or angels. Indeed the Gnostics who were wiped out by the Catholic Church in the 4th century held a similar belief. They asserted that Judaism and the redemptionist religion of Christianity were programs of deception imposed up man by the false demiurge and his archons for humanity's spiritual enslavement.

Christianity, like its parent religion Judaism, also contains morally questionable elements despite its assertion that "God is love". While Judaism was always a sick demonic religion which demanded the constant sacrifice of animals and burned holocausts for the purposes of devotion, atonement and pacification of Yahweh's divine wrath, the New Testament religion likewise promotes the idea of blood sacrifice as well as ritualized symbolic cannibalism and vampirism supposedly for the atonement of humanity's sins in the form of the Holy Supper. Christianity's central cult ritual resembles a Jewish black magic ritual and that is exactly what I believe it to be. Beyond its external façade of love and righteousness, Christianity is actually a pretty sick religion when you really look into it.

The New Testament also preaches an ethical ideal of "turn the other cheek" and urges slaves to obey their masters. It is essentially a slave morality aimed at the pussification of the Gentile peoples and the destruction of all noble warrior instincts. I myself am of the view that Christianity was spread to the Gentiles by Jews like Saul of Tarsus as a trojan horse for the subversion of our societies and the eradication of our Pagan warrior ethos for our eventual subjugation. Christianity was in many ways the destructive Judeo-Bolshevism of that time. Meanwhile Judaism, the religion's master program, advocates fervent Jewish tribalism, anti-Gentilism and Jewish domination of the nations. For this goal the Gentiles had to be sufficiently pussified by Jewish hoax slave redemptionism first. I'm curious to know what the shrewd anti-Semite @WilliamSmith thinks about this theory. He's been quite vocal about weak Jew-deo Christian values and their influence on our societies lately.

All in all, I view Christianity as an unempirical dogmatic ideology with some very morally questionable aspects at the very least but also more likely a deliberate program for the enslavement of our nations perpetrated conspiratorially by the Jewish elite of the time and possibly aided by negative supernatural entities (i.e., demons, archons, asuras, etc.) behind the theocratic Yahweh cult of Judaism.

This is enough for today. I'll might come back and write some more later.
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Lucas88 wrote:
July 14th, 2022, 10:32 am
Like you, @Pixel--Dude, I also subscribe to a spiritual view of reality believing that a deeper occult level of reality exists and that everything is the evolving consciousness of a single intelligent supreme being but at the same time don't subscribe to any organized religion whether it be Christianity or even Hinduism and view the organized religions as mostly negative systems of control. I think that this is especially the case for Christianity but I also view atheism as a dogmatic ideology of anti-spirituality aimed at our disempowerment.

I'll begin with my evaluation of atheism since that is what you did.

The tenets of atheism are NOT empirical despite frequent claims by its proponents that atheism is somehow supported by science or based on scientific evidence. Ideas such as "there is no intelligent creator", "the universe has no purpose", "physical reality is all that exists", "consciousness is an emergent product of the material brain" and "an afterlife and/or reincarnation is impossible" are merely philosophical postulates without any strong empirical basis. Atheism is nothing more than a speculative philosophy at best yet many of its fanatical proponents push the false narrative that the atheist worldview is an objective reality demonstrated by science and that all other possibilities are necessarily wrong. In this regard their position is majorly dishonest.

Some of the philosophical postulates made by the atheist model are even contradicted by empirical data. The atheist model asserts that consciousness cannot exist independent of the physical body and that survival after bodily death is impossible yet there are consistent reports of near-death experiences in which the clinically dead have found themselves conscious outside of the physical body despite being flatlined and without heart activity, come face to face with a vastly expanded deeper dimension of nonphysical reality and even been able to observe and accurately recount real-life events from an out-of-body perspective in cases of veridical perception. These phenomena have been studied by medical experts such as Jeffrey Long and Pim van Lommel among others who view them as evidence for the afterlife. Moreover, there is also the phenomenon of accurately recalled and later confirmed past-life memories in children which has been investigated by the likes of Ian Stevenson and Jim Tucker. Many of the cases indicate reincarnation or at least a strong supernatural element such as superpsi as an alternative hypothesis and are not easily accounted for by materialist explanations. But dishonest atheists cavalierly dismiss any data that contradicts their own worldview or deny that it even constitutes evidence. They are not truth seekers or even open-minded skeptics but simply closed-minded dogmatists.

I myself have direct experience of the occult/paranormal. I'm not just talking about fleeting ghost sightings which can be dismissed as the witness's imagination either. I've personally experienced qi phenomena and a premature Kundalini awakening after practicing Yoga which messed up my body's meridians (the energy channels recognized by Qi Gong and Traditional Chinese Medicine) and left me in agony and with severe physiological dysfunctions for a long time. I've also experienced energetic distance healing for the alleviation of this same problem and then the benefits of acupuncture for the reopening of my affected meridians. I wrote about this ordeal of mine in detail in @WilliamSmith's energy arts/qi thread and can testify that all of this stuff is 100% real. I've also witnessed poltergeist phenomena on multiple occasions and had an out-of-body experience of my own although none of this is as tangible and experientially unmistakable as my experiences with qi/Kundalini and energetic distance healing. Atheists/staunch materialists assert that nothing occult or paranormal is real but I know through direct experience that it is. I therefore have no reason to take their speculative philosophy or worldview seriously yet alone assume that it is the sole objective truth.

Moreover, atheism is just absurd to begin with. No amount of scientism propaganda will ever change that. The universe is so complex and ordered that it makes absolutely no sense to believe that it all just made itself out of nothing (or out of some preexisting quantum vacuum) with no underlying intelligence or design. It is much more logical to assume design and purpose in the Creation. But atheism simply seeks to deny what is obvious and logical to many and convince us that there is no design or purpose in a complex and ordered universe.

I also have a negative view of atheists as people in light of my interactions with them. I've found that when it comes to disagreements on questions of a metaphysical nature atheists are generally the quickest to resort to mockery and insults as well as accusations that people with a different point of view are stupid or unintelligent. I think that this is a reflection of their narrow-minded fanaticism and pseudo-skepticism and also says more about their quality as people. I also think that this same quick recourse to mockery and insults serves as a way to avoid any meaningful discussion since atheists understand deep down that they don't really have as firm a basis for their beliefs as they would like to believe and don't like having their own assumptions challenged either. Some of them use the "burden of proof" argument but this is just a cop-out and what many atheists fail to realize is that even a negative assertion requires burden of proof. If an atheist says for example "I don't believe in god or the supernatural" then the burden of proof is not on him since he is merely stating a personal opinion but as soon as that same atheist asserts "there is no intelligent creator" or "the supernatural doesn't exist" then he too must assume the burden of proof for his arguments. But many atheists employ a blatant double standard. Atheists are not really as objective as they claim to be. They often have emotional and ideological motives of their own and fervently adhere to atheism because they want it to be true. Some people prefer to believe that everything is due to random causes and that life has no purpose or deeper meaning because that gives them justification to live whatever kind of hedonistic lifestyle they like and not to think too deeply about anything.

In short, I don't have a positive evaluation of atheism at all and don't see why any honest philosophical person would ever take it seriously. At this point it's just an ideological cult pushed by the establishment because that is the simplistic and narrow way of thinking that the establishment wants people to adopt.

Now for my evaluation of Christianity.

While Christianity recognizes the existence of a creator and intelligent design with its biblical creationism as well as the realm of the supernatural, the religion likewise falls into ideological dogmatism with regard to things such as the nature of the creator, the purpose of man, the nature of the soul and the afterlife. In this regard it is quite like its nemesis atheism. While atheism claims "science" as the basis for its ideological dogmatism, Christianity claims inerrant divine revelation.

Although many supernatural things can be directly experienced, Christianity's core theological doctrines are not experiential. Beliefs such as atonement through Jesus' blood sacrifice, salvation through faith or the promise of eternal life following the purported resurrection at the end of time have no empirical basis in reality. They cannot be directly experienced and must be taken on faith -- faith based on wishful thinking. I had a discussion with @MrMan about this in another thread. I explained to him that Christianity's core theological doctrines such as those mentioned above are all abstract constructs which can neither be experienced nor demonstrated and possibly only exist in the collective consciousness of believers while occult phenomena such as qi cultivation and the Kundalini are things which myself and many others have experienced directly and which we therefore know to have concrete existence. But MrMan just skeddadled without addressing my point. He most likely knew that he had no convincing counterargument. Christian fundamentalists often assert that nonbelievers refuse to accept Christianity because of their preference for sin and a life of unrighteousness. Many people however just find no reason to put their faith in doctrines with no empirical or experiential basis. There is simply no obvious reason to believe in Christianity other than simply wanting to believe in it.

Christian doctrine is also contradicted by empirical data. Many people have had near-death experiences and encountered supernatural entities on the other side such as purported angels, Buddha, other religious figures and deceased relatives but very few of these people come back with the message that Jesus is the only path to salvation or that religion is even necessary. Christian fundamentalists argue that those people were deceived by Satan and his demons and deception is certainly a possibility but somebody from another religion could argue just as easily that Paul's vision of Christ on the road to Damascus or any other part of Christianity's "revelations" were instances of deception at the hands of malevolent or demonic entities who merely masquerade as god or angels. Indeed the Gnostics who were wiped out by the Catholic Church in the 4th century held a similar belief. They asserted that Judaism and the redemptionist religion of Christianity were programs of deception imposed up man by the false demiurge and his archons for humanity's spiritual enslavement.

Christianity, like its parent religion Judaism, also contains morally questionable elements despite its assertion that "God is love". While Judaism was always a sick demonic religion which demanded the constant sacrifice of animals and burned holocausts for the purposes of devotion, atonement and pacification of Yahweh's divine wrath, the New Testament religion likewise promotes the idea of blood sacrifice as well as ritualized symbolic cannibalism and vampirism supposedly for the atonement of humanity's sins in the form of the Holy Supper. Christianity's central cult ritual resembles a Jewish black magic ritual and that is exactly what I believe it to be. Beyond its external façade of love and righteousness, Christianity is actually a pretty sick religion when you really look into it.

The New Testament also preaches an ethical ideal of "turn the other cheek" and urges slaves to obey their masters. It is essentially a slave morality aimed at the pussification of the Gentile peoples and the destruction of all noble warrior instincts. I myself am of the view that Christianity was spread to the Gentiles by Jews like Saul of Tarsus as a trojan horse for the subversion of our societies and the eradication of our Pagan warrior ethos for our eventual subjugation. Christianity was in many ways the destructive Judeo-Bolshevism of that time. Meanwhile Judaism, the religion's master program, advocates fervent Jewish tribalism, anti-Gentilism and Jewish domination of the nations. For this goal the Gentiles had to be sufficiently pussified by Jewish hoax slave redemptionism first. I'm curious to know what the shrewd anti-Semite @WilliamSmith thinks about this theory. He's been quite vocal about weak Jew-deo Christian values and their influence on our societies lately.

All in all, I view Christianity as an unempirical dogmatic ideology with some very morally questionable aspects at the very least but also more likely a deliberate program for the enslavement of our nations perpetrated conspiratorially by the Jewish elite of the time and possibly aided by negative supernatural entities (i.e., demons, archons, asuras, etc.) behind the theocratic Yahweh cult of Judaism.

This is enough for today. I'll might come back and write some more later.
Thanks for such an awesome response, dude. I agree with the points you've made on atheism and christianity.

When it comes to the philosophical question of what is a valid source of knowledge then we have to accept testimony is an undeniable source of knowledge. Even atheists have complete faith in the priests of atheism as Christians have faith in the testimony of the baaaaaarble. I've known Lucas88 all my life and I can say that his kundalini experience was real, I won't go into too much detail as it isn't my business to share his experience. But I do believe his testimony 100% about his kundalini experience. He's a friend whom I trust 100% so if he says he is suffering from a kundalini experience then I believe him.

Even without his experience to consider I accept the possibility of the occult and have even had my own spiritual experiences through the use of psychedelics, which were way too deep and philosophical to be dismissed as hallucinations.

I've also had an experience with a medium on several occasions who has accurately predicted circumstances of my life with astonishing precision. I have shared these experiences with @Lucas88 and he has seen her himself and she even accurately predicted some circumstances of his life too. This medium couldn't have used cold reading to predict what she told me and for it to all have come true exactly as she predicted. She's the real deal.

Notice as well that out of the three Spirituality is the one that is suppressed and dismissed by both Christians and Atheists alike? Both Christianity and Atheism are both all set up and institutionalised and ready for people to accept one or the other. Anyone who deviates from this false dichotomy is branded a crackpot and becomes a social pariah.

I like what you said about Atheism @Lucas88 :lol: it's true that at least Christians have an inclination towards something spiritual instead of the materialist nihilistic belief that we are nothing. They pontificate and parrot these materialist high priests of atheism, elevating what is essentially just theories as indisputable fact.

They hide behind the "burden of proof" argument once they've exhausted the Big Bang and Evolution arguments, even though these are just theories and not based on anything empirical. Evolution with the convenient missing link which makes their theory work :lol:

Christianity isn't based on anything empirical either, if god is so powerful then what external restrictions was he bound by? When we build something we have external restrictions like time and gravity etc. What external restrictions is Yahweh bound by to need 7 days to create the cosmos? What authority does an all powerful God answer to? And where is he now? If he can interact with his creation so personally then why does he not act to make the world better for his "children"?

I'm curious to see what Christians such as @Mrman and @Outcast9428 have to say.

What makes the bible the word of God? If some scripture could have been changed to suit the needs of others then how can any of it have any merit?

If you ask me, if the Christian biblical myth is true, then I would say God deliberately set mankind up to fall. He never warned them about the serpent, never told them about the concept of lying, and then vanished even though he is supposed to be omnipresent. If the biblical narrative is truth then God was very unfair on his children by not giving them a proper chance. He withheld knowledge from his children and threatens them with death. The relationship between man and God is more like a relationship between a monarch and a peasant than a loving father and child. I would never treat my daughter with even a fraction of disdain that Yahweh has for his children.
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by Tsar »

This is a very complicated topic which I can say much on but I won't post most of my thoughts.

My occult knowledge is more something to talk on private channels. I wouldn't share what I know for everyone to read or for just anyone to read. If you want to stick with this forum, I will share some videos on different topics and that's more of leading a horse to water, and then maybe it will drink the right water. I am willing to share some extra details on the videos or different subjects in a closed-group.

A discussion in a closed-group app such as discord would be better or in some MMO with a "guide chat" feature which clears the chat for most purposes. I am very cautious with my occult knowledge because I don't want anyone to piece together the information. I also don't want to let on just how much I know. Since what I know is a beginner level because it is the foundation for higher discoveries if I can learn higher discoveries.

My religious beliefs are individual spirituality with a leaning towards poly-deism (a mixture of polytheist paganism and deism). A clear set of universal moral codes proven by history found in most cultures and religions which had successful civilizations.

A virgin girl is very important for power and it's magical. I do mainly want one for the pride boost and to claim a girl as my own, but there's many powerful metaphysical reasons and spiritual reasons on why a guy must be with a virgin girl. If a guy has his first time with a virgin girl, then that's even more powerful for him.

That's why because of my spiritual beliefs as well as for my pride and because I will not be forced to accept a sloppy second slut, I can't ever accept a girl that is non-virgin or a slut, at least not for my first time.

I need to have my first time with a virgin girl. It's very powerful and magical. Metaphysical and Occult and Spiritual things all mean it's important and mandatory.

Do you know what group of people were to accept sluts? Slaves!

Dragons, Gods, Kings, Vampires...and Real Men do not accept Sluts! Slaves accept Sluts!

I can go into details about how Christianity, all the Abrahamic Religions, and Atheism are all flawed but I won't.

I will just say that Yahweh is a god and he is the God of Jews. Paganism was destroyed and wiped out.

I agree with the above post ad have long believed for many years, after studying everything, that the Jews could have invented Christianity and Islam as a way to pacify their neighbors and play a long-game to eventually hope it works to pacify everyone by giving Judaism as the root religion. Anyone that honestly accepts or believes that Jews are God's Chosen People are pathetic!

Athena's Chosen People were the Greeks in Athens. The Norse Vikings wouldn't have believed Athena was their Goddess. Maybe they could find a parallels that was quite similar. Wars in ancient times were not really about religion and pagans didn't need to spread their religion.

Christianity does teach the most servile beliefs.

There's also reasons why the people who controlled the world even in ancient times liked Christianity. It helped to control the people with a laughable promise: Accept your miserable, pathetic lives and follow a very rigid code and tolerate your lives as a serf, and in exchange, you will be rewarded with a perfect afterlife in heaven!

Meanwhile, the King, Elites, and powerful people don't have to obey everything and can sin to maintain their positions. They can declare wars and then justify it in the name of God. There's much more.

That's effectively the Great Reset: You'll own nothing and be happy!
Christianity is like: You'll be a slave and enjoy it!
Jews are like: Zionism is National Socialism for Jews! We can't allow Goyim to have National Socialism for their Goy People! We Jews are Chosen by Yahweh to control this world and enslave everyone in it!

I don't care if I offend the religious believers in Yahweh! Yahweh is the God of Jews, not the God of Goyim!

Lucifer is the Roman God of Light, not a Fallen Angel. Lucifer is not Satan. Astarte is an ancient goddess, not a demoness! The Jews hated the peoples of real ancient empires, they hated the religions of Goys, and they hated Goyim!

Jews are not the Chosen People! Jews are devils in human form! Jews are an evil people!

Circumcision is a f*cked savage evil Jewish practice and a way they humiliated Slaves! It's no wonder America practices the Circumcision of babies! So do Muslims! All effectively trying to enslave their males at birth to Yahweh! There's no health benefits to destroying male anatomy! It's a savage and slave practice!

I am not a f*cking slave of Jews or Yahweh!

Yahweh is a False God for Goyim because Yahweh is only a God of Jews.

Atheists are even more narrowminded and closed. They think that denying the existence of God who is Yahweh, proves there is no god or gods. That's effectively saying 1 specific belief must be true but there are an infinite number of possibilities for god. The limited number of recognized gods in organized religions and recorded religions of history are not the only possibilities.

Religions are dying because they're full of contradictions, plot holes, logic errors, and they can't read people.

Saying "God said so" or "God commanded it" or "You'll go to hell if you don't obey" are laughable and most people would say "whatever" because people won't be appeased by such things or be intimidated by something that almost certainly isn't true, or controlled by flawed sets of beliefs.

People probably need a new religion and so does the world.

I won't really add any addition things at the moment.

@Pixel--Dude If you want to know more about the occult stuff, contact me in PM and I could probably setup a discord group or something. Or a snapchat. It's more closed, more anonymous, and more private. Just don't share any of my findings with anyone. It's really getting into areas most people don't even realize or piece together. It's really at a level no one talks about so I am a genuine beginner level.
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by Tsar »

Lucas88 wrote:
July 14th, 2022, 10:32 am
The New Testament also preaches an ethical ideal of "turn the other cheek" and urges slaves to obey their masters. It is essentially a slave morality aimed at the pussification of the Gentile peoples and the destruction of all noble warrior instincts. I myself am of the view that Christianity was spread to the Gentiles by Jews like Saul of Tarsus as a trojan horse for the subversion of our societies and the eradication of our Pagan warrior ethos for our eventual subjugation. Christianity was in many ways the destructive Judeo-Bolshevism of that time. Meanwhile Judaism, the religion's master program, advocates fervent Jewish tribalism, anti-Gentilism and Jewish domination of the nations. For this goal the Gentiles had to be sufficiently pussified by Jewish hoax slave redemptionism first. I'm curious to know what the shrewd anti-Semite @WilliamSmith thinks about this theory. He's been quite vocal about weak Jew-deo Christian values and their influence on our societies lately.
I came to that same conclusion a few years ago. There's no way it would have won out without being mandated by top-down. Paganism is the natural religion of people.

Also, Pagans recognized the importance of virgin girls and having families. Vesta and the Vestal Virgins was the most powerful religion in the Roman Empire. It's flame kept burning until Constantine ordered a conversion to Christianity disbanded the last truly surviving Pagan sect in the Empire.

Men were able to buy slave girls if they couldn't get a local. Soldiers could take a girl as a spoil of war and a wife.

The Crusades wiped out Paganism and destroyed sacred trees to Pagans. Why destroy a tree? It's part of nature. It was a way to destroy what was sacred to the Pagans!

Just like the Jews killed the Russian monarchy and destroyed Churches during the Bolshevik Revolution. They were destroying what made the culture identifiably Russian.

Jews hate everyone and seek to destroy everyone and everything, and destroy what is precious and defile was is divine! Jews are devils! Jews are not human and must not be treated as humans, friends, or equals! Jews are the greatest scourge upon this planet and they are threats to everyone!
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by WilliamSmith »

Another interesting thread: You guys come up with so much thought provoking stuff I can't keep up with it! You both posted other interesting stuff elsewhere I meant to respond to but haven't had time... Never thought I'd be this active on any forum! :)

I'll come back to this thread later, but my #1 opinion above all is that we need all the allies we can get against the synagogue of satan, so our first priority should be getting along with the Muslims and also Christians who already understand the fact that the satanic jews are the problem, and work out any differences later (which probably wouldn't be too hard without jews on our backs with the ZOG banks, international warmongering, bolshevism and technocracy they're pushing on us as we speak, and them trying to censor the internet and make it illegal to even talk facts to substantiate what they're doing).

I have my doubts about a lot of the Christians because so many of them openly act like homosexuals and are wallowing in hypocrisy, and there's absolutely no excuse for them if they're supporting the satanic parasite israel, but there's lots of Catholics and some other denominations of Christian who are undoubtedly on our side against the SOS, and obviously Minister Farrakhan, the PM of Malyasia, and tons of other varieties of Muslims all over the Middle East are on our side too, so let's get along and work together to get rid of the satanic jews and israel first rather than letting the jews con us into fighting with each other. 8)

Of course Christians and Muslims who cuck out to the satanic jews and the blood-sucking pedophile-infested satanic parasite state israel are worse than worthless and can go to hell along with the jews, but we have a lot of Christians and Muslims on our side, so I'm diplomatically in the "maybe you guys are right" category about the Biblical prophets and Christ and such, as long as they're on our side vs the SOS.

I'm still not planning to go to Malaysia or Arabia because of being too sex addicted and loud (as well as my preference for black women or dark Latinas if they're available, LOL), but if the only people left still standing up to the SOS are jihadis then I'll go with joining them if it comes to that. :D

Regarding what was said about my remarks about "jew-deo Christianity," yeah my personal impression was indeed that those "Apostles" back from the early days was a lineup of hook-nosed rats (Saul, Shimon, etc, who got given more Euro sounding names later), and believe they did a lot of stuff that shows the same behavior of modern day satanic jews, like using their cult to try to eliminate free speech after they started acquiring some power in their infestation zones (sound familiar?).
People have written about Christianity (meaning their cult) and communism being pretty much mirror-image jew creations. I recall reading about that stuff, and the incident where they used clam shells to rip the flesh off the body of that Hypatia woman at the great library for refusing to give in to their cult's demands comes to mind, but been awhile since I read about that so details are hazy...

But on the other hand:
Both Muslims and Christians who like Christ will insist Christ definitely was not jewish, and regardless of that fact, obviously the talmudic jews are consumed with rabid hatred of Christ: The jewish "holy books" have those passages @Outcast9428 mentioned about boiling Christ in a vat of human excrement, judaism is saturated in satanism and endorsements of pedophilia and torture, murder, and rape of gentiles, and the jew pornographers like Al Goldstein I think his name was and several others were completely open about their rabid hatred of Christ, which in their twisted warped minds they seem to conflate with white females overall even if they're not even Catholic or Christian. That grotesque mutant female kike Madonna also did music videos full of imagery of the Madonna or whatever its called being defiled. Then those mutant kikes recently made some movie where they worked satan into the title, with a kike whose name I forget and the hideously almost unbelievably butt-ugly sister of that Silverman douchebag who was in Weekend at Bernie's (not sure if he's as bad as his sister, he was kinda funny LOL) made some remark about how she hoped the jews really did kill Christ, etc, etc. Those stupid kikes also made some remarks saying their garbage anti-Christ film was supposedly pissing off "white nationalists" while overlooking the whole world is filled with Christians who are not white, nor American.
Let's see, throwing in a few quick quotes about what I said about the jew pornographers and their anti-Christ fixation:
Al Goldstein said:
“The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism.”
(That's obviously completely untrue in the second part since they create bolshevism/communism and outlaw free speech and other rights for gentiles, and are more authoritarian than anyone, even if also more inherently perverted and disgusting vs the puritanical authoritarians, but I think we see the point.)
And some jew scholar Nathan Abrams wrote the dead-obvious to anyone who has observed the jew behavior:
Jewish X-rated actors often brag about their ‘joy in being anarchic, sexual gadflies to the puritanical beast.’ Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion.
Back on the subject of being somewhat open-minded about some stuff in Christian and Muslim prophecies:

There definitely is some VERY interesting stuff that I'm not too familiar with in terms of Biblical prophecy where Farrakhan and others have pointed out the Bible actually defined the synagogue of satan and warned what they'd try to do, and even though I'm not a religious man, you only need to look at what jews did and are trying to do right now to realize the intolerable sick vermin are in fact the @!#$ing spawn of the anti-Christ with their zionist warmongering, bolshevism and communist mass-murdering, rampant pedophilia, international child sex slave trading rings and organ harvesting rings, open glamorization from zionist controlled hollywood of perversion, satanism, serial killers, etc., and don't even get me started again about their key oligarchical and grassroots role in pushing globohomo. There will be hell to pay. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

So yeah, I'd rather get along with any Christians and Muslims who want to stand up to them too, and thankfully lots are, and so more and more are some of the remaining sovereign nations the jews are trying to start WW3 against right now. :D
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by WilliamSmith »

Tsar wrote:
July 14th, 2022, 3:42 pm
Jews hate everyone and seek to destroy everyone and everything, and destroy what is precious and defile was is divine! Jews are devils! Jews are not human and must not be treated as humans, friends, or equals! Jews are the greatest scourge upon this planet and they are threats to everyone!
@Tsar, I think some of what you've written here could theoretically be construed as having slightly antisemitic undertones! I guess we'd both better go run and grovel our apologies to satanic jewish lobby immediately!! :o :o

But backing up my taking the slightly contrarian "we need to get along with all the allies we can vs the satanic jews" side, despite not being a subscriber to the big religions:

Let's hear from some Muslim and Christian friends to show how we need to get along with each other and not let the satanic jews trick us into making us fight each other:

Minister Farrakhan first (his 1995 speech exposing the ZOG bankers was even more epic when he got into the "God is in the world!" part, even made me rather envious of preachers even though I like my lone wolf lifestyle :lol: ):

Former prime minister of Malaysia, Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, a legendary leader who refused to back down and was one of the few world leaders calling out the jews for their wickedness, warmongering, and manipulation of gentile nations and people:
"Today, Jews rule this world by proxy. They get others to die for them. They invented socialism, communism, human rights and democracy so that persecuting them would appear to be wrong."

Here he is refusing to back down to typical shaming from this jewy-looking untermensch:
Kikes murdered people who were originally involved in Al-Jazeera so they could fill it with jews and turn it into yet another controlled resistance front for jewry, details here: ... _zion2.htm

And Christians... well I guess David Duke is one, so let's use him since the twisted satanic jews in the USSA seem to have it in their heads white Christians are supposedly the top priority to destroy, even though most white jew-deo variety of supposed Christians practically worship the tribe that despises them and has destroyed America and is now genociding their asses out of what's left of this country:
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by WilliamSmith »

Oh yeah, I posted those stand-up guys above, but while the sheenies screech at all three of those noble truth-telling gentlemen for being "anti-semitic" to try to silence them and not let people hear the truths they speak, Farrakhan, Duke, and Mohamad don't even call for violence against jews. But here is what the satanic jews will turn the next generation of leaders into if they don't !@#$ off while they have the chance:
The video shows a sermon by Sheik Omar Abu Sara surrounded by dozens of worshipers, telling them that all of the "vile traits" attributed to the Jews in the Koran remain the same today, and that the Jews "have become even more vile and evil."

He continues: "By Allah, the Jews are the most evil of Allah's creations. They are the most evil creatures to have walked this Earth." He referred to Jews as "the slayers of prophets" which is also in the Bible.

The Bible says: "For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of God’s churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus: You suffered from your own people the same things those churches suffered from the Jews who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to everyone in their effort to keep us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. In this way they always heap up their sins to the limit. The wrath of God has come upon them at last."

— 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16
I typed out a transcript in case jews manage to get Bitchute pulled down (that's not my channel, by the way, but a good example of a Christian channel that knows we have to unite against the SOS, not let them trick is into fighting each other):

Sheik Omar Abu Sara:

Please do not leave in our hearts a single grain of mercy towards you, oh Jews,
because when the day of your slaughter arrives,
we shall slaughter you without mercy!

- Oh Allah, make that day come faster!
- Amen.

- Oh Allah, hasten the day of the (slaughter) of the Jews!
- Amen.

- Oh Allah, hasten the day of their killing!
- Amen.

- Oh Allah, hasten the day we fight them!
- Amen.
............. :mrgreen:

American and European goys crawl at the feet of the synagogue of satan and talk about how israel is supposedly our ally when in reality it and the satanic warmongering jews are our mortal enemies destroying our nations and raping children as they seek to enslave us, but I won't be one of them: I'll join these jihadis instead if they're the only ones left standing against the SOS. Ideally it'd go down more like Duke described where we prosecute the zionists in the banking system, financial elite, media, etc as the criminals they are, but now the ones highest up the top of the tribal pyramid have started unleashing their bio-weapon viruses and vaccines and trying to pin it on Russia and China who had nil to gain from such an act....

But anyway, the previous post I made on this shows positive people who are Muslims and Christians and why we should get along with them, but this guy here is another take on the subject. :wink:
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by MrMan »

Lucas88 wrote:
July 14th, 2022, 10:32 am
Although many supernatural things can be directly experienced, Christianity's core theological doctrines are not experiential. Beliefs such as atonement through Jesus' blood sacrifice, salvation through faith or the promise of eternal life following the purported resurrection at the end of time have no empirical basis in reality. They cannot be directly experienced and must be taken on faith -- faith based on wishful thinking. I had a discussion with @MrMan about this in another thread. I explained to him that Christianity's core theological doctrines such as those mentioned above are all abstract constructs which can neither be experienced nor demonstrated and possibly only exist in the collective consciousness of believers while occult phenomena such as qi cultivation and the Kundalini are things which myself and many others have experienced directly and which we therefore know to have concrete existence. But MrMan just skeddadled without addressing my point. He most likely knew that he had no convincing counterargument. Christian fundamentalists often assert that nonbelievers refuse to accept Christianity because of their preference for sin and a life of unrighteousness. Many people however just find no reason to put their faith in doctrines with no empirical or experiential basis. There is simply no obvious reason to believe in Christianity other than simply wanting to believe in it.
I don't recall that interaction much. I may have stopped posting because I was busy in 'real life'.

What empirical evidence do you have for Kundalini or any other system you hold to? How do you know there is really some kind of energy snake around your spine? How do you know you aren't imagining it?

There are empirical aspects to Christianity. Jesus did miracles, which was empirical evidence, but people still had to have faith in Him. Someone could see the evidence, and accuse His power of coming from a wrong source or something along those lines. The apostles healed people and cast demons out of them. One of the early arguments Christians had against pagans, that show up in Justin Martyr's writings in maybe the early to mid second century and in Tertullian's writings maybe around the late 2nd or early 3rd century is the fact that Christians would cast spirits out of pagans that the pagans had considered to be gods. Supposedly someone had the spirit of a god in them, but it would reveal itself to be a demon when a Christian casts it out. This goes on from time to time in interactions between Christians and Hindus in India in modern times, also.

God has revealed enough about Himself in creation for man to honor and worship Him and not worship carved statues, rocks, etc. It is not like He owes us miracles or supernatural experiences. But many of us Christians do experience supernatural things. Probably one of the most common is answers to prayer. I've experienced extremely specific answers to prayer. There are also spiritual gifts, when someone through the gift of prophecy or the gift of the word of knowledge tells very specific details about another person, future events, etc. I've prayed for people and started praying very specific details about them. I've seen hundreds if not thousands of cases of this sort of thing also. I've also seen evidence of supernatural healing and things of that nature. I've gone one place and someone prophecies something over me, and I go elsewhere and someone prophesies the same thing (part of the prophecy is the same or the same words.) That happens quite a bit. Two people get the same interpretation of tongues. Two people may get the same prophecy at times. There are 'empirical' aspects to the Christian faith, also. God also works on the hearts of those who come to faith in Christ. There is a bit of supernatural revelation involved in that also.
Christian doctrine is also contradicted by empirical data. Many people have had near-death experiences and encountered supernatural entities on the other side such as purported angels, Buddha, other religious figures and deceased relatives but very few of these people come back with the message that Jesus is the only path to salvation or that religion is even necessary.
Very few? I haven't heard anyone talk about dying and seeing Buddha. I don't hang out in Buddhist temples, but I've never heard of that. But I do know there are very, very many accounts of people who die and see Jesus and come back encouraging others that Jesus is the way to salvation. there was a book of accounts of people who died and experienced Hell also. I haven't read it. I saw an interview about it-- To Hell and Back. Apparently, some people revive with a story of going to Hell. Then, their sense of pride and self-consciousness returns and the story changes to seeing a white light.

I also don't know if those whose hearts stop beating and come back really experience what the afterlife is like. They didn't actually go all the way into death. They did come back.

Some of the stories I've heard on TV are about going toward a white light and don't really say much about the end of the tunnel.
Indeed the Gnostics who were wiped out by the Catholic Church in the 4th century held a similar belief. They asserted that Judaism and the redemptionist religion of Christianity were programs of deception imposed up man by the false demiurge and his archons for humanity's spiritual enslavement.
I am not familiar with Gnostics who took that angle. I have read about what some of the Gnostics believed, but don't know of any documents where they criticized the idea of redemption in Christianity. 'Gnostic' covers a rather wide range of groups who drew some of their teachings from Christianity, but modified it.
Christianity, like its parent religion Judaism, also contains morally questionable elements despite its assertion that "God is love". While Judaism was always a sick demonic religion which demanded the constant sacrifice of animals and burned holocausts for the purposes of devotion, atonement and pacification of Yahweh's divine wrath,
People back then cut up animals a lot anyway. We have slaughterhouses so the average person never slaughters a chicken or a cow and it seems so monstrous. They would sacrifice animals, and for some sacrifices, the one who brought the sacrifice eats the meat. But pagans would do this also, just to different spiritual entities, and in a different way in some cases, and with different animals. The practice continued as men decided to build statues and worship other spirits. Hinduism also had sacrifices, even human sacrifice to Kali. Israeli was surrounded by cultures practicing human sacrifice. There is archeological evidence for Canaanite human sacrifice, but Israelites were forbidden from offering human sacrifice. Norse paganism was rather brutal and involved human sacrifice.
the New Testament religion likewise promotes the idea of blood sacrifice as well as ritualized symbolic cannibalism and vampirism supposedly for the atonement of humanity's sins in the form of the Holy Supper. Christianity's central cult ritual resembles a Jewish black magic ritual and that is exactly what I believe it to be. Beyond its external façade of love and righteousness, Christianity is actually a pretty sick religion when you really look into it.
As an occultist, on what basis do you object to sacrifices, even human sacrifices.

I am curious. Do you eat meat?

Pagan Greece and Rome had fairly brutal cultures. Much of the population was made up of slaves, and pagans who owned slaves might sexually abuse them in a variety of ways, male or female. They didn't have the sexual mores of the Jews or later, the Christians. Sexual immorality was intertwined with their religion. That is still an aspect of Hinduism. Some little girl's mom is a prostitute. They worship a goddess dedicated to that, and the daughter is raised and becomes a prostitute.
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by WilliamSmith »

MrMan wrote:
July 14th, 2022, 7:03 pm
They didn't have the sexual mores of the Jews or later, the Christians.
I'm not an admirer of too many of the brutal pagan cultures either, but on the alleged "sexual mores of the jews," if there were any such mores, then they must have been someone else who were the real jews then, vs the ones we call that now, since judaism is a seething mass of sexual depravity endorsing pedophilia, rape, and transgenderism: Transgenderism derives from the Jewish Talmud (the Six Sexes Of The Talmud).
You can read more about that here:
⚠️ WARNING: The Talmud is an orgie of pedophilia, rape, satanism, transgenderism and the worst filth you can ever imagine. Here, we have edited a video, explaining a small portion of the worst degeneracy.

❗ Timestamps (Parts 1-4 are also posted separately below) ❗

⏰ Part 1: 00:00-00:40 - Rapes And Pedophilia
⏰ Part 2: 00:40-2:03 - One Of The Most Respected Rabbis
⏰ Part 3: 2:03-3:46 - Transgenderism Derives From The Talmud
⏰ Part 4: 3:46-6:02 - Rabbis Performing Oral Suctions: Explanation

⚠️ The last minute is probably one of the most disgusting things you have seen.

As for their alleged sexual morality:
The general tenor of the Babylonian Talmud and cognate halachic successor texts (Mishneh Torah, Shulchan Aruch etc.) is that all non-Jewish women are represented by the acronym NSHGZ, which signifies Niddah, Shifchah, Goyyah, Zona (menstrual filth, slaves, heathens and whores - cf. BT Sanhedrin 81b-82a).

In Yiddish slang, a non-Judaic woman is a shiksa ( שיקסע) which personifies the corrosive “NSHGZ” stereotype.

Caution needs to be exercised here, however, because the Babylonian Talmud has a low view of women generally, whether Judaic or gentile.

Admittedly, Orthodox Judaism's view of non-Judaic females is much lower by comparison with Judaic women, and unreservedly toxic. In Israeli, Judaic-American and Yiddish culture, the popular view of the non-Judaic female is that of a highly promiscuous woman, contrasted with the supposedly more sexually modest Judaic woman.

This view was in the news in 2018, when a researcher with the Washington Post sifted through Hollywood director Woody Allen’s writings and discovered this nugget by Mr. Allen:

“Unlike the Jewish girl the shiksa is not guilt-ridden—not a complainer—she is abandoned, fun-loving, and above all promiscuous. The shiksa will perform any sex act.” (Cf. Washington Post online, [January 4, 2018]).

In studying the halacha of permissible rape of gentiles, we find an expression from Bar-Ilan University Prof. Mordecai Kedar who is on record stating: “The only thing that can deter the knowledge that their sister or their mother will be raped.” (Kedar is also a research fellow at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies at Bar-Ilan).

Though it will be claimed by the usual public relations hacks that Prof. Kedar's monstrous rape/deterrent observation is “condemned by the Jewish tradition” (citing, for example, BT Kiddushin 22), there are rabbinic escape clauses which justify rape of non-Judaic women.

First, the rape target must be classified as a zonah (prostitute) or a nokri (hostile alien). The supreme Ashkenazic halachic authority, Rabbi Moses Maimonides, rules that a Judaic soldier may rape this type of female POW ("Yefas To’ar") when he is not actively fighting a battle (cf. Hilchos Melachim 8:3). For more on this line of thought consult Judaism Discovered, p. 904.

Courtesy of Maurice Pinay, we have learned of a text from the Meorot theology journal of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinic School, on permissible rape: "It is the consensus of many halachic decisors (judges of rabbinic law) that the yefat to’ar can be subject to involuntary intercourse...” Cf. Dov. S. Zakheim, Meorot, vol. 6, no. 1 (2006), p. 5. (Mr. Zakheim was Under Secretary of Defense in the administration of George W. Bush, 2001-2004).

Eyal Karim (also spelled "Qarim”), the Israeli military’s chief rabbi, agrees: "Just so, war removes some of the prohibitions on sexual relations (gilui arayot), and even though fraternizing with a gentile woman is a very serious matter, it was permitted during wartime (under the specific terms) out of understanding for the hardship endured by the warriors. And since the success of the whole at war is our goal, the Torah permitted the individual to satisfy the evil urge (yetzer ha’ra), under the conditions mentioned, for the purpose of the success of the whole.” Cf. ... war/39535/
More on the jewish rabbi's ritualistic biting and sucking of newborn infants penises:

A rabbi explains the process:

And quoting their own books on the alleged six sexes and transgenderism: ... l&lang2=en
Six Sexes of the Talmud
ByShoshana Fendel
Androgynous: an intersex person (having some aspects of both male and female genitalia). 149 references in the Mishna and Talmud (1st-8th centuries CE); 350 in classical midrash and Jewish law codes (2nd-16th centuries CE).

Ay'lonit: literally "little ram"; a female who has not shown physical signs of typical sexual maturity by the age of 20 (some say 18); presumed infertile; often possessing masculine characteristics. 80 references in Mishna and Talmud; 40 in classical midrash and Jewish law codes.

Ish: a man/eligible husband; one whose fertility is not in question and has shown some secondary sex characteristics by around age 13.

Ishah: a woman/eligible wife; one whose fertility is not in question and has shown some secondary sex characteristics by around age 12 and is clearly developing by age 12.5.

Saris: a male who has not shown signs of typical sexual maturity by the age of 20; a eunuch. 156 references in Mishna and Talmud; 379 in classical midrash and Jewish law codes.

Saris Chama: congenital sterility in a male (e.g., atesticularity)
Saris Adam: a castrated male; one made sterile intentionally or via accidental injury.
Tumtum: a person of indeterminate gender; one whose genitals are obscured or not clearly male or female. 181 references in Mishna and talmud; 335 in classical midrash and Jewish law codes.


יבמות ס״ד א:ט׳-ס״ד ב:א׳
א"ר יצחק מפני מה היו אבותינו עקורים מפני שהקב"ה מתאוה לתפלתן של צדיקים א"ר יצחק למה נמשלה תפלתן של צדיקים כעתר מה עתר זה מהפך התבואה ממקום למקום כך תפלתן של צדיקים מהפכת מדותיו של הקב"ה ממדת רגזנות למדת רחמנות אמר רבי אמי אברהם ושרה טומטמין היו שנאמר (ישעיהו נא, א) הביטו אל צור חוצבתם ואל מקבת בור נוקרתם וכתיב (ישעיהו נא, ב) הביטו אל אברהם אביכם ואל שרה תחוללכם

Yevamot 64a:9-64b:1
Rabbi Yitzḥak said: For what reason were our forefathers initially infertile? Rabbi Ami said: Abraham and Sarah were originally tumtumin, people whose sexual organs are concealed and not functional, as it is stated: “Look to the rock from where you were hewn, and to the hole of the pit from where you were dug” (Isaiah 51:1), and it is written in the next verse: “Look to Abraham your father and to Sarah who bore you” (Isaiah 51:2), which indicates that sexual organs were fashioned for them, signified by the words hewn and dug, over the course of time.

יבמות ס״ד ב:ב׳
אמר רב נחמן אמר רבה בר אבוה שרה אמנו אילונית היתה שנאמר (בראשית יא, ל) ותהי שרי עקרה אין לה ולד אפי' בית ולד אין לה
Yevamot 64b:2
Rav Naḥman said that Rabba bar Avuh said: Our mother Sarah was initially a sexually underdeveloped woman [aylonit], as it is stated: “And Sarah was barren; she had no child” (Genesis 11:30). The superfluous words: “She had no child,” indicate that she did not have even a place, i.e., a womb, for a child.
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by WilliamSmith »

@WanderingProtagonist Yeah I was horrified that a trans man can give birth too. Decided to reply to you in this thread to put down any red propaganda about the alleged "sexual mores" of the jews that popped up above. You also opened up another interesting related topic on Baphomet being trans, because transgenderism is jewish as I posted about above, and satanism is also jewish, but I'll come back to that later, for now here's the link on the jew trans man that gave birth below...
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
July 15th, 2022, 11:18 am
....Damn men can get pregnant???? I've never heard about this, usually it's just a female to male trans person, which doesn't even count. But if an actual man can have children, damn that's crazy. :shock: :shock: :shock: I learned something new today. I remember I read an article where it said Baphomet was transgender and that trans people are incarnations of Baphomet. But I don't know if it I even believe this, sounded creepy as hell though. I do think some men here underestimate trans people too much though. I've seen some of them with attractive girlfriends before, no lie. So there are women out there that will get involved with these people if they felt curious enough. It's not just men who might have an interest in them, sometimes (though rarely) women will be attracted to them also. It's just that the majority of trans people prefer to be involved with men rather than dating women or other trans people. At least it seems like this to me.
Here's the story I think I was thinking of: Goddamn abomination: ... ingle-abba
(JTA) — When Rafi Daugherty went to the hospital for the birth of his first child, he posted a sign on the delivery room door.

“I am a single transgender man having my first baby,” it read. “I use he/him/his pronouns and will be called ‘Abba’ (Hebrew for father) by the baby. Papa, Dad, Daddy, Father … are also ok.”

Rafi, 33, wanted hospital staff to be prepared for what they were about to see: a man laboring in bed.

“I didn’t want them to assume that I identified as female because I was having a baby,” he said.

After eight hours of labor, Rafi was holding his 7-pound, 10-ounce daughter: Ettie Rose, named, in the Jewish tradition, for Rafi’s maternal grandmother and great-grandmother.

Since bringing Ettie home from the hospital, Rafi’s days have been filled with frequent feedings — unable to nurse, he gives his daughter donor breast milk — and diaper changes and stroller walks around his Denver neighborhood.

Nearly five months on, Ettie is a thriving infant with an impressive collection of plush seahorses.

“We got a lot of seahorse toys, for obvious reasons,” Rafi told JTA.

Obvious, that is, if you happen to know that male seahorses carry and birth their offspring.

Rafi holds his daughter, Ettie, at her simchat bat in October. (Amy Ashford)

Male pregnancy first made headlines in 2007, when Thomas Beatie, a transgender man, became pregnant — and went public with his story, posing for magazines and appearing on “Oprah.” Back then, there were virtually no resources for pregnant transmen. (“I had nothing to go by; the organizations I reached out to had nothing,” Beatie told JTA.)

That’s slowly changing thanks to nascent research, as well as the emergence of closed social media groups devoted to transmasculine birthing and infant-feeding.

Furthermore, transgender rights and inclusion are increasingly a part of public — and Jewish — discourse. That’s due in part to the recent transition of the Olympic gold medalist and reality TV star now known as Caitlyn Jenner, and the prominence of transgender characters on hit series such as “Transparent,” where the protagonist is a Jewish transwoman, and “Orange Is the New Black.”

READ: How ‘Transparent’ is reshaping views of transgender Jews

In November, the Union for Reform Judaism issued a resolution affirming its commitment to the full equality of transgender and gender non-conforming people. The flagship Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist seminaries welcome transgender students, and the Reform movement’s Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion and the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College have ordained transgender rabbis.

Rafi, who grew up Orthodox, said he’s been warmly welcomed by Colorado’s progressive Jewish community. One independent minyan organized a postpartum meal train for Rafi, and a large Conservative synagogue hosted Ettie’s simchat bat, or Jewish welcoming ceremony.

Rafi, before his transition. (Courtesy of Rafi Daugherty)
Rafi, before his transition. (Courtesy of Rafi Daugherty)

“I have dreamed of being a parent since I was just a small child,” he said at the ceremony in October. “It’s something that has been a part of me for as long as I can recall. I remember carrying my baby dolls around and dreaming of the day that they would be real and not just fabric and plastic.”

That day would have come sooner, he explained, but he felt he had to be “the most authentic and fulfilled human that I could be before trying to raise kids.” For Rafi, that involved transitioning from female to male — something that had long seemed out of the question, given his religious upbringing.

Growing up, Rafi attended a haredi Orthodox Bais Yaakov school in St. Louis. (Like many in the transgender community, Rafi is guarded about his birth name and asked that it not be published.) On Purim, he sometimes dressed up as a boy, donning a kippah and tzizit ritual fringes.

At night, young Rafi would pray to God to turn him into a boy. But because he was brought up to believe that gender is immutable, he didn’t think he had any agency in the matter.

Rafi was 21, living in New York, and in recovery for alcohol and drug addictions when he first met a transgender person.

“My immediate thought was, ‘Wow, if I wasn’t Orthodox I would totally be transgender,’” Rafi recalled during a 2012 speech to Congregation Bonai Shalom in Boulder, Colorado. “But I didn’t think God made mistakes and I always wanted to be a mommy, so I tried very hard to stay female.”

READ: Rafi’s 2012 Speech to Congregation Bonai Shalom

But in 2007, Rafi came out as a male. He had a renaming ceremony, becoming Rachamim Refael “Rafi” Yehoshua Ben Zechariah Leib, at Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, an LGBTQ synagogue in Manhattan. Rafi turned 25 a few weeks later and began taking testosterone. His voice became lower and hair sprouted on his chin. He then underwent chest reconstruction surgery, but opted against other procedures, such as a hysterectomy.

“I was created with a body that could create life, and I didn’t want to damage that ability,” he said.

Living as a man, Rafi was finally comfortable in his own skin.

READ: From shul to the mikvah, transgender Jews seek place in Jewish life

But his transition was met with resistance from his Orthodox mother and then-stepfather, and his haredi Orthodox brother. Rafi didn’t see his mother for three years after his transition, though they have since reconciled, and his older brother has refused contact since 2007. In an interview, Rafi’s mother described herself as a doting grandmother — she attended Ettie’s simchat bat — who is trying to respect the life choices of both her children. She acknowledged, though, that she holds out hope that the daughter she raised will go back to living as a woman. (She asked that her name not be published to protect her family’s privacy.)

After college and graduate school — Rafi has a master’s degree in crisis and trauma studies from Tel Aviv University — he settled in Denver. Rafi began working as a community organizer, then a regional manager, for the Jewish LGBT advocacy group Keshet. In 2014, he took a job at Ramah Outdoor Adventure, a Jewish camp affiliated with the Conservative movement; he is now the director of camper care.

“We welcomed Rafi as a Jewish leader, and one that pushed us to live our value of being open and accepting,” said the camp’s executive director, Rabbi Eliav Bock.

Summer session 2015 at Ramah Outdoor Adventure, which serves children in grades 3–12, coincided with the third trimester of Rafi’s pregnancy. Rafi was met with a round of applause when he told the camp staff his news. But he asked his colleagues not to discuss his pregnancy with campers, who, Rafi said, “just thought I was a fat dude.” By the end of the summer, with Bock’s blessing, Rafi disclosed to the high school-age campers that he was pregnant.

Rafi and Ettie celebrate Hanukkah. (Courtesy of Rafi Daugherty)
Rafi and Ettie celebrate Hanukkah. (Courtesy of Rafi Daugherty)

Rafi became pregnant by artificial insemination. The sperm donor is a friend whom Rafi described as “a tall, dark and handsome gay man, who is half South Asian” and half white.

“He’s expressed gratitude to be part of this journey for us,” Rafi added, “and not have to deal with the diapers and the crying.”

In 2014, the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology published a groundbreaking study that drew on data from 41 people who had been pregnant and given birth following a female-to-male transition. The study showed use of the male hormone testosterone did not seem to prevent conception, though some respondents who conceived reported being turned away when they sought prenatal care and facing insensitive comments from health care providers.

READ: US Jewish billionaire donates $2M to Canadian transgender studies program

Rafi did run up against records software that wouldn’t allow hospital staff to enter the name of a father without first entering the name of a mother. He was ultimately successful in changing the birth certificate to reflect what Rafi called “the truth of our family”: that Rafi is Ettie’s father.

In recent months, Rafi has become accustomed to the assumptions people make when he and his daughter are out and about: that Ettie is adopted, for example, or that Rafi has a spouse at home. (Rafi is single, but open to a relationship; he said he’s attracted to “androgynous to masculine” individuals.)

“I’m getting used to saying, ‘I’m transgender and I gave birth to her,’” Rafi said, “so that Ettie can be empowered to know her story and share her story, and not feel like it’s something embarrassing or weird.”
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by Lucas88 »

MrMan wrote:
July 14th, 2022, 7:03 pm
What empirical evidence do you have for Kundalini or any other system you hold to? How do you know there is really some kind of energy snake around your spine? How do you know you aren't imagining it?
I know that the Kundalini is a real phenomenon through direct experience. In my cases it was a premature Kundalini awakening which messed up my body's energy channels and left me in agony and with serious physiological dysfunctions for well over a year. It certainly wasn't just a product of my imagination.

Towards the end of 2020 I began to practice Yoga for the purpose of qi cultivation. However, I would soon discover that my body naturally produces qi energy in abundance and that I am extremely sensitive to those kinds of practices. The breathing techniques awoke the Kundalini with only three days of practice and I then felt the energy expand throughout my body and violently force its way through certain channels along the spine and also through the abdomen and towards the temple region. The experience was unmistakable. The force of the energy's ascension it was 100% tangible. At one point I thought that my spine was literally going to break.

Anyway, if that wasn't tangible enough, what would soon follow was even more tangible. The extra qi energy was so much that it overloaded my body's energy channels (or meridians as they are called in Qi Gong and Traditional Chinese Medicine) and caused some of them to go into reverse flow. This resulted in my body's qi energy stagnating in my legs and lower abdomen (instead of flowing upwards as it's supposed to) and an intense burning sensation in the affected regions as well as erectile dysfunction (both erections and orgasm depend on a harmonious flow of qi energy). These were the very real symptoms of the disruption done by a very real premature Kundalini awakening/excessive qi overload.

In absolute mental distress I sought the help of alternative health practitioners. Most of them had no idea about my condition or how to treat it and simply talked about New Age bullshit but a few months later my aunt recommended me a renowned energetic healer based in London and I booked a session of distance healing with him without knowing what to expect. Long story short, the energetic healer was genuine and was able to reroute some of the excess qi energy through a more correct channel at a distance via a WhatsApp video call to be precise. His intervention relieved much of the pressure and bought me some respite (I could tangibly feel the difference), but some of my meridians were still in reverse flow and had subsequently become blocked and I would require extensive acupuncture with a Chinese doctor in order to reopen them. I've been receiving acupuncture treatment for a year now and over time my meridians have been gradually reopened and I've seen considerable improvements in my condition.

So I've experienced the Kundalini and qi cultivation and the negative effects of when these things go wrong all in the flesh. I know this to be 100% real and not just imagination. Many other people also experience qi cultivation and its related phenomena through Tai Qi practice and other forms of oriental exercise although fortunately in a more positive context often with accompanying health benefits. In fact @WilliamSmith made a thread on the topic not too long ago. I'm just way too sensitive to qi cultivation, hence my premature Kundalini awakening and qi overload. It is also the reason why I have an extremely high libido.
MrMan wrote:
July 14th, 2022, 7:03 pm
There are empirical aspects to Christianity. Jesus did miracles, which was empirical evidence, but people still had to have faith in Him. Someone could see the evidence, and accuse His power of coming from a wrong source or something along those lines. The apostles healed people and cast demons out of them. One of the early arguments Christians had against pagans, that show up in Justin Martyr's writings in maybe the early to mid second century and in Tertullian's writings maybe around the late 2nd or early 3rd century is the fact that Christians would cast spirits out of pagans that the pagans had considered to be gods. Supposedly someone had the spirit of a god in them, but it would reveal itself to be a demon when a Christian casts it out. This goes on from time to time in interactions between Christians and Hindus in India in modern times, also.
Jesus' and the apostles' alleged miracles are not empirical. They are simply scenes from the Bible which Christians take on faith. No Christian today has ever met Jesus in person. They merely know the idea of Jesus which is shared among their congregation and other Christians.

But you completely avoided the point which I raised. I didn't ask about simple alleged miracles. I was specifically talking about Christianity's core theological doctrines which form the basis of the religion. To be a Christian you have to believe in atonement through Jesus' blood sacrifice, salvation through faith and the promise of eternal life following the purported resurrection at the end of time but none of these things can be experienced directly or have any empirical basis in reality. They are all merely abstract concepts in the minds of believers. Not even Christians can know them to be absolutely true. Those who do believe in these abstract concepts do so out of emotion or simply because they want them to be true, not because there is any objective reason to believe in them.

But certain occult practices as well as an assortment of paranormal phenomena can be experienced directly. Even a naturally skeptical person can come to believe in these kinds of things through personal experience. The same cannot be said about unempirical theological dogmas of the religions of the world including Christianity.
MrMan wrote:
July 14th, 2022, 7:03 pm
But many of us Christians do experience supernatural things. Probably one of the most common is answers to prayer. I've experienced extremely specific answers to prayer. There are also spiritual gifts, when someone through the gift of prophecy or the gift of the word of knowledge tells very specific details about another person, future events, etc. I've prayed for people and started praying very specific details about them. I've seen hundreds if not thousands of cases of this sort of thing also. I've also seen evidence of supernatural healing and things of that nature. I've gone one place and someone prophecies something over me, and I go elsewhere and someone prophesies the same thing (part of the prophecy is the same or the same words.) That happens quite a bit. Two people get the same interpretation of tongues. Two people may get the same prophecy at times. There are 'empirical' aspects to the Christian faith, also. God also works on the hearts of those who come to faith in Christ. There is a bit of supernatural revelation involved in that also.
Many people from other religions and spiritual paths also experience supernatural things such as answered prayers, visions, clairvoyance and supernatural healing. They all have their testimonies of miracles and signs and wonders too. But Christian fundamentalists always argue that when people from other religions witness or experience those things it's because they are being deceived by Satan and his demons. That is invariably their argument. But the exact same accusation can be levelled against Christianity. One could just as easily suppose that Christians who witness miracles are likewise being deceived by demons, archons or some other kind of deceptive entities. Christian fundamentalists employ no rigor or objectivity in their investigation of reality. They simply believe what they want to believe and ignore the possibility that they too could be victims of a deception.
MrMan wrote:
July 14th, 2022, 7:03 pm
Very few? I haven't heard anyone talk about dying and seeing Buddha. I don't hang out in Buddhist temples, but I've never heard of that. But I do know there are very, very many accounts of people who die and see Jesus and come back encouraging others that Jesus is the way to salvation. there was a book of accounts of people who died and experienced Hell also. I haven't read it. I saw an interview about it-- To Hell and Back. Apparently, some people revive with a story of going to Hell. Then, their sense of pride and self-consciousness returns and the story changes to seeing a white light.
I've read various books and databases of NDE testimonies such as the NDERF data collected by NDE researcher Dr. Jeffrey Long. Plenty of people encounter figures from other religions including Buddha. Very few come back with the message that Jesus is the only way to salvation. In fact some people even move away from dogmatic religion after their experience and adopt a kind of universalistic spirituality. The content of most NDEs typically doesn't reflect evangelical dogma. This is the reason why some Christian fundamentalists are either not interested in the phenomenon or are opposed to it. The testimonies are just not compatible enough with their own ideological notions. Of course, those Christian authors who are willing to address the topic are highly selective of what NDEs they cite. They pay attention to a small minority of cases while ignoring the majority of the data.
MrMan wrote:
July 14th, 2022, 7:03 pm
I am not familiar with Gnostics who took that angle. I have read about what some of the Gnostics believed, but don't know of any documents where they criticized the idea of redemption in Christianity. 'Gnostic' covers a rather wide range of groups who drew some of their teachings from Christianity, but modified it.
The Gnostics believed that Yahweh was a malevolent archon or demiurge, a false impostor god who enslaved divine human souls within his corrupt creation and who masquerades as the true creator of pure spirit, a god above god if you will. You could say that it's a form of dystheism. There was some doctrinal variation among different Gnostic sects but they all rejected the Christian doctrine of salvation through the blood of Jesus and instead taught that the only way to escape from the demiurge's corrupt world and reach what they called the Pleroma was through Gnosis, i.e., enlightenment with regard to one's own divine nature beyond the darkness of the demiurge's realm.

But I myself am not a Gnostic. I merely agree with their analysis that the Hebrew god Yahweh is a demonic impostor and deceiver, though certainly not the creator of the world.
MrMan wrote:
July 14th, 2022, 7:03 pm
People back then cut up animals a lot anyway. We have slaughterhouses so the average person never slaughters a chicken or a cow and it seems so monstrous. They would sacrifice animals, and for some sacrifices, the one who brought the sacrifice eats the meat. But pagans would do this also, just to different spiritual entities, and in a different way in some cases, and with different animals. The practice continued as men decided to build statues and worship other spirits. Hinduism also had sacrifices, even human sacrifice to Kali. Israeli was surrounded by cultures practicing human sacrifice. There is archeological evidence for Canaanite human sacrifice, but Israelites were forbidden from offering human sacrifice. Norse paganism was rather brutal and involved human sacrifice.
The Hebrew god demanded burned offerings of animals and at least three different types of animal sacrifice on a regular basis. The Old Testament mentions this in detail and even states that the burned flesh of animals is a pleasant aroma to him. Well, I've always been sickened by such verses. The demands and practices which they describe strike me as more reminiscent of the actions of a perverse demon than a loving god. It was the Bible itself which made me believe that Yahweh is demonic. What kind of true god would require the destruction of animal life just for his own amusement or some theological notion of atonement? I've read a lot of the Old Testament. The Bible is chock-full of atrocities and perverse practices attributed to Yahweh, not just a few isolated cases. The Hebrew god is sick and psychopathic just like his (((chosen people))).

Just pointing at Pagan cults and saying "they did it too!" doesn't do your apologetics any favors. It doesn't change the facts about biblical Judaism or the crypto-demonic blood rituals in Christianity. I don't believe that Abrahamism is the only demonic religious current, by the way.

Also, are you entirely sure that Yahweh or his cult never demanded human sacrifice?
MrMan wrote:
July 14th, 2022, 7:03 pm
As an occultist, on what basis do you object to sacrifices, even human sacrifices.
My own evolved consciousness tells me that the unnecessary destruction of life including that of animals is wrong. My own high-vibrational soul frequency simply drives me towards goodness and positive order as opposed to mindless destruction and slaughter. Beyond that I don't need any "revealed book" or religious doctrines to dissuade me from such things. I'm not a f'n' psychopath!
MrMan wrote:
July 14th, 2022, 7:03 pm
I am curious. Do you eat meat?
MrMan wrote:
July 14th, 2022, 7:03 pm
Pagan Greece and Rome had fairly brutal cultures. Much of the population was made up of slaves, and pagans who owned slaves might sexually abuse them in a variety of ways, male or female. They didn't have the sexual mores of the Jews or later, the Christians. Sexual immorality was intertwined with their religion. That is still an aspect of Hinduism. Some little girl's mom is a prostitute. They worship a goddess dedicated to that, and the daughter is raised and becomes a prostitute.
I don't have any interest in either Judeo-Christianity or the superstitious religions of the masses of antiquity. Nor do I follow Hinduism in either its contemporary or Vedic forms. I'm an esotericist. I'm interested in the mystery schools and their teachings, not some common "Paganism".
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by MrMan »

Lucas88 wrote:
July 15th, 2022, 12:23 pm
MrMan wrote:
July 14th, 2022, 7:03 pm
What empirical evidence do you have for Kundalini or any other system you hold to? How do you know there is really some kind of energy snake around your spine? How do you know you aren't imagining it?
I know that the Kundalini is a real phenomenon through direct experience. In my cases it was a premature Kundalini awakening which messed up my body's energy channels and left me in agony and with serious physiological dysfunctions for well over a year. It certainly wasn't just a product of my imagination.
I don't mean 'real v. a figment of your imagination.' What I mean is how to do you know the underlying teachings of Kundalini or the religion behind it is true. I believe there are all kinds of spirits that are in rebellion against the Creator God Yahweh during this time period while all enemies are being subdued under the Messiah's feet. So, yeah, you might have some kind of demonic encounter that messes you up. This doesn't sound like an encounter with something benevolent either....if that is what you experienced.
Towards the end of 2020 I began to practice Yoga for the purpose of qi cultivation. However, I would soon discover that my body naturally produces qi energy in abundance and that I am extremely sensitive to those kinds of practices. The breathing techniques awoke the Kundalini with only three days of practice and I then felt the energy expand throughout my body and violently force its way through certain channels along the spine and also through the abdomen and towards the temple region. The experience was unmistakable. The force of the energy's ascension it was 100% tangible. At one point I thought that my spine was literally going to break.
Ummm, I thought qi was a traditional Chinese idea and Kundalini was Hindu. Do you mix different religions and mystical practices?
Anyway, if that wasn't tangible enough, what would soon follow was even more tangible. The extra qi energy was so much that it overloaded my body's energy channels (or meridians as they are called in Qi Gong and Traditional Chinese Medicine) and caused some of them to go into reverse flow. This resulted in my body's qi energy stagnating in my legs and lower abdomen (instead of flowing upwards as it's supposed to) and an intense burning sensation in the affected regions as well as erectile dysfunction (both erections and orgasm depend on a harmonious flow of qi energy). These were the very real symptoms of the disruption done by a very real premature Kundalini awakening/excessive qi overload.
Sounds dangerous to mess with. I'm getting close to the age where I can get a Captain D's discount on drinks, and I still can get erections, and I've never done Kundalini.

I'm just way too sensitive to qi cultivation, hence my premature Kundalini awakening and qi overload. It is also the reason why I have an extremely high libido.
I've got a high libido, channeled into marriage of course, without any Kundalini. Is it worth it to mess with this stuff?
Jesus' and the apostles' alleged miracles are not empirical. They are simply scenes from the Bible which Christians take on faith. No Christian today has ever met Jesus in person. They merely know the idea of Jesus which is shared among their congregation and other Christians.
Plenty of Christians, both contemporary and historical, tell of their visionary experiences seeing Christ. When I was in 8th grade, the girl a year above me in school had severely crossed eyes and wore super thick glasses that magnified her eyes many times over. An evangelist laid hands on her and she was healed. I could see it with my own eyes. There are millions of Christians who have responded to surveys that they have witnessed miracles. There is also a scholar named Craig Keener, who wrote a book, over 1000 pages, entitled _Miracles_ to answer David Hume's argument on miracles, who wrote up numerous cases of Christian miracles, both historical and contemporary.
But you completely avoided the point which I raised. I didn't ask about simple alleged miracles. I was specifically talking about Christianity's core theological doctrines which form the basis of the religion. To be a Christian you have to believe in atonement through Jesus' blood sacrifice, salvation through faith and the promise of eternal life following the purported resurrection at the end of time but none of these things can be experienced directly or have any empirical basis in reality. They are all merely abstract concepts in the minds of believers. Not even Christians can know them to be absolutely true. Those who do believe in these abstract concepts do so out of emotion or simply because they want them to be true, not because there is any objective reason to believe in them.
There were eye witnesses of Christ's miracles who wrote them down. His apostles were executed rather and would not deny their faith. Would they have done that if it were a hoax?

You seem to be tied to a modernist materialistic epistomology, also, on this point, even though you don't seem to take that approach to topics like Kundalini. You have no way of knowing for sure that what you experienced validated either Chinese meridian qi energy theory or Kundalini. A demon could have made you feel that way to encourage you into these areas of mysticism and alternative medical theory as a distraction. You also have to assume that what you perceive with your eyes and ears somehow represents reality.

One can also know things by spiritual means, assurance from the Spirit of God, through revelation, be that through dreams or visions, or also through a sense of knowing that comes from God.
But certain occult practices as well as an assortment of paranormal phenomena can be experienced directly. Even a naturally skeptical person can come to believe in these kinds of things through personal experience. The same cannot be said about unempirical theological dogmas of the religions of the world including Christianity.
There is a bit of 'dogma' that the experiences occult practices are explained by whatever religious or mystical religion they are attached to.
Many people from other religions and spiritual paths also experience supernatural things such as answered prayers, visions, clairvoyance and supernatural healing. They all have their testimonies of miracles and signs and wonders too. But Christian fundamentalists always argue that when people from other religions witness or experience those things it's because they are being deceived by Satan and his demons. That is invariably their argument. But the exact same accusation can be levelled against Christianity. One could just as easily suppose that Christians who witness miracles are likewise being deceived by demons, archons or some other kind of deceptive entities. Christian fundamentalists employ no rigor or objectivity in their investigation of reality. They simply believe what they want to believe and ignore the possibility that they too could be victims of a deception.
I notice you borrow language that, at least this point in history, you got through Christianity-- demons. (It's an ancient Greek term, but it passed through Christian vocabulary to modern heirs of the term or concept.) There are spirits that can potentially give experiences. Yes, I believe that many of these experiences in pagan religions come through demons. The nations sacrifice to demons and not to gods, though since the time that statement was made, many people from around the world from different nations have come to trust in the true God.

The thing is, prophecies that God revealed through the Bible have started to come to pass. Back in the BC era, who would have thought that nations of the world would acknowledge Yahweh as the true God, or believe in His Messiah. But the Old Testament predicted, "In His name shall the Gentiles trust."

In the past, God took Abraham and his descendants through Israel as His inheritance, his portion, and let other nations be influenced by lesser spirits, but with the promise to Abraham that through him all the nations of the world would be blessed. Then He sent His Messiah, who died for our sins and rose again from the dead. Though nations worshipped idols, and fellowshipped with demon spirits through their sacrifices, and engaged with these spirits through witchcraft and other mystical practices, God is now calling all men to repent. God has given the nations as the inheritance of Jesus the Messiah, and all authority on heaven and earth has been given to Him. So repent, have a change of heart and mind, forsake these lesser spirits, and be reconciled to the true creator God Yahweh through faith in His son, the Messiah, Yeshua.
I've read various books and databases of NDE testimonies such as the NDERF data collected by NDE researcher Dr. Jeffrey Long. Plenty of people encounter figures from other religions including Buddha. Very few come back with the message that Jesus is the only way to salvation. In fact some people even move away from dogmatic religion after their experience and adopt a kind of universalistic spirituality. The content of most NDEs typically doesn't reflect evangelical dogma. This is the reason why some Christian fundamentalists are either not interested in the phenomenon or are opposed to it. The testimonies are just not compatible enough with their own ideological notions. Of course, those Christian authors who are willing to address the topic are highly selective of what NDEs they cite. They pay attention to a small minority of cases while ignoring the majority of the data.
I suspect this has more to do with the doctor's sample. It doesn't make much sense that Buddhists would see Buddha when they die, either. Buddhas are supposed to be people who got rid of their desires and reached Nirvana and became one with everything. So why would Buddha be waiting for someone?

I am not convinced that people with NDEs necessarily always experience what those who really die will experience.

Btw, the Bible emphasizes the resurrection as opposed to the idea of disembodied eternal bliss.
The Gnostics believed that Yahweh was a malevolent archon or demiurge, a false impostor god who enslaved divine human souls within his corrupt creation and who masquerades as the true creator of pure spirit, a god above god if you will. You could say that it's a form of dystheism. There was some doctrinal variation among different Gnostic sects but they all rejected the Christian doctrine of salvation through the blood of Jesus and instead taught that the only way to escape from the demiurge's corrupt world and reach what they called the Pleroma was through Gnosis, i.e., enlightenment with regard to one's own divine nature beyond the darkness of the demiurge's realm.
That first part sounds like Marcion's evil heretical teachings. But 'Gnostic' was used to describe a rather wide-ranging set of groups with unorthodox beliefs.

The Hebrew god demanded burned offerings of animals and at least three different types of animal sacrifice on a regular basis. The Old Testament mentions this in detail and even states that the burned flesh of animals is a pleasant aroma to him.
Does the smell of beef, lamb, and goat roasting smell good to you, btw? Are you a vegetarian or pescatarian or something like that?

God was pleased with the aroma at times. When the people were sinful and rebellious, He was displeased with their sacrifices.
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by Lucas88 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
July 14th, 2022, 4:24 pm
I'll come back to this thread later, but my #1 opinion above all is that we need all the allies we can get against the synagogue of satan, so our first priority should be getting along with the Muslims and also Christians who already understand the fact that the satanic jews are the problem, and work out any differences later (which probably wouldn't be too hard without jews on our backs with the ZOG banks, international warmongering, bolshevism and technocracy they're pushing on us as we speak, and them trying to censor the internet and make it illegal to even talk facts to substantiate what they're doing).

I have my doubts about a lot of the Christians because so many of them openly act like homosexuals and are wallowing in hypocrisy, and there's absolutely no excuse for them if they're supporting the satanic parasite israel, but there's lots of Catholics and some other denominations of Christian who are undoubtedly on our side against the SOS, and obviously Minister Farrakhan, the PM of Malyasia, and tons of other varieties of Muslims all over the Middle East are on our side too, so let's get along and work together to get rid of the satanic jews and israel first rather than letting the jews con us into fighting with each other. 8)
Even though I'm not a big fan of the barbaric Abrahamic slave religions to put it mildly, I do agree with you that we have to accept allies from among non-cucked Christians and also from among Muslims for our collective struggle against the ZOGs of the world. This is simply a pragmatic realization. We're going to need all the help we can get if we are going to save our societies from the longest-running, most brutal global mafia that has ever existed.

I do believe that Christianity was always a no-good cult of Judeo-Bolshevism aimed at the subversion of the Gentile societies of the time of its inception. I also recognize that the slavish spiritual cockholdry with its "turn the other cheek" BS taught in the New Testament is the most authentic manifestation of Christianity true to its source.

Those weak pathetic cucked-out Jewdeo-Christians who follow those suicidal and quite frankly contemptible teachings to the letter are the true Christians, but fortunately the slave program hasn't worked as well on many other self-identified Christians who still haven't been separated from their innate Gentile warrior spirit and are at least smart and honest enough to recognize the infestation and progressive subversion of our societies at the hands of the Jewish tribal mafia. It is with those worthy individuals with whom we can form alliances. At this point we need some form of pan-Gentile solidarity for our resistance to be viable.

Many Muslims are redpilled to f**k on the JQ. I used to do MMA training with some Muslims and they were open about their hatred of Jews and Zionism and even said that they wanted to go to war against them. I had plenty of conversations with a certain Muslim friend about the JQ at our MMA gym. He told me that he was surprised that a White guy like myself knew so much about it and was willing to talk about it.
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Re: Christianity vs Atheism vs Spirituality

Post by Lucas88 »

MrMan wrote:
July 15th, 2022, 4:06 pm
I don't mean 'real v. a figment of your imagination.' What I mean is how to do you know the underlying teachings of Kundalini or the religion behind it is true. I believe there are all kinds of spirits that are in rebellion against the Creator God Yahweh during this time period while all enemies are being subdued under the Messiah's feet. So, yeah, you might have some kind of demonic encounter that messes you up. This doesn't sound like an encounter with something benevolent either....if that is what you experienced.
Well, my personal experience thus far has given me enough reason to believe that my problem has a mechanical basis (i.e., qi overload, reversal of meridians, qi stagnation, etc.) since thus far it has been treatable with mechanical interventions (i.e., acupuncture) from a Chinese doctor who was able to identify my problem immediately and offer me a practical treatment plan based on his own empirical knowledge. TCM practitioners (the truly knowledgeable ones) know how qi and the meridian system work and have used over the centuries techniques to achieve results. Furthermore, no part of my experience has given me any reason to believe that my premature Kundalini awakening was brought about by an encounter with a demon. That is just Christians projecting their own ideas onto the phenomena of reality. It's just true believers stretching the facts in order for them to fit their own ideological interpretation of the world.

You always talk about how Yahweh is the creator god as though it were an undisputable fact but you have no way of knowing that that's true for sure. Just like with other core theological doctrines such as atonement through Jesus' blood, salvation by faith and the promise of eternal life after the purported resurrection, Yahweh's status as creator god is simply another abstract concept which only has guaranteed existence in the minds of Christian believers and has no empirical or experiential basis in reality. Again Christians are simply believing what they want to believe.

You say that I seem to be tied to a modern materialist epistemology but that's not true at all. I'm actually a metaphysical idealist and view the realm of spirit or consciousness as ontologically prior to matter but still I understand the need for experience as a basis for belief also in spiritual/supernatural things. The materialist denies that spiritual/supernatural things can be experienced because they are not real. I on the other believe that spiritual/supernatural levels of reality do exist but that doesn't mean that every purported spiritual/supernatural belief is necessarily true and so we must experience such phenomena ourselves in order to know that they are true. In terms of experientiality the spiritual/supernatural planes work like the material plane.

But you and many other Christians make use of no epistemology at all. What you guys basically do is say that your beliefs are true because you say so (or because the Bible says so) and that reality is simply how you guys believe it to be. There's no real epistemology there at all. Like I said in my previous post, Christian fundamentalists employ no rigor or objectivity in their investigation of reality.
MrMan wrote:
July 15th, 2022, 4:06 pm
Ummm, I thought qi was a traditional Chinese idea and Kundalini was Hindu. Do you mix different religions and mystical practices?
The lifeforce energy is simply called by different names across different cultures. In East Asia it is known as qi while in India it is known as prana. The Kundalini is simply a concentration of qi/prana which can be activated through Yoga and pranayama breathwork. It is the same energy which is cultivated in Qi Gong and Tai Qi.

Traditional Chinese Medicine deals with the more mundane side of the qi and meridian system (i.e., treating physical and psychological ailments through acupuncture/qi manipulation) while Yoga is more tied to the spiritual side including the development of Siddhi (psychic abilities) although the Chinese side of things also includes lesser-known practices on the esoteric side too.

There is no "religion" of the Kundalini as such. You seem to be able to conceive things only in terms of religion. Kundalini practice and qi cultivation techniques are phenomena which exist or have existed in some form or another throughout a variety of historical religions and mystery schools from Hindu and Chinese spirituality to possibly those of Ancient Egypt and the alchemists of Europe.
MrMan wrote:
July 15th, 2022, 4:06 pm
Plenty of Christians, both contemporary and historical, tell of their visionary experiences seeing Christ. When I was in 8th grade, the girl a year above me in school had severely crossed eyes and wore super thick glasses that magnified her eyes many times over. An evangelist laid hands on her and she was healed. I could see it with my own eyes. There are millions of Christians who have responded to surveys that they have witnessed miracles. There is also a scholar named Craig Keener, who wrote a book, over 1000 pages, entitled _Miracles_ to answer David Hume's argument on miracles, who wrote up numerous cases of Christian miracles, both historical and contemporary.
But you completely avoided the point which I raised. I didn't ask about simple alleged miracles. I was specifically talking about Christianity's core theological doctrines which form the basis of the religion. To be a Christian you have to believe in atonement through Jesus' blood sacrifice, salvation through faith and the promise of eternal life following the purported resurrection at the end of time but none of these things can be experienced directly or have any empirical basis in reality. They are all merely abstract concepts in the minds of believers. Not even Christians can know them to be absolutely true. Those who do believe in these abstract concepts do so out of emotion or simply because they want them to be true, not because there is any objective reason to believe in them.
There were eye witnesses of Christ's miracles who wrote them down. His apostles were executed rather and would not deny their faith. Would they have done that if it were a hoax?
Again you don't address the question which I raised and instead avoid it preferring to talk about testimonies of supposed sightings and visions of Jesus and then criticizing what you perceive to be a flaw in my epistemological approach. We're not talking simply about miracles. We're talking about something more fundamental -- the validity of Christianity's core theological doctrines themselves. My argument was that doctrines such as atonement through Jesus' blood sacrifice, salvation by faith and the promise of eternal life following the purported resurrection cannot be experienced -- not even by Christian believers themselves -- and have no empirical basis in reality. There's absolutely no reason to believe that these things are true other than Christians wanting to believe them. No Christian can show these abstract concepts to be 100% true. Not even you, MrMan. That's why once again you avoided the topic.

Those people who you mentioned might have witnessed real miracles and visions but so do people of other religions such as Hindus, Buddhists and New Agers. Even Catholics talk about Virgin apparitions. What would you say about that, MrMan? You'd probably say that those were just false signs and wonders perpetrated by demons, wouldn't you? I know that is the argument of many Christian fundamentalists. But those non-Christian witnesses of miracles could easily say the same thing about Christian miracles, that they're merely the product of demonic deception, that Christians are being duped by negative entities who masquerade as Jesus or angels. But why's that 100% not the case? It's simply because you guys say so, right? Again, Christian fundamentalists employ no rigor or objectivity, only double standards and selectivity of data in order to continue to make reality what they want it to be.

The argument that the martyrs died for their faith so it must have been true is not a very good one. Since Christian fundamentalists like to accuse other religions of being demonically inspired deceptions, the same accusation could just as easily be made against Christianity's apostles. They could have been deceived by deceptive spirits and genuinely believed in the demonically inspired visions that they saw just as you guys believe that prophets of non-Christian religions and sects are deceived by demons. So if one supposes that Christianity was a demonically inspired hoax, whether the apostles really believed in the message or not is irrelevant.
MrMan wrote:
July 15th, 2022, 4:06 pm
I notice you borrow language that, at least this point in history, you got through Christianity-- demons. (It's an ancient Greek term, but it passed through Christian vocabulary to modern heirs of the term or concept.) There are spirits that can potentially give experiences. Yes, I believe that many of these experiences in pagan religions come through demons. The nations sacrifice to demons and not to gods, though since the time that statement was made, many people from around the world from different nations have come to trust in the true God.

The thing is, prophecies that God revealed through the Bible have started to come to pass. Back in the BC era, who would have thought that nations of the world would acknowledge Yahweh as the true God, or believe in His Messiah. But the Old Testament predicted, "In His name shall the Gentiles trust."
I use words that are common to the culture in which I live such as "demon" because if I didn't nobody would understand what I was saying. Whenever I say demon I'm referring to a possible unknown entity of a deceptive and malevolent nature rather than the strictly biblical conception of demons.

One could just as easily assert that the angels of Christianity and Judaism are demonic beings who deceive Jews and Christians and can give them experiences (e.g., visions, prophecies, gifts, etc.). That would certainly make sense since Yahweh definitely has some very cruel and demonic traits as per the Old Testament, although the New Testament religion is also a weird cult of blood sacrifice and ritualized symbolic cannibalism and vampirism. Seems very demonic.

There's also prophecies in the Book of Ezequiel (chapters 36-39 roughly) which predict the reconstruction of Israel and Jewish dominion over the Gentile nations. Are these really prophecies in the true sense or are they a blueprint for conspiracy and Zionist control over Gentile nations? I think the latter. Now we have those perverse Jew rats infesting all of our societies, controlling politics, bankrupting the nations through their criminal banking system, financing wars in the Middle East for the benefit of their warmongering state of Israel and pushing all kinds of nefarious agendas. Weak Jewdeo-Christians call this the fulfilment of prophecy. We call it conspiracy and subversion. This may have been done through multi-millennial Zionist planning alone (i.e., long-game subversion tactics) or through the intervention of some supernatural demonic entity with whom the Jews have a pact of evil (e.g., Yahweh).
MrMan wrote:
July 15th, 2022, 4:06 pm
I suspect this has more to do with the doctor's sample. It doesn't make much sense that Buddhists would see Buddha when they die, either. Buddhas are supposed to be people who got rid of their desires and reached Nirvana and became one with everything. So why would Buddha be waiting for someone?
Oh, so if the content of most NDEs doesn't reflect Christian dogma it must be because the doctor's sample was flawed, right? More confirmation bias as usual.

For the record, Jeffrey Long at NDERF has compiled one of the largest databases of NDE testimonies in the world. I've watched many of his videos and he doesn't seem to have any religious or ideological bias either.
MrMan wrote:
July 15th, 2022, 4:06 pm
That first part sounds like Marcion's evil heretical teachings. But 'Gnostic' was used to describe a rather wide-ranging set of groups with unorthodox beliefs.
Evil why? Just because the Christian Church Fathers said so? How do you know that they weren't serving as the propagators of a deceptive and therefore evil faith?
MrMan wrote:
July 15th, 2022, 4:06 pm
God was pleased with the aroma at times. When the people were sinful and rebellious, He was displeased with their sacrifices.
Why on earth an intelligent divine creator of the cosmos would ever need or even desire animal sacrifices is totally lost on me. Such demands of the biblical god strike me much more as those of a demonic being or a lesser deity with a malevolent nature.
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