The Horrors of Public Education

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Post by FuzzX »

Teachers are not to blame either. They are like soldiers in the trenches fighting a war to educate the public, taking orders from their superiors who have no idea what the current conditions are on the front lines.

Teachers are overstressed, underpaid, and restricted in their ability to respond to what they perceive in the classroom. Due to political correctness, threat of legal action by parents, and contrite school boards scared of disapproval by a vocal minority with big political clout, teachers are confined to a tight curriculum they are forced to follow.

Disagree, teachers are the ones who are to blame.

A bit about my highschool experience:

I was expelled, suspended countless times and spent almost everyday for four years in detention. Eventually I just started having lunch in the detention rooms because I couldn't keep track of all the detention slips the teachers would dole out.

I was bullied horribly in my first year in highschool... really really badly and the teachers and principal did nothing and denied it was happening. So I had to take matters into my own hands and found out that being a class clown/bad kid made you popular with the women REALLY quick and kept the bullies at arms length. Eventually, I was competing with one jock type guy for 'most popular kid' in school. It was a great time and I learned how to become the head of the social group before any of this PUA stuff even existed. I never actually learned any academic stuff though. :D

My first highschool I was renowned as the bad kid and in grade 11 I tried to run for student body president. The nerd on the council hated my guts and denied me the day before all submissions had to be handed in on the grounds that you needed a certain grade average. (Mine was straight D's and F's). Well I still went to the assembly and made my speech, I just ran up on stage when they were doing their presentation infront of the whole school and told the student body and teachers off. I got expelled and 3/5ths of the vote. A few years ago when I was in line at the local chinese place two guys started saying my name and told me they voted for me.... what a great feeling. ;)

At my second school during an assembly they had the governor general attend. Straight A students were allowed to goto the podium and ask questions. The teachers then made a call out to the rest of the students for anyone having a question (with no intention of actually letting this happen). So I stood up and walked to the podium... I guess my reputation had preceeded me because the football team started chanting my last name and alot of people were clapping and laughing. Well not 2 minutes later the principal got up out of her chair and cancelled the whole event... I hadn't even said anything and to be honest I never had a question in the first place. The students went crazy, started booing the principal and throwing things, alot of people were removed from the assembly and afterwards signs started popping up around the school saying "FUZZX FOR PRESIDENT".. I was suspended but had instant popularity. :D

I have no regrets.

My decision to become a teacher was really based on the fact that teachers today are usually those nerdy kids that had the grades to goto university and never really spoke to anyone. The average teacher has no idea how to reach out to the common student and make a connection. That's something that I excel at and generally what makes me an excellent teacher. I know that in order to get a point across and hold the student's attention you must put on a sort of show and get down to their level. The problem with educators today is that you can't go to university for 6 years as a student and expect to become a good teacher. If you spend your whole day studying you are nothing more than a professional studier. Being a good teacher means learning social skills... if I had it my way I would throw all my teachers into PUA classes and develop their social abilities exponentially. The leaders in society are very VERY rarely university graduates.

The problem is that most schools allow the followers to lead and make the leaders follow. No wonder education is going nowhere!

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Post by gmm567 »

Well I compeletly agree. The education system on the high school level is just awful.

But so many people don't think there is anything wrong with it.

All they have to do is ask the kids.
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Post by Winston »

This article describes very well why high school is such an insane dysfunctional and unnatural environment. It makes so much sense.
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Post by Think Different »

Perhaps expating to Zimbabwe would be a good start for this moron. I hear the weather's great this time of year......

Freedom of speech is one thing; blowing racist crap is just stupid. Get lost.
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The True Purpose of Education in America

Post by Winston »

Here is an essay I wrote in my ebook about the true purpose of education in America:

The True Purpose of Education in America: Indoctrination, Buffer Class, Dumbing Down

Education in America is basically a system to indoctrinate you into becoming a “happy slave� and robot who doesn’t think too much, but just enough to do your job. The curriculum keeps you in left brained mode so that you remain practical, weak and subservient to the system, never realizing your true inner power and capacity for higher consciousness. In the education system, people are basically resources to groom for the business economy.

The purpose of public education is not to educate, enlighten or increase your intelligence. Nor is it to enrich you as a person, mentally and spiritually. It's to shape and mold you as a business resource to become a corporate drone while keeping you disciplined and under control during adolescence, all the while making you think that you are learning wonderful and useful things. And it's also to mold the way you think so that you will conform and obey (nevermind the fact that they also preach to you that America is a free country). Ironically, they preach the propaganda of America being “the land of the free�, while at the same time they command you to obey and conform to the school system and its schedules and routines, which is basically a little dictatorship full of rules and policies. Freedom my a**.

They also claim to promote critical thinking, yet they ironically tell you what to think and believe at the same time (e.g. capitalism is good, greed is good, America is a democracy and the land of the free, other countries suffer cause they do not follow America’s example, etc). But of course, you aren’t supposed to see such contradictions or question it. Your job is to study hard, conform and obey. That’s it. It’s a robot molding process.

99 percent of what they teach you in school are things you don't ever need to know and will NEVER use, either in real life or in any job or profession. They know that, but they NEVER tell you that. Would any teacher admit to their students that most of what they are teaching them will never be of use to them? Of course not. What they tell you is to study hard, get good grades, and pass exams so you can move to the next grade and have a better future. In other words, study hard so that you can make more money is the motto and life mission that they indoctrinate you with. But the real purpose of memorizing such useless data for exams is to condition you to obey and follow whatever you are told.

In addition, the high school environment is dysfunctional, insane and unnatural. It is totally bad for your mental health and self-esteem. Cliques are closed and pompous, and kids are overly judgmental and looking for an excuse to become hostile and ridicule any target they can find. These articles describe this well: ... -education

And of course, throughout the whole "education process" they feed you the promise that if you work hard for them and retire, giving them the best years of your life, then you'll have the time and means to do any extensive traveling you dream of. Yeah right, with the poison they give you in American food, fat chance (pun intended). So in other words, you aren't supposed to have too much fun until you're too old and unhealthy to have fun anymore. They know that it may not even work out that way, but they keep the illusion of that going to serve their interests (not yours). You are conditioned and brainwashed into thinking that that's the only route in life; there is no alternative. You were born to be a slave, and the purpose of life is to work only. Everyone else thinks that, so you are obligated to as well. And while you slave away your best years to them, you get 2 weeks off a year to go to Disneyland, New York, Hawaii, or some touristy crap, where you will never see or experience even 0.000001 percent of the world. (And many Americans don’t even travel during their 2 weeks of paid vacation. They just stay home. Or they don’t even take the vacation at all. Instead they cash it in.)

What the powers of imperial America never tell you is that you don't have to be old, retired, or financially independent to travel the world. Many people with little money pull it off, by alternative living, hitchhiking (which is illegal in some of the US), camping, and using hospitality/accommodation websites (e.g.,,, etc.), for years at a time. For instance, see this famous case at: , .

After high school, you are encouraged to go to college to raise your career level and status, where again you are bombarded with higher level "education" which in reality is just more useless information that you're tested on. Most of what you study and memorize from college coursework under your degree program is NEVER used in the profession that you are specializing in, and is largely unnecessary for the work that you actually do. And even in the few specializations which are the exception, you still cram down far more than you need to know, just to give the college system an excuse to mold you and weed people out with their fees.

Another purpose of college is to create a middle class to act as a buffer between the rich and poor, protecting and shielding those who run the country from everyone else below them that might undermine the status quo. By using the old "divide and conquer" strategy, the power elite divides its subjects in two, creating a middle class which gives the lower class a way to move up to quell some of their oppression or dissatisfaction (or at least the illusion of it) and thus act as a buffer between the elite and lower class. (See Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States) This also serves the purpose of setting the people against each other – middle vs. lower class – so that they do not unite against the real oppressors, which are the power elite that control the major banks, military industrial complex, media, corporations, government, etc. But unless you have a radical socialist history teacher (like I did) you’ll never hear about these ulterior purposes of college.

Howard Zinn, author of A People’s History of the United States explains: ... s-conv.pdf
“And this is so much the history of the United States which developed perhaps the largest middle class. That is, the United States has had enough wealth so it could bribe enough people in the population to create a middle class which became useful as a buffer between the very rich and that part of the population which could not even rise into the middle class. So the middle class, in the United States, has always been enticed by the establishment into thinking that it can rise into the upper class and not told that it can also descend. [Laughter]. The result is that the United States educational system teaches us from the very beginning that we are not a class society. To use the term "class", in the United States? it's just a term you use for school, right. [Laughter] ‘This is my class’ sort of thing.� ... zinn.shtml
“Class is just not addressed in the United States. The pretense is that we're all one big happy family. The government uses language about representing "the national interest." This assumes that we all have the same interests you know, that Exxon and I have the same priorities, or that the government and I have the same desire to go to war. I'm suspicious of terms like "national security" or "national defense," which try to envelop the whole population within one common position which doesn't really exist.�

Another purpose of the middle class, summarized by one of Zinn’s fans, is: ... eview.html
“The middle class has been created as a buffer between the hungry lower class and the well-fed upper class. By taking resources away from the poor and giving away just enough resources to the middle class, the upper class causes enough tension between the two classes to divert attention from the real crook, itself.�

Here is how another Zinn reader paraphrased the choices the ruling class faced when creating college and the middle class: ... %E2%80%9D/
“Eventually, Zinn notes, the rich realized that they couldn’t keep ALL of the wealth to themselves. They decided it was necessary to create an educated, civilized and semi-monied middle-class that would serve as a buffer against the masses of the poor. You know the old saying: a man who has nothing, has nothing left to lose. Therefore, threats of joblessness, or jail, or even death, are insufficient to keep him in his place. When you have an socio-economic system that, by definition, creates massive amounts of extreme poverty, the ruling class of said system have only two choices: employ a standing army to protect themselves, or, has eventually happened in America, tweak the system.�

But the middle class is what keeps our exploitative system intact, as political prisoner Jeffrey Luers vociferates on in his pamphlet:
“The enormous wealth in this country has created the richest ruling class in history with enough left over to pass out to the middle class, ensuring they act as a buffer between the have and the have-nots. Is it any wonder that the presidential 'elections' revolve around middle class issues? All two of the recognized candidates are constantly seeking support from middle class America promising this or that in return. Meanwhile, the money to support campaigns comes in from corporate donations, ensuring that government policy is well paid for. Why is it no candidate ever reached out to the 50 million people struggling to get by? The middle class lends legitimacy to a well thought out facade. But when all is said and done, a rich ruler is a rich ruler is a rich ruler.�

Commenting on the above, a reader wrote to me:
“Dear Winston,

This is brilliant. I never connected that to the failure of Marx's prediction. You know, the ruling class is never just going to disappear ushering in actual democracy. It's better to just let us think we have a choice.�

But that’s not all. The conspiracy movement has revealed a hidden purpose that you are meant to think is by accident. Charlotte Iserbyt, who served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the Reagan Administration, has blown the whistle on a deliberate government social engineering to “dumb down� the American public. Of course, only the alternative media gave her any press. The mainstream media ignored her, like they do with most whistleblowers.

You can view her website and download her free 700+ page book here:

Excerpt from the Forward of her book:
“Charlotte Iserbyt is to be greatly commended for having put together the most formidable
and practical compilation of documentation describing the “deliberate dumbing down� of
American children by their education system. Anyone interested in the truth will be shocked
by the way American social engineers have systematically gone about destroying the intellect
of millions of American children for the purpose of leading the American people into a socialist
world government controlled by behavioral and social scientists.�
Or watch some interviews with her on YouTube: ... erbyt&aq=0
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Post by Master »

f**k! we all got c's? i see a thread. hahahahha.

and what the f**k is it with this gordon guy. he doesnt stop. one thing for sure, he is persistent. we should give him an award for trying so hard. lol.

actually i got sidetracked. reading about all these comments. i really liked the main letter and found it so insightful and true. I couldnt stop reading it and wanted more. that guy was so smart. what i didnt like is that he didnt really have any real solutions at the end and he was part of the same system he was debunking. wasnt he a current college student? big shit. I know tons of people that talk bad of the same shit they currently eat. that doesnt make sense to me and i understand when you have no other choice thats passable to me but not in this case. Its a choice to be in college and pick that lifestyle. I dont see him dropping out anytime soon do we? I like people that talk the walk and if they have not eat, they dont. Not people that bite the sweet hand that feeds them.
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Why schools are prisons which train you to become slaves

Post by Winston »

Check out this video I found that explains how and why public schools in America are essentially no different than prisons, designed to condition you to think and act as obedient slaves. It's very spot on.

Herd Mentality - The Schooling System

This video describes the history of our enslavement, from ancient times til present. It's very interesting.

The story of your enslavement

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Re: Why schools are prisons which train you to become slaves

Post by NorthAmericanguy »

Winston wrote:Check out this video I found that explains how and why public schools in America are essentially no different than prisons, designed to condition you to think and act as obedient slaves. It's very spot on.

Herd Mentality - The Schooling System

This video describes the history of our enslavement, from ancient times til present. It's very interesting.

The story of your enslavement

I disagree with the second video. The ancient Egyptians revered the after life and their culture goes back to at least 10,000 BCE!

As far as enslavement, my studies have let me to discover that it starts with the branching off of different racial groups. A certain racial group came to this world rather late (4500 BCE) and they operate with no compassion or consideration for others.
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Post by Winston »

Check out these podcasts at the schoolsucksproject:
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Post by Winston »

The Sheeple Syndrome and Public Schools

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Post by Maker55 »

The financial bankers and secret societies are to blame for the educational system.

The teachers have no choice but teach the way that they do.

Because if the teachers taught differently, they would get fired, no questions asked.
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Post by adann »

Wow sounds like american public schools are really atrocious. I've never experienced anything like this growing up on the outskirts of Toronto. All the kids attended either public schools or catholic schools.
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Post by Winston »

Why is school such an oppressive experience in America, more so than in other countries? Why can't they make it more enjoyable or fun or more of a positive experience at least? Like Kindergarten was?
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