We Live in a Global Enslavement System of Slaves and Slavemasters Where People Are Not Truly Free

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We Live in a Global Enslavement System of Slaves and Slavemasters Where People Are Not Truly Free

Post by Winston »


Why We Live in a Global Enslavement System Where No One Is Truly Free
By Winston Wu (Founder of HappierAbroad.com)

This is so true and sad, but liberating when you realize it. When I wake up I often think:

This world is in reality a global enslavement machine that programs people to THINK that they are free in order for them to cope with their servitude, and conditions people to WANT it as well. The truth is, we are all slaves to the economic system and programmed with illusions that help us bear our enslavement.

The system treats us as economic resources and defines us by our economic functions (e.g. workers, tax payers, consumers, etc.) rather than as human or spiritual beings. In short, we are simply a commodity to the system and groomed as such. And of course, we are programmed to want to thrive as "economic resources", not to complain about it or be critical of it. No freethought, in other words. You are supposed to "love the system".

Freedom, for the most part, is just a word, not an actual state of existence. The reason people, especially Americans, believe that they have freedom is simply because their minds are programmed to think that they do. You see, your slavemasters need you to be satisfied with your enslavement to keep you controlled. In order to do that, they give you choices in consumerism and in selecting your occupation. You are "free" to choose your form of slavery and vote for your puppet dictators.

Right when you step into grade school, you lose all your freedoms as you are totally controlled and given rules to abide by. You are taught to regurgitate information and to be obedient, as you are honed and groomed to become a slave in servitude to the system. You are told it's for your own good, and punished for disobedience. Public school is where your conditioning to become a robot begins. This video explains how schools are nothing more than prisons designed to train and condition slaves:

First, you are programmed to WANT to become enslaved by being conditioned to WANT a job/career, which is essentially giving over control of your daily life to others. In doing so, you give up your freedom without knowing it cause you are told that you are "free to work", which implies that it is YOU who wants it, not the system - a psychological sleight of hand indeed. Furthermore, you are convinced that "the purpose of your life is to work" and that's what you were born for, thus ingraining you with the "live to work" mentality. You are also conditioned to feel empty and incomplete without it. As a result, work becomes synonymous with freedom to you.

If you think about it though, unless you are at the executive level, most jobs are technically positions of slavery, because you are giving over a large portion of your day in servitude to a corporate body, organization or business that is structured in a hierarchical fashion. Technically, that is slavery. There's no way around it. But of course, the system tries to convince you that it's not by getting you to think that YOU are the one that wants it. But even if you don't, you have to anyway cause you need the money to pay your bills. Hence, whether you want it or not, the employment enslavement is "forced" upon you by the system.

Overall, the system tries its best to make you a "happy slave" by repackaging slavery as freedom. This is a form of spin illusion that reverses the meaning of "slavery" and "freedom". For example, freedom in America means "the freedom to work and make money" which in other words means "the freedom to choose your form of enslavement". And being free of this enslavement is to be a "miserable unemployed person who is seeking a job", as defined by the system. This basically means that it is a bad thing not be a slave.

It's a play on words that turns truth into its opposite. And it's no different than preachers telling Christians who have submitted to the fundamentalist laws of the Bible that they have been "set free from sin", or fascist dictators telling their populace that they've been "set free from chaos and disorder", etc. So in this case, when you turn into a corporate slave, you are "set free from unemployment".

Essentially, the system's false logic is that slavery = being "set free" from freedom. This is nonsensical of course, but you aren't meant to see it the way it really is. Instead you are meant to see the inverse of the way it really is. That's the scam and brainwashing. It's a classic form of propaganda where you divert attention from something by declaring it to be its opposite. And it has been used time and time again throughout history in all areas of life where mass control is needed. Thus it's no wonder that Michael Ellner stated:

"Just look at us. Everything is backwards. Everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, and religion destroys spirituality."

Moreover, the system uses a barrage of methods to keep us in an internal state of fear and insecurity that causes us to crave structure and routine, due to our psychological insecurities, which enslavement to the system provides of course. Thus we are raised to want to be "tied down" to something (e.g. a job, house, marriage, single geographic location) on a long term basis. This is why most people do not seek adventure, new experiences or true freedom of expression, and only a minority do.

One major outlet that the system uses to keep us in this internal state is the media of course, which constantly feeds us stories of terror, tragedy and crises. Their excuse is that "bad news sells" but that is just a cover. You are never told the real reason for the rampant fearmongering. Society also convinces you that being in a state of fear and paranoia is good for your protection. But in reality, the majority of our fears are baseless, unfounded or greatly exaggerated. (e.g. terrorists everywhere, psycho killers everywhere, swine flu scares, etc.)

Another major method the system uses is the other people around us, who are trained to keep us in line and in a state of conformity. This is effective because given a choice between the truth vs. conformity to the group, most will choose the latter even if it means parroting a lie they know to be untrue. And of course, our internal state of fear and weakness make it much more likely that we will conform as well. Thus, each of these controls are designed to reinforce each other.

Conformity is the fallacious belief that the views of the majority must always be right and the minority or dissenters always wrong. Therefore, it assumes one should adopt the beliefs of the majority in order to be "right". It is a mindless characteristic that most adopt and are conditioned to live by. However, many of the greatest thinkers, writers and intellectuals of the world have seen through the madness of such a belief. See here for a list of their quotations.

Additionally, society is set up with all sorts of stress, anxiety and worry to keep you in a constant state of "survival mode", which reinforces your fear state. And of course, money itself, which enslaves the world for obvious reasons and is totally artificial, is the lifeblood of the global enslavement system. There is no question that we are all slaves to money. But as conspiracy lecturer Alex Collier asks in his lectures, "Why do I have to 'pay' to be in a world I was born into?"

David Icke, a popular conspiracy researcher and author, came to the same conclusion. In his book "Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More" he writes "the truth - that the world is a global enslavement machine and reality suppressor".

Though there are variations, essentially most people only have two choices - either become a robot... or a bum. Not very inspiring. To find alternatives requires innovation and thinking outside the box, but most cannot cause the system doesn't teach you to think for yourself.

Most people believe what they are told, and they are not told that the world is an enslavement system. Instead they are told that they were born to work, which is a virtue, and that if they study hard and work hard, they will make a lot of money and have a good life. But in reality, they end up slaving away their whole lives for money with some "pie in the sky" dream in their heads with little or no time to enjoy any "good life". They never live fully or experience any true freedom or discover themselves. Instead they live in fear, worry and pressure their whole lives just to keep up an illusory facade under the programming of the system. In the end, it falls flat and they wonder what went wrong after they've lost most of their precious life years serving the system. By the time they realize it, it's too late. Such is the sad scam the system puts on you.

Now I am not trying to be negative here. The system is what it is. And no amount of white washing or word plays will change the core nature of it.

Another form of binding enslavement is marriage. People are conditioned to want it, even though it really makes no sense and is merely an artificial contract that unnaturally binds two people by oath. If you think about it, marriage is like swearing an oath to only eat vanilla ice cream for the rest of your life until you die, and never trying any other flavor. It is an unrealistic promise and unnecessary voluntary binding of oneself. (Not a wise idea at all) But people are conditioned to WANT it and to feel empty and incomplete without it, so they do, even though it makes no sense. (Love isn't enough, so we must invoke an artificial business contract in order to feel complete!) And of course, they are taught to see marriage as "being set free from the lonely single life".

In reality, if you love someone, that is all the reason you need to be with them. Romantic love can be a wonderful, beautiful and natural thing that bonds and connects people, especially if it's coupled with synergy. There is no need to swear an oath or create a binding artificial business contract to try to control our nature and life. Doing so actually "kills the love" and turns it into an obligation rather than a spiritual/emotional bond. It also creates an artificial bind which is a form of enslavement. But you are programmed with the belief that this oath and contract is a necessary and natural thing.

"A man is incomplete until he is married. After that, he is finished." - Zsa Zsa Gabor

So, the two big areas of life - employment and marriage - are in reality forms of binding enslavement in which you give up your life and freedom over to others. But you are made to WANT and NEED them. You are made to WANT a job that ties you to one geographic location and puts your schedule under control of a managerial entity, which no sane awakened person would want. And you are also made to WANT to unnaturally tie yourself to another person for life until you die, never loving any other, regardless of what may happen, even though such a promise is totally unrealistic. And you are programmed to define all that as "freedom and the American dream".

An awakened person realizes the folly of all this, sees that what everyone wants (like the will of a hive mind) makes no sense, and realizes that all of this is the total antithesis of what it means to be free. But an unawakened person believes the illusion and wants what they are programmed to want. To them, if society says so and everyone else is doing it, it must be good, normal and natural. Only the awakened person realizes it's all a con full of lies, mind control, illusion, voluntary slavery and the giving up of one's life and freedom.

True freedom means that you can do whatever you want (for the most part at least) as long as you don't harm others, without the control and interference of others. But the commitment of employment and marriage take that away. There is no doubt about that. But we are NOT conditioned to want true freedom. Instead, we are conditioned to WANT enslavement by giving up control of our life, time and daily schedule to others. Yet we are TOLD that we have freedom in America and that "freedom is what makes America great" when in reality we do NOT have true freedom. It's a total lie that makes no sense and contradicts reality.

Think about it. Most Americans who are enslaved by employment and bound by marriage do NOT have true freedom because for the most part, since they CANNOT do whatever they want everyday without control and interference from others. In childhood, their life is controlled by their school system in the day and their parents at night. Then in adulthood, their life is controlled by their bosses, managers and spouses. Yet they BELIEVE that they have freedom. Why? Because they are TOLD that they do! They are told that since no one named Adolf Hitler runs their government, that they can go to the voting booth, and that they have 20 flavors of bagels to choose from, etc. that they have freedom, even though their lives are controlled by others and they cannot do whatever they want everyday! It's an insane hypocrisy and bizarro world. Yet most don't see it cause the system programs their minds not to see it but to see the opposite by redefining everything and turning people into "happy slaves" who do not want true freedom.

Now if you agree with all this and want to know what you can do about it, my advice is this: Try to become self-employed. Or at least find ways to cut your expenses so that you can work part-time and at least have half the day to be truly free. This may sound hard, but if you remember that "Where there's a will, there's a way" you can find a way. Or you can join one of those self-sustaining eco-villages around the world, if you're into that sort of thing. If you can't do any of these things, at least be employed in something that you love, so that it does not feel like slavery.

There is a guy I know named Walt Goodridge who is very good at helping people turn their passion into profit to become self-employed. You can see his website, books, articles and interviews at PassionProfit.com To help you learn how to free your mind and life, overcome the social programming traps and false assumptions ingrained into you, I highly recommend the late Harry Browne's ebook "How I Found True Freedom in an Unfree World." You can get it from HarryBrowne.org.

As for relationships, seek love if you want it. And if you find it, let that love itself keep you together if possible. There is no need for swearing an oath or creating binding lifetime contracts to keep you together against nature's will. Try to explain this to your partner if he/she is marriage-minded, and try to "deprogram" him/her as well. If they still don't agree, then only you can decide what's best for you. But for God's sake, don't call lie and call slavery "freedom" and freedom "slavery".

Be glad though, that just by realizing all this, you've already taken the first step out of the matrix programming toward the liberation of your own mind, which is the beginning of true freedom. So, even if you have to remain a physical slave, at least your mind is free.

But if you don't agree with any of this, then good luck to you. I hope I've given you something to consider.

Always remember, as Frederich Neitzche said, "No price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself".

For more of my freethinking and truth articles: http://www.happierabroad.com/articles.php

See Also:

How to be Free and Conscious in a Society of Enslavement and Fear
Last edited by Winston on August 13th, 2012, 5:09 am, edited 34 times in total.
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Post by globetrotter »

Prior to 1970 -1980 this was not the case.

A man got married, had a wife at home, earned enough to buy a house, a car, some appliances, a pension, retirement, vacations, etc. There was a huge benefit to him to work and get married, and he enjoyed that benefit well and fully.

All of that is gone, now.
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Post by momopi »

Don't like the public school system? Home school your kids! In the US Surpreme Court ruling Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390, the Surpreme Court stated: "while a State may posit [educational] standards, it may not pre-empt the educational process by requiring children to attend public schools."

http://www.nheri.org/Research-Facts-on- ... oling.html

There are about 2 million home-educated students in the United States. There were an estimated 1.9 to 2.5 million children (in grades K to 12) home educated during 2008-2009 in the United States. It appears the homeschool population is continuing to grow (at an estimated 5% to 12% per annum over the past few years).

Home schooling in the US:

Home schooling in Philippines:
http://en.wikipilipinas.org/index.php?t ... hilippines

Home schooling in TW:

Home schooling in other countries:
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Post by Winston »

I added some new paragraphs to the end of this article. Check out the new version above.
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by globetrotter »

No one is able to do whatever they want whenever they want because they encounter someone else who wants to do whatever THEY want whenever THEY want and a conflict will eventually occur.
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Post by Winston »

globetrotter wrote:No one is able to do whatever they want whenever they want because they encounter someone else who wants to do whatever THEY want whenever THEY want and a conflict will eventually occur.
Yeah of course. But what I'm saying is that true freedom means you can do whatever you want, as long as you don't harm others, FOR THE MOST part, as long as it doesn't conflict with another's plans of course. There are always limits. We are talking about degrees of the day and percentages. If you can't do what you want MOST of the time, you don't really have freedom. If you can, then you do. Simple as that.

Under employment, you cannot do what you want 8 to 10 hours a day. You submit to another's rules, orders and schedule. Society attempts to hide this fact.
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Post by wuxi »

Its ironic the american dream is one of slavery.

When you live in the USA you actually succeed by failing. If you fail with women you get ahead. If fail to get a job working your ass off 12 hours a day you get ahead. If you fail to buy a house you get ahead because you can move at any time. If you fail to like processed food you get ahead because your health improves.

I like George Carlins explaination of the american dream.

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Post by globetrotter »

"...as long as you don't harm others, FOR THE MOST part, as long as it doesn't conflict with another's plans of course. "

The problem with this philosophy in the USA is that I can find people who don't think that it harms others to steal from them, fire them, rip them off, or even do them bodily harm. I can find people who don't think it conflicts with another's plans when one party bends them over the negotiating table and has them in technical default the second they sign the last page of the contract. A few people don't think it harms another person if they kill them.

This is what happens when you base a society on self-esteem.
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Post by ultraviolet »

Great post Winston,
I wish I could say something more insightful to add to this, but you've done such a great job and I agree with every point, that's the best thing I could say. Well done!
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Post by Jackal »

momopi wrote:Don't like the public school system? Home school your kids!
Yeah, but who is it that has time, education, and resources to do that? Answer: the middle class/upper middle class. If you're a single parent or you're in a marriage in the US and you're poor, you're f***ed and your kid is f***ed because you won't have the time to homeschool him/her and you probably won't live in a very good neighborhood, so the public school where your kid will have to go will seriously suck.

Most of these wonderful-sounding choices are only possible for people who are already succeeding. Losing is downward spiral in America. The lower you go, the harder it becomes to get back up and your bloodline will most likely be peasants for generations to come.
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Post by jamesbond »

I heard a survey on the radio that said 90% of Americans HATE their job! I believe it, how many people do you know of like their job? You are slave to your job, they tell you where you will work, the hours you will work, the days you will work and the pay you will make. They OWN you during the time you work for them! It's the master-slave relationship.

Americans get the least amount of time off than any industrialized country in the world! Some European countries (Germany, France and a few others) get 4 to 6 weeks of paid vacation starting with the first year of employment! :D In contrast, 35% of full time employees in America don't get ANY vacation time! WTF? The rest of the full timers in the US get one or two weeks of vacation time starting with the first year of employment.

No wonder being out in the work force is called the "9 to 5 rat race." :shock:
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Post by momopi »

When they run surveys, they ask "are you satisfied with your job", in which less than half replied yes. But they rarely ask "are you happy working 8 to 5", which I think most people would say "no". Also, with Gen Y, the young workers today are less happy with their jobs than Gen X. They have less tolerance to work and stress. Some can't even multitask between 2 phone calls (press the hold button, stupid!).

As far as I can remember, our capitalist system has never glamorized the 8-5 job. We glamorize entrepreneurship and impose unrealistic expectations on business leaders and company performance. Companies are pushed to exceed analyst expectations, and governments are pushed to spend instead of austerity. Somewhere in the sea of Donald Trumps and his stupid TV shows, you'll find a small island populated by people like John Bogle, Taylor Larimore, Mel Lindauer, Michael LeBoeuf, Bill Schultheis, etc.

Recommended reading:

An 8-5 job is for people who seek or need the perceived security, but in reality you're just another entry in the expense side of the column. The truth is that you don't have to work full time to make money. As a matter of fact, IT consultants & contractors often get paid more per hour than their full time counterparts. When I was in my mid 20's, I worked as an IT contractor, and my agency charged the company $40/hr for my services, of which I took $22/hr cut in contract #1, and went up progressively as I completed more contracts. When I took a full time position couple years later, I actually had to take a pay cut.

So what does a full time job give you? When lending and credit is tight, you have to have a full time job of some kind to qualify for mortgages. In late 1990's you had to have a job before the bank would loan you $$, and I wanted to buy a house, so I got a full time job. By 2004-2005, the lending restrictions went out the window and banks were writing loans to dead people and mortgages in pet's names (no doc loans). That was nuts. I knew a guy who flipped couple dozen properties during that period and he was actually unemployed.

Moving forward to 2010, now lending is very tight and, yup, gotta have a full time job. If you're an IT contractor, it's very hard to secure a mortgage. But if you worked as a contractor and saved your $$ wisely, now the RE market is low and you could buy home cheap with cash.
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Post by The_Adventurer »

You can't blame anyone for choosing slavery. People know what they are walking into when they sign up for that 9 to 5. The thing is, everyone is America is also free to form their own company and seek after their own riches in whatever way works for them.

Society is so organized that you cannot have freedom if you are poor and destitute also. You can't do whatever you want if you don't even have coins for a bus or for food. Work, especially that of your own creation, is the solution to this problem. Get rich! That is where you will find true freedom. You control your hours, where you want to live, what you want to do.

Dave Sim, creator of the Cerebus comic series didn't have to work a 9 to 5 for Marvel or DC. He self published, printed his own comics in his own style and in his own way. He built up to selling 30,000 per month of his independent creation and inspired many others to follow. Granted, later in the series nearly 3 decade long run, he began to attack feminism and many of the other problems you talk about in this forum and was ostracized by the comics industry, but that is another story. HE set his own rules and made his own road.

BTW - I am not saying that what you wrote is not true. There are millions of so-called NEETS in Europe and Japan who refuse to work because what you say is absolutely true and it makes life pointless. BUt let's also remember, Winston, that both you and I, and others on this forum, are not caught up in any of that so we are proof that there are ways out.
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Post by ladislav »

The system can be exploitative but one cannot really call it slavery. You do not have a master who owns you. You get paid. You can go to school and get another license so you could get a better job. You can leave the country any time you want and work overseas. There are student loans and grants for those who do not have money. Many loans cover your room and board.
If you have no money you can use credit. Just several months into a job you can apply for a credit card. If you want to leave the country you can use it and then pay it off when you get a job. I lived on credit for years and years. And you can work with your creditors to lower payments, defer, forbear, etc.
If you don't like your boss ( as what happened to me several times and you piss him off or he pisses you off) you can just quit and walk off the job and they are obliged to send you your last paycheck within 72 hours.
Once I had some bad time at work and one day I got fed up, I just faxed my boss a letter of resignation and asked him to throw my stuff away- I did not even want to go to the office to pick it up- that is how pissed off I was. Did they send a posse to get me?
That is not slavery.
With marriage, also, no one is forcing you to get married. You can be in many situations where you can cohabitate, you can have several girlfriends, etc. Especially if you are not doing it in the USA.
A bit off topic- we often read about how Europeans and Aussies live and the benefits they get and then how Denmark is the happiest country in the world, etc. But few of us here can emigrate to those countries easily and enjoy what the citizens there enjoy. Or if we can, it will be a long term project. We have America at our disposal so let's see what we can do with the tools it provides.
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Post by Winston »

Hi all,
I've added many paragraphs to this essay and changed the title too. Here are some of the new paragraphs:

- In truth, the system treats us as economic resources and defines us by our economic functions (e.g. workers, tax payers, consumers, etc.) rather than as human or spiritual beings. In short, we are simply a commodity to the system and groomed as such. And of course, we are programmed to want to thrive as "economic resources", not to complain about it or be critical of it. No freethought, in other words. You are supposed to "love the system".

- If you think about it though, unless you are at the executive level, most jobs are technically positions of slavery, because you are giving over a large portion of your day in servitude to a corporate body, organization or business that is structured in a hierarchical fashion. Technically, that is slavery. There's no way around it. But of course, the system tries to convince you that it's not by getting you to think that YOU are the one that wants it. But even if you don't, you have to anyway cause you need the money to pay your bills. Hence, whether you want it or not, the employment enslavement is "forced" upon you by the system.

- Moreover, the system uses a barrage of methods to keep us in an internal state of fear and insecurity that causes us to crave structure and routine, due to our psychological insecurities, which enslavement to the system provides of course. Thus we are raised to want to be "tied down" to something (e.g. a job, house, marriage, single geographic location) on a long term basis. This is why most people do not seek adventure, new experiences or true freedom of expression, and only a minority do.

One major outlet that the system uses to keep us in this internal state is the media of course, which constantly feeds us stories of terror, tragedy and crises. Their excuse is that "bad news sells" but that is just a cover. You are never told the real reason for the rampant fearmongering. Society also convinces you that being in a state of fear and paranoia is good for your protection. But in reality, the majority of our fears are baseless, unfounded or greatly exaggerated. (e.g. terrorists everywhere, psycho killers everywhere, swine flu scares, etc.)

Another major method the system uses is the other people around us, who are trained to keep us in line and in a state of conformity. This is effective because given a choice between the truth vs. conformity to the group, most will choose the latter even if it means parroting a lie they know to be untrue. And of course, our internal state of fear and weakness make it much more likely that we will conform as well. Thus, each of these controls are designed to reinforce each other.

Conformity is the fallacious belief that the views of the majority must always be right and the minority or dissenters always wrong. Therefore, it assumes one should adopt the beliefs of the majority in order to be "right". It is a mindless characteristic that most adopt and are conditioned to live by. However, many of the greatest thinkers, writers and intellectuals of the world have seen through the madness of such a belief. See here for a list of their quotations about it: viewtopic.php?t=8765

Additionally, society is set up with all sorts of stress, anxiety and worry to keep you in a constant state of "survival mode", which reinforces your fear state. And of course, money itself, which enslaves the world for obvious reasons and is totally artificial, is the lifeblood of the global enslavement system. There is no question that we are all slaves to money. But as conspiracy lecturer Alex Collier asks in his lectures, "Why do I have to 'pay' to be in a world I was born into?"

David Icke, a popular conspiracy researcher and author, came to the same conclusion. In his book "Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More" he writes "the truth - that the world is a global enslavement machine and reality suppressor".

Though there are variations, essentially most people only have two choices - either become a robot... or a bum. Not very inspiring. To find alternatives requires innovation and thinking outside the box, but most cannot cause the system doesn't teach you to think for yourself.

Most people believe what they are told, and they are not told that the world is an enslavement system. Instead they are told that they were born to work, which is a virtue, and that if they study hard and work hard, they will make a lot of money and have a good life. But in reality, they end up slaving away their whole lives for money with some "pie in the sky" dream in their heads with little or no time to enjoy any "good life". They never live fully or experience any true freedom or discover themselves. Instead they live in fear, worry and pressure their whole lives just to keep up an illusory facade under the programming of the system. In the end, it falls flat and they wonder what went wrong after they've lost most of their precious life years serving the system. By the time they realize it, it's too late. Such is the sad scam the system puts on you.

Now I am not trying to be negative here. The system is what it is. And no amount of white washing or word plays will change the core nature of it.

- Be glad though, that just by realizing the reality of all this, you've already taken the first step out of the matrix programming toward the liberation of your own mind, which is the beginning of true freedom. So, even if you have to remain a physical slave, at least your mind is free.
Last edited by Winston on October 23rd, 2010, 5:46 am, edited 4 times in total.
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