The Trial of Yours Truly

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The Trial of Yours Truly

Post by cubeangel »

Youcancallmeal and Winston, I definitely agree with what both of you have written about confidence and attitude. I attempted to write a lampoon, a satire and an absurdity?

What do you guys think?

I. Notes
II. Introduction
III. Definition of Attitude
IV. My Personal Story
V. Explaining the Converse to the Judge
VI. Attitude and Falsifiability
VII. My Sentencing
VIII. My Execution


This is meant to be a satire, a lampoon, and an absurdity and is meant to communicate that I do not understand certain ideas that seem to be a part of the main narrative of the United States of America and why they are accepted. People in America treat attitude and confidence which as though they’re causes instead of effects and as a light switch that they can suddenly turn on. There is a bit of truth that a person’s lack of confidence and negative attitude can be a detriment and it can become a cycle. If a person says they can’t do something their attitude and confidence is looked upon at the exclusion of anything else. Finally there would be no defense that would be permissible as explained in this satire. In essence, any defense would be considered being negative hence there is no way to refute someone’s belief that Person B’s lack of success and ability is caused by lack of confidence and negative attitude. It is the same with self-esteem. In order for one to have a positive attitude, healthy self-esteem and self-confidence one has to be able to have success first in his given society. This might mean others may have to help to achieve success in various ways. If healthy self-esteem, positivity and self-confidence comes from success and if some success comes from others’ help to achieve it then there are some cases in which healthy self-esteem, positivity and self-confidence would have to be given to me by others. Healthy self-esteem positivity and self-confidence comes from success. Somes forms of success come from others help to achieve it. Therefore, Healthy self-esteem, positivity, and self-confidence would sometimes have to be given to me by others.


After days of my being on trial for displaying a negative attitude the prosecution laid out the charges before the court and describing the circumstances of the crimes that I committed. My crimes were 50 counts of having a negative attitude. The penalty for this heinous crime against humanity is death. It is the year 2024 six years after this law was passed. Two years ago, Gideon vs. Wrainright was overturned which meant that if one could not afford an attorney one would not have one appointed to him. This meant I would not receive counsel or representation. After the prosecution rested, I addressed the court by saying “Your Honor, I have a communication problem and the only way I can present a defense is by reading here what I have written otherwise I do not know how to defend myself any other way. May I do this?â€￾ The judge said “The defendant may proceed. “


To start off with your honor Attitude is a position of the body indicating a particular mental state as the oxford dictionary states. There is a circular nature of attitude and this is what is accepted in our American cultural, society and our body politic. The circular nature is as follows my outcomes can cause my attitude and my attitude can cause my outcomes and problems. Many people in our modern day society focus on one of the components to an extreme at the huge disregard of the other. My position of my body and my mental state is looked at first before anything else.

My Personal Story

In order to illustrate what I am conveying, Your Honor, I am going to narrate an event from my personal life. I was pulled over one time for reckless driving because I panicked when I overslept through my alarm. I was taken to the holding cell for eight hours. They told me I would be released within the hour. A few months later I had my day in court. A fine had to be paid and I had to go to a driving school. Before this time, I had major problems driving and switching lanes. I did not know how to do it that well. As I was taking the class, the instructor Mr. James Brock, told us all what to do.

He said and I am paraphrasing that before I switch lanes I need to look in my mirrors and make sure I can see the car’s full bumper and headlights. He said to speed up a little to see if anyone was in this lane. This was the instruction I was missing. I was able to incorporate this in the way I drive and I was able to improve my driving in a profound way. Mr. Brock even said he would tolerate no nonsense and anyone who fell asleep would be kicked out and anyone who didn’t take notes would be kicked out. He was very detailed and he told us word for word what to write down. It was very concrete. It was one of the easiest courses I ever took.

Explaining the Converse to the Judge

Based upon my experiences, I believe the converse is true. This is one of my points. In order for one to have a positive attitude, healthy self-esteem and self-confidence one has to be able to have success first in his given society. This might mean others may have to help to achieve success in various ways. If healthy self-esteem, positivity and self-confidence comes from success and if some success comes from others’ help to achieve it then there are some cases in which healthy self-esteem, positivity and self-confidence would have to be given to me by others. Healthy self-esteem positivity and self-confidence comes from success. Some forms of success come from others help to achieve it. Therefore, Healthy self-esteem, positivity, and self-confidence would sometimes have to be given to me by others. The driving example is one of many in my life that demonstrates that the converse to this main belief system is true and the belief system that is held today is mostly false. Your Honor, if it may please the court I am going to explain what falsifiability is and how it relates to attitude which is my second point against this belief system.

Attitude and Falsifiability

The generally accepted belief about attitude is that it is one of major causes of success or failures. Henry Ford said “if you think you can or can't then you’re right.â€￾ This is the essence of positivity and negativity. What the belief is saying is that one’s attitude is so strong this very belief will affect a person’s ability either way. Falsifiability means that there is an inherent possibility of proving a hypothesis or theory false. Attitude, the way it is thought of in America and both positive and negative, is not falsifiable. The reasoning is because by the very act of refuting this line of reasoning is considered having a negative attitude. In science and statistics, one does not try to prove a hypothesis one tries to refute this hypothesis by having a null hypothesis.
An example of this is the hypothesis that All Swans are white. This is a considered a universal hypothesis which would be very difficult to prove because one would have to find and catalogue every Swan in existence. Instead, scientists try to refute this universal by trying to prove the null hypothesis which is “Some Swans are not White.â€￾ If a scientist finds a swan that is black then this scientist has refuted the original hypothesis.

As stated before, “The hypothesis is attitude is affecting a person’s ability either way.â€￾ The null hypothesis to this is attitude is not affecting a person’s ability either way. This means something else, which will be referred to as x is affecting the ability either way. By attempting to prove this null hypothesis that x other than attitude is affecting the ability either way is considered a form of negativity as well. Our American society would regard this as having a negative attitude if one attempts to refute the original hypothesis.

Your Honor, the prosecution who is a representative of American society has brought up the charge of a negative attitude as the cause of my issues and American society rejects anything negative in outlook. Before 2018, it used to be a matter of social ostracization? now it has been legally codified as a federal statute. I have attempted to mount a defense not only by giving an example of the converse to this but by the conception and idea of defense and that no defense I give would ever exonerate me from this charge. This is because by attempting to defend myself by stating I cannot with reasons even if the reasons were proven, I already demonstrate negativity. This means the charge is a non-falsifiable and a non-defendable charge. By the nature of the charge itself I ask the jury to not only find me not guilty but to examine the law unto itself out and nullify it and based upon the example of the converse. By the way, laws set precedent. Can this law be interpreted to mean one can’t defend himself from a charge at all?

The Sentencing

After I said all of this, I told the court “The Defense Rests.â€￾ The judge told to jury that they had to deliberate the facts of the case. After an hour the jury came back in and the judge asked them if they had reached a verdict. The foreman of the jury said “Yes, your honor we have reached a verdict. The bailiff took the verdict out of the foreman’s hand and handed it to the judge. The judge took the verdict, looked at it and gave it back to the bailiff who gave it back to the foreman. The judge asked the foreman to read the verdict. The foreman read the verdict and said “We find the defendant guilty of all 50 counts.â€￾ After the reading of the verdict, the judge told me what my sentence was which the mandatory minimum was and it was death. The judge told me “By the virtue of the law there is only one sentence I can pass which is death. You are to be remanded to the Arkwell Correctional State Institute for your sentence of death by lethal injection immediately.

My Execution

After my sentencing, I was taken by two burly and muscular guards to the Arkwell Correctional Institute table and was told to lay on it the table when we reached the execution chamber. The doctor hooked three needles to my arms. Two of them were drugs to put me to sleep and the final one was to execute me. I felt myself going to sleep and then finally I took the big, gigantic, celestial, dirt nap.
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