Things were so different in the US as recently as 2009

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Things were so different in the US as recently as 2009

Post by GoingAwol »

I'm a millennial that was born in '91. I have lived in East Tennessee my whole life. The social scene here is abysmal, and the dating scene is even worse. Local women are generally unattractive and trashy single moms who think they are 10s. It's awful. But things weren't always so bad. In fact, things were decent for me as recently as my last year of high school in 2009. During my jr high and high school days, I had my fair share of nice cute girls who were interested in me. Several girls outright asked me out, and several others made it very obvious that they were interested in me.

I remember how the social atmosphere felt so different back then. The vibe between men and women felt more open and friendly and both genders flirted with each other at the schools I went to. Another thing I recall is how it was normal to spontaneously call people on the phone. You could seriously look up a girl you liked in the phone book and give her a call. That was completely normal and nobody ever considered it to be "creepy." Just try to do that in 2020. That would freak women out and it might get you in some sort of legal trouble. At the very least it would get you labeled as creepy and the woman certainly wouldn't find it cute or endearing like they did in the past. Americans are way more closed off and calling them is now seen as pushy in most situations.

As far as I remember, 2010 was the year things really changed. That was right about the time smartphones started to really take off. I think smartphones and things like Instagram and Tinder were game changers for the American dating scene. Around that same time is when I became completely invisible to women. I went from having serious interest from quality girls to getting nothing. The change was dramatic to say the least.

The changes I have seen aren't just related to my lack of success with women. I have noticed that people are way more anti-social since 2010, and one of the visible examples of that is the aversion to phone conversations that I talked about before. I have also noticed that women are way more stuck-up than they were when I was in my teens. When I was in high school I felt like the prettiest girls that all the guys wanted were still somewhat friendly and approachable. Nowadays any woman who is halfway attractive is unfriendly and has a permanent case of resting bitch face. It's gotten to the point where it startles me when a woman actually smiles and makes eye contact with me because it almost never happens. It's almost like women aggressively avoid eye contact. I could go on and on about this, but the overall point is things changed dramatically around 2010 and have gone downhill since. Nowadays, it seems like it is almost taboo to even flirt with women at all, but it used to be okay to flirt with girls you didn't know in stores and restaurants. Seriously, it's like my teenage years happened on another planet.

Winston talks about the shift he noticed in the mid '80s. He says people became noticeably more closed off and cliquish. I believe Winston when he talks about that shift, but I also think there was another major energy shift in America in 2010. Seriously, what the hell happened to Americans, particularly American women? It's like they aren't even humans anymore.
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Re: Things were so different in the US as recently as 2009

Post by Yohan »

GoingAwol wrote:
December 20th, 2020, 8:43 pm

As far as I remember, 2010 was the year things really changed.
The changes I have seen aren't just related to my lack of success with women. I have noticed that people are way more anti-social since 2010, and one of the visible examples of that is the aversion to phone conversations that I talked about before.
Nowadays, it seems like it is almost taboo to even flirt with women at all, but it used to be okay to flirt with girls you didn't know in stores and restaurants. Seriously, it's like my teenage years happened on another planet.

Winston talks about the shift he noticed in the mid '80s. He said people became noticeably more closed off and cliquish. I believe Winston when he talks about that shift, but I also think there was another major energy shift in America in 2010....
Many Western women were not really what you expect as a man earlier than 1980, at least in Europe.

However It is true that around 2010 there was a major shift using the internet.

When the internet came up as a useful tool around 2002 to meet people of any kind, you were just starting your computer, logged into some chat-rooms and yahoo messenger and such website and was either waiting, if somebody connects to you or you were browsing profiles and most profiles of them were true and genuine, including my own ones.

This was drastically changing a few years later - total missuse was starting at that time - fake profiles were created and instead of ordinary women for chat from worldwide suddenly prostitutes in large numbers were showing up asking for money in return of sex. About ordinary men looking for females just for chat (or maybe more but talking in a serious polite way) dangerous criminals were offering drugs to youth etc.

Finally you could not use such services anymore - your mailbox was full with spam mail, your account was hacked and used by others, and the next step was about security - only selected profiles were accepted and anything unknown was deleted, minors if possible were blocked, forums were full of trolls, when signing up somewhere you had to use a creditcard to identify yourself and pay a small fee and so on...

Nowadays the dating scene on the local internet in USA is totally broken with useless people - this is because unlike up to 2002 now everybody, even the biggest idiot and worst criminal and most disgusting prostitute has access to internet and computers...

Additionally, new pro-feminist laws were created - violence in any case is the fault of the man, never the woman, a prostitute who asks for money is a poor victim, only the man who offers money should be punished and so on. Dating in restaurants, shopping malls, at the workplace etc. became risky for men....even internet dating could result in sexual harassment charges against you despite you never met that person personally face to face - strange people were impersonating other people, you had to become careful, worried about who is who.

Now we live in the sad world of total mistrust. Further, the corona-virus and its travel restrictions as a result make it even again a little bit worse is it is already.
Last edited by Yohan on December 23rd, 2020, 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Things were so different in the US as recently as 2009

Post by Mercury »

Indeed, even as recently as 2009, things were better than today. In 2009, there were still a few nightclubs in the United States that played classic music, including slow songs. Today, the entire American nightlife atmosphere is nothing but gangsta rap and country. Line dancing (5, 6, 7, 8 ) has become the new culture dance of the United States. And the 4th wave of feminism as described by Yohan that happened in the 2010s really shows how things can crash in a hurry. Dating at all in this country, including at restaurants, bars, shopping malls, college campuses, etc will actually get a man 375 years to life in Federal prison, even the death penalty, and is grounds for FBI and Homeland Security involvement. To the entire community, any man who has gotten into any form of legal altercations for socializing is worse than a terrorist and cop killer and needs to be taken out by a military air raid. Internet dating has become a nightmare for men as only the biggest, fattest hamplanet women are on internet dating websites, women whom can't get any dates because their tremendous girth, in and of itself, constantly generates a massive, 60+ foot diameter force field that keeps all the guys away. The ones that aren't supermorbidly obese, they make schemes that they are stranded in some third-world country in Africa and need money to get back home. Rumors are, America is even moving towards an era of mandatory default permanent institutionalization of all men high school graduation or older agewise without a woman in their lives.
Last edited by Mercury on December 26th, 2020, 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Things were so different in the US as recently as 2009

Post by Yohan »

Mercury wrote:
December 23rd, 2020, 4:30 pm
Indeed, even as recently as 2009, things were better than today. In 2009, there were still a few nightclubs in the United States that played classic music, including slow songs. Today, the entire American nightlife atmosphere is nothing but gangsta rap and country. Line dancing (5, 6, 7, 8 ) has become the new culture dance of the United States. And the 4th wave of feminism as described by Yohan that happened in the 2010s really shows how things can crash in a hurry.
It's not only in USA, but in UK/EU it is about the same situation.
Dating at all in this country, including at restaurants, bars, shopping malls, college campuses, etc will actually get a man 375 years to life in Federal prison, even the death penalty, and is grounds for FBI and Homeland Security involvement. Any man who has gotten into any form of legal altercations for socializing is worse than a terrorist and cop killer and needs to be taken out by a military air raid.
This is exaggerated by Mercury - as usual.

However it is true - to approach any female in Western countries, even with your best intention, can bring any man legally in a difficult position despite he did nothing wrong. It depends solely on her...something like a risky lottery game.

Internet dating has become a nightmare for men as only the biggest, fattest hamplanet women are on internet dating websites, women whom can't get any dates because their tremendous girth, in and of itself, constantly generates a massive, 60+ foot diameter force field that keeps all the guys away. The ones that aren't supermorbidly obese, they make schemes that they are stranded in some third-world country in Africa and need money to get back home. Rumors are, America is even moving towards an era of mandatory default permanent institutionalization of all men high school graduation or older agewise without a woman in their lives.
Many women in USA are looking like a piece of horror - they just don't care about their own body. Their behavior is also a serious problem, they are often unable to speak even a single sentence which does not contain any vulgar vocabulary. Often with children from several fathers etc.

Internet dating - especially domestic dating sites in USA - are the recipe for trouble, time waste - most female profiles which are looking good are fakes, either such women do not exist at all or the profile contains strongly misleading information.

It is a bit better with international dating - at least when you decide to meet that girl in person and nothing works out you had nevertheless a nice vacation time outside of the States...
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Re: Things were so different in the US as recently as 2009

Post by jamesbond »

Yes, the advent of smart phones and dating apps like Tinder changed the dating scene and social scene in the United States. Women in the US now think all men are 'creeps' and they avoid even making eye contact with men when they are out in public.

The only way to meet women now in America is through your friends. No wonder why so many men are going MGTOW or moving overseas, the dating and social scene in America is absolutely ridiculous.
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: Things were so different in the US as recently as 2009

Post by kangarunner »

jamesbond wrote:
August 1st, 2022, 5:23 pm
Yes, the advent of smart phones and dating apps like Tinder changed the dating scene and social scene in the United States. Women in the US now think all men are 'creeps' and they avoid even making eye contact with men when they are out in public.

The only way to meet women now in America is through your friends. No wonder why so many men are going MGTOW or moving overseas, the dating and social scene in America is absolutely ridiculous.
No, I don't think there is any way to meet feminine women now because none exist in the US.

Feminine women will have to be "imported" into the US. That may be a lucrative business idea for someone.
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Re: Things were so different in the US as recently as 2009

Post by NPCslammer »

The U.S. is collapsing. I can’t deny that I miss certain things about the U.S. But I realized that what I’m missing is pretty much gone now. There’s all sorts of videos now showing people attacking cashiers because they didn’t get enough ketchup on their burger, and they believe it’s worth going ape shit for. This kind of stuff is common now. People are committing crimes just because they want to attack or kill someone for the fun of it. The faggot and tranny agenda is pretty much on steroids now, and at the rate they’re going they’ll try to normalize pedophilia pretty soon, which they have done in some cases. America is basically Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0 now.
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Re: Things were so different in the US as recently as 2009

Post by OutcastedPhilosopher »

I was born in 1993. I didn't have a smart phone until 2013 or so and prior to that I only had a little flip phone to just talk to meet up with friends or call if I had an emergency, it was basically a burner phone.

I'd say 2010-2012 was the years things really started to change because I remember lots of people getting iphones and thinking it was great. Plus facebook, myspace, etc. I thought it was anti-social back then for the most part and still do.

My high school time 2008-2011 was kind of a joke as it was filled with a lot of white trash girls just looking to have a guy get them pregnant and become a single mom which I wasn't falling for that unlike some of my friends and my older brother fell for. I have seen a few of these girls who are now in their late 20s and early 30s and they don't look anywhere near the same. A lot of them have been ran through hard and look as you expect. I know one of my hs girlfriends caught herpes and is now a single mom that is tatted up all over. Looks extremely trashy now. Back in the day she was a tall blonde with a cute face but dumb as a box of rocks and just looking to get knocked up.....luckily I noped out of that. I actually ride my bike past her trailer park and have seen her outside and she has gained at least 75 pounds lol. It is actually painful seeing her because she was a young beautiful woman but has destroyed herself.

But I will say this, you could actually meet girls and go out with them during my high school time and they were friendly even if you weren't dating. I could actually talk and joke with them without any issues. A lot of times they would initiate conversation like it was no big deal. I went over to a number of houses and swam in pools and hung out, no big deal. I had some good times.

Now when I went to college in 2012, I immediately noticed the change in how people acted and how most people were completely closed off to strangers. I wasn't able to date at all until my senior year basically and I really cannot brag about it at all. I was able to get some decent girls off tinder too but that isn't really something I am proud of or really care about. The trend has gone anti-social and online. Now, I hear about people hooking up through instagram and I have to laugh because it seems so bizarre but it is what it is.

I created a facebook a few years ago to see how things are going with everyone and I generally just felt attached to it in a negative way. It seems very artificial and fake. I ended up deleting it after conversing with a few people I knew. It was funny because I had a few girls that I went to school with contact me and try to get me to hang out with them but I declined. It was funny because these girls were the ones who didn't really talk to me during school anyways and I imagined they are looking for some sucker or something since they are closing in on 30 and don't have anyone. There are going to be a lot of lonely women in the USA who are not going to have a husband or children within the next decade. I am not sure how big of an issue this is going to become but my own anecdotal experience tells me that this is going to be really bad and while some of it can be contributed to social media, smart phones, etc. a lot of these women have done it to themselves with the aid of weak/stupid men. One of the most depressing things is seeing women who were attractive when younger blow up into complete land whales and tatted up freak shows. I don't want to even see that shit, it is disgusting. It is not just self control but the food supply and the recommended diet in the US is terrible and it is destroying the people, especially women. No wonder they are jacked up, these idiots are drinking mountain dews and eating lucky charms all day then eating big mac slop food. It shows when you see their nasty bodies and flapjack titties.
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Re: Things were so different in the US as recently as 2009

Post by jamesbond »

OutcastedPhilosopher wrote:
August 3rd, 2022, 1:21 pm
There are going to be a lot of lonely women in the USA who are not going to have a husband or children within the next decade. I am not sure how big of an issue this is going to become but my own anecdotal experience tells me that this is going to be really bad and while some of it can be contributed to social media, smart phones, etc. a lot of these women have done it to themselves with the aid of weak/stupid men.

Indeed there are going to be millions of lonely women (and there already is) who will never get married or have children. Already in America, 50% of all adults are not married and this figure is going up every year.

The birth rates and marriage rates in the USA are at all time lows. There is going to be lot's of lonely crazy cat ladies out there! :P
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: Things were so different in the US as recently as 2009

Post by OutcastedPhilosopher »

jamesbond wrote:
August 3rd, 2022, 6:07 pm
OutcastedPhilosopher wrote:
August 3rd, 2022, 1:21 pm
There are going to be a lot of lonely women in the USA who are not going to have a husband or children within the next decade. I am not sure how big of an issue this is going to become but my own anecdotal experience tells me that this is going to be really bad and while some of it can be contributed to social media, smart phones, etc. a lot of these women have done it to themselves with the aid of weak/stupid men.

Indeed there are going to be millions of lonely women (and there already is) who will never get married or have children. Already in America, 50% of all adults are not married and this figure is going up every year.

The birth rates and marriage rates in the USA are at all time lows. There is going to be lot's of lonely crazy cat ladies out there! :P

They are already crazy as hell, it is going to get worse and worse though.
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Re: Things were so different in the US as recently as 2009

Post by Mew6ix »

jamesbond wrote:
August 1st, 2022, 5:23 pm
Yes, the advent of smart phones and dating apps like Tinder changed the dating scene and social scene in the United States. Women in the US now think all men are 'creeps' and they avoid even making eye contact with men when they are out in public.

The only way to meet women now in America is through your friends. No wonder why so many men are going MGTOW or moving overseas, the dating and social scene in America is absolutely ridiculous.
Same Americanized culture in Toronto.

13-year-old Cardi B fans and their mother thots spreading open their ass cheeks for Tyrone the pimp, while the same feminist mother tells her daughter that all boys in her school are creeps, except the school bully and the Tyrone in the Caddy offering molly.
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