Was the Holocaust a Hoax? Or greatly exaggerated?

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Re: Holocaust Hoax

Post by theprimebait »

Yasukuni wrote:Many people are saying that 6 million Jews didn't die. The liberal media also seems to be making Hitler out to be worse than he actually was. Jews are known for lying, so why should anyone believe their side of the story?
I used to Think the holocaust was a big lie until I came across these websites:

http://www.hdot.org/ ''holocaust Denial on trial''


120...Oops...66 Questions & Answers About the Holocaust

Nizkor's response to the Institute for Historical Review & Ernst Zündel



Deceit & Misrepresentation
The Techniques of Holocaust Denial

I think alot of lies do exist about the holocaust story,like anne frank diary.it was written with a ballpoint pen wich were not invented until the 60's.
also alot of Anecdote stories are outright lies.

however its a misconception that holocaust believers say 6 million Jews were gassed in aushwitz.most Jews were shot by firing squads(atleast 80 % ).and subsequentely dumped into rivers.

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Post by Jester »

Mr.Darcy wrote:
Jester wrote:The Nazis deporting Jews were no worse than the Americans interning Japanese-Americans.

In the final months of the war, with Allied planes were attacking German trains, so inmates got little food, and grew scrawny. Hence the photos. No worse than prisoners in the U.S. Civil War. If the intention had been to kill, obviously NO food would have been wasted in the interned Jews.

Credible ("revisionist") historian David Irving (who actually visted Germany repeatedly, and read original sources in German) reported that several trainloads of Jews en route to concentration camps WERE machine-gunned in 1945, apparently to avoid devoting resources to building more housing etc. in the camps. Murders for sure.

And Irving's account is believable - machine guns were the obvious way to kill people.

Execution by gas is baloney. Zyklon B is an insecticide, still in use, and was obviously used for delousing (killing lice). Death from typhus, carried by lice, is a major cause of death in concentration camp situations. Jews who did not understand the shouting guards, or panicked, and opened their eyes or inhaled, had a very unpleasant experience.

Incidentally, if the Japs had been invading the West Coast, and bombing our cities, America would have exterminated all Japs in our concentration camps. There would have been no survivors. The Germans did NOT do that, so there WERE survivors.
The difference is that we justify our actions for the good of humanity or we just pretend to not acknowledge it. We say Japan deserved the atomic bombings. Yet, the citizens of Japan did not go to China and commit genocide, it was the military. In addition, add in the hypocrisy of the Allies morals as well.
True. it's like when the U.S. tortures people. LOTS of other countries do it, but as far as I know, only U.S. and U.K. own up to it. As you say, that kind of truthfulness may not make us better people -- just more brainwashed.
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Post by Jester »

Meant to add this link to my post above comparing internment of Jews and Japs.

http://en.auschwitz.org/e/index.php?pag ... 1&Itemid=1

Apparently there were even orchestras in Aushwitz. Comparable to what happened in U.S., where Japanese-American boys had a scout troop while interned.

No disrespect intended to the internees, only to lying "historians".
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Post by Cornfed »

C.J. wrote:
Jester wrote:Acch der ist der verdammt Geshtapo!! Ubergaulaiter Schmidt wilst schreiben deine name in das Buch!!!

Sad thing is, Winston allows such NWO behavior. What's next, free HA tours, that lead to debtor camps?
It is a shame that fschmidt's inner Jew has come out in this way and caused him to revert to essentially being an establishment troll, having previously been a valuable poster. Obviously conspiracies happen all the time. Conspiracy is a recognised criminal charge and thousands of people are currently in prison for various conspiracies, and no-one seriously thinks that all of them are innocent. However, we are supposed to assume that the ruling class is scrupulously honest and everything they do can be taken at face value, notwithstanding the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I really don't get the position of these whackjob coincidence theorists.
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Post by Winston »

Check this out:

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Within five minutes, any intelligent, open-minded person can be convinced that the Holocaust gassings of World War II are a profitable hoax, hence holohoax.
In terms of NUMBERS, the "holocaust" is a GROSS EXAGGERATION It is the Holohoax.

1) The number of jews that died under control of the NAZI's was LESS than ONE million, NOT "six".

2) MOST of them died from TYPHUS EPIDEMICS. Most of the REST died from STARVATION and lack of medical care resulting from ALLIED BOMBING RAIDS against food and medicine supply lines.

3) The German war AGAINST TYPHUS was the REAL reason for shaving heads, fumigating buildings, and cremating corpses.
Check out these interesting and shocking facts:

http://exposing-the-holocaust-hoax-arch ... mmies.html

Fun Facts - The Holohoax for Dummies

1. In 1939, there were nearly 15,700,000 Jews in the world.* After the Second World War that number had risen to over 18,000,000 Jews.**

What this means is that of the 15,000,000 original Jews on the planet, 6,000,000 were gassed, leaving only some 9,000,000-plus. Then, the world Jewish population rebounded and doubled to over 18,000,000 in less than nine years — an astonomical feat, which astounded biologists and baby doctors everywhere!

2. From the Beginning, there was the SIX MILLION, of which 4,000,000 were gassed at Auschwitz. Then, in 1990 it was discovered that only 1.5 million were gassed at Auschwitz, a difference of 2.5 million less.

But somehow the magical SIX MILLION remained, even though no instant replacement was ever found. YHWH moves in mysterious ways!

3. At the same time, the director of the Auschwitz State Museum Dr. Franciszek Piper, announced that the so-called gas chamber there had been fabricated by the Soviets AFTER the war!

4. But there's more. The International Red Cross reported that less than 300,000 internees of all nationalities in the German camps died of all causes, including old age. And of these, barely more than half were Jews. Most of these died in several typhoid epidemics caused by wartime conditions, which claimed many lives — including those of doctors, nurses and camp administrative personnel!

5. But even these deaths were too much for the German authorities. On December 8, 1942, Heinrich Himmler, chief commandant of all detention facilities, issued an order stating categorically: "The death rate in the camps must be reduced at all costs."

6. In all of German-occupied Europe there were 2.4 million Jews. After the war, 3.8 million Jews claimed ‘survivor’ benefits from the German government. Tragically, the remaining 6 million were lost.

7. It was a miracle. According to The New York Times of Sunday, January 4, 1987, celebrated survivor Elie Wiesel recalled "the day the Soviets arrived at Auschwitz." Then, in a speech to the National Press Club in Washington D.C., reported by the Jewish Telegraph Agency on April 11, 1983, he had a different recollection. He noted that he was "one of the survivors liberated at Dachau by the U.S. Army" on April 15, 1945 — and thus became the only prisoner of war to hold the distinction of being liberated from two different camps in World War II!

8. Not to be outdone by The Weasel, famous ‘Nazi-hunter’ Simon Wiesenthal died serenely at age 96, knowing that, according to BBC News, he had survived 12 — count 'em! — Nazi ‘death camps.’

9. In 1948 a story appeared about a hapless Jewish girl who was done in by the Nazis. It was written with a ballpoint pen, something that did not appear on the market until after the war. It was called — The Diary of Anne Frank!

10. So where did this SIX MILLION business start? For that we must go back to one Ilya Ehrenburg,* chief Soviet propagandist during the Second World War and later on to die in Israel, who coined the mythic number on Dec. 22, 1944—BEFORE tens of thousands of Jewish internees, given the choice of staying to be "liberated" by the Communists or going with their German captors, did not hesitate to choose the latter option!

* The American Jewish Committee cites a figure of 15,688,259. ** The Jewish-owned New York Times for Feb. 22, 1948, uses a figure of 18,700,000.

*** When the Red Cross interviewed thousands of freed camp inmates at the end of the war, asking whether they had witnessed alleged ‘gassings,’ the response was universally negative. According to IRC document #9925, June, 1946: "The detainees themselves have not spoken of them."

***** In his book Legend of Our Time, New York, 1982, The Weasel explained:"Things are not that simple, Rebbe. Some events do take place but are not true; others are — although they never occurred."

****** The monstrous lies of this Jewish psychopath succeeded in creating a climate of rabid, anti-German hate which led to the death of millions. Here is a typical example of the genocidal daily fare served up to Soviet troops, taken from an Oct. 1944 leaflet to the Red Army: "Kill! Nothing in Germany is guiltless, neither the living nor the yet unborn. Follow the words of Comrade Stalin and crush the fascist beast in its lair. Break the racial pride of the German woman. Take her as your legitimate booty. Kill, you brave soldiers of the glorious Soviet army!"
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Post by fschmidt »

Winston, please, please let me put you on ignore. Not only are your posts absurd but now you are making duplicate posts. Your post above is an exact copy of this:


I beg you to spare me from this lunacy by letting me put you on ignore.
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Post by Winston »

C.J. wrote:What led me to deny the "official" holocaust death toll, is WHY the satanist jews use the number 6 million. It may surprise you.
Why did they use 6 million? Doesn't it have something to do with the Jewish Kabbalah? I heard that they claimed that 6 million Jews died after World War ONE too. Is that true? If so, what is the source for it? I would be interested to see that. Supposedly, the number 6 million is used a lot by Jews, and was even used in the 1800's too.
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Re: Was the Holocaust a Hoax?

Post by Winston »

New book presents shocking new information about the Holocaust!

Breaking the Spell: The Holocaust: Myth & Reality (Holocaust Handbooks) (Volume 31)

In 1941, British Intelligence analysts cracked the German “Enigma” code. This undermined the German war effort – but also threw new light on day-by-day events in the Nazi concentration camp system. Between January 1942 and January 1943, encrypted radio communications between those camps and the Berlin headquarters were intercepted and decrypted. Oddly enough, historians have largely ignored the information furnished in these intercepts relating to “arrivals,” “departures,” recorded deaths and other events at these camps. The only reasonable explanation for this embarrassing omission is that the intercepted data seriously contradicts, even refutes, the orthodox “Holocaust” narrative. The revealed information does not expose a program of mass murder and racial genocide. Quite the opposite: it reveals that the Germans were determined, desperate even, to reduce the death rate in their work camps, which was caused by catastrophic typhus epidemics.

Were the British here hoodwinked by the Nazis, as some historians to this day try to claim—or is the truth both simpler and more shocking?

In 1988 and 1991 forensic studies threw light on the question of whether or not the claimed gas chambers at Auschwitz had served as slaughter houses for hundreds of thousands of people. Both studies had concluded that the only facilities where Zyklon B gas had been used were hygienic rather than homicidal, killing bugs rather than Jews. Needless to say that these iconoclastic studies were ignored or in some countries even outlawed, and that their authors were ostracized and even imprisoned.

Dr. Kollerstrom, a science historian, has taken these studies, which are in obvious, stark contrast to the widely accepted narrative, as a starting point for his own endeavour into the land of taboo. After he had published a brief paper summarizing what he thought the data forced him to conclude, he was thrown out of his College where he had been a member of staff for eleven years.

In his new book Breaking the Spell, Dr. Kollerstrom shows that “witness statements” supporting the human gas chamber narrative clearly clash with the available scientific data. He juxtaposes the commonly accepted ideas about a Nazi extermination policy toward the Jews with a wide array of mostly unchallenged, but usually unmentioned evidence pointing in a quite different direction, for instance:

* Zyklon B is a buzz word for the claimed Nazi mass murder, but all non-anecdotal evidence proves that this chemical was merely used as a pesticide in order to improve the inmates’ health and reduce, not increase, camp mortality.
* Zyklon B applied in delousing chambers formed chemical compounds detectable to this day. No such compounds can be found, but ought to be expected, in the claimed homicidal gas chambers.
* The UK’s intelligence decrypts prove that the German camp authorities were desperately trying to save their inmates’ lives.
* “Six Million Jews threatened or killed”: read 167 quotes from newspapers with that “news” spanning from 1900 to 1945, with a peak after World War ONE! Yes, one, not two!
* Germany has paid compensation to millions of Nazi victims, and Israel has implicitly admitted that many million Jews survived the Holocaust.
* A British archaeological team looked for traces of the claimed 800,000 victims of the Treblinka camp—and came back empty-handed.

Dr. Kollerstrom concludes that the history of the Nazi “Holocaust” has been written by the victors with ulterior motives and that this history is distorted, exaggerated and largely wrong. He asserts that this history is, in truth, a great lie that distorts our common perceived reality and misdirects human history to this very day.

With a foreword by Prof. em. Dr. James H. Fetzer; contains a bibliography and an index.


The Ultra secret destroys the holocaust.

By lynG on March 9, 2015
Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

Another good book by a holocaust revisionist author. Though some of the material is redundant from other revisionist studies, the material the author provides on the intercepts from German enigma code decrypts, proves beyond all doubt that the Germans were trying throughout the war to stop the mass deaths in the concentration camps from Typhus epidemics. They were trying desperately to SAVE lives in the camps, not take them. And the Allies, when reading Hitler's mail, knew this, which is why there was never any real concern about a so-called 'extermination plan' to destroy the Jews. The Allied leaders, through these captured encrypts KNEW there were no genocidal gassings going on. Another big nail has been pounded in the coffin of the Exterminationist's hokey holocaust claims of 6 million dead Jews. And as usual, this author has paid a heavy price in revealing the truths he presents in the form of losing his job, along with the usual hounding. You'd think by now the Jews would rejoice at the proof that they DID NOT lose so many people, as they always claimed.
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Re: Was the Holocaust a Hoax?

Post by Adama »

It's the greatest hoax that we can be sure about up to this point in time.
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Re: Was the Holocaust a Hoax?

Post by In2dadark »

Adama wrote:It's the greatest hoax that we can be sure about up to this point in time.
Certainly up there w/ the moon landing, flat earth & JFK fake shoot. I think we'll see an even bigger one uncovered. The fact one can't say the holocaust was a hoax in certain countries (by law) should tell us all we need to know. I was thrown off another Se Asia page for telling the truth. There are truthers on there; but they button themselves down. So, sad that Asian women are taking up w/ these types.
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Re: Was the Holocaust a Hoax?

Post by Moretorque »

In2dadark wrote:
Adama wrote:It's the greatest hoax that we can be sure about up to this point in time.
Certainly up there w/ the moon landing, flat earth & JFK fake shoot. I think we'll see an even bigger one uncovered. The fact one can't say the holocaust was a hoax in certain countries (by law) should tell us all we need to know. I was thrown off another Se Asia page for telling the truth. There are truthers on there; but they button themselves down. So, sad that Asian women are taking up w/ these types.
They appear to all be perpetrated by the same group ?
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Re: Was the Holocaust a Hoax?

Post by Adama »

In2dadark wrote:
Adama wrote:It's the greatest hoax that we can be sure about up to this point in time.
Certainly up there w/ the moon landing, flat earth & JFK fake shoot. I think we'll see an even bigger one uncovered. The fact one can't say the holocaust was a hoax in certain countries (by law) should tell us all we need to know. I was thrown off another Se Asia page for telling the truth. There are truthers on there; but they button themselves down. So, sad that Asian women are taking up w/ these types.
I didnt know JFK was faked ?
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Re: Was the Holocaust a Hoax?

Post by Winston »

Scanned copies of MANY newspaper clippings alleging to "6 million Jewish victims" BEFORE World War II:


Some examples:

The tenth edition of Encyclopedia Britannica (under its entry on 'anti-semitism') references "six million Jews" of Rumania and Russia being "systematically degraded"


A Jewish preacher declares that if the (Jewish-led) Communist uprising in Russia succeeds in overthrowing the Czarist government, Zionism would no longer be needed


A Jewish publicist cries wolf to (ironically enough) GERMANY that there was an impending Holocaust of "six million Jews" in Russia during the aftermath of the first Communist uprising there. This lame sob story was nothing more than a ploy to cover up the fact that the Communist uprising that took place in Russia a year earlier (1905) was the handiwork of his fellow Jews who perpetrated widespread atrocities against Russian patriots (anti-Communists) who didn't want a despotic Judeo-Bolshevist government.


In the American Jewish Committee's annual report it is claimed that since 1890 Russia has had a policy to 'expel or exterminate' six million of its Jews.


Shortly after WW1 Jews claim a Holocaust of "six million Jews". It doesn't fly too far, nobody buys it.




White Russian patriots gain ground on the Jewish Bolshevik usurpers of their nation. In a vein attempt to disguise their heavy involvement in murderous Bolshevism, Jews reel out the "six million" myth once again.



271 references to 6,000,000 Jews prior to the Nuremberg Trial announcement
http://winstonsmithministryoftruth.blog ... or-to.html


Could this be the reason for the 6 million number?
http://www.thebirdman.org/Index/Jews/Je ... umber.html

Finally, here is the 1933 newspaper announcement that the Jews had declared war on Germany that you wanted to see. So you see, the Jews declared war on Germany FIRST, not the other way around as you've been led to misbelieve. They called for a boycott of German goods too.

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Re: Was the Holocaust a Hoax?

Post by Winston »

Regarding Auschwitz, why are there photos and testimonials from there that show that it was a friendly camp where people were cared for like real people? See these photos below from Auschwitz. How do you explain them?

http://sites.google.com/site/spielbergs ... -Inmates-T

Auschwitz camp nurses


Auschwitz camp concerts


Auschwitz soccer team


Auschwitz post cards to send at the post office (If Auschwitz was conducting "secret" mass murders, why would they allow the "inmates" to write post cards to the outside world which would expose it?)


Auschwitz credit allowances that were redeemable in the cantina


Gee, do all those photos above look like part of an extermination death camp? You gotta wonder...

Here are clips from interviews with Holocaust "survivors" who tell a very different story than our media and Steven Spielberg do. Notice during the interviews that as these "survivors" tell their story, that they have a gleam of nostalgia in their eyes, as though they were recalling HAPPY memories, not sad ones. How do you explain that???

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Re: Was the Holocaust a Hoax?

Post by pandabear »

Winston wrote:New book presents shocking new information about the Holocaust!
Meh, they're no different from the so-called "creation scientists", who think that they can "prove" creationism by nitpicking minor things written by evolutionary biologists.

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