When you reach the top, do secret societies pay you a visit?

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When you reach the top, do secret societies pay you a visit?

Post by Winston »

I have a question I've been wondering about.

When you reach the top and become rich and famous in any field, whether it's business, politics, media, medicine, banking, entertainment, music or Hollywood, does a representative from a secret society (e.g. Illuminati or Freemasons) pay you a visit?

Does this person have a little talk with you, or take you to a secret room that only those "in the loop" know about, where you will be briefed and given an ultimatum to join them or be thrown back down? Are you told something like this:

"We rule the world, so we must control people in your position at your level. You have two choices. Either you join us and play our game and do as you are told. Or you go back down and lose your status. If you try to fight us, we can easily have you taken out and make it look like a suicide or accident. The police will never investigate. What will it be?"

Is that what happens? Would the Illuminati reveal themselves directly like that, or would they go through a "middleman manager" first to see how compliant and controllable the target person is before revealing themselves fully?

Do they get them when they reach the top, or do they pick someone they want and then bring them to the top in politics, big business or stardom?

Could this be the real reason why many celebrities look unhappy like they are being pulled along, go crazy, resort to drugs, or end up dead under mysterious circumstances?

Are there any whistleblowers who have been at the top that have come out and talked about it? Why don't more of them whistleblow what goes on?

Do those at the top know something that we all don't? I've always wondered about that.

Are all politicians, big CEO's, stars and celebrities "in on it" or just the most influential ones?

Am I indulging in paranoid fantasies with these questions, or is there a real basis to this?

Finally, do secret societies really rule the world, or at least most of it? If so, are they all unified and interconnected, or do they compete with each other too (e.g. Illuminati/Freemasons vs. Vatican/Jesuits)?

Also, why do many college fraternities have secret handshakes and initiation ceremonies? Surely that can't be just for fun right? Are they junior level secret societies to screen candidates for higher level secret societies?

What is the purpose of secret societies anyway? Why does it have to be a secret? Logic says that if something has to be a secret, then it probably involves something either nefarious, dangerous, looks bad, too easily misinterpreted, too complex, too good for the public to know about, or something that the public would be better off not knowing.
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Re: When you reach the top, do secret societies pay you a vi

Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Hi Winston,
the entire "system" is created so that people who want to make up the ladder are self selected. When I was working for large firms I was asked to do things that I disagreed with on moral grounds. Since my Christianity and honesty was well known I was surprised I was asked to do things that it was well known that I would not do. I did not need to be asked. I resigned three jobs like that.

I always wondered why I was asked to do these things....nothing serious...just lie to clients on the companies behalf which we all know LOTS of people do.

So what I think happens in business is this. First you have to go through the indoctrination process at "university"...you get a job and work on it for years and if you are a bit of a "high flier" like I was they will test you to see if you are willing to compromise your morals for advancement. I presume most people do. They will start off with small things like misleading clients or "managing the scope of the project" which means manage it down to less than what was promised.

I presume later on that they compromise people more severely. Once compromised the person is stuck. If he tries to get out his misdeeds will be published and he will not be able to get another job anywhere. They control people by cutting off their ability to earn their income. ASIO has actually posted to a facebook that the intention of slandering me is to get clients to not hire me.

Whistle blowers? There have been PLENTY of VERY FAMOUS whistle blowers...people do not listen. John Lennon said on the BBC words to the effect.

"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."

What do you think he was talking about? He said this in 1967. Was there ANY bigger star than John Lennon in 1967. And when he was making his own music after the beatles the was harassed by the Illuminati quite a lot. For example they gave him a VERY hard time about living in the US.

Other guys like Dave Chappel have claimed that they were asked to do things they did not agree with in order to get that big breakthrough". Many of the "stars" are mind controlled slaves from a very young age and come through such things as the micky mouse club. It is well known for the mind control of the children. Brittney Spears and Justin Timberlake being two ex mouseketeers....

Very often the entertainers are groomed from a young age and then when they "make it" they can not get out...especially when they have children that can be threatened.

So yes...either they come from an Illuminist family like Bill Gates...or if they come from elsewhere they will be tested along the way before they are allowed to progress too high up any ladders...and if they fail the tests they won't get far.

This is one more reason why I proposed MBA...it is not possible to do business today without it being controlled by the guvment. So a new jurisdiction has to be created....that includes new courts, new currency, new bank, new contracts etc. And all these things need to be used to keep the guvment out of it.

Those who go up against the Illuminati will be paid a visit and offered to join in mostly....and I presume plenty of people join when offered.
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Re: When you reach the top, do secret societies pay you a vi

Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

"What is the purpose of secret societies anyway? Why does it have to be a secret?"

I would hardly say they are secret. There is more than enough information about them available. And the control grid is hidden in plain sight.

As soon as you understand the money system you understand the control grid and how pervasive it is.
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Post by Winston »

Thanks Peter,
That's interesting. So Bill Gates didn't rise up to success on his own? I thought he was successful because of his brilliant innovative ideas and entrepreneurial skills?

Who or what helped him? Is Bill Gates part of any secret society? Is it publicly known? I thought he was just a smart nerd who got lucky with the right idea at the right time?

What happens if a self-made man becomes successful on his own? Will he be paid a visit by secret societies or their middle men?

Why can't the Illuminati just let people with hard work and talent make it on their own? Why do they need to be controlled? Don't they believe in market forces?

In college I went to meetings for a marketing fraternity. They had secret handshakes and initiation ceremonies involving candles and hooded robes (like dark magicians or sorcerers wear). They also used a lot of terms and jargon that I have never heard of before.

What was the purpose of all that? Surely it's not just for fun right? I never got far in it, but I got a glimpse of it.

Why do people in marketing need a fraternity? Why can't they just get a job, work hard and sell products to make the company profitable? Isn't that what the company needs?

Are college fraternities just a junior training ground for advancement into the higher levels? Do people get recruited into the Freemasons or Illuminati from college fraternities?
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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Daddy Gates was the lawyer who transformed the Eugenics Society of America to "Planned Parenthood". Margaret Sanger and Adolph Hitler had given Eugenics a bad name before and during the war.....so it had to be called something else and polished up.

Since the Eugenics society was transformed into "Planned Parenthood" and daddy gates was in that up to his eyeballs it can be safely assumed he was an insider and knew what planned parenthood was about...

And Bill Gates story does not add up on ANY level. All the "mistakes" that IBM made to allow microsoft to grow.....the plane crash that killed most of the IBM PC development team......how handy that happened...and not to mention how microsoft was teflon when they were extorting companies like compaq. And notice that compaq went away while the Illuminati sponsored Dell thrived...you know Dell is sponsored by the Illuminati be the E in dell....same for the e in Intel.

So no....Bill Gates was not some technical genius and great business man.....MSFT was meant to be successful just like Google was meant to be successful.

The story of Google makes even LESS sense than MSFT. If there is one company that should have taken on google and won it is IBM....but IBM didn't even try. IBM is about as Illuminati as they come. That is obvious once you know how they like to raise up the leading companies and create the appearance of competition.
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Post by Winston »

Another thing Peter:

You said before that you were offered to join the Illuminati. Why did they pick you? Don't you have to qualify somehow or be famous or have mass influence?

How come they never approached me?

Don't you have to have traits that they want, or have some position of influence?

What did they offer you in terms of benefits?

Also, regarding the CIA, haven't they had a history of betraying their own, like when they framed Oswald (who worked for the CIA) for assassinating President Kennedy? If so, why would any CIA agent trust their own organization? Don't they know they could be framed or betrayed by their own network?

Kind of like how in movies, the bad guys shoot each other when they no longer need them so they can get a bigger share of the loot? That never made any sense, because if the leader in a gang of criminals shoots his own men after he doesn't need them anymore, why would the rest of the gang still be loyal to him since they know they will be disposed of as soon as they are not needed anymore? That's so implausible.
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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

"Are college fraternities just a junior training ground for advancement into the higher levels? Do people get recruited into the Freemasons or Illuminati from college fraternities?"

As far as I know not usually. If you are selected you might be sponsored through university or be a "Rhodes Scholar" or be in one of the in clubs like skull and bones....but mostly those people have been selected or come from illuminist families. Your average joe coming through will not be approached at college...there is no point....they can go into some job and show their wares and be approached years down the track.....

There is also the issue that they do keep their eyes on smart kids who are not part of the program and even kill them when they are young.

I realised this a few years ago. What they do is give kids "intelligence tests" when they are young..in Australia it used to be 6. A part of this is to look for kids who are off the charts bright and to injure them or kill them. How do I know this? Because I was one of those kids....I did my "basic skills tests" when I was 6. A few months later we had our vaccination shorts. I developed encephalitis and no one knew where this came from. I was the only person who had this disease all year in our area...no one else had it...so where could I have gotten it from?

Michael Tsarion turned up evidence that a very small number of people develop encephalitis from that vaccination. So what they are doing is giving kids a "golden jab" if they are off the charts smart and not part of the program. The WORST thing for the Illuminati to have is smart people around.

I also contracted the mumps at the same time while I was in solitary confinement. So how does one get the MUMPS when in solitary confinement and everyone is wearing masks when they come in? Eh?

It was only many years later I was told that I was 50/50 to live and my parents were told that there was no chance at all I would not be retarded by this illness. When it turned out I was all clear all the doctors were astonished...and I BET THEY WERE.

My theory is that I was chosen even before I was born and that I was protected during this event. So I think the doctors really WERE astonished that I was perfectly ok after this event. And I rather think I was watched quite closely after that event.

I think they treat us very like livestock.....and if one of the sheeple is a bit too smart better to get rid of him early when it looks like a random illness.

It all makes sense when you understand that EVERYTHING they do is to raise the livestock for THEIR benefit.
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Post by Winston »

Here is an interesting observation posted to me on ATS to the same questions that I posted here. What's your take on it?

http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thr ... id15871180

"Well OP, I have had the same questions as you. I don't think the illuminati or masons are the ones as has been said before. What I have always wondered about is why all rich people 'behave' so well. What I mean by that is that nobody is going batsh*t crazy with their money, building strange fun parks or opening a weird really 'out there' kind of shop chain. I don't mean mildly weird as has been done but I really mean totally whacky just because they can.

If you look at the internet, which is a good indicator of people's minds. You can find all sorts of strange websites. Some are just arty others plain strange. So what I always wondered about is where are the ideas when people get really rich?

I know that if I had the money that Bill Gates has, there would be some strange things 'happening' here on planet Earth. Some stuff I would organise just for the heck of it, others to cheer people up. I would go and build a school in every town in Africa whilst at the same time paint whole villages blue or something to that extend. I'd start my own country somewhere and have assassins assassinate everyone who tortures animals for fun. I'd build animal shelters around the world, I'd play tricks on famous people and nobody would ever know. You get the the drift.

These are not very good examples but what I am trying to say is that I expect more from the human mind when suddenly you can afford whatever you like, yet everyone 'behaves' and buys a boat or a flat in NY or a big house and a few cars. Boring and not natural [human]*.
* Also take as an example rogue tyrants, look at their behaviour. They go bonkers if not 'controlled'. See N-Korea or Turkmenistan. They sort of do what I would expect more rich people to do. Yet in the civilised world nobody goes 'mental'.

Why is that?

I am also not talking about newly medium rich people, they are known to blow their wealth often. I am talking mega rich. Basically where you could buy whole countries or sponsor outrageous sciences or whatever.

I am disappointed and yet I have the feeling that some may want to do something different but somehow are 'stopped'. Who by? Why?
Surely some are advised by their accountants or investors but that should make no difference when you have Billions. Who cares, you'll get someone that does what you say, there is always one.

I have a feeling that the really rich are somehow 'told' how to conduct themselves, what is acceptable and what is not. That there are henchmen disguised as accountants or advisors who will keep a rich person in 'line'.

I am in no way saying that this is the case. Maybe once you are rich you get boring or you are happy with a boat. Yet something is not quite right. "
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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Winston wrote:Another thing Peter:

You said before that you were offered to join the Illuminati. Why did they pick you? Don't you have to qualify somehow or be famous or have mass influence?
My #1 skill is data integration and detecting patterns in data to identify groups of people for marketing program selection.

In short. My skills could be easily used to find groups of people based on their behaviour that is reflected by operational transactions.

This is an extremely rare and valuable skill. Naturally, what I do could be used to find people who oppose the Illuminati.

I do not know anyone else in the world who is more capable of writing such data integration and search routines. There must be a few but I created the tools that cut the time and cost down by 50%. So even if other people know how to do this? They can not do it as effectively as I can.

Now...why would the Illuminati offer me a job? Because I can integrate data from different sources faster and better than anyone else and I can find specific groups of people based on their electronic footprint better than anyone else I know in the world. And the job offer came from a company that has more data on individuals than any other company in europe....indeed..has more data on individuals than any GUVMENT in europe. It is a company few people even think about. They have more ability to track people than Google and facebook combined. Better data than any bank. Better data than any telco. And you have never heard of them.

When I went and looked at the company the guy said he was from...even I was surprised at how many people they knew about. No one knows the name of this company.....it did not even register with me.....but I had used their systems and didn't even know it. It was not only that I was offered a job...it was the company that they guy said he worked for that made me very aware he was who he said he was. And get this....they have an office in the same building as a client of mine in Germany......so they sent a local to come talk to me when they tracked me down.

Winston wrote:How come they never approached me?
Because you are not dangerous to them I would guess. There is also the issue that I was selected before I was born to do the work I am doing. The Illuminati became aware of me when I was 6 if not earlier. They attempted to injure me, with my death a possible result, when I was 6. So it is obvious to me that the Illuminati knew about me long before I knew that I had an important role to play. Perhaps they only knew I was very smart and that made me "dangerous", perhaps they knew more. Remember, even I only found out that I was part of some grander scheme in September 2010.

And even I only found out that I was chosen before I was born in October 2012.....and it actually took a woman to point this out to me. I did not notice....her observation was about my birth date which is 11/01/64 which becomes 11/1/ 6+4=10 and drop the zero which becomes 11/11.

This woman claims some specific skills in numerology and she was shocked to know I was born on 11/1/64 and pointed out this is 11/11 and being 11/11 there is no chance in hell my birth date was an accident.....being my usual skeptic self I went and read up on 11/11.

It is also interesting to note that when Jennifer and I were first dating she asked me when my birthday was.....she knew I was born in 64 but not the date.....when I said 11/1 she froze and was very "surprised". She told me that for months she had been waking up at night and seeing her clock at 1:11am...not 1:10...not 1:12.....she said she was seeing 1:11 very frequently when she woke up at night.....

She was a bit put out about this but I laughed it off as a co-incidence". Now I do not think it was....Jennifer was necessary in my life for the book to be produced with credibility.

I am VERY certain that all is going according to some higher entities plan and "everything is perfect just the way it is".

Mankind has been gifted the remedy to live free of the Illuminati. I wrote the book.....that mankind is NOT using said book and prefers to victimise each other shows the Illuminati is JUSTIFIED in doing what they are doing...the Illuminati are doing to people exactly what the people are doing to each other. Victimising them where they can.

Once you reach the level of understanding I have, Winston, you see that the Illuminati are part of the creation of the creator and that they MUST exist and they MUST do what they are doing and that the masses "DESERVE" what is happening in order to teach them the lesson "do unto others".

In short? People are very willing to see others victimised and so the Illuminati has every right to victimise the masses. The masses have been offered the remedy for FREE and ignored it....so victimising them is perfectly LAWFUL according to the most basic law on this planet which is "do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

In short? People are getting exactly what they deserve.

If they listened to me? They would be living in freedom now.

I can tell you one thing. It is pretty damn freaky and very humbling to know you were chosen before you were born to do something like write the book to free all those who want to be fee and all the experiences of your life were hardening you and tempering you to be able to do this extremely important job.

So you can see why I find it a bit amusing when people criticise me! LOL!! I wrote what has got to be the most important book in human history. The book that frees people from the control grid put in place more than 5,000 years ago. Perhaps even longer ago. A book that makes the bible look like toilet paper and I KNOW that it makes the bible look like toilet paper by comparison........and people hate on me......if Jesus had existed, which he did not, I would know how he feels. Rejected by those he attempted to assist. Hated on by those who needed him most.

Now do you see why I agree with the Illuminati plan to cull the population down to 500 million? Those who are here are not deserving even of life itself. They sell out the future of their own children for money. That is what men are doing today. Selling out the future of their own children in pursuit of money. Money being mono-eye contract to mon-ey. The god that the Illuminati gave the masses to worship.

My opinion now is that the Illuminati are doing the RIGHT thing in getting rid of all these "useless eaters". I mean how much of a "useless eater" can a man be that he would not defend the children of his land? Does such a man have a RIGHT to life when he will not defend the right to life of the children of his land? I argue that in refusing to defend the right to life of the children of his land any man has waived his own right to life. A difficult argument to refute.

Everything is perfect just the way it is Winston....a scary thought for most people. A very comforting thought to me.

Just think....the entire MRA/MRM and sovereign area has banned me and suppressed my voice. AFTER I delivered the remedy to live in freedom. For this act most will be killed and deserve to be killed. Indeed SHOULD be killed to make way for those with ears to listen....something that MRAs, MRMs nd Sovereigns most certainly do not have....ears to listen.
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Post by PeterAndrewNolan »

Winston wrote: What did they offer you in terms of benefits?
We did not get that far....the guy told me that my skills were needed to "create the new world order" and with people like me "we can control the world". He made it very clear that he knew me, had read my resume, had been briefed on me...yet this was an "accidental" meeting at my new local bar which had only been my new local bar for 2 weeks because I moved. He even pretended to be drunk but he as as sober as me and let me know this.

This guy knew my background in detail and his job was to recruit me to work for his company without leaving too much evidence behind so as to have plausible deniability.

As I have said many times in public. At the time I was not even convinced the Illuminati existed. That they took the trouble to track me down when the ONLY place I had made myself known was to the editor of the Sydney Morning Herald in Australia and I was actually in germany at the time and I had JUST moved to a place that not more than 5 people knew where it was? The conversation with this guy came as a real shock.
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Post by Banano »

Are Illuminati real, is there such an organization or is it just a broad term for people who are in power, elites?

How about visit from Lizard/Reptilian man or their representative?

Even if you get visited by reptilian how would you know that he is da real lizard, he could be fake pretending to be real just to get money from you, unless he can demonstrate turning into gekko and back I wouldnt take him seriously
on top of that if you got mega rich you would get so paranoid and treat everyone with suspicion and potential threat to you and your wealth
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Post by Jester »

They do approach young men in college, but not for Illuminati directly. Closest to that would be recruitment in to Skull and Bones at Yale.

I was recruited at Princeton by a nice guy for Atlantic Charter, a junior-globalist something-or-other.

But anyway people do get approached, but noone says Illuminati. It's always for a feeder organization.

Unless you're in the entertainment industry, then apparently they skip the lower levels and recruit direct.

If you don't get recruited at college - most people don't - then indeed when you get to a certain level they want to know if they can cou nt on you. As Peter states, if you're inside an organization - police, politics, corporation, etc - they want to know you'll do something dirty, so they can trust you.

OTOH, if you're in your own business, and you're high-profile, they'll approach you more like Winston's OP. They don't say WHO the powerful people are, but they refer to them. "Money people", "important people", "powerful people".

If you don't kiss ass and genuflect - maybe by attending a fundraiser for some cause and making a big donation - they'll have it in for you. Examples of folks who apparently failed to cooperate would include Martha Stewart and Leona Helmsley.

Some people start to get off the plantation, and they get warnings. Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Donald Trump, George Bush Sr., Cynthia McKinney, and Ross Perot have all received obvious warnings that were reported in the news.
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Post by abcdavid01 »

Jester wrote:Some people start to get off the plantation, and they get warnings. Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Donald Trump, George Bush Sr., Cynthia McKinney, and Ross Perot have all received obvious warnings that were reported in the news.
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Post by Jester »

Banano wrote:Are Illuminati real, is there such an organization or is it just a broad term for people who are in power, elites?
Sure it's real, check the history books. They had a couple of lodges around 1776 in Bavaria and nearby. It started as a get-ahead networking club for the ruthless rich, chaired by a Jesuit-trained Jew (Adam Weishaupt) financed by Rothschild, and sponsored also by the ruler of Hesse in Germany. Same dude that sent the Hessians to fight George Washington. Remember since 1700 there had been Hellfire Clubs in Europe, i.e. hedonistic "players' clubs". (You may have heard that Ben Franklin attended a couple of times when he was a diplomat.) So Illuminati took the Hellfire Clubs' already open defiance of Christianity, and added Masonic-style oaths and ritual, and had the serious purpose of gaining political power by any means.

They got busted a few years later. Historians claim it ceased to exist, but that's silly. They just closed their lodges and went underground. It became a secret level more or less within Freemasonry.

Many people use the term Illuminati to mean ALL the various powerful financial-mafia types, but that's not correct. They are probably not even the majority of the banksters. Just one particularly powerful and feared network or cartel. One that uses satanism and witchcraft in private ceremonies along with traditional widely used tools of power like money, propaganda, assassination, etc.

The Illuminati probably see themselves as the highest level, coordinating various players and groups of players -- Bilderberg, Israeli Zionists, Jesuits, etc. -- but I doubt everyone agrees.

Certainly Rothschild BRAGGED to the Jewish Bnai Brith masonic lodge (in the secret speech later leaked as "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion") that it was the Jews who were really at the top, not Gentile royalty or Gentile Freemasonry. But just because he SAID it, doesn't mean that it was TRUE. The Rothschilds are Jews, but they are also Illuminati. And liars, when the need arises.

I think a lot of folks at the top just see the whole thing as being about money and power, like a board game. A lot of these folks are happy to sell each other out when necessary. The European royals would sell out the Jews and vice versa. Illuminati rituals are helpful for bonding. And weeds out people with a vestige of conscience. (For example, Colin Powell is obviously not a "made man" at this level.) Like Mafia crime families.

But like Mafia, they do have certain signs, traditions etc in order to make deals etc. In practice I think Freemasonry is the common denominator they use to do deals among themselves. Handshakes, meetings and so on.
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Post by Teal Lantern »

Jester wrote:Examples of folks who apparently failed to cooperate would include Martha Stewart and Leona Helmsley.

Some people start to get off the plantation, and they get warnings. Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Donald Trump, George Bush Sr., Cynthia McKinney, and Ross Perot have all received obvious warnings that were reported in the news.
Very few people know how dirty they did McKinney, and Perot.
Rare to see them mentioned in this context.

As they say, if you want to know who has the power, ask who you are not allowed to criticize.
McKinney found out, when she broke the 11th Commandment. :shock:
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