Tough Questions Christians Have NEVER Answered That Disprove Their Dogmas! (Ongoing Series)

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Tough Questions Christians Have NEVER Answered That Disprove Their Dogmas! (Ongoing Series)

Post by Winston »

WARNING: These impossibly difficult questions for Christians may cause them to lose their faith and realize that their dogmas and doctrines are wrong. Read at your own risk. Best to read only if you are a truth seeker willing to follow the data wherever it may lead, unafraid to consider all viewpoints and possibilities.

Super Tough Questions Christians Have Never Answered: Winning Arguments That Render Their Dogmas Impossible

To the following Christian apologists in particular who adamantly declare the Bible and Christianity to be the one and only truth and all others false:

Kent Hovind, Frank Turek, Lee Strobel, William Lane Craig, Josh McDowell, JP Moreland, John Lennox, Mike Licona, Ken Ham, Stephen Meyer, Ray Comfort

Especially to Dr. William Lane Craig, since he runs and claims that the Christian faith is reasonable and rational. And to Dr. Frank Turek and Dr. Kent Hovind, since they are very vociferous and fearless and act like they can answer anything skeptics put their way. If anyone knows them, please forward these questions to them. Thanks.

I have a series of tough and important questions that Christian apologists have never answered in their books, media, lectures or FAQs. I've seen books that claim to answer common questions from skeptics, such as Josh McDowell's Q&A books about the Christian faith back in the 80's, and others by Lee Strobel and Frank Turek. But they only answer superficial and basic questions though, not tough unanswerable ones like mine are. So I'd like to challenge them to answer these tough issues that strike at the core of their belief, and which constitute my objections to Christians who ask me why I don't "return to Christ". I invite Christian apologists to debate me on this too. This will be an ongoing series. I will post 3 tough questions per post, starting with the 3 most important ones. Here is a summary of the first three, followed by an elaboration about why they are significant.

Summary of Tough Questions #1, 2, and 3:

1. Why does God blame us and punish us for something we didn't do? Everyone knows that is unjust and wrong, so why do you accept that since it goes against your own common sense justice? Why are we to blame for the Fall in the Garden of Eden? Especially since the offense was simply that Eve ate an apple or fruit off the wrong tree, which is very trivial and no big deal, certainly not big enough to punish the world with suffering, pain, injustice, and death for the past 6000 years or so. No parent would punish their children for life for a trivial offense, even a bad parent would never do that. So why would a "just God" do that? How is Original Sin justified morally or logically? How is punishing an entire world for the trivial "sin" of two ignorant people justified and considered the act of a "just God"? Why would a "just God" do something so 100 percent UNJUST?! Isn't this the ultimate contradiction of all time?!

Furthermore, isn't the notion that all the problems, pain, suffering, injustice, and evil in this world, all stem from the act of two foolish people eating an apple or fruit in a Garden that God created, the most ludicrous and ridiculous concept in the world if you think about it? How can any mature adult take that seriously? It boggles the mind since it sounds too completely nonsensical and absurd to entertain for even a second. Think about it. Nothing could be more absurd than that. Also, wouldn't that make God the worst computer programmer or creator in the world, since anyone who creates a system where one little flaw (e.g. eating an apple) can crash and corrupt the whole system for good, would be considered a horrible programmer in our world? Such a programmer would be far from perfect of course. So this refutes the Christian claim that God is perfect obviously.

2. "What are my orders sir?" Christians say that you should "give your life to God" otherwise you are in rebellion. Well suppose I gave my life to God as you suggest. How are you supposed to serve God and do his will if he doesn't talk to you directly in a clear manner? That's like working for an employer and not knowing what your duties are. How are you supposed to know what he wants you to do in your everyday life, since God doesn't talk back as we all know. So how can he be my master or boss? If he has no time to talk to me, why doesn't he appoint an angel to be my manager? Otherwise, you cannot serve a master who won't even tell you what he wants. How can I have a relationship with a God who can't or won't talk to you?

Sorry but reading a man made text like the Bible isn't enough. And looking for signs and omens would be a guessing game, and too subjective as well. This just cannot work and is not viable, realistically speaking. What's more, if Jesus came into my heart and became my Lord and Savior, as you say, then why can't he talk to me directly, especially if he's "inside me"? Same issue with the Holy Spirit, which allegedly is inside every believer and is a sentient being. It's totally nonsensical.

Moreover, why would a God who frequently spoke to people in the Bible, like Moses, and appeared as a burning bush to him, be totally silent now? That makes no sense and is inconsistent. Some Christians claim that God has decided to never speak again and only speaks to us through the Bible. Yeah right. That sounds like a convenient copout and is a red flag too. Why would an unchanging God do a total 180 like that and be so inconsistent? There are those who claim God speaks to them, but that is considered iffy even in the Christian community, and they are seen as nutcases by most people.

3. How do you know which parts of the Bible are literal or metaphorical? There seems to be no objective or consistent standard for this. Even the most ardent Christians admit that you cannot take every part of the Bible literally or you will run into many contradictions. Yet they have no standard to discern which parts are literal and which are metaphorical. So there is no reliable way to interpret "God's word". Christians cherry pick the Bible like everyone else, accepting the verses they like and ignoring the verses they don't like and rationalizing them away. Since it's impossible to take the Bible literally without incurring countless problems, why not take the whole thing metaphorically, like all great geniuses in history have done? In that case, the Bible will not be a serious authoritative book as you claim, only allegorical, like any good fiction, hence undermining its own authority. How can you resolve this logically?

Let me expound on the above questions and explain why they are important and come to mind first when considering the Christian faith.

Elaboration of Tough Question #1:

My first and biggest issue is this: Why does God blame us and punish us for something we didn't do? Everyone knows that is unjust and not right at all. Even our courts of law know that. So why do you accept such a claim that goes against your own common sense justice? Why are we to blame for the Fall in the Garden of Eden? Especially since the offense was simply that Eve ate an apple or fruit off the wrong tree, which is very trivial and no big deal, certainly not big enough to punish the world with suffering, pain, injustice, and death for the past 6000 years or so (or whatever age you think the world is since the Fall). No parent would punish their children for life for a trivial offense, even a bad parent would not do that. So why would a "just God" do that? It makes no sense at all.

So how is Original Sin justified morally or logically? How is punishing an entire world for the trivial "sin" of two ignorant people justified and considered the act of a "just God"? Why would a "just God" do something so 100 percent UNJUST?! Isn't this the ultimate contradiction of all time?! Christian Evangelists say that mankind is fallen and needs salvation because Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden by eating the forbidden fruit. That's a weird explanation for all the problems in the world. But supposing that's true, why is that my fault? Why does that mark the whole world as "wicked and deserving of hell"? I've never understood that, even as a Christian.

Why do Christians say that "we all deserve to go to hell?" Why do we deserve to go to hell, even if we are good people, just because we were born imperfect, and Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, and the book of Romans says "all have sinned and there is none righteous"? How is that just and righteous? That makes no sense at all if you think about it. Isn't that the most UNREASONABLE thing in the world, to say that you DESERVE to go to hell because you were born IMPERFECT???!!! Don't Christians wonder about this too? How can you not?

This is the first question that comes to my mind when analyzing the Christian gospel logically. So I am surprised this obvious key question has never been directly addressed in Christian media or literature. Very odd. I must be on a different wavelength than everyone else. Furthermore, doesn't the Bible contradict itself when it says none are righteous in Romans, yet it says in the OT Bible that Noah and Job were righteous? Also the Catholic Church says Mary was born by immaculate conception which means she was born without sin. How do you explain that?

In the late 1980s, I asked a Christian friend about why the doctrine of Original Sin is fair and just. His reply was: "Well have you ever done something you knew was wrong?" I replied, "Very rarely, maybe once or twice". Then he said "If you have done so even once, then you are just as guilty as Adam and Eve are and no better." WTF kind of reasoning is that?! So basically, if you are IMPERFECT then you DESERVE to go to hell? WTF?! Isn't that the most UNREASONABLE thing you've ever heard? How can a just and good God be LESS reasonable than normal humans are by demanding perfection, which is impossible? That's crazy and deep down everyone knows it. How can you not?

Let me ask you this: Suppose your children did something trivial like steal cookies from a jar after you told them not to. Would you punish them for life about it and cast them off from your permanently and make them suffer for life? Of course not. Even bad parents would not do that. So why would a "just God"? That's 100 percent UNJUST and absurd. How can anyone take that seriously? The punishment is supposed to fit the crime, and a trivial misdemeanor like that does not warrant eternal punishment. Everyone knows that. Even in a court of law, if someone commits a crime and is ignorant of what they are doing, they are not held to full punishment. So how can a court system in a corrupt country like America, be more just and reasonable than God Almighty? Again, it makes no sense! How can a just God be 100 percent UNJUST? Isn't that the ULTIMATE contradiction of all time?!

It's impossible to justify this of course. So Christians have to use fear and appeal to authority, by saying that this is God's law and you can't do anything about it, because God's the boss, so it's his way or the highway. And that it's not your place to disagree with him, because you are just the creation and not the Creator. Blah blah blah. You get the idea. But they never actually answer the question of why original sin is justified and why we are all penalized and punished for it, when we didn't do it, and were born imperfect in an imperfect world. If God were born imperfect too, then he'd be a sinner too, does that mean he would deserve to go to hell too? See how nonsensical this is? If you are born imperfect, how can you be expected to be perfect? Makes zero sense.

This is a very key and important question. But Christian apologists and evangelists have never addressed it in their Q&A or FAQ books. It's probably the first objection I would have to the Christian gospel if I were hearing it for the first time. That's why I list it as #1 here. Yet oddly, it is not brought up in Christian books and lectures during the Q&A session, such as when Dr. Frank Turek is speaking. Those in the audience only ask very trivial and inane questions. Never the key ones like I do. I don't know why the general public is so dumb. Seriously.

Furthermore, isn't the notion that all the problems, pain, suffering, injustice, and evil in this world, all stem from the act of two foolish people eating an apple or fruit in a Garden that God created, the most ludicrous and ridiculous concept in the world if you think about it? How can any mature adult take that seriously? It boggles the mind since it sounds too completely nonsensical and absurd to entertain for even a second. Think about it. Nothing could be more absurd than that.

In addition, wouldn't that make God the worst computer programmer or creator in the world and far from perfect? Ask anyone in the computer industry if a programmer who creates a system where one little flaw (e.g. eating an apple) crashes the whole system and corrupts it for good, is a good programmer at all, let alone a perfect one. Of course, we all know that such a programmer would totally suck. So this refutes the Christian notion that God must be perfect, which is without basis, since nothing could be more imperfect than to create a system or program where one little flaw or wrong turn crashes and corrupts everything. We all know that. So why deny the obvious? To deny the obvious requires one to be brainwashed and mind controlled right? Because truth does not deny the obvious. Therefore, the logical conclusion is that Christians do not have the truth, but are brainwashed and mind controlled by cult-like tactics, right?

Elaboration of Tough Question #2:

This is also an obvious question that comes to mind if I were considering becoming a Christian, so I am surprised it is not asked or addressed in any Christian videos or FAQs. Very strange indeed. The question is: Ok suppose I want to surrender to God and give my life to him and serve his will, as you Evangelists suggest. How would I serve God and do his will, if he can't or won't even talk to me? How do I know what he wants me to do? How do I know what my orders are?

For example, when you start a new job, your manager or supervisor will tell you what your duties are, not keep you in the dark. If you are in the army, your commanding officer will give you clear orders and make sure you understand them. That's his job. But as a Christian, you have no orders or instructions. So how can you do the will of God and serve him? This makes no sense and is an obvious obstacle. So I'm surprised no one asks about it in any Christian media and it is never addressed either.

Now, I am not talking about following a moral code like the Ten Commandments, or the basic teachings of Jesus or anything like that. Sure you can find all that in the Bible. But I am talking about God's will for your day to day life and what to do with your life, where to go, what path to take, what choices to make, both on important and trivial matters, etc. Like how do you know what job he wants you to get, or where he wants you to move to or live, or who he wants you to marry, or what he wants you to do on any given day? You cannot function or serve a master or commander if you have no orders.

I guess you could look for signs and omens, like ancient people did. But wouldn't that be a nebulous and subjective guessing game? I could see many signs and synchronicities outside and never know if they were from God or just a coincidence. How would I know? I know that many spiritual teachers say that if you are attuned on a higher frequency, you will be able to recognize which synchronicities are meaningful and which are just coincidence. Or perhaps there are no coincidences, as many spiritual New Agers such as Deepak Chopra say. Now even if that is true, I don't think the average person is attuned enough to intuit which synchronicities and omens are from God and which are just coincidence. And since Christianity is tailored to the masses, not to spiritual adepts or initiates of higher mystery religions, I don't understand how the average person is supposed to know what God wants him or her to do. This is an obvious stumbling block to the Christian path, so I am surprised it is not addressed.

Now if God is too busy to give me orders, why doesn't he appoint a supervisor or manager over me like a CEO would with his employees? Like a managerial angel to tell me what to do? If he does then how do I talk to this supervisor angel of mine? You've never addressed any of this even though it's a practical and obvious question.

If God can't or won't talk to me and give me clear orders and instructions, then what's the point? You can't have a relationship with someone who won't talk to you. It just won't work. Sorry. And no, reading a man made text like the Bible isn't enough. We need clear orders and instructions. Otherwise, it simply won't work. This is an obvious issue. I'm surprised you don't address it. It's like working for an employer without any assigned duties. This is a big conundrum. If God won't talk to us, then he's not worth giving our life to. And if God can't talk to us, then he's not all powerful like you claim. Either way, you lose. This is a no win for you.

Moreover, why would a God who frequently spoke to people in the Bible, like Moses, and appeared as a burning bush to him, be totally silent now? That makes no sense and is inconsistent. Some Christians claim that God has decided to never speak again and only speaks to us through the Bible. Yeah right. That sounds like a convenient copout and is a red flag too. Why would an unchanging God do a total 180 like that and be so inconsistent? There are those who claim God speaks to them, but that is considered iffy even in the Christian community, and they are seen as nutcases by most people.

Two more important points:

* If one "invites Jesus into their heart" and he comes in, as you say he would, then wouldn't someone who is inhabiting my body be able to speak to me? You'd think so, gee whiz. Even animals can use body language and facial expression to communicate with you, so why not Jesus, especially if he's "inside you"? Are animals smarter than Jesus and God are? LOL. Go figure. This makes no sense yet again. Same with the Holy Spirit, which is supposed to inhabit every true believer. If the Holy Spirit is a sentient being and the third person of the triune Godhead, then why can't he talk to you? Again, it makes no sense.

* Even if I did what typical Christians do and just follow the moral code and teachings in the Bible, and "gave myself" to God metaphorically, that would still not be "giving your life to God" in the literal sense. It would only be following a certain moral behavioral code. Either way, your claim is nonsensical and not viable. What do you have to say to that?

On another note: Pantheistic philosophers like Spinoza, and geniuses like Einstein, have said that we most likely cannot talk directly to the creator of the universe. Just like the trillions of cells in our body cannot talk to our mind or brain directly. It's simply impossible and out of scale. This sort of makes sense if you think about it. If this is so, then we cannot serve God directly then, if God is the body of the universe like Pantheists claim. All we can do is perform some role or function in this world, just like our cells each perform some role or function in service to our whole body. If so, then we must follow the New Age path of discovering one's destiny or bliss. In that case, Christianity is the wrong religion then. So again, you lose.

Elaboration of Tough Question #3:

Most Christians admit that you can't take everything in the Bible literally otherwise there will be many contradictions and you will be left confused. So they admit that some of it has to be taken symbolically. But the problem is, there is no clear set rule or standard for knowing what to take literally or symbolically. It seems to be a matter of interpretation, which is subjective and relative. What I've noticed is that when Christians like a particular Bible verse, they will take it literally. If they don't, they will ignore it or say it is a metaphor or that it's situational and doesn't apply to them. So like everyone else, Christians cherry pick what they want and leave out what they don't want. Yet the irony is that they also claim that the whole Bible is the inspired complete word of God, even though they ignore the parts of it that they don't like. Go figure. This is yet another irresolvable problem.

Now I've heard Christians say that as a general rule, you should take the Bible literally unless it indicates not to. However, that makes no sense, because there are no Bible verses that say "Don't take the following verse literally." So how can you know what the Bible wants you to take literally or metaphorically? It makes no sense. They've never addressed this, let alone solve it. Either way, it's impossible to take the Bible literally, even most of it, because there are too many unreasonable and extreme things in it that no one can do, nor should do. And many contradictions and discrepancies as well, which is normal for a man made book written by many authors over thousands of years. Here are some examples.

* Jesus told a rich man in the Gospels to give away all his money and possessions to the poor. No Christian wants to give away all his money and assets and become a homeless bum, especially if he has a family to raise. Every Christian family wants at least a middle class lifestyle for their children. No one wants to become a bum and homeless beggar. So no Christian would follow this of course. But it's in the Bible. Furthermore, the prosperity Gospels promoted by prosperity preachers like Joel Osteen claim that God wants every Christian to be rich. So go figure.

* Jesus said in the Gospels that if your body parts cause you to sin, to cut them off, for its better to lose your body parts then to have your whole body thrown in hell. These are sick verses, even if they are only parables. But again, no one would do that for obvious reasons. Not even Christians.

* At the end of the Gospel of Mark, Jesus said that believers can drink poison and be bitten by poisonous snakes and yet be unharmed. Of course, no sane person would risk their life to test that claim. That'd be foolish and insane.

* In Mark's Gospel, it says that "faith can move mountains" but of course no Christian can literally move a whole mountain with his or her faith.

* There are many Bible verses that indicate the Earth is flat too, if you take them literally that is. You can look them up. Many websites have them. If you don't believe the Earth is flat, you gottta admit that the Bible is wrong about that. So you can't take it literally.

You get the idea. Plus there are countless hundreds of contradictions and discrepancies in the Bible. Many websites and books have listed them, so we do not need to get into that here. Even authors in the 1800s such as Robert Ingersoll listed scores of contradictions in the Bible that are impossible to resolve. But that's to be expected of course, in a series of 66 books written by many men over thousands of years. When you have multiple authors and books, of course they will say different things. Christian fundamentalists don't get this, because they are conditioned to think that the Bible is one book with one author and one unified message. But it just isn't so.

I know Christians try to weasel out of the above verses by saying they should be taken as parables or allegories. However, those verses do not say "Don't take this literally". So what's the rule or standard on what to take literally or metaphorically? It seems very arbitrary. The rule seems to be: If you don't like a verse or find it abhorrent, then you take it symbolically as a parable or as situational, meaning that it doesn't apply to you, only to those in the Bible stories. If you do like the verse, then you take it literally. So it's very arbitrary. There's no true objective standard here. Christians have never resolved this to my knowledge. But it's important of course. The obvious truth is that Christians cherry pick what they WANT to believe and what makes sense to them, just like everyone else. In that sense they are no different than secular people or people of other religions. Everyone cherry picks what they want and rationalize away what they don't want. So the Bible does not have absolute authority as they claim, and Christians contradict themselves in many ways, this is just one example.

The real question is: Why not just take the WHOLE Bible as metaphor then? That would be the wisest thing to do, and that's what wise people usually do (who are not brainwashed by fundamentalims that is). Otherwise you have countless contradictions and irresolvable problems if you take it literally. Christians have never been able to resolve this. In fact, all the greatest scholars of comparative religion have taken the Bible metaphorically, not literally. For example: Huston Smith, Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung, Alan Watts, Manly P. Hall, Rudolf Steiner, etc. And all the greatest geniuses in history have looked for truth beyond organized religion and atheism. For example: Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Leonardo DaVinci, Isaac Newton, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Emmanuel Swedenborg, etc. These greatest of geniuses were never dogmatic about religion or the Bible, nor did they deny divine intelligence in the order of the universe like atheists do. What this means of course is that the smarter and wiser you are, the more you see the Bible and organized religion as metaphor, not as literal truth. Therefore, I'm in very good company of course. :) (see my Einstein quote below)

Obviously, common sense says that the Church cannot just declare the whole Bible to be metaphorical only. Because that would be like declaring it to be mythology or meaningful fiction. The Church loses its power and authority if its religion is metaphorical only. It becomes like good literature, full of archetypes, but with no power or legal authority. Every institution has to legitimize its authority somehow, and they can only do that with literal dogmas and creeds. It would be like the government declaring all laws to be metaphorical, if it did that, no one would take the laws seriously. So the government cannot afford to do that. Neither can the church. So you see, it's about CONTROL and legitimizing the authority of man made institutions, NOT about truth.

One more important point to keep in mind: Even if the Bible is mostly meant to be taken literally, and is mostly true, that doesn't mean the Evangelical Christian interpretation of it (which was made in the USA and didn't become mainstream until 1910) is the only correct one. As you know, there are many different interpretations of the Bible. That's why there are tens of thousands of different Christian denominations (over 30k I last heard). You see, you could take a team of the most logical rational brilliant people, and have them all read the Bible, and they'd all come to different intepretations of it on various issues. So there is no single correct interpretation of it that is objective and correct.

Even if you do what Christians say and "let the Holy Spirit" interpret the Bible for you, you would still get different interpretations among believers who are each "filled with the Holy Spirit". (so much for the "Holy Spirit" lol) Even if they all agreed on the core teachings, with only minor differences, it is still subjective, because anyone can find verses in the Bible to justify anything, even slavery or stoning people to death for minor infractions. It's a dangerous book to take literally, because there are many terrible verses in the OT and some in the NT too.

To close, let me show you a quote from Albert Einstein about divine intelligence and the universe. This is an example that shows my point that the greatest minds and geniuses in history did not endorse religious dogmatism or dogmatic atheism either, but saw both sides as a false dichotomy, neither having the truth. So don't fall into that kind of trap.
"I am not an Atheist. I do not know if I can define myself as a Pantheist. The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds. May I not reply with a parable? The human mind, no matter how highly trained, cannot grasp the universe. We are in the position of a little child, entering a huge library whose walls are covered to the ceiling with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written those books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books, a mysterious order, which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of the human mind, even the greatest and most cultured, toward God. We see a universe marvelously arranged, obeying certain laws, but we understand the laws only dimly. Our limited minds cannot grasp the mysterious force that sways the constellations. I am fascinated by Spinoza's Pantheism. I admire even more his contributions to modern thought. Spinoza is the greatest of modern philosophers, because he is the first philosopher who deals with the soul and the body as one, not as two separate things."

― Albert Einstein
Ok those are the first three tough questions for now. The next three will come later. If you are a Christian and you have any answers to the above questions, feel free to post them below.
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Re: Tough Questions Christian Apologists Have NEVER Answered (Ongoing Series)

Post by Winston »

Next Section: Tough Questions #4 and 5

Tough Question #4: Why is the Bible called "God's Word" when everyone knows it was written by MEN? 7 Key Points to Consider.

See full text and elaboration below:


Summary of Tough Question #5:

5a. Why would you trust a God who didn't even protect his greatest prophets and disciples, but allowed them to die as martyrs? What's the benefit or point if you can't rely on God to protect you? How can you trust a God like that? What's the point of praying to him for protection?

5b. Why do Christians and Truthers always tell everyone to "pray to God to save us from NWO government tyranny" when God never intervenes in world affairs or stops tyranny, even if he does intervene in some people's lives it seems?

Elaboration of the tough questions that Christian apologists have never answered in their books and media.

Elaboration of Tough Question #5a:

Anyone who's read the BIble knows that God did NOT protect his most loyal followers, prophets, and disciples. He did not prevent great prophets like Isaiah from being sawed inside a log. Or the disciples of Jesus from being executed as martyrs. Or the Apostle Paul from being arrested and executed. He didn't even prevent Jesus, his son, from being crucified (so his followers had to say that Jesus' crucifixion was part of Bible prophecy and God's plan, and reinterpret all the messianic prophecies in the OT to fit that of course, otherwise they'd have to admit that Jesus failed, which they couldn't do). He didn't prevent the alleged early Christians from being thrown to the lions in the Roman Coliseum either. So what good is he then? Why trust a God who doesn't even protect his most loyal followers? If he can't because he's not all powerful, then why do you claim he is all powerful? You can't have it both ways. Either he can't or won't. Either way your beliefs don't make sense.

Likewise, if you are a Mormon, I gotta ask you this too: If Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God and received divine revelation, why didn't God protect him from getting killed by a mob? Why would you trust a God who betrays his prophets and can't even protect them? What good is he? This is an obvious question of course, but no one dares to ask or answer it, certainly not your church.

Elaboration of Tough Question #5b:

If you've ever followed the Truther community and alternative media and news, you will notice that a large percentage of Truthers, such as Alex Jones, Lin Wood, Mike Adams, etc. are Christians and they always say stuff like "Buy a gun to preserve your freedom, and pray to God and Jesus to save us from the NWO globalists and government tyranny and Luciferian agenda" etc. I've never understood why they always say that. It makes no sense if you think about it. Consider the following.

God didn't do anything to prevent two big world wars in the 20th Century and countless millions dying from it for nothing, nor did he prevent the bloody Communist Revolutions in Russia and China in the early 20th Century which led to countless millions of deaths, nor did he even prevent many Americans and Vietnamese from dying in a pointless 10 year war in Vietnam during the 60s and 70s. And of course, God doesn't do anything to stop tons and tons of tragedies and deaths that happen every year, both in modern times and in past history either.

So what's the point of praying to or worshipping a God who didn't even protect his core followers, but let most of them die? What's the value and benefit of that? Why would you trust a God who doesn't even protect his followers? Christians have never addressed this. It's a valid question though.

However, I do believe though that some people are divinely protected by some power. Because some people have stared death in the face many times but were saved by amazing synchronicities and coincidences every time. Perhaps because they were meant to do something in this world and so were saved until they fulfilled their destiny. Or some people may be protected just because they are good people or favored by the gods. For example, look up the life of George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Wyatt Earp, Desmond Doss, etc. They faced untimely death and danger many times but always escaped it, until it was their time to go. They may call that Providence or whatever. However, this has nothing to do with Christianity or religion though, only with mysterious forces that seem to protect some people but not others for whatever reason. I'm just pointing this out so I don't sound like some Atheist that denies everything of a higher power with a closed minded, because I do believe that some higher power must exist, even if it's not Christianity in the literal form. So I am not closed minded and I do consider all sides of every issue. Just wanted to point that out.

Now let me get deeper into this. Read on if you're interested in my deep dive analysis.

So why do Christians and Truthers keep expecting God to intervene and save them now, or to protect their freedoms, or to save America from tyranny, or to prevent their guns from being taken away, or to stop the Stolen Election of 2020, etc? Isn't that kind of stupid? Why do they all keep doing it then? How many times do you have to be conned or scammed before you realize the obvious? If you've been conned for 2000 years, you'd think you'd notice by now that praying isn't going to change anything or stop bad things from happening. And it's definitely not going to stop governments and tyrants from "taking away your freedoms". If anything, it would seem that God or the Creator or whoever runs our matrix, is on THEIR side, not ours. By that I mean the powers that be. Everything seems to go their way. Basic logic says that if God didn't want the powers that be to win, he wouldn't keep letting them win all the time. So if there is a God, then clearly he must be on THEIR side, NOT on the side of freedom loving American patriots, since nothing ever goes their way, and hasn't in the last 200 years either.

I'm sorry to give them the bad news. But look up history and you will see this. After America's founding, the government eventually become centralized in Washington DC, against the wishes of Thomas Jefferson and the libertarians. Then the central Bank of England took over, allowing England to control America through proxy. (look up Eustace Mullins about this) Then in 1871 America became incorporated, so it no longer was a country, but a corporation where everyone was a slave (after slavery was abolished during the Civil War, making everyone a slave, not just black people) beholden to the US corporation. (look up US vs USA) All of this is documented but never revealed to the public. Then in 1913 the Federal Reserve Act was illegally passed through Congress and the Senate during Christmas when no one was there, giving the Federal Reserve Bank control over the whole money supply and US dollar, which skyrocketed inflation and caused the US dollar to lose 95 percent of its value during the 20th Century. (look up G. Edward Griffin and his book on the Federal Reserve) Then after the Federal Reserve Act, the Income Tax Amendment was passed, which was fobidden by the Constitution, which forbids an income tax and only allows a sales tax. From then on the size of the US government grew exponentially against the libertarian vision of the Founding Fathers, and is now a Big Brother hydra monster that never wants to shrink and requires more and more taxation to maintain.

So you see, America and its freedoms were gone long, long ago. So it's not true that "we are losing our freedoms" as truthers and patriots claim. No way dummy, their freedom was gone long, long ago. Way before they were born. They are so delusional and dumb, it's not even funny. No offense to them, but it's true. They've lost the plot and are hopeless. It's so sad.

What did God do to stop any of that? NOTHING! So why do patriots and truthers keep expecting God to intervene? I'm sure the global elite, or Illuminati or the powers that be, whatever you wanna call them, are laughing their way to the bank, because they know that they are the ones that are serving God's agenda for a NWO, (or the Demiurge according to Gnostics) which truthers think is Satan's agenda, and that is the big joke that the Freemasons and Illuminati know about that the Truthers and Patriots do not. The big secret that the elites know is that God and Satan's agenda are the same, they are two sides of the same coin, not two opposing agendas in a cosmic battle. That's one of the higher secrets of the mystery schools, that the masses do not know. Even great Eastern philosophers like Alan Watts knew this and talked about it when he said that the universe is playing a chess game of black and white, and that Satan sits on God's left hand. (For a full explanation see the video "Saturn, Satan, God, and the Nature of Reality, Part 1" by the Real Merkabah on YouTube) Also if you're a Pantheist, then you have to logically believe that if God is everything, then Satan or the devil must be a part of God too.

This might sound weird and crazy, but the logic is undeniable. If God didn't want the NWO agenda to push forward, he would not allow it, but he does, therefore he must be on their side. Either that, or he doesn't care and doesn't intervene. There's no way to escape this. Either God is on their side, and hence good and evil, as all higher initiates of mystery schools know, or neutral or a Deist God that is not involved in world affairs. There's no way that a just God, the kind that Christians envision, could be running this world or in charge of it. No way. There is zero reason or data to support that, and millions of reasons that go AGAINST that. It's undeniable if you think about it and apply basic logic. This has been obvious for 2000 years, when will Christians ever learn? How many times do you have to be failed or scammed to realize the obvious? It's unbelievable. Go figure.

Consider this: Three powerful men who would have opposed the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 just happened to die on the Titanic. How convenient for the powers that be. And President Kennedy, who would have prevented the senseless Vietnam War according to most historians, was assassinated just before the Vietnam War was escalated. How convenient for the powers that be and the military industrial complex that wanted that war badly. So you see, EVERYTHING goes their way. They are the ones that serve the matrix and the Demiurge/Creator/God of this world and do is bidding. Not Christian patriots and truthers. Now the Gnostics say there is a higher God of the universe than the Demiurge that runs this world. I don't know if that's true or not, but either way, the God of this world definitely seems to be on the side of the powers that be, NOT on the side of the freedom loving patriots like Alex Jones, who always LOSE nearly 100 percent of the time. No way. If God was on the side of freedom loving patriots, they would win at least sometimes, if not most of the time. But they never do. They ALWAYS LOSE. Think about it. When will they wake up? They're so dumb and cannot see the obvious.

Now I am not saying that praying doesn't work. It sometimes does, if you pray about things you are supposed to and are meant to be, such as asking for help to do something you are meant to do. For example, if you are in a new country like India and lost and are meant to do something there, you can pray, or not pray, and usually the people who will help you accomplish what you are supposed to, will show up and help guide you. There are countless real stories like this. New Agers call that synchronicity (see the book "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield). So it works for New Agers too, not just Christians. And sometimes miraculous healings do occur when one is terminallly ill with cancer. If it's not their time to go yet, and they have some good karma credits that can purchase a miracle, then sometimes it can happen. Not to everyone, but to some people. However, God will not usually bend the laws of physics to answer a prayer, he usually works with natural law to answer it. By allowing natural processes and sending people to come answer the prayer. It could also be your guardian angels, spirit guides, or higher self answering such prayers too. Who knows. But that's what I've noticed.

However, praying that God will stop the government from taking away your freedoms, or halt a tyrannical NWO agenda, or intervene in world affairs, is pointless. If it's meant to happen it will. Praying isn't going to stop that. God doesn't intervene in stuff like that. History shows this. He just lets it happen, because empires rise and fall, and everything happens in cycles. That's the good news here that you can bank on. Everything goes in cycles and what goes down must come up. So when things are going down, they cannot go down forever, they must come up at some point. Look up "the law of recurrence and return" in Gnosticism. That's the only good thing you can bank on and hope for. A rising evil empire has to rise before it can fall. That's how history has always been. God isn't going to stop such a rise and fall of an empire. If he did he would have stopped the brutal Roman Empire from rising long ago, but he didn't, because that's not how God works. Christians don't understand that.

Furthermore, I've never understood why you Truthers and Patriots are always so crazy about gun rights, like it's a religion. How is having a gun gonna protect your freedoms? Freedom is not about voting or having guns, it's about being able to do what you want/love without hindrance, and being able to be yourself without restriction. Guns contribute nothing to that. Think about it. Do you wanna become obsessed with gun rights, and end up dead, like the infamous Patriot Radio Host William Cooper, who died in a shootout with Arizona police in 2001? Or like Randy Weaver in the Ruby Ridge Incident, whose obsession with gun rights cost him the lives of his wife and son, who were killed during a gun battle with the ATF, and whose daughter is now traumatized from the event? Had Weaver not been obsessed with gun rights, his wife and son might still be alive. Was it really worth it? What did that accomplish? Nothing good obviously. So this crazy notion that "guns are the key to preserving your freedom" is silly, stupid, illogical, and dangerous too. Think about it. Wake up man.

Now I'm not trying to be a downer and spoil your hope and optimism here. Just giving you a hard dose of reality so you will wake up and stop living in delusion. The first step to waking up is to jettison all your false beliefs and illusions, after all. Now let me give you some good news, hope and real good advice that is not fake or full of BS like what you hear in the Truther movement.

My advice to you and some good news for you:

1) The best thing to do is to forget about world affairs, government, and politics and focus on changing YOUR OWN LIFE. Make personal choices in YOUR LIFE to make it FREER and simpler and LESS attached to the matrix and the crazy materialistic competitive world. Here are some important resources to look up: See the book "How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World" by Harry Browne, it has a lot of good advice on freeing up your life. And my website at which contains real solutions for liberating yourself from the matrix. Also look up videos and websites on Minimalist Living, which tell you how to simplify your life so you have less burdens.

That's all you have control over, your own life and self. You don't have control over world affairs, so let it be and let it go, and let what happens happen. Nothing lasts forever and every evil empire will have its day before falling down again. You can't prevent that, so just let it be and let it go. Any wise philosopher, especially the Stoic philosophers, will tell you that (look up Stoicism philosophy). So focus on improving and changing YOUR LIFE. That's all you can do. Stop talking about politics, government, world affairs, what's on the news, etc. Stop trying to "save America" or "take back your freedom" like stupid Truthers (e.g. Alex Jones) want you to do. It's all BULLSHIT and IRRELEVANT and a pointless distraction without end. A total WASTE OF TIME in other words. If you forget about it, you will be a lot happier and freer. Trust me. As they say in Zen philosophy "No mind. No problem". So put politics and news out of your mind, and they will have no effect on you. Very simple. That's all there is to it. It's simpler than you think. So stop rooting for Patriots to win against the NWO like the Alex Jones types are doing. It ain't gonna happen, sorry to burst your bubble. The sooner you realize this, the better.

2) Remember that good can never completely destroy evil and evil can never completely destroy good either, in this world of 3D duality. There will always be a balance between both sides. So don't worry, the NWO globalists can never really win for good or establish a permanent Orwellian dystopian system like in Orwell's 1984 novel. No way. Never. Those novels are metaphors only, just like the Bible, not literal truth. Reality is never in extremes, it's always a balance between extremes. That's the good news for those of you who are doom and gloom naysayers. So things aren't as bad as you imagine. Every generation before yours has said that "we live in a crazy world today" so what you are saying and feeling is nothing new.

3) Another good news for you that Patriots/Truthers don't realize is this: If you stay out of the way of the powers that be and powerful people, they will usually leave you alone. That's true anywhere, even in China. The government is very busy and doesn't have time to focus on you. You aren't that important to them, unless you are a threat to powerful interests and you force their hand. So get off your high narcissistic horse please. You don't have anything the government wants. It has no business harassing you, nor does it have the manpower to send troops to harass everyone in the world. So leave them alone, and they will leave you alone. Very plain and simple. Stop obsessing about the NWO. They are not coming for you. That's delusional. They don't care about you. You aren't famous or important enough for them to send Men in Black or black helicopters to follow you. You don't even exist to the powers that be. They have better things to do with their time than to come and take away your freedom personally. They ain't gonna do that. So let it go. Stop worrying about it. Nothing is as bad or serious as you think it is. That's the great but simple truth you should remember. Think about it.

4) I'm sure you've heard of the Hegelian Dialectic that David Icke talks about when he refers to strategies of the NWO. Well what Icke didn't tell you was that Hegel was optimistic in that he believed that what goes down must come back up, and that everything goes in cycles and zig zags ups and down, not straight down like Truthers think. Hegel also said the world does learn from past mistakes and extremities, so that it eventually becomes more moderate and tolerant and avoids the extremes of the past. He said that progress is messy, because the world tends to lurch from one extreme to another to overcompensate for past mistakes, before it finally finds a balance between extremes. This is true if you think about it. Society is constantly shifting between extremes and moving toward more middle ground solutions that are more balanced and tolerant than the extreme values of the past, such as Victorian England or the sexual revolution of the 1960s, both of which were extremes. I know every era has its pluses and minuses, but the world does try to learn and avoid the mistakes of the past. So it's only a matter of time before the current inequities are corrected or improved upon. Thus there is some hope and good in Hegel's model that Icke doesn't tell you. So you don't have have to interfere with this process of progress, just let it take place. See these two videos for an explanation of what Hegel really taught, so you will see that his message is more optimistic and less gloomy than how Icke portrays it.

5) The biggest good news for you is that: We do have some freedoms that people did not have in the ancient past. For example, we can move abroad today and change our location, to a FREER and more healthy and sane foreign country than America. In the past and even today in some countries like China, people could not relocate without permission from the state. That's why several million Americans now live overseas, most of them will tell you they are FREER in their new country. Especially the expats in Philippines, Latin America, and Europe. This is a reality but it's never talked about in alternative media or Truther media for some reason. All they do is whine about how the world is going down in flames, but they forget that all countries are not the same, and that many foreign countries, even Mexico which is right next to them, are much FREER than America, with much less uptight strict laws, and lower cost of living, and friendlier social environment where you can make friends and meet people a lot more easily too. The truthers and patriots never tell you about this good news, that's why I'm telling you now, because it's an important GOOD NEWS for you that you can control and change, that is NEVER mentioned in alternative media for some reason. For more info about the HappierAbroad solution, visit my website at Also to get one of the best books about creating a portable income and becoming self-employment, without much investment or overhead cost, so that you can become more financially independent and not have to depend on a job, so you can be less economically enslaved, visit my friend's Passion Profit website at

6) Finally, the philosopher Jean Paul Sartre said that you actually are a lot MORE FREE than you realize. Too free in fact. See these videos about his existential philosophy for an explanation. Hope this enlightens you and makes you realize that you have more freedom than you might think.
The existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre thought that human beings live in anguish. Not because life is terrible. But rather because, we’re ‘condemned to be free’. We're ‘thrown’ into existence, become aware of ourselves, and have to make choices. Even deciding not to choose is a choice. According to Sartre, every choice reveals what we think a human being should be.
Sorry if I got off on a tangent, but I felt this was important so I had to spell it out for you all.
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Re: Tough Questions Christian Apologists Have NEVER Answered (Ongoing Series)

Post by Winston »

Summary of Tough Question #6:

6. How can you believe that a "Just God" rules this world, when everything you see in this world is against that and it does NOT fit the data at all, nor is there any basis to it either? Don't you believe it simply because everyone else does and you were told it? So you assume it to be a given? If you think about it, it makes no sense and everything is against it, not only in the world around you, but with basic logic too.

Elaboration of Tough Question #6:

Key question for you: Do you actually believe that a "Just God" rules this world? Who would actually believe that? Isn't that 1000 percent IMPOSSIBLE?! Look at the world around you. There's way too much pain, suffering, injustice, death, and enslavement too. No sane person would believe that the ruler of this world must be just. Is simply does NOT FIT the data and reality. So isn't that the most insane and impossible claim in the world?! How could you have been hoodwinked into such an impossible claim? Think about it. Do you see any "Just God" running this world? Obviously not. If a "Just God" were running this world, then obviously the world would be just and fair, or at least mostly just and fair to some degree. That's simple logic, as obvious as 2+2=4. You can't escape that. Obviously the world is not just, and history shows that it never has been, in all of recorded history at least. So your claim is impossible and baseless. There's no way around this. Simply put, your claim that a "Just God" is in charge of this world does NOT FIT the data at all. Not even a little. So why do you take it as a given just because the church or some Bible said so? Or just because everyone else assumes it too? That makes NO SENSE at all if you think about it.

Of course, the Christian traditional excuse has been to blame the state of the world on the Fall of Man in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve "sinned" by eating the forbidden fruit. But that doesn't hold water, sorry. It doesn't justify the pain, suffering, death, injustice, and enslavement in the world at all. Not one bit. The punishment does NOT fit the crime and is WAY out of proportion. Who would actually seriously believe that all the pain, suffering, death, injustice, and enslavement in this world is all due to two dumb people eating an apple/fruit off a bad tree? It's totally ludicrous. How can any sane buy that? At best that story is only metaphorical, not literally true. It's not only a cheap copout excuse, but the dumbest and most lame excuse in the world too. How can any mature adult buy that? If you think about it, it sounds totally insane and nonsensical and most importantly explains NOTHING. Nor does it justify anything at all. It sounds like a lame excuse to make you feel guilty and pin the blame for everything bad in the world on YOU, for something you didn't do, because your ancestors made a simple mistake. Really lame. What kind of a God would let the world go to hell just for one trivial mistake like that? No one would do that in real life, not even a bad father, let alone a "just God". This is totally indefensible and 100 percent impossible to justify. If you think about it clearly for a moment, you will realize this. I'm sure many Christians do realize this but they dare not think it further out of fear of course, because Christianity is a fear based religion using a carrot and stick to control you.

Furthermore, if God were just, then he would do at least something to fix the injustice in the world. Let me ask you this: Why does he never do anything to stop government corruption or abuse of power? Why does he never stop unnecessary world wars like WW1 or WW2 or long term stupid pointless wars like Vietnam? Why does he never stop crime or the rich and powerful from doing bad things to oppress people? And why are Christians so stupid to continually believe that God will intervene in world affairs when history shows he never does? When will they ever learn? If anything, God seems to be on the side of the rich and powerful, as if he supports the "might makes right" rule of this world. That's why the rich and powerful always win in this world, not the poor oppressed people praying to God. We all know that. Yet we keep denying it for some reason. How is that "just"? You tell me. Yet Christians are too stupid or delusional to see that.

Therefore, if a "Just God" is not in charge of this world, then the only logical possibilities are:

1. God is both good and evil, good and bad, and everything in between, like Pantheism and Hinduism suggest. After all, if God is everything and everything is part of God, then that means the good and bad and everything in between are part of God too. The logic follows. And if God created everything or is everything, then if this world contains the good, the bad, and the ugly, then God must by definition embody all those traits too, because the creation is a reflection of the creator, which is logical and makes sense.

2. God is neither good or evil, but neutral.

3. God is not involved in the affairs of this world. He is a Deist God. This is what the founding fathers of America and 18th Century intellectuals believed. It's what Einstein believed too. This makes sense if you think about it. If we are atoms and molecules in the universe, then the creator cannot talk to us, just like we cannot talk to the 40 trillion or so cells in our body. We may be able to influence them with our thoughts, but we cannot have one to one communication or interaction with them. There's no way we could. Why would God ever have time to talk to everyone one on one even if he could? That's like expecting Santa Claus to visit every house in the world on the same night. It's implausible and expecting too much of God. If the 40 trillion cells in your body expected you to interact with them one to one wouldn't that be asking too much of you? lol

I'm not saying that there aren't higher forces that sometimes help us and intervene. There very well could be, even if Deism were true. But these would just be interdimensional beings, ascended higher beings, nonphysical entities, spirit guides, guardian angels, or even our own higher selves. Not the "one and only creator of the universe himself or herself". Also, even if they help or guide us sometimes, they seem to do so only on a personal basis, they do not intervene in world affairs or stop invading armies or governments from doing bad things. That's what history shows us. So they are limited and not all powerful it seems.

4. God is not all powerful, but very limited, even if he is a higher being. Same with multiple deities. This makes sense too if you think about it. Just because someone creates or designs something does not mean they have to all powerful. For example, Bill Gates created Microsoft and Steve Jobs created Apple, but it didn't make them all powerful or infallible. The logic simply doesn't follow. It's an assumption without basis that a creator must be all powerful or perfect or always right.

Conclusions and Important Points:

The Christian institution obviously invented this doctrine of a Just God because humans need something all powerful and perfect to worship, otherwise they could never respect a flawed deity who is no better than themselves. After that, everyone assumed it must be true because everyone else believed it. Humans are easy to dupe, brainwash, and condition after all.

Another reason people need to believe in a just God is that they need to believe in a just and fair universe. Because they cannot bear to live in an unjust cosmos. That's why many people are very victim-blaming, and assume that if something bad happens to you, you must have done something wrong to deserve it, whether you realize it or not. Just like how in the Book of Job, Job's friends assumed God must be just so all of Job's misfortunes must have been due to his wrongdoings and sins. New Agers are also guilty of this too, and tend to be very victim-blaming. They like to say "there are no victims" and assume that if something bad happens, your bad attitude or negative mindset, or bad karma from a past life, must have caused it. Like Christians, they need to believe in a just universe, even though they are more open minded, they still have that proclivity. They also need to believe that everything happens for a reason, and by that they mean "good reason" of course. So if something happens, it must be just and deserved. So this is a factor too.

The thing is, if something is true, it does not need to be repeated constantly. Only lies have to be constantly repeated and reinforced. For example, no one has to keep saying "tigers are bigger and stronger than rabbits" or "fire is hot and ice is cold" because those are obvious and self-evident. So why do Christians have to keep saying "God is just. God is good. God is in control. God will save us and deliver us." etc? Isn't it because deep down they have trouble believing it, because it doesn't fit reality, so they have to convince themselves of it by uttering it? If so, then that means they have no real basis. It's just a lie or fable they have to constantly reinforce in themselves, because it's not true or sensible to begin with. That bodes very bad for Christians. It means they have no reality or foundation for their beliefs. Think about it. If something is true and self-evident, it does not have to be declared or repeated constantly.

Before Christianity and Islam, the Abrahamic religions, took over much of the world by force, no one believed the gods were perfect. Ancient people always believed that the gods were full of virtues and vices and flaws too, just like everything else. Nor were they all powerful or infallible. Only Abrahamic religions, which are fear based and unnatural, claim that. The ancients made more sense because we do not see anything or anyone who is perfect in real life. So why should the gods, if they exist, be perfect? It's obviously just part of a man made control system type of religion that needs an all powerful deity to authorize its authority. If you think about it, there is no logical basis for it. Hence the notion that God is perfect and just has to be artificially programmed into you, it's not something you would otherwise believe naturally.

What this means is that even if Christianity is indeed a divine revelation of some sort, it is is still NOT perfect and NOT "the only way to the true God". It would still be one of many emanations or faces of God, one of millions. Just like the 33 million gods in Hinduism are all emanations and faces of Brahma. None of them being "the only true way". We may all be different faces or emanations of God too, each and every one of us. Think about this: The creator or co-creators of this world obviously love infinite diversity and variety, since there is so much of it in this world, so why would God be so narrow minded as to believe that only "one true way" exists? That contradicts everything in creation if you think about it, all the diversity we see around us. Hence that's another reason why this notion of there being "only one true way" makes no sense, if you think about it that is and stop believing the dogma you were fed with by others.

All the great wise spiritual gurus of the East agree, and say that if Jesus was an enlightened person or great spiritual teacher or highly evolved ascended master of high consciousness, or even a messiah or redeemer, that still would NOT mean that he was the only way to God or that all those who don't accept him will go to hell. For example, Deepak Chopra, Sadhguru, the Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, etc. all accept Jesus as a great teacher or sage or even prophet. But that doesn't mean he's the only way to God. All wise people say that Jesus' teachings were corrupted and turned into a control system by the Catholic Church, once it became a system of political and social control. There's a consensus about that among all non-fundamentalist spiritual teachers. I agree with that too of course. Thus it's most likely true. So no, you are wrong to assume that Jesus was a fundamentalist evangelical Christian like the Billy Graham types are. No way. Christianity evolved over time through a long series and chain of events, just like any religion or culture does. It is not something set in stone from the beginning til now. No way jose. If you believe that you are crazy and wrong too.

I know that evangelical fundamentalist Christians agree that the Catholic Church corrupted Jesus' teachings. They are happy to admit that since they are anti-Catholic. However, where they go wrong is when they assume that their version of Christianity was the original pure unadultered version before the Catholic Church corrupted it. No way jose! Hell no! No objective historian believes that. Only fundamentalists do. There is no evidence at all that the original or early Christians believed what modern evangelical Christians believe today, which is made in the USA and didn't even become mainstream in America until 1910, hence is mostly a modern version of Christianity. In fact, the early Christians were never united. Since the beginning, they were always divided and split into factions, with some believing that Christians should follow Jewish laws and others like Paul saying no. So there was never any singular "true version" of Christianity to begin with. This is what evangelical Christians don't realize and can't accept, because their minds are hijacked and their dogmatic beliefs won't allow them to see the obvious.

Here's another kicker: Jesus himself was NOT a fundamentalist. Even if you go by the four canonical Gospels, you see that Jesus often repudiated fundamentlist interpretations of the Scriptures and Old Testament and disagreed with Moses' Law. In his debates with the Pharisees, he made that clear. Instead he interpreted scriptures in a more esoteric manner, not the literal manner that the fundamentalists of his day did. What this means is that Jesus would NOT have agreed with the fundamentalist versions of his teachings today that evangelicals espouse. This is HUGE and totally undermines the evangelical version of Christianity and makes them look silly, dumb, foolish, and obviously wrong too.

Why do Christians never address these questions head on? Because obviously they can't and they know it. These questions and points disprove their beliefs and since they do not want to change their beliefs, they prefer to ignore all these points and questions instead, and pretend that they don't exist. Because in the final analysis, a man's beliefs are his identity, and no one wants to change their beliefs unless they are dissatisfied with them and looking to change them. Hence if you disprove their beliefs, they will simply ignore your message and flush it out of their mind. That's why Christians always dodge tough questions like these and only answer the most easiest ones.

Obviously, in the end everyone chooses their religion based on what resonates with them and speaks to their soul the best. Either that, or they stick with the religion they grew up with. It's not about evidence, reason, or logic. That's fine and normal. But the problem is that this Christian notion of a "Just God" ruling the Earth simply does NOT FIT the data at all. It does not fit reality or the world you see around you. Hence it's not natural, and has to be artificially induced into you. You have to be brainwashed to believe it, in other words. That's what Christians don't get. Their beliefs are not natural. They would not hold them if some people or institution did not ingrain them with it. That's what they don't realize. Hence it is NOT absolute truth as they assume. Far from it.

Such a dogma about God being absolutely "Just" may be necessary to hold the Christian faith together, but it is not logical at all, nor does it have any basis or evidence to support it at all, if you think about it. It's simply a dogma that has been ingrained and brainwashed into you, because it's necessary for the religion to exist, not because it's true. How can you justify or rationalize something that goes against all the data and evidence and reality around you? Doesn't it require mind control for you to adopt something totally unreasonable and contrary to reality and without basis?
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Re: Tough Questions Christian Apologists Have NEVER Answered (Ongoing Series)

Post by Winston »

Summary of Tough Question #7:

7. Two logical questions about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ that have never been addressed in Christian media or literature. See below for elaboration.

Elaboration of Tough Question #7a:

As we all know, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is considered the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Every Easter during Church service, pastors usually quote the Bible verse: "If Christ be not risen, then our faith is in vain" during his Easter sermon on the significance of the Resurrection. And in church revival meetings, someone often stands up and proclaims, "Jesus lives!" or "Jesus is risen!" and the congregation applauds and says "Amen! Yeah! Amen!".

The chief argument in Christian apologetics is that if Christ didn't rise from the dead, then his followers would not have been willing to die for their beliefs, because no one would die for a lie or something they knew wasn't true. The top Christian apologist Dr. William Lane Craig has done many good lectures and debates on the Resurrection of Jesus as well, if you want to look them up on YouTube. While this has been hotly debated between Christians and Skeptics, and I won't get into that here since there is plenty of material about that online already, I do wanna ask some simple logical questions that haven't been addressed yet on either side. Because I am here to bring NEW content and questions to the table, not rehash old material. So here are my simple questions.

If Jesus really did rise from the dead physically, as Christians claim, then where is he now? Where did he go? My parents asked me this once too, it was an obvious question, but I had no answer. Supposedly the Bible says that he ascended up into heaven after 40 days with his disciples. But isn't that a cheap copout, like saying "My dog ate my homework"? How convenient it is to say that a risen man is gone because he ascended up into heaven, never to be seen again? Because if you think about it, if Jesus is still alive and well, then why doesn't he come back and visit his followers or the world, every once in a while, to show us that he is alive and risen, just as the Gospels proclaim? You'd think he would.

Why doesn't Jesus come back every year, or every 10 years, or at least every 100 years, to show the world and his followers that he is risen and real, and that their faith is not in vain? What is he doing up there in heaven that he's so busy that he can't even come down once a century to show us that he's real and alive? Can't he ask God the Father for some time off, even one day a century, so that he can pay his followers a visit to renew their faith, and show the world that he is real? If you were him, wouldn't you do that? I certainly would. This is common sense if you think about it. If a man is alive and well, he should come and show himself to his followers, at least once in a while, even if he's really busy. It's really odd if he doesn't, and very suspicious too. Christians never think about this. Yet it's a very valid and legit question, don't you think?

Elaboration of Tough Question #7b:

Another question I have about the Resurrection, which is even more obvious, is this: If Jesus rose from the dead and walked around for 40 days, according to the Gospels, then word about it would have spread like wildfire. Why did only Jesus' disciples see his risen form? Why not non-believers too? That is odd. If you've ever lived in a small town, you'd know that word spreads fast around town, often in one day. So if Jesus did rise from the dead, it would attract a lot of attention. Roman government officials would hear about it, including Pontius Pilate who had him executed. The Romans would have sent Guards and Centurions to investigate and verify it. 40 days is more than enough time for word to spread around, so that all non-believers in the area, including the Roman government, would have heard about it and come investigate and verify it. It would have made big news and definitely gone into the history books. So why didn't it?

Now Paul in his Epistles wrote that there were 500 witnesses to Jesus' resurrection. If so, that's plenty of people. Word would have gotten around fast out of those 500 witnesses. So why didn't it? Why did only the 12 disciples seem to know about it? Where are the independent third party testimonies of Jesus' resurrection from those 500 witnesses? Christians have never addressed this. Keep in mind though that one man claiming there were 500 witnesses, isn't the same as 500 people testifying to it themselves. Paul could have made it up, or a third party could have inserted that in, you never know.

Now I'm not claiming that Jesus didn't rise from the dead. Just that there are unexplained issues with it that have never been addressed. So I wonder why this hasn't been brought up in debates between Christians and Skeptics? How come I see obvious things that others don't? Very strange. I sometimes wonder if most people are just programs in a simulation, or a figment of my dream, and not really real. Because how can everyone miss something obvious so often? Sorry if that sounds crazy, but I gotta wonder sometimes.

Btw I'm not saying Jesus couldn't have appeared to his followers in some spirit form. Its well documented that many people see a loved in spirit form after they pass on. These are common experiences. Sometimes even multiple people see them in a room, indicating that it was not a hallucination. So it is possible for Jesus to have appeared in spirit form to his followers. Thats why only his disciples saw him, but not others. Then perhaps later, the Gospel writers tried to make the resurrection physical by writing it that way. The founder of Wicca, Gerald Gardner, also appeared to his followers after he passed on. During a Wicca ceremony they saw him and said he looked solid and physical. But he was in spirit form of course. So it's possible something like that happened with Jesus too I guess, assuming he existed of course. We cannot even know that for sure because the historical evidence for Jesus is so scant, muddied, and ambiguous.

Keep in mind that much of the Bible has to do with esoteric symbology and numerology, not literal truth. So the gospel writers probably added 40 days to the post Resurrection account of Jesus, because 40 is a key number in Bible numerology, like Jesus fasting in the desert for 40 days. Or Moses and the Israelites wandering the desert 40 years. Its numerology. not literal truth. That's why you can't take the Bible literally. And this includes the Resurrection account too of course.
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Re: Tough Questions Christian Apologists Have NEVER Answered (Ongoing Series)

Post by Winston »

Summary of Tough Question #8:

8. If Christianity is absolute divine truth and "the only way to the true and living God" and "the true light", then why doesn't it resonate with everyone or most people as it should? And why do many Christians fall away to other religions, paths, or secularism? Why would anyone turn from "the true light" or find better and more meaningful truth in other paths and spiritual traditions? Simply put, if only Jesus can save or fulfill us as you claim, then why are so many Christians disatisfied and unfulfilled by Jesus (or your version of him that is)? Also, why do you wrongly assume that all non-believers either have never heard the Gospel or don't understand it, otherwise they would not be non-believers? Can't you see that is an obviously false assumption?

Elaboration of Tough Question #8:

As mentioned before, the real reason you believe in your religion is because it resonates with you and speaks to your soul. Not because of evidence, reason or logic. Either that, or you grew up with it so it's part of your family tradition. We all know this. That's true of any religion. So this begs the question: Why doesn't Christianity resonate with most people? When people hear the Christian Gospel, it doesn't resonate with most of them, and only a small percentage convert. Shouldn't the truth and "only true light" resonate with everyone or most people at least? Why do many, including many former Christians, claim that other religions resonate with them more? How can that be? As you know, many former Christians leave the faith and go toward Eastern religions, Buddhism, New Age, Secularism, Atheism, even Wiccan and Paganism. They find those other paths to resonate with them more and make more sense to them. Especially if they are freespirit types who do not resonate with authoritarian religions. Or eclectic types who love freedom and need a more flexible spirituality -- such as New Age, Hinduism, or Paganism.

You Christians love to tout testimonials of those who turned from "false idol worship" toward the "true and living God" as evidence that your faith must be "the true faith". Yet you never take into account that there are many testimonials of former Christians who turned away from Christianity to other religions or belief systems. You can't explain that so you ignore them and consider them to be "backslidden Christians". There are countless examples in books and videos, such as "Leaving the Fold" by Edward Babinkski, and "I, Universe" by Darryl Sloan (, a former Christian who has made many YouTube videos explaining why he left the faith, and written a great book about it. And yes, I've even seen former Christians turn to Islam too. In fact, stats show that most Christian youth who go away to college end up turning from their faith or not being as strong in it afterward. The thing is, this should not be if Christianity were "the only true light". You do not deal with this and can't accept it, even though it's obviously true.

For example, in these two great videos Scarlet Ravenswood, a beautiful Pagan YouTuber, explains why Paganism is a lot better fit for freespirits than Christianity is.

Also, this great Hinduism YouTube channel has some great videos on why Hinduism makes more sense and resonates with open minded spiritual seekers than Christianity does. Here are some:

You see, you Christians hold two primary fallacies that you don't realize: One is that you see the Bible and God as being one and the same, you cannot separate them like other more awakened and liberated people can. I've explained that before in previous sections. The other is that you believe that since Christianity is "the only truth" that it ought to resonate with everyone, meaning everyone ought to become a Christian and no other religions should exist. In your ideal world, everyone should burn all books of other religions and only allow Christian books to exist. Fortunately, Christians do not rule the world. Your wrong assumption is that the Christian Gospel ought to resonate with everyone in the world because it is the ultimate truth, but in reality it doesn't, and that is your biggest stumbling block that you don't get.

Also, you are always saying that we are all lost and that only Jesus can save and fulfill you. You say that money, success, material pursuits, and other religions can never fulfill us. Only Jesus can. But if that's true, then how come so many Christians are dissatisfied and unfulfilled by Christianity and turn toward other things? That cannot be if what you say is true. You never realize this and never deal with it, even though it's obvious.

I've also noticed that you seem to assume that all non-Christians either: Have not heard the Gospel before, or have heard it but don't understand it, otherwise if they understood it they would repent and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, you presume. This is a false assumption. Because nearly everyone has heard the Gospel before, especially in America where the Gospel is everywhere and cannot not be heard. The problem you don't realize is that even though everyone knows about the Gospel and understands it, it does NOT resonate with most people. Nor does it make sense, for the many reasons I explained above. That's the key fallacy you don't get.

What's funny is that you Christians who preach the Gospel to non-believers act as if it were something special, like some magical secret or Earth shattering revelation, as if it were something they didn't already know. Yet there's no secret about it, and nearly everyone has heard it before. All you have is a simple message that "Jesus died for your sins and if you accept him as your Lord and Savior, you can be reconciled with God." blah blah blah. It's a very common message that everyone has heard before. So why do you feel the need to share it like some great secret revelation that they don't already know? lol. It's funny when you think about it. The Gospel message is very simple, since it was created to control the masses so it has to be simple and easily understandable. So it's funny that you act like non-Christians do not know about it or do not understand it, hence you have a duty to come rescue them and "reveal the good news" to them. lol. It's hilarious and delusional. The obvious truth you don't realize is that people DO understand the Gospel's simple message, it's just that most of them don't resonate with it, or it doesn't make sense to them for all the reasons above, which you Christians are never able to truly explain away.

The question is: Why do you feel the need to convert and save everyone? Could it be that your faith has implanted some kind of mind virus in you, which seeks more converts to infect so that it can self-replicate and assimilate more host bodies, like the Borg in Star Trek? lol. I know in your mind you believe you are rescuing and saving people from the damnation of hell, because I was an evangelical Christian once too, so I know how they think. But think about why Christians, and Mormons too, have a constant drive to seek new converts, whereas other non-Abrahamic religions, such as Buddhism or Hinduism, do not need to convert others? Why can't you be satisfied with the number of followers you already have? Why do you need to seek to grow your faith constantly? Are you sure you aren't spreading some type of mind virus that is working through you to assimilate others? It seems to be an obsession, so you gotta wonder why.

As we all know, Christians (and Mormons especially) have a tendency to approach total strangers to witness to them, send missionaries overseas to do hard work just to win converts and "do God's will", proselytize on TV, hold revivalist rallies like Billy Graham did, hand out Gospel tracts, etc. The Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses even go door to door to hand out literature and pamphlets, as if they are being paid to sell something. Why? Why this obsession to convert others? For what gain and profit? Are you trying to acquire "riches in heaven"? Is it a competition to win souls? If so, isn't that a self-serving motive? So you gotta wonder: What your true motive is and does it make sense? Especially since you don't know if non-believers are really going to hell or not. You just assume so because you were brainwashed into it somehow. Since deconverting from Christianity I've asked myself these questions too.

A word of advice for Christians:

Let me give you a word of advice. As in marketing, if you want to convert people, find those who need your message. Don't falsely assume that everyone is "lost and needs Christ". It simply isn't true. Most people have their beliefs and religions and are happy with it, otherwise they would seek to change it and be open to considering your message. If someone doesn't need your Gospel of Salvation, stop falsely assuming that they do, as if all non-Christians are "lost and need Christ". That simply isn't true and if you persist in that view you are only deluding yourself. No offense, but it's true. This is why Christian and Mormon missionaries who go abroad and expect their Gospel to resonate with everyone end up sorely disappointed when they get a dose of reality and see that their assumption was false all along.

What you need to do is find those who are lost or empty, from broken families, with nothing to live for or believe in, such as the criminals in prison. That's why organizations like Prison Ministries ( and are successful. They deliver their message to those who need it most, like a good business marketer does. Anyone in marketing will tell you that a smart business does not waste its time or resources targeting those who don't need their product or service. They find those who do need their products/services and target them. That's how they succeed. So if you want to "save souls for Christ" you gotta follow the same strategy, and drop this "everyone is lost and needs Christ" nonsense and that "all non-Christians are empty and can never be satisfied or fulfilled unless they turn to Christ". It simply is NOT so. Sorry to burst your bubble. In this case, the Prison Ministry Foundations work and have good success, because people in prison do tend to be lost, broken, empty, and in need of a good purpose in life. They need someone to rescue them and help them get back on their feet. Especially once they get out of jail. So prisons have the right target market for evangelists. Think about it.

Another option are Lighthouse Missions that serve as homeless shelters, providing food and shelter for the homeless as long as they are seeking work and going to chapel. They too are full of broken people who need something to believe in and live for. So they would be another viable target market for your Gospel.

So stop targeting people who don't need your Gospel. It's futile and a waste of time. Target those who would be open to your message and need it, those who have nothing to believe in and are truly lost in life and need a sense of purpose. Not those who already have their purpose and beliefs. It's simply not true that every non-Christian is "lost without Christ". The sooner you drop such false beliefs, the better. That's my advice to you. Take it or leave it. It's up to you. I hope I've given you something to think about it either way.
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Re: Tough Questions Christians Have NEVER Answered in Their Books/Media (Ongoing Series)

Post by Winston »

Summary of Tough Question #9:

9. Why do you Christians, especially in Western countries, claim that you believe in a democracy and not a monarchy, yet you believe the universe is run by a cosmic dictator that one cannot disobey or disagree with? Isn't that obviously inconsistent? As we all know, the Christian religion is very authoritarian, and does NOT respect freedom or freethought at all, but condemns it as "sin and rebellion". So why do you Christians believe in Democracy or a Constitutional Republic? Especially since the God of your Bible is VERY authoritarian and does not tolerate dissent, disagreement or disobedience, which is no different than dictatorships such as North Korea? Furthermore, what kind of relationship can you have with an authoritarian tyrant like the God of the Bible who does not allow disagreement? No one would accept a friendship or relationship like that in real life, so why would you? How do you explain this huge contradiction? Why do you never think about it or struggle with it? And isn't "appeal to authority" one of the major logical fallacies listed in philosophy? Finally, why do you like to say that "Jesus set me free"? How can you be "set free" to worship and serve an authoritarian God who does not tolerate disagreement of any sort? Isn't that a contradiction in terms?

Elaboration of Tough Question #9:

Another obvious question is: Why do most Christians (especially in the West) claims to believe in democracy, yet they believe in a cosmic dictatorship by God at the same time? Why aren't they consistent and believe in a political dictatorship on Earth as well? I'm not the first to notice this. The late great Zen philosopher Alan Watts also pointed out this glaring contradiction in his lectures, which you can hear on YouTube, that it is a funny irony that Christians believe in a cosmic dictatorship, yet claim to believe in democracy. So I guess as they say "great minds think alike". :)

Anyway, this has never made sense to me. Especially since all those Christian truthers in the conspiracy subculture, like Alex Jones and Mike Adams, claim to be willing to die to defend the Republic and Freedom in America, when they believe the universe is ruled by a cosmic dictator like the God of the Bible, who does not tolerate dissent or disagreement or disobedience. As you know, in the Old Testament, God killed many who disobeyed him, including innocent women and children. He even killed people for trivial things, such as when Lott's wife turned around and looked at Sodom and Gomorrah and was turned to salt for it. Or when a group of hungry bears came out and killed children who were laughing at one of God's prophets, Jeremiah I think. So he definitely is an authoritarian that does not respect your right to disobey him.

So this begs the question: If authority is always right, then why not endorse authoritarian governments, like the one in North Korea then? Why don't Christians advocate authoritarian governments to match their belief in cosmic dictatorship, to be consistent? They've never explained this. Remember that nowhere in the Bible does it ever condone freethought or thinking for yourself. Nowhere. We all know that. There is also no basis in logic or philosophy that whoever is in a position of authority must "always be right". Such a belief is not natural. It has to be brainwashed into you.

As skeptics of Christianity have long said: What's the point of free will then if you aren't allowed to exercise it lest you be punished if you choose something that God doesn't like? That defeats the purpose. What's more, free will is not taught anywhere in the Bible, or found in any Bible concordance. So it seems to be man made, not Biblical, yet it is assumed as a given in Christian philosophy.

Now let me ask you a hard question: What kind of a friend or father does not allow others to disagree with him? No one would accept as a friend someone who will not allow you to disagree with them or for you to have your own opinions. So why would you accept a God or religion that is like that? What kind of relationship can you have with someone like that? Why would you even want to? This is an obvious issue. I don't understand why Christians don't ask this question themselves or struggle with it. Also, why do you like to say that "Jesus set me free"? How can you be "set free" to worship and serve an authoritarian God who does not tolerate disagreement of any sort? Isn't that a contradiction in terms?

When I was an evangelical Christian in the 1980s I told a Christian friend, "You know I don't always agree with God on everything." His reply was simply, "Well then you are wrong." As if God is always right, even when he's not, as in many cases in the Old Testament Bible. I should have asked him: "What if God came and killed your children and raped your wife? Does that make it right just because he's God and in authority? Hence everything he does must be right even if it's wrong?" It's totally circular and authority worshipping of course. No one who truly stood for freedom or freethought would think like that. So there can be no doubt that Christians are indeed AUTHORITARIANS.

Also, isn't "appeal to authority" one of the major logical fallacies listed in philosophy? Why is authority always right? What's the logic behind that? There is none right? It's jsut control. Now an expert may be more authoritative in his/her field than an average person is. Yes. However, what makes God or the creators of our matrix, qualified to be an authority on absolute truth? Even if God is an authority on truth, that doesn't make him infallible. No one is infallible or perfect, not even the top experts in the world are infallible. We know that in the real world, and if we apply it to the spiritual world, then the same applies: No one is infallible, not even deities or gods. Sorry. Ancient people knew that. Only Abrahamic religion followers deviated from that norm.

It is reasonable to conclude that the material world is a reflection of the spirit world (assuming there is one), and vice versa, since everything is interconnected at some level. If that's so, then if the physical world is imperfect then the spiritual world probably is too, at least on the 4th dimension which is right above us. Many New Agers say though that at the 5th dimension level, things get a lot better, more perfect and unified. Regardless, we all know that the God of the OT behaves far from perfect. It's almost a cliche to say that nowadays, and a valid one too.

Why Christians and Atheists are both authoritarians and two sides of the same coin

In fact, both Christians and Atheists (the hard-nosed dogmatic kind) are both authoritarians and like two sides of the same coin in my view. They NEVER advocate that you think for yourself, and only want you to trust the word of "authoritative sources" rather than your own reason. And they both ignore the flaws of the "authoritative source" that they worship. For instance, Christians worship the authority of the Bible, Catholics worship the authority of the Papacy and Vatican, and Atheists worship the scientific establishment and academia (aka Scientism). Both sides are very forgiving of the flaws, corruption, politics, agendas, and yes even conspiracies, in the authoritative body that they worship, and will ignore them in favor of blind obedience. Christians ignore the errors, contradictions, and flaws in the Bible and their religious theology, because to them, it's all from God and therefore infallible, and that's that. They cannot differentiate between God, their man made Bible, and their man made Church; they are programmed to see them all as one and the same, which is an obvious fallacy of course, and requires mind control and brainwashing to lump all together. Likewise, Atheists ignore the corruption, politics, agenda, and even conspiracies in the scientific establishment; to them, the concept and principle of science and the man made science institutions are one and the same. They cannot differentiate between them, because of their blind trust in authoritarianism. So you see, both sides are fallacious, blind, and dumb to their obvious faults. Such is human nature.

Therefore, both sides are clearly authoritarian, not freethinkers. Ironically, Atheists wrongly call themselves "freethinkers", yet they trust everything the scientific establishment says and never question it. They cannot differentiate between the concept of science and the scientific establishment, which is a man made institution, just like Christians cannot differentiate between God, the Bible, and the Christian Church, and view them all as the same, when the Bible and Church are clearly man made. So you see, both Christians and Atheists have this blind belief in the authority that they worship. By Atheists, I refer to the dogmatic hard-nosed rigid types like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Bill Nye, Michael Shermer, and the late Christopher Hitchens.

So if you think about it, both dogmatic Christians and Atheists are just opposite ends of the same spectrum of control and blind obedience to authority. When universities hold debates between them, they insinuate that the only two choices you have are either Christianity or Atheism, which is not true of course, but it's implied that. It's a false dichotomy of course, since both sides are extreme and narrow minded and heavily flawed in many ways. In fact, every wise person and great genius rejects them both. None of the Einsteins, Teslas, or Thomas Edisons ever adopted fundamentalist Christianity or fundamentalist Atheism, but went beyond both extremes. Every wise person knows that truth does NOT lie in extremes, it is either somewhere in the middle or beyond both extremes, which I think is the case with the Christian vs Atheist dichotomy.

In my opinion, those who believe that authority is always right and cannot be questioned, as essentially WEAK people. They have no inner light, no inner virtue, no freespirit, and are very co-dependent on others to tell them what to do. They are essentially empty, and believe everyone else is empty too like they are, even those who are awakened or enlightened. Those weak willed empty types are the kind that gravitate toward authoritarianism to make them feel safe and tell them what to do. They are afraid to think for themselves, so they need authority to think for them and tell them what's right. Sadly, most people are like this.

Almost no one is a true freethinker who question everything on both sides (like I do). People usually pick one belief or one religion to worship as the truth, and then call themselves "freethinkers" by opposing the other side. For example, Atheists call themselves "freethinkers" because they reject the dogma of the Church and the Bible. Christians call themselves "freethinkers" because they reject the teachings of Darwinian Evolution and materialistic science in schools and academia, so they can follow the God of the Bible and its "truths". This is an obvious fallacy, because a true freethinker questions everything on both sides (like I am doing now). They do not adopt one side as authoritative truth and oppose everything against it and call that "freethought", which both Christians and Atheists do. That's really dumb. I'm surprised most people don't see this.
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Re: Tough Questions Christians Have NEVER Answered in Their Books/Media (Ongoing Series)

Post by Winston »

Summary of Tough Question #10:

10. How do you Christians explain Near Death Experiences and Reincarnation? They certainly don't support your religion, dogmas, and doctrines. I know Christians will take NDE's as proof of God, but they forget that they do NOT support Evangelical Christian doctrines and dogmas or the literal interpretation of the Bible.

Elaboration of Tough Question #10:

Here's another interesting question that Christians don't address. Anyone who has studied Near Death Experiences (NDEs) knows that the experiencers come back with a broader view of God, not as a judgmental tyrant, but as a nonjudgmental deity with unconditional love. Dr. Raymond Moody, who coined the term "Near Death Experience" in 1975 when he published his book about it "Life After Life", said that NDErs come back with a less religious or dogmatic view of God. None of them return as fundamentalists or dogmatists.

This begs the obvious question: How come people who have NDEs don't come back and report that they were told in the afterlife by the angels or light beings that "Evangelical Christianity is the true way to God. Jesus is the only way to God. The Bible is the only true literal word of God. Everyone who dies unsaved goes to hell automatically, no matter how good they are." If fundamentalist Christianity were true, then NDErs would report that during their NDE, the angels told them to return and tell everyone that "By the way, go back and tell the world that the Bible is the true word of God and everyone must accept Christ as their savior or they will go to hell, no matter how good they are. The evangelicals and fundamentalists are right. Their way is the true and only way to God."

Yet you never hear of an NDE where that was reported. Why is that? How can that be? See for yourself. Here are thousands of NDE cases that you can read about in the NDE Research Foundation by Dr. Jeffrey Long here: . When you read them, you will notice that no one comes back with any dogmatic views about Jesus and the Bible.

What's funny is that Christians will gladly tout NDEs as proof of God and the afterlife, but they forget that they do NOT support Christian doctrines or dogmas. For example, Dr. William Guy has a great presentation on YouTube about NDEs and veridial perception, where NDErs see things while out of body that they could not possibly know that were later confirmed to be correct. He is a Christian too and promotes Christianity. I wonder if he sees the obvious problem here, which is that these NDEs do not validate Christian doctrine at all. At least not the ones that are based on a literal interpretation of the Bible.

Even in NDE reports where the experiencer goes to hell and comes back, they are not told that they went to hell because "they didn't accept Christ as their savior". Usually they went there because they either attempted suicide, or were leading bad lives. This supports the traditional universal view that those who go to hell do so because they led bad lives, not because they didn't "accept Christ as their savior". So again, this does not validate Christian doctrine.

Christians have never explained this, nor have they even tried, because they cannot explain it without admitting that their beliefs are wrong. So they have to ignore it completely. Because their beliefs are part of their identity, and they cannot let them go without losing their identity, nor do they want to admit that they were wrong all along. As Mark Twain said: "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they've been fooled."

Now, if Christians tried to claim that NDEs were a "deception of Satan", then they would be admitting that Satan is more powerful than God or is God himself, because if Satan can control what you see or do in the afterlife, then surely he must be the God of the universe. There's no way around that. So they cannot posit that old "Satan is behind it" excuse in this case. So they are in a no win situation. Hence their silence on this subject.

Likewise, with reincarnation there are many well documented cases where people remember past lives which are later found to be correct upon research and investigation. Dr. Ian Stevenson and others have researched this and documented it. Even the prestitious establishment science magazine, Scientific American, has admitted that Dr. Stevenson's research is very compelling. (See here: ... st-cynics/) The University of Virginia even has a whole department devoted to studying NDEs and reincarnation. (See here: Some of these reincarnation cases have gone viral, such as the case of James Leiningar, the boy who remembered his past life as a WW2 pilot, or Jenny Cockell, who found her past life children in Ireland.

There are also cases where children with past life memories were able to speak or write foreign languages they never learned. And cases during past life regression hypnosis where adults were able to speak foreign languages they never learned, sometimes even in ancient long forgotten dialects and grammar too. That is very inexplicable and cannot be explained by any skeptics of course, so both Atheists and Christians are dumbfounded by that. Only New Agers are validated by such cases.

Again, reincarnation and past lives certainly do NOT validate Christian doctrine and dogma, since they teach that you only have one life and then it's heaven or hell for an eternity. Some Christians have had no choice but to claim these past life memories were implanted by the devil or his demons. But that's a desperate attempt. There's no way the devil has the power to implant false memories into you. If he has that much power, then you are finished because he has absolute control over your mind. I don't think even God has that kind of capability, neither do the gods. Besides, I thought Christians claimed that God limits Satan's power lest he take over the world and no one has any chance of resistance? They can't have it both ways.

What Christians don't realize is that Christianity, like nearly all religions, originally taught reincarnation until around 553 AD when Emperor Justinian the Great banned it from the Church. They obviously decided that the Church had more power over people if they did not believe in reincarnation, because if they believed that the Church held the power to determine their eternal destiny after only one life, then they would be more dependent on the Church for salvation of course. It was a political move of course, out of the desire for more control, NOT truth. In fact, the early Church father Origen said that Jesus taught St. Peter, the first Pope, about reincarnation. St. Peter then told Clement of Alexandria about it, who then told someone else, and then that person told Origen. So there was an oral tradition passed on about Jesus teaching reincarnation to his disciples, which was later suppressed of course. (See here:

There are even Bible verses that imply reincarnation too, such as the verse about John the Baptist being the reincarnation of Elijah returned. Or when someone asked Jesus why a man was born blind, if it was due to his sins or his parents' sins. Obviously if it was due to his sins, then that implies a past life. Additionally, the Gnostics such as Valentinus believed in reincarnation too, as well as the Platonists who followed Plato's teachings. So reincarnation was taught in ancient Greece too.

These are all very interesting but unfortunately the dogmatic Christians do not want to go there or touch this topic because it would mean their closed minded authoritarian dogmas were wrong all along, and as explained earlier, no one wants to be wrong, especially when their pride, ego, and identity hang on their beliefs. Especially since cultish religions like Christianity hijack your mind and cause you to abandon reason so that you can never question it or think for yourself.
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Re: Super Tough Questions Christians Have NEVER Answered That Render Their Dogmas Impossible! (Ongoing Series)

Post by Winston »

Summary of Tough Question #11:

11. You claim that the Bible is divinely inspired and every word is inspired by God and therefore infallible, authoritative, and reliable. However you also admit several things about the Bible that contradict that inerrancy claim and make it impossible. You can't have it both ways. You've never resolved this. See below for an elaboration.

Elaboration of Tough Question #11:

There is another key contradiction you never resolved. You say that the Bible is God's word and therefore inerrant, authoritative, and reliable. You have to of course otherwise your faith has no foundation and everything falls into question. So it's a necessity for you to claim that, because your faith hangs on it. However, you admit several other obvious things that contradict that and make it impossible. Some examples:

1. You admit that the different authors of the Bible had different writing styles. But if every word is from God, then how can there be different writing styles? That makes sense. You can't have it both ways. Different writing styles indicate that it's the word of man, the authors so to speak. An obvious contradiction among many others.

2. Top Christian apologists like Dr. William Lane Craig and Lee Strobel (author of "The Case for Christ") claim in their videos that the four canonical Gospels are authentic testimonies of eyewitnesses of Jesus, because they are different and do not agree on every detail, which is what you would get in real testimonials from different eyewitnesses. This rules out collusion, they say, because people who collude together would make sure every detail was coherent and consistent. Ok great. But the obvious problem with that is that that obviously contradicts your claim that every word of the Bible is God inspired, as though God himself wrote it. Again it's a totally sharp contradiction, and an obvious one at that. Why has Dr. Craig or Strobel never addressed this? They can't of course, because it's an irresolvable problem. No Christian no matter how smart can resolve problems like this, and the ones I mentioned above either, because they are simply irresolvable. And hence prove Christian dogma to be impossible and untrue.

3. The letters of Paul are just letters addressed to certain churches. That's all. They are his opinion and he even says so in 3 verses that he is writing his opinion and NOT God's. (See: 1 Corinthians 7:12, 1 Corinthians 7:25, 2 Corinthians 11:17) Nowhere does he say they were meant to be canonized as scripture for all time and considered "God's official word". Anyone who reads Paul's epistles and letters can see that. Christians have never resolved this of course.

4. The authors of the four canonical Gospels are not written in an eyewitness style of manner. They are written as a narrative or story. They do not contain the words "I saw this. I told him that. He told me that." etc. Plus the Gospels contain secret conversations such as between Judas and the Pharisees, so how would an eyewitness know about them word for word? Moreover, the characters in the Gospels talk as though they are reading a formulaic script, but that's not how people talk in real life. So there is no valid reason why the New Testament should be canonized as scripture or "God's official word" when the text does not even indicate that. This is obvious to any casual reader of the Bible. Even as a child I noticed that and wondered about it.

Obviously these make the doctrine of Biblical inerrancy impossible since they all clearly mean that men wrote the Bible, not God himself. This is too obvious. You can't have it both ways. Why have Christians never addressed this? Why not just admit the obvious truth that Christian dogma is simply wrong and man made? That would be the easiest and simplest solution. But of course Christianity can't afford the truth. Every religion does what it has to to preserve itself, even if it has to lie and contradict itself. Christianity is no different.

Furthermore, even if some of the Bible were inspired, inspiration is not dictation. If I paint a sunset that inspired me, that doesn't mean the sun did the painting, I still did it. And even if God inspired some parts of the Bible that would not make it the only truth or only way, and would not rule out that God inspired other words in other religions and cultures too. So again, either way, Christian dogma is NOT justified or warranted nor proven at all.
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Re: Super Tough Questions Christians Have NEVER Answered That Prove Their Dogmas Wrong! (Ongoing Series)

Post by Winston »

Summary of Tough Question #12:

12. Why is your Holy Spirit so divisive and confusing rather than unifying? Especially if it's supposed to be the third part of the Trinity, and therefore God himself? You say that the Holy Spirit comes into believers and interprets the Bible for them. If that's so, then why does everyone, including sincere devout Christians, have a different interpretation of the Bible? Why are there over 30,000 Christian denominations or so? Does the Holy Spirit enjoy dividing people and confusing them and toying with them? This is yet another obvious discrepancy you never address or resolve.

Elaboration of Tough Question #12:

As we all know, there are many different Christian denominations. Last I heard there were over 30,000 denominations. And Christians have always debated over the meaning of scripture and Christian doctrine and Jesus' teachings. Yet Christians like to tell newbie believers that if they fill themselves with the Holy Spirit, it will interpret the Bible for them. This begs the question though: If the Holy Spirit is inside all true believers, then why do all Christians have different interpretations of the Bible, even if they are sincere and devout? Why are there so many denominations? Why is the Holy Spirit so divisive and confusing? Shouldn't it be a unifying force? It sure doesn't seem like it. If the Holy Spirit is supposed to be God, according to the Trinity doctrine, then shouldn't God be able to do better than that?

This is a huge conundrum that pretty much refutes the Christian claim that the Holy Spirit is a good sentient being and part of God himself. Even if the Holy Spirit is real, you'd have to conclude that he enjoys f***ing with people and confusing them and toying with them. That may be sad, but there's no way you can conclude otherwise, unless you wanna admit that the Holy Spirit isn't real. Again, this is a no win impossible situation you cannot logically resolve.

Christians have tried to resolve this by simply saying that those with different interpretations of the Bible are not true Christians, because all true Christians are supposed to agree on their interpretation of the Bible, if they were genuinely filled with the Holy Spirit that is. Gee whiz. Nothing could be more delusional than that. That is a very pathetic attempt at explaining away the division in Christianity. And of course holds no water at all. Sorry but no can do. I've known Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses, and they are just as devout and serious as any good Evangelical Christian, if not more so even.

Furthermore, if all believers are filled with the Holy Spirit, then why doesn't it talk to them and tell them God's will? Especially if the Holy Spirit is God himself as Christian doctrine claims? Why are Christians in the dark as to what God wants them to do and have to play a guessing game? Very auspicious. Makes no sense at all. Can't God do better than that? Gee whiz. Even cats and dogs can communicate with people better than God can? LOL. Go figure. This is beyond ridiculous.

Now I am not saying that the Holy Spirit doesn't exist. I'm sure many sincere Christians have felt the Holy Spirit inside them. But it could just be their own higher self, inner conscience, guardian angel, spirit guide, subconscious mind, shadow self, or who knows what. So something could be real there, and supposedly you can get in touch with your higher self through meditation and spiritual practice, or opening your third eye or something. So I don't doubt that there is a part of the divine within that one can connect with, whether you want to call it the Holy Spirit or not. However, the Christian fundamentalist concept of the Holy Spirit, as being part of God that agrees with all fundamentalist Christian dogma is simply ridiculous.

Keep in mind that another possibility here is that this Holy Spirit could be a tulpa, and Jesus could be too. A tulpa is an energy form or thought form that is created through the power of your belief. For example in 1972 a group of people created Philip the Ghost as an experiment. The group made him up and gave him certain characteristics. After a year or two, Philip the Ghost became real and embodied all the traits the group gave it. It was as if their collective power of belief created Philip, which perhaps was a form of tulpa. So this Jesus or Holy Spirit that Christians believe is inside them, could be a form of tulpa too. See here:

In fact, we sort of create tulpas all the time without knowing it. For example if you have an addiction like drugs or alcohol, you have created a tulpa within you that feeds on the addiction and needs it to survive. That's why you feel posssessed, because the tulpa within you has its own will and demands that you feed your addiction for it to survive. In the best sellling self-help book "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle, he calls this tupla "the pain body". Look it up in his book to learn more about it.

I am just speculating and taking educated guesses of course. Sorry for going off on a tangent there. I am just pointing out all the possibilities since there is so much we don't know. But one thing we do know is that organized religion is mostly man made with some genuine spiritual truths of course (otherwise it would not appeal to anyone), but which have been perverted and corrupted. The bottom line is: These Christian dogmas and claims I've listed simply make no sense and contradict themselves in so many ways, that they are self-refuting and therefore rendered impossible, for all the many valid reasons I've given so far. So you should not fear them. Their dogmas are the words and invention of man, not God, at least not THE God.

Now it could be that ETs, ancient aliens, or gods with a small "g" started organized religions like Christianity as a control system too, that is always possible. Look up the ancient aliens theory about the Annunaki from Sumerian myth. It's being discussed all over YouTube now on fascinating channels such as "The 5th Kind" and "UFO TV" and "Gaia TV" and on the History Channel series "Ancient Aliens" too. Also see the legendary book "The Gods of Eden" by William Bramley about how ET Overlords or Custodians created us, manage us, and gave us our world RELIGIONS too. On the other hand, if Pantheism is true and everything is part of God, then Christianity is just another one of millions or billions emanations of God, both good and bad and the grey in between. And therefore definitely NOT "the only way or the only true revelation". Either way, Christian fundamentalists lose. So you need not fear them and their brainwashing and mind control and fear based carrot and stick tactics.
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Re: Super Tough Questions Christians Have NEVER Answered That Prove Their Dogmas Wrong! (Ongoing Series)

Post by Winston »

Some major Evangelical Christian websites I found to send all my tough questions to: (major creationist website) (by Dr. William Lane Craig, a top apologist) (by a convert from New Age to Jesus)

Do any of you know any other major Christian sites I can send my tough questions to?

I wonder if any of them will take on my super tough questions, since the Christians on this forum are obviously too chickenshit to do so. lol. I highly doubt if even the smartest apologists can answer my questions. No way. They will probably dodge them with cliches and soundbytes and red herrings. But we will see. lol
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Re: Tough Questions Christians Have NEVER Answered That Disprove Their Dogmas! (Ongoing Series)

Post by Winston »

Note: From hereon, no more summaries and elaboration sections will be necessary since the following questions and points will be shorter and more to the point.

Tough Question #13:

Why do you assume that God must be perfect or all-good by definition? There is no basis to that if you think about it. Everything in this world contradicts that and in fact, there are many logical arguments against that and zero arguments to support it. Consider the following basic logical arguments that attest to the imperfection of the Creator or Creators.

1. Creation is a reflection of the Creator as we all know. Same with artists and writers. So if this world is imperfect then it's creator(s) must be imperfect too. The logic follows. Christians try to avoid this obvious truth by blaming mankind for the fall in the Garden of Eden, but as explained many times earlier, that's absurd and doesn't hold water and is a total copout that isn't even sensible. One of America's founding fathers Thomas Paine wrote in this famous treatise "The Age of Reason" that the Creation is a reflection of the Creator, so he says if you wanna learn about the Creator, then look at the Creation, not in man made text and books like the Bible which can contain anything its human authors want. So even one of America's founding fathers cited this same principle of logic.

2. Man is created in God's image, as we've all heard. If man is imperfect and contains both good and evil, or good and bad (if evil is too subjective of a word for you), then his Creator(s) must also. Again the basic logic follows. Christians can't escape this, even if they employ absurd copouts. And no, the Fall in the Garden of Eden story does NOT resolve this as explained before.

3. In Pantheism, God is everything. Some variations of Hinduism say this too. So does Pandeism and Panpsychism, which are variations to Pantheism if you wanna look them up. Many New Agers have Pantheistic views too. This means we are all parts of God, or we are all God split up into many fragments and dreaming in order to have experiences. Even rocks and trees have some level of consciousness, as Animists say, such as in Shintoism and other ancient tribal religions. The obvious implication here is that if God is everything, and everything contains both good and evil, or good and bad, then God must therefore be good and bad too. Again, basic logic.

4. Even some Bible verses say that God is both good and evil too. For instance:

Isaiah 45:7 - "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."

And these two verses where God and Satan incite David to take a census implies they are both the same person too.
One of the more vexing problems in the Old Testament is how to parse the parallel accounts of 1 Chronicles 21:1–17 and 2 Samuel 24:1–25.

First Chronicles 21 (ESV) Then Satan stood against Israel and incited David to number Israel. 2So David said to Joab and the commanders of the army, “Go, number Israel, from Beersheba to Dan, and bring me a report, that I may know their number.”

Second Samuel 24 (ESV) Again the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and he incited David against them, saying, “Go, number Israel and Judah.” 2So the king said to Joab, the commander of the army, who was with him, “Go through all the tribes of Israel, from Dan to Beersheba, and number the people, that I may know the number of the people”

The two accounts are nearly identical, save for one glaring disparity: the Chronicler’s version has Satan as David’s instigator, while 2 Samuel names Yahweh, the God of Israel, as the provocateur. The Chronicler’s account notes that David’s act “was evil in the sight of God,” but this line is omitted in 2 Samuel. Both accounts have God posing three punishments before David, but David leaves the decision to the Lord. The Angel of Yahweh executes a plague on the land in both versions.

The two accounts are contradictory. The options for resolution are all somewhat disconcerting. If we want to blame Satan, we must identify Yahweh as Satan. The reverse strategy requires that we identify Satan with the sovereign Yahweh. If Satan can somehow be removed from the picture, then we are faced with the fact that Yahweh incited David to do something, and then punished him for doing so. Is there any way out of this mess?
Of course, Christians have many sly ways to try to copout of stuff like this, which you can see at the link above. But they are all excuses to try to defend an indefensible theology and religion that makes no sense and contains countless discrepancies, contradictions, and absurdities. Their job is to preserve their beliefs, no matter how absurd, since their mind is hijacked and brainwashed and therefore MUST serve their dogmatic beliefs, no matter how ridiculous. That's the problem with dogmatic beliefs, they filter and edit your reality and do not allow you to think or question or reason.

It also seems that this God incited David to take the census and then punished him for it by killing thousands of his men, yet it was God that incited it. That was very dishonest and immoral. Critics have said that it indicates that God was upset with Israel and seeking an excuse to punish the Israelites, so he made up a phony one. Not a reflection of good character at all.

5. If you get deep into Hinduism, you will find that many variations of it teach that God is both good and evil too. Hindus themselves have told me this, even on my forum. You see, the Hindu God Brahma has many faces, or emanations as they call it. The 33 million deities in Hinduism are all emanations of Brahma, in Hindu theology. Som even say that we are all different emanations of God too. This means that evil characters like Satan or the devil are among the emanations of God too. This is not something that the masses can grasp or accept. It is only revealed at higher levels of spiritual and esoteric teaching, since very few can accept it, as it goes against the simple linear black and white logic of the masses and literalists. It is rumored that at the highest level of Freemasonry, this is also revealed as well. So this may be a teaching of the mystery schools in Egypt, Greece, and elsewhere too. But it is not mentioned to beginners or the curious layperson of course.

6. The great Zen and Eastern philosopher Alan Watts mentioned something similar too. He also said that God plays the game of black and white, which is an illusion, so he plays both sides. He said the devil sits at the left hand of God and Jesus sits at the right hand. Metaphorically, this means God is behind both sides, good and evil, or good and bad. See his book and audiobook "The Taboo Against Knowing Yourself" in "Chapter 2: The Game of Black and White". There is an audio version of it on YouTube here: . Also see his many lectures on YouTube, where he mentions this periodically too, citing it as a great cosmic joke.

7. God playing both sides makes sense if you think about it. If God is in control of everything, as Christians say, then he would have to control or manage the evil or dark side of the world too, lest it run amok. Why would God let Satan ruin his plans or wreck the world? Isn't it better for him to control Satan or play the role of Satan himself, like an actor playing different roles? In Truther circles, this is called "controlled opposition" and it makes sense. If the powers that be do it, why wouldn't God? It makes sense to create and manage your own enemies, than to have a real enemy emerge that you can't control. That's called good smart herd management.

For example, the truther Michael Tsarion has always said that the Catholic Church created the Protestant Reformation, because in the 1500s many were fed up with the corruption of the Catholic Church and were on the verge of breaking away. So the Church had to take the initiative and create its own controlled opposition with the Reformation Movement, lest its real enemies create it. That way it can manage both sides, pro and anti Catholic, while maintaining the illusion of opposition and thus satisfying its dissidents. It's the classic "illusion of choice" with both choices controlled by the same side, and is good herd management. A classic trick, but very effective since the dumb masses usually fall for it. This explains why Martin Luther, the founder of Protestantism, was never arrested and executed like other Catholic enemies were. Supposedly Luther was protected by a German prince or duke, but come on, the Catholic Church could have had him arrested and executed had they really wanted to, I'm sure. Plus Luther was a devout Catholic monk and so was unlikely to be a true traitor, and could have been hired as an agent to create this controlled opposition. I'm not claiming to know the true story behind this, but Tsarion's theory does make sense if you think about it. And perhaps many things in history, even today, are run in this manner.

This might all sound like an evil con, if true. However, keep in mind that in the dualistic physical plane we live in, everything is composed of a balance of opposites, so there must be a proper balance of good and bad in the world. Otherwise the physical 3D world would implode and cease to exist. The matrix exists for a reason, whether that reason is good or bad is subject to debate. And maintaining a polar duality is necessary for this matrix to exist. So it's not necessarily a con or deception for God to be on the side of both good and evil. It's just a necessity. And it makes sense too. Because if evil ran amok, the matrix could implode, so it makes sense for God to control or manage it. A smart God would do that. Wouldn't you? This matrix is not designed to be a paradise free of suffering, so you cannot expect him to just eliminate all evil and suffering in the world. The good news is that if this is true, then evil can never get out of hand, it will always be kept under check so that it doesn't destroy the world. I guess you can take solace in that at least.

8. Likewise, if we are living in a computer simulation, aka the Simulation Theory or Simulation Hypothesis, like the movie "The Matrix" depicts, and many real life researchers believe too, such as Nick Bostrom, Elon Musk, and Jim Elvidge, then it would make sense too that the A.I. system that runs the matrix would also wanna control both the good and bad sides in the matrix. The job of the system A.I. after all, is to regulate and maintain the simulation so it can fulfill the aims of the designers, whatever they are. So it would make sense for the A.I. to manage both sides in any conflict, including good and evil. That would explain why God or the A.I. overlord, doesn't intervene much in the battle of good vs evil on Earth, because as they say "the experiment must go on". It does seem that we may be an experiment, and in fact Charles Fort, who coined the word "paranormal" in the 1920s, said after traveling the world and investigating paranormal phenomena and mysteries, that his best hypothesis is that "we are someone's experiment" be it ETs or divine overlords/deities or computer programmers or whatever.

9. There's a really good video by the Real Merkabah on YouTube that explains why God and Satan must work together as two sides of the same coin, and how the US government represents both sides even. That's why it says "In God we trust" on American coinage and you swear on the Bible in court. It's called "The Real Truth about Saturn, Satan, God and the Nature of Reality". I highly recommend it. It has multiple parts but the first part is the most important one. So if your time is limited, at least watch the first part which is 2 hours and makes a lot of sense and is worth multiple viewings. It's brilliant and very revealing and eye-opening. Here's the link to Part 1:

10. In the movie "The Unholy (2021)" a priest speaks this key line: "Wherever God goes, the devil is not far behind." This implies that Satan and God are part of a package, like two sides of the same coin or two ends of the same polarity, they follow each other. Movie info here:

Now where are the logical arguments that God must be perfect?

In contrast, what are the logical arguments that God or a Creator or Creators, must be perfect? Where? Christians give none. They assume it's a given fact, like 2+2=4, and does not need to be backed up by evidence or reasoned arguments. Hence it's faith based and religious, not logical or reasonable, contrary to what famous apologists such as Dr. William Lane Craig and Josh McDowell say.

One obvious reason the Christian religion and church has to depict God as perfect and blameless is out of necessity, because you will not feel like a guilty sinner unless you are compared to a "perfect God". If God was imperfect like us, then we would not feel like a guilty sinner that needs a savior of course. So it's a doctrine created out of necessity, not truth, and given as an assumption. Because otherwise, the church's salvation ideology cannot exist without the doctrine of God's perfection, even though it runs contrary to basic logic and basic proof in so many ways, as elaborated above.

This all begs the question of course: If God is in charge of both the good and bad in the world, then don't you have a right to blame him for all your problems and for all the problems of the world? In a sense you do I guess. It may be useless to do so, but you do have the right. And I'm sure millions all over the world do blame God for all their problems. It's only natural to. After all, why must God be blameless? What if he's not? How come you are only allowed to praise God for the good things in life but not allowed to blame him for the bad things in life? Why are you only allowed to thank God for the beauty in the world, but not blame him for the ugliness and bad things in the world? Isn't that inconsistent and a double standard?

However, if we are all fragments or emanations of God, then in a sense we are blaming ourselves because all great spiritual teachings say that "God is within us", even Jesus said that. So there must be a lot of great truth in that teaching that "God is within us" and therefore it is wise to heed it and focus on it. There are ways to greatly reduce suffering of course, by following the teachings of Buddhism, Zen, Taoism or Hinduism, and releasing most of your attachments to desire, wants, status, materialism, success, image, etc. But many of us don't wanna do that. If we did though, we could reduce a great deal of suffering in life. Consider also that the most materialistic people you know probably do not look happy or radiate inner joy or inner peace and contentment. No way. There is a reason for that. Hope that gives you something to think about.

If you are seeking to reduce suffering in your life, I recommend you listen to Alan Watts lectures and talks on YouTube. Many of them have been uploaded. They are a great help to easing one's inner suffering and conflict, and very therapeutic too. Better than any therapist you can find. I also recommend the best selling book "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle too. If you are seeking true personal freedom, then I recommend you read "How I Found True Freedom in an Unfree World" by Harry Browne. It has a lot of unconventional advice that no other book dares to give you and goes against the grain. And I recommend my articles too of course, which focus on liberation from enslavement of mind and body. One of my best ones is:
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Re: Tough Questions Christians Have NEVER Answered That Disprove Their Dogmas! (Ongoing Series)

Post by Winston »

Tough Question #14:

Why would a God who spoke frequently in the Old Testament and appeared as a burning bush to Moses and gave him commands be totally silent now, except for a few nutcases who claim to hear his voice? That is very inconsistent and makes no sense. It sounds like a convenient excuse. Christians of course, are forced to say, "God no longer speaks to us directly, only through the Bible". Yeah right. What a convenient total copout. If such a God ever existed why would he go totally silent? Why does he never do stuff like part the Red Sea anymore? It's way too inconsistent, and smells like a scam and red flag. Isn't the obvious conclusion that such a Biblical God never existed? Either that, or he has left or went into hiding? Or was an archetype or tulpa to begin with, created by mass consciousness? Regardless it's way too auspicious to take literally.

Of course there are some Christians who claim to talk to God, but even other Christians view that with skepticism and suspicion. Because if that person said that God told him something that conflicted with the beliefs of other Christians, it would create a dilemma. Hence it's a touchy area, one that most Christians don't want to meddle in. Yet this begs the question: If only nutcases claim to talk to God today and hear his voice, and no one really believes it today, then why was it commonplace during Biblical times, according to the Bible? Again it's inconsistent as usual, like everything else in Christianity. That's why nothing makes sense in Christianity and you have to be mind controlled or brainwashed to believe it.

Tough Question #15:

If the hot tempered God of the Old Testament really existed, why doesn't he strike people down today for cursing his name or taking his name in vain, or attacking Christianity, or some other trivial offenses? Have you ever known anyone who cursed God's name and was then struck by lightning? No one does. Yet the God of the OT had a bad temper and would do stuff like that. So if he existed, you gotta wonder why he doesn't do stuff like that in real life. Go outside and curse his name all your want. Try it. Many atheists have done it as a dare and gotten away with it. You will see that he does not strike you down with lightning. Why? If he is too nice and tolerant to do that, then why wasn't he like that in the OT? It's inconsistent.

Did the OT God die off or run away? Or did he have a change of heart and no longer the person he used to be? How can a God who once existed and parted the Red Sea never do anything anymore and is totally silent now? It's as if he said: "I will not talk or appear anymore, from now on read the Bible to know my word". Yeah right. That doesn't make sense and is too auspicious and a red flag. Sounds like a scam. It makes no sense but you are forced to conclude that.

Tough Question #16:

On Christian Radio, such as "Focus on the Family", I've heard preachers say vehemently, "If God did not have absolute control over every atom and molecule in the universe, he would not be God." Well then that begs the question: Doesn't that mean God is responsible for every little thing that happens to us? Including if we stub our toe or bite our tongue or drop something or mistakes happen against our will, etc? If so, then we should have the right to blame God for every little thing that goes wrong, including stubbing our toe or biting our tongue or little things like that right? Since God has control over every atom and molecule in the universe, like preachers say, that means he can prevent unnecessary stupid little things from going wrong right? If so, why doesn't he? Why doesn't he prevent unnecessary accidents, tragedies, wars and senseless violence? There's no excuse not to. If he can't, obviously then he's not all powerful after all, like preachers claim. There's no way around this.

In fact, why not blame God for all your problems? Why do you only praise him and thank him for your blessings and when things go well, but you do not blame him when things go wrong? Isn't that obviously inconsistent and a double standard? If he is the creator of all, then he's responsible for everything right? Just like a CEO or Founder is responsible for his company and the good and bad in it. Or an author is responsible for the good or bad content in his or her book. This means God must be responsible for all the bad stuff in the world and in your life too right? It's basic logic, as simple as 2+2=4. It may be useless to blame him, but you have the right don't you? Plus there's no reason or rationale to think the Creator or designers of this matrix must be perfect, and in fact there are many logical arguments to the contrary, as explained earlier.

Imagine a CEO saying: "I am perfect. I don't need to fix any problems in this company. Everything that goes wrong is other people's fault. Never mine. Because I am perfect. Other people have free will and can choose to make mistakes or do bad things. Everything is their fault. I don't need to fix anything because I am perfect. It's not my problem. To hell with everyone else (pardon the pun)."

No one would accept that of course. The whole company would be outraged and the board of directors would fire such a useless delusional CEO. We all know that. No one would tolerate such a horrid attitude like that. It would be outrageous and irresponsible. So why is the Biblical God allowed to act like that and get away with it, and it's totally fine and ok to you? Again, totally inconsistent and not logical. Obviously your mind is controlled by fear and hope of eternal life, all of which you take on faith. You are mind controlled by a carrot and stick, the carrot being eternal reward in heaven, and the stick being fear of damnation in hell. You fear God, because you believe he controls your eternal destiny, so you dare not question him or point out his faults, even if they are glaringly obvious as in the examples above.
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Re: Tough Questions Christians Have NEVER Answered That Disprove Their Dogmas! (Ongoing Series)

Post by Winston »

Upcoming Tough Questions:

17. Did you know Jesus was not a fundamentalist? He always had esoteric interpretations of the Old Testament and Law of Moses. Like when he said "Moses said this, but I say this." So he repudiated OT law many times. This means that as a non-fundamentalist he would deiniftely NOT agree with the evangelical fundamentalist Christian literal interpretation of him today. That's the funny irony that the average Christian doesn't realize. Totally hits them in the face. BIg time. lol

18. Why does God need to use humans to write the Bible for him? Surely a God who can create stars, planets, galaxies, and the vastly complex human body and brain, can easily create a book himself. An all powerful being can easily materialize a book or object like Q does in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Come on. Even if some entity did inspire men to write the Holy Bible, there's only one reason why any entity would need someone to write a book for it. But Christians will NOT like the answer.

19. Why does God seem to only heal a small percentage of sick children being prayer for? This was asked in the movie "Miracles from Heaven" when a terminally ill child was miraculously healed. But no one had an answer. An all powerful God should be able to do more. How come God seems to be so limited in what he can do? For example, he doesn't seem to ever bend the laws of physics when he answers prayers or acts. And he never regrows limbs from amputees, something which Atheists often cite in their articles against Christianity. Why would an all powerful being have so many limitations that he cannot bend the laws of physics or regrow severed limbs? That doesn't make sense. An all powerful being should be able to do those things. I know Christians will say that God simply chooses not to for whatever reason, but that's missing the point. The point is that there's no evidence or documented cases where God has done such things. If he can, he should at least do them occasionally to prove that he really is all powerful. Instead, he only produces famous miracles like the Miracle of Fatima in 1917 and crying statues of the Virgin Mary and occasional miraculous healings (which never include regrowing severed limbs).

Now the Fatima Miracle of 1917 was an amazing event no doubt, however, aliens or UFOs can do such things too, like make holograms appear in the sky or make the Sun appear to spin, and nowadays even secret black ops government devices such as Project Blue Beam can allegedly do those things too. So such things could be the result of advanced super technology. My point is that an all powerful God should be able to do a lot more than that. He should be able to violate the laws of physics, like part the Red Sea in modern times, to show that the Moses story is true, and regrow amputated limbs too, to prove that he can do the impossible. Yet he never does that. That's very auspicious. Atheist literature usually includes this criticism too, and Christians are never able to explain it, except with copout excuses of course.

20. Even if the Bible was "inspired" by supernatural entities or divine forces, why do you assume that it must be the "one and only Creator of the Universe"? Don't you know that in the spirit world, or 4th dimensional realm, there are countless entities and beings? The Native Americans say that the entities in the spirit world vastly outnumber humans on earth, making us humans a minority. Eastern Religions call the 4th dimension "the lower astral realms" and Catholics call it "the middle plateau". Native Americans also say that there are many entities beneath the ground that prey on us too. Buddhists and Hindus say that there are many levels of heaven, with various types of deities on each level. In other words, gods with a small "g".

So if the spirit world contains countless entities, spirits, and deities, both good and bad, and perhaps inumerable types of invisible entities, then any one of them could have "inspired" the authors of the Bible. Aren't Christians jumping the gun and being gullible in assuming that it MUST be the "one and only Creator God of the universe" when in fact it could be anything? Let me ask you this: If I contact entities with a ouija board and paranormal happenings result from the contact, should I assume that the entity I've brought to me "must be the creator of the universe"? LOL. See how unwarranted and foolish that assumption is?

I could ask the same question to Mormons: Just because Mormon founder Joseph Smith seemed to have a supernatural visitation and revelation when he found the golden plates and wrote the Book of Mormon, does not mean that God the Father, the Creator of the Universe must have done it. It could be any of countless beings in the spirit world. Or lower deities and sub-deities, in other words, gods with a lower case "g".

21. Why would an all powerful God who can create stars, planets, and galaxies need people to worship him? What does he gain from that? Why would he need your energy if he's all powerful and has unlimited energy of his own? Only a parasitical energy that feeds on others and does not have its own internal energy, would need to siphon energy from you for worship. That's why churches and mosques usually have needle like structures on top pointing upward, to channel the worship energy upward to be harvested. An all powerful being would not need to harvest your energy. Only a parasite needing to siphon your energy would need to do that, only parasitical entities have something to gain from that.

22. What will you do in heaven for all eternity? Wouldn't praising God 24/7 for all eternity be boring? Especially since most Christians say there is no sex in heaven? What makes you think heaven is eternal even if you get there? Didn't Lucifer and his angels fall from heaven? Eastern religions also say heaven is not eternal either, but temporary, eventually you have to come back down and get recycled again into the drama of Kali Yuga and the great reset and great year.

23. How is an innocent man dying on the cross payment for your sins? You can't punish an innocent man to redeem a guilty man. There's no rationale or justice behind that. It would be against basic morality too. No court of law would do that. It would be unjust and scapegoating.

24. Would you commit the atrocities in the OT if God commanded you to do it? Would you sacrifice your son like Abraham tried to do with Isaac? Even if you knew it was wrong?

25. Why do you say there cannot be any standard of objective morality without an authority figure like God? There are a number of flaws with that claim.

26. How can Satan or demons be behind astrology? How would he match your personality with your sun sign? Wouldn't he have to dig in and change who you are at the core to do that? How can he make things happen in alignment with the planets? Wouldn't he have to be more powerful than God to do all that?
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Re: Tough Questions Christians Have NEVER Answered That Disprove Their Dogmas! (Ongoing Series)

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
August 31st, 2021, 4:43 am

How can Satan or demons be behind astrology? How would he match your personality with your sun sign? Wouldn't he have to dig in and change who you are at the core to do that? How can he make things happen in alignment with the planets? Wouldn't he have to be more powerful than God to do all that?
I happened to see this question. The atheist, 'the amazing Randy' went to a classroom of college students and told them that he had designed a horoscope for them based on their date of birth. Some of them were amazed. It described them to a T. Then he said take that paper and pass it to the person in front of you. All of them had received the same horoscope.

You don't have to be 'more powerful than God'. You just have to tell people what they want to hear.
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Re: Tough Questions Christians Have NEVER Answered That Disprove Their Dogmas! (Ongoing Series)

Post by Winston »

MrMan wrote:
August 31st, 2021, 10:53 am
Winston wrote:
August 31st, 2021, 4:43 am

How can Satan or demons be behind astrology? How would he match your personality with your sun sign? Wouldn't he have to dig in and change who you are at the core to do that? How can he make things happen in alignment with the planets? Wouldn't he have to be more powerful than God to do all that?
I happened to see this question. The atheist, 'the amazing Randy' went to a classroom of college students and told them that he had designed a horoscope for them based on their date of birth. Some of them were amazed. It described them to a T. Then he said take that paper and pass it to the person in front of you. All of them had received the same horoscope.

You don't have to be 'more powerful than God'. You just have to tell people what they want to hear.
That's from an old documentary. Randi's horoscopes were all very general and applied to everyone. That's not how astrology is though. Maybe newspaper astrology is like that, but not real astrology. Astrologers like Sydney Omar and Linda Goodman have debunked that long ago. Birth charts are very specific.

The atheist Michael Shermer did a double blind astrology test with professional astrologer Jeffrey Armstrong. He prepared birth charts for everyone in the study that were very specific. The people said their real charts were very accurate but not when they were shuffled randomly. So that proved the accuracy of astrology. See the clip below:

If there was no accuracy in astrology, it would not be convincing to so many. A hoax can only go so far. Astrology is not perfect or always accurate, but it is not random chance either, it is something in the middle. It produces patterns that chance cannot explain. For example, most of my exes are Aries, and half the girls I met in Russia and went out with were Aries too. That is 50 percent, which is far above 1 in 12 chance. Big difference. Chance cannot explain that. Most of my male best friends have been Cancer or Scorpio too. Again, that's not chance. Certain signs repeat in one's life consistently.

I also notice that most people I know of a certain sign are similar to that sign, for example everyone knows Virgos are anal retentive, and yes, every Virgo I know is in fact anal retentive, including Rock even. Even Rock has noticed that. And every Cancer I've known has been moody a lot, which is a typical trait for Cancers. So the patterns are there. Chance or Satan cannot do that. How can Satan match me with my Pisces sign and produce Piscean characteristics in my personality and psyche to the core? That's impossible. Satan cannot change who you are at birth in your core basic personality. For evil entities to affect you, you have to invite them in and ask them to. The universe doesn't allow them to do whatever they want, otherwise they would capture the whole world, so the universe or God limits what bad entities can do. Even Christians say that too.

Also look up Michel Gauquelin. He was a French statistician who found proof of astrology that are astronomical. In prominent leaders, he always found Mars in their chart in the same places, which was like a gazillion to one odds. Gauquelin wavered in his life between belief and skepticism in astrology many times, before finally accepting it as real. So he was not a "true believer" but a skeptic who changed his mind back and forth about astrology many times, before finally accepting it as real and proving it with statistics in birth charts of powerful leaders. Look up his research. It's well documented.

You really need to look at the big picture and consider all the data MrMan, not just focus narrowly on one little thing and draw conclusions from that. Am I the only true intellectual who can think here and has a broad mind that can consider all the data and evidence? Geez. Why can't you guys do the same??? If you were an intellectual, you would know all this stuff. Come on.
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