Were any of you traumatized by high school and carry baggage from it?

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Re: Were any of you traumatized by American high school?

Post by Adama »

Yohan wrote:
Winston wrote:..... the teachers in high school treat you like a memorization machine and force you to memorize useless data against your will, and the tests punish you with bad grades
It is not only in USA like that. In Europe it is about the same and very biased teachers too.

Girls get the better scores, even in case their performance is worse than that of the boys. Children from poor families are treated worse than children from rich families. This is especially true in smaller cities. In Central Europe there is still obligatory religious instructions some hours per week, useless languages like Latin etc. etc. and last not least after High School unpaid military services, of course for boys only.

I was happy when I had all behind me.

Girls in High School were a nightmare too, they learnt it from their mothers - no friendly at all, highly materialistic, borrowing money from the boys of course without any intention to pay it ever back, looking for not so young men who can easier fulfill their wishes as school time and military time was already over for them and they had a regular job, many girls also violent, into nightlife and often into sex with multiple boyfriends. All of course totally legal, as age of consent in my native country is 14.

As a young man in Central Europe, if your parents don't support you, you are really poor off. I was happy when I was of full age - at that time it was 21 and not 18. - I left Europe and I will never go back to Europe, even not as a very old man to visit the place from where I come from - too many bad reminders of my youth.
Their religion is mostly false. They are pretenders, just going through the motions. They don't love God. Anyone who routinely commits deep works of evil hates God. That's how you know their religiosity was fake. They worship themselves, not God. That's the only way you can do anything you want without conscience.

Also, you should be thankful, without regret, that those teenage women weren't into you. You would not want such evil doers for your girlfriend or wife. Because if they require money in order to be your wife, you know they don't want you but instead they just want the money, which means in the end they will do anything to separate you from your money, including destroying you.

I always said rejection is a hidden blessing. If a pig rejects you for not being a pig, then that is a good thing, if you are a sheep or a goat.

Not all women are pigs or female dogs, but the majority of them probably are (likewise for men unfortunately but that's another story).

I used to whine over the evil women who didn't want me years back. Recently I woke up and realized that if they had such evil requirements for men, it must mean they only had evil intentions and were only capable of committing evil.

The good thing, Yohan, is that these evil women are right out in the open exposing themselves. They want us to accept their evil as normal. Or they want us to believe that their evil is normal. It may be normal, but that still doesn't make it right. And since they don't bother to hide themselves or their evil greed, we can easily avoid them. They're openly telling us what they are. It is just that most men aren't listening.

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Re: Were any of you traumatized by American high school?

Post by Adama »

International Gringo wrote:I came from an old school family where respect was to be given and should be returned as well. Unfortunately, going to a public High School in suburban Southern California this ideology didnt serve too well. High School is a mecca (especially in Southern California) of narcissism, egos, social clicks and bullies. It is a place where its a "survival of the fittest". Everyone is striving for popularity and attention. Most will try to get these two things by any ways necessary (mostly through seeing their peers as enemies/obstacles and will put down others to show superiority). Unfortunately, the bigger asshole you are the more fun High School is.

I really had no idea how dysfunctional High School could be until I started teaching in the inner cities of LA (SouthCentral, Watts and Compton). There many kids suffer from PTSD because it is strictly about survival. Robberies, beatdowns and shootings are all part of the everyday lives for inner city students. Many kids even brought guns and knives for protection. Its no wonder we lead the world in High School shooting rampages (Colombuine/Sandy Hook). A good part of our high school environment is in complete chaos (most likely from the mainstream media who keeps conditioning us to be narcissistic and violent).

However, there is some good news. It turns out that the cool kids in High School dont do as well in post High School life compared to the uncool kids. All these things that made kids popular in high school (bullying, being defiant, drinking, drugs, egos, gossiping) began to lose appeal amongst their peers after the age of 22. Once their peers dont see them as popular anymore these individuals will undergo more extreme behavior such as drinking more, doing more drugs or committing crimes in an attempt to relinquish their old glory days of popularity thus leading them into drug/alcohol addiction and criminal lifestyles.

I know of three personal stories where this is true. One man i knew was voted Prom King for his high school back in 92. He went on to get married (had a big wedding) but worked minimal salary jobs since he had no college degree. Within a year he got divorced and started turning to the liquor bottle pretty heavily. Last I heard he was unable to keep a job, moved out to Oregon to live with his parents (as a 40 year old man) and was seeking treatment for his alcohol addiction.
Another was a kid I went to High School with who was very popular with the girls and always partied (heavily into alcohol and drugs). Last I heard he was doing 5-10 years in a state penitentiary for robbing a bank.
The last kid I know of was a guy who gave me a rough time in school. He had a reputation as a school bully who would talk shit to everyone and was emotionally unstable (always throwing tantrums). I just read an article online about him saying that he almost died from a cocaine overdose and that he has had a alcohol and drug problem since he was the age of 14 (I guess that described his emotionally unstable behavior in High School). The sad thing about all this is that this is the behavior that is respected and adored in many American High Schools across the nation and it will get you laid by American women (as crazy as it sounds)and make you popular.

Below is a link to the article
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/ ... peers.html

You hit the nail on the head when you wrote narcissism. If you're a psychopath, you're more likely to be a criminal. If you're a bully, you're probably also a sociopath. And you can even look up statistics that show the correlation. Even the psychopaths who run psychiatry admit that many criminals are narcissists/sociopaths/psychopaths. In Biblical terms, they're called reprobates. The irredeemable.
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Re: Were any of you traumatized by American high school?

Post by Adama »

Temprano26 wrote:Yes I was and I was even more sad to discover that a lot of people have not emotionally graduated from high school. They still hang out with their high school cliques and refuse to meet other people. They talk about people behind their backs and converse about nothing of substance.

Those of us who struggled in high school grow up more down to earth.
Slanderers and backbiters. Those who commit these sins are worthy of death, as per Romans 1:28. You see these sociopaths form their own cliques. You should be happy to be excluded. They're so busy trying to destroy other people's souls with disrespectful speech and slander. God says He will cut off people who slander others behind their backs. This is reprobate activity.

That's why I don't even get upset anymore. These people are already done. If they're so busy bullying and harassing innocent people, it means they've already destroyed their own souls. Of course they want to devour your soul and everything else around them. They are ravening wolves, hunting unsuspecting sheep to prey on.
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Re: Were any of you traumatized by American high school?

Post by Kradmelder »

yick wrote:I think in my case - I lived in a very working class area and it was assumed that once we had left, we were done with education - if I had told my teachers that one day I would attend university and have a masters degree - they would have laughed in my face. To them - I was factory fodder, barely able to read and write and do simple reptitive tasks - job done as far as they were concerned - and I resented them immensely for it - they told me I was stupid and would amount to nothing on a constant basis and I knew that wasn't true - the one person - in fact the only person - who ever said that I wasn't stupid and that I was actually smart, was my dad.

Actually, we were took on a school tour (in the guise of 'careers advice') to an abbatoir near my house and the main guy showed us his stun gun and he goes 'we have a lot of fun with this bad boy during overtime' :lol: and we were all thinking 'The good times are coming...'

As for bullying, I was a mixed race kid in a working class, all white area so there were some nasty names being bandied about towards my direction but I could fight a bit and put a couple of kids in hospital with my bare hands - so no-one fancied their chances enough to take my lunch money or shove my head down a toilet - that never happened. What did happen was my non compliance towards the system which came around the age of 12, I had enough and was marking time until I left - the only subject I did partake in was history and I got 'A's' and was top set for that subject. Every other subject I was in bottom set, the remedial set. I was brought up to be polite and respectful to my elders so I didn't go around being a gobshite to the teachers, but on the other hand, I just stopped trying and and stopped listening to them.

I became a university freshman at the age of 31.

As for Winston and his 'holocaust' and his 'non-conformity' all I can say is - as a teenage non-conformist - the education system punishes you to an extent where, when you leave, your options are nil - Winston went to a good university at 18, so in his case, someone must have said at his school 'Winston, you are a smart kid, you can go to university' and he did the required work to make that a reality, no offence to Winston and his experiences but that is conforming to some degree - I wish I f***ing had that at my school - I was told I was going to sweep the streets and be a bum - I bet no-one said that to him at his school. He went to university at 18 and to a good university - when he talks about 'the holocaust' he talks about not getting laid - now that might have been traumatic, I don't know, because I didn't sexually awaken until I was around 18.

As for South Africa - it must have been different where you (white South Africans) are the future leaders of the country and even the dumbest white kid had opportunities to advance through the civil service, you had a million 'kaffirs' to work in the factories and down the mines, whereas - we were the 'kaffirs' (albeit mostly white) no-one touted us as 'future leaders' or managers or people who were going to lead - and if I had been born in the UK 20 years before - I would never had gone to university because that opportunity would not have been there.
Yick, those nasty names bandied about, where they racial slurs? Can you please share so I can expand my vocabulary of English words :lol:

Did you not have the old British school system that we still have? Uniforms and regulation hair? Discipline and formal address to teachers?

We have schools and schools. In white working class areas there are technical schools to produce working class appies for trades. Upper middle class area schools they prepared kids for university. A levels O levels. Then there are private schools for higher grade pass. Some of these are British old boy types; school tie etc. My son is now in one because darkies have wrecked government schools.

You had to go to the school in your catchment area, of which you could choose the English or afrikaans one. That means where you bought a home was very important and property prices were higher where there was a good school. Those schools also had a higher levy to pay for better teachers, which parents paid. That has fallen away now that they bus in darkies to collapse white schools. None of these pay so the schools finances crumble. Now kids in catchment area only get preference to get in but a quota system applies. Of course the so called non racist darkies make this quota by race.

In the white schools some bullying existed but with teachers in the school yards, the discipline and corporal punishment it never could go far. There was also that prefect, upperclassmen thing where the older boys would monitor the young ones. It still exists as my son was head boy in his standard 5 (grade 7) final year at primary school. He was the biggest kid in the class and no way would he stand by if other kids were bullying someone. There are all this checks and measures to limit it.

The education system is now collapsing though.
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Re: Were any of you traumatized by American high school?

Post by yick »

You are right to highlight the similarities between the British and South African education systems and there are similarities... of course, but these similarities are very superficial, school uniforms, addressing teachers as 'sir' or 'miss', the house systems, sports etc. What differs of course is that under apartheid where every white man was an asset - he was educated as such, to lead, even if it was only a load of 'kaffirs' down a mine, even the dumbest, most useless white South African could have found and worked towards a mid-management position on the railways or the post office. And there was always room for one more white guy in the police.

In my country, we were the 'kaffirs' no-one was expecting us to lead a load of black people down a coal mine (in our case) we were the ones who were actually going to mine the coal out, be in the production line in the glass factories, the cotton mills, fight Britains wars around the globe and in Northern Ireland. That is the integral difference - the British economy needed lots of manpower to dig out the coal, they didn't need millions of blacks when they had millions of blacks with white skin already living there.

The white, British, working classes have a lot in common with black, working class South Africans - they like soccer, they love fish and chips, they work down the mines and the factories - you say it yourself when you lament the 'white kaffirs' in England, and you know what, a lot of the 'white kaffirs' that live in places like Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Birmingham, Glasgow, Belfast etc probably have more in common with someone in Soweto than they do with yourself - an American might call these people 'trailer trash' and this might be the case, but skin colour has very little to bind you to them... you know this yourself, you have met enough of them in your travels.

Whilst at school, I saw the demise of British heavy industry and the coal industry, the British education system at the time was to make school so unpleasant - that you were ready to jump into work at 16 - you had your fill of 'education' and were ready to mine the coal out of the ground for the rest of your days. The last thing anyone wanted you to do was acquire a taste for education and learning and to 'stay on' very few people stayed on.

How did they do this? Make the lessons as unpleasant and as boring as possible, let bullying go on, let the teachers take supreme liberties over the people they were meant to be teaching, instill into their charges that they were thick, stupid and useless and they will never be anything and it worked for most of them - never worked on me - I knew I was smart, there was no chance of any teacher who had never left my hometown and knew f**k all telling my 13 year old self I was thick, I would just shrugged my shoulders went home and would read academic texts borrowed from the library about life in the Soviet Union/China/South Africa. :twisted:
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Re: Were any of you traumatized by American high school?

Post by Kradmelder »

yick wrote:

The white, British, working classes have a lot in common with black, working class South Africans - they like soccer, they love fish and chips, they work down the mines and the factories - you say it yourself when you lament the 'white kaffirs' in England, and you know what, a lot of the 'white kaffirs' that live in places like Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Birmingham, Glasgow, Belfast etc probably have more in common with someone in Soweto than they do with yourself - an American might call these people 'trailer trash' and this might be the case, but skin colour has very little to bind you to them... you know this yourself, you have met enough of them in your travels.

You mean the chavs. They actually educate people to become chavs? :lol: You would think the UK had enough of those without creating more :lol:

With industry dead as a doornail in the UK, all they are doing now is educating a welfare class, going from school to a council estate, and funneling tax payersmoney to chinese made flat screens, beer, McDonalds, Burberry clothing, oversize Nike tracksuit trousers and takkies. Did I forget any parts of chaviness, oh yes fake gold jewelry.

You are right about that, they are like white kaffirs, having little in common with white people here. But they seem more american niggers than black south africans. Darkies here eat pap, not fish and chips :lol: Fish and chips is for coloureds :lol: Real feral trash that likes to bully anything they see as a soft target with no respect for anything. Like niggers. It seems to be largely a british thing, and not even american trailer trash is as bad.

Too bad you can't dump them in Australia anymore :lol: Australia is like a case study of what happens when you take the lowest classes of british society, dump them on an island and let them interbreed :lol:
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Re: Were any of you traumatized by American high school?

Post by yick »

Kradmelder wrote:
yick wrote:

The white, British, working classes have a lot in common with black, working class South Africans - they like soccer, they love fish and chips, they work down the mines and the factories - you say it yourself when you lament the 'white kaffirs' in England, and you know what, a lot of the 'white kaffirs' that live in places like Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, Birmingham, Glasgow, Belfast etc probably have more in common with someone in Soweto than they do with yourself - an American might call these people 'trailer trash' and this might be the case, but skin colour has very little to bind you to them... you know this yourself, you have met enough of them in your travels.

You mean the chavs. They actually educate people to become chavs? :lol: You would think the UK had enough of those without creating more :lol:

With industry dead as a doornail in the UK, all they are doing now is educating a welfare class, going from school to a council estate, and funneling tax payersmoney to chinese made flat screens, beer, McDonalds, Burberry clothing, oversize Nike tracksuit trousers and takkies. Did I forget any parts of chaviness, oh yes fake gold jewelry.

You are right about that, they are like white kaffirs, having little in common with white people here. But they seem more american niggers than black south africans. Darkies here eat pap, not fish and chips :lol: Fish and chips is for coloureds :lol: Real feral trash that likes to bully anything they see as a soft target with no respect for anything. Like niggers. It seems to be largely a british thing, and not even american trailer trash is as bad.

Too bad you can't dump them in Australia anymore :lol: Australia is like a case study of what happens when you take the lowest classes of british society, dump them on an island and let them interbreed :lol:

The thing about the British working classes is that it was they that won Britain an empire - some wimp from Surrey was never going to fight and scare the Pashtun, the Ashanti, The Maori off and take their land, it was going to be hardcases from places like Liverpool, Glasgow, Birmingham and such places - would the Boer War would have been won if some guy living in a cottage in Suffolk was sent out - no! What was needed were hard case Irish and Welsh people - these are the kind of people needed to fight fierce foes - these were the kind of people who would go down mines, sail the seven seas, work six days a week in cotton mills and steelworks, farm inhospitable lands in every corner of the globe.

But the world has changed, and we have millions of dispensable white trash - these people are not needed anymore, which is why the 'war on drugs' will never be won - because it is good at getting rid of a lot of them, they are violent, psychotic and thick - good attributes when it came to sending them over the top against Jerry - they weren't going to go to their commanding officers 'I'm not doing this, f**k off' they instead thought 'They're foreign, let's do 'em'.

But these days there is no enemy, they certainly have nothing in common with yourself and probably little in common with a lot of American blue collar workers. They are a people without a role in todays society and there isn't a role cut out for them - but the surplus is still there.

'White Trash' in the UK are as deviant, violent, lazy, thuggish and as stupid as any of the worst black South Africans.

http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/ ... ys-9949647

Do you think this guy is any better than one of your tsotsis because of his skin colour? He is a nasty deviant who shoud be exterminated at the first opportunity. Skin colour might have something to do with it in South Africa but it usually has nothing to do with it in the UK - as you know...

Australia? A loaded AK-47 would be of more benefit. :twisted:
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Re: Were any of you traumatized by American high school?

Post by Kradmelder »

Yick, I dont think you can lump all the brit working class like that. Lots of them came to SA and Rhodesia, plumbers, electricians, tool and dye makers etc etc. They were a decent and hard working lot. They came for a better life than a working class person can have in the UK. Like instead of a row house, a nice home etc, They all did their National Service for their new country. I still see some around, old now, still talk like poms, go to their local etc. Some of them coonpomp :shock: . One local pub I used to go to, one of them, older and fat, had a young black wife. When he came alone he came inside. When he had the darkie wit him he sat outside and made no scene. He knew it is not accepted here. Some of the poms would even come when there were celebrations for Adolf's birthday and former Hitler Youth would sing :lol:

There is a big difference between those working class poms and chavs.
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Re: Were any of you traumatized by American high school?

Post by Jeremy »

I still suffer PTSD-like symptoms from my high school experience. Not due to bullying or social ostracicism, but due to the extreme sexual frustration. At my hormonal peak and surrounded by prime estrogenic females in yoga pants. Hot girls walking up stairs with their thongs showing. Sweaty 15 year old quiff just inches away from my face.

And yet you're expected to "buckle down" and focus on academics. Give me a break. Maybe if you're a eunuch.
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Re: Were any of you traumatized by American high school?

Post by Kradmelder »

Jeremy wrote:I still suffer PTSD-like symptoms from my high school experience. Not due to bullying or social ostracicism, but due to the extreme sexual frustration. At my hormonal peak and surrounded by prime estrogenic females in yoga pants. Hot girls walking up stairs with their thongs showing. Sweaty 15 year old quiff just inches away from my face.

And yet you're expected to "buckle down" and focus on academics. Give me a break. Maybe if you're a eunuch.
Thankfully we don't have that. At school girls wear uniform. No make up, no jewellery, no hair colouring or altering allowed. Even now at varsity, for girls no shorts allowed.

Since most jews have emigrated, the root source of constant attacks on christian morality has subsided and no one really complains about these policies.

Recently darkies have been complaining about the hair policy as they say straightened hair and jungle vines are their culture and the policy is racist. I guess they dont want to look like little monkeys with a bush on their head. Or like a toilet brush. Typical of darkies. They go to white schools then complain about white rules, white discipline, white languages, and want an afrocentric education instead.
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Re: Were any of you traumatized by high school and have baggage from it?

Post by Winston »

Did any of you have fun in high school? Or am I the only one who didn't?

Did you guys at least have friends to hang with at lunch? Did you do fun things together? Like drive around and tipee houses, and pick up girls, etc? Did you go to parties and school dances? Did you drive around all night and cruise the town like shown in the movie "American Graffiti"? Did you get to experience that magical first kiss with the girl you had a crush on, and then fireworks went off in your head? lol.

Did you get to have those summers of fun or summers of love where you and your friends, or girlfriend, got to go to the beach or lake, and lay out in the sun, and make love at night, etc? Like in the movie "The Notebook"? lol. Were your friends from school available to do stuff with you during the summer and hang out? Am I the only one that stayed home and did nothing and was abandoned?

High school look so fun on TV and in the movies, but I never got to experience that. I didn't even know how to act or be cool or fit in. It made no sense to me. All I understood was the logical characters I saw on Star Trek on TV. But in real life, nothing made any sense. No one liked you for you. In an ideal world, if you are a nice good guy, everyone should like you or love you, but my world was never like that after 1980 when I left Palo Alto where my childhood was like Disney movies and Romper Room and Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street. lol

It was a no win situation. I was checkmated from every corner and was never in the game and never given a chance, and had no confidence or self-esteem to do anything about it either, because those things were shot to hell.

And the universe taunts me and teases me about it, even to this day, by always showing me movies and TV shows where everyone is having fun in high school, except me.
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Re: Were any of you traumatized by American high school?

Post by Winston »

WorldTraveler wrote:
March 26th, 2015, 2:47 pm
So Winston, do you still consider yourself a misfit? So do you believe no woman will want you? Please explain.
No I don't. I consider myself a normal person who is sane and rational and honest and intellectual and a truth seeker. That may make me a misfit in some groups or cultures or societies. But if so then THEY are defining me as a misfit, not me. So I am aware that others could see me as a misfit. And technically if I don't agree with a culture I'm in or am different with others around me, then I would be a misfit in it. But I do not choose to be a misfit just for the sake of being a rebel or contrarian. I am not a "rebel without a cause" so to speak.

As to women, I don't know. It doesn't seem that normal decent women want me. Only gold diggers and users and scammers and leeches seem to want me or give me attention. That's not something I want or choose. It's just something I experience. It has nothing to do with my belief. Of course I believe I'm worthy of love, if I didn't, I wouldn't seek it. It's just what I experience.
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Re: Were any of you traumatized by American high school?

Post by Winston »

HouseMD wrote:
December 18th, 2014, 6:28 am
High school sucked, but I later talked to a lot of my former classmates and it turns out a lot of them liked me, but I was quiet and shy and that made them think I was a brooding asshole that hated everyone. If I knew what I know now, high school could have been a much better experience. And it turns out that there were girls that were into me, I was just too shy to pursue them and too down on myself to recognize that anyone could like me.
I had that experience too, mostly in elementary school and junior high. There were some girls that liked me and had a crush on me, and I liked them too. But I had no idea what to do about it and was frozen with fear when they were around. And they had no idea what to do either, except tease me.

What sucks is that girls only like you when you can't do anything about it or are afraid to. But once you're an adult, and brave enough to ask a girl out that likes you and you like, it's too late because by then, everyone is antisocial and only works and is taken and doesn't talk to strangers and doesn't try to meet people or get dates anymore. By then the dating scene is closed off, even though you're all set and ready for it.

This is just another of many examples of Murphy's Law, demonstrating that the universe likes to make life more difficult and complicated than it should be. I'll bet that if I got married now to the wrong woman and started a family, that my perfect soulmate that I've waited all my life for, would suddenly show up, but we'd both be sad I was already taken and couldn't do anything about it any longer. That's how the universe works. Seen it time and time again. Can't be coincidence if this stuff always happens in a consistent pattern.
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Re: Were any of you traumatized by high school and have baggage from it?

Post by Teh Amasin Spoderman »

I'd prefer my days in elementary school and middle school to the shit I had to deal with in high school. I attended elementary and middle school in smaller schools that only served a specific neighborhood, then I went to high school that served the whole town. Basically, kids who had a desire to learn were mixed with kids who want to act up and f**k around. High school classes were mostly teachers telling the usual ghetto trash to calm down or breaking up fights instead of lessons, and almost everyone's grades tanked.

I averaged 80%-100% in elementary and middle, it was a miracle if I at least got 75% in high school. Thankfully, I wasn't held back but I suffered numerous headaches.
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Re: Were any of you traumatized by American high school?

Post by Winston »

jamesbond wrote:
March 28th, 2015, 3:44 pm
Winston wrote:Oh why did I have to be a misfit?! Why do I have to be one of the HA losers and misfits?"
Winston think of all the fun places you have visited throughout the world. How many of your former high school classmates have ever done the things you have? Your life is much more interesting than any of your former classmates.

Winston, would you ever go back to your high school reunion? You would have a lot to brag about with all the countries you have been to.
I was gonna attend my high school reunion back in 2001 when they had a 10th anniversary reunion. I was 28 and looking good. So maybe I would have met some girls from school that were still single and went out with them. Oh well. We will never know. But I was in Reno at the time and doing acting work and too happy to face my old classmates from school. So I chickened out and made excuses not to go, such as "It's too far of a drive, the entrance fee is too expensive, I have to work, maybe no one there will even talk to me, it may bring up bad memories" etc. I should have gone though. If the people there were friendly and warm to me and apologized to me, that might have helped heal some past pain. However, two years ago I did get in touch with some people from high school over Facebook, and they did apologize for bullying me and teasing me, which was nice.

I guess I missed the 20 year reunion too, since I was in Asia at the time. I don't know if any more will come up. Do these things happen every 5 years or every 10 years?

Have any of you ever gone to your high school reunion? If so what was that like? I wonder what percentage of people actually go to those things.
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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