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Do not post here unless you've read this

Post by 69ixine » ... is.495253/

Scientific Blackpill
I’m sick of seeing posts here that so obviously go against the blackpill, like “white women are attracted to black men” (@Stupid Clown @AsakuraHao ), “oofy doofy”, “no gym for your face” or whatever. Just know that all of these have been proven by studies:
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Women tend to be attracted to the Dark Triad—narcissism, manipulativeness, & psychopathy
More psychopathic men tend to receive higher attractiveness ratings from women
On PornHub, women consume most of the porn where women are violently raped and abused
62% of women have fantasies about rape and other forced sex acts
50% of female porn viewers admitted to watching porn involving extreme violence against women
Women are drawn more than men to nonfiction stories of rape, murder, and serial killers
Criminal and antisocial men have more sexual partners and have sex earlier
Antisocial, criminal and violent men have greater sexual access to women
Imprisoned serial killers, terrorists and rapists receive thousands of love letters from women
Male gang members have dramatically more female sexual partners
Childhood bullies experience greater sexual success than non-bullies
More than half of prison staff sexual misconduct involves female guards/staff
39% of hospitalized male psychopaths had consensual sex with female mental health staff
Women desiring marriage and commitment are more attracted to narcissistic men
Female narcissism reduces marital quality for men, but male narcissism does not for women
Men are attracted to "nice" women, but women are not attracted to "nice" men
Vegetarian men are less attractive, likable, and masculine to women than omnivorous men
Rapists are far more sexually active than other men
Benevolent sexism is approved in society by both men and women
Misogynistic men are more sexually active than most men
Physically attractive people convey personality traits better during first impressions
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69% of high functioning autistic adolescents want relationships, but almost none succeed
44.6% of high functioning adult autistic men remain virgins, despite high sex/relationship drive
Autistic males are more likely to have physically unusual facial traits
Autists are judged as awkward, less physically attractive and less approachable within seconds
Autistic men have 10 times as many suicidal thoughts as normal men
High IQ men are more likely to remain virgins longer
Teenage boys with ADHD have double the amount of sexual partners vs. 'normal' teens
Cluster-B personality disorders lead to 3.5x as many sexual partners and more offspring
Mental disorders significantly reduce men's fertility, substantially more than they do for women
People accurately perceive a man's mental health from facial appearance alone
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Women are more racist in online dating, and 92-95% with a "preference" exclude any ethnic men
All races agree that whites are most attractive, but women prefer whites far more than men
Women are more racist than men in speed dating, and find Asian men least physically attractive
White men get 11-14 times as much interest from women on Tinder vs. equivalent Asian men
Being Asian in the USA is a primary predictor of 'never being kissed'
Asian women marry interracially more than twice as often as Asian men
Asian men have half the relationships as white men due to women's 'racial hierarchy'
White and Asian women agree white men are 30-50% more attractive than Asian men
Women reply most online to white men and least to Indian men
Across America, women most desire white men, followed by black, Hispanic, and Asian men
Women enforce stricter racial requirements than men, advantaging primarily white men
Female porn actresses 'racially dodge' scenes with Black male actors or demand a premium
Whiter, golden, & rosier (ie. Caucasian) skin is seen as healthier and more attractive
An Asian face is more 'similar to that of an infant' than other races
Black men and women appear 'more masculine' than whites; Asian men appear 'less masculine'
Women who don't express a 'racial preference' in dating behave the same as women who do
Racism in dating is stable or worsening, not improving, over time
Looks (Life)
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Beauty is objective and measurable in the brain
People broadly agree on who is good looking or not, and it affects every aspect of life
It takes less than one second for people to accurately judge beauty
Babies can easily differentiate between attractive and unattractive faces
Parents treat attractive children better than ugly children
Physical attractiveness in adolescence predicts better socioeconomic status in adulthood
Physically attractive individuals are more likely to believe in a 'just world'
Attractive people are perceived much more positively than they really are
Attractive men are perceived as 'funnier', even when they are actually not
A man's looks are significantly correlated with his popularity and peer status
Looks (Love)
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Women feel sexual disgust when they imagine even talking to an unattractive man
Across multiple studies; attractiveness determines romantic evaluations equally for both sexes
70% of women would avoid someone solely based on their looks, compared to 31% of men
Love at first sight can be predicted by physical attractiveness
Only a man's looks and race matter in online dating - his personality does not
Looks are most important in speed dating
Looks are most important in video dating
Looks are most important in blind dating
It is Looks > Personality > Money for both genders, but women lie more about it
Your looks define perception of your personality in online dating
A man's personality only matters to a woman if he meets her basic looks cutoff first
Being unattractive reduces men's chances of finding partners, but not women's
In short-term dating and provided many options, women care more about looks than men
'Very unattractive' women are more likely to be married than other women
Women are less likely to use a condom with a more attractive male partner
A man's masculinity and physical attractiveness predicts a woman's chance of orgasm
A man's physical attractiveness to other women predicts his partner's chance of orgasm
The attractiveness gap in a couple predicts how long they wait before engaging in sex
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Men's facial masculinity determines female interest for friendship vs. short/long-term dating
Women prefer men with dominant, aggressive and wide faces (high fWHR)
High fWHR men express greater psychopathy, aggression, cheating, and exploitative behavior
Teenage boys with 'dominant' facial features have sex earlier
Women who have experienced domestic violence find men with higher fWHRs more attractive
High fWHR is associated with greater lifetime reproductive success
Even chickens prefer sexually dimorphic human faces, to the same extent as humans
Symmetry is universally beautiful and leads to more sexual partners
Facial plastic surgery significantly changes how a man's personality is perceived
Facial shape predicts perceived leadership ability and election outcomes
Facial attractiveness contributes more to overall attractiveness than body, particularly in men
Facial attractiveness is more important than body because a face can't easily be changed
Bald men and men with thinning hair are perceived as less attractive
Males who start puberty late are more likely to remain sexually inexperienced or virgins
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A man having the "correct" race, height, and face is worth millions of dollars to women
23-33% of women intentionally mislead men they are not interested in for free meals
Women orgasm more when having sex with rich men
Most women fake orgasms and moan loudly without having orgasms
Men with much lower incomes than their wives are more than twice as likely to not have sex
Photoshopping a man into a luxury apartment made women rate him as 30% more attractive
Women are 1,000x more sensitive than men to economic status cues when rating attractiveness
By the end of her life, the average woman will have a negative $122,000 net fiscal impact
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A man's height determines his dating pool. Over 94% of women reject men for being "too short"
Women are happiest with their partner's heights when they are 8.24" inches taller then them
Short men have twice the suicide rate of tall men
24% of men under 5'9" would undergo surgery costing 31% of their life savings to be taller
Taller men are quicker to engage in physical aggression than short men
Taller men have more partners and father more children
Sperm banks require that men be at least 5'8" tall
The most important thing to women in a man's online dating bio is that he claims to be 6' tall
Taller men report more satisfaction in their romantic relationships than shorter men
Short students more likely to be bullied in school
Short men more likely to experience premature hair loss
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36.4% of US male online daters are now resorting to anabolic steroids & bulimia to compete
Rated strength is the main predictor of men's bodily attractiveness. No women prefer weak men
The most attractive BMI range for men is ~24.5-27 and for women ~17-19 as it is most youthful
Men prefer low waist-hip ratios in women
Even congenitally blind men prefer a low waist-hip ratio in women
A man's muscle building capacity is primarily determined by genetics
Among university students, only physical dominance over other men predicted mating success
Antisocial personality disorders are linked with being overweight/obese in women but not men
Across 91 studies, bodily masculinity was predictive of men's mating and reproductive success
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Women most prefer penises longer than 84.8% of all men's
Larger penis size has an equivalent effect on male attractiveness to women as greater height
Women who prefer longer penises are more likely to have vaginal orgasms
90% of women agree that penis girth is more important than length for their sexual satisfaction
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Men with deeper voices have more children and sexual partners
Social dialect and men’s voice pitch influence women’s mate preferences
Among male CEOs, voice pitch is a significant predictor of earnings
Autistic males are much more likely to have a nasal voice
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Women rate 80% of men as "below medium", while men rate women on a bell curve
In sexually liberated societies, only women decide when sex occurs
Women prefer men with high income and high educational status
Career women are refusing to marry down facing a 'shortage' of equally or more successful men
A survey found a dramatically higher median sex partner count for young women than young men
Men's social status accounts for 62% of the variance of copulation opportunities
93% of women preferred being asked out on a date rather than doing the asking
The top 10% of men get 58% of women's likes in online dating
Men like 61.9% of female profiles, women like only 4.5% of male profiles
The top 5-20% of men (ie. "Chads") are now having more sex than ever before
Average women receive 15 times as many matches as average men on Tinder
Tinder manipulates male profile visibility to promote hypergamy & maximize revenues from men
Women are more attracted to men who are already in relationships than single men
Women are prone to instability when they are more attractive than their male partner
Before 'enforced monogamy', women's effective population size was up to 17x larger than men's
Women bitterly reject unattractive men after facing rejection themselves by an attractive man
A large survey study found no clues to stronger sexual motivation among women
Aversion to having the wife earn more explains 29% of the decline in marriages
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Women name the wrong man as the "father" for 3.36% of all childbirths
Women rapidly lose interest in sex once in a stable relationship or living with a man
The more women love their husbands, the less likely they are to initiate sex
Women initiate 69% of divorces
Half of women in relationships report maintaining a 'back-up' partner in their social circle
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Women who have premarital sex partners have higher divorce rates
Promiscuous women are more incompetent, cold, and unstable, according to women
Women 'dehumanize' and act more aggressively towards promiscuous women
Women write 45.0-61.3% of all 'misogynistic' tweets on Twitter about female promiscuity
Income inequality not gender inequality explains female sexualization on social media
Women are half as likely as men to be very satisfied by a one night stand
Casual sex is associated with less depression for men and more depression for women
Women feel more "entitlement" to men's bodies for sexual pleasure than vice versa
Women's reported sex partner count dramatically increases when hooked up to a polygraph
Women get 2-3 times as many casual sexual relationships from Tinder than men
69% of young women have turned down sex due to concerns about their vaginal odor
Women who have tattoos or piercings or wear chokers are more promiscuous
Women with 5+ lifetime sexual partners have a >21.8% chance of carrying genital herpes
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28% of young women now consider men even winking at them to be sexual harassment
Women's definition of 'harassment' in online dating depends on the attractiveness of the man
The attractiveness of a male 'harasser' determines if the experience is enjoyable or traumatic
Attractiveness determines perceptions of guilt or innocence in cases of sexual harassment
Men & especially ugly men are considered inherently 'creepier' than women
Women permit 'creepy' behavior from attractive but not unattractive men
27% of men report avoiding one-on-one meetings with female work colleagues
Men are equally likely as women to be victims of violent crime
Any sex a woman has while intoxicated can be defined as rape by a man under US law
As many US men report being 'forced to penetrate' each year as women report being raped
More teenage boys are victims of 'partner directed violence' than teenage girls
Many adult men are victims of intimate partner physical violence
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Many people prefer life without social media over life without sex
Sex is the most pleasurable, joyous, and meaningful human experience
Mating performance is significantly related to happiness and life satisfaction
Penile–vaginal intercourse is associated with health, but masturbation and anal sex are not
Loneliness increases premature death rates by 26% and is as deadly as obesity
Men are unhappier being single than women
Males gained peer status through having had sex and females lost peer status
Being single is a greater risk factor for developing depression in men than in women
People that are married are 2.4x more likely to recover early from clinical depression
The brain reacts to rejection in the same manner as physical pain
Being shown a picture of a romantic partner results in higher pain tolerance
Warm partner contact lowers stress levels
Women prefer stoic men who downplay their health problems in a long-term relationship
Social life in college and at age 30 predicts well-being during midlife
Tinder usage is associated with lower self-esteem for men but not women
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Sexlessness among young U.S. men is at a record high affecting especially Asian men
College women nowadays are more likely to be sexually active than college men
Incel forums are disproportionately populated by suicidal, disabled, autistic, and ethnic men
42% of men and 44% of women 18-34 years old and unmarried in Japan are now virgins
There are now 70 million excess men in China and India who will live and die without partners
The percent of high school students who date is plummeting
Meeting online is now the primary way relationships are formed
Most online dating sites are dominated by men, only 21%-34% of users are female
30% of millennials are often or always lonely and 22% have no friends
41.1% percent of U.S college students report being depressed; 6.6% have planned their suicide
Men are more likely than women to commit suicide
Winners in a rigged game will consider the game fair as long as they keep winning
Involuntary celibacy is defined academically as 6 months of celibacy despite effort for sex
Being widowed in one's 20s increases suicide risk by ~17x for men, but only ~4x for women
Monogamy may have been selected by cultural evolution because of its benefits for society
Arranged marriage may be natural for humans
Popularity continues to exist in college and bullying exists both in college and after college
Missing out on teenage love damages sexual success later on
A stigma against virginity exists and many women refuse to date a virgin
Involuntarily celibates often were ostracized, bullied, and socially withdrawn during childhood
Young men are now more likely to be single than young women
scamming simps,and raking in the dough with my AI female version softcore adult pics to get HA to be a reality.
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Re: Do not post here unless you've read this

Post by 69ixine »

blackpill is FREEING

there is nothing morally wrong with you,it's all just hivemind evolutionary 'preference'.

as a 5'5 sandnigger I will never have a gf nd ive accepted only good traits are my face,hair ,lightskin and shoulder width.but these are not enough.
scamming simps,and raking in the dough with my AI female version softcore adult pics to get HA to be a reality.
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Re: Do not post here unless you've read this

Post by 69ixine »

blackpill is FREEING

there is nothing morally wrong with you,it's all just hivemind evolutionary 'preference'.

as a 5'5 sandnigger I will never have a gf nd ive accepted only good traits are my face,hair ,lightskin and shoulder width.but these are not enough.
scamming simps,and raking in the dough with my AI female version softcore adult pics to get HA to be a reality.
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Re: Do not post here unless you've read this

Post by 69ixine »

blackpill is FREEING

there is nothing morally wrong with you,it's all just hivemind evolutionary 'preference'.

as a 5'5 sandnigger I will never have a gf nd ive accepted only good traits are my face,hair ,lightskin and shoulder width.but these are not enough.
scamming simps,and raking in the dough with my AI female version softcore adult pics to get HA to be a reality.
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Re: Do not post here unless you've read this

Post by MrMan »

I don't believe all your stats here. Have you ever heard, "93.256% of statistics are made up on the spot, including this one.

Consider this:
69ixine wrote:
June 25th, 2023, 7:13 am
Most women fake orgasms and moan loudly without having orgasms
How do they know that? Do they have some device they stick up in there to measure orgasm? Most women? Most occasions? Or most admit to a one-time or occasional fake orgasm?

It's a pretty dumb thing to do, since she would be shortchanging herself but maybe it happens with fornicators moreso than with married people, since newly dating couples want to make each other feel good, each like the other, etc. She might make him feel proud and happy if she fakes it. But long term in a marriage, it makes no to do tha tregularly.. My wife doesn't moan, but what would be the point of repeatedly faking something like this over and over and over again?
The more women love their husbands, the less likely they are to initiate sex.
That could be because the wives who love their husbands say 'Yes' often enough where the husband regularly initiates, and the ones who don't scare their husbands away by scowling or saying, "You just want me for you body" or something like that.

In order for it to be blackpill, do they have to add, "So therefore no one ever gets a woman, so just give up trying."?

A lot of this stats are about whorish women anyway, certainly not an ideal woman. If I were single, I wouldn't want to marry a woman who'd whored herself out on Tinder.
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Re: Do not post here unless you've read this

Post by 69ixine »

MrMan wrote:
June 25th, 2023, 5:31 pm
I don't believe all your stats here. Have you ever heard, "93.256% of statistics are made up on the spot, including this one.

Consider this:
69ixine wrote:
June 25th, 2023, 7:13 am
Most women fake orgasms and moan loudly without having orgasms
How do they know that? Do they have some device they stick up in there to measure orgasm? Most women? Most occasions? Or most admit to a one-time or occasional fake orgasm?

It's a pretty dumb thing to do, since she would be shortchanging herself but maybe it happens with fornicators moreso than with married people, since newly dating couples want to make each other feel good, each like the other, etc. She might make him feel proud and happy if she fakes it. But long term in a marriage, it makes no to do tha tregularly.. My wife doesn't moan, but what would be the point of repeatedly faking something like this over and over and over again?
The more women love their husbands, the less likely they are to initiate sex.
That could be because the wives who love their husbands say 'Yes' often enough where the husband regularly initiates, and the ones who don't scare their husbands away by scowling or saying, "You just want me for you body" or something like that.

In order for it to be blackpill, do they have to add, "So therefore no one ever gets a woman, so just give up trying."?

A lot of this stats are about whorish women anyway, certainly not an ideal woman. If I were single, I wouldn't want to marry a woman who'd whored herself out on Tinder.
The blackpill doesn't apply to religious people and poor people abroad.It's a social phenomena of spoiled rich secular people reverting back to their nihilistic desires.Which creates perversions.which creates 'how can you benefit me'?type thinking.which creates a endless carrot and stick of dopamine.
scamming simps,and raking in the dough with my AI female version softcore adult pics to get HA to be a reality.
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