Why Polytheism is more natural and makes more sense than Monotheism

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Why Polytheism is more natural and makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Winston »

In modern Western culture, there seems to be this default assumption that if you believe in God, then you can only believe in one God, and that God must be completely perfect, all powerful, all knowing, and all good. Your primary choices when it comes to religion are either:

1) Believe in a monotheistic religion like Christianity or Islam or Judaism, with belief in only one God who is 100 percent good and perfect.
2) Or become an Atheist who only believes in the material world with no God or spiritual dimension or human soul. (Since Buddhism doesn't focus on God, it falls in this category or somewhere in between)

Why only these two extremes? Both of them are too absolute. It seems that the elite want you to only choose from one of the above. So when universities hold public debates in theology, they usually hold them between Christian fundamentalists and Atheists (e.g. William Lane Craig vs. Richard Dawkins), insinuating that those are the two possible choices you have. Even Hindus now claim that there is one God (Brahma) in Hinduism with many faces.

Perhaps the elite want you to choose between Monotheism and Atheism because both of those belief systems are easy to control people through. For example, if one adopts the Atheist view, one believes in only the material universe and thus becomes a staunch materialist. Thus the elite can use materialism to control their lives. But if one becomes a Monotheist, such as a Christian or Catholic, then the elite can use Church authority to control them by telling them what "God" wants them to do, as the Catholic Church has done for 1700 years. Also, by claiming that the "one and only God" is perfect and infallible, it makes the authority of the religion absolute and unquestionable, which is more effective for social control of course.

Why don't they introduce Polytheism, the belief in multiple deities, as a valid choice? Probably because if one believes in multiple Gods, then one is less controllable by authority, because if one doesn't like what one deity says, then one can just worship another deity. So there is less central control and authority in that. Or why not introduce Pantheism, the belief that God is everything, as an option? Perhaps because if one believes that God is everything, then one will believe that oneself is God too, or that God is contained within oneself, and thus one does not need an outside authority or church to tell him what to do.

So basically, the elite want you to choose a belief system where you will be easier to control, since their job is to control you after all, not give you freedom or truth or enlightenment, no way. A farmer controls his herd and keeps them in line, he does not try to give them truth or freedom, no way.

However, if there are Gods and deities, then I think Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism. Here are the reasons why:

1. Why should there be only one God or deity? If there is a God or deity, why can't there be more than one? We know that everything in this world or universe has more than one of it. For example, there is more than one of trees, rocks, mountains, rivers, people, animals, etc. This applies to all species. And there are many stars and galaxies too, not just one. Thus everything has more than one of the same kind. So why can't there be more than one deity or God as well? The logic would follow. For there to be more than one creator or deity would be consistent with everything else in the universe. In fact, why can't there be a family of deities or a race of deities or a species of deities? Why is there a rule or assumption that there can only be one God or Creator? It simply doesn't have a basis. People assume it because many orthodox religions simply say so.

If there are families of deities, then that would answer the question Atheists ask which stump Christians, "If God created the universe, who created God?" The answer would be that parental gods created god, just as Chronos was the father of Zeus in Greek mythology. But instead, the Christians like to throw the question back at the Atheists and ask, "If the Big Bang created the universe out of nothing, then who created the Big Bang? What came before it? The belief that everything came out of nothing in a "Big Bang" is also a religion too."

2. All ancient cultures and tribes were Polytheistic and believed in multiple deities. Even Ancient Greece and Rome had Polytheistic religions. Monotheism is a relatively recent phenomena. According to religious historians and scholars, monotheism began with the rebel Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten, who forced monotheism onto Egypt and angered the priestly establishment and people, and was thus eventually overthrown and banished. Before that, all cultures were polytheistic and believed in multiple deities. Even the ancient Jews and Israelites were polytheistic, contrary to what people might think. See here:

The origins of Judaism lie in the Bronze Age polytheistic Ancient Semitic religions, specifically Canaanite religion, a syncretization with elements of Babylonian religion and of the worship of Yahweh reflected in the early prophetic books of the Hebrew Bible.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/valerie-t ... 77340.html
the Song of Moses in Deuteronomy 32 indicates that Yahweh was believed to have been one of the children of the Canaanite deity El Elyon (God Most High). The song describes how the nations were originally formed, and what it says is that the peoples of the earth were divided up according to the number of El Elyon’s children (the junior members of the divine pantheon). Yahweh, Israel’s patron deity, was one of Elyon’s children.

The best evidence suggests that Yahweh did not begin as the “only true God” of later Jewish monotheism; he did not begin as the creator of the world. Yahweh began as a young, up-and-coming tribal deity whose prowess among other gods mirrored Israel’s aspirations vis-a-vis surrounding tribes and nations.
So if all the earliest religions of the world were polytheistic, then as a rule of thumb, if something is older and more original, it's more likely to be closer to the TRUTH and more accurate. If the earliest humans were Polytheistic, then it stands to reason that maybe they were closer to the truth since they were LESS manipulated by civilization and control, and more natural and in harmony with nature, and thus closer to our origins.

Even in the Bible, there are passages that suggest a plurality of Gods. For example, in the Old Testament, the first of the Ten Commandments that says, "Thou shall have no other Gods before me" is not saying that there are no other gods, only that the Israelites should not worship others gods. This implies that other gods exist, for if they didn't, why would this commandment even mention it? Furthermore, in Genesis when God was creating the world, he said, "Let US make man in OUR image" and then later after Adam and Eve fell from eating the fruit off the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, God approached them and upon finding out what happened, said, "Behold, man has become like US, knowing good and evil."

3. Miracles, answered prayers, and changed lives occur in every religion, not just Christianity. So there may be different deities working behind each religion, or else one deity behind them all. Either way, each religion does seem to have some kind of real power behind it. Every religion works for someone, or else it wouldn't exist.

4. Atheists love to ask Theists the question: "If God created the universe, then who created God?" Monotheism can't answer that except to claim that "God is eternal and has no creator" which is a cop out. But Polytheism provides a simple answer to that: If there is more than one God, then perhaps our God was created by other Gods, like how humans and animals are born by mothers of their own species. In Ancient Greek mythology, the Gods are born by other Gods too. For example, the God Zeus was the son of Chronos, who was his father. So even the Gods have parent Gods. This is how all species on Earth work, so why wouldn't the Gods be subject to the same? It goes in line with what we know.

5. The Ancient Astronaut theory is now becoming more popular in the paranormal/UFO/alternative community. The History Channel has now done many seasons of its "Ancient Aliens" series. The theory goes that humans were created by ancient aliens (the Annunaki) who created us by manipulating the DNA of hominids (man-like apes) by combining it with their own alien DNA, thus creating hybrids. That explains the missing link in evolution and why humans suddenly had intelligence whereas other species still didn't despite millions of years of evolution. It also explains why humans have 95 percent junk DNA which no other animal on Earth has, and why humans seem out of place in the evolutionary pattern of all species on Earth.

The ancient astronaut theory is corroborated by many ancient cultures, including the earliest ones in Sumeria, Babylon and Egypt, which all say that they were created by "Gods from the sky and heavens" who gave them their language and culture. So this theory does explain a lot of unexplained mysteries that science has no real answer for. Now, if the ancient astronaut theory is true, then these alien creators are "the gods" that early humans wrote about and passed down into their legends, which means that there are multiple "gods" since an alien species was involved, and perhaps more than one alien species too.

6. Your body has over 30 trillion cells according to biology. Each of those cells is a living organism that eats, reproduces, dies and is replaced by new ones. Now to all your 30+ trillion cells, YOU are their God, or creator and ruler. So if these cells believed that there was only one God, only ONE of you, would they be correct? Of course not, since every person and animal on Earth is made up of many of such cells. Again, if there are many of each species, then why can't there be many deities as well? It would be consistent with what we know.

7. Many people have "guardian angels" that seem to guide them, help them and protect them. And many people have their prayers answered too, in a way that doesn't seem like chance and coincidence. How can one God be listening to so many prayers at once? It would be a lot easier for multiple Gods to be listening to multiple people.

8. If we define God simply as a CREATOR, then that could mean anything or anybody. We don't even know who or what created us. It could be an alien race, as mentioned earlier. Or we could be living in a computer simulation, as some professors and scientists propose, in which case our "gods" are simply the computer programmer(s) of our simulation. Either way, the existence of a creator does not imply that there has to be only one, as monotheistic religions claim. For example, it takes a team of workers to build a house, and it takes a team of engineers and architects to design a big structure. It even takes a team of designers to design a computer simulation, if we are indeed living in one. Thus we know that it usually takes a team of builders or designers to construct something in our world. So why can't that apply to the designers of this world too? Just because religion and the Bible says it can't? Well that's not a good enough reason because authority is not truth and words do not create reality.

In addition, just as there are other teams creating other video games and virtual simulations, there could be other creators/teams running other world simulations too. We could also be an experiment, a human farm, or just entertainment in a virtual reality show to the designers that created us. In that case, we don't know who our creator or creators are, so why should we assume that we only have one creator?

So you see, these are good reasons I think, why we should keep the possibility of Polytheism -- or multiple deities, creators and custodians -- open, rather than assume that there can only be either one deity and creator or none at all, which is unwarranted. But it seems that that's what our culture and elite want us to choose from, probably for their own purposes of social control, so they present the debate about God as if there are only two choices in the matter -- Monotheism or Atheism, or Christianity vs. Atheism.

But both of these belief systems don't make sense if you think about it. Both organized religion and Atheism contains too many unwarranted assumptions and unanswered questions and are faith based. Science does not say that there is no God or creator, as Atheists presume. Atheism is a humanist view, opinion and belief, not a scientific one. Science is a tool and method, it does not hold views and opinions, as Atheists try to make it out to be. So we need more options and choices than just Monotheistic religions and Atheism.

Either way, I think that if there is a God, deity or creator, then there would likely be multiple Gods, deities and creators, for the reasons above. What do you think?

Of all the religions, Hinduism is the only one that is both polytheistic and monotheistic. It features many deities, but all the deities are faces of the same God, Brahma. This signifies that God is very multi-faceted and multi-dimensional, possessing many different personalities. Why not? Isn't God supposed to be able to do anything, including that which is beyond human comprehension? If this is true, then God may be more complex than we can imagine. So it's possible that multiple deities may be aspects of one deity. Perhaps it doesn't really matter, because in the higher realms of existence, such numbers as "one vs many" have no significance the way it does in our 3 dimensional universe. It could be that in higher realms, different laws apply that we cannot fathom with our linear minds. After all, our minds were designed and adapted to understand things in the physical universe, not higher realms or dimensions. So we must be humble and not pretend that we can know everything there is to know, or assume that everything can be measured in a laboratory, including higher dimensions of reality.

Furthermore, if there is a God or only one God, then why does he have to be 100 percent perfect, good, just and infallible? That seems like a programmed assumption and isn't warranted. Even if we can establish the existence of a creator, it does not logically follow that he or it has to be perfect. We know that nothing is perfect in this world and that no one is perfect. Creation is not perfect, so why should the creator be? A creation is a reflection of its creator after all. So the assumption here of a flawless creator is not sound or logical.

Moreover, the God of the Bible is clearly not perfect or all good, but has many character flaws and an evil violent side too, according to many Biblical stories, if taken literally that is. He gets jealous, angry, orders violence, kills innocent children and people, commits mass murder, carries out unfair punishments, decrees unfair laws, etc. He also can't be all powerful because he allows evil and injustice to rule the world, and can't even control Satan but has his plans thwarted by him. He even creates his own enemies such as the devil and demons. And he sends billions of unbelievers (the majority of the world's population) to an eternal hell of everlasting punishment, just for not believing in Jesus. None of this makes any sense.

So all the evidence and data indicate that God is not 100 percent perfect or good or just, but has a semi-evil side or dark side and so thus is IMPERFECT too, just like any flawed being is. Thus there is no logical reason to assume that a creator or deity MUST be perfect and infallible. That is just an assumption programmed into us by religion and our culture, perhaps to make us feel constantly inadequate since no one can measure up to perfection. The only explanation for this is that by getting people to believe in God's perfection and infallibility, they cannot question the authority of their religion or scriptures. This maximizes social control, which is what religion is all about.

An important point here is that just because here is a creator or creators, or there are builders of this world, it does NOT then logically follow that these creators or builders MUST be perfect, infallible, all good, all wise, all knowing and all powerful, as religion claims. A creator or builder is just that, by definition, and does not necessarily imply the traits of perfection or flawlessness or infallibility.

Also, just because something or someone is bigger and more powerful than you, does not mean he or it has to be perfect, flawless and always right. For example, if an ant or insect entered a large house built by humans, and marveled at the size and magnitude of the creation of the house, and then assumed that the builder or builders of the house MUST be all powerful, all wise, all good, all just, infallible and perfect, would the ant or insect be right? Of course not. The builders of the house are humans, and as fallible as any other living creatures. Just because a human being is a lot bigger and more powerful than an ant or insect, does not mean that the human being must have infallible flawless attributes. It does not logically follow. You get the drift?

Or suppose the 30+ trillion cells in your body, all of which are living organisms, believed that YOU, their god, are all powerful, all knowing, all good, perfect and infallible. Would their belief be accurate about you? Of course not. You are a fallible flawed dualistic being, as you well know, even though you are a "god" to the cells in your body and your mind is "the mind of god" to them. You make mistakes and have character flaws and shortcomings, so why can't God? Why does a Creator "need" to be perfect? It doesn't make sense. Think about it.

Likewise, there is no logical reason to believe that the creators or builders of this world must have perfect and infallible attributes either, as Christianity and Islam claim. These are simply religious doctrines that are preached to you, which you are expected to take on faith, just because they say so. They do not have any logic or reason to them. They are simply tools of social control.

Moreover, the existence of a creator or builder does not imply that there must be only one of such, as monotheistic religions such as Christianity and Islam claim. We all know that it takes a team of workers to build a house, a team of engineers and architects to design something elaborate, and a team of game designers to construct a computer simulation. So why can't there be a team of creators or builders of our world too, as logic and common sense would presume? Just because religion says there can't be? It doesn't make sense.

Also, if God is all powerful, then:

-- How come God had to use a flood to wipe out the human race at the time of Noah? Why didn't he just zap everyone he wanted to eliminate with a laser or ray and leave Noah and his family unharmed?
-- How come God always needed humans to write his infallible scriptures? Why didn't God just write the Bible himself in heaven and then drop it down to his believers, so that there would be no human error?
-- Why did God make the Israelites wander in the desert with Moses for 40 years to find the promised land? Why didn't he just transport them in a space ship, or teleport them over to the promised land like in Star Trek?
-- Why did God need 6 days to create the world? Why not do it instantaneously like Q can do in Star Trek The Next Generation?
-- Why do so many faithful obedient servants of God in the Bible end up dying a martyr's death, including the Apostle Paul and greatest prophets? Why would God let his loyal followers and warriors get killed if he was all powerful? Why doesn't he protect them? If obeying God doesn't save your life, then what's the point?
-- Why does God let Satan ruin his plans and rule his world and let him run amok, if he's all powerful? Why does God wipe out his human enemies, but can't wipe out his arch enemy, especially if he's the cause of all the sin and mayhem on Earth?
Etc. Etc.

Finally, if God is all knowing, then why would he create mankind knowing that he would rebel and fall in the Garden of Eden? And why would he let the serpent roam around the Garden of Eden, knowing what would result? Why would he create mankind just to wipe them out in a great flood? Why would he create a world where the majority would die unsaved and thus go to hell for all eternity? Furthermore, why would he even need to punish people for all eternity? Why not just extinguish them and be done with that? That sounds insane and psychotic.

However, I don't think our Creator or God would be 100 percent evil either, or else he would have just wiped us all out by now, or disallow any good from happening in the world. So most likely, our Creator (or Creators) are something in between, either semi-evil or possess a dark side. This would make sense, since in our reality, everything exists as a duality and union of opposites, depicted by the Chinese Ying Yang symbol. Everything must have an opposite to exist: Light must have a dark, good must have evil, white must have black, day must have night, up must have down, justice must have injustice, past must have future, Democrats must have Republicans, etc. So likewise, it makes sense for God to have an evil or dark side too, just like we all do. It even says in Genesis that God said that he knows evil too: "Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil." (Genesis 3:22)

Perhaps Satan or the devil represents God's dark half, instead of a separate entity. God and Satan could be like Jekyll and Hyde. There are even Bible verses that indicate that God and Satan are the same person or on the same side. For example:

2 Samuel 24:1
"Once again the anger of the LORD burned against Israel, and he caused David to harm them by taking a census. "Go and count the people of Israel and Judah," the LORD told him."

1 Chronicles 21:1
"Then Satan stood up against Israel and moved David to number Israel. So David said to Joab and to the princes of the people, "Go, number Israel from Beersheba even to Dan, and bring me word that I may know their number."

Interestingly, some of the Gnostic Gospels of the Nag Hammadi library -- discovered in 1945 in Egypt and considered to be among the Lost Gospels rejected from the official Church canon and suppressed -- actually say something like this. Some of the Gnostic texts reveal a stunning bombshell: That Satan is actually the God of the Old Testament in disguise, which they call a "demiurge", who imprisoned us in bodies in a world of physical matter in order to use and exploit us. And that's why there is so much evil and suffering in this world. So the devil's greatest deception wasn't in convincing the world that he doesn't exist, as Christians claim, but in convincing the world that he was God. It's a mind blowing revelation that turns Christianity on its head. No wonder such texts were suppressed and destroyed, and the Gnostic sects persecuted and wiped out.

According to this forbidden Gnostic teaching, Jesus actually came to save the world from the God or demiurge of the Old Testament, and was also sent by a higher good God to help free humanity of the lower "bad God" that created the world of matter. After all, Jesus did tell the Pharisees who followed Old Testament law that they were "children of the devil". So this implies that there are levels of Gods or deities. And it also says that the Serpent Lucifer (which means bringer of light) in the Garden of Eden, was also sent by a higher good God to liberate mankind from the demiurge creator. So the Bible story has it all backwards due to the demiurge's deception.

Anyway the point is, none of these religious claims about God's attributes make any sense. Just because the Christian Church or ministers or even the Bible claims all these things, doesn't make it true. Words do not create reality and authority is not truth. If the Church or Bible said that I looked like Britney Spears or that the Moon was made of Swiss cheese, would that make it true? Truth is not determined by authority, but by evidence, reason and logic. By those standards, what the church and religion says does not hold water.

But humans still need something to believe in. Therefore, it makes sense to seek answers elsewhere. Remember that authority is not truth and truth does not come in a package like fast food. Truth is something you have to dig for and piece together like a puzzle. It's a process and journey of discovery that takes work and dedication. You have to really love truth and knowledge and have a philosopher's soul to go such a route, for it comes with a lot of uncertainty and confusion in unknowing. So it's not for everyone, especially those who need the certainty of organized religion and its prepackaged "truths". It requires being comfortable with not knowing and the ability to embrace the unknown. The life of a truth seeker can also be a lonely one, one which alienates you from groups and societies that prefer conformity to established beliefs. And sometimes, the only reward you get is getting to keep your integrity intact. As great philosophers and writers have said:

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Friederich Nietzsche

"Men have been taught that it is a virtue to agree with others. But the creator is the man who disagrees. Men have been taught that it is a virtue to swim with the current. But the creator is the man who goes against the current. Men have been taught that it is a virtue to stand together. But the creator is the man who stands alone." - Ayn Rand

Just remember though, once you start down the path of a truth seeker, you can never turn back. Once you find some answers or become more enlightened during your search, you cannot become unenlightened or unknow things. For example, if you discover a big secret, can you forget it and pretend you don't know about it? Keep that in mind.

“If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.” - René Descartes
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by starchild5 »

Polytheism is a threat to the established world order. Only REAL show on earth ever with regards to GOD and Spirituality was in India for a long long time.

In India, all the Annunakis, Greys, Reptilians, jews etc are classified as Asuras aka Demonic Races in the universe and good races like Blue ETs, Nordic etc as Deva's or Angelic Beings and rest are classified as humans.

There is a constant war between Demons and Angels and Humans get caught in that war. That is the rough highest generalization of entire Indian spirituality. When demons start winning against the angels, God intervenes. When humans suffer in the hands of demons, gods intervene.

However, One must remember that all Polytheistic gods are very practical they have weaknesses, on bad day they could be defeated, they have reached the highest potential in the universe due to which, they always come out as winners because they have the highest spiritual energy. Angels make lots of mistake, they are overthrown by demons regularly, humans are saved by angels, there are good demons as well.

In Polytheism God can be known and you can become like him, if you do what he tells you.

In Polytheism, Gods move on to higher dimensions and new gods take over which manages this part of the galaxy. Each galaxies, universe have different gods etc..

The highest form of GOD is mere frequency aka Brahman which is of no Practical use to us.

This is where Christians, Islam and Buddhists fail..all created by the Darkness to keep humanity away from the real source.

You posts was very close to what Vedas say than what bible preaches. You are more closer to Hinduism I believe with your line of thought. An inquiring mind can easily become a Hindu. Those who do not believe in Rigid system becomes Dharmic Person easily.

Only Hinduism is the most practical religion that works with your strengths and weakness. Its very much fine to like 100 girls as long as you respect them. Its not a sin to like many girls. Its very practical way to develop yourself. The Gurus in India, work with your strengths in life but never they condemn your weakness like Christians do...For Christians everyone is a born sinner...Which is LIE.

The greatest poison ever created was Christianity, Islam - It will not only kill you but won't even let you incarnate properly. You will be condemned to rot pain and misery with these two religion. They are completely off tangent from The Universal Law which even Gods have to follow.

The Gods in India truly understand the problems on earth and they always come ARMED with weapons to defeat the bad guys. They are not stupid. They come prepared.

Incarnation of higher beings on Earth Signifies change of AGE. The Age of Aquarius will TRULY begin when the Incarnation of lord come. Only a very high dimensional being can change the frequencies of lower planes of existence.

You are right. Polytheism is the most practical solution for humanity.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Winston »

Thanks for another great response starchild. Remember that polytheism was the ORIGINAL spiritual practice of all ancient people. Monotheism came to enslave and subjugate everyone into a central authority, so it was a bad thing, not a good thing like westerners think.

Monotheism began when the rebel egyptian pharaoh akhenaten tried to force everyone to worship only one god. Because he was too corrupt, he and his priests were overthrown and banished. Scholars such as Michael Tsarion say that this rebel pharaoh is the origin of Christianity and the illuminati.

Starchild, do u believe the ancient Greek gods, Nordic gods and Roman gods were all real?

Also if Hinduism is the most sensible religion, then what about the caste system it preaches that enslaves people into a certain group that they can never get out of? Are westerners correct that the caste system is oppressive and backwards? What do indian people think of it? Does it serve any beneficial purpose?

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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Eric »

People falsely believe today that the ancient Hebrew people, who were really the Phoenician Canaanites - worshiped one God and that they were all monotheistic. They were not, the pantheon of gods in Phoenician Canaanite religion was probably the most diverse in any region of the world.
Elohim figures in the Bible several times, and is mistranslated in a lot of versions, or absent all together. It means plural of "El", which was Hebrew for god (m.), so it means gods (pl. m/f). Interesting stuff people don't know.

I think what happened was, as you said; a centralizing force began to take shape it began to use this One God theory to centralize power. I think somebody figured out that they could use the powerful concept of Religion to co-opt and gain power over people (deceit). You can see that this took shape way before the Roman Empire.
It's interesting you mention Akhenaten, because that was a central figure of "praise" in Manly P. Hall's book The Lost Keys of Freemasonry. Hall was a 33rd degree Mason and the esoteric go-to spokesperson for the nwo to disseminate their ideas to the public. He starts off the book with a whole chapter on him, and praises him as one of the first founders of enlightened consciousness and the dream of bringing the entire world together. In other words, an nwo. I found it funny reading this, how Hall really praised him; when I knew for a fact that he was universally despised by the Egyptians. People hate oppression, and being told what to do; I guess not much has changed in 4,000 years.
I do know the Egyptians universally hated Akhenaten, the priestly class and the public alike - everyone pretty much hated him, because he came along and upset the order; he stripped Amun - the main Egyptian God at the time (similar to what we think of as God, the most High) of his power, and forced everyone to worship Ra, a godling, as the absolute and only God.
This was a form of oppression over the people. His glyphs and statues were defaced and destructed after he died, his buildings and temples destroyed.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by starchild5 »

Winston wrote:Thanks for another great response starchild. Remember that polytheism was the ORIGINAL spiritual practice of all ancient people. Monotheism came to enslave and subjugate everyone into a central authority, so it was a bad thing, not a good thing like westerners think.

Monotheism began when the rebel egyptian pharaoh akhenaten tried to force everyone to worship only one god. Because he was too corrupt, he and his priests were overthrown and banished. Scholars such as Michael Tsarion say that this rebel pharaoh is the origin of Christianity and the illuminati.

Starchild, do u believe the ancient Greek gods, Nordic gods and Roman gods were all real?

Also if Hinduism is the most sensible religion, then what about the caste system it preaches that enslaves people into a certain group that they can never get out of? Are westerners correct that the caste system is oppressive and backwards? What do indian people think of it? Does it serve any beneficial purpose?

Yes. All Greek, Nordic, Roman gods were real and they are very similar to Indian gods. The ancient history is completely different from what Jews told us.

Caste System was twisted by the British and further Media Whored to the entire world. Earlier, in India, it was mere a Social Structure based on your talents and DNA lineage. Earlier, if you were good in Spirituality, you can join Spiritual school, if in fighting, you will join the warrior class, if you good in music, you will join music caste etc etc..It become so refined that, it was by default that based on your Karma, you will be born in a caste that furthers your life goals.

In order to kill useless Competition, Caste system was created. For example, You are guaranteed one girl for your life but without caste, it would be like America :lol: :lol: ..where p***y flows upwards to the rich, in India that would be prince will have all the girls.

Caste system saves you from unnecessary rigged competition, Fighting for Women, Food and water, taxes, divorces - because in India, these things are considered VERY VERY LOW. The highest form was to seek GOD. Everything in India was designed to seek God first. India was the land of spirituality for a reason. It was the richest country for 80% of all of humanities existence till date due to caste system.

Caste System removes, whatever crap we are seeing in America by default.

Now, this system was corrupted by the Jews and they introduced their own rules and created there own caste and brought the entire system down. Even today India is surviving due to caste system.

Caste system prevents a country from becoming like America. Its a perfect system for spiritual growth. It has restrictions for a reason to avoid becoming a country like America.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Adama »

Michael Tsarion is a false prophet who is going to lead many souls to hell. You might as well be following Richard Dawkins. They believe in junk. Michael Tsarion gives you the same junk you can get from the History channel's Ancient Aliens or from David Icke. I believe these men are in contact with gods. Mini gods with the little g, also known as the fallen angels or demons. Keep practicing sorcery, contacting spirits, casting spells. That is using the power of demons to get what you want.

Satan and demons are real. They are called devils. They can oppress and possess people. People do contact them, worship them, make sacrifices unto them, but most people unknowingly worship Satan when they practice casting spells, use witchcraft, contact the dead, attempt to predict the future.

Winston, as of right now, unless you believed in Christ as a child and you can't remember it, it seems you are a lost soul.

You're really on the same page as Richard Dawkins. It does something like this: "Anybody but the true God, please, please! I just don't want Him! Please let anything else, ANYTHING, be our god, but not Jesus Christ, no, not Him!"
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Eric »

starchild5 wrote:
Winston wrote:Thanks for another great response starchild. Remember that polytheism was the ORIGINAL spiritual practice of all ancient people. Monotheism came to enslave and subjugate everyone into a central authority, so it was a bad thing, not a good thing like westerners think.

Monotheism began when the rebel egyptian pharaoh akhenaten tried to force everyone to worship only one god. Because he was too corrupt, he and his priests were overthrown and banished. Scholars such as Michael Tsarion say that this rebel pharaoh is the origin of Christianity and the illuminati.

Starchild, do u believe the ancient Greek gods, Nordic gods and Roman gods were all real?

Also if Hinduism is the most sensible religion, then what about the caste system it preaches that enslaves people into a certain group that they can never get out of? Are westerners correct that the caste system is oppressive and backwards? What do indian people think of it? Does it serve any beneficial purpose?

Yes. All Greek, Nordic, Roman gods were real and they are very similar to Indian gods. The ancient history is completely different from what Jews told us.

Caste System was twisted by the British and further Media Whored to the entire world. Earlier, in India, it was mere a Social Structure based on your talents and DNA lineage. Earlier, if you were good in Spirituality, you can join Spiritual school, if in fighting, you will join the warrior class, if you good in music, you will join music caste etc etc..It become so refined that, it was by default that based on your Karma, you will be born in a caste that furthers your life goals.

In order to kill useless Competition, Caste system was created. For example, You are guaranteed one girl for your life but without caste, it would be like America :lol: :lol: ..where p***y flows upwards to the rich, in India that would be prince will have all the girls.

Caste system saves you from unnecessary rigged competition, Fighting for Women, Food and water, taxes, divorces - because in India, these things are considered VERY VERY LOW. The highest form was to seek GOD. Everything in India was designed to seek God first. India was the land of spirituality for a reason. It was the richest country for 80% of all of humanities existence till date due to caste system.

Caste System removes, whatever crap we are seeing in America by default.

Now, this system was corrupted by the Jews and they introduced their own rules and created there own caste and brought the entire system down. Even today India is surviving due to caste system.

Caste system prevents a country from becoming like America. Its a perfect system for spiritual growth. It has restrictions for a reason to avoid becoming a country like America.
How do you know that they were real? What does real mean? Does it mean that they existed and that people worshiped them? To me, it seems like they were real in the consciousness of those people, but just made up creations - different from time and place. As in West, even in East spiritual masters warn against trying to "quantify" or define reality, or God. God is unknowable, indefinable. The Buddhists and Hindus would say that consciousness is real, and that aims at identifying or labeling it or "grasping" it are all false. Actually, both East and West are incredibly similar in this regard, almost exactly similar. This is never talked about for purposes of division and I think to maintain cultural identities. This speaks to the nature of Truth, and how everyone comes upon it from all corners of the world.
I understand Vedic history is full of many gods.
I just don't understand how these are real, but made up creations by mankind in a fanciful way, different to time and culture and therefor just cultural artifacts. Anything's real in the mind of those who create it in their consciousness. I suppose this could all be real, but the consciousness we have as humans all comes from the Godhead - all the gods, etc, are just outcroppings of the One divine God in the world.

I believe in my Judaic/Christian background and faith; because that's all I was raised with - it's what I know, it seems right to me. Also, because it has a firm foundation in common sense, rooted in ancient knowledge/wisdom, and has stood the test of time. Nothing else I see today remains rooted in anything but bullshit. Everything's a lie or a deception now; I would agree with you. It's very dangerous. The ancient Torah Hebrews were different than the 'Judaism' of today, remember that. In my studies, it was Talmud and Cabbala which are mainly responsible for the diversion of the Jewish people, today. Even this can be proven in the Bible - just look at the very first book of Genesis; there is a warning for man not to step outside his bounds and run things. It is also said, pride will come before a fall - if you look at this group we have to seemingly 'run the world' today, although we don't know exactly who they are - we know that they are acting very proudly and are full of themselves - they will fall. The bible is infallible. When you speak of the Jews corrupting and lying about everything, remember that, please.
Last edited by Eric on April 20th, 2016, 5:25 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by starchild5 »

Adama wrote:

Satan and demons are real. They are called devils. They can oppress and possess people. People do contact them, worship them, make sacrifices unto them, but most people unknowingly worship Satan when they practice casting spells, use witchcraft, contact the dead, attempt to predict the future.
I agree...Devil is very real. However, the definition of Devil itself is very very wrong which was put there intentionally by Devil himself :lol: ..People must know this. Its Deception within Deception.

Remember, He is the master of deception. You will be fooled and be possessed and he will get the things from you one way or the other.

I believe, the person in India whom i met, whom I thought saved me from Devil was Devil himself. :shock: :shock:

He will be your Best Friend, A Friend in Need and "SAVE YOU FROM DEVIL" because of the dirty, deceptive image he has created of himself in society.

Devil NEVER Comes the way, its depicted in society. Infact, he will be the first person to save you from Evil and then he gains trust and then he slowly works his way to take your soul away. 99.99% of humanity has no chance against the Devil...If he decides, he gets it.

I was saved when he had possessed 50% of my body. At the last moment, He was jolted out, I don't know how but some force inside my body rejected him...even then I was not sure, if he took my soul or not. For few months, I had to do lots of test and experiments to see if I was the same guy...Since, I'm in India, its easy because, there are lots of spiritual guidance available. People in the west can be easily possessed by the Devil and there soul taken away.

I have seen the power of Devil..Its nearly as powerful as god itself. I literally shiited my pants when he did certain things on me..Yes...Sh*t actually came out my a** and got stuck in my trousers and I pissed like a baby in my trousers.

This is the Con guys...What I wrote would be impossible to believe...THIS IS EXACTLY how Devil Works.. 8) get it...? You won't believe Devil exists...The encounter with Devil would indeed be unbelievable, That's the level of deception we are dealing with here folks. You won't believe this, I know, because I know the power of Devil :roll:

Your encounter with Devil will be very very complicated and different. What people write about Satan, Devil is not at all, how he works his way on earth. All this sacrifice, eating flesh and blood is a distraction, he wont get you that way ...
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by starchild5 »

Eric wrote:
starchild5 wrote:
Winston wrote:Thanks for another great response starchild. Remember that polytheism was the ORIGINAL spiritual practice of all ancient people. Monotheism came to enslave and subjugate everyone into a central authority, so it was a bad thing, not a good thing like westerners think.

Monotheism began when the rebel egyptian pharaoh akhenaten tried to force everyone to worship only one god. Because he was too corrupt, he and his priests were overthrown and banished. Scholars such as Michael Tsarion say that this rebel pharaoh is the origin of Christianity and the illuminati.

Starchild, do u believe the ancient Greek gods, Nordic gods and Roman gods were all real?

Also if Hinduism is the most sensible religion, then what about the caste system it preaches that enslaves people into a certain group that they can never get out of? Are westerners correct that the caste system is oppressive and backwards? What do indian people think of it? Does it serve any beneficial purpose?

Yes. All Greek, Nordic, Roman gods were real and they are very similar to Indian gods. The ancient history is completely different from what Jews told us.

Caste System was twisted by the British and further Media Whored to the entire world. Earlier, in India, it was mere a Social Structure based on your talents and DNA lineage. Earlier, if you were good in Spirituality, you can join Spiritual school, if in fighting, you will join the warrior class, if you good in music, you will join music caste etc etc..It become so refined that, it was by default that based on your Karma, you will be born in a caste that furthers your life goals.

In order to kill useless Competition, Caste system was created. For example, You are guaranteed one girl for your life but without caste, it would be like America :lol: :lol: ..where p***y flows upwards to the rich, in India that would be prince will have all the girls.

Caste system saves you from unnecessary rigged competition, Fighting for Women, Food and water, taxes, divorces - because in India, these things are considered VERY VERY LOW. The highest form was to seek GOD. Everything in India was designed to seek God first. India was the land of spirituality for a reason. It was the richest country for 80% of all of humanities existence till date due to caste system.

Caste System removes, whatever crap we are seeing in America by default.

Now, this system was corrupted by the Jews and they introduced their own rules and created there own caste and brought the entire system down. Even today India is surviving due to caste system.

Caste system prevents a country from becoming like America. Its a perfect system for spiritual growth. It has restrictions for a reason to avoid becoming a country like America.
How do you know that they were real? What does real mean? Does it mean that they existed and that people worshiped them? To me, it seems like they were real in the consciousness of those people, but just made up creations - different from time and place. As in West, even in East spiritual masters warn against trying to "quantify" or define reality, or God. God is unknowable, indefinable. The Buddhists and Hindus would say that consciousness is real, and that aims at identifying or labeling it or "grasping" it are all false.
I understand Vedic history is full of many gods.
I just don't understand how these are real, but made up creations by mankind in a fanciful way, different to time and culture and therefor just cultural artifacts. Anything's real in the mind of those who create it in their consciousness. I suppose this could all be real, but the consciousness we have as humans all comes from the Godhead - all the gods, etc, are just outcroppings of the One divine God in the world.

All Gods are cosmic allegories, when they come in this dimension, they assume human form. They interacted with humans openly but now due to change of time, the vibration of planet has come down and the gods have gone from the "Sight " of human race but they are still there in high dimension.

The Vedic Seers know that the God with big G which is Formless, Shapeless and all powerful and all knowing. BUT that god is of no use to humanity in the most practical sense.

India had Yoga for that reason. For human race, we are very Ignorant and helpless. We need a practical god who can guide us, be our mentor.

In Hinduism...The Demi gods, gods have restrictions as well. They cannot work against natural law, Dharma. They do make mistakes. India has already acknowledged the all Powerful GOD unknowable, indefinable, we call it BRAHMAN...All THERE IS...SUPREME

The most practical god for western folks are Hindu gods. If western people adopt Indian god, they would become super human due to other talent they have. Its the spiritual aspect that puts them down.

Indian gods say, you can even go beyond them, take their position....right now, they are of only help to us, they have reached the highest frequency possible.

All Indian gods have weapons for a reason, because they know they are NOT THE BRAHMAN itself..THE GOD itself...They need to defend themselves from darker forces. The Supreme GOD with big G is not practical to human race.

That is why Vedic system has many gods to work with according to what your life goals are. They don't want you to pray to them, infact its against their teachings, they want you to work on your DHARMA.

DHARMA is the one thing that can change your life not God. Work on your Dharma and be free
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Eric »

I am familiar with what you are talking about - but I am ignorant of to who these god(s) are, their functions, etc. This is an east v. west thing. One side is different than the other; we don't understand each other. I sense the truth in what you are saying, but I'm afraid. Vedic culture and Religion is so foreign to most of us, here - that most of us are unfamiliar with what IT is; other than the very basics of hearing about it - and then we move on. Like, here - if you were to go out and discuss this with someone; that you prayed to one of the many godlings; you would be looked at as strange, very strange, and probably avoided by most people. This, despite how open our borders have been, and how much access these concepts and ideas western people have had; it's still relatively unknown or practiced by a wide range of people. They'd rather go out for a new age movement, or be atheists. Many hate the idea of God, god(s) or anything divine. You will have more Buddhists here, than Hindus. Infact, there are many more.
I'm not saying this isn't true. Just that this stands as a huge roadblock in the way to reach out and try and do what you are saying. There is basically no niche or area in society where you can or are allowed to practice such things. You'd have to do it - entirely on your own, or with small bands of groups. Even then you'd have to stay, for the most part - private about it.

Do you understand?

P.S. I have a(n) illustrated copy of the Bhagavad Gita, and also another on the Krisna consciousness.

Do you think the Bible is incorrect/ that it lies to us?
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Winston »

Thanks. So if these ancient gods of the Greeks and Romans also existed, then did they come down and appear before mortals? What happened to them? Why don't they appear before humans today? And how did the Greeks and Romans get their gods? Who made them up in their culture or myth, to the point where Roman Emperors began making sacrifices to them to win battles?

Regarding the caste system in India, is it true that the Indian caste system divides people by income, so that the poorest caste will always remain poor and never have a chance to move up on the ladder? That's what western critics say. Is it true?

Btw everyone, keep in mind that when the Bible says in the Ten Commandments that "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me", it never said that other gods didn't exist. It only meant that Jehovah didn't want people worshipping any other gods from himself. Same with Akhenaton. He never claimed the other Egyptian gods didn't exist. He just didn't want anyone worshipping them. He only wanted his deity, which I think was called "Aton" to be worshipped. Supposedly, according to Michael Tsarion, the all seeing eye on the back of the one dollar bill is the "eye of Aton". And Aton is the precursor of the Christian God, and also represents Lucifer, the bringer of light (not Satan), which the Freemasons and Illuminati worship as well. That's why you have Egyptian symbols and monuments all over Washington DC, London, the Vatican, and even on British royalty attire. And also in Freemasonry and Judaism too of course. That's how it all connects, according to the top Illuminati researchers such as Michael Tsarion and Jordan Maxwell, who both possess far more advanced and deeper knowledge of the Illuminati than David Icke and Alex Jones does.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Adama »

Other gods do exist. They are called devils and demons. The Greeks, Romans and Egyptians had real gods. They are the devils and demons. Yes, the ancient aliens helped the Egyptians build their temples. Those aliens were demons. Demons are much wiser than men.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Adama »

Winston wrote:Starchild,
Thanks. So if these ancient gods of the Greeks and Romans also existed, then did they come down and appear before mortals? What happened to them? Why don't they appear before humans today? And how did the Greeks and Romans get their gods? Who made them up in their culture or myth, to the point where Roman Emperors began making sacrifices to them to win battles?

Regarding the caste system in India, is it true that the Indian caste system divides people by income, so that the poorest caste will always remain poor and never have a chance to move up on the ladder? That's what western critics say. Is it true?

Btw everyone, keep in mind that when the Bible says in the Ten Commandments that "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me", it never said that other gods didn't exist. It only meant that Jehovah didn't want people worshipping any other gods from himself. Same with Akhenaton. He never claimed the other Egyptian gods didn't exist. He just didn't want anyone worshipping them. He only wanted his deity, which I think was called "Aton" to be worshipped. Supposedly, according to Michael Tsarion, the all seeing eye on the back of the one dollar bill is the "eye of Aton". And Aton is the precursor of the Christian God, and also represents Lucifer, the bringer of light (not Satan), which the Freemasons and Illuminati worship as well. That's why you have Egyptian symbols and monuments all over Washington DC, London, the Vatican, and even on British royalty attire. And also in Freemasonry and Judaism too of course. That's how it all connects, according to the top Illuminati researchers such as Michael Tsarion and Jordan Maxwell, who both possess far more advanced and deeper knowledge of the Illuminati than David Icke and Alex Jones does.

Winston, I like you, but you need to stop paying attention to these fools. You're a smart man. However, they are leading you down a dark path. Listen to me. I really do like you.

Your new companion is not your friend. He is telling you lies and half truths. There is no distinction between Lucifer and Satan. Lucifer is his name. Satan is what he is. The adversary. The devil. It is more like a title than a name. But they are the same person. Anyone who tells you differently is being oppressed by Satan themselves. These are the same people who will tell you that light and dark magic are different, when they come from the same source: demons (fallen angels). God doesn't practice sorcery.

Also, although Lucifer desperately wishes he was God, he is only a created being. God was God in the beginning. Lucifer was created as the most beautiful angel. He was created by God, Jehovah, whose name you accurately used in the beginning.

Listen closely. You are learning a Satanic doctrine which is based on Gnosticism and the Kabbalah. It turns God into the evil one and Satan (Lucifer) into the good one. The Freemasons themselves believed that God and Lucifer were co-gods, but that Lucifer is the good guy and that God is the bad guy. Lucifer brought the human race freedom, but that freedom is a false liberty. Their freedom to sin is not nearly as glorious as following God, because God is the source of all glory. Sin is just filthiness. But when people are wrapped in sin, they truly believe that sin is glorious. They don't realize that there is something far more pure and glorious but which can only come from God, not sin and not Satan. So these Luciferians believe that being free to do whatever is good. But it is really a terrible thing because it is filthy, and if they would just believe God, He would give them all the things they want, but the pure version rather than the filthy version of it, which would be far more glorious than the filthy thing. But they think the freedom to commit abominations is true liberty and true glory. No, it's just disgusting, and it means they'll likely spend eternity in hell for the 70 years of abominable "freedom" they had while alive.
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by Eric »

"Your new companion is not your friend. He is telling you lies and half truths. "

Who? Who are you talking about?...
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Re: Why Polytheism makes more sense than Monotheism

Post by starchild5 »

Winston wrote:Starchild,
Thanks. So if these ancient gods of the Greeks and Romans also existed, then did they come down and appear before mortals? What happened to them? Why don't they appear before humans today? And how did the Greeks and Romans get their gods? Who made them up in their culture or myth, to the point where Roman Emperors began making sacrifices to them to win battles?

Regarding the caste system in India, is it true that the Indian caste system divides people by income, so that the poorest caste will always remain poor and never have a chance to move up on the ladder? That's what western critics say. Is it true?

Btw everyone, keep in mind that when the Bible says in the Ten Commandments that "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me", it never said that other gods didn't exist. It only meant that Jehovah didn't want people worshipping any other gods from himself. Same with Akhenaton. He never claimed the other Egyptian gods didn't exist. He just didn't want anyone worshipping them. He only wanted his deity, which I think was called "Aton" to be worshipped. Supposedly, according to Michael Tsarion, the all seeing eye on the back of the one dollar bill is the "eye of Aton". And Aton is the precursor of the Christian God, and also represents Lucifer, the bringer of light (not Satan), which the Freemasons and Illuminati worship as well. That's why you have Egyptian symbols and monuments all over Washington DC, London, the Vatican, and even on British royalty attire. And also in Freemasonry and Judaism too of course. That's how it all connects, according to the top Illuminati researchers such as Michael Tsarion and Jordan Maxwell, who both possess far more advanced and deeper knowledge of the Illuminati than David Icke and Alex Jones does.
The Greek trinity gods Zeus / Poseidon/ and Hades are Brahma / Vishnu/ Shiva.

Hindu goddess trinity is Saraswati/ Parvati/ Lakshmi is Hera, Hestia and Demeter

Goddess Lakshmi ( wealth ) is Hera.

Goddess Saraswati ( learning and fine arts ) is Athena

Yama ( god of death ) is Hades

God Varuna is Poseidon.

Vishwakarma ( divine architect ) is Haphastus.

God Murugan is Ares.

Krishna’s weak foot pierced by an arrow is same as Achilles foot.

Krishna and Hercules kill giant snakes.

Indian Sapta rishis is seven sisters.

Norse, Roman, Indian, Mayan, Aztec gods are all same. The entire ancient civilization that was destroyed by the jews are same as Indian Religion. In Ancient times, The entire world had many gods.

Due to Age of Darkness, many gods have gone to higher dimension, only few gods have available to humans today, the vibration is very dark now a days, so most gods have gone away. Now, new gods aka Avatar will come to save humanity. The old gods do not have the power to destroy the evil now.

In Indian religion, Gods and Aliens are very similar...We call it Loka's aka Realms ...

Indian Caste System is designed for Spiritual growth. It has nothing whatsoever to do with making money. The highest Caste in India the brahmans are the poorest. They are not allowed to WORK, nor buy vehicles, nor do business, Most Brahmans have to live on donations from others.

The higher the Caste, The poorer the person. The higher caste people have many restriction, they cannot eat non veg, they need to be pure no smoking, no drinking etc...Its not easy living in high caste.

The british, jews infiltrated the caste system and destroyed it and spread whatever they had done to outside world :)

I would really really suggest you read this guy Ajit Vadakyil. He has incredible information. You will be blown away.

http://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.in/2012/0 ... piter.html

http://ajitvadakayil.blogspot.in/2012/0 ... coded.html
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