China, Communism, Jews and the NWO - Red Pill History

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China, Communism, Jews and the NWO - Red Pill History

Post by WilliamSmith »

Watching what's happened in recent years with Xi Jinping openly thwarting the attempted economic terrorism of Soros and openly defying the NWO has been interesting. I've always been interested in ancient Chinese history, but more recently learned some very interesting historic facts about the history of China, communism, jews (both invading jews, and ethnic Chinese jews who were in there at least since the Song dynasty's Kaifeng jews), destructive acts against China by jews throughout history (for example the jewish rotting of China with the Sassoons, forcing in opium, and their role in bringing about China's fall to jew communism), and how those tensions are still playing out into the present day, including the theoretic looming WW3 scenario.

This piece here by a certain Larry Romanoff (yet another "virulently antisemitic" jew??, LOL) published at the Unz Review is an interesting place to start for some real eye-openers, which I think it's safe to say you won't be hearing on CNBC or Fox Jews networks anytime soon, and also has some claims I've never heard before myself.

I'm only excerpting parts of it. (You can read the rest yourself at the link, and check out the original article on Unz for hyperlinks to all his footnotes and citations.) I put some parts I think are worth further research in bold, so you can research them more, instead of some of you guys who just waste everyone else's time with "No, jews can't possibly be guilty of [insert thing jews are indisputably guilty of here] because of muh holocaust" or whatever nonsensical reason people use to keep their blinders on, when the real problem is they've either been duped by lying jews, or else simply haven't done the actual research yet, so don't realize that a lot of us aren't just pulling our claims out of thin air. :D

There are a few places in this piece where I suspect he might be a bit off the mark on certain things (though it could be me who's wrong on some of those), but that's nothing compared with the overall value of the piece in bringing up history you're never going to hear or read about via the lying jewmedia, regardless. (We can get into expanding the discussion about what points are or aren't accurate later... unless, of course, the net goes down and the jews and libs currently squealing and shrieking day and night on Twitter that "the free world" and "our democracy" can't survive unless free speech online and offline are eliminated ASAP all get their wish, LOL.) :mrgreen:
China is a civilisation that is millennia old, with the origins of traditions and thoughts lost in the mists of time. Italy and Greece have a touch of this flavor; the other Western nations not so much, and the US and Canada really have nothing. It isn’t easy to explain, but it’s true nonetheless.

We are heavily penalised by the Western Jewish-owned media in each and every one of its aspects, because the media frame for us a picture of China that is nearly 100% false or at least badly misleading, this done from ideology and their personal agenda. We cannot overcome that without an inordinate amount of time and effort.

I would say that in general there is very little available in the English language on China, on its history or culture, that is accurate or of much use, and the European languages are not much better. There are some exceptions – the writing of Anna Louise Strong[2][3], and tracts by some mostly obscure authors who managed to relay a more or less faithful representation of China in their day.

Keep in mind that the Khazarian Jews were actively involved in the destruction of China (opium, banking theft, political and social destruction, massive wars and the most despicable cultural genocides, among other things) for about 200 years and the Americans weren’t far behind them. Thus, almost anything written by either the Jews or Americans is likely to be rubbish because both were more intent on papering over their sins than in presenting an accurate picture on any topic or aspect of China.

Jewish encyclopedias boast that opium in China was “entirely a Jewish business” and that Sassoon refused to let any non-jews participate. And the Americans, in addition to half a dozen military invasions, had their Treasury Department, their beloved Jewish-owned FED, J. P. Morgan and Citibank[4][5], and many others, all cooperating in looting the carcass while they were busy fostering yet a massive civil war through Zhang Jie Shi (Chiang Kai-Shek to you) and T. V. Soong, busily destroying any remaining semblance of government, economy, and society. Both parties failed because of Mao Tze-Dong and they of course bitterly hate him to this day.

Recent Jewish Expulsions of Note

Everyone knows that the Jews have been expelled from countless countries for at least the past 500 or even 800 years. What most people don’t know is that the process never really stopped. One of Castro’s first acts upon his successful revolution in the early 1950s was to expel all the Jews from Cuba, which is why that poor little country has been subject to barbarous and almost homicidal sanctions for the past nearly 70 years. The city of Nagasaki and the country of Japan likewise expelled all the Jews prior to WWII, which is almost certainly the reason these two were selected by Bernard Baruch (a Jew) as the targets for the atomic bombs (the “Jewish hell-bomb”, in case you don’t know, 99.5% totally-Jewish-developed).[6]

Hitler wanted to expel all the Jews from Germany to Madagascar (his “final solution”), but he failed because the Jews managed to bring the US into the war.

Likewise, Mao’s first act on taking power after winning China’s so-called ‘civil war’ (which was not against other Chinese but against the Jews and Americans) was to expel all the Jews from China, confiscating (as did Castro) all their ill-gotten opium assets that included all of Shanghai and the Mainland branches of the HSBC. Mao actually expelled all foreigners, but the Jews were certainly the target. All Jewish publications I’ve seen, tell us only that the Jews left China “in a hurry” after the war, without specifying exactly the cause of that ‘hurry’. The Jews have hated China ever since, and have been the cause of all the isolation, trade embargoes, non-stop media hate campaign, and much else directed against China since that time.

Shanghai Saved 40,000 Jews from Hitler
Shanghai did no such thing. Populations inside and outside China (but especially inside) are being pumped by the Jews with fictional tales of how the “wonderful warm-hearted Chinese” welcomed all those Jews escaping persecution in Germany. So many tales of fond memories of the Shanghainese loving the Jews. But that isn’t exactly how it was. Shanghai already had a large contingent of wealthy opium Jews and, since the city was entirely under the control of the Japanese Imperial Army at the time, this was where the Japanese sent all the Jews on their expulsion from Japan. Neither Shanghai nor ‘China’ had anything to say about it, and the “wonderful warm-hearted Chinese” didn’t even know what happened. There were a few Jews who may have come overland through Russia and Siberia or by ship, but they were few and their transit passes were for the US, not China. It is worthy of note that the “wonderful warm-hearted Chinese” didn’t do too well under their new Jewish masters. The stories you may have heard about signs in Shanghai reading “No dogs or Chinese allowed”, are true, and those signs were erected by the Jews, not the Japanese.

Mao Tze-Dong: Killing Chinese and Drowning Kittens
It was Jews’ expulsion from China and the resulting bitter hatred of Mao that have led to 70 years of garbled hate-history of China and of Mao in particular. It may surprise some of you to learn that Mao never actually “killed” anybody. All of those stories are Jewish hate literature spawned by their resentment of having to leave China with some flesh still remaining on the bones. This was the cause of China’s great famine around 1960 when the European Jews used the services of the UN to launch a worldwide food embargo on China when that country suffered several years of natural catastrophes and experienced a severe food shortage. Using the Americans as the Banker’s Private Army (and genocidal enforcer), the entire world sat for three years and watched about 20 million Chinese starve to death. Not one country dared to give China any food, nor to sell food to China at any price.[7]

It was the European Khazarian Jews who killed all those millions of Chinese, not Chairman Mao, and they even had the chutzpah to progressively over-estimate their handiwork to as high as 80 million deaths. That is one indication of the savage and inhuman natural proclivities of the European Khazarian Jews – the Rothschilds, Sassoons, Kadoories, Sebag-Montefioris, Lehmans, de’ Medicis, Mendelssohns, Bleichroeders, Warburgs, Lazars, and a hundred other names you have never heard of.

It is the Jews who have created all the tales of China’s famine being due to Mao’s “mismanagement” of food stocks, and tales of how the man killed or executed millions of his own people – for no apparent reason since he was in the process of healing the country and attempting to rebuild it by pulling everyone together. He succeeded. If not for Mao, there would be no China today.

China’s Jewish Communism

Similarly, all of the tales you have heard about China’s Communism, the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, China’s one-child policy, and so much more, are the result of the Jews attempting to paper over their own final “contributions” to China’s “progress”.

In case you didn’t know, Communism was a 99.985% Jewish enterprise, From Marx and Engels onward. In Russia, the Jews managed to exterminate not only the Russian Royal Family, the Romanovs (Romanoffs) and virtually all of the clergy, but also more than 30% of the total Russian population including the entire middle class and property-owners, to say nothing of looting the entire nation of money, gold, art, icons, Royal Treasure, as they left.

The Khazarian European Jews – the usual list of suspects – were entirely responsible for introducing communism to China. The Jewish Bolsheviks sent an envoy – Grigori Naumovich Voitinsky (real name Zarkhin, a Russian Jew) in the hope of duplicating the destruction of Russia in China. Voitinsky failed in his mission and was expelled, so the Jewish vision of communism never took root in China. The plan for Russia (and all European countries) was to have only a small cadre of Jews controlling the entire nation of peasant-cattle to serve them. This was the picture presented to China, one which was refused.

However, part of the communist philosophy did take hold in China, that of the oppression of the lower classes by the educated and wealthy, and it was this that was almost entirely responsible for the mistakes Mao made. He refused to consider exterminating the upper and middle classes as the Jews recommended and as they had done in Russia, but he did go so far as to try to level the playing field. Thus, doctors were sent to work on farms, and similar, in an attempt to narrow the gaps between the classes. Those attempts failed, and for decades the Jews have pilloried Mao in every way possible without revealing that he was only following their pattern for “nation-building”, but in much gentler fashion. It is the Jews, not the Chinese who should take responsibility for Mao’s social-planning failures.

China’s Jewish One-Child Policy
Similarly, it was another Jew, one of the Malthusian cult whose name escapes me at the moment, who was sent to China with instructions to cull the Chinese population – for the good of all humanity. This effort had rather more success. The man did manage to scare the hell out of the Chinese about the prospects of feeding such an enormous population, and the adoption of the one-child policy was the direct result of this encounter. Naturally, China no sooner adopted the Jews’ recommendation than they used it to pillory China yet one more time as a nation “brutally violating human rights”. Once again, it is the Jews who should take full responsibility for China’s family-planning policies since these were taken entirely on their ‘advice’.

And so on. Think of almost anything bad that you have read about China, or almost anything bad that you ‘know’ about China and, if you scratch the surface, you will find a Jew. I know that doesn’t sound very nice, but it happens to be the truth.

The point of all the above is that nearly everything you know, or think that you know, or that you believe to be true, about China and its history, is wrong. History is written by the victors or, alternatively, by those who control all the media and who own virtually all of the book publishers. And they lie because they are busy covering up their complicity in most of the crimes that have been committed against humanity anywhere, and certainly anything involving China. My comments above haven’t even scratched the surface of the Jews’ crimes in China, much less anywhere else.

Nobody in China has an Imagination

Again, we hear in the Jewish media so much about how “China” and the Chinese have never invented anything, have no imagination, and know only how to copy and steal. But the truth is 180° from this. It is reliably estimated that at least 60% of all the knowledge in the world today originated in China. Yes, that’s really true, and the estimate is not mine. We were all taught in school that the printing press with movable type was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in Germany in around 1550, but China not only invented paper but had printing presses with movable type (on both top and bottom) 600 years before Gutenberg was born. Similarly, every schoolboy knows that the Englishman James Watt invented the steam engine, but China had working steam engines 600 years before James Watt was born. The truth is that Chinese invention has always led the world, with most of these inventions having been copied or stolen by the West and China then just written out of the world’s history by the same people who stole the inventions and who own all the history book publishers. Here is the story of Chinese invention: If you don’t know about this, it’s a real eye-opener.[8]

Also, the Americans and the Jewish US media tried to tarnish China’s high-speed rail system by flooding the presses with untrue accusations of China stealing all the rail IP. I wrote an article on China’s high-speed rail; it’s interesting, and contains no lies:[9]

And here is something else you might really enjoy reading: the story of Nüshu, one of the oldest and most beautiful, and certainly one of the more intriguing languages in the world, the only known example of a full-fledged language created by women and spoken and understood only by women.[10]

It is a part of the UNESCO Heritage.[11]

The Jews of Asia

“The Chinese are not called “the Jews of Asia” without reason.” For your information, the Chinese are not called ‘the Jews of Asia’ with a reason, either. In fact, the Chinese are not called ‘the Jews of Asia’ at all. This originated with an article, later expanded to some 63 pages, written in 1914 by King Vajiravudh of Siam (Thailand), titled: “The Jews of the Orient/Wake Up Siam!”

A reader styling himself “thotmonger” posted a comment on Andrew Anglin’s article on “I Don’t Know Who’s Great Resetting Who Anymore”, in which he stated: “In it, Vajiravudh makes a very informed and dispassionate cultural and behavior comparison between Jews and ethnic Chinese. It holds up and has been borne out.”[12]

Well, not quite. Researchgate wrote of this paper: “the infamous and highly polemical article penned by King Vajiravudh Rama VI of Siam and first published . . . in 1914 has long been employed as the fundamental evidence of the innate anti-Chinese nature of Siam’s particular brand of royalist nationalism”.[13] In fact, rather than being “very informed and dispassionate”, it was an astonishingly vitriolic piece of venomous trash that has since 1914 been sitting the historical dustbin where it belongs. This is a warning to not believe everything you find on the internet about China, and an even more useful warning to question the motives of those who so highly recommend this brand of rubbish. And please, forget that you ever heard this expression. It’s offensive.

The US Transferred its Manufacturing Base to China; China Stole Our jobs

Well, not exactly. What happened was that the Jewish bankers and industrialists who more or less control the US, forced an agreement with the US government that all profits earned offshore would be tax-free (so long as they remained offshore). So Levi’s, making blue jeans in the US for $20 and selling them for $40, could now go to China and make the jeans for $5 and still sell for $40. As soon as Levi’s did this, the other manufacturers could see their future was in the dustbin because Levi’s could sell blue jeans for much less than the other firms’ cost of production. They had no choice but to follow. So they fired all their employees, closed their factories, and moved to China. When Mattel moved, everyone had to move, this process duplicated throughout the entire manufacturing sector. Many didn’t even have to build their own factories; they could find a Chinese factory to make their products OEM, and just collect the money. That is why Apple has something like $300 billion sitting offshore. Now, all those same firms are pressing the US government to repatriate those profits tax-free on the grounds they will use the money to “create jobs”.

We read so many different stories on this topic, assessing the blame on America’s misguided industrial policies, or how the Jews are transferring the West’s riches to China, or how the Chinese are somehow in cahoots with someone in the planned destruction of America. But this is unrelated to industrial policy; it was simply due to the Jews’ greed and their contempt of America, their willingness to bleed the nation dry so long as they profit from it. “Once we have squeezed everything we want from the US, it can dry up and blow away.”

China Stole all our IP

Yeah, sure. Send me the list. For those of you who don’t know, the US and the Khazarian Jews are the greatest thieves of IP in history. You might care to read about Operation Paperclip[14] and the US’ vast IP theft network[15], and some of the truth about ‘How the US Became Rich’:[16][17]

IP theft and Technology Transfer

Despite US accusations of China copying foreign technology, China’s high-technology achievements were entirely home-grown because the US has been so determined to hinder China’s rise that by 1950 it engineered an international embargo on all scientific knowledge and on almost all useful products and processes to China, including legislation that Chinese scientists cannot be invited to, or participate in, American scientific forums, while bullying other Western nations into doing the same. In October of 2019, all Chinese scientists and space technology companies were denied visas to attend the weeklong International Astronautical Congress in Washington, far from the first time such has occurred.

We hear much in the Western media about China demanding technology transfers as a condition of corporate residence in China, but this is mostly propaganda. No doubt expectations for technology and knowhow transfer do occur, since China doesn’t want to spend the rest of its life making toasters and running shoes but, since entry to the Chinese market is a gift of billions in profits, it is perfectly sensible to attach a price to it. However, one must keep in mind that no foreign company is conducting cutting-edge commercial or sensitive military research, or manufacturing quantum computers and hypersonic missiles in China. Any technology actually available for transfer would be almost entirely in consumer goods, and hardly constitute great value or threats to US ‘national security’. And, in virtually all of the cutting-edge fields and industries such as quantum computing, 5-G telecom or solar energy, China has already surpassed the US.[18]

If it Weren’t for us . . .

This has been floating around for years, the claim however it’s made, that the US deserves all the credit for China’s resurgence. AmCham (the American Chamber of Commerce) in China even made the flat claim that it – AmCham – was directly responsible for the lifting of 600 million people out of poverty. “We gave you the technology, we got you into the WTO, we did it all for you.” James Fallows in China Airborne even claimed the Chinese were dimly aware their airplanes were crashing but had no idea what to do about it, so the Americans came and taught the magic word of ‘maintenance’, thus rescuing Chinese aviation. Of all the sick jokes, that one is probably the sickest.

After doing everything possible for 70 years to bankrupt and partition China, to derail, to isolate, to rob, to starve to death, to collapse the government, to cause revolutions in, and having failed to prevent China’s rise, now the Americans and their Jewish masters are taking credit for it. The specific claims are so ridiculous I won’t bother listing and refuting them.
Romanoff had more interesting things to say about the South China Sea Islands, Taiwan, Tibet, and so on that are worth reading but I cut out for the post for various reasons, but feel free to look for yourself.
China’s “50-cent Army”

All of you must know of this, a story fabricated by David Bandurski, another Jew, this one at Hong Kong University’s ‘China Media Project’ financed by George Soros. The tale weaved by Bandurski was that the Chinese government had 288,000 people engaged full-time looking for opportunities to make posts anywhere on the internet favorable to China, with a reward of US$0.50 for each and every such post. These claims were seen by the hundreds all over the internet, on any platform permitting comments, with any comment favorable to China accused of being part of China’s 50-cent army. But then suddenly – on one day – this died, because on that day someone posted on Facebook a screenshot of a long-existing program where the government of Israel had been (and still was) offering to all Jewish university students in America, a payment of US$0.50 for every post favorable to Israel or the Jews. Bandurski went silent and we can hope he remains in that condition. There never actually was a Chinese 50-cent army but there was indeed a Jewish 50-cent army, which still exists today and which we can see on and many other places.

China’s Fall

“For me, the surprise is how China managed to fall so badly 200 years ago. Studying that would bring the biggest lessons we can all learn.” It was the Jews who destroyed China, as they are destroying the US and Europe today. China succeeded by expelling all the Jews and ensuring that any who ever returned would have no access to the makers of public policy. That is the biggest lesson you can learn, but no Western country today has the independence for such expulsions. The only result of such an attempt to reclaim control of the throne would be hundreds of mortally-disgraced politicians, and many dead ones.

Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).

His full archive can be seen at and

He can be contacted at:


[1] ... china.html

Understanding China

[2] ... orward.htm

How “Letter from China” Grew

[3] ... nna-louise

Anna Louise Strong

[4] ... y-07-2021/

Citibank- The Great Gold Robbery

[5] ... t-of-1934/

US Silver Purchase Act of 1934


A few Historical Frauds, by Larry Romanoff – The Unz Review


China’s 1959 Famine

[8] ... novations/

History of Chinese Inventions. The Present and the Future


China’s High-Speed Trains


Nüshu (女书) – The Language of Women

[11] ... s-sunshine

Nüshu: from tears to sunshine

[12] ... o-anymore/

I Don’t Know Who’s Great Resetting Who Anymore; See comment #159

[13] ... _Community

Subscribe to New Columns
[14] ... r-16-2019/

The Greatest Intellectual Property Theft in History: Operation Paperclip


Patents, Theft of Intellectual Property (IP), Product Piracy and US-China Relations


Nations Built on Lies; Volume 1 – How the US Became Rich


Nations Built on Lies; Volume 1 – How the US Became Rich; Part 4 IP theft and copying

[18] ... novations/

History of Chinese Inventions. The Present and the Future


A Brief Introduction to Tibet

[20] Shangri-la was originally thrust upon the world in the 1933 novel ‘Lost Horizon’ by British author James Hilton ... 0062113720 who described it as a mystical, harmonious valley, gently guided by devoted lamas, the name since becoming synonymous with a mythical earthly but isolated paradise whose inhabitants are virtually immortal. However, Shangri-la really does exist, a charming town in the remote NorthWest of China’s Yunnan Province.

[21] Anna Louise Strong; Tibetan Interviews, 1959; ... /index.htm

[22] T. D. Allman; A Myth Foisted on the Western World, The Nation Magazine; ... ern-world/


Chinese Criminal Confessions

[24] ibid
Last edited by WilliamSmith on June 26th, 2022, 11:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :

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Re: China, Communism, Jews and the NWO - Red Pill History

Post by Lucas88 »

Thank you greatly for the useful links and redpill history research that you've been sharing on this forum, WilliamSmith.

I already knew about the role of the Jews in the Bolshevik revolution and had even studied that part of history in some depth but I still didn't know much about their role in Chinese communism. Good research!

Despite the endless negative rants and meaningless race threads of some of the less mature members, this forum is actually good for its significant number of intelligent freethinkers and truth seekers and one can learn a lot of lesser known yet excellent information and non-mainstream truths from it. It's always worth having a browse.

Your contribution is much appreciated. Please keep it up!

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Re: China, Communism, Jews and the NWO - Red Pill History

Post by WilliamSmith »

Oy vey, antisemitism is on the rise in China! :mrgreen:

The faggy mutant jew from "China Uncensored" whines about rising Chinese antisemitism, LOL:

This won't embed because it's age restricted and viewable only on jewtube, but here's the jewtube video from this POS's own anti-China channel, he's getting nicely trolled on there by goys who appear to be more than a little sick of the jew bullshit sending the world up in flames and down into degeneration, LOL:

I found this thanks to this Bit Chute channel:

He posted:
Comment and dislike this kike as he cries over Chinese antisemitism:
Follow Black Scorpion Nationalists on GAB for more:
He also posted this comment corroborating some of the stuff I posted in this thread (and I will post a lot more later when I have time, the Chinese ethnic jews are a rather fascinating phenomenon):
Just like with the German, French, Spanish and Russian revolutions the Jews played a central part in the Chinese revolution too.

Sidney Shapiro, an American Jew, was in charge of China’s propaganda organ. Another Jew, Israel Epstein, was Mao’s [Financial] Minister of Appropriations.

The Jews brought China to communism through the first and main task, which was creating a movement to overthrow the Qing dynasty. The Jews managed to do this by first, using the destabiliser of the first Sino-Japan war, causing political upheavals led by Sun Yat-sen that resulted in the 1911 revolution and the formation of a Republic (which was created in faking anti-communism for future dialectic of Chinese Nationalists & Chinese Communists). During the period of the Republic, the Jews consolidated, defined and unified the Chinese territory which was for a time under control of diverse military cliques. This period was known as the Warlord Era.

From 1900 to 1949 when the Jewish communists took power, around 9 million people were killed as a result of the struggle for Republicanism in China.

If you want to search online you should use to find non suppressed results.
Yeah, he also seconded @Tsar about how Yandex has more credibility for uncensored searches, so that will be interesting to compare results from it vs Brave over time...
The jews always try to control both sides of every angle they can (classic example: warmongering zionist "neocons" vs overtly jew bolshevik "democrats," both crawling to the jew lobbyists and oligarchs for campaign financing, making sure goys lose and anti-gentilism wins as much possible regardless of which side "wins" an election).
It is theoretically possible that something like Brave is a legit anti-censorship project rather than more jew "controlled resistance" where they pretend it is for free speech but kikes control it (eg Rumble) and suppress red pill truth the tribe doesn't want goys to know, but then on the other hand we know that the ugly little mutant piece of shit jew cockroach Gabriel Weinberg CEO'ing DuckduckGo made it look like they were an uncensored alternative more or less at first, then openly virtue signaled announcing they were deliberately suppressing anything trying to tell the non-jewish version of any goings-on in Ukraine....
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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