Tough Questions Christians Have NEVER Answered That Disprove Their Dogmas! (Ongoing Series)

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Re: Tough Questions Christians Have NEVER Answered That Disprove Their Dogmas! (Ongoing Series)

Post by Lordservant »

This is in response to the individual who went on a large rant about not believing in God and that the Bible is a product of man’s wishful thinking about God’s existence,creationism, eternal life, and that Christianity is merely a product of man’ wishful thinking. I did not waste my time reading your whole rant, because I think it is your opinion, that is not based on any facts other than your view that evolution is real and anything that disputes it is pseudoscience and not to be taken seriously. However, I would like to give you a website that has and will show the creation model to be very accurate and will give you food for thought. I will also be sending you a website of an atheist who states that there is evidence to support a narrow view of Adam and Eve’s existence. Doctor Carl Baugh at Creation Museum, who use to be an atheist, has prove that disproves evolution and through scientific studies done on mud deposits at the end of all major rivers flowing into the ocean, has found only about 5,000 to 6,000 years of mud deposits made since the creation of the earth.

You also mentioned that, if God was a loving God why would he send people to hell. You forgot to mention that God since no to hell, but people choose to go there because they will not accept the free gift of salvation provided by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Oh, I wanted to share a true story that took place when I was on vacation in Mexico in 1988. I was on a bus to visit my girlfriend in Mexico City and met several people from Great Britain and one from Germany. The bus stopped at a small town so we all decided to get something to eat at a small restaurant. We sat down to eat I prayed over the food I was eating and they all laughed at me. They asked if I believed in the wivetells and stories of the Bible and I said believed the Bible to be true. Then I shared a story and said, say you are right that there is no God. I live my life to the very best of my ability to please God and then I die and find out there is not a God. I miss out on going to heaven and seeing my loved ones again. But then I told them what happens if you live your life believing there is no God and find out that He does exist and you are on your way to hell for eternity, who is worse off, it would be you. Instead you will continue to believe that you evolved from a monkey. What takes more faith, to believe you came from a giant genetic slim pool or to believe in a loving God who created you. I will believe in a loving God creating me any day of the week. Oh, I don’t know if I mentioned that Doctor Baugh was an atheist and evolutionist like you who through studying creation, found out there was a creator and it was Yahweh our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. I will go ahead post now and will try to send you his website for your review. Now you can say that a Christian actually responded to your rant and that there truly is a God who does not want you to decide to go to hell for your sins. If at anytime you would like to give your life to Jesus let me know and I will lead you into prayer for salvations. Perry

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Re: Tough Questions Christians Have NEVER Answered That Disprove Their Dogmas! (Ongoing Series)

Post by Lordservant »

Also, the book that gives a narrow view of some evidence that we came from one man and one women can be found in Joshua Swamidass’s book “The Genealogical Adam and Eve.” He is is an atheist and an evolutionist who states that Adam and Eve probably took place about 5000 to 6000 years ago. He states that he also believes in evolution and that these original people interbred with other primitive human like groups to create a caveman like people group. He is still a believer in the religion of evolution and states that this book could bridge the gap between evolutionist and other religious groups.

I tried to post his website but I am not tech savvy enough to do so. However you can find his website at Creation Museum and his name is Doctor Carl Baugh in Glenrose, Texas. He was able to find a fossil in a single layer of rock that had a dinosaur foot print, a human foot print, and a trilobite all together on a single flat rock. It was sent off to Washington DC to be evaluated and was found to be authentic. This alone disproves evolution and should give you food for thought about your religion evolution.
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Re: Tough Questions Christians Have NEVER Answered That Disprove Their Dogmas! (Ongoing Series)

Post by Winston »

Lordservant wrote:
November 7th, 2021, 12:00 pm
This is in response to the individual who went on a large rant about not believing in God and that the Bible is a product of man’s wishful thinking about God’s existence,creationism, eternal life, and that Christianity is merely a product of man’ wishful thinking. I did not waste my time reading your whole rant, because I think it is your opinion, that is not based on any facts other than your view that evolution is real and anything that disputes it is pseudoscience and not to be taken seriously. However, I would like to give you a website that has and will show the creation model to be very accurate and will give you food for thought. I will also be sending you a website of an atheist who states that there is evidence to support a narrow view of Adam and Eve’s existence. Doctor Carl Baugh at Creation Museum, who use to be an atheist, has prove that disproves evolution and through scientific studies done on mud deposits at the end of all major rivers flowing into the ocean, has found only about 5,000 to 6,000 years of mud deposits made since the creation of the earth.
Hi Lord Servant,
Welcome to the forum. I don't know who you are referring to, but I never said I believe in evolution and I'm not an atheist. Maybe you mixed me up with someone else. There's not a lot of atheists here, only a few. I agree with you that evolution and atheism is bogus and have written many posts about that. I believe in intelligent design too. It's obvious and a no brainer. Even the Freemason encyclopedia says that atheists who deny intelligent design all around them are among the stupidest in the world, in their entry on atheism.

I have more of a New Age perspective on intelligent design though, not a Christian one. New Agers are pantheistic and they see humans as being seeded either by aliens or an advanced ancient race, or by the cosmic consciousness of the universe that creates life everywhere as part of its natural function, which is a form of pantheism or monism, which the ancients called animism.

But just because there's intelligent design and creation, doesn't the Bible and Christianity must be true. All wise people know that the Bible only makes sense as metaphorical or allegorical truth. Not literal truth. If you take it literally, you have hundreds of unresolvable problems. Same with any story or legend or movie. They all contain good metaphorical truth. But if you take them literally you create many problems and contradictions that make no sense. That's why all wise people see religion as metaphorical truth, same as any great tale or legend. Not historical fact. Consider that no great genius or thinker or philosopher in history was ever a Christian fundamentalist or Atheist fundamentalist. Because fundamentalism narrows your mind and turns you toward authority worship rather than thinking for yourself, and that applies to atheist fundamentalists too, as well as Christian fundamentalists. Neither are freethinkers. Both are brainwashed and hijacked.

Only an NPC with a binary mind, like a computer program consisting of 1's and 0's, think of everything in terms of black or white, good or evil, true or false. Most Christians seem to be NPC's, especially the fundamentalist types. Because they see everything as 100 percent true or false. So they demand that you accept all the Bible as truth or none of it. That's how binary they are, which is characteristic of NPCs. A wise soul knows better and understands that the Bible can contain both truths and lies, not all one or the other. That's the wisest position, to take the MIDDLE ground, not either extreme.

If you read my posts, you will see that I've explained all this many times already. So no need to repeat it. Perhaps you mixed me up with someone else?

Keep in mind that the BIble is not one book with one author. It's a fallacy to see the Bible and God as one and the same, and it's foolish to worship a collection of books as though it were God himself. The Bible was written by many men throughout many eras and contains good things and bad things, truths and lies, beauty and cruelty, etc. It's been edited and corrupted many times by many people. It's very naive and foolish to think that the Bible is the only thing in the last 2000 years that has never been corrupted or changed, when it's been in the hands of kings and emperors, such as Constantine or King James I. Of course it has. To think everything is corrupted by Satan or corrupt humans, and the Bible and Evangelical Christanity alone remains pure and uncorrupted is greatly naive and mistaken. Look up Dr. Bart Ehrman. He is a top secular Bible scholar and has plenty of proof that the Bible has been changed and edited many times and is anything but timeless and uncorrupted as Christians apologists like to imagine.

Hope that makes things clear.
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Re: Tough Questions Christians Have NEVER Answered That Disprove Their Dogmas! (Ongoing Series)

Post by Winston »

Lordservant wrote:
November 7th, 2021, 12:00 pm
You also mentioned that, if God was a loving God why would he send people to hell. You forgot to mention that God since no to hell, but people choose to go there because they will not accept the free gift of salvation provided by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Oh, I wanted to share a true story that took place when I was on vacation in Mexico in 1988. I was on a bus to visit my girlfriend in Mexico City and met several people from Great Britain and one from Germany. The bus stopped at a small town so we all decided to get something to eat at a small restaurant. We sat down to eat I prayed over the food I was eating and they all laughed at me. They asked if I believed in the wivetells and stories of the Bible and I said believed the Bible to be true. Then I shared a story and said, say you are right that there is no God. I live my life to the very best of my ability to please God and then I die and find out there is not a God. I miss out on going to heaven and seeing my loved ones again. But then I told them what happens if you live your life believing there is no God and find out that He does exist and you are on your way to hell for eternity, who is worse off, it would be you. Instead you will continue to believe that you evolved from a monkey. What takes more faith, to believe you came from a giant genetic slim pool or to believe in a loving God who created you. I will believe in a loving God creating me any day of the week. Oh, I don’t know if I mentioned that Doctor Baugh was an atheist and evolutionist like you who through studying creation, found out there was a creator and it was Yahweh our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. I will go ahead post now and will try to send you his website for your review. Now you can say that a Christian actually responded to your rant and that there truly is a God who does not want you to decide to go to hell for your sins. If at anytime you would like to give your life to Jesus let me know and I will lead you into prayer for salvations. Perry
Regarding your paragraph above: I already addressed this. Isn't it wrong and cruel to put people in a NO WIN situation at the outset? And isn't it wrong and cruel to blame us all for something that Adam and Eve did, such as biting from a forbidden apple/fruit, which is more trivial than getting a parking ticket?

Christianity says we are all sinners and cannot get into heaven because God's standard for getting into heaven is perfection. But since no one is born perfect, no one can earn their way into heaven. Therefore, one MUST accept Jesus as their savior to get into heaven. Do you see that this is a NO WIN, LOSE LOSE situation and scenario at the outset that tries to FORCE you to "accept Christ" as the solution to the no win situation? Isn't that HIGHLY MANIPULATIVE? Do you see how cruel and wrong that is? It's something that only cruel sociopaths do.

Even if God actually says this, it's still cruel and wrong. And makes him far from perfect. Just because you think God is perfect or he claims to be perfect, doesn't make it so. No creator in the world is perfect by definition, even if he is a creator. Especially if there's no evidence to support it. The Bible is far from perfect and so is the God of the OT.

What if the Gospel of Jesus doesn't resonate with me or make sense to me? What if it doesn't resonate with most people? Are they wrong not to become Christians and accept Jesus as their savior? If so, why? How do you expect someone to accept Christ if it doesn't resonate with them? And why is your Gospel the only truth just because a man made book says so? It doesn't make sense if you think about it.

Isn't the Christian Gospel basically pointing a sword at everyone and threatening them with damnation if they don't convert? Isn't that wrong and primitive and barbaric and uncivilized?

Also what's the point of free will or having your own mind, if you are not free to choose your own path? Isn't God a tyrant to demand obedience and subservience and not tolerate disagreement or dissent? No one likes a dictator. So why would you condone this aspect of Christianity?

Even if a deity created Christianity, it doesn't mean that that deity is the creator of the universe or that he's perfect. In the 4th and 5th dimension there are innumerable entities. Any one of them could inspired books like the Bible. Also the Jewish Talmud says that each person is surrounded by thousands of demons that they can't see. If this is so, then any one of those demons could inspire an author to write some holy book like the Bible or anything else. So what makes you think that the one and only creator of the universe wrote the Bible? You don't know why do you? You just believe it, so it's fact. It's completely circular. In your mind, it's the truth, like 2+2=4 and that's that, it doesn't need to proven or explained. This means your mind is hijacked and brainwashed. No different than any other cult. Just because Christianity is a giant cult doesn't make it any less of a cult. It still fits all the classic criteria of a cult, even if the founder is now an abstract deity or archetype.

Did you read the first 3 major questions in this thread? If so, can you address them? They are the most important and key questions that no Christian apologists have addressed in any Christian book or media. Not even Josh McDowell or William Lane Craig has addressed them.
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Re: Tough Questions Christians Have NEVER Answered That Disprove Their Dogmas! (Ongoing Series)

Post by Cornfed »

Winston wrote:
November 14th, 2021, 4:59 am
What if the Gospel of Jesus doesn't resonate with me or make sense to me?
What if a building was not set to correct profiles, so square angles and plumb lines didn't resonate with it? It would be torn down and its materials used in the construction of buildings that were fit for purpose. But waaa, that's not fair to the building. The thing is, the building was never intended to be an end in itself, but rather to serve a role in the wider scheme of things.
Isn't the Christian Gospel basically pointing a sword at everyone and threatening them with damnation if they don't convert?

Similar to a football coach threatening to cut players if they don't train and improve? What is the alternative? Not everyone can be on the team. You might say the school should only enroll students who were good at football so then no-one need be cut and no-one's feelings need be hurt. That wouldn't work either because the players that successfully make the team need practice competing with others.
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