Latin America is a man's paradise. Not traditional but who cares?

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Latin America is a man's paradise. Not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

Latin america is derided by some people as a 'right leaning liberal'region,which I don't contest.
However,there are alot of positives to latin america that make dating and relationships fulfilling,maybe even more fulfilling than 'traditionalist'east asia or hungary imo.

First,Women there NEED men.They Need men to live a decent life,there are limited job and education oppurtunities for most women.That is the most important social relation that exists,and is literally the true reason why 'Happierabroad'is a thing in the person.Unfortunate as that may be,this is the truth of it all for skmeone that is not a Idealistic person with rosey glasses about how'women there are just more feminine!'.Yes,because they have no other real choice.and it benefits them to be that way there.

secondly,Feminism is many of these countries is rampant due to NGOs from the west and Government welfare and equality policies,but in many of the more impoverished ones including mexico,Feminists activists are liquidated (and sometimes Tortured)by criminal gangs.There is no protection for them under the law,due to rampant corruption,the fact Latin american cops are machista and don't want to protect feminists and hate them,kind of like how cops in america are White supremacists,and will send 20 cop cars in 5 minutes in a white neighbourhood that's rich,while the cops don't even help the poor black population in the ghettoes,and won't even send a cop car in those areas,or it will take 2 days.

All of this is reprehensible of course,but this brings social relations in favor of men even more.
Latino men do what unfortunately is effective.they do the work other races of men refuse to do.or don't have the stomach to do.
Latin america is unsafe for women as a whole.this makes good men valuable,and desired.

Latin american men like to cheat ,can cheat unlike most men in the west due to the economic and social relations and it makes them feel like men to cheat due to machista culture,So a good guy like us that is a hardcore loyalist to a good woman,will be appreciated because again,market economics,scarcity of a product valuable in a certain setting means higher price power.

Thirdly,Yes Latin americans are definately not 'traditionalist'in the sense of some medieval society,and it has been said that most babies are born out of wedlock there.but this is not due to Hookup or FWBs.these are happening in the context of relationships.

fourthly,it has been said that latinas like 'masculine'guys and some Betas don't like this.Well let me tell you something,when the cards are stacked in your FAVOR you will come out of your shell and and become confident,masculine,and become agressive with women,because it is reciprocated.

No woman except east asian women like a God damn Nerdy looking man.because it looks f***ing awful and cringe!

However,this does not mean they do not like more 'pretty'men that are more on the feminine fact,they do they have status,but those guys still have decent Game.because they can.

Also Latinas generally do not look for looks in a man anyway,and goodlooking men are seen with suspicion by alot of women.
men that are nice guys,don't cold approach women are just scared of rejection,I know because I used to be one,and this fear is justified because women only tolerate such behaviour in the west from Status-maxed thugs.

in Latin america Cold approach is not frowned upon and is men don't have to fear the social consequences of it,or that it's wierd etc
And Culture plays a role too.I am known to be cynical about culture and ideology as a significant force on social and gender sexual relations,but it does matter to a certain extent,and The Catholic and evangelical churches have had a good effect on making latinas sweet,feminine,kind and more sincere-natured,

Race also is important in latin america in a sense that it displays economic value,but also at the same time not important and any discrimination is subtle and not overt.East Asia is very discriminative,as is Eastern only is open to a certain type of Dude,white or east asian,while anyone can get laid in latin america if they don't present themselves as a negative stereotype and learn the culture.

It's pretty telling that I've seen so many stories of East asian guys rejected all their lives in the west,and become rockstars in latin america.Latinos like exotic things.Even Indian guys from the west have positive stories and felt free there.Black guys who dress and act educated,classy,and high value so they aren't associated with the poor blacks in those countries with negative SMV,also can do well .

Even Latino guys from the united states do way better there for being a American and are desired just based on that the very least their SMV will be good to neutral,unlike negative like in USA.

european White guys have the highest SMV there.

also EVERY latin country is DIFFERENT from the other.there is such thing as a 'LATINA'but also no such thing as a 'LATINA'because every social class,country,region,local culture and so on is different.

You can find catholic virgin latinas and latinas that are working for the gangs to lure you and rob or kidnap you etc and the entire spectrum in between.
So yeah I think Latin america is great for men,beside the fact the women are some of the hottest and sexiest and prettiest in the world.

any thoughts @Lucas88

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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Lucas88 »

Kalinago wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 11:43 am
So yeah I think Latin america is great for men,beside the fact the women are some of the hottest and sexiest and prettiest in the world.
I've been recommending Latin America to men for some time now.

Before I begin, I'd first like to make it clear that I don't give a rat's ass that Latin America isn't "conservative" or "traditionalist" or that it's "right-leaning liberal" (who the hell even talks like that anyway? Lol!). I'm neither a Victorian prude nor do I care about the sexual mores or theological ramblings of some medieval fiefdom without modern medicine or basic sanitation. I'm a strong, red-blooded macho who can handle a wild and passionate big booty Latina. I'm not a nerdy, timid soyboy tradcuck faggot. Lol!

Latin America is great for men if you are willing to learn Spanish to a high level and have remote work or a source of passive income. Knowledge of Spanish is essential for integration into Latin American society and will make possible all kinds of social opportunities. It's best to have remote work or passive income since most jobs don't pay very well.

What you say about different races of men being able to do well with the ladies in Latin America is correct. Races of men considered undesirable in the US often get women in countries like Peru and Ecuador. Indians and East Asians are considered exotic by a subset of Latin American women. They aren't looked down upon like they are in the US. Latin America is an option for those men. Of course, White Europeans are generally considered the most desirable and absolutely slay in countries like Peru, but other men can do okay too. With the exception of Argentina and Uruguay, Latin America is already a heavily mixed society.

Feminism isn't as advanced in Latin America and male sexuality isn't demonized in any way. Puritanism is almost wholly absent. You can approach women without being shunned. Latinas expect you to approach them. It is considered a macho thing to do.

As you mentioned, cheating is common among Latin American men. Many guys f**k other women on the side. It's not looked down upon because Latin America is a machismo culture. Because of this, some Latin American women long for a loyal guy and so being a stable and responsible guy works in your favor if you are into monogamy. Such a guy is seen as a valuable commodity. That's something that my Peruvian ex-girlfriend always valued in me.

Even though Latin America is a machismo culture, countries like Colombia and Brazil have many Tgurls/travestis. Some work as prostitutes and many men go and solicit their sexual services on the lowdown. Some of them are as hot as real women. Certain parts of Latin America are a paradise for Tgurl lovers. I mention this because you have expressed your love for Tgurls/TS goddesses in some of your other threads.

Latin America is way more fun than East Asia. I lived in Japan for over a year and quite frankly found it boring as hell and just as socially inhibiting as the UK if not more so. East Asians are like borg-like robots. I became depressed as hell in Japan. I felt socially alienated and out of place. Latin America on the other hand is less orderly and more chaotic but it has a very wild vibe and is full of passion and fun and I feel like I can be myself.

Colombian women are smoking hot. They tend to have that perfect ration of European and indigenous DNA and some of the best booty genetics ever courtesy of their 10-20% African admixture! 🍑🔥🥒🌮 ¡Ay, ay, ay! ¡Tengo que parar de hablar sobre esto porque me estoy poniendo arrecho, amigo! :twisted:
Last edited by Lucas88 on March 24th, 2023, 1:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

What kind of men want to live in a culture,where men who sleep with women without commitment for 'dishonouring'her are punished or beaten up?

where only well-off men can afford early marriage,and all men are sexually frustated and become perverts or pathetic Simps,like the islamic world.

or where you are forced to 'commit'and be'loyal'to a woman that may change on you,or isn't making you HAPPY,where you are just living a stale existance,and sometimes the woman is making you UNHAPPY.
people like @Outcast9428 are trying to repress men.

loyalty and commitment to a woman should be optional,and not like those cultures,or the west where there is child support and alimony etc

when loyalty and commitment are optional,and finding a commitment minded and fully loyal man is hard women DO behave better,give all they can to keep their man.

LATIN AMERICA is the best place on earth for MEN.

TRADITIONALISM and FULL BLOWN Liberalism are both gynocentric-they only benefit women.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

Lucas88 wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 1:01 pm
Kalinago wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 11:43 am
So yeah I think Latin america is great for men,beside the fact the women are some of the hottest and sexiest and prettiest in the world.
I've been recommending Latin America to men for some time now.

Before I begin, I'd first like to make it clear that I don't give a rat's ass that Latin America isn't "conservative" or "traditionalist" or that it's "right-leaning liberal" (who the hell even talks like that anyway? Lol!). I'm neither a Victorian prude nor do I care about the sexual mores or theological ramblings of some medieval fiefdom without modern medicine or basic sanitation. I'm a strong, red-blooded macho who can handle a wild and passionate big booty Latina. I'm not a nerdy, timid soyboy tradcuck faggot. Lol!

Latin America is great for men if you are willing to learn Spanish to a high level and have remote work or a source of passive income. Knowledge of Spanish is essential for integration into Latin American society and will make possible all kinds of social opportunities. It's best to have remote work or passive income since most jobs don't pay very well.

What you say about different races of men being able to do well with the ladies in Latin America is correct. Races of men considered undesirable in the US often get women in countries like Peru and Ecuador. Indians and East Asians are considered exotic by a subset of Latin American women. They aren't looked down upon like they are in the US. Latin America is an option for those men. Of course, White Europeans are generally considered the most desirable and absolutely slay in countries like Peru, but other men can do okay too. With the exception of Argentina and Uruguay, Latin America is already a heavily mixed society.

Feminism isn't as advanced in Latin America and male sexuality isn't demonized in any way. Puritanism is almost wholly absent. You can approach women without being shunned. Latinas expect you to approach them. It is considered a macho thing to do.

As you mentioned, cheating is common among Latin American men. Many guys f**k other women on the side. It's not looked down upon because Latin America is a machismo culture. Because of this, some Latin American women long for a loyal guy and so being a stable and responsible guy works in your favor if you are into monogamy. Such a guy is seen as a valuable commodity. That's something that my Peruvian ex-girlfriend always valued in me.

Even though Latin America is a machismo culture, countries like Colombia and Brazil have many Tgurls/travestis. Some work as prostitutes and many men go and solicit their sexual services on the lowdown. Some of them are as hot as real women. Certain parts of Latin America are a paradise for Tgurl lovers. I mention this because you have expressed your love for Tgurls/TS goddesses in some of your other threads.

Latin America is way more fun than East Asia. I lived in Japan for over a year and quite frankly found it boring as hell and just as socially inhibiting as the UK if not more so. East Asians are like borg-like robots. I became depressed as hell in Japan. I felt socially alienated and out of place. Latin America on the other hand is less orderly and more chaotic but it has a very wild vibe and is full of passion and fun and I feel like I can be myself.

Colombian women are smoking hot. They tend to have that perfect ration of European and indigenous DNA and some of the best booty genetics ever courtesy of their 10-20% African admixture! 🍑🔥🥒🌮 ¡Ay, ay, ay! ¡Tengo que parar de hablar sobre esto porque me estoy poniendo arrecho, amigo! :twisted:
My best friend ever,another european like me that hates europe and is a LATIN AMERICAN soul ;)I am a red-blooded Macho too.even as a small kid.I feel choked and restricted in american and western european culture.I am also a thrill seeker like you.I feel restricted in feminist societies,but also in trad ones because I dont want to be forced to commit to get sex,and work like a slave for a wife.I am not against commitment but it will be entirely in my favor and on my terms,if it ever happens.

I want to be favoured,have options etc

and I too want to be myself.and I also like that latinas are not racist at all.even though yes they may think white is most beautiful,it isn't practically important and a dealbreaker like in the west.

this is how multiculturalism should work.

as for Colombianas,Ay!Getting a boner just thinking of them.And Yes,I love T-goddesses and f***ed mostly colombian and peurto rican T-girls,and this really hot T-girl from ecuador.I like and wanna f**k all types of latina.Mulatta,Mestiza,tririacial,white etc I love me ALL.Yum Yum.

I like girls with nice bodies hahaha I also do not tune in with east asian culture.though it's not all as bad as japan,chinese men can be like latinos in being fuckboys too ;)
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

something i forgot,latinas WILL catcall and holler at you if youre hot,it happened to me everywhere in miami,atleast when walking women too.that shit made me feel like a f***ing khan.I was cocky and chilled out there.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

even the most hated races of people in the west-arabs,east asians,and southasian indians,are positively looked upon by latin american people and girls.they find that shit exotic and eat it up.Latin america as a sizable Lebanese/syrian/palestinian Arab economic and political elite of both mostly christians,but also some muslims,theyre as latino as anyone else.they are fully integrated.Latinos see islam as 'exotic' and not as a negative religion.East asians also have sizable populations in some latin countries,and are well-liked.Indian guys also are not negatively seen as they are in the west,or east asia or even by their own women and are seen as exotic and people like them.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

I don't know, I think you're making a shit mistake by recommending other men to flock over there @Lucas88, I mean do you want the place to become Thailand 2.0? I wouldn't be recommending other men anything if I found some peace elsewhere...Because life in the West, Europe, etc wasn't always this bad. It got that way because of dipshit males giving women power and control over society, and then some of them supporting a lot of the shit causes that made everything hard in the first place. You have men who still bitch about women earning "less" money than men. I mean why the f**k should I even care if women earn less? I've worked low pay jobs most of my life, and there are plenty of women that make more than I do. Yet dickface male feminist love bringing up how it's "tyrannical" that women make less than men. Then you ass assholes like Bill Gates who want to push women to the top so they have even more power. Latin America is known for it's macho culture in all that, but I have no interest living where I have to put up a charade like that just to get girls to like me. I'm not what they call "macho" but I'm not feminized either.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 3:08 pm
I don't know, I think you're making a shit mistake by recommending other men to flock over there @Lucas88, I mean do you want the place to become Thailand 2.0? I wouldn't be recommending other men anything if I found some peace elsewhere...Because life in the West, Europe, etc wasn't always this bad. It got that way because of dipshit males giving women power and control over society, and then some of them supporting a lot of the shit causes that made everything hard in the first place. You have men who still bitch about women earning "less" money than men. I mean why the f**k should I even care if women earn less? I've worked low pay jobs most of my life, and there are plenty of women that make more than I do. Yet dickface male feminist love bringing up how it's "tyrannical" that women make less than men. Then you ass assholes like Bill Gates who want to push women to the top so they have even more power. Latin America is known for it's macho culture in all that, but I have no interest living where I have to put up a charade like that just to get girls to like me. I'm not what they call "macho" but I'm not feminized either.

I agree with the part that we shouldn't publicize this to hundreds of thousnds of men or whatever,but this is a forum to share advice and experiences with foreign women.So don't Deride my buddy @Lucas88 for giving his great exposition of latin american culture,social mores and women,

As for Machista,that is the natural and default state of a man.Men have to be conditioned into being Responsible tradcucks or feminized men.that is not biological or evolutionary.Men are literally built for the purpose of spreading their seed far and wide.

Women in the west only like perfect looking dudes,Thugs or Celebrities for 'fun'.so men are forced by environmental factors to self-limit their true nature and desire,but given the right circumstances,created by socially superior Men(latino men)who actually are evolutionarily successful as a group,men who come from such repressive backrounds will overtime lose their inhibitions and self-doubts and fears,and become Libertines.

Men are simply not monogamous by nature.You have to artificially force and limit men for them to be conditioned to be that way.

Latin america is the Law of the Jungle,and that is really the only true law.Except they don't have a nefarious agenda like in the west where cops enforce feminist laws,or take serious a belief in some theological ramblings of some Hebrew Skydaddy or Blue faced Young boy like in india,so latin america is really just nature,the jungle.American native tribes were the exact same way as latinos and still are in the amazon etc

Latin european men have always despite being brainwashed into jewish theological ramblings,been libertines and act in their own interest,instead of ideology.those two cultures mixing make A great place for men to thrive.

The law of the jungle is the only law,and even the west enforces their social norms and restrictions through the cops.Feminism cannot exist without men enforcing it.Men are naturally stronger than women physically.and much more organized and orderly in executing their will collectively.

Some men need a woman to 'love'and be close with due to 'male mother need',but even then Those men in free societies have sexual variety and side-women.The main chick if she is a good woman is respected and not embaressed so he keeps his side hoes in a other city.

Just wanted to give my 2 cents.Not seeking to attack you,but to each their own.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Lucas88 »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 3:08 pm
I don't know, I think you're making a shit mistake by recommending other men to flock over there @Lucas88, I mean do you want the place to become Thailand 2.0? I wouldn't be recommending other men anything if I found some peace elsewhere...
I am one of those who wish for HA to remain an obscure niche community precisely because I don't want Latin America and elsewhere to be flooded with hundreds of thousands of Western expats.

I think that it's safe to talk about the benefits of living in Latin America here. This forum is not very active. Few people even take this place seriously. Lol!
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Kalinago wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 4:23 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 3:08 pm
I don't know, I think you're making a shit mistake by recommending other men to flock over there @Lucas88, I mean do you want the place to become Thailand 2.0? I wouldn't be recommending other men anything if I found some peace elsewhere...Because life in the West, Europe, etc wasn't always this bad. It got that way because of dipshit males giving women power and control over society, and then some of them supporting a lot of the shit causes that made everything hard in the first place. You have men who still bitch about women earning "less" money than men. I mean why the f**k should I even care if women earn less? I've worked low pay jobs most of my life, and there are plenty of women that make more than I do. Yet dickface male feminist love bringing up how it's "tyrannical" that women make less than men. Then you ass assholes like Bill Gates who want to push women to the top so they have even more power. Latin America is known for it's macho culture in all that, but I have no interest living where I have to put up a charade like that just to get girls to like me. I'm not what they call "macho" but I'm not feminized either.

I agree with the part that we shouldn't publicize this to hundreds of thousnds of men or whatever,but this is a forum to share advice and experiences with foreign women.So don't Deride my buddy @Lucas88 for giving his great exposition of latin american culture,social mores and women,

As for Machista,that is the natural and default state of a man.Men have to be conditioned into being Responsible tradcucks or feminized men.that is not biological or evolutionary.Men are literally built for the purpose of spreading their seed far and wide.

Women in the west only like perfect looking dudes,Thugs or Celebrities for 'fun'.so men are forced by environmental factors to self-limit their true nature and desire,but given the right circumstances,created by socially superior Men(latino men)who actually are evolutionarily successful as a group,men who come from such repressive backrounds will overtime lose their inhibitions and self-doubts and fears,and become Libertines.

Men are simply not monogamous by nature.You have to artificially force and limit men for them to be conditioned to be that way.

Latin america is the Law of the Jungle,and that is really the only true law.Except they don't have a nefarious agenda like in the west where cops enforce feminist laws,or take serious a belief in some theological ramblings of some Hebrew Skydaddy or Blue faced Young boy like in india,so latin america is really just nature,the jungle.American native tribes were the exact same way as latinos and still are in the amazon etc

Latin european men have always despite being brainwashed into jewish theological ramblings,been libertines and act in their own interest,instead of ideology.those two cultures mixing make A great place for men to thrive.

The law of the jungle is the only law,and even the west enforces their social norms and restrictions through the cops.Feminism cannot exist without men enforcing it.Men are naturally stronger than women physically.and much more organized and orderly in executing their will collectively.

Some men need a woman to 'love'and be close with due to 'male mother need',but even then Those men in free societies have sexual variety and side-women.The main chick if she is a good woman is respected and not embaressed so he keeps his side hoes in a other city.

Just wanted to give my 2 cents.Not seeking to attack you,but to each their own.
That may be, but men sometimes can give advice that may backfire on them. I would be a lot more careful if I found paradise. I'm stingy like that, after what the men in the West did to the States with the help of their crappy women, screw them all.
Last edited by WanderingProtagonist on March 24th, 2023, 4:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 4:51 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 3:08 pm
I don't know, I think you're making a shit mistake by recommending other men to flock over there @Lucas88, I mean do you want the place to become Thailand 2.0? I wouldn't be recommending other men anything if I found some peace elsewhere...
I am one of those who wish for HA to remain an obscure niche community precisely because I don't want Latin America and elsewhere to be flooded with hundreds of thousands of Western expats.

I think that it's safe to talk about the benefits of living in Latin America here. This forum is not very active. Few people even take this place seriously. Lol!
Yeah I know what you mean, but that's what I was saying.
Expats will ruin those places you consider paradise for yourself.
Not only that, more males means more comp for you to compete against too.
If you are getting access to all that female attention right now, if a bunch of other men moved in on that turf to take advantage
that will instantly create the ego that women currently have here in the West. Men are willing to go to hell and back to get women in the
West, imagine if they were doing that abroad in every other country. It would be just like how it is for you in the UK, SHIT. Here in America
I've had average bitches reject me because they thought they could do better, average woman that weren't all that to begin with...
Women develop these complexes once they've had a taste of so many men trying to get them. I can easily meet a nice girl abroad if I went I'm sure.
But here in the West? It's harder than it should be because of the ego complex women have here that is the fault of males giving them way too much attention. Look at the fat women lol, even they have egos now. I've seen some good looking men dating fat women that looked like garbage. These men can get any girl they wanted or at least looked like they could but instead they are shackled up with some tatted up white female covered in ink like she's from the ghetto, I'm talking tats all in the face just hell no man. :lol:
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

BTW,as for those men that demand pure women and are obsessed with some fantasy and hate latinas for being sexual beings,and demand some ancient form of monogamous marriage this is literally a phenomenon in science psychology and so on called 'male mother need'.Traditionalist men are literally mommas boys and have mommy issues.They want a momma to take care of them.Strong men know women cannot take care of a man ,and women despise weak men so such relations end up miserable for the Beta Tradcucks anyway,which is why they have to use 'force'to make the traditionalist set up a reality.force women to be how they want them to be.Idolize female nature and try to mold it into something it is not.

and that is plain wrong,and will never work.

those men hate 'sluts'because it damages and exposes their false Sacred cow they have built upon women,and want women to be by force or coercion or threats or shaming etc while they like the feminists claim to work for the good and protection and honor of women,but actually hate and fear women,for the Succubi sexual beings they naturally are,so are f***ing liars.

and are living a false lie their whole lives by believing this about women.

Scared little momma boys afraid of reality,

as the Sage and Scholar @Lucas88 said,I am a Red-blooded macho man that can handle and satisfy a passionate wild sexual latina.I do not need to find some 'tradwife'that is only such due to artifical restrictions.

Latina women are studied to be the happiest women on earth.Feminist societies and islamic societies have the most miserable women in the world according to studies.

Sure,no self respecting man will tolerate a cheating woman,or a woman that is malevolent to him,but when you have endless options in women you will never seek to force or harm those women to do something they dont want,or punish them for doing so because you have lost your Oneitis dream and the woman you(falsely)beleive is your only chance at a woman that fulfills you.

Latin men just dump those women and next day find a new woman that will do what he wants.

those women do not find men who stay with them for long,so women naturally become the type of woman men desire and will tolerate.No Tradcuck law or Shari'a needed.
Beleive me,Try latin america and latina women before you put up some self-sabotaging defense mechanism and see how your entire mindset changes.

and Secondly get laid,most men after they nut in a decent to attractive female's vagina and even some who masturbate lose all 'male mother need',or the need to have a woman at all romantically or relationship wise,or even Validation from women.

that shows you this is a fake desire.
I'm sure all of you have had 'post-nut clarity'before.

Don't waste your life for some 'duty'to people that won't ever piss on you if you are on fire(ideologies,patriotism)etc
life is meant to be enjoyed to it's fullest,with the last stress and burden possible.
You only have one life as far as anyone knows for sure,so don't squander it and cuck yourself over BS.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 4:53 pm
Lucas88 wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 4:51 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 24th, 2023, 3:08 pm
I don't know, I think you're making a shit mistake by recommending other men to flock over there @Lucas88, I mean do you want the place to become Thailand 2.0? I wouldn't be recommending other men anything if I found some peace elsewhere...
I am one of those who wish for HA to remain an obscure niche community precisely because I don't want Latin America and elsewhere to be flooded with hundreds of thousands of Western expats.

I think that it's safe to talk about the benefits of living in Latin America here. This forum is not very active. Few people even take this place seriously. Lol!
Yeah I know what you mean, but that's what I was saying.
Expats will ruin those places you consider paradise for yourself.
Not only that, more males means more comp for you to compete against too.
If you are getting access to all that female attention right now, if a bunch of other men moved in on that turf to take advantage
that will instantly create the ego that women currently have here in the West. Men are willing to go to hell and back to get women in the
West, imagine if they were doing that abroad in every other country. It would be just like how it is for you in the UK, SHIT. Here in America
I've had average bitches reject me because they thought they could do better, average woman that weren't all that to begin with...
Women develop these complexes once they've had a taste of so many men trying to get them. I can easily meet a nice girl abroad if I went I'm sure.
But here in the West? It's harder than it should be because of the ego complex women have here that is the fault of males giving them way too much attention. Look at the fat women lol, even they have egos now. I've seen some good looking men dating fat women that looked like garbage. These men can get any girl they wanted or at least looked like they could but instead they are shackled up with some tatted up white female covered in ink like she's from the ghetto, I'm talking tats all in the face just hell no man. :lol:
I totally agree,we are not santa claus or philanthropists.

the men on this forum are few and all of us men here think outside the box,NPC drone normies will naturally be repulsed by our advice and our desires anyway.

I agree about the SMV of women in the west,in latin america and miami and other latin cultures ive been to I am a God damn Khan.A living God.

on latin dating sites I am a God.

ugly women or undesirable here in america have tried hard to get with me,but I usually kept my standards.

mean while in miami I get catcalled by gorgeous girls.Undesirable women know their place in latin america.

the fact they think I'd go with them shows you how far gone the value of women is upwards,add to the fact Sexually attractive women are scarce in America,and the few women you want to f**k are not attainable,unless you want to follow the endless Andrew Tate psy-op from the Jews and government,which keeps men in the system and requires slave labor and stress for a juice that is not worth the squeeze.

I know my value,I am a Goodlooking guy,and I also am intellectual,something latinas appreciate more.

I am also not a player,I like sex ,hookers,Transgirls,smart drugs/rcs and 'slaying'but if I'm with a good woman I'm physically attracted to and unfortunately only latinas satisfy that because I have f***ing high standards in looks due to conversely exposure to latinas, who satisfies my needs and doesn't stress me out I will be loyal to her,and that also is valued in latino countries,unlike the west where a overabundance of 'good'men exist.

But I have 0 'need'for's a nice bonus.

Latino america has both 'good'women and 'bad women',though the former are more common depending on what country you go to(like say mexico outside of DF or colombia depending on the region,nicaragua,cuba etc)or the latter(like puerto rico,argentina,brazil all feminist hellholes but promiscuous with easy sexual women),you can enjoy literally both a secure relationship or just a promiscuous fun life.

Stay blessed.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

@Lucas88 any thoughts on my comments?

I'm interested in your view,you're like a sage to me.a warrior sage khan lol ... rimination

this is an example of the lack of oppurtunities for women in latino america.
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Re: Latin america is a man's paradise.not traditional but who cares?

Post by Kalinago »

The guys that disagree with this all,are just different types of soul.Me and @Lucas88 are Latino souls.

it's our natural habitat.anywhere else we have maladapation and suffer and becomke depressed and stressed.

to each their own,I guess.

the only other 'latino'men out there are basically filipinos and israelis.those guys think almost identical to latino men.
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