EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller says mass migration is being used to destroy national identities

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Re: EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller says mass migration is being used to destroy national identities

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

fschmidt wrote:
December 7th, 2023, 11:34 am
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
December 6th, 2023, 9:50 am
Finding the truth is depressing but I agree with this man, and usually I don't agree with religious figures. But he speaks the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/exclu ... dentities/
Müller also believes the elites are committing a “genocide” by promoting abortion and euthanasia.
What a moron. Another example of declining human intelligence.
He knows what he's talking about. And who are you calling a moron?
Last edited by WanderingProtagonist on December 7th, 2023, 11:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller says mass migration is being used to destroy national identities

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

willymonfrete wrote:
December 7th, 2023, 11:07 am
Muslims move to europe and America,for financial and living standards' reasons not because they want to invade,Blame the USA and Europe for creating wars in these countries and extracting wealth through a unbalanced trade system that makes Muslims want to leave their countries,You do not see Gulf Arabs move away because there is peace and economic stability.

This is pretty obvious.
You have no idea what you are talking about. I wish people would quit even asking you for your opinions about anything. Everyone is aware that US and Europe is responsible for whats going on but that's beside the point. Plus you've flipped flopped on so many subjects it's not even funny anymore. Stop pretending to be a f***ing Muslim. One minute you claim to be one thing then the next. Just like you did with women. I'll never be able to take you seriously.
Last edited by WanderingProtagonist on December 7th, 2023, 11:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller says mass migration is being used to destroy national identities

Post by fschmidt »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
December 7th, 2023, 11:37 am
Go f**k yourself.
I think this is your first response to any of my posts. Typical modern scum. I would never tell modern scum to "go f**k yourself" because I only want modern scum to "go kill yourself".
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Re: EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller says mass migration is being used to destroy national identities

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

fschmidt wrote:
December 7th, 2023, 11:42 am
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
December 7th, 2023, 11:37 am
Go f**k yourself.
I think this is your first response to any of my posts. Typical modern scum. I would never tell modern scum to "go f**k yourself" because I only want modern scum to "go kill yourself".
You should pay attention to the shit you say and who you say it to, if you can't do that then keep your f***ing mouth closed. You have a lot of nerve calling people scum when they didn't even say anything directly to you. I simply retaliated because I thought you was calling me a moron. But then you decide to get smart by being a sorry asshole. it amazes me that I can be having a perfectly good conversation with @Lucas88 or one of the others and then one of you twats come in and f**k it up by being a bitch.
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Re: EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller says mass migration is being used to destroy national identities

Post by Lucas88 »

willymonfrete wrote:
December 7th, 2023, 11:07 am
Muslims move to europe and America,for financial and living standards' reasons not because they want to invade,Blame the USA and Europe for creating wars in these countries and extracting wealth through a unbalanced trade system that makes Muslims want to leave their countries,You do not see Gulf Arabs move away because there is peace and economic stability.

This is pretty obvious.
It is generally true that Muslims who move to Europe and America do so for financial benefit and better living standards, but who are behind the Western nations who create wars and economic imbalances in Islamic countries? It's the Jewish elite with American and European politicians being controlled by their Chabad-Lubavitch handlers behind the scenes.

The Kabbalists themselves manufacture these crises and then call the fruits of their scheming "fulfillment of prophecy". But their goal remains the same regardless of the motives of the Muslim migrants affected by their wars and imposed poverty – large-scale demographic replacement for the destruction of Edom (i.e., Europe and other Western nations).

By the way, I'm not even a White Nationalist and don't even like most European cultures (I'm not a big fan of Northern Europe); I simply believe that countries should preserve their own national identity and I'm calling a spade a spade with the demographic replacement agenda – which is admitted to be part of the Jewish subversion agenda as the rabbi in the video alludes with his assertion that it's the fulfillment of prophecy.
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Re: EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller says mass migration is being used to destroy national identities

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
December 7th, 2023, 12:09 pm
willymonfrete wrote:
December 7th, 2023, 11:07 am
Muslims move to europe and America,for financial and living standards' reasons not because they want to invade,Blame the USA and Europe for creating wars in these countries and extracting wealth through a unbalanced trade system that makes Muslims want to leave their countries,You do not see Gulf Arabs move away because there is peace and economic stability.

This is pretty obvious.
It is generally true that Muslims who move to Europe and America do so for financial benefit and better living standards, but who are behind the Western nations who create wars and economic imbalances in Islamic countries? It's the Jewish elite with American and European politicians being controlled by their Chabad-Lubavitch handlers behind the scenes.

The Kabbalists themselves manufacture these crises and then call the fruits of their scheming "fulfillment of prophecy". But their goal remains the same regardless of the motives of the Muslim migrants affected by their wars and imposed poverty – large-scale demographic replacement for the destruction of Edom (i.e., Europe and other Western nations).

By the way, I'm not even a White Nationalist and don't even like most European cultures (I'm not a big fan of Northern Europe); I simply believe that countries should preserve their own national identity and I'm calling a spade a spade with the demographic replacement agenda – which is admitted to be part of the Jewish subversion agenda as the rabbi in the video alludes with his assertion that it's the fulfillment of prophecy.
It's not even white nationalism, Nationalism in general is a term that can be applied to any nation of people that wish to preserve their national identity. To see all of that disappear is disappointing. Plus, let's see how "Peaceful" all these Muslims are going to be once they become 50 percent or more of the population, angry and seeking revenge. They already act up when people diss on their religion. Plus all that "economic" shit is old. Look how worse off America is right now, coming here to a country that's on the verge of decline. What will they do once their living standards drop to third or fourth world level poverty? What happens when a country is overpopulated and overwhelmed by all these people? I'm more concerned about my own survival, not 10,000,000 people flooding into my damn country most of which will become a security threat somewhere in the future when they are able to organize terror groups and start attacking from within.
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Re: EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller says mass migration is being used to destroy national identities

Post by willymonfrete »

I honestely do not cry tears for white europeans,what is so special about them that I should care?@WanderingProtagonist

Europeans are racists and have excluded me since I've been a kid,I only want to move back to enjoy escorts and drugs.

I could care less if europeans go extinct,you get what you give,haven't your 'native'ancestors been genocided by europeans?or were jews behind that?

I am neutral on europeans,I won't stan them but also I won't get ruffled feathers over their fate-good or bad.

We all agree the jews must be eliminated,so instead of muslim people in a situation you would do the exact same thing in,go after the jews,I see europeans especially their right wing kissing up to jews and hating innocent people that just want safety and a decent standard of life,hard to pick sides here.
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Re: EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller says mass migration is being used to destroy national identities

Post by willymonfrete »

Lucas88 wrote:
December 7th, 2023, 12:09 pm
willymonfrete wrote:
December 7th, 2023, 11:07 am
Muslims move to europe and America,for financial and living standards' reasons not because they want to invade,Blame the USA and Europe for creating wars in these countries and extracting wealth through a unbalanced trade system that makes Muslims want to leave their countries,You do not see Gulf Arabs move away because there is peace and economic stability.

This is pretty obvious.
It is generally true that Muslims who move to Europe and America do so for financial benefit and better living standards, but who are behind the Western nations who create wars and economic imbalances in Islamic countries? It's the Jewish elite with American and European politicians being controlled by their Chabad-Lubavitch handlers behind the scenes.

The Kabbalists themselves manufacture these crises and then call the fruits of their scheming "fulfillment of prophecy". But their goal remains the same regardless of the motives of the Muslim migrants affected by their wars and imposed poverty – large-scale demographic replacement for the destruction of Edom (i.e., Europe and other Western nations).

By the way, I'm not even a White Nationalist and don't even like most European cultures (I'm not a big fan of Northern Europe); I simply believe that countries should preserve their own national identity and I'm calling a spade a spade with the demographic replacement agenda – which is admitted to be part of the Jewish subversion agenda as the rabbi in the video alludes with his assertion that it's the fulfillment of prophecy.
It's just general ignorance on the part of both europeans and muslims,europeans think all muslims are Salafi jihadist extremists when most muslims are sufis that don't believe in Jihad and get their mosques and shrines blown up by salafi extremists just as much as non-believers do,and muslims don't know that migrating to dar al kufr is haram and you will be raised among them on the day of judgement for doing so,the solution I see on this is inter-personal dialogue,europeans will realize muslims are mostly good and decent people and europeans can fund imams that tell the truth about the need to migrate to dar al islam in islamic fiqh.

problem solved.

I do not like muslim immigration to the west either,there is too much moral fitnah here and they become westernised degenerates in the second generation.
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Re: EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller says mass migration is being used to destroy national identities

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

@Willymonfrete I really don't give a shit about you f***ing Muslims. Honestly, all religions are garbage including that Islam bullshit. Both Muslims and Jews are problematic. But I won't deny that America and European leaders aren't to blame for a lot of the issues and problems caused. It wouldn't be this way if these dipshit puppets were removed but that's never going to happen. This world is full of spineless people that have no desire to protect itself from whats coming. And here I use to think survival was a human instinct but everyone is acting like they are all part of some shitty ass religious cult. You have the Islamic jackasses who go around beheading people like the scum they are just because someone offended some stupid f***ing book or offended them with an art drawing. You have the other assheads who are trying to fulfill some dumb f**k prophecy by trying to annihilate us and ruining all these once great nations. If there is a hell, I hope every last one of these bastards get it up the ass by whatever demonic force they encounter in hell.

We currently live in a world where religious people are the damn problem. And yet all Conservatives ever do is claim that the world was so much better when everyone put their faith in GOD. I now know all of that is full of crap. It's because of these blind religious idiots all this shit is going on in this world. Whatever garbage they read out of a book they feel the need to push it and make it some kind of reality. Religion is the main cause of why so many people including innocent throughout history were punished because of religious beliefs, all they needed to do was suspect you were involved with Witch craft that was enough for them to burn you alive. Just barbaric and stupid is the only thing I've gotten out of religion...Muslims claiming how their faith is a religion of peace...How can you be a peaceful religion when you go around beheading people like a sick twisted monster movie villain? The nerve of these crazed assholes.
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Re: EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller says mass migration is being used to destroy national identities

Post by Lucas88 »

willymonfrete wrote:
December 7th, 2023, 2:18 pm
We all agree the jews must be eliminated,so instead of muslim people in a situation you would do the exact same thing in,go after the jews,I see europeans especially their right wing kissing up to jews and hating innocent people that just want safety and a decent standard of life,hard to pick sides here.
This is true.

The Kabbalists right now are looking to stir up animosity between the West and the Islamic world and then provoke a large-scale war between the two with the current situation in Israel being the catalyst. And, unfortunately, a large part of the far right in America and Europe has been led to support Israel while hating Muslims. In fact, just today a read an article about Geert Wilders declaring his admiration for Israel as the "last bastion of civilization" in the Middle East. Smh :roll:

At the same time, Chabad views the European-Islamic war to come as a fulfilment of biblical prophecy and a necessary step for the arrival of Mashiach – i.e., Edom and Ishmael must fight each other with sword and blood and then both fall into the abyss. This means that Chabad will try to make it happen through the various world leaders under their control (e.g., Netanyahu, Biden, Trump, etc.).

All people who are sane and who are not brainwashed by Israel-worshipping Evangelical fanatics and pro-Jewish right-wing propaganda must seek to avoid conflict with other Gentile groups and turn our attention to the Jewish elite – the same Jewish elite which views us all as cattle and wants to lead us all to our destruction. The more Gentile groups realize that only the Jews are our enemy and that war among different Gentile groups is undesirable the better. I've advocated for a long time now for a Pan-Gentile alliance against the Jew World Order (just like Lucas Gage does).
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Re: EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller says mass migration is being used to destroy national identities

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
December 7th, 2023, 4:58 pm
willymonfrete wrote:
December 7th, 2023, 2:18 pm
We all agree the jews must be eliminated,so instead of muslim people in a situation you would do the exact same thing in,go after the jews,I see europeans especially their right wing kissing up to jews and hating innocent people that just want safety and a decent standard of life,hard to pick sides here.
This is true.

The Kabbalists right now are looking to stir up animosity between the West and the Islamic world and then provoke a large-scale war between the two with the current situation in Israel being the catalyst. And, unfortunately, a large part of the far right in America and Europe has been led to support Israel while hating Muslims. In fact, just today a read an article about Geert Wilders declaring his admiration for Israel as the "last bastion of civilization" in the Middle East. Smh :roll:

At the same time, Chabad views the European-Islamic war to come as a fulfilment of biblical prophecy and a necessary step for the arrival of Mashiach – i.e., Edom and Ishmael must fight each other with sword and blood and then both fall into the abyss. This means that Chabad will try to make it happen through the various world leaders under their control (e.g., Netanyahu, Biden, Trump, etc.).

All people who are sane and who are not brainwashed by Israel-worshipping Evangelical fanatics and pro-Jewish right-wing propaganda must seek to avoid conflict with other Gentile groups and turn our attention to the Jewish elite – the same Jewish elite which views us all as cattle and wants to lead us all to our destruction. The more Gentile groups realize that only the Jews are our enemy and that war among different Gentile groups is undesirable the better. I've advocated for a long time now for a Pan-Gentile alliance against the Jew World Order (just like Lucas Gage does).
@willymonfrete Right Wing and left Wing are equally the same at this point. Its like I said before I don't care about either side, Muslims or Jews, left or right. Why is it that people have to move into white nations anyway for a "better standard of life" like they can't find a better standard of life in one of the vast majority of wealthy Arab nations. I don't see the standard of life even getting better in Europe or America anyway. Wages are going down because of all these migrant invaders, some states are getting more and more homeless people...It's so bad in Chicago you have blacks begging for Trump to come back because they think he'll keep his word and deport all these people.

Saudia Arabia also isn't a poor country so I don't see why these people don't just migrate to other Islamic nations where they belong.
European people in general are sick of their countries being flooded with non-Europeans regardless of what life these people want. Right Wingers just care about the wealth and money which is the only reason they are even siding with these demons. So they'll do anything to defend and protect them....That's why I hope that story gets out and it damages the U.S. and all the Elites.

At the end of the day, the Jews own everybody including the Left Leaning Governments. None of them are going to break away from worshipping the Jews as long as their is something in it for them. They don't care about their own people, they don't care about defending the sovereignty of their nation, nothing. For all we know they probably promised all these worthless leaders an endless supply of wealth, or maybe a place to live within their walls of Israel if they agree to allow them to destroy every other country. The problem with this world is lack of will power....

And because they own the goddamn military, people are standing around waiting for shit to get ugly before they go into a panic, and you know what they'll be saying? "Pray to the lord! Ask GOD to protect you!" Religious people are worthless as f**k during desperate times. When they start telling you to pray instead of taking actual action, it's their way of saying "It's hopeless, nothing can be done." So they fake that something can be done by simply praying. 80,000,000 people died during WWII, imagine the number of us who would perish if a third one ever happens....It's hard for me to trust faith when that many people have died because of conflict that never ends. They brainwashed Conservatives into being Jew worshipping idiots, they got all the liberals confused about their gender, sexuality, and identities etc. And then you have those of us who aren't neither yet our numbers are small compared to the people they've captured. Hell America still won't stop with the woke shit, they still brainwash kids in schools, they need to capture as many people as possible so any resistance is futile to near impossible now and in the future.
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Re: EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller says mass migration is being used to destroy national identities

Post by galii »

People who say that the Jews have the power. What do you mean? Like how much power do they have 90 percent 60 percent, 30 percent?

Back in the holocaust times when so many jews died how much was it then? Could not be more than 50 percent.

If I would be a normal jew I would find it ridiculous when people would say I have power. In many countries there are very few jews and also get their ass kicked.

If I would be a jew where I lived I would not have a great time. People would harass me.
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Re: EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller says mass migration is being used to destroy national identities

Post by kangarunner »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
December 7th, 2023, 11:42 pm
Why is it that people have to move into white nations anyway for a "better standard of life" like they can't find a better standard of life in one of the vast majority of wealthy Arab nations. I don't see the standard of life even getting better in Europe or America anyway. Wages are going down because of all these migrant invaders, some states are getting more and more homeless people...It's so bad in Chicago you have blacks begging for Trump to come back because they think he'll keep his word and deport all these people.
This guy is right. It's because blacks and latinos know that whites are weak and won't resist or fight them when they step all over them.
Favorite Cornfed quote: "Here's another one to reassure you lemmings that the ongoing humiliation ritual that is your ratshit life will soon be coming to an end."

Favorite yick quote: "You are not my mate".

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Re: EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller says mass migration is being used to destroy national identities

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

kangarunner wrote:
December 8th, 2023, 3:20 am
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
December 7th, 2023, 11:42 pm
Why is it that people have to move into white nations anyway for a "better standard of life" like they can't find a better standard of life in one of the vast majority of wealthy Arab nations. I don't see the standard of life even getting better in Europe or America anyway. Wages are going down because of all these migrant invaders, some states are getting more and more homeless people...It's so bad in Chicago you have blacks begging for Trump to come back because they think he'll keep his word and deport all these people.
This guy is right. It's because blacks and latinos know that whites are weak and won't resist or fight them when they step all over them.
That in part is due to White guilt for most of the reason why they are like this. Whites usually won't challenge blacks (Liberal ones), and blacks generally won't challenge Latinos. In many cases Hispanic males have kicked Blacks out of their own neighborhoods and took them over and their gangs are ten times scarier and dangerous than the black ones too. They also run most of the prisons in the U.S. despite them having a larger black population. That right there should tell you.
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Re: EXCLUSIVE: Cardinal Müller says mass migration is being used to destroy national identities

Post by kangarunner »

@WanderingProtagonist This one is for you. He makes a juxtaposition of the UK and Dubai. One everyone misbehaves because they can and the other everyone behaves because they fear the rule of law.

At 1:50 - "There are people who are exploiting the UK because of its softness, because it is a soft target."

Why is it soft? What makes it a soft target? Liberal white people?

At 2:05 - "There is no way they can possibly fix it because the populace itself are not acknowledging the problem to its true extent because they're matrix minded and the news says its not that bad. And they're also not hard-heartened enough to fix it."

At 2:18 - "We're in Dubai now. We have 200 different nationalities and 85% immigration rate and zero crime. Do you know why? Because people fear the law."

Favorite Cornfed quote: "Here's another one to reassure you lemmings that the ongoing humiliation ritual that is your ratshit life will soon be coming to an end."

Favorite yick quote: "You are not my mate".

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