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Post by FreeYourMind »

Rock wrote:
TheLogicJunkie wrote:Hey guys,

For the past two years or so, I've been back on the east coast, in Florida, back with my family and healing from the ordeal. But I've not had even the slightest success finding a job, and I'd like to talk about why. It's not going to be a popular topic, though...

My last name is Spanish. "Painfully" Spanish. And by that I mean that it's taken me pretty much my entire life to conclude that, where real money and power are concerned, America is very much what I'll just call a Germanic supremacist country. And by that I mean that, in America, if even so much as just your last name isn't of northern European (aka, Germanic) origin, where the job market and the sectors of real influence are concerned, you're either 1) an ethnic cultural accessory, or 2) dead in the water.

...Particularly if you're a male. It's much worse for males. Females don't seem to have it nearly as rough, because they are more than willing to mate themselves into the dominant Germanic ethnicity here in America, as just about everywhere else.

I have a very long "rant" to make about this, which I want to do on YouTube. But for some reason I haven't yet. I guess that my old apartment in Washington state (where I did all my Logic Junkie videos) was just such a great physical arrangement for doing my videos, and I'm loath to do new videos where the look and feel might be too different.

Now, coming quickly back to this topic of Germanicism in America, I do want to say that I'm well aware that there are, no doubt, people of Germanic ethnicity who don't support the tacit "Master Race" idea all over the world, but that there are, in my conclusion, a great many who do, and unfortunately they are not only at the highest levels of virtually every organizational sector, but they are also ruthless "grand chessboarders" like the Rockefeller, Bush, and Gates families... in general, the Bilderberg cliquester types.
Hey LJ,

Just wanna throw in a little perspective.

1. Corporate America is largely dominated by Germanic Americans. However, I would postulate that on a per-capita basis, Jewish Americans generally have much more power (political and corporate) and wealth. That can be easily demonstrated by all kinds of factual statistics.

2. If you look at average American household earnings, gentile whites fall well below both Jewish American and Asian American households. Ditto for average net worth and education levels.

3. Gentile whites are the most under represented segment in many of America's top universities. For example, consider Harvard's estimated racial breakdown of the student body vs. that for the US population overall:

% of Harvard students vs. % of US population
Jewish Americans: 40% vs. 2% => 20X (2,000%) over-represented on per capita basis
Asian Americans: 18.3% vs. 3.6% => 5X (500%) over-represented on per capita basis (Asians would be an even larger segment if foreign students were included in the count)
Non-black Hispanics: 8% vs. 14.5% => under-represented by a 44%
African Americans: 9.3% vs. 12.1% => under-represented by 23%
Gentile Whites: 22.6% vs. 67.1% => under-represented by 66% which implies white gentiles get only 1 out 3 places they would get if slots were allocated according to general population averages
Other: 1.8% vs. 0.7%

Regular white gentile American males (not that tiny 0.1% cream segment) are getting their asses kicked from every direction including by their own women. I don't know of any other group anywhere which is losing power so quickly at the grass roots level - which often seems greener on the other side of the fence...until you go there and experience personally.
Bingo! The WASP/"Germanic" ruling class in this country has been totally routed by the new Jewish ruling class, which is far more ethnocentric and zealous in guarding its power than the old money Anglos and Germans ever were. There are some 50 million Americans of German descent, but less than 1 percent of them have any German pride or historical memory of their roots. If the U.S. was actually a white supremacist country, why then has it been on the fast track for many years to make whites a minority, both in numbers and psychologically? What is happening to White Americans today is similar to what was done to the American Indians (and of course blacks were screwed over in ways far worse). I also enjoy your videos, but you are off the mark in this particular analysis. An objective understanding of the Jewish racial religion and how central its place is in almost every issue facing mankind currently is crucial in comprehending what is taking place in the world today.

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Post by ladislav »

It does not mean, however, that an average Jewish American is a powerful millionaire. Most are middle to upper middle class. Many are also lower middle class. Teachers, etc. Same with most WASPs. Most WASPs are not rich.
The Jewish upper crust do not give a hoot in hell about the poorer Jews and treat them like crap. There is little help. Same with WASPs. The poorer ones are left to fend for themselves.
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Post by MrPeabody »

Actually, real Germans are pretty cool. I lived about 30 km from Germany when I was in the Netherlands. The German Americans in the US are Americans, and probably are exhibiting more WASP traits than German. There was a fascinating book I read years ago, but I don't know if it is still in print. It was on the history of the WASP, and explained how the different cultures melded into America, were initially rejected, and all eventually developed the behavior traits of the WASP. Thus you have Irish WASPS, Italian WASPS, German WASPS, Jewish WASPS, Chinese WASPS, Afro-American WASPS, and so forth. But, the reality is that there are very few real Anglo-Saxons still around.
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Post by Rock »

ladislav wrote:It does not mean, however, that an average Jewish American is a powerful millionaire. Most are middle to upper middle class. Many are also lower middle class. Teachers, etc. Same with most WASPs. Most WASPs are not rich.
The Jewish upper crust do not give a hoot in hell about the poorer Jews and treat them like crap. There is little help. Same with WASPs. The poorer ones are left to fend for themselves.
There is more to things than sees the eye.
Well Lad, I'm pretty sure if you examine the whole population, not just elites, Jewish Americans still come-out well ahead of white Gentile Americans in terms of average education, income, and net worth.

- Much lower percentage of poverty families (I put up stats about this in an earlier response to one of your posts). The overwhelming majority of Jewish Americans are comfortable middle class or above.

- Much higher percentage of millionaire households (over 1 out of 5 for Jewish families vs. under 1 out of 15 for all households)

- Much higher percentage of PhDs, MDs, and other positions which fit into professional elite

At the cream level, Jewish Americans also kick-ass. Of the 400+ US billionaires, nearly half are Jewish even though they account for just 2% of overall population. That's pushing 2,500% over-representation at the very top - the segment of US society which has been getting A LOT more powerful in the last decade!
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Post by E_Irizarry »

ladislav wrote:The practical response of non-mainstream people in the US to this Germanic discrimination has been:

1)Study hard for a profession/business that will allow you to make money no matter what (in your niche)- Asians getting into sciences, Jews into film making, Black people into the military and government jobs, Indians - hotels and 7 elevens, etc.
2) Getting a PhD and such high qualifications in the field where the Germanics reign that you simply override your non-Germanicness.
3) Stick with your own race and develop inside of it. Make friends/marry in your own race.

If one does not have the effective qualifications to help one gain a niche in society, then race, age, and other factors become snags which one's progress bumps upon.

Such failures do have a positive effect in that they help one discover many negative aspects about society that one would be otherwise unaware of. However, after the discovery, the next step should be devising a plan and taking action to correct the situation. Otherwise, one risks wasting a lot of time and contributing little to overall progress of oneself and others.

The self-multinationalization is a novel way of dealing with this problem and is the most effective one. The previous two leave you bitter and in a state of apartheid. Not worth it as they do not lead to freedom or happiness.

Since this place is about internationalizing oneself, it would help to really concentrate on not wasting time on stating the obvious but thinking about a course leading to solutions, not getting caught in describing and analyzing hell and one's place in it.
Per bold, that quote rocks!!!! Far from kickin' rocks! lol

I so wholeheartedly agree with LadiSlav on that one. However, LadiSlav forgot to mention security jobs and TSA jobs for Blacks too. lol I cannot get into either YET I don't have a criminal record ever.

I'm not even Asian nor Indian/(S. Asian), and my steelo is I.T. I have the aptitude to handle algorithms, event handlers and triggers, stored procs, et. al. - I guess which is not common among Latinos and especially Blacks in this country.
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Post by momopi »

TheLogicJunkie wrote: My last name is Spanish. "Painfully" Spanish. And by that I mean that it's taken me pretty much my entire life to conclude that, where real money and power are concerned, America is very much what I'll just call a Germanic supremacist country. And by that I mean that, in America, if even so much as just your last name isn't of northern European (aka, Germanic) origin, where the job market and the sectors of real influence are concerned, you're either 1) an ethnic cultural accessory, or 2) dead in the water.
...Particularly if you're a male. It's much worse for males. Females don't seem to have it nearly as rough, because they are more than willing to mate themselves into the dominant Germanic ethnicity here in America, as just about everywhere else.
The word that you're looking for is probably "Nordicism", not Germanic. America is a unique case because it's a country of immigrants in constant demographic change, versus other countries tend to be more monoracial or have long-established ethnic/cultural majority. i.e. if you were in China, you'd be dealing with Sinocentric, Han-Chauvinist mindset.

I worked for a Fortune 500 company for total of 14 years, the company's founder is from the UK. The ethnic diversity programs at the company was a subject of many jokes. For upper management, we'd sit and count 1 Anglo, 1 Spanish, 1 Chinese, 1 Indian, and we'd scratch our heads and think "OK what else do we have". Then the company imported an Italian VP from Geneva office and hired another Persian/Iranian VP. ;p

If you like, send me a copy of your resume and I'll review it for you. Different people experience the same event or location differently. For me, coming from Taiwan and living near the beach in California, I think America is pretty laid back. If you're from Russia, you'd probably think Americans are fake and phony for being overly polite and not straight to the point ("I WANT THIS"). If you're unhappy where you are, the best thing you can do is vote with your feet.
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Post by Jackal »

fschmidt wrote: From my travels, I see basically 3 kinds of cultures; feminist, anarchistic/corrupt, and Islamic. For meeting women, the anarchistic/corrupt cultures are best. For money, the feminist or oil-rich Islamic countries are best. But which culture is best for raising a family? Which is best as a place where you can trust people? My answer is none of these are. The truly best culture is patriarchy, and this is almost extinct in our world. Only patriarchy has the values that I want for my family. And only in patriarchy would I really trust other men. So my rant is that I want to live in a patriarchy but I can't find one. If anyone has a practical solution, please let me know.
Dude, you've just been living in the US for too long, and you've become too paranoid! This is understandable, but such paranoia acts like a veil which makes it so you can't see the real possibilities.

The fact is that most politicians anywhere are corrupt. However, the ordinary people in a country might be kind and decent, even though their politicians are not. For example, Hungarian politicians are undoubtedly corrupt and if you read about them, you might think that the whole country is horrible, but living among ordinary people here is a completely different experience, as I'm sure it is in many other countries around the world.

You paint the choices as too black-and-white. It's not like you're forced to choose between living in Manhattan, Mogadishu, or Riyadh and that's it. There are many shades in between these extremes. Such thinking makes for nice-sounding theories, but none of these theories will match reality very well. You just need to travel and experience each country with an open mind yourself. No matter how much you research and plan, a foreign country will always feel a bit different than what you expected it to be.

You can't lock everything down and get everything down to a fool-proof algorithm. Life doesn't work like that. You have be flexible and keep an eye out for opportunities when they come, which you won't see if you're always enclosed in the dark tunnels of your theories.

Of course, you should take reasonable precautions anywhere, but that's nothing unique. It's just the usual "keep an eye on your valuables and don't walk through bad neighborhoods at night" stuff in most places. Certain countries have special scams to watch out for, but these are usually in the most touristy areas. Surprise, surprise, if you go where most tourists don't go, you often avoid a lot of the crime!
Last edited by Jackal on May 17th, 2011, 1:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Introducing Myself - TheLogicJunkie

Post by Jackal »

TheLogicJunkie wrote:America is a trap, plain and simple. And if I'm ever able to escape it, I will.
Yes, that might be true in some ways, but the real trap is one's habits. Imagine that you get a plan going and go to Germany and live there for 20 years. Perhaps, you'll eventually get tired of it and feel that "Germany is a trap" because you've been there for so long and are so familiar with it that it's easier for you to stay than to leave.

It's always difficult to start a new career, move to a new place, start a new job, learn a new language, meet a new woman, etc., etc., etc. Change is difficult after you've become so used to something else. Change always involves some pain. Staying the same also involves some pain. Which pain is greater? Well, that's a decision which you have to make for yourself.

Anyway, I would chat with Ladislav if I were you, since he's trying to walk you through all the options.
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Post by Jackal »

MrPeabody wrote:I agree with Ladislav. I guess we are all in different stages of our lives, but for me, I don't understand the emphasis put here on rehashing the negative aspects of US society. It won't help you to improve your life even an ioda. It's like not being content to know that shit is shit, but you need to write a PHD thesis on all the subtle shades of brown.
I couldn't agree more! Rant occasionally just to vent, but don't make it a lifestyle because it will trap you and poison your mind. The greatest trap for your mind is your mind itself.
MrPeabody wrote: I have two weeks to go on my CELTA, and there are still jobs here in Thailand (but you do need a B.S. to teach here legally). I am not going to pretend it is easy, but at least you can focus all your energy and intelligence onto building a life outside of a country which doesn't want you.
Good for you! It's good to see that one guy here is succeeding at a realistic plan to improve his life.

In any case, the first year or two in a new country is always the most difficult. If it's "meant to be" and you can hold on through the initial difficulties, then things will gradually get easier as you accumulate skills, knowledge, and experience.
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Post by zboy1 »

Rock wrote:
ladislav wrote:It does not mean, however, that an average Jewish American is a powerful millionaire. Most are middle to upper middle class. Many are also lower middle class. Teachers, etc. Same with most WASPs. Most WASPs are not rich.
The Jewish upper crust do not give a hoot in hell about the poorer Jews and treat them like crap. There is little help. Same with WASPs. The poorer ones are left to fend for themselves.
There is more to things than sees the eye.
Well Lad, I'm pretty sure if you examine the whole population, not just elites, Jewish Americans still come-out well ahead of white Gentile Americans in terms of average education, income, and net worth.

- Much lower percentage of poverty families (I put up stats about this in an earlier response to one of your posts). The overwhelming majority of Jewish Americans are comfortable middle class or above.

- Much higher percentage of millionaire households (over 1 out of 5 for Jewish families vs. under 1 out of 15 for all households)

- Much higher percentage of PhDs, MDs, and other positions which fit into professional elite

At the cream level, Jewish Americans also kick-ass. Of the 400+ US billionaires, nearly half are Jewish even though they account for just 2% of overall population. That's pushing 2,500% over-representation at the very top - the segment of US society which has been getting A LOT more powerful in the last decade!

The fact is Zionists control the American government, most political organizations i.e. the IMF, World Bank, Federal Reserve, etc., the entertainment industry, most of the Fortune 500 companies, and Wall Street. The Zionist Jews are destroying this country and the Western world.
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Post by fschmidt »

Jackal wrote:Dude, you've just been living in the US for too long, and you've become too paranoid! This is understandable, but such paranoia acts like a veil which makes it so you can't see the real possibilities.

The fact is that most politicians anywhere are corrupt. However, the ordinary people in a country might be kind and decent, even though their politicians are not. For example, Hungarian politicians are undoubtedly corrupt and if you read about them, you might think that the whole country is horrible, but living among ordinary people here is a completely different experience, as I'm sure it is in many other countries around the world.

You paint the choices as too black-and-white. It's not like you're forced to choose between living in Manhattan, Mogadishu, or Riyadh and that's it. There are many shades in between these extremes. Such thinking makes for nice-sounding theories, but none of these theories will match reality very well. You just need to travel and experience each country with an open mind yourself. No matter how much you research and plan, a foreign country will always feel a bit different than what you expected it to be.

You can't lock everything down and get everything down to a fool-proof algorithm. Life doesn't work like that. You have be flexible and keep an eye out for opportunities when they come, which you won't see if you're always enclosed in the dark tunnels of your theories.

Of course, you should take reasonable precautions anywhere, but that's nothing unique. It's just the usual "keep an eye on your valuables and don't walk through bad neighborhoods at night" stuff in most places. Certain countries have special scams to watch out for, but these are usually in the most touristy areas. Surprise, surprise, if you go where most tourists don't go, you often avoid a lot of the crime!
I take a trip out of the US at least once a year and I have traveled a fair amount. And I live in El Paso which is more Mexican than American. I just hired a guy from Juarez, Mexico to do some work on my house and of course he lied to me about various things. I generally like Mexicans, but honesty isn't one of their virtues. The same seems to hold in the other poor countries that I have spent enough time in to judge. I posted a topic about trust and didn't get any glowing recommendations. I think the Japanese and the ultra-Orthodox Jews are the groups that I know of that have the highest level of trust, at least among themselves. The rest of the world that I have seen doesn't come close. Since I am married and I am more concerned about trust between people than about how easy it is to get laid, I am currently thinking of joining Orthodox Judaism.
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Post by Jackal »

fschmidt wrote: I take a trip out of the US at least once a year and I have traveled a fair amount. And I live in El Paso which is more Mexican than American. I just hired a guy from Juarez, Mexico to do some work on my house and of course he lied to me about various things. I generally like Mexicans, but honesty isn't one of their virtues.
Ah, I see. I guess I should have said, "You've been living in the Americas for too long." To which someone could reply that I've been "living in Europe for too long." Lol.
fschmidt wrote:Since I am married and I am more concerned about trust between people than about how easy it is to get laid, I am currently thinking of joining Orthodox Judaism.
Are you ethnically Jewish? If not, I'm not sure that you'd be fully accepted by Orthodox Jews.
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Post by fschmidt »

Jackal wrote:Are you ethnically Jewish? If not, I'm not sure that you'd be fully accepted by Orthodox Jews.
I am but my wife and kids aren't. They would convert. Anyone can convert to Judaism and Jewish law requires converts to be treated equally to those born Jewish.
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Post by TheLogicJunkie »

ladislav wrote:Names are expedients- screw the ethnic pride- it is all about survival. If I were in the US facing your dilemma, I would just run to the local county courthouse and change the name to something that would sound French and not Spanish. The French are respected Latins. A few letters changed here and there and presto! If you are an American and not a Spaniard, then it is just a deadweight on your career. I would get rid of it. It is an expedient, nothing else. White lies to counteract ignorance.
This is what I've strongly suspected all along, and it's glad to hear someone else who's had the same kind of experience, verify this for me. Thank you.
ladislav wrote:self-multinationalization is a novel way of dealing with this problem and is the most effective one. The previous two leave you bitter and in a state of apartheid. Not worth it as they do not lead to freedom or happiness.
Yes, yes! Thank you for confirming this, also. I have been spending about a year at various surname websites like looking for surnames that I could reasonably pull off, given my physical appearance and personality, but which would also offer me the greatest mobility in terms of culture-hopping and blending in. It turns out that certain surnames like "Martin" and "Anthony" are amongst the most multicultural, while a number of surnames pigeonhole you into one ethnic culture only.

Thank you very much for your very specific and helpful feedback.
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Post by Winston »

I love this video you did about the Egocaust in America. It's so true and your spiel was eloquent and melodramatic. You are a great critical thinker and true skeptic.

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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