Taiwan massage parlors and brothels - scouting report

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Taiwan massage parlors and brothels - scouting report

Post by Winston »

Last night, me and a friend drove around to dozens of massage parlors and pub/KTV type of joints around Chiayi, Taiwan all night til 6am in the morning. We wanted to check them out and satisfy our curiosity about them, since they are often behind dark tinted windows with seductive soft lighting in front, which we found very alluring and curiosity-arousing. Both of us felt that going alone to such places felt intimidating and "out of flow" so it was easier to go together.

Here are some observations and discoveries we made, which contain some disappointing ugly truths:

- 9/10 of the females that work there are not only unattractive, but look ghetto and talk ghetto as well. They act like crack heads who smoke all day or something, and have worn faces. Thus it's no surprise that almost all of them have very dark lighting inside. This is an obvious bad sign and means that they have something to hide. When you see most of the women there, you understand why - most of them are repulsive or ghetto-like, and so to minimize their unattractive look, they have to reduce the lighting to the bare minimum.

Now, I don't know if this stupid tactic really works or not, since I can still tell what they look like with dim lights, especially if I get up close to them. But it's kind of stupid, because it makes the intention obvious and is an obvious bad sign. When I confronted them about it though, they deny it, but come on now, some things are too obvious. Anyhow, if this tactic works, it must work on the lowest type of Taiwanese guys who have no standards. I don't know. Usually Taiwanese guys are very picky about looks and only like young innocent thin types of girls. So I can't imagine that even low class Taiwanese guys would have no standards.

- Also, these massage joints often lied about the age of the ladies. The ladies often look older than what the manager tells you, or at least their worn out rugged appearance made them look older, I don't know. But you get a lot of disappointments here, especially since 80 percent of the girls in Taiwan are cute or good looking, yet the massage ladies are often NOT from among the 80 percent of attractive females in Taiwan. That's very disappointing.

- Occasionally, we got a jolt of excitement when a hot looking woman greeted us at the door of a massage parlor we drove up to, only to find out that she wasn't available and was only the hostess. My friend called this a deceptive "bait and switch" tactic. The above was bad enough, but this kind of "bait and switch" deception only made it worse. Gee, how bad can it get? After all, why would she dress so sexy and look so hot if she herself wasn't available?! That's kind of stupid and only leads to disappointment. Is that really good for the business of the place? Are they that desperate and low?!

- The picking process is also time consuming and inefficient. You can't just check out the ladies who work at the massage parlors in the lobby, or in a lineup. They always insist on you going upstairs to a dark bedroom, where you wait for each ghetto looking hag with bad attitudes to come in one at a time so that you have reject them one at a time, all under very dim lighting. It's a very time consuming process and inefficient, and goes against common sense. It'd be much quicker and efficient to just do a lineup like other countries do. This process also has a somewhat inconsiderate and seedy feel to it. It's another negative con of the Taiwan "pay for play" scene.

- The KTV/pub type places were also disappointing. To my surprise, there were quite a few of these places, but only a few of them had young pretty girls in them. However, when the girls that worked there walked by, they would not smile or make eye contact with us. Instead, they were cold and aloof. Only the guys that worked there would talk to us and try to answer our questions about how things worked there.

I tried my best to wave and smile and say hi to the KTV girls to get a response, but they mostly ignored us and walked away. Gee, you'd think that girls who were paid hostesses would be more friendly than that?! They seem to operate on bizarro logic. Do they think that being cold and antisocial is going to get customers to go in and spend money?! WTF?! Weird. I don't know. Taiwanese girls never made any sense to me. They are like from a different universe. Some are really nice and sweet, and those I usually meet by accident, but most of them are quite cold and uptight, especially if they are attractive.

I forgot to bring my spy camera. If I had it, I could have filmed them being cold and turning away from me as I tried to greet them, so you could see what I mean. I don't know. I guess many Taiwanese females are like that. Not all, but many are.

Sadly, in Taiwan the more attractive the girls are, the more cold and unfriendly they are, and the less attractive they are, the more easy going and friendly they are, which SUCKS and is one of the major drawbacks of Taiwan, though it's taboo to mention it. Now don't get me wrong. There are a lot of friendly people in Taiwan who smile and are cheerful and helpful and polite. But it seems that almost any good looking young tall skinny girl there will be totally self-absorbed with no social skills - which sucks if you are a guy. In short, the better looking a girl in Taiwan is, the LESS friendly she is, while the worse looking she is, the more friendly she is - which sucks if you are a guy who likes hot girls. But for some reason it is politically incorrect to complain about this, as if you aren't supposed to. lol

It's too bad that Taiwan can't be like Russia, where hot girls are just as friendly, open and approachable, as average looking girls are, and have good social skills too - in total contrast to Taiwan, where the hottest girls are the most stuck up and have the most uptight walls around them. This is very true, but very taboo to mention for some reason. I don't know why. It's like it's obvious, but you aren't supposed to talk about it. Weird.

The prices at KTV's were also complicated and seemed kind of high. The guys who worked there kept quoting partial prices rather than the cost of everything altogether, as if they were trying to spin it to sound lower than it was, which made me hesitate even more. I don't know if they were trying to spin the prices to sound lower, or if they just had bad communication skills. After some prying, my friend told me that it would be several thousand NT for the girls, table, and drinks. However, the door guys kept it vague and only mentioned the 300NT per girl fee. I don't know why. Perhaps they do that on purpose. Hard to tell.

Overall though, I felt that I wouldn't get my money's worth there, so we didn't try them out. Plus a lot of trip reports on the internet say that Taiwan KTV's are overly priced and try to rip you off, so I had a lot of skepticism going in in the first place. It seems that they try to charge a lot in return for very little value or low quality entertainment. A lot of places won't even let you see the girls that work there.

I guess Taiwan is just not good for "pay for play" as I've often heard. Simply put, Taiwan is good for getting "hot food" but not for getting "hot girls". lol.

Also, some of the small pubs only had old hags that looked badly worn. I don't know what they are thinking, it's like they expect us guys to have no taste or standards? WTF?! That's another thing - I felt like I was often treated as if I was a guy with no tastes or standards in women. To me, that felt kind of inconsiderate, as well as a lack of common sense on their part. Very weird. I can't understand it.

I don't know. Maybe such places only cater to alcoholic guys who just want to drink, not to guys looking for "hot girls". That's the impression I got. But I just don't like their style at all. I have seen nicer pub places in Taichung though with attractive hostesses, when I went with my buddy Rock. But in Chiayi, they were kind of disappointing.

- Likewise, with the small massage parlors, of which there are dozens, I also felt like I was treated like a guy with no standards, as though they expected me to just walk in and go to the dark room in the back and accept whatever hag they brought in! WTF?! So inconsiderate!

- I did end up going to a place that I went to last time with Rock, where I got full service with this hot girl again that I had last time. However, her attitude was kind of shitty this time, as though she had become jaded and angry toward life, and developed a bad temper as well. I had a hard time climaxing, esp since I wasn't in the mood anyway. But her body was sexy and hot and felt good at least.

- I also had a good experience at a regular massage place a few days prior when I was with a female friend. It was a nice big Thai massage place with a fancy decor. The girl who gave me an hour massage was a very cute girl from China, who during the massage, kept hitting on me and dropping hints that she was interested in pursuing a relationship with a guy like me. I don't know if she was serious or if it was all an act to get me to come back, but she was very cute and sweet and I liked her a lot. However, the one hour massage cost 800NT ($27 USD) so it was kind of expensive and not the kind of thing I'd do often.

She did leave me her number though. I'll post the picture I took with her sometime. She claimed to be single, but someone told me that a girl from China can only live in Taiwan if she's married to a Taiwanese, so I don't know.

- Oh I forgot to mention the relative prices at these places. At the "pay for play" massage parlors, it costs about 1200NT ($40 USD) for half service - massage and hand job or blow job, or 2800NT - 3000NT ($100 USD) for full service - sex with condom. At regular clean massage parlors, it costs 800NT ($27 USD) for one hour or 1600NT ($52 USD) for two hours.
Last edited by Winston on August 13th, 2012, 1:23 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by green1976 »

Shitty girl in everyday life,shitty girl in the P4p establishment :lol:

Does this hookers are originally from Taiwan or abroad?

Your story remind me the huge difference i saw in Laos compared to Thailand.
The P4p compared to Laos is way above,regarding the mood of the girls,the prices and more.

In Laos prostitution is forbidden.
There is a huge influx of people from Vietnam and is a one state communist country.
No other political party is allowed.

They don't have the fiesta vibes like in Thailand.

So how prostitution is done there?

Well you can find prostitutes freelancing in disco.
You can count on the fingers of your hand the numbers of discos in Vientiane.
You will end up seeing the same women days by days.
Girls are stucked up compared to Thailand.
They have the attitude of my shit don't stink.

Even my French laotian friends acknowledged that the enviromnent was not so good for taking a hooker.
In the disco they don't even look at you.
They are not foreigners friendly and they tend to prefer Asian men.

If the guy don't make the move,he will come back alone.
Also i have seen them reject nice looking dude in a arrogant way.

I just spent one night there with my friends and refused to come back for more.
I cutted my time in Laos and f***ed off from this place.

Also some hotels have in their background rooms where you can find prostitutes.
Some of them are cute but all look sad,don't smile and you have the feeling that they are suffering.
Prices are superior to Thailand.
If you don't speak Laotian,you almost have no choice to even see these places.
Really,i was very disapointed by Laos and Laotian women.

At every places,every sellers,they don't smile,are cold,don't speak a word of English and don't even try to communicate.

I was so releive when i came back to Thailand by just speaking to a seller who exhibited a more communicative mood and smiled.

These two countries,who have at the first look everything to be similar,were not at all the same.

Last time as i was with my friend in the countryside in Thailand we drove around and there is a karaoke prostitutes venue catering to Thais.

They were a few buch of young guys coming to have a f**k and some ladies were drinking alcool with them.

The women just waiwed at us,inviting us to come to have a drink,hoping that we would be in the mood to get a quick f**k and everything was done in a party environment.

How could you expect the KTV in Taiwan to be different than what the society is outside these KTV?

Women in the KTV are cold and mechanical because women in everyday life are like that.
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Post by WorldTraveler »

green1976 wrote:Shitty girl in everyday life,shitty girl in the P4p establishment :lol:

How could you expect the KTV in Taiwan to be different than what the society is outside these KTV?

Women in the KTV are cold and mechanical because women in everyday life are like that.
Green1976, a good post. Thanks for telling me about Laos too. I have decided I don't have to go to all the bad countries in the world just to say I've been there.

Winston, the more I hear about Taiwan, the less I want to visit. I've also heard that Korea is no fun too. Now Laos is no fun. I think I will stick with the fun countries, where people are nice and like to have fun! That seems so obvious, but some people believe they have to meet girls from every unfriendly country in the world! I guess they think it makes them a man if they can tough it out in a boring and unfriendly country! I'd just call it stupid!
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Post by Winston »

momopi wrote:Studio photos may not reflect actual appearance:

That site has many hotties. Wow. But you should post the English version though:


It's hard to believe that there are girls like that available for p4p in Taiwan, since attractive girls don't like doing that kind of thing here.

It looks like they are all in Taipei though, so I'd have to travel 4 hours to see them, if they are real that is.

This one is totally my type - hot, thin, innocent, young, etc. the kind that I dream about...

http://tw.nightlife141.com/en/662/Taipe ... -Club-Coco

I can't embed images from it for some reason.
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Post by Winston »

Whoa check out this massage/escort Taiwan site. It was in the profile of one of the hotties on tw.nightlife141.com.


WOW! Those are hot model types! Too good to be true. Too bad they are all in Taipei.


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Post by green1976 »

WorldTraveler wrote:
green1976 wrote:Shitty girl in everyday life,shitty girl in the P4p establishment :lol:

How could you expect the KTV in Taiwan to be different than what the society is outside these KTV?

Women in the KTV are cold and mechanical because women in everyday life are like that.
Green1976, a good post. Thanks for telling me about Laos too. I have decided I don't have to go to all the bad countries in the world just to say I've been there.

Winston, the more I hear about Taiwan, the less I want to visit. I've also heard that Korea is no fun too. Now Laos is no fun. I think I will stick with the fun countries, where people are nice and like to have fun! That seems so obvious, but some people believe they have to meet girls from every unfriendly country in the world! I guess they think it makes them a man if they can tough it out in a boring and unfriendly country! I'd just call it stupid!
Thanks WorldTraveler for given the credit to my post.

I have a first hand experience of Laos and have spoke with many French Loatian guys,i can safely state what i stated in my last post.

These dudes where actually in Laos because they were visiting their familiy,but i can tell you that none of them enjoyed too much the P4P environment.

Can you imagine too that even being Laotian and speaking Laos,some sellers were trying to scam them.

The problem with Laos is a the lack of infrastructure.

If i tell you that Vientiane has only 2 shoppings malls,almost no foreign food,and the quality of Laotian food is far way worst than in Thailand.
Laos was for me like all the bad sides of Thailand in a spot.

As myself not being a too much of an extrovert with women,it's not a good deal to be surrounded by shy or non communicative girls.

To the contrary to Thailand were it's the country were i have being spontaneously approached by women in some places,in Laos it won't happen for sure.

Probably the education and the history of Laos make this country non foreign friendly and particulary westerners.

They had suffering during the Vietnam war and their own war.
Chinese are investing quit a lot in Laos at the moment.

Another dark side of the prostitution there,is that many girls are not 18.
That's not a particularity of only Laotian men to enjoy very young girls,but many of girls you could see in the background of the hotels are around 16 and some less.

As you are looking for a fun country and i presume easy to be toured,i think that it won't make a good deal to go to Laos.
Stick to Thailand and the Philipines who are solid spot in South East Asia.

You will have plenty of women to do with.
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Post by eurobrat »

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What about language for these women in Taiwan?

Post by MatureDJ »

Do they speak English? Mandarin? Cantonese? Other?
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Re: What about language for these women in Taiwan?

Post by Winston »

MatureDJ wrote:Do they speak English? Mandarin? Cantonese? Other?
The massage parlor women? No way. Why do you even ask? lol
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Re: What about language for these women in Taiwan?

Post by CerealKiller »

MatureDJ wrote:Do they speak English? Mandarin? Cantonese? Other?

If you're planning on visiting/moving to TW, you're gonna want to learn to speak Mandarin :)

Chinese is an awesome language to learn... hope you enjoy learning it as much as I did!
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Post by CerealKiller »

green1976 wrote:Really,i was very disapointed by Laos and Laotian women.

Sorry to hear that you didn't like Laos. I had a great time in that country and can't wait to go back! Pretty much everyone I hung out with there felt the same way too.

Remember: P4P isn't the be-all and end-all of life in a foreign country... ;)
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Post by Winston »

I don't understand something. How come in Angeles City, I can easily walk into a bar and get a hoe. But in Taiwan, going to massage parlors alone feels like a creepy experience. There is like some psychological block that prevents me from going to them alone. Why is that?

In fact, there seems to be all sorts of blocks on me in Taiwan. I feel like I can't do anything, like everything is trying to block me and wedge me in. It's very strange. I can't do what I want or be what I want. There's some weird thing blocking me. I don't understand why. I hate it when my will is thwarted by some mysterious "block" that I can't just ignore. WTF is going on? Anyone have an explanation?
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Post by Billy »

that reminds me of germany where hanging around at daylight is considered as bad. i mean poeple are supposed to work at daytime. so when you hang around you are considered as a lazy person who is probably a prasite who leeches mones form the social system.

people want benefitting people not parasites. you have to offer something which has to have worth for them.

as pi is very poor normal western guys get the feeling of being a rock star in the brothels..
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Re: Taiwan massage parlors - Winston's scouting report

Post by Winston »

I went to a brothel last week in Taiwan. The girl was sexy and pretty and had nice white skin. But she was cold and distant. I kept trying to cheer her up but she kept saying that this is how she always is and is not unhappy. Right. I enjoyed her body though.

I felt bad like she was being forced against her will. I wonder how the girls in Taiwan brothels end up there. I wonder if they work there cause their family owes money to the mafia or something.

Brothels in Taiwan are a depressing experience, even if you get a cute girl there. Not a fun one like the bars in the Philippines. But what can I do? Taiwan is boring as f**k.
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