Do most of us have Asperger's or are we just too introverted and freethinking?

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Re: Do most of us have Asperger's or are we just too introverted and intellectual?

Post by Winston »

yick wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 2:49 am
Winston wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 1:35 am
No Yick. You misunderstood me.


No I did not!
I never said all or most English teachers in Asia were losers.
Yeah you did! :lol:
I said there is probably a mix of some losers and eccentric types. Didn't Marcos said an article claimed that 50 percent of them were Aspies? They tend to be friendly to me superficially, but I don't know them that well.
This is what you said.

I do agree with you about English teachers in Asia though. A lot of them are losers and weirdos. Not all are nice down to earth people. A lot of them BS a lot too and act airheadish. But if they can speak in front of a class and teach English in a clear crisp voice, doesn't that make them functioning adults? I know some English teachers in Asia and some are ok but others are weird and airheadish. Some are just eccentric. But some lie and BS a lot and claim that they are getting laid all the time and that it's easy to get sex and that girls are always staring at them with sexual lust, etc. Ask @WorldTraveler, he knows countlesss guys that claim that but when you investigate they have no evidence that they are always getting laid by women, and are full of hot air.
Either way, the bosses of those English schools have told me that most of the English teachers that apply to work for them are losers and drunkards who show up late for work and get a drunk a lot. In 2004 a lady in Taiwan that ran a chain of English schools said that to me, that most of the English teachers she hired were losers who drank a lot and showed up late for work a lot. Her opinion, not mine. There is also a public perception in Asia that most English teachers are losers or perverts or something. I don't know how true that is. I'm just guessing that there must be some truth to it. The bad apples get the attention unfortunately.
A lot of those bosses, especially of Taiwanese buxibans are crooks and incompetent and are happy (like you state in the last paragraph) to exploit English teachers working for them with their annoying micromanaging ways and if anyone stands up to them and complains then they're 'losers' f**k them! They are hardly character references when they are lacking in most basic standards of decency, they have yet to realise that if you treat your employees badly then they won't put in their best efforts.

Of course, not every boss is an arsehole and yes, some teachers are drunkards and have no qualifications but the bosses of these schools employ those teachers even if they have the simple qualification of having blond hair or being young - they will hire Poles and Ukrainians and get them to tell the student body they are from Canada - lots of buxiban bosses in Taiwan are scumbags and they aren't any kind of character reference at all.
However, that boss in Taiwan was an extremist with warped views. She told me that she thought anyone who didn't work 7 days a week and wanted to have fun in life was a loser and lazy ass. Her belief was that people should not enjoy life, but work 7 days a week, like she does. She actually said that. Some Chinese and Taiwanese do think like that it seems, it's crazy and warped. No one in Europe would say that. Her beliefs seemed insane. So I don't know how credible she was.
Well I said "a lot". Not all or most. I haven't met that many to judge. The term "a lot" is a bit subjective. It doesn't mean most or majority necessarily. 1 percent out of a million people could be considered a lot too, depending on how you look at it.

Yeah Taiwanese bosses are mean as shit and unfair and crazy. I'm glad I never worked there. Their culture is very hateful in general too. Even the Taiwanese people in the US secret talk shit about you and gossip behind your back. They are hateful mother fuckers and should be exposed, that's for sure. That's why most English teachers left Taiwan long ago. And that's why English teachers have a negative reputation in Taiwan and are seen as losers and perverts. I also hate the Taiwanese vibe too, it gives me the creeps.

How do you know anything about Taiwanese bushiban bosses? Do you have experience with them? Where? In Taiwan? Or is it what you heard from others?

When that Taiwanese boss told me that she felt that anyone who didn't wanna work 7 days a week was a loser, I was stunned and thought she was joking. But she was serious. I didn't know what to say. When she asked me "Are you someone who likes to have fun or play?" I said "Sure sometimes. Doesn't everyone?" What did she expect me to say? That "I came here from America to work 7 days a week in Taiwan and be miserable"? lol.

I always assumed that Taiwanese bosses treated foreigners like special guests with lots of extra hospitality? Is that a myth? Or does that not apply to the English teaching world?
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Re: Do most of us have Asperger's or are we just too introverted, authentic and intellectual?

Post by Winston »

HouseMD wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 4:16 am
Winston wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 4:05 am
HouseMD wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 3:00 am
Socrates, Plato, Camus, Descartes, and I could go on and on, were philosophers with many close friends, active social lives, and the ability to be effective communicators. Tesla was a scientist, not a philosopher. Some philosophers are lonely or socially awkward, but there are a many that are not, as philosophers are people and people can be introverted or extroverted, lonely or loved. Often the picture painted in YouTube videos (yikes if that's where you're getting your philosophy) is sensationalized with regard to the lives and times of famous figures, making them seem excessively tragic or grand, when in fact primary sources in the literature will tell you otherwise. One could paint Socrates, for instance, as a loathed man, which he was in some circles, but in his own he was beloved and surrounded by numerous close friends. Plato believed friendship to be so important that he called it the highest form of love.

And I'm sorry you're too unintelligent to understand Kant, but that does explain your ease of falling for conspiracy theories and the like- you confuse complexity without complication for brilliance, while actual brilliance is often complicated and beyond the layman.
Excuse me. But Socrates was declared an enemy of the state and forced to either drink poison and die, or recant his teachings and stop them. He chose the former of course. Yes he may have had his circle of students and followers, but being an enemy of the state is no fun. I doubt if that counts as being happy or not. Hard to say. As long as he had inner peace, that's what mattered.

However, none of those you named would have been happy or well adjusted if they had grown up in 1980s California, which was full of pretentiousness, fakeness, and cliquishness and other horrible traits I can't put into words. Keep that in mind.

I never use the word "socially awkward". Only judgmental conformists use that word. Not me. That's a shaming tactic. Just because someone isn't fake and doesn't act like an airhead doesn't make them socially awkward. Ask anyone who went to CA high school in the 80's. Everyone has baggage from that era. Anyone who was down to earth and normal and authentic would be seen as socially awkward there for no reason.

I'm not too unintelligent to understand Kant. He's not my cup of tea. No one quotes him. He has no brilliant quotes to quote from. You keep judging people. Why not judge yourself? Why don't I say that you are too unintelligent to understand me? Lol

Conspiracy theories or conspiracy facts rather, are not crazy. Many are true and well proven. You've done no research on that obviously. Sorry if you are too unintelligent to understand conspiracies. Almost all US Presidents between George Washington and JFK have admitted that conspiracies and a deep state cabal run America. I posted their quotes many times. That's just one of many proofs. If most US Presidents see the conspiracy, they would be in the know wouldn't they? lol. DUH!
There is no emoji by which I can successfully express the amount of eye rolling you just induced, sufficed to say my eyes nearly escaped my skull. Socially awkward people aren't bad people, they just lack social skills and there's nothing wrong with that. You are beyond that though, you're some top tier cringe wuth zero insight. I'm very well aware of my flaws, and that I'm just some guy. You are the one running around claiming you're some great thinker while spouting nonsense that is easy for everyone else to see through
I never speak nonsense. You saying so is your opinion. You got no evidence or logical arguments to support your wild thesis about me. In contrast I gave 9 solid logical arguments and proofs above why I am considered a great intellectual who thinks outside the box. Many people say so, many who are smarter than you. I'm not lying. Sorry if you disagree. But you got no basis. I challenge you to prove me wrong with a list of logical arguments. If you can't, then you lose the debate. Sorry. I'm not being arrogant or delusional. Just logical. Spock or Data would not agree with you either, if they saw the list of 9 logical arguments and proofs I posted above. Read them over again. I'm sorry if you hate facts and logic and truth. I'm not a BSer. Ask all my friends. I'm the last person on Earth who would BS you. If you don't like me it's your problem, not mine. Good conservative people tend to like me, because they judge on good character and authenticity. People who judge on those criteria usually like me and see a kindred spirit in me. I'm sorry you don't. You sound hateful like you want to argue with me for no reason, like a contrarian or devil's advocate. You got no logical reason to dislike me. So the problem must be you? You don't sound objective and open minded that's for sure.

I didn't say anything false or illogical. If your eyes are rolling for no reason, it's your problem, not mine. Sorry.

Maybe you don't like me. But some do. I'll bet if I was on the Jay Leno Show, I could say some funny things that would make people like me. A socially awkward person cannot do that.

What's your definition of social awkwardness? I'll bet you have none. You just use the term to shame anyone you don't like, like crazy American women do. YOU are the one that's delusional, yet you don't realize it. Sorry bud. Your opinions are NOT facts, just your asshole opinions. Mine are at least backed up with logic and reason and evidences, so my opinions are more informed than yours it seems. Not bragging. Just my objective unbiased opinion.

Why don't we chat and record it and put it on YouTube and ask everyone to vote on who sounds more socially awkward, you or me? lol. A socially awkward person is not articulate and assertive like me. All my claims are based on good reasons, yours are not. How are you any better than me? You just hate for the sake of hating. I can do that too. That's not likable to good people you know?
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Re: Do most of us have Asperger's or are we just too introverted, authentic and intellectual?

Post by Winston »

Btw @MarcosZeitola and @hypermak:

One of you, maybe Marcos, said that I'm not as special as I think.

Well excuse me, but just because I'm not special to YOU doesn't mean I'm not special to others or God or the universe. Dude WTF you smoking? Speak for yourself dude!

Let me ask you this: Do you think your wife is special? Of course you do. What if I don't think she's special? Who is right? Isn't it subjective and just a matter of opinion? If so, then why do you confuse YOUR opinions of me with facts and truths Marcos?

Ask your wife if you are right to do that. Show her your post where you call me "not special" and act like it's a universal fact, when it's just YOUR opinion only. Ask her what she thinks of that. Does she even have an intellectual opinion or does she just mindlessly agree with you? Any smart woman can tell you that you are wrong on that one.

Why don't you ask Dianne if she thinks I'm special? She definitely will say yes. In fact, she agrees that I'm the most unique and intellectual Asian that SHE'S ever met. No one in her circle is anything like me at all. So to her, I'm special too and she admires my traits and intellect and debates too. She says I kick ass in intellectual debate and logic. She reads this forum so she is familiar with how I argue and debate too.

Dianne isn't the only one. A number of people have said that I'm the most "unique and freethinking" Asian they ever met, including a Scottish traveler who has been to over 100 countries. No joke! I swear to God and will put my hand on the Bible. Not making it up. See the quotes here for proof: ... ton-Wu.htm

So who is right Marcos? You or Dianne or the guys I quoted in the link above? I told you, it's subjective. You ONLY speak for yourself Marcos, not for others, not for God or the universe. Do you understand?

hypermak, I'm sure you agree with me on this right? It's obvious right? Can you disagree with Marcos for once? Or is he infallible to you even though he makes tons of mistakes and contradictions, which even Spencer has cited from his own quotes?
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Re: Do most of us have Asperger's or are we just too introverted, authentic and intellectual?

Post by Winston »

@MarcosZeitola and @hypermak:

I also forgot to mention that Mr S too also told me that I'm the most open minded and freethinking asian hes ever met too, especially about conspiracies and metaphysics and esoteric topics.

Also Rock and Jester also agree that I'm the most freethinking Asian they know of too. They said so in a phone conversation some years ago. I heard it and was next to Rock during the phone conversation. You can ask them about it too. No joke. I swear. I got proof too. PM me if you want to see the proof.

So you see there are a number of guys here who do genuinely think I'm the most freethinking Asian they've ever known. Its NOT some fantasy or delusion in my head only. Real people do think that. A fair number of real people that is. So the claim does have some basis. And is not some delusion or illusion like HouseMD wrongly assumes. I swear.

Why deny it? Why not just accept it? Even if you don't agree, there are some who do agree. Right? Why try to debate it? Why not just let me have the honor that some guys feel i deserve?

Its not like I'm lying and trying to pretend to be something I'm not.
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Re: Do most of us have Asperger's or are we just too introverted, authentic and intellectual?

Post by HouseMD »

Winston wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 4:23 am

I never speak nonsense. You saying so is your opinion. You got no evidence or logical arguments to support your wild thesis about me. In contrast I gave 9 solid logical arguments and proofs above why I am considered a great intellectual who thinks outside the box. Many people say so, many who are smarter than you. I'm not lying. Sorry if you disagree. But you got no basis. I challenge you to prove me wrong with a list of logical arguments. If you can't, then you lose the debate. Sorry. I'm not being arrogant or delusional. Just logical. Spock or Data would not agree with you either, if they saw the list of 9 logical arguments and proofs I posted above. Read them over again. I'm sorry if you hate facts and logic and truth. I'm not a BSer. Ask all my friends. I'm the last person on Earth who would BS you. If you don't like me it's your problem, not mine. Good conservative people tend to like me, because they judge on good character and authenticity. People who judge on those criteria usually like me and see a kindred spirit in me. I'm sorry you don't. You sound hateful like you want to argue with me for no reason, like a contrarian or devil's advocate. You got no logical reason to dislike me. So the problem must be you? You don't sound objective and open minded that's for sure.

I didn't say anything false or illogical. If your eyes are rolling for no reason, it's your problem, not mine. Sorry.

Maybe you don't like me. But some do. I'll bet if I was on the Jay Leno Show, I could say some funny things that would make people like me. A socially awkward person cannot do that.

What's your definition of social awkwardness? I'll bet you have none. You just use the term to shame anyone you don't like, like crazy American women do. YOU are the one that's delusional, yet you don't realize it. Sorry bud. Your opinions are NOT facts, just your asshole opinions. Mine are at least backed up with logic and reason and evidences, so my opinions are more informed than yours it seems. Not bragging. Just my objective unbiased opinion.

Why don't we chat and record it and put it on YouTube and ask everyone to vote on who sounds more socially awkward, you or me? lol. A socially awkward person is not articulate and assertive like me. All my claims are based on good reasons, yours are not. How are you any better than me? You just hate for the sake of hating. I can do that too. That's not likable to good people you know?
Talking to you on YouTube? Yeah I'm not sullying my reputation like that.

As to my definition, it is quute simple- someone that fails to respond in culturally and socially acceptable ways in social interactions more often than not, resulting in an inability to connect to others and communicate effectively in social situations.

You're not BSing because you're blissfully unaware of just how ignorant you appear. You are a fool, not a conman or liar. You lack the insight and intent required for those things. But fools can still be dangerous, particularly when others who are even more foolish take a liking to them. You think you are thinking factually and logically, but similar to Ben Shapiro, your facts and logic all rest upon presupposed notions of right and wrong that are as based upon feelings as anything else. This is transparent to anyome that has actually studied logic, but to the average simpleton that knows the word but not the process, it's a harder thing to ascertain.
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Re: Do most of us have Asperger's or are we just too introverted, authentic and intellectual?

Post by HouseMD »

Winston wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 5:56 am
@MarcosZeitola and @hypermak:

I also forgot to mention that Mr S too also told me that I'm the most open minded and freethinking asian hes ever met too, especially about conspiracies and metaphysics and esoteric topics.

Also Rock and Jester also agree that I'm the most freethinking Asian they know of too. They said so in a phone conversation some years ago. I heard it and was next to Rock during the phone conversation. You can ask them about it too. No joke. I swear. I got proof too. PM me if you want to see the proof.

So you see there are a number of guys here who do genuinely think I'm the most freethinking Asian they've ever known. Its NOT some fantasy or delusion in my head only. Real people do think that. A fair number of real people that is. So the claim does have some basis. And is not some delusion or illusion like HouseMD wrongly assumes. I swear.

Why deny it? Why not just accept it? Even if you don't agree, there are some who do agree. Right? Why try to debate it? Why not just let me have the honor that some guys feel i deserve?

Its not like I'm lying and trying to pretend to be something I'm not.
You confuse being a fool whose mind is so open his brain has fallen out with being free thinker
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Re: Do most of us have Asperger's or are we just too introverted, authentic and intellectual?

Post by HouseMD »

Winston wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 5:25 am
Btw @MarcosZeitola and @hypermak:

One of you, maybe Marcos, said that I'm not as special as I think.

Well excuse me, but just because I'm not special to YOU doesn't mean I'm not special to others or God or the universe. Dude WTF you smoking? Speak for yourself dude!

Let me ask you this: Do you think your wife is special? Of course you do. What if I don't think she's special? Who is right? Isn't it subjective and just a matter of opinion? If so, then why do you confuse YOUR opinions of me with facts and truths Marcos?

Ask your wife if you are right to do that. Show her your post where you call me "not special" and act like it's a universal fact, when it's just YOUR opinion only. Ask her what she thinks of that. Does she even have an intellectual opinion or does she just mindlessly agree with you? Any smart woman can tell you that you are wrong on that one.

Why don't you ask Dianne if she thinks I'm special? She definitely will say yes. In fact, she agrees that I'm the most unique and intellectual Asian that SHE'S ever met. No one in her circle is anything like me at all. So to her, I'm special too and she admires my traits and intellect and debates too. She says I kick ass in intellectual debate and logic. She reads this forum so she is familiar with how I argue and debate too.

Dianne isn't the only one. A number of people have said that I'm the most "unique and freethinking" Asian they ever met, including a Scottish traveler who has been to over 100 countries. No joke! I swear to God and will put my hand on the Bible. Not making it up. See the quotes here for proof: ... ton-Wu.htm

So who is right Marcos? You or Dianne or the guys I quoted in the link above? I told you, it's subjective. You ONLY speak for yourself Marcos, not for others, not for God or the universe. Do you understand?

hypermak, I'm sure you agree with me on this right? It's obvious right? Can you disagree with Marcos for once? Or is he infallible to you even though he makes tons of mistakes and contradictions, which even Spencer has cited from his own quotes?
Why do you need to feel exceptional? That is the question. People, in general, are not. I'm certainly not, you're certainly not. We may be special to those around us but that does not make us truly exceptional. Clearly, you are looking for validation, the question is why your ego requires recognition. While you think your posts exude brilliance, to an outsider they scream insecurity and a desperate need to be noticed and valued. It's overcompensation and a Napoleon complex of the highest order
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Re: Do most of us have Asperger's or are we just too introverted, authentic and intellectual?

Post by Cornfed »

HouseMD wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 6:43 am
Winston wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 5:56 am
@MarcosZeitola and @hypermak:

I also forgot to mention that Mr S too also told me that I'm the most open minded and freethinking asian hes ever met too, especially about conspiracies and metaphysics and esoteric topics.

Also Rock and Jester also agree that I'm the most freethinking Asian they know of too. They said so in a phone conversation some years ago. I heard it and was next to Rock during the phone conversation. You can ask them about it too. No joke. I swear. I got proof too. PM me if you want to see the proof.

So you see there are a number of guys here who do genuinely think I'm the most freethinking Asian they've ever known. Its NOT some fantasy or delusion in my head only. Real people do think that. A fair number of real people that is. So the claim does have some basis. And is not some delusion or illusion like HouseMD wrongly assumes. I swear.

Why deny it? Why not just accept it? Even if you don't agree, there are some who do agree. Right? Why try to debate it? Why not just let me have the honor that some guys feel i deserve?

Its not like I'm lying and trying to pretend to be something I'm not.
You confuse being a fool whose mind is so open his brain has fallen out with being free thinker
Yeah Winston comes across as someone who is rather simple and childlike in various ways. Obviously he is more intelligent than the average person in a world of slobbering retards, but he seems to lack the social sense of either an Asian or a white person, as compared to someone like momopi, who seems to have the social sense of both.
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Re: Do most of us have Asperger's or are we just too introverted, authentic and intellectual?

Post by hypermak »

Winston wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 5:25 am
Btw @MarcosZeitola and @hypermak:

One of you, maybe Marcos, said that I'm not as special as I think.

Well excuse me, but just because I'm not special to YOU doesn't mean I'm not special to others or God or the universe. Dude WTF you smoking? Speak for yourself dude!

Let me ask you this: Do you think your wife is special? Of course you do. What if I don't think she's special? Who is right? Isn't it subjective and just a matter of opinion? If so, then why do you confuse YOUR opinions of me with facts and truths Marcos?

Ask your wife if you are right to do that. Show her your post where you call me "not special" and act like it's a universal fact, when it's just YOUR opinion only. Ask her what she thinks of that. Does she even have an intellectual opinion or does she just mindlessly agree with you? Any smart woman can tell you that you are wrong on that one.

Why don't you ask Dianne if she thinks I'm special? She definitely will say yes. In fact, she agrees that I'm the most unique and intellectual Asian that SHE'S ever met. No one in her circle is anything like me at all. So to her, I'm special too and she admires my traits and intellect and debates too. She says I kick ass in intellectual debate and logic. She reads this forum so she is familiar with how I argue and debate too.

Dianne isn't the only one. A number of people have said that I'm the most "unique and freethinking" Asian they ever met, including a Scottish traveler who has been to over 100 countries. No joke! I swear to God and will put my hand on the Bible. Not making it up. See the quotes here for proof: ... ton-Wu.htm

So who is right Marcos? You or Dianne or the guys I quoted in the link above? I told you, it's subjective. You ONLY speak for yourself Marcos, not for others, not for God or the universe. Do you understand?

hypermak, I'm sure you agree with me on this right? It's obvious right? Can you disagree with Marcos for once? Or is he infallible to you even though he makes tons of mistakes and contradictions, which even Spencer has cited from his own quotes?
@Winston, talking to you really is like walking on eggshells. There are so many topics where the slightest disagreement throws you into an endless tirade of arguments and pseudo-arguments, many of which backed by some of the most "creative" possible "evidence": YouTube videos of alternative theories, clips from old Hollywood or Art House movies, 60s and 70s songs, and more.

I really think that you have nothing to prove to anyone. Not to us, not to yourself. Maybe it's a typically American thing, but I really don't understand why some of you guys seem unable to live without having to prove to the world who you are and what you're up to. @Contrarian Expatriate is fixated with having to always come across as the wealthy, successful, charismatic viveur with a harem of young Ukranian "9s and 10s" at his beck and call.

You have to continuously remind us that you are special, the most free-thinking Asian to have ever lived, a one-of-a-kind deep/lateral/out-of-the-box thinker. And this being "special" has to extend to people around you like Dianne.

Dude, we love you as you are!! :D We would even give CE some love and respect, if he stopped being such a boastful a**hole and learned to respect other people's opinions. ;)

Anyway, whatever you had to prove to the world, you have already proved it by creating the Happier Abroad movement and related materials, including this forum. It might not be the tightest-managed online community the Internet has ever seen, OK, but it's been seminal to create the perception that most men are better off in countries where the long hand of globalisation, feminism, materialism and other -isms haven't ruined everything yet.

If we ever expected anything from you, it would be for you to keep consistent with your views, with who you are. Be a bit more adventurous, in the spirit of the "young Winston", the one who would venture in second-tier Russian cities and brave the winter to show the world that even a scammy Russian b*tch can be more fun than the average empty-headed American b*tch! Visit Europe, visit Japan, don't know Bolivia, maybe Africa. You could start or revive your YouTube channel, reporting from different countries and interviewing locals, tourists and expats alike.

I might be relatively new in here but did not miss the feeling, shared by most well-meaning members, that they preferred the adventurous, resolute Winston to the armchair psychologist, fringe conspiracy theory buff Winston. This, having said that there's nothing wrong in discussing about philosophy or non-mainstream ideas on the genesis of Covid-19 and BLM.

In Italy we say "winning team, you don't change". You know what made HA and your character a "winner". So, Winny, why don't you stop whining and you start winning again? :)
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Re: Do most of us have Asperger's or are we just too introverted, authentic and intellectual?

Post by Spencer »

Winston wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 5:56 am
@MarcosZeitola and @hypermak:

I also forgot to mention that Mr S too also told me that I'm the most open minded and freethinking asian hes ever met too, especially about conspiracies and metaphysics and esoteric topics.

Also Rock and Jester also agree that I'm the most freethinking Asian they know of too. They said so in a phone conversation some years ago. I heard it and was next to Rock during the phone conversation. You can ask them about it too. No joke. I swear. I got proof too. PM me if you want to see the proof.

So you see there are a number of guys here who do genuinely think I'm the most freethinking Asian they've ever known. Its NOT some fantasy or delusion in my head only. Real people do think that. A fair number of real people that is. So the claim does have some basis. And is not some delusion or illusion like HouseMD wrongly assumes. I swear.

Why deny it? Why not just accept it? Even if you don't agree, there are some who do agree. Right? Why try to debate it? Why not just let me have the honor that some guys feel i deserve?

Its not like I'm lying and trying to pretend to be something I'm not.
Wiseton you so much more than mirrorly freethinker for you the founderman of happy abord movement that affect 10s of millions man each year every year and on forum you the bossman who seting supreme examples of maturity and ego reducing and gentry behavors for other aborder learn and emulate from for you humbleman and sprit seekerman and hero so freethinker is sell self short for you big bravery go out of box sho self to world same roosh and always get the supreme protections from universal so nobody buy nobody dare touching you

never lisen narrowness limit minds like marco and public duende and house dr and corfed for they never full apreciation you for what you give them as their leader in cheift so let the child bicker while you forging the wiseman pathing destined to you by heavens wiseton that other aborders can only follow
"Close mind genus more dangrous than 10,000 dumwits" - Spencer

"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne

"Wiseton is a very dynamic individual, what most would call a genius. He's started a movement, and only genius types can do such a thing." - Boycottamericanwomen
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Re: Do most of us have Asperger's or are we just too introverted, authentic and intellectual?

Post by Spencer »

Winston wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 2:13 am
hypermak wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 1:51 am
Winston wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 12:43 am
But most are. I gave many examples. Can you give me some examples to the contrary? Have you seen all the school of life videos and academy of ideas videos on YouTube? All the philosophers they discuss were not happy well adjusted people. No way.

What's your definition of a great philosopher? Are you talking about popular ones or geniuses? Name a genius who was mainstream. Tesla wasnt. He never even had a girlfriend. Just because someone is successful in business doesnt mean hes a great philosophy or genius. You know that?
There are too many to list. Take Immanuel Kant for example, the greatest philosopher of the 18th century ( The Wikipedia profile says he could not finish his studies and initially worked as a private tutor while developing his philosophical research. By the time he was appointed a Full Professor at the University of Königsberg, he had already published most of his most important works and was a very respected figure in the European thinking circles.

On the modern side, take Slavoj Žižek, by many considered the greatest philosopher alive ( He is a researcher at a Slovenian University, has scholarly assignments around the world and, despite his strong radical leftwing ideas, nothing from his biography portrays him as having an alienated, weird and awkward personality.

In fact, fun fact, just read on and you'll discover he has been married to an Argentian model :) Not bad, for a bearded commie! :D

Dude. Have you tried reading Kant? His books are not readable. Normal layman cannot read them. But normal layman can read Nietzsche or Schopenhauer or Plato. Plus what did Kant accomplish? What were his new ideas? He rejected God but had no explanation to replace him to explain the universe. His concepts like "categorical imperative" don't make sense and aren't understandable to most people. Nor do they apply to the real world. Way too abstract. Most people would find his words meaningless.

I don't know that second guy above. How can he be great? He's a communist, exactly what's in trend now at universities. Leftism and marxism have hijacked academia. Didn't you know that? Of course communist authors will be praised. But he is going with the trend, not going against it. What's so great about that? Most university professors are leftists and socialists nowadays. Nothing special. What new ideas does this guy have? I've never even heard of him. No one here likes Communists and Atheists. They are full of obvious lies that even a 5 year old would reject, such as:

- Science has proven that God doesn't exist and isn't necessary to explain the origin of life or the universe.
- A good God who is all powerful would not let good people suffer on Earth. Therefore God doesn't exist. Atheism is right and the ultimate highest truth.
- All people and races and genders are equal. No such thing as race. There are no inherent differences.

They all go against logic and human nature. If you told a 5 year old child that his dad was bad or neglectful and therefore he doesn't exist and never existed, would he buy it? Of course not. Even a 5 year old isn't stupid enough to believe that. Furthermore, if you told a 5 year old child that he had no parents and was created in a mud pool when random chemicals mixed together, would he believe it? Of course not. Even a child knows that's BS and would not buy it. Even cavemen would not buy something that absurd. Yet leftist atheist university professors with Ph D's believe these things are all facts and proven by science! Go figure! How can educated professors believe in stuff that's dumber than dumb, negative 1000 dumb, which even children would not believe? lol. Just goes to prove how delusional and crazy academia has become when they parrot obvious lies and take them seriously and even cite them as fact. lol. It's just like telling a normal person to believe that Microsoft Windows was created by monkeys typing random keystrokes in the source code with no intelligent programmers. lol. No one would buy that, yet university professors who are hip and trendy and leftist and atheist do?! LOL LMAO!

Sorry for going off topic. But you need to look at the bigger picture.
Maybe my writ style same like like Kant so need deepsmartman understand hoy hoy hoy
"Close mind genus more dangrous than 10,000 dumwits" - Spencer

"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne

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Re: Do most of us have Asperger's or are we just too introverted and intellectual?

Post by Spencer »

hypermak wrote:
September 17th, 2020, 11:59 pm
Winston wrote:
September 17th, 2020, 11:46 pm
Why do you think @Spencer calls me "Wiseton"? He recognizes that I have a lot of deep insights and wisdom of course, which average people do NOT have. Ask him if he thinks I'm an average guy. He will disagree strongly of course.

In fact, Spencer has copied and pasted a lot of your quotes showing that you have contradicted yourself many times and you never admitted it. Why couldn't you be honest and admit that you changed your mind or were wrong before? Why so stubborn and arrogant? Why not be wise and mature and honest Marcos?
@Winston, @Spencer is just PAG under a different name and writing style. He is grooming you as "wiseton" and using his faux-broken English to flatter you at every occasion, just so you won't get upset about his trolling posts and won't ban him. So far we can't say he hasn't been unsuccessful.

He is convinced I am @publicduende and is constantly throwing mud at him (not even me!) hoping something will stick. Of course it does not. For the same reason, he hates @MarcosZeitola because he is also vocal about kicking him out of the forum.
Again you liarman

you are the public duende and derivations 100%

marcos is truther not liarman like you i support keep him here for marco honest even contarian honest but you make just has been try be somebody and lose 15 years from age which is big liarman public duende you know you know so hope your consus beat you up inside as you deserves and deserts

i have the most hi regard and respect for wiseton for maybe one day he become profet and you dumwits not see it for you not see full truth for wiseton walk the harshest pathings and sho self 100 to world for share and help brother aborders and same way i hi respect the alex venice for he not scumbag italman egomania liarman predator like you vanni torelli
"Close mind genus more dangrous than 10,000 dumwits" - Spencer

"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne

"Wiseton is a very dynamic individual, what most would call a genius. He's started a movement, and only genius types can do such a thing." - Boycottamericanwomen
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Re: Do most of us have Asperger's or are we just too introverted and intellectual?

Post by hypermak »

Spencer wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 7:48 am
Again you liarman

you are the public duende and derivations 100%

marcos is truther not liarman like you i support keep him here for marco honest even contarian honest but you make just has been try be somebody and lose 15 years from age which is big liarman public duende you know you know so hope your consus beat you up inside as you deserves and deserts

i have the most hi regard and respect for wiseton for maybe one day he become profet and you dumwits not see it for you not see full truth for wiseton walk the harshest pathings and sho self 100 to world for share and help brother aborders and same way i hi respect the alex venice for he not scumbag italman egomania liarman predator like you vanni torelli
Below is proof that @Spencer/PAG is no "liarman", in fact a great businessman who can be fully trusted...


And, by the way, to show what a genuine guy with nothing to hide he is, he has duly removed any visual reference to himself and his appearance, not only from this forum but from his personal site ( as well.
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Re: Do most of us have Asperger's or are we just too introverted, authentic and intellectual?

Post by Spencer »

hypermak wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 7:12 am
Winston wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 5:25 am
Btw @MarcosZeitola and @hypermak:

One of you, maybe Marcos, said that I'm not as special as I think.

Well excuse me, but just because I'm not special to YOU doesn't mean I'm not special to others or God or the universe. Dude WTF you smoking? Speak for yourself dude!

Let me ask you this: Do you think your wife is special? Of course you do. What if I don't think she's special? Who is right? Isn't it subjective and just a matter of opinion? If so, then why do you confuse YOUR opinions of me with facts and truths Marcos?

Ask your wife if you are right to do that. Show her your post where you call me "not special" and act like it's a universal fact, when it's just YOUR opinion only. Ask her what she thinks of that. Does she even have an intellectual opinion or does she just mindlessly agree with you? Any smart woman can tell you that you are wrong on that one.

Why don't you ask Dianne if she thinks I'm special? She definitely will say yes. In fact, she agrees that I'm the most unique and intellectual Asian that SHE'S ever met. No one in her circle is anything like me at all. So to her, I'm special too and she admires my traits and intellect and debates too. She says I kick ass in intellectual debate and logic. She reads this forum so she is familiar with how I argue and debate too.

Dianne isn't the only one. A number of people have said that I'm the most "unique and freethinking" Asian they ever met, including a Scottish traveler who has been to over 100 countries. No joke! I swear to God and will put my hand on the Bible. Not making it up. See the quotes here for proof: ... ton-Wu.htm

So who is right Marcos? You or Dianne or the guys I quoted in the link above? I told you, it's subjective. You ONLY speak for yourself Marcos, not for others, not for God or the universe. Do you understand?

hypermak, I'm sure you agree with me on this right? It's obvious right? Can you disagree with Marcos for once? Or is he infallible to you even though he makes tons of mistakes and contradictions, which even Spencer has cited from his own quotes?
@Winston, talking to you really is like walking on eggshells. There are so many topics where the slightest disagreement throws you into an endless tirade of arguments and pseudo-arguments, many of which backed by some of the most "creative" possible "evidence": YouTube videos of alternative theories, clips from old Hollywood or Art House movies, 60s and 70s songs, and more.

I really think that you have nothing to prove to anyone. Not to us, not to yourself. Maybe it's a typically American thing, but I really don't understand why some of you guys seem unable to live without having to prove to the world who you are and what you're up to. @Contrarian Expatriate is fixated with having to always come across as the wealthy, successful, charismatic viveur with a harem of young Ukranian "9s and 10s" at his beck and call.

You have to continuously remind us that you are special, the most free-thinking Asian to have ever lived, a one-of-a-kind deep/lateral/out-of-the-box thinker. And this being "special" has to extend to people around you like Dianne.

Dude, we love you as you are!! :D We would even give CE some love and respect, if he stopped being such a boastful a**hole and learned to respect other people's opinions. ;)

Anyway, whatever you had to prove to the world, you have already proved it by creating the Happier Abroad movement and related materials, including this forum. It might not be the tightest-managed online community the Internet has ever seen, OK, but it's been seminal to create the perception that most men are better off in countries where the long hand of globalisation, feminism, materialism and other -isms haven't ruined everything yet.

If we ever expected anything from you, it would be for you to keep consistent with your views, with who you are. Be a bit more adventurous, in the spirit of the "young Winston", the one who would venture in second-tier Russian cities and brave the winter to show the world that even a scammy Russian b*tch can be more fun than the average empty-headed American b*tch! Visit Europe, visit Japan, don't know Bolivia, maybe Africa. You could start or revive your YouTube channel, reporting from different countries and interviewing locals, tourists and expats alike.

I might be relatively new in here but did not miss the feeling, shared by most well-meaning members, that they preferred the adventurous, resolute Winston to the armchair psychologist, fringe conspiracy theory buff Winston. This, having said that there's nothing wrong in discussing about philosophy or non-mainstream ideas on the genesis of Covid-19 and BLM.

In Italy we say "winning team, you don't change". You know what made HA and your character a "winner". So, Winny, why don't you stop whining and you start winning again? :)
Dude you so so full of crock of shiite for this post is the old public duende special language and he bald face liarman

is it ok to make liar on forum vanni to pretend you not the torelli we know from 5 years go
"Close mind genus more dangrous than 10,000 dumwits" - Spencer

"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne

"Wiseton is a very dynamic individual, what most would call a genius. He's started a movement, and only genius types can do such a thing." - Boycottamericanwomen
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Re: Do most of us have Asperger's or are we just too introverted and intellectual?

Post by Spencer »

hypermak wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 7:55 am
Spencer wrote:
September 18th, 2020, 7:48 am
Again you liarman

you are the public duende and derivations 100%

marcos is truther not liarman like you i support keep him here for marco honest even contarian honest but you make just has been try be somebody and lose 15 years from age which is big liarman public duende you know you know so hope your consus beat you up inside as you deserves and deserts

i have the most hi regard and respect for wiseton for maybe one day he become profet and you dumwits not see it for you not see full truth for wiseton walk the harshest pathings and sho self 100 to world for share and help brother aborders and same way i hi respect the alex venice for he not scumbag italman egomania liarman predator like you vanni torelli
Below is proof that @Spencer/PAG is no "liarman", in fact a great businessman who can be fully trusted...


And, by the way, to show what a genuine guy with nothing to hide he is, he has duly removed any visual reference to himself and his appearance, not only from this forum but from his personal site ( as well.
That seanman look like big scaman i hope he get the karmas he deserving and if same as stanfordguy i not advocate he come back

if you thinking i am the seanman or stanfordman you should posting your 20 + 2 = 22 proofings
"Close mind genus more dangrous than 10,000 dumwits" - Spencer

"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne

"Wiseton is a very dynamic individual, what most would call a genius. He's started a movement, and only genius types can do such a thing." - Boycottamericanwomen
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