Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by WilliamSmith »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
September 19th, 2022, 1:45 am
Thanks for the recommendation, my dude. I have a list of books as long as the Great Wall China to get through, but I'm sure this could be fast tracked to take precedence over some of the works of fiction I wanted to read, even if they are considered some of the literary greats.

Speaking of Taoism, my brother got me a book by Alan Watts, an interesting philosopher who talks about ancient Eastern traditions such as Taoism. I don't have time to fish for links right now, but I will update this post when I get more free time.

In any case the book does sound interesting, I'll have a look and see if I can find a copy online and order it.
Hey man, if you're still interested, I re-recommend Mantak Chia since I know you are now in a relationship with a woman you love. :)

Kind of annoyingly, I still haven't managed the "male multiple" yet despite a lot of fun practice with my girlfriend, but we're definitely getting "eventful" results. Who knows, your gf might be impressed if you learn this with her, LOL.

By the way, a blond barbie from the PNW once told me that her boyfriend (who was a total dork in a lot of ways) was by far the best in bed because he'd also mastered "male multiples," as well as learning his way around a woman's body. :lol:
(I have no idea if he was familiar with Mantak Chia or not, but it's a great skill to have for sure, even speaking as a man who hasn't actually mastered the practice yet.)
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by Lucas88 »

Here is an English narration of the Yoga Kundalini Upanishad, one of the earliest Hindu texts which talk about Kundalini:

The Yoga Kundalini Upanishad is a late Vedic text which dates back to around 800 BCE. It is one of the 20 Upanishads which describe Yoga techniques and the subtle anatomy of man. This Upanishad in particular reads like a manual for a Kundalini Yoga session and vividly depicts the awakening process of the Kundalini.

The video is really good. It sets modern artistic depictions of our subtle anatomy as well as images of Yoga postures to the well-rendered narration.

Many of the Upanishads from that period include detailed knowledge on prana, chakras, important energy channels such as Ida, Pingala and Sushumna, and the Kundalini itself. Ancient Indians knew about these things and practiced them long before modern New Agers started to talk about them. Even within Hinduism these particular Upanishads about Yoga and Kundalini are relatively obscure and not frequently read. For some reason Modern Hindus would rather read only the Bhagavad Gita and other such Vedantic texts about Moksha from Samsara.

I personally respect Hindu culture for its preservation of genuine spiritual knowledge and occult practices, even though from the Late Vedic period onwards the religion evolved into various different philosophies (i.e., the six Astika or orthodox schools and their variations), not to mention the Nastika or heterodox traditions such as Jainism, Buddhism and Ajivika. Out of all ancient civilizations, the Hindus preserved the greatest amount of genuine knowledge of this type, although the Chinese definitely deserve much credit for their noble preservation of Qi Kung techniques, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Inner Alchemy.

Yoga Kundalini Upanishad in Hindi (for those who are interested @69ixine)

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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by Lucas88 »

Here is an interesting video by an American Hindu monk who talks about his own experience with Kundalini:

Don't you guys think that he looks like an older version of @Cornfed? Maybe it's Cornfed in the future when he's found enlightenment through Samadhi and opened up his heart to the infinite love of the cosmos and given up all forms of racial hatred and prejudice! :lol:

But no, as sincere as this American Hindu monk is and as interesting as his video may be, the conception of Kundalini presented therein is wrong on various levels. I say this as somebody who experienced a premature Kundalini awakening and suffered for several years as a result.

First of all, the American Hindu monk falls into the materialist trap when he asserts that the chakras mentioned in the Upanishads are simply theoretical concepts or visualization tools and that the "nadis" or energy channels are simply physical nerves. Those claims are completely erroneous. The chakras are indeed real energy centers. I have worked with them directly through meditation and mantras and experienced positive effects. Moreover, the nadis aren't simply nerves; they're a network of subtle channels through which the prana/qi flows and which I realized were an undeniable reality when some of my own entered a state of reverse flow and became blocked due to the shock caused by my premature Kundalini awakening. The resulting symptoms were absolutely horrendous, I could physically feel where the blockages were and I required over a year of specialized acupuncture treatment in order to unblock the affected energy channels and restore the natural cycle.

Second, having watched the guy's video, I don't think that he had a full Kundalini experience. He talks about a brief surge of energy which ascends up the spine and causes a moment of bliss and indeed many Yoga practitioners do experience that (it can also be experienced through sexual orgasm as we've discussed in this thread and elsewhere), but a genuine Kundalini awakening like the kind which I experienced unleashes far more energy than simply a brief surge and will absolutely overwhelm the body and its energy channels if the chakras and right energy channels (i.e., Ida, Pingala and Sushumna) haven't been sufficiently opened. This is when people experience "Kundalini syndrome"; the level of energy in the body is simply too much to bear. Negative physiological symptoms will ensue.

There are three levels of Kundalini awakening:

1. Brief surges of energy which produce a moment of bliss (many Yoga practitioners experience these but they're not even true awakenings)

2. An awakening of the Kundalini energy which begins to rush through the main energy channels (Ida, Pingala and Sushumna if done correctly)

3. The actual raising of the Kundalini itself after months or years of consistent practice which will result in Enlightenment and the unlocking of Siddhis or unusual mental and psychic abilities

The American Hindu monk in the video simply reached the first stage. He didn't experience a full Kundalini awakening even though he may be sincere in his belief that he did.

I myself reached the second stage and stopped practicing Kundalini Yoga when the awakened Kundalini energy overloaded my energy channels and began to mess up my body.

I know very few people who have reached the third stage. Such Yoga practitioners are exceptionally rare. Very few know how to do this safely or even have the physical and psychological aptitude for it.
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by 69ixine »

@Lucas88 ,kundalini is corrupted.The jesuits went to india and corrupted all hindu texts except the mantric sections of the vedas.

Some Swamis had their personal libraries,that preserved these practices.

Kashmir Shaivism has authentic kundalini yoga,but it has to do with breathing not the way it is found in the corrupted texts.

you cannot do kundalini without shaktipatha from a kundalini awakened guru with a lineage back to the rishis,and a real kundalini awakening results in a state of paralysis and death unless the person learns how to 'come back'before that happens thru additional tantric practices.

I studied this for years,on shakti blogs and website kamakotimandali .

As a Vaidika that leans towards seeing Visnu as supreme,I believe in bhakti Yoga to go to Vaikuntha,or to die in Kanchi as a way to enlightenment.I don't believe in kundalini awakening being anything more than a higher state of being,maybe brought about by entity possession or natural Bioelectricity but not true enlightenment from which one cannot fall from,as one can from kundalini,as some Christians did when they got taken over by the whole Yahweh matrix..

Not all Upanishads are accepted by every school of Vedic religion.

You can better work on your aura,something safe,and die in Kanchi for enlightenment.or if you believe in 'kundalini'the just get a good realized shakta or shaiva guru to raise it for you all the way safely through shaktipatha would have to establish a close relationship with one in india,a actual realized baba ji and a not a charlatan .

Many buddhists do Tummo,and it doesn't make them all of a sudden agree with 'enlightened'hindu kundalini masters on the nature of reality,despite being both allegedly enlightened.

anyway,a realized unbroken lineage of a shakti or shaiva guru can raise your kundalini safely with even a glance or a thought,if he wants.become a disciple.
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by 69ixine »

btw,a real kundalini progression you will do uncontrollable movements or kriyas and also start spontanously reciting The Vedas accurately without having read them according to kamakotimandali,a shaktah blog I followed for years.

you can;t have this without Diksha,and it results in death in 31 days when you reach your goal and para;ysis during that period in trance like paramahansa Ramakrishna.

knowledge is power,if enlightened beings existed all over the place,they would stop samsara,one of the reasons buddhism is bunk.all knowledge means all power.
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by 69ixine »

@Lucas88 you should also see a Vedic astrologer for sure to mute out the issues in your life,stopping you from full fulfillment.

it sucks,but the planets control our lives.we have to please the planets.
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by 69ixine »

I've stopped being hindu,I got attacked in my sleep again!these 'devatas' tried to poke my eye out,and choke me/make me vomit blood during sleep paralysis.

Asking Christ to protect me,gave me a good night's sleep.

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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by 69ixine »

After increasing my cognition from my shot,I recognize hinduism and indian culture is just creepy,like my sister said.
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by 69ixine »

Realized guru was no match for christ!Kundalini revealed itself to be a demon!
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by Pixel--Dude »

WilliamSmith wrote:
July 20th, 2023, 6:17 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
September 19th, 2022, 1:45 am
Thanks for the recommendation, my dude. I have a list of books as long as the Great Wall China to get through, but I'm sure this could be fast tracked to take precedence over some of the works of fiction I wanted to read, even if they are considered some of the literary greats.

Speaking of Taoism, my brother got me a book by Alan Watts, an interesting philosopher who talks about ancient Eastern traditions such as Taoism. I don't have time to fish for links right now, but I will update this post when I get more free time.

In any case the book does sound interesting, I'll have a look and see if I can find a copy online and order it.
Hey man, if you're still interested, I re-recommend Mantak Chia since I know you are now in a relationship with a woman you love. :)

Kind of annoyingly, I still haven't managed the "male multiple" yet despite a lot of fun practice with my girlfriend, but we're definitely getting "eventful" results. Who knows, your gf might be impressed if you learn this with her, LOL.

By the way, a blond barbie from the PNW once told me that her boyfriend (who was a total dork in a lot of ways) was by far the best in bed because he'd also mastered "male multiples," as well as learning his way around a woman's body. :lol:
(I have no idea if he was familiar with Mantak Chia or not, but it's a great skill to have for sure, even speaking as a man who hasn't actually mastered the practice yet.)
Oh! Thanks for this. I'll be sure to have a look.
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by Pixel--Dude »

WilliamSmith wrote:
July 20th, 2023, 6:17 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
September 19th, 2022, 1:45 am
Thanks for the recommendation, my dude. I have a list of books as long as the Great Wall China to get through, but I'm sure this could be fast tracked to take precedence over some of the works of fiction I wanted to read, even if they are considered some of the literary greats.

Speaking of Taoism, my brother got me a book by Alan Watts, an interesting philosopher who talks about ancient Eastern traditions such as Taoism. I don't have time to fish for links right now, but I will update this post when I get more free time.

In any case the book does sound interesting, I'll have a look and see if I can find a copy online and order it.
Hey man, if you're still interested, I re-recommend Mantak Chia since I know you are now in a relationship with a woman you love. :)

Kind of annoyingly, I still haven't managed the "male multiple" yet despite a lot of fun practice with my girlfriend, but we're definitely getting "eventful" results. Who knows, your gf might be impressed if you learn this with her, LOL.

By the way, a blond barbie from the PNW once told me that her boyfriend (who was a total dork in a lot of ways) was by far the best in bed because he'd also mastered "male multiples," as well as learning his way around a woman's body. :lol:
(I have no idea if he was familiar with Mantak Chia or not, but it's a great skill to have for sure, even speaking as a man who hasn't actually mastered the practice yet.)
Oh! Thanks for this. I'll be sure to have a look.
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by WilliamSmith »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
July 25th, 2023, 1:04 am
Oh! Thanks for this. I'll be sure to have a look.
You're most welcome my friend! This taoist sexual alchemy and male multiples stuff has an even more awesome payoff for those of you with monogamous tendencies, by the way (which Mantak Chia talks about, re: its potential to enrich real meaningful relationships).
Sounds like @Lucas88 might be joining you in that department per our recent discussions about the dangers of getting it on with vaxxed women, and considering getting just one unvaxxed woman! :o
(On the other hand, if crypto-jews like Bill Gates deploy the armies of robotic mosquitoes to force "vaccines" into our bloodstream like he's openly fantasized about on numerous occasions in print, and our blood tests show those technocratic kikeroaches have forced their weird-ass mrna cancer causing spike-protein !@#$ into our blood anyway, I guess he can go back to his original vision of smashing as many big-ass Latinas as possible and hoping we can come up with detox solutions to stay alive, LOL. :lol: )
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by Pixel--Dude »

WilliamSmith wrote:
July 31st, 2023, 11:27 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
July 25th, 2023, 1:04 am
Oh! Thanks for this. I'll be sure to have a look.
You're most welcome my friend! This taoist sexual alchemy and male multiples stuff has an even more awesome payoff for those of you with monogamous tendencies, by the way (which Mantak Chia talks about, re: its potential to enrich real meaningful relationships).
Sounds like @Lucas88 might be joining you in that department per our recent discussions about the dangers of getting it on with vaxxed women, and considering getting just one unvaxxed woman! :o
(On the other hand, if crypto-jews like Bill Gates deploy the armies of robotic mosquitoes to force "vaccines" into our bloodstream like he's openly fantasized about on numerous occasions in print, and our blood tests show those technocratic kikeroaches have forced their weird-ass mrna cancer causing spike-protein !@#$ into our blood anyway, I guess he can go back to his original vision of smashing as many big-ass Latinas as possible and hoping we can come up with detox solutions to stay alive, LOL. :lol: )
I think he's more likely to lace this shit into our food supply. Kill Gates is buying up acres of land across the globe. He's bought acres of farmland in America and there was the shit in India where he forced thousands of Indian farmers off their land, which he later aquired. He's a truly vile piece of f***ing shit. For my birthday I blew out the candles and made a wish that a grand piano would fall on this cunt.
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