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North America is one giant beast

Posted: August 28th, 2009, 4:09 am
by track2004_400meters1
You write that most foreign people feel alone when they come to america. Something that they dont feel when they were back home. Well america is an isolated country. Look at it. Awhile back,all the continents were joined together.

If you think about it,north america and south america are the continents that divided from the main land mass and due to the earths rotation were gradually over time pulled from the main land mass. And moved to the exact opposite side of the earth.

So no wonder people feel like that when they come here.

And also the usa is in the shape of a dragon, with alaska representing the wings, mexico is the tail, florida is the foot, and above maine in canada is the head. You can even see the horn coming out of its head when you look closely at it. The great lakes are the lungs and the rivers that flow from the great lakes into the ocean representing the mouth. This country is one giant dragon. When you look at the whole picture then you can really see it. Notice the round balanced shape to it? Notice how california represents the back? Its all so easy to see. When you look at pictures from space, its so apparent and obvious. I cant believe im the only one who has noticed this. If you want even greater detail then listen up. There is a reservior called Reservior Manicouagan. Go to yahoo maps and type in a starting point where your located , then for B, type in Reservior Manicouagan. And you will see it.. It is exactly 200miles north of the town of Baie- Comeau, Canada. This reservior is in the shape of a perfect circle of water. This represents the eye of the dragon. I mean this circle of water is so precise and so exact. It makes you wonder how it formed. It is a huge circle too! Its f***ing amazing when you see it. I mean what are the odds of finding a perfect circle of water that big where the so called eye of the dragon would be located. Then find smallwood reservior in canada to the north of the eye on the map and look exactly 400miles north of this reservior and you will see the tip of the horn of the dragon. As it is outlined by the waters of the hudson strait and labrador sea. This horn almost is kinda like a triceratops horn or a rhino horn. Its all so easy to see. I mean look at it closely and you will see all this. Look up Reservior Manicouagan on yahoo maps and zoom in to see it.

And see the perfectly round eye. The gulf of st lawrence is the mouth. It is literally spewing out a river of water out of its mouth. Kinda like the dragon in the bible, where it says that they saw a dragon rising out of the sea. While what do you think the whole continent of north america is? It sure the hell isnt below the sea. haha Its above water, it came out of the sea and formed. Notice how the whole country of mexico starts big at the top and then slowly tapers off into a fine narrow strip?? See how it tapers off very thinly towards the end of the tail in panama and the gulf of panama just as it goes into south america?? Almost looks like an umbillical cord connected to south america. But its not. Its the tail. Notice how the tail seems to wrap under the dragons body? See that? I mean why couldnt somewhere halfway through mexico, the land start to curve the exact opposite way to the left into the pacific? You know why? Because tails are not crooked. They are straight and tapered and curved perfectly. Thats how they are formed from matter. Notice how washington dc is in the exact center of the chest area of the dragon? Representing the heart of the dragon. Do you see it now? See how the heart represents the control center? Well DC is the control center. It controls the whole country and the whole continent for that matter. Ok so to run it over one more time. So u understand. California is the back. Mexico is the tail. And whats under the tail usually? A shit-hole. This is why typically the land of Mexico is just one big pile of shit! Above Maine to the right of the Hudson Bay is the head and the horns. Florida is the foot or the paw. And alaska represents the wing. The dragon has two sides and represents the four directions and the four corners of the entire Earth. On the other side of the earth is the rest of the dragon in europe. The dragons body goes right through the center of the earth. America is only the right side of it. As if your looking at the right side of a person and you see their right eye and right arm and leg. Well so is the entire continent of North America. When you look at it from space. You are only viewing the right eye, the right wing, and the right arm and leg. Basically to sum it up , the dragon is the whole earth combined together. Go look at a view of north america as a whole and you will see it....


Posted: August 28th, 2009, 4:52 am
by track2004_400meters1
most people do take notice to the Macrocosm scale of things. because as humans you see things only from your small primitive microcosm point of view.... If you find this hard to believe. Its because you are a small petty human being who thinks such a thing is nonsense. The earth is just one speck of dirt compared to the universe. If you look at a pond from a distance you see only a pond and water. But then if you take a closer look then you start to see all kind of organisms within the pond. Well its the same thing.


Posted: August 29th, 2009, 4:49 pm
by track2004_400meters1


Posted: August 30th, 2009, 12:07 am
by track2004_400meters1
what do you think about this wu?


Posted: August 30th, 2009, 12:08 am
by track2004_400meters1
you actually need to take the time and look up the locations that i listed on maps to see what im talking about

Posted: August 31st, 2009, 11:46 am
by Winston
Where did you get this from? A website or book?

I do believe in the Gaia theory that the Earth is a conscious organism, but this is kind of taking it too far. Isn't it like looking at the clouds and seeing whatever pattern your mind puts to it? You can sprinkle sand on the table and find a pattern that looks recognizable too.

So how does being a dragon shape make it isolated?

Have you read the accounts from immigrants who felt isolated in the US that I collected here? (especially the ones of the East Indian families)

no it isnt

Posted: September 1st, 2009, 2:07 am
by track2004_400meters1
and i didnt look at it at any book or anything,, i figured it out ,,,, if you specifically look up the places that i talked about , you will see what im talking about,,, you need to look at it as the whole picture... and see what i mean... and yeah it is an organism of its own, a dragon.... thats what the earth basically is.. look up the reserviors,, look up the horns,,, its all there

Posted: October 2nd, 2009, 4:29 pm
by elm118
And the western half is ruled by Sagitarius while the easten half is governed by Capricorn I understand.

But seriously though, you make a unique observation. Original thinkers single handedly keep things interesting.

Posted: October 13th, 2009, 9:31 pm
by track2004_400meters1
its all about looking at things from a different "scale" of view.... you can look at it from the small scale or the big scale. My observations are precise. If anyone has the patience to look up the locations given. You will see for yourself...

Posted: October 14th, 2009, 11:05 am
by icarus
track2004_400meters1 wrote:its all about looking at things from a different "scale" of view.... you can look at it from the small scale or the big scale. My observations are precise. If anyone has the patience to look up the locations given. You will see for yourself...
Your observations are purely subjective. Most people don't believe that dragons exist anyway and even if they did, dragons are not universally seen as evil creatures. A Chinese person for example might interpret seeing the US as a dragon as proof that the US must be a wonderful place.