Las Vegas: City of Sin (Trip Report)

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Las Vegas: City of Sin (Trip Report)

Post by Bao3niang »

It's now the Christmas holiday, and I'm in a place that embodies how much the US of Gay, the Anglosphere, and the modern world are a disgrace. Yes, I'm in no other than Las Vegas, the City of Sin. It fully deserves the title. The original plan was actually Japan, but that bastard uncle of mine could not book a hotel as they were pretty much all full. So, here I am in Las Vegas on the 2nd day of my three day trip. I'm not traveling alone, I'm with my uncle (that asshole doesn't deserve to be called), my aunt, and their son, my younger cousin who's 11.

We flew to Las Vegas on West Jet. There were only two flight attendants, both Anglo skanks. One was especially ugly. The flight was shorter than I had expected, lasting only around 2 hours. Also, to my surprise was the fact that Vancouver and Las Vegas are in the same time zone. I already encountered difficulties at the airport on Canadian soil, due to US Customs. They are thugs in uniform, and some of the biggest dicks I've ever come across. My aunt, who had applied for an e-visa beforehand, was denied at the check-in counter because for some unknown reason it was not approved by the US. She had to apply for a new one at the airport, which took over an hour due to their glitchy computer. If you're asking why she also needed an e-visa on top of the passport visa she got from the US Consulate, it's because she's still a Chinese passport holder.

I was infuriated when informed that I was 'randomly' selected to go through extra security checks. I look nothing like Mr. Kim of the DPRK, or AL Baghdadi on vacation. Yet, for some unknown reason, I was singled out. Going through security, I found them excessive beyond belief. Taking my shoes off was something I'm not used to. They asked me to turn on my laptop. Canada, despite being a shit Anglosphere country, at least has much nicer customs officers and I'm always allowed to walk away without having to answer any questions. For the extra security check, I was given the option of either a full body scan or the X-Ray room. Not surprisingly, I opted for the pat-down. The security officers had shit attitudes.

Then came a long line to get through the actual customs. When it was finally our turn, my aunt, a foreign passport holder, was asked to provide fingerprints. The whole customs and security process was emotionally and mentally draining for me, and I really felt like a convict. I never have the same feeling in China.

The first day in Las Vegas, upon arrival, was spent going to malls. The spoiled 11-year old cousin of mine wanted to buy a pair of shoes called Adidas Yeezys, that are no different whatsoever from any other pair of sneakers. We couldn't find it in our hotel, so we got a taxi and went to a mall about 10 minutes away. We went into this store owned by blacks that sold the shoes, and upon entering I was immediately bombarded with trashy rap and hip hop music, ghetto style. The shoes costed 950 dollars, which was insane. Even more absurd was seeing the prices required you to scan an electronic diagram / code (like WeChat) on your phone. I found it simply absurd how something as common as buying a pair of shoes incorporated such 'advanced' technology. Anyway. It made that spoiled brat happy. They looked at clothes for a bit longer, and even perfectly normal hoodies / sweaters costed over a thousand dollars. When asked if I wanted anything, they asked thrice, and I declined three times in return.

Then we returned to the hotel. The first thing that spoiled brat did was to take a photo of his new shoes and post them on Wechat for his peers to see. Blatant showing off and being status conscious. It's scary that this is happening to an 11-year old child, but according to him, many of his classmates are already conscious of, and consuming luxury brands. I wasn't kind with him. I told him that kids like him, and the adolescents / adults they will become, are a big part of the reason why this world's declining by the day. He basically told me the equivalent of 'piss off.'

We had dinner at a steakhouse called 'Cuts', opened by an Austrian chef called Wolfgang Puck. Austrian Gordon Ramsay, perhaps? I'm not a fan of Western cuisine to begin with, but my cousin is. He's much more 'well-adjusted'. I may very well have ended up like him had I not decided to return to China at the age of 11 (thank God I did, and I mean it in the literal sense). The menu's layout and organization was so different from the Chinese / Japanese / Vietnamese restaurants I'm used to. I came across so many unfamiliar terms on the menu, 'exotic' terms to describe the food. The thing I missed the most was good old Chinese / Asian food. We actually had lunch at the only Chinese restaurant in our hotel, a Cantonese / HK style tea restaurant, but the food there was overpriced and crap compared to even the food courts in Richmond. Anyway, at least it's navigated waters when it comes to dining, so I'll be returning there tomorrow. I ended up ordering lobster at the steakhouse, and didn't enjoy it. Adding to my dislike of Western cuisine was your oh-so-friendly and in-your-face American style service. Being asked 'how are you?' and being checked on every few minutes raised my blood levels. It's the same in Canada but I never go to non-Asian restaurants in Vancouver.

After dinner I was tired and wanted to return to the hotel room, but instead I followed them on another round of checking out expensive ass luxury brand stores at a nearby hotel called the Wynn. Louis Vuitton, Rolex, you name it. They were interested, and most disappointing was how my aunt even showed interest. I had always believed her to be better than the abusive members of my so-called 'family'. My cousin, all along the way, was being irritating by asking me stupid questions and physically tackling me. I don't believe in physical violence, but I really wanted to give that little bastard a few good smacks in the head. He's almost a spitting image of his neglectful father when it comes to his level of being an asshole and being materialistic, pretentious, you name it. My feelings, my disdain for mass consumption was ignored. After all, I could not expect non-like minded people to take me seriously. As the three of them went from store to store, spending the most time in Hermes and Louis Vuitton, I was cast aside except when they asked me whether I wanted anything. Once again, I vigorously refused. I nearly wanted to cry, and already wanted to leave Las Vegas. I'm not kidding about wanting to cry. Due to the much hotter climate, I got a serious nosebleed. After cleaning it a bit and walking back into the mall, a 'considerate' staff member went over to ask me if I was doing alright, and I also got a few stares. I wanted to tell all of them to f**k off. As an introvert, it was a taste of how incompatible the atmosphere was with my soul.

That was the end of Day 1. Yesterday was another day of looking around this soulless hell. More shopping. We took a short gondola ride at The Venetian. Went to this other mall where that bastard AKA uncle bought some stuff at Gucci. Buffet at the Wynn for lunch, I barely ate. Dinner was scheduled to be eaten at a restaurant opened by Gordon Ramsay, which my cousin wanted to go to. Could not book a table, so we went to this pub / restaurant called Red Rose Rabbit or something in a hotel. Once again, could not understand about half the terms on the menu. Ended up ordering some cod. Not good. We watched a show back at the Wynn called La Reve, The Dream. Basically dancing, some acrobatics, and a bit of synchronized swimming. Plot was about a young woman torn between pure love and evil lust, very cliche. I don't need to go into the details. I wasn't impressed. Today (yes, now it's technically our last day) we'll be watching a Cirque Du Soleil production that is a tribute to the Beatles.

We originally planned to go to the desert, but it's 4 hours from South Las Vegas. 7-8 if the return trip is counted. I tend to not handle long road trips very well.

Overall Impressions:
-I have exactly zero interest in the casinos.

-No culture, no soul, just mass consumerism.

-Many Koreans, perhaps just as many as Chinese. Many Latinos too. Heard Spanish being spoken quite often.

-If anyone thinks this is a good travel destination, you're either:
1. Materialistic, snobbish human scum
2. You're not very deep and equate tall buildings and lights with an interesting place
3. You're both #1 and #2 (yes, #1 and #2 often go hand-in-hand)
4. You've never traveled more than 50 KM from your place of birth
5. You have severe brain damage (which is the reason for #1 and #2)

-Avoid. Avoid. Never return again.

-Safety concerns too. Saw a few police cars and a police helicopter today, not sure what was going on. Not to say that the cops are good. They are thugs.

-People Mountain People Sea. Bane of a deep feeling introvert. I can also get annoyed by this in China, but hey.

The Women:
-Many were gambling at the casinos. Many were Asians, both of the 'FOB' kind and the Western kind. Some were younger, some were older.

-A few decent looking mainland Chinese women and Koreans. Some Filipinas and Vietnamese here and there. However, it would be a joke for me to be end up with anyone whose inclinations are towards the values that a place like Las Vegas embodies. AKA I don't take any materialistic bitches.

-Of course, many ugly Anglos.

This trip has made me even more determined to get my ass back to Asia ASAP. It has reinforced my understanding of how horrible the West is.

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Re: Las Vegas: City of Sin

Post by gsjackson »

Your aunt and uncle paid $950 for a pair of sneakers for their 11-year-old son??? That kid has no chance. No chance.

Vegas is one of the few spots in the U.S. where you can see anglos out and about, aside from sporting events and concerts. But that hardly redeems it from all the criticisms you correctly point out.
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Re: Las Vegas: City of Sin

Post by Winston »

I was trapped in Vegas for over a year. I know what you mean. It preys on greed and illusion. Very unwholesome. If I was there, we could hang out. Too bad you didn't come when I was there.

Vegas is only fun if you are with a date or partner. If so, women love it because it preys on women's desire for luxury and pizzazz. lol. Otherwise, it sucks if you're a single guy there. The women aren't friendly or easy to connect with. And people don't seek new friends there. Your only shot to meet friendly people is to join a church, but if you're not Christian then you're out of place there. Or at The locals just aren't that social. They only talk for business related reasons. Other than that you aren't supposed to talk to people. Typical America. All business and you are expected to be all business too. I hate that. I also hate how so many Chinese tourists are attracted to all the glitz and pizzazz and artificiality there. It brings out the worst in people.

What hotel are you staying at? If you book a room on the website of circus circus, you can get good rooms for $20 a night if you want a good bargain and save money. Tell your mom that. Otherwise, stay somewhere off the strip to get lower prices. The food on the strip is a ripoff too.
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Re: Las Vegas: City of Sin (Trip Report)

Post by droid »

Bao3niang wrote:
December 30th, 2017, 2:45 am
Nice rant, but why would you let yourself be dragged to that soulless shith*le and malls for that matter? you need to stand up for yourself dude.
One nice thing you could've done was driving some buggies out in the sand dunes, like 30 minutes away. [The] last time I was there i pad $200 bucks for like two hours, not exactly cheap but that was a nice takeaway.
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Re: Las Vegas: City of Sin (Trip Report)

Post by Bao3niang »

Well, I'm also partially to blame because I carried the belief that it's not exactly 'right' to just be a turtle in its shell when visiting a new place. Now I know better. I actually have most of today to myself, except mealtimes. They are still going to look around. Driving buggies sounds fun, but I can't even drive a car, whether auto or manual. I have sharp intellect but poor motor skills. I also get overwhelmed easily when there are many variables in my environment. I'm suffering from IBS now, just two days of less water and less fiber is already making me feel terrible.
Anyway, I leave tomorrow, and I'm definitely not looking forward to returning. Once I'm out of the Anglosphere, I plan to never set foot in it again, with the exception of traveling to Britain.
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Re: Las Vegas: City of Sin (Trip Report)

Post by MattHanson1990 »

Good trip report.

I haven't been to Las Vegas. But I was only inside the airport when I was traveling to and from Oregon to visit extended family in the summer of 2005. My mom didn't like the slot machines inside the terminal. And I've also seen photos, and it has fake replicas of known landmarks throughout the world. Plus, Vegas has a strong California influence (only difference is gas is cheaper in Vegas than California). However I heard there was beautiful nature outside the city (I'd only go to Vegas for that, other than that avoid).
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Re: Las Vegas: City of Sin (Trip Report)

Post by Bao3niang »

I didn't get a chance to see the desert on the outskirts because the trip would have taken 7-8 hours to and back. I don't handle long road trips very well, plus I was suffering from an IBS flare up at the time.
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Re: Las Vegas: City of Sin (Trip Report)

Post by Winston »

Bao3niang wrote:
January 14th, 2018, 2:22 am
I didn't get a chance to see the desert on the outskirts because the trip would have taken 7-8 hours to and back. I don't handle long road trips very well, plus I was suffering from an IBS flare up at the time.
Not really. There's stuff nearby too. Right next to Vegas there is Red Rock Canyon state park, only 10 minutes west. My house is next to it so I know. Also north of Vegas is the Valley of Fire state park. And in the NW direction is a mountain forest area called Mount Charleston with hiking trails. Look on the map. They aren't that far away. But you gotta have a car and a driver that knows the area. I took @Falcon up to Mount Charleston and Red Rock canyon when he visited me in Las Vegas. I wish I could have taken you around too. Vegas and the nature around it are more fun when you are with friends and good company.
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Re: Las Vegas: City of Sin (Trip Report)

Post by Joetripster »

To say in embassy reasons to visit USA "to visit Las Vegas" gives very good chances to get VISA))

It's an interesting place to visit if you have a lot of money, if not - there are more interesting places to see n the country.
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Re: Las Vegas: City of Sin (Trip Report)

Post by thighlander »

I bought a condo in Summerlin (Howard Hughes' planned community in NW LV) in 2009 for 35K. A guy had paid 135K only two years before. I stayed 9 months and sold to Canadians. LV kind of sucks and the worst thing about it is the whole Strip thing. A total tourist trap. Vegas was built on cheap drinks, cheap rooms, and cheap meals...all of good quality. The theme was always feed them well, get them loaded with drinks...and they will give us their money. About the time it became a family destination about 1999, the greedy corporations had moved in and decided that there was tons of money to be made off families, like the one mentioned above with the spoiled brat. They started computing their profits as you got off the plane..almost to the Penny. Now, you must pay to park anywhere near the strip, very few deals, and they tack on a resort fee on hotel bills, which is a total crock of shiite. Some of the off strip places are OK, but believe it or not, the best thing about Vegas is the natural beauty, and I don't mean some fat italian grandma in a cocktail dress. The education levels are low. Decent for retirees. Phoenix is better than Vegas, and Phoenix is a living Hell-hole 3 months out of the year. LV is also a horrible place to monger. The escort thiong is a total ripoff...and the street scene is as bad as it gets.
The highlight may have been the Sunkist brand Pistachios for 2.99 per pound at Von's...and generally grocery prices and quality are very good there. Dental and medical services are not. I have had 100 better nights in Reno, than any night in Las Vegas...but I believe the corporations have got the best of it, too. There is too much competition for them in gaming, but it will still continue to be a top place for conventions. I also lived 90 miles south of there in Laughlin in 1999. A strip of 11 casinos..bought a condo there for 26,000, fully furnished, with a nice simulated wood grained Sony Trinitron that was 20 years old. The old man must have died quick, because there was still liquor in the cabinet. I worked as a Substitute Teacher and was paid 70 US per day....not the worst job I have had. I recall pulling forty bucks out of the ATM and it lasting me about three weeks. Must have bet 3000 horse races...
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Re: Las Vegas: City of Sin (Trip Report)

Post by GuyAbroad8293 »

Okay so you went to Vegas and your cousin bought his son a 1000 dollar pair of tennis shoes, then you all ate at some steakhouse, and then rode a couple of rides at a couple of big name casinos.

I can see how American culture is just pure trash compared to Asia. I've spent time in Hong Kong and Macau and really would have enjoyed it there if I had not had some attachments back in a different Asian country I was living in.

Macau was especially nice. On one side of the island you have the casinos and on the other side, a bunch of high rise apartments and just small mom and pop shops and it really felt like small-town America. People felt genuine. Macau would be a quiet place to live but at least it would be a peaceful place too.

Hong Kong was so f***ing fast paced, it was goddamn insane. I remember going into some French restaurant and I made a comment about how shitty western women are in front of the white French male waiter and he made a comment "My girlfriend is Asian", that was pretty funny. I remember walking thru the financial district, it was just too many people and too damn fast paced.

I'd say Macau is the perfect place to settle down with an Asian wife if you're a western male. Then again I've never been to mainland China so maybe there's better places there. I remember Macau gets extremely cold in the winter time.
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Re: Las Vegas: City of Sin (Trip Report)

Post by Bao3niang »

I completely disagree with Macau, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore being good places to live in unless you are more career / money oriented.
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