How many of you actually Cold Approach girls?

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Re: How many of you actually Cold Approach girls?

Post by Winston »

Tsar wrote:
June 30th, 2021, 8:08 pm
Winston wrote:
June 30th, 2021, 2:30 am
Winston, why can Dan say he only likes underage virgin girls in his post but I can't in my posts? Was it because I posted a picture of a beautiful girl in revealing clothing or something?
I told him several times not to do that anymore too. Havent u seen his other threads? I mentioned it in them too.
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Re: How many of you actually Cold Approach girls?

Post by Winston »

But gsjackson, how can i lock eyes with her and get inside her head if shes standoffish and paranoid and defensive and looks at me with fear and annoyance? Simply not possible. Of course if she was relaxed and open then i could do that, and i do if possible.

Also if theyre in a rush to leave then u only have a few seconds to say something. Usually they think youre just asking for directions. If u say anything else they'll think youre a creep and walk away. Most of the time they wont even stop but just walk on as if you dont exist or they didnt see you.

When was the last time u saw anyone do cold approach in America? What year?
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Re: How many of you actually Cold Approach girls?

Post by dancilley »

Winston wrote:
June 30th, 2021, 2:30 am
Those are great observations and points Dan. It seems you are a better writer than speaker. lol. How come you aren't that articulate in videos?
I'm not articulate in videos? I thought I was. I usually make videos outdoors when I am walking around Downtown L.A. I am usually nervous when I speak if others can hear me. My brain doesn't function quite as well when I am walking and am around potentially violent people. I have also been bedridden many times while making videos, during which time my health is compromised (I have food sensitivities that inflame me and slow my thinking and ability to speak as quickly and articulately, I guess).
Winston wrote:
June 30th, 2021, 2:30 am
But I don't get something. If most normal people have a social circle, how do they get one?
I was just on Facebook this evening and browsing people's profiles who I used to go to school with, and there were many common themes. One theme is that of alcohol. People gather at someone's house and drink alcohol, which blasts their brain with pleasure, and then they are smiling and happy, and then they gather and take a group photo. Alcohol is a social lubricant and people can easily let loose and get to know each other. To be happy only when one is intoxicated is suspect. It makes you wonder, what are these people like when they are not drinking? And they are only gathered together when they are consuming a toxic it makes you think that they would not be together if it weren't for the toxic substance.

Also, due to alcohol's negative effect on the it kills brain cells...normies become dumber and more shallow, and less philosophical! It's a vicious cycle!

Do you drink, @Winston? It seems you do not drink very often, smoke weed, or do drugs...all of which are social lubricants. These substances are used to attract people and create positive emotion, the sharing of which is known as friendship. Maybe attracting people is difficult without the use of toxic substances.

I have never smoked anything, done illegal drugs, tried alcohol, etc. in my life. I am against anything toxic. I don't believe that intoxication is the right way to be happy in life. I believe in exercise, breathing clean air, eating the freshest whole plant foods, sleeping in a high-quality way, and engaging in sexual intercourse in the context of marriage (or a marriage-like union in the case of a polygynous family) which can be describable as "heavenly" in its power. By "marriage," I am implying that the couple has gotten to know each other extremely well, for months, prior to engaging sexually. When I got to know a virgin girl over 5 months, and then finally had sex with her, the experience was incredible. I was literally out of this world--I was floating in heaven--and I was pure energy; I was not in a body anymore. The girl and I had combined into one soul and we were in heaven. I was close to God...or, I was God. I was omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent throughout the Universe. I was invincible, and pure ecstasy itself. I was light, I was love, purely positive emotion and benevolent energy, 100%.

We think. Normies don't. That's what makes us different. I noticed another common theme: tattoos. We think, "Tattoos are ugly. What is the reason for getting a tattoo?" But normies do not question why they do something--they just do it because "everyone" else is doing it; if it is a trend.

Another common thing I saw was beards. So many guys have beards these days. In the 80's, 90's, and 2000's beards were not common, right? But now that beards are popular, normies grow their beards out, and have long, unkempt beards, and don't care...but they don't care only because other people don't care. We are different from normies because we have principles of our own which we live by. Normies have no principles; only the principles of "society." And society equals what is popular.

Another commonality is guys who flip off the camera while taking a photo. We would never do that because it doesn't make sense. But normies do it because other people do it. Normies are very cowardly people when they are alone, so that is why they gather in groups. They have no confidence on their own. They hate being alone because they do not have the confidence to do what they truly desire. They would never go out alone and accost women. They would never ride their bicycle 93 miles in a day alone...they would never ride their bike 88 miles away, then stay at a hotel that is only for people aged 21+(even though the normie would be 19 years old), order a pizza to be delivered, then in the morning, enter into a bicycle race, then have their family show up unexpectedly. The normie would have to enter into the bicycle race as a group with other people. They would have to do it with at least 1 other person. They would never decide to do it on their own like I did. They would never decide to ride a bicycle as transportation 7 miles to college and 7 miles back, 4 or 5 days per week for 2 years like I did, when very, very few people rode bikes.

Normies appear happy on Facebook, but they are only happy when they are in person with other people. Normies never participate in online forums. Normies never start a social media video account (YouTube, GabTV, etc.) on their own, unless it were mainstream. Normies can only participate in group activities that other people start. Think of how Bill Gates started Microsoft, and all the famous entrepreneurs started--they first thought of an idea, and then made it reality. Normies cannot start anything unique on their own that may be socially risky, like talking about taboo subjects in a video by themselves. A huge stereotype of normies being normies is when they all get together and attend a professional sporting event...but they only do if the team is a winning team. They wouldn't have a good time rooting for a team that loses most of the time. This is because normies cannot go against the grain socially, because it psychologically kills them. Normies never do anything that is socially unacceptable. They judge what is right based on what is popular, period.

We are way different because we philosophize and determine what is right based on reason, using our own independent thinking. Normies do not think about why something is good; they immediately evaluate something as good if it is popular.

Normies are more emotional than we are regarding how they respond to social situations. They talk to the TV when they are watching Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, etc. They only watch such shows because they are popular, and they would never watch them if they knew the show were totally unknown or unpopular. A normie would never have the mental strength and interest and passion to explore different kinds of movies and shows that were unknown. Normies only watch popular movies and shows so that they can feel that they are participating in a group activity, to feel that they are part of a tribe. Due to normies' inability to go out on their own and manifest something of value independent of what society says is conventional, they do all they can to fit in. Like I said, they act as though they are sports fans, and they buy a jersey and go to games, but the truth is, they only do it because someone else either invited them to, or the team got extremely popular due to a winning season or a prior year's championship...and the normie feels that he is missing out if he does not attend the games or watch them on TV. But what we do is, if we were a sports fan, we would watch the games because of being genuinely into the sport, all aspects of the sport, like how ESPN show hosts commentate on the radio about what players are being traded, how much money the players are making, will the team do well this season, why did so and so choose to retire earlier than expected, etc. You have a genuine interest in the players, you know everyone on the team, you are excited to wake up each day and watch or listen to the pregame show commentary, etc. But normies do not have an interest in the team, but only an interest in fitting into what is socially accepted and in fashion at the time, so that they can have a group they are a part of, so that they can get their needs met through the group, because they are not strong enough to manifest what they need on their own. It's sad really...but normies always act like they are having a great time. It's like how Winston says that in America, you always have to say that you are "doing great!"...well, that's because normies have a huge need to fit in, because they cannot afford to tell the truth and still get their needs met. And you know what is funny? Normies don't even feel guilty about their behavior. They lack a moral compass. Their morality is based on what is socially acceptable. They have "no mind of their own." They do not think about what they are doing, and why it is ridiculous. It makes sense though why they are that's because their brain just is incapable of striking out on their own and doing something that they truly enjoy. What normies enjoy is what others enjoy. It's something they have learned, I guess. But they don't realize that they are not living their unique desires...they are just living how society tells them to. It's crazy: How can you go through life never exploring your own unique desires and beliefs, never questioning authority, etc.?

Normies are never very good looking people because if they were, then they could afford to be more independent, and yet still attract a sufficient number of supportive friends, resources, etc. Normies have to "fake" their way into being socially accepted.

Normies may have a good-looking face, but will not be tall and handsome combined. A "Chad" male who is tall and good-looking is not a normie. The people who you see in groups in Facebook photos are generally not that good-looking overall. You never see a group of Chads all in a group. You never see a group of gorgeous women all together. You may see a group of white females together in a group, but if you look closely, they probably have flat chests, straight hips, etc. This is because the Chads and Stacies do not need to attend a party or a sporting event and conform and fit in in order to be accepted as part of a group, in order to manifest dates, job opportunities, etc. The only reason normies gather in groups is because they do not have dating partners, money, etc. satisfactorily available to them. Chad just goes outside his house and if he has no social anxiety (I am tall and good-looking but have selective mutism), then he will be able to attract people wherever he goes. He can be authentic and also attract people at the same time. He wouldn't want to place himself in a submissive kind of position, where he is the "extra in his own movie" i.e., an audience member of a professional sporting event, where he has to pay to be there, where everyone is looking upon the players with awe, and the attention is off of him. Chad is used to being the star, so he does not like playing the part of spectator, and paying to be there. It is a very dis-empowering situation to put himself in. He would never lower himself to that level and waste his time like that. But a normie, on the other hand, is excited to attend such an event with a group because he is socially accepted into the group; there is a benefit to him to being there, even if he doesn't care about the actual game. To belong to a group is empowering for the normie, because when he leaves his house, he receives no attention from strangers. That's why normies don't believe in talking to strangers in public. They never meet people in public spontaneously. But Chad does. The normie uses "social circle game" to attract females because that is what works for him. It's insane how normies act as though talking to strangers is wrong, just because it is unpopular. They try to act as though talking to strangers is useless, but that is only because no one wants to talk to strangers who are not very good looking. Only when people know about what you have to offer them, may they become interested. And when normies have alcohol, drugs, etc. available to others who appreciate toxic substances, the normie feels successful.

The only measure of success is having sex with a female, having her genuinely enjoy the pleasure you are giving her, and then have her produce and raise your babies. Merely dating a female, taking them out, paying for the date...the female may not be sexually interested in you at all, and if you were aware of this, you could save your time and money, and leave her and go find a different female who would be sincerely attracted to you. Because normies are not so great looking, they attempt to maximize themselves in different ways in order to survive. One of those is taking her out to restaurants.

People who are too good-looking, too ugly, or too neuro-atypical (as opposed to neurotypical) to be accepted into normie groups are loners, incels, Chads, etc. We have a hard time being accepted into normie group. See...I am a tall, good looking guy, so I do not want to be around normie-looking guys who are of average height (it lowers my value). I don't want to be seen with fat women. But a dark-skinned, ethnic male would be proud to be seen with a fat white woman, no matter how ugly she would be. Normies are uncomfortable around me, and talk crap to me to make themselves feel better, so they don't want me in their group. I am good-looking and provide no alcohol, drugs normies despise me, because I provide no value to them, and am a threat to them because I more powerfully attract the females.

Another example of normies is fishing and hunting. Normies hunt and fish only because they think it is something praiseworthy, because they have seen people kneeling near a dead deer, or holding up a dead fish. They only fish because they want to show people that they are high in survival value as a man, so they can be further accepted. Viscerally, people become aroused when they see a man holding a dead fish, because it's a source of food. But food is around every corner, so why would you want to show yourself killing an animal? It's stupid...but the normie doesn't think about what he is doing; he only senses emotionally that a particular behavior would be good to perform...if it is popular. Notice, you don't see people holding up a chicken they just killed? That is because it is socially unacceptable. But people eat chicken all the time.

The normie is scared of being socially ostracized because he has 0% belief in himself to do what he wants. He is not in touch with his authentic desires. He is nearly 100% confident in doing what is conventional and popular, though. This makes senses though, because the normie is not great looking, and he has learned to survive by fitting in...and he fits in by doing what other people want, not what he wants. It is interesting though, because the normie has been so conditioned to fit in, that he has lost his sense of self and doesn't feel desire of his own. He couldn't tell you what he personally is passionate about, because he lives each minute of each day doing what other people say should be done. It is mind-boggling when you ask a normie to explain themselves, and they can't explain! It's insane. For example, a normie might tell you that in order to live a good life, you "have to" go to college, "have to get a job," etc. If you ask them to explain, they will say, "Because that's just what you're supposed to do," or "That's what everyone does," etc. He won't explain that you don't have to go to college, you don't have to work at all, you could be homeless and beg for spare change, you could live at homeless shelters and eat for free, etc. The normie is always gravitating toward what is popular, and never thinking outside the box.

I am not a normie because I always do what I believe is the right thing to do, regardless of what society says. I can afford to be that way, because I believe that I will be able to survive, no matter how annoyingly authentic I am. I am tall and good-looking also. But the normie has less confidence in himself, and fears that if he is authentic, he will not get his needs met. His belief is so strong, that he has no personal desires, in many cases.

I question everything. I obviously do what is socially acceptable in many cases, but I do it because I think it is right; not because it is popular. For example, during the "pandemic," restaurants were totally closed for dining for months here in Los Angeles. When I purchased takeout food by going into the restaurant and paying, the terminal gave me the option to tip. I would select "other" and then select "none." So, I tipped nothing. But a normie would probably feel it would be right to tip simply because the terminal asked for a tip, so it makes it seem that tipping in that situation was expected and socially normal, especially because you have to press "other" and then press "none." It makes you feel that you are going against the grain in order to pay no tip, so it makes the normie feel very uncomfortable.

A similar situation to this is when you want to cancel your cable/phone/whatever subscription, you have to call-in to the company in order to cancel it; you can't just cancel it easily online; they give you no option to cancel it in your online account. You have to pro-actively look up the phone number, call in, wait on hold, and tell them that you want to cancel. The normie would feel too stressed by this, and probably would never cancel his account, but would have someone else cancel it for him (or her). I'd bet gym memberships are this way--people have a membership to the gym, but never use it, and they do not want to cancel it either, because that would be too socially they waste money on a gym membership that they never use. And you know what's funny? The normie doesn't think of this as social anxiety. The normie just intuitively feels that anything that makes him feel uncomfortable is wrong. Anything that makes the normie uncomfortable is wrong and taboo.

An example of this is, if you talk about underage girls (sexually mature; aged 14+), the normie will feel that you are doing something socially taboo, and therefore he may call you a pedophile. But the thinking person will explain to the normie that a pedophile is someone who is sexually interested and aroused at the sight of prepubescent minors, and that puberty as defined by the U.S. government, usually occurs during ages 10-14. So girls who are aged 14+ are usually sexually mature. Think about that...if you talk about girls who are completely sexually mature, you are called a pedophile; someone who is attracted to completely underdeveloped children. It's insane. But the normie doesn't think in terms of what is logical, but what society says is right or popular, and at this point in time, the general belief in our society is that something is terribly wrong with an adult if that adult is attracted to minors (under 18). But that belief is fed to the masses continually, through shows such as To Catch a Predator, where men are shamed for being attracted to 13-year-old girls, the perfect age at which a man should date a girl (but don't get me that show, the men allude or outright conspicuously say in text messages prior to visiting the girl's house, that they are going to engage in sexual activity with the girl imminently). There is nothing wrong with having sex with a girl who is married to you. But this show does not educate the viewer about marriage, and that you should marry the girl first, then engage sexually; the show completely shames the men and instills a belief in the viewer that to be attracted to underage girls is completely wrong and that you will go to jail or prison for just talking to a minor. It makes you afraid to even think about dating underage girls. This is sad because girl become sexually mature by age 14 usually, so desire sex strongly...yet the vast majority of males are too scared to date a 14-year-old, and many don't even think about it. So, a 14-year-old girl, a virgin, is at her peak in value, but cannot have access to the best possible males; not even close, because most males are not focusing on underage girls. So, girls haphazardly engage sexually...with a dysfunctional boy, and secretively without support of their then the girl becomes a non-virgin, because the relationship was casual, with a low-value boy who didn't formally date her for marriage, etc.

Also, in shows like Jerry Springer, some of the guests are married and 14 years old. Jerry and the audience shame the guests and the viewer develops a belief that if you are 14 and get married and/or have a child, you are a crazy, redneck, backwoods, dysfunctional, despicable person. But the opposite is actually true. Once sexually mature and desirous, there is nothing healthier and more pleasurable than to engage in sexual intercourse, especially with someone whom you have gotten to know extremely well and have vowed commitment to. I personally have made love before, and it is out of this world, literally (I believe you can only make love with someone whom you have gotten to know extremely well, and who is a virgin or nearly a virgin). And the act of giving birth is actually ecstatic (similar to making love) and pain-free if the right diet is eaten over 9 months. Giving birth is supposed to be a magical experience. So, being married, making love, and producing babies is a great situation to be in. Being single and not having sex, and limiting yourself to females around your own age, is a very depressing situation, especially if you are older. But the truth is that men, no matter their age, desire fertility in females, and fertility begins at 14, peaks around 22, and sharply begins to decrease around age 30 I think. And no man would prefer to engage with a female who he knew to have had sex before, if he could select an identical female who was a virgin at the time. But, all this being said...the normie doesn't think about this. The normie just does what "society" says is right. And what society says is right, is dating someone half your age, plus 7 years. So, if you are 46 years old, the youngest female you could date would be 30. But dating coaches always say that 30 is when a woman "hits the wall" and is essentially no longer desirable. And dating coaches are "normied-down" because they cannot say the truth because YouTube does not allow "sexualizing" minors. But this is so that minors are not targeted by users and actually sexually molested, abused, kidnapped, etc.; it does not mean that having sex in the context of marriage with a minor is wrong. Not at all. But YouTube never explains that, so in general, society develops an aversion to the subject of sex and underage girls.
Winston wrote:
June 30th, 2021, 2:30 am
Also even if you do have a social circle, it doesn't mean you know girls that you can date. If there are no girls in your social circle that you like or like you, then you may still have to rely on cold approach or online dating. Even in the TV sitcom friends, the characters had a great social circle of 3 guys and 3 girls, yet the guys in them still used cold approach to pick up girls. So even with a social circle, you still need to use cold approach to meet girls right?
In general, those who have a social circle are too scared to cold approach, or they believe 100% that talking to strangers is taboo. The very reason why they operate using a social circle is because they lack confidence to approach, or they are just not good looking enough, so the social circle comes in handy because when people see a person is part of a social group, the person appears safer and higher in value. Normies never cold approach, except in bars, clubs, etc....and they never go to a bar alone. Normies never approach females in public, on the street, in a mall, etc.; they don't because it's not socially acceptable; they only do what is socially acceptable. Normies literally do nothing that is out of the ordinary, that is not mainstream. Normies don't have success with talking to strangers in general because people don't want to talk to someone on the street who is not a Chad or Stacy, unless they know more information about the, does the guy have drugs he can offer me? Does the guy live in a highly desirable location? Does the guy party? Does the guy have a mansion where he invites Chads to and I can meet a Chad? But again, the normie never acknowledges that for some people, cold approach works (for Chads). The normie acts as though talking to strangers is wrong...but the truth is, females only want to talk to Chad. The reason for building a social circle is mathematically the antithesis of cold approach. It's very simple: if you lack confidence, or are not good looking enough, you will believe in building a social circle...because you will use the social circle as social proof to cause a female to believe that you are a safe, good person. See, when cold approaching, there is a lot of resistance to break down in the female. Convincing a female that you are safe is the main obstacle in cold approach. Social circle exists to lessen the perception that you are dangerous. If you are a man by himself and trying to cold approach females, if you are not Chad, she will think it's not worth it to talk to you and risk everything. You have to be very good looking for a woman to give you her number and risk that you are a dangerous man. But social circle will greatly lessen this fear that a woman has. So, if you are normie-looking, if you have a social circle, you used to have a chance to meet a female. But nowadays, females can access men's profiles online and see how many likes, how many friends he has, who he is associated with, etc....and this lessens her fear. So that is why Chads are having so much success.
Winston wrote:
June 30th, 2021, 2:30 am
What do normal people or normies do in this case? How do they meet people? Is everyone cool and has a social circle except for us losers? If so, why? Fitting in should come naturally like water, not be rocket science right? This means we must be fundamentally different in some way right?
I think nowadays, society is more disconnected than ever before, and people don't even have social circles. Everyone is online and takes what they can get. There are some groups of people who go out, but I think the men in the groups are gay, seriously. There is a lot of knowledge about the dating opportunities abroad, black pill knowledge, I think a lot of men are just leaving the country because they are realizing the reality of the dating marketplace.
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Re: How many of you actually Cold Approach girls?

Post by MrMan »

dancilley wrote:
July 1st, 2021, 1:55 am
Winston wrote:
June 30th, 2021, 2:30 am
Those are great observations and points Dan. It seems you are a better writer than speaker. lol. How come you aren't that articulate in videos?
By "marriage," I am implying that the couple has gotten to know each other extremely well, for months, prior to engaging sexually. When I got to know a virgin girl over 5 months, and then finally had sex with her, the experience was incredible. I was literally out of this world--I was floating in heaven--and I was pure energy; I was not in a body anymore. The girl and I had combined into one soul and we were in heaven. I was close to God...or, I was God. I was omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent throughout the Universe. I was invincible, and pure ecstasy itself. I was light, I was love, purely positive emotion and benevolent energy, 100%.
If you are into having sex with a virgin after you marry her, are you married to this woman?

You should also repent of the blasphemy of claiming to be god. You are not god, and you should not sin against the true God by making such claims. Having sex feels great. I took my wife's virginity after we got married, but it did not make me omnipotent, omniscient, or omnipresent. If you were omniscient at the time, what color shirt was Winston wearing when you had sex with this girl? If you were omnipotent, why didn't you develop your following and create your healthy-life sex polygamy compound in that instant? Ding!!!! You own a great piece of property with housing and a bunch of 14-year-old girls line up willing to eat health food and have your babies...with their parents' consent.
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Re: How many of you actually Cold Approach girls?

Post by Tsar »

dancilley wrote:
July 1st, 2021, 1:55 am
Another commonality is guys who flip off the camera while taking a photo. We would never do that because it doesn't make sense. But normies do it because other people do it.
I have actually seen more teen sluts flip off the camera. Some doing a twerking (aka cock riding) pose and sticking out their tongues...

And they were actually Bulgarian teen girls posting those images to Instagram.

One teen slut had her hands against the wall and posed in tight yoga pants and posted emojis (eggplant, water droplets, peach) in the description. I think her profile said she was 14.

Honestly, girls weren't that slutty at that age 7 years ago...

What exactly changed in 7 years?
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Re: How many of you actually Cold Approach girls?

Post by dancilley »

Tsar wrote:
July 1st, 2021, 8:59 am
dancilley wrote:
July 1st, 2021, 1:55 am
Another commonality is guys who flip off the camera while taking a photo. We would never do that because it doesn't make sense. But normies do it because other people do it.
I have actually seen more teen sluts flip off the camera. Some doing a twerking (aka cock riding) pose and sticking out their tongues...

And they were actually Bulgarian teen girls posting those images to Instagram.

One teen slut had her hands against the wall and posed in tight yoga pants and posted emojis (eggplant, water droplets, peach) in the description. I think her profile said she was 14.

Honestly, girls weren't that slutty at that age 7 years ago...

What exactly changed in 7 years?
Yeah, I noticed on Facebook that people have a vulgar attitude. People look toxic, have many tattoos, look faded, are not genuinely smiling, etc. They only smile if they are under the influence of something toxic.

The mainstream media is responsible for it...people act how celebrities act. Music videos are very's insane...I noticed the change in music videos a few years ago...I was alarmed at how toxic they were. Just watch popular music videos.

People are fatter than ever before, so fit females can attract so many men and afford to act in tradionally socially unacceptable ways because men won't shame them because men are desperate for a hot female, and so many men are available. Men are not in control of women at this time. However, in more religious communities, things are more normal because people have beliefs that the mainstream media is evil. The people are aware of the evil programming on TV, movies, etc.

For example, I went to Utah in March and I don't remember seeing many tattoos. I also saw girls wearing prairie dresses in two Walmarts and at a sandwich shop. Also, the customer service was excellent much of the time; the employees strove to provide the best customer service possible in many cases. Also, females looked at me more as contrasted with Los Angeles. California and Nevada are toxic. Blue states are toxic. Sanctuary cities are toxic.
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Re: How many of you actually Cold Approach girls?

Post by Mercury »

Winston wrote:
June 29th, 2021, 9:35 pm
Mercury wrote:
January 22nd, 2021, 11:59 pm
Cold approaching women is a capital felony now in the United States. New law, called statutory stalking, just recently passed by Congress and the Trump Administration. Punishable by three hundred (300) years to life in Federal prison and/or the death penalty. Investigated by the FBI and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Grounds for military involvement, too.
Please stop spreading fake news without basis. You will receive a warning on your account. You've done this before so you gotta be warned.
So now in other words, you're telling us it's now also a capital felony under Federal law in the USA to warn guys about the illegality of approaching a woman in the United States! So clearly, American prisons are commercialized.

I guess Winston Wu must have been arrested by the FBI, Homeland Security, and the U.S. Military for allowing us guys to preach on the Internet about the illegality of approaching women in the United States and was threatened by a Federal judge with the death penalty if he didn't put his foot down about the preaching of the illegality of approaching women in America. In other words, America IS becoming EXACTLY like an open air prison, exactly like North Korea. Public executions for telling guys to avoid American women and that guys have to leave the country to find love are next! As are prison camps, gulags, and gas chambers, exactly like they have in North Korea.

No wonder Republicans and Democrats are but two wings of the same bird, and no matter how much you vote, the flight plan doesn't change. America is a bureaucracy (a prototype of dictatorship). The President has no powers anymore. The big, fat, greedy bureaucrats do!

Guys, you CAN NOT approach women in the United States anymore! You will be arrested and you will go to jail if you do.
Last edited by Mercury on July 10th, 2021, 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How many of you actually Cold Approach girls?

Post by Mercury »

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Re: How many of you actually Cold Approach girls?

Post by yick »

You are a clown, Mercury.
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Re: How many of you actually Cold Approach girls?

Post by jamesbond »

Here is a guy along with some of his friends, cold approaching women in New York city.

"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: How many of you actually Cold Approach girls?

Post by jamesbond »

Cold approaching isn't so difficult when you realize women are friendlier than you think.

"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: How many of you actually Cold Approach girls?

Post by jamesbond »

There really is no such thing as 'rejection' women will most likely never turn a man down in a harsh way. When a woman turns a man down, she will usually turn him down in a very polite way.

"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: How many of you actually Cold Approach girls?

Post by jamesbond »

The percent of men who cold approach women must be less than 1%. I don't know of any guys who have ever cold approached a woman in their life.
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: How many of you actually Cold Approach girls?

Post by WorldTraveler »

jamesbond wrote:
January 20th, 2022, 4:10 pm
Here is a guy along with some of his friends, cold approaching women in New York city.

This video was from the late 1990s or very early 2000s. Very funny. Things have changed so much since then.
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Re: How many of you actually Cold Approach girls?

Post by HenryGeorge »

jamesbond wrote:
January 20th, 2022, 4:10 pm
Here is a guy along with some of his friends, cold approaching women in New York city.

Wow, even in NYC a lot the women seemed pretty friendly back then. The experience would be vastly different now...
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