America in the 1950's - What a time! Look!

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Re: America in the 1950's - What a time! Look!

Post by gsjackson »

gsjackson wrote:
June 30th, 2022, 4:58 am
Lucas88 wrote:
June 29th, 2022, 5:55 pm

Thank you very much for your valuable first-person testimony of the 1950s and 1960s, @gsjackson. I find it fascinating to hear about what life was like in those decades from somebody who actually lived through them and experienced them first hand. I believe that you really were there, by the way! :lol: From what yourself and others have said about that time period, I get the impression that on the ground things weren't quite as how many people today imagine in their own idealized vision of what the 1950s were supposed to be like. Men have always been men and have always been interested in attractive females and had fantasies about sleeping with multiple hot babes and living the playboy lifestyle. I'm sure that the 1950s were no different!

Anyway, thanks again for your valuable contribution to this topic.

How do you think the 80s compared to the 50s socially and sexually? The 80s is a decade which I tend to idealize and with which I identify despite not having been born early enough to experience it myself.
As far as sex availability goes, the early '80s were a continuation of the '70s, which were what the '60s are thought to be -- sex, drugs, rock and roll, general unbridled hedonism. In the middle of the decade -- well look who's here, inveterate liar Anthony Fauci, beginning his career as ardent foe of human interaction and human health. Fauci and long-time propaganda partner the corporate media began promulgating the myth of heterosexual AIDS. The whole AIDS thing was as fraudulent as the recent/current scamdemic, and it began to make women wary of men, a process that has of course finally led to the complete inversion of human nature the culture now imposes upon us.

Politically, the '80s were a culmination of the reaction against the late'60s and '70s and nostalgia for the '50s, Ronald Reagan's election being the preeminent symbol. I believe every election from 1968 to 1988 was largely a product of this reaction and desire to return to simpler times, even Jimmy Carter's election in 1976. Though a Democrat, Carter ran as a political independent and an extremely devout evangelical Christian, tapping into -- as Reagan later did -- a rapidly growing evangelical Christian movement reacting against '70s hedonism and Roe v Wade.

Culturally, the media, which were not quite as antagonistic toward Reagan as they would later be toward Trump, but close, tried to paint the decade as unbridled materialism -- venal yuppies roaming the land, Madonna's 'Material Girl' the new national anthem. Maybe there was a little of that, and certainly Wall Street was let off its leash during the '80s, but in general, I look back on the 'decade fondly as well. Compared to the decade and a half that preceded it and all the decades that followed, it seemed like normal human life.

By the way, you Brits, I lived in England from 1955 to 1958 -- on Lakenheath AFB and in a village near London called Chalfont St Peter -- and the memory that stands out for me was the barren bleakness of British TV then. The BBC was required to serve up edifying fare, and the show I remember in particular was a serialization of a book titled The Silver Sword, about the Nazi occupation of Poland. Very grim. I'm guessing that the telly (as Brits called it then) didn't have nearly the same impact on British culture during the '50s as it did in the U.S.

The only Americans in Chalfont St Peter, we were treated like royalty in those early post-WWII years. I can only imagine that my contemporaries -- the American Air Force brats who formed the band America (big in the '70s, still touring) while their fathers were also stationed at South Ruislip in the late '60s-- had a very different experience during the Vietnam years. We all wanted to get back to the U.S., they for whatever reasons of their own, and I for the good TV and good food (British food was an abomination at the time, much better now).

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Re: America in the 1950's - What a time! Look!

Post by WilliamSmith »

Hmmmm, woke up this morning with a mean hangover and no woman in bed as previously planned (she expectedly had to go help her kid with something and reschedule, showing the hazards of not having at least one full time live-in girlfriend), and a vague notion I'd done something the night before that might require damage control...

Actually, it wasn't remotely close to as bad as waking up in my youth in some strange place and some injuries, and trying to piece together what had happened and if I had to go apologize to anyone for a brawl or something.......
It was in fact me getting plastered and then going on a massive explosive forum keyboard commando polemic and tirades against jews and the anglocucks who worship, serve, and fight for the jews, right here on this very thread.

So what did I say last night, geez... I went off kind of like @WanderingProtagonist sometimes does, but about a bunch of stuff that "triggered" me in a drunken and sexually frustrated condition, and I apparently got mad and started yelling not only at jews, but also yelling at people talking about how they wished things were like the 1950s after the anglocucks got back from fighting on the wrong side of World War II... Fortunately looks like everyone just ignored me so far, so I guess I don't have to apologize, not to mention I didn't take a swing at anyone...

I still think monogamy's a bunch of bullshit (unless it's underscored by a really genuine romance), but this does demonstrate the hazards of not having a live-in girlfriend(s): It's pitiful what happens to me without women sometimes like last night, and underscores how monogamy definitely isn't a good idea for me (not that I'm being monogamous, but if I had only one woman it'd be even worse): First I tied on one, muddled around trying to decide what to do next, lifted kettlebells a bit, then tied one on even more and was looking up catamarans vs monohull boats, but unwisely also decided to log onto this forum in case @Cornfed or whoever posted any cool stuff about Russians blowing up ZOG Ukrainians to cheer me up, then read this thread and got triggered by MGTOW betas being full of !@#$, and went on a massive liver-poisoning explosive polemic about the above, including yelling that anyone who serves jews deserves to die along with the jews themselves...

So that's all very true, but an understatement to say I'm not doing my health any favors, and if I keep doing this kind of thing I'm going to end up like Mel Gibson was before there in his 50s, before he got his ass in gear in the 2nd pic (though at least I'm only starting my 40's).
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Re: America in the 1950's - What a time! Look!

Post by WilliamSmith »

gsjackson wrote:
June 30th, 2022, 4:58 am
As far as sex availability goes, the early '80s were a continuation of the '70s, which were what the '60s are thought to be -- sex, drugs, rock and roll, general unbridled hedonism. In the middle of the decade -- well look who's here, inveterate liar Anthony Fauci, beginning his career as ardent foe of human interaction and human health. Fauci and long-time propaganda partner the corporate media began promulgating the myth of heterosexual AIDS. The whole AIDS thing was as fraudulent as the recent/current scamdemic, and it began to make women wary of men, a process that has of course finally led to the complete inversion of human nature the culture now imposes upon us.

Politically, the '80s were a culmination of the reaction against the late'60s and '70s and nostalgia for the '50s, Ronald Reagan's election being the preeminent symbol. I believe every election since 1968 was largely a product of this reaction and desire to return to simpler times, even Jimmy Carter's election in 1976. Though a Democrat, Carter ran as a political independent and an extremely devout evangelical Christian, tapping into -- as Reagan later did -- a rapidly growing evangelical Christian movement reacting against '70s hedonism and Roe v Wade.

Culturally, the media, which were not quite as antagonistic toward Reagan as they would later be toward Trump, but close, tried to paint the decade as unbridled materialism -- venal yuppies roaming the land, Madonna's 'Material Girl' the new national anthem. Maybe there was a little of that, and certainly Wall Street was let off its leash during the '80s, but in general, I look back on the 'decade fondly as well. Compared to the decade and a half that preceded it and all the decades that followed, it seemed like normal human life.
That resonates: I was born in 1981 (so too young to comment on the sexual culture personally, except for checking out a lot of nice white girl's heart-shaped asses and long legs in 80s jeans from a much lower vantage point) and the thought crossed my mind that the positive side of the 1950s might've had some similarities with how potentially promising the USA seemed growing up in the 80s, even in an impoverished not too happy home... though maybe not (since obviously I can only imagine what it was like growing up in the 50s, my hostile polemics against jews and anglocucks who fought for ZOG in WW2 aside).

Another thing that was neat about the 80's was that entertainment got really good, the 80s action movies were awesome and got back to masculinity and good times vs the dystopian jewy quality of the 1970s influenced by the cultural revolution and so on. Action movies stayed pretty good until mid 1990s.
There was also a big wave of new computing technology in the 1980s that seemed like we and our Japanese friends overseas were on the way up into an interesting future even though I was just a kid. (I had the original "Speak and Spell" by Texas Instruments though, LOL, also messed around on original Apple II computers that were at the school.)
Lots of "cheezy 80s synths" music making things even more awesome too, especially because some of those German synths guys like Tangerine Dream and Klaus Schultz started making actual white guy music instead of jewish produced rock-n-roll shoving black musical influences down everyone's throat (not that I blame the blacks since it was the jews pushing it on everyone else, not the blacks). Better than just "white guy" music alone, because they also deliberately removed classical influences for the most part too, not just the white wanna-be-black BS that completely cursed white musicians nonstop everywhere except folk and country and so on (which I don't have anything against, but not my thing).

But overall, even in an unhappy poor divorced household in the 1980s, there were nice white neighborhoods everywhere and the country seemed to at least pay lip service to some basic constitutional principles in a positive way (free speech, firearms rights, some reasonable things about free enterprise making it seem like you'd always have plenty of opportunities if you worked hard enough to achieve your goals).

Things started getting weirder in mid-late 1990s, the awesome masculine role models from the action movies turned into a bunch of "mehh, wtf" types like Nicholas Cage or whatever (not to knock him too hard, but he was not Arnold/VanDamme/Dolph/etc), then jews did 9/11, and after that it's just been going downhill into the Orwellian mess they planned ever since...
Though Trumpocalypse and theoretic possibility of states seceding is a way more positive development than the "we must give up all our liberties for freedom" bullshit the whipped whites (and to some degree other Americans) were falling for, and went off to mass-murder Middle Eastern goys for no good reason...
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: America in the 1950's - What a time! Look!

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

WilliamSmith wrote:
June 30th, 2022, 12:46 pm
Hmmmm, woke up this morning with a mean hangover and no woman in bed as previously planned (she expectedly had to go help her kid with something and reschedule, showing the hazards of not having at least one full time live-in girlfriend), and a vague notion I'd done something the night before that might require damage control...

Actually, it wasn't remotely close to as bad as waking up in my youth in some strange place and some injuries, and trying to piece together what had happened and if I had to go apologize to anyone for a brawl or something.......
It was in fact me getting plastered and then going on a massive explosive forum keyboard commando polemic and tirades against jews and the anglocucks who worship, serve, and fight for the jews, right here on this very thread.

So what did I say last night, geez... I went off kind of like @WanderingProtagonist sometimes does, but about a bunch of stuff that "triggered" me in a drunken and sexually frustrated condition, and I apparently got mad and started yelling not only at jews, but also yelling at people talking about how they wished things were like the 1950s after the anglocucks got back from fighting on the wrong side of World War II... Fortunately looks like everyone just ignored me so far, so I guess I don't have to apologize, not to mention I didn't take a swing at anyone...

I still think monogamy's a bunch of bullshit (unless it's underscored by a really genuine romance), but this does demonstrate the hazards of not having a live-in girlfriend(s): It's pitiful what happens to me without women sometimes like last night, and underscores how monogamy definitely isn't a good idea for me (not that I'm being monogamous, but if I had only one woman it'd be even worse): First I tied on one, muddled around trying to decide what to do next, lifted kettlebells a bit, then tied one on even more and was looking up catamarans vs monohull boats, but unwisely also decided to log onto this forum in case @Cornfed or whoever posted any cool stuff about Russians blowing up ZOG Ukrainians to cheer me up, then read this thread and got triggered by MGTOW betas being full of !@#$, and went on a massive liver-poisoning explosive polemic about the above, including yelling that anyone who serves jews deserves to die along with the jews themselves...

So that's all very true, but an understatement to say I'm not doing my health any favors, and if I keep doing this kind of thing I'm going to end up like Mel Gibson was before there in his 50s, before he got his ass in gear in the 2nd pic (though at least I'm only starting my 40's).
I honestly tend to have this explosive demeanor about myself because I struggle with irritability a lot. Like earlier today I don't know if you were aware of it but I had this interesting conversation with a couple of users on here about transsexuals and homosexuality and whether or not people should be accepting of it. Of course I told the two users that said there was nothing wrong with homosexuality that I didn't consider any of it as normal because it isn't normal. I also explained how allowing homosexuals and transgender people to control society is a bad and stupid ass idea because these people aren't worthy to lead society. Everyone believe they should have rights just because they woke up one day and figured "well hell I'm this or I'm that, I'm attracted to this and I'm attracted to that, so society had better be tolerant and accept it just because I say so.

If not they are all phobes" and the usual bullshit that goes with the territory when people start thinking there's something special about them. I already admitted a few times that I was attracted to transgender people because I can't get a woman. I am not ashame to admit that I've failed with women too many times and I'm also afraid of getting hurt by women which will happen because loyalty isn't their strong point...Not in this goddamn country its not. Still I don't believe society can benefit if every man started just dating transgenders but it would be funny if they did it to piss women off if every man stopped paying them any attention. Aside from all that, I just wish life was better than what it is. Deep down I'm a tragic human being that's confused and not very sure about most things in this world.

I don't come on the forum really to attack anyone even if it seems like I've done this in a few of my responses, etc. Just that sometimes lol people do say stuff on this forum that annoys me. Yohan replied to that one post I made about him going to Japan and impregnating a Japanese woman and all that stuff. I didn't read his response because I'm sure he probably retaliated with something that would piss me off and then I'd really start attacking his ass if he did that :lol: so I figured well shit, f**k it. He said what he had to say, I didn't read it because I know if he said something I didn't like in response to what I said, I'd go at him even harder than I did the first time :twisted: but at this point Japan isn't a real sovereign nation at least it doesn't seem like one to me.

If their population is declining sooner or later the person in charge of that country is going to cave in and throw the door open. People say "Japan will never do this and they will never do that." Any nation that is allied with America is going to eventually change and become just like America. It may not happen today, may not happen tomorrow.I remember the post you made about dumbass Koreans supporting BLM in Korea, and then pride stuff in Japan I was already disturbed and put off by that.

The whole cucking culture sickens me. A lot of these men failed in their own countries, and gave it up to destructive billionaires that told them they were too racist, and their countries too white and must give up their nation to the "disadvantage" people they will be able to easily rule over someday in the nations they are using to destroy with. Then these men listened to these assholes and made the sacrifice. Now America is becoming
a country where whites will end up minorities mostly in the major states like California but they may not be fully replaced in Southern and Midwestern states which a lot of these invaders aren't moving to. They are settling in places like Arizona, California, etc. Oregon is still mostly white.

It still amazes me how these white men in America will strap up their boots, learn to gun down people on foreign soil like it's nothing. Right along side of them you have a few colored people and so on learning to do the exact same, kill people in other countries. The ones being manipulated and used could care less. Then you have trannies in the military now. You also have several women taking up armed roles most of those women are white since Asian women have no interest what so ever in masculine military roles, and very few black women are in the military as well despite people are always saying they are more masculine than every other woman in this country yet it's the white women constantly trying to prove they can do everything men can do... Someone had posted a video once on youtube "10 of the most baddest female soldiers." You know a beta male made that shit, they do that kind of stuff to get approval points. "Look at me getting a hard on for women in combat roles in the U.S. military."
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Re: America in the 1950's - What a time! Look!

Post by Lucas88 »

Thank you both for your rundowns of what life was like in the 80s, @gsjackson and @WilliamSmith. I'm a total mark for the 80s even though I was born in 1988 and my only memories of the culture of that awesome decade consist of the 80s-style fashion and music which my momma continued to embrace even in the early 90s when I was a little kid. As a younger millennial I grew up in the early 2000s but I soon discovered 80s culture through movies and the internet and just fell in love with it completely. I still have a strong feeling of nostalgia for an era that I never even experienced.

What I immediately notice when I observe footage of people from the 80s is that they seemed much more natural and friendly and didn't give off that cold, antisocial, paranoid vibe that so many people give off today. Social interactions seemed a lot more innocent, society as a whole seemed less cynical, and people seemed a lot more soulful and wholesome as Winston often describes. Moreover, whenever I see movies, photos or camcorder recordings of everyday life from that era, I notice that the women look more attractive, act sweet and feminine, and aren't covered with ugly tattoos or full of nasty piercings. They don't dress anywhere near as trashy as women do today. Also, from what I've read, back then feminism was just a fringe movement for the whackos and degenerate weirdos of the female gender. It wasn't mainstream like it is today and the vast majority of women had no interest in it. Because of this there was still no disruptive gender war.

I too love American movies from the 80s. They always had a real story and more often than not some moral in which virtue triumphs over evil. The Karate Kid (1984) is one of my favorite movies from the 80s. In addition to its iconic yet relatable characters, the movie features moral dilemmas and while Daniel-san and Mr. Miyagi are by no means perfect they both try to do the right thing and in the end good triumphs over evil as Cobra Kai sinks under the weight of its own iniquities. Kickboxer (1989) is like this too. At first the baddies have the upper hand and seem like they can do whatever they want but in the end the heroes come out on top and their evil organization is defeated. In the 80s the movies usually promoted good virtues and optimism whereas in later decades more movies seem to promote a more amoral or nihilistic worldview or at least that's how I perceive it.

I'm a huge fan of 80s music too, @WilliamSmith. I love most genres from that decade from funk, soul music and rare grooves (what people call "Black music") all the way to the more mainstream post-disco and synthpop, the cheezy Italo-Disco of Continental Europe and even some subgenres of metal. For some reason, I really don't like the music of the 70s or the whole 70s vibe at all and I could never stand the Rock-n-Roll of previous decades. There's just something strange or negative that I don't like about it. Why do you think that is? Is it really a Jewy genre, too Jewy for my Gentile soul? I also don't like the musical trends which began in the 90s. I find the whole depressing Seattle Sound thing extremely negative and worlds apart from the upbeat and positive music which preceded it. I also could never stand the low-vibrational discordant metal subgenres which followed. It seems that the 90s marked the beginning of a shift towards a negative direction culturally. From about the mid 90s everything just seemed to become more and more unwholesome and grotesque as though perversion and decay were becoming an object of celebration.

I myself get the feeling that the 80s were somewhat of a break in the degenerative direction which culture was taking, kinda like an oasis of normality in the history of a world that was progressively going to shit due to perverse social engineering from the shadows. For me it's as though there was a sudden burst of positive energy on a metaphysical or astrological level which even the evil forces on Earth were unable to fully suppress. The 70s seem very unpleasant and unnatural to me. That was a time when the neo-Marxist project was already in full swing. The arrival of the 80s seems to have temporarily put a dent in that encroaching specter and brought about a short return to normality. But then the subversive projects of the enemy would unfortunately resume in the following decades and now here we are today on the verge of an Orwellian neo-Marxist dystopia.

I am deeply interested in the various decades and their cultural developments, social trends and general zeitgeists. I might open my own thread on the topic some time soon.
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Re: America in the 1950's - What a time! Look!

Post by Outcast9428 »

@WilliamSmith It wouldn't be much of an internet forum if we couldn't go on ill advised, crazy rants every now and then would it :lol:

I don't like waking up or going to bed without a woman either. There's a reason why I've become more grumpy since my girlfriend broke up with me.
underscores how monogamy definitely isn't a good idea for me
Quite the opposite. It underscores exactly why you need monogamy. A wife is the ultimate "live in girlfriend." The way monogamy works is that one person is in charge of satisfying all your needs, and you're in charge of satisfying all their needs. You go to bed with her every night, wake up with her every morning, and come back to her every evening. You never have to go without your partner unless you are at work. The promiscuous/polyamorous lifestyle on the other hand, is built for people who want to pursue other things in life and aren't obsessive about their romantic partner the way monogamous people are. Promiscuity/polyamory is designed so that the women you're with can put you on a back burner and prioritize other things like their career and hobbies. Monogamy is designed for people who prioritize their romantic partner above everything else.

That's why I want my future wife to be a housewife so badly. Because a girl being a housewife is the ultimate act of saying "you're the most important thing in my life and I am putting myself in your care." I don't like the idea of a career coming before me or even being a close second. Cause I'm never going to be putting my career or hobbies above my wife. She'll always be #1 to me, and the only kind of girl who would like that is a girl who makes me her #1.
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Re: America in the 1950's - What a time! Look!

Post by Winston »

I don't get something guys. If richer neighborhoods and people are more stuck up and don't like to talk to others and don't even talk to their neighbors because they have more money, then explain this:

How come in the 1950s when America's economy was booming and people were prosperous and had it good and cost of living was low too, Americans were sociable and close to their families and talked to their neighbors and looked happier than today? What this tells me is that something darker is going on in modern society. It's not just that people are more prosperous and spoiled and therefore socially disconnected. How come the America of the 1950s was not socially disconnected even though the economy was prosperous? See what I mean? There must be a darker element involved.
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Re: America in the 1950's - What a time! Look!

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
June 14th, 2018, 11:42 am
Wow check out this 1950's video about homosexuality and how boys need to be aware of gay men. lol. Weren't they so open and tolerant toward gays? lol

This is a lot more sensible than videos that would be shown on the topic in schools today. There are a lot of good safety tips for boys.
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Re: America in the 1950's - What a time! Look!

Post by gsjackson »

Well yes, there are other things going on, but the prosperity of the U.S. in the '50s was famously egalitarian -- i.e., spread equally across a very large middle class. You didn't see anything like the wealth disparity the US has today. The highest income brackets were taxed at over 90 percent in the '50s. While there was a fairly substantial alcoholism problem, this enormous middle class was for the most part functional, psychologically stable and sociable -- much like post-communist eastern Europe is today, but with higher (inflation-adjusted) incomes.
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Re: America in the 1950's - What a time! Look!

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
January 3rd, 2023, 3:06 pm
I don't get something guys. If richer neighborhoods and people are more stuck up and don't like to talk to others and don't even talk to their neighbors because they have more money, then explain this:

How come in the 1950s when America's economy was booming and people were prosperous and had it good and cost of living was low too, Americans were sociable and close to their families and talked to their neighbors and looked happier than today? What this tells me is that something darker is going on in modern society. It's not just that people are more prosperous and spoiled and therefore socially disconnected. How come the America of the 1950s was not socially disconnected even though the economy was prosperous? See what I mean? There must be a darker element involved.

The US was having an economic boom after a depression and a world war. The Marshall plan sent money overseas, and Europeans had to pay back dollar loans, keeping the dollar loan and US imports cheap. So many of their factories had been destroyed in the world, so the US was supplying Europe with goods while our own economy was doing well.

Society had been more connected in previous decades. Television was new in the 1950's, and people had grown up doing real-life social events instead of watching TV all the time. Many Americans had strong religious values. The 60's Hippies hadn't taken over with their faux values yet. The sexual revolution had not taken place yet. Young women were expected to be virgins. Marriage was highly value. Divorce was more rare.
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Re: America in the 1950's - What a time! Look!

Post by MrMan »

WilliamSmith wrote:
June 30th, 2022, 1:03 pm
Things started getting weirder in mid-late 1990s, the awesome masculine role models from the action movies turned into a bunch of "mehh, wtf" types like Nicholas Cage or whatever (not to knock him too hard, but he was not Arnold/VanDamme/Dolph/etc),
I remember Nicholas Cage got buff for at least one movie, Con Air, I think. He didn't have the action moves of Van Damme.

Action movies continued to get worse with 'cut scenes.' Those are so irritating to watch. I first noticed them in a 'Taken' movie with Liam Neeson. Maybe it's cheaper to do it that way, or maybe they just couldn't get Neeson or a stunt double who looked like him to do a decent fight scene, or maybe they actually thought those lame scenes looked good.
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Re: America in the 1950's - What a time! Look!

Post by MrMan »

gsjackson wrote:
June 30th, 2022, 5:03 am
Culturally, the media, which were not quite as antagonistic toward Reagan as they would later be toward Trump, but close, tried to paint the decade as unbridled materialism -- venal yuppies roaming the land, Madonna's 'Material Girl' the new national anthem. Maybe there was a little of that, and certainly Wall Street was let off its leash during the '80s, but in general, I look back on the 'decade fondly as well.
Reagan was different from Trump. Reagan was nice. He'd tell jokes, and even people who didn't like his politics thought he was funny, and there was a sense of congeniality.

A reporter tried to paint Reagan as too old to handle the rigors of a national crisis. Reagan answered with a clever joke that didn't insult Mondale. Mondale and the reporter laughed and made a comment about trying to catch that one before it went over the fence.


If they didn't like his politics, they could still like Reagan. Liberals and conservatives had more in common back then, like belief in free speech, freedom of the press, even if liberals did not share the concern about abortion being killing babies. etc. Gay rights wasn't much of a thing. Phil Donahue tried to promote that on his show. But it wasn't mainstream.

Maybe liberal former Hippies in film wanted to emphasize materialism because they thought their generation had 'sold out.'
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Re: America in the 1950's - What a time! Look!

Post by Winston »

To those who think foreign women are friendlier because they are poorer and lower class, I have a question for you. How come in the 1950s when America was prosperous and the economy was booming, American women were not closed off or antisocial or unapproachable or hateful towards men? How come they were feminine and had values and lady like and respected men? How come they weren't stuck up and antisocial and cold and closed off? How come they still needed men even though the economy was prosperous? That's something you didn't consider. I think the reason is because it's not all about economics. It's about BAD CULTURE in America and the modern world.
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Re: America in the 1950's - What a time! Look!

Post by Winston »

Wow check out this movie from 1957 called "April Love" starring Pat Boone and Shirley Jones. It takes place on a Kentucky ranch with horses and the people all look wholesome, good natured and down to earth. lol. This must be what @kangarunner's area in Tennessee is like. lol

Wow check out Shirley Jones in the trailer below for the movie. Doesn't she look so wholesome, feminine, cheery, beautiful, and angelic, like the perfect southern belle? lol

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Re: America in the 1950's - What a time! Look!

Post by Winston »

Wow check out these playlists that let you imagine you were a teenager falling in love in the 50s and 60s. Wow that must have been a gay romantic time! Totally unlike today where everything is empty, digital, soulless, and just going through the motions. Listen to the music and see what I mean!

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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