I struggle with contradictions of Christianity

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I struggle with contradictions of Christianity

Post by livefreeordie »

1. The so called 'pagans' or unbelievers historically and to this day, live in far more harmony than nature, which according to the bible is gods creations. Aren't Christians supposed to be moving towards the garden of Eden, not away from it?

2. Dont the 10 commandments say don't worship any idols before me? So whats with all this Jesus worship? How can you prove that this man called Jesus existed and was the son of god, when a simple exercise of Chinese whispers with more than 5 people doesn't work to pass on info accurately?

3. Where is all the wealth the Vatican accumulated since the dark ages, and why are they hoarding it? Surely if hell is real those bastards would be very very scared to go there, as I would be if i committed the Spanish inquisitions and to this day hoarded the greatest load of wealth and knowledge

4. How do i know that all the miracles and works which i think have merit, aren't just because of the masses of faithful who direct their beliefs onto the energy of our experience? Even quantum physics confirms that our perception is creating reality, have you considered its our own power not necessarily Jesus?

5. Why should you love your enemy, when he is literally going to kill you, as many globalists have done, and are actually doing? Have you considered you are being brainwashed into being a pacifist obedient slave and that the real hell will come to you when you don't protect your loved ones and communities from those who revel on domination over others?

6. Council of Nicea, council of Trent, and thats just what we are told, how can you put so much blind faith into something without questioning it?

Id appreciate some responses to these

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Re: I struggle with contradictions of Christianity

Post by Tsar »

livefreeordie wrote:1. The so called 'pagans' or unbelievers historically and to this day, live in far more harmony than nature, which according to the bible is gods creations. Aren't Christians supposed to be moving towards the garden of Eden, not away from it?

2. Dont the 10 commandments say don't worship any idols before me? So whats with all this Jesus worship? How can you prove that this man called Jesus existed and was the son of god, when a simple exercise of Chinese whispers with more than 5 people doesn't work to pass on info accurately?

3. Where is all the wealth the Vatican accumulated since the dark ages, and why are they hoarding it? Surely if hell is real those bastards would be very very scared to go there, as I would be if i committed the Spanish inquisitions and to this day hoarded the greatest load of wealth and knowledge

4. How do i know that all the miracles and works which i think have merit, aren't just because of the masses of faithful who direct their beliefs onto the energy of our experience? Even quantum physics confirms that our perception is creating reality, have you considered its our own power not necessarily Jesus?

5. Why should you love your enemy, when he is literally going to kill you, as many globalists have done, and are actually doing? Have you considered you are being brainwashed into being a pacifist obedient slave and that the real hell will come to you when you don't protect your loved ones and communities from those who revel on domination over others?

6. Council of Nicea, council of Trent, and thats just what we are told, how can you put so much blind faith into something without questioning it?

Id appreciate some responses to these
I think you should also add:

7. Why would Christianity consider Jews the "Chosen People" which no other religion had a "Chosen People." Other religions' dieties might have had a "Chosen City" dedicated to them but not an actual Chosen People. Most Pagan religions would also be easily relate to each other because their gods and goddesses were similar or parallel to other pagan religions. Wars with pagans were never about religion, they were about wealth, power, or territory.

8. Only since Judaism (and especially its offshoots, Christianity and Islam) have there been massive amounts of wars in the name of religion (a veil for pilfering wealth, resources, and enhancing the power)

9. Most modern day Christians (especially many North American Catholics and Protestants) exalt the Jews/Israelis as the Chosen People of God and ignore their own plight. After all, if the Bible says it then it must be the "truth." Do you believe that any true God (creator of the world and cosmos) would chose a single race of people on Earth, and allow them to exploit all the others and spread immorality across the planet (sexual deviancy, debauchery, pornography, fornication, homosexuality, usury, etc etc etc)

10. Why is it that pagans were massacred and their shrines, holy sites, and traditions wiped out? Many pagans valued virginity and virgin brides just the same as the Major Three Abrahamic religions. Was it about control and destroying the Pagans because they would not easily be controlled by the Israelis/Zionists.

11. Many other religions had several possibilities for an afterlife. Christianity and Islam only have two (heaven and hell) while Judaism doesn't believe in a Hell.

-Infiltrate a country by taking over it's government, it's media, it's court and legal system, it's financial and banking system, corrupting it's monetary system, corrupting its females first and then the rest of society with it, and infiltrating it's religious system (or destroying/abolishing it's religion like they did in the Russian Empire and pre-Communist China).

In the ancient times it was easier to infiltrate a religious system compared to doing any the other aspects of control. Then once they got control of the religious system then it would be easier to influence or control a government. Although the Zionists did not have much influence because the early Christians blamed them for killing Jesus and just as many Jews died as Muslims in some of the Crusades to retake the "Holy Land."
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Re: I struggle with contradictions of Christianity

Post by Winston »

Great questions. I had a much deeper struggle with my Christian faith though, during my teens. It was a slow recovery after i deconverted from it. I posted my story online. Many people have found my story moving and touching, including Christians.

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Re: I struggle with contradictions of Christianity

Post by Winston »

livefreeordie wrote:1. The so called 'pagans' or unbelievers historically and to this day, live in far more harmony than nature, which according to the bible is gods creations. Aren't Christians supposed to be moving towards the garden of Eden, not away from it?

2. Dont the 10 commandments say don't worship any idols before me? So whats with all this Jesus worship? How can you prove that this man called Jesus existed and was the son of god, when a simple exercise of Chinese whispers with more than 5 people doesn't work to pass on info accurately?

3. Where is all the wealth the Vatican accumulated since the dark ages, and why are they hoarding it? Surely if hell is real those bastards would be very very scared to go there, as I would be if i committed the Spanish inquisitions and to this day hoarded the greatest load of wealth and knowledge

4. How do i know that all the miracles and works which i think have merit, aren't just because of the masses of faithful who direct their beliefs onto the energy of our experience? Even quantum physics confirms that our perception is creating reality, have you considered its our own power not necessarily Jesus?

5. Why should you love your enemy, when he is literally going to kill you, as many globalists have done, and are actually doing? Have you considered you are being brainwashed into being a pacifist obedient slave and that the real hell will come to you when you don't protect your loved ones and communities from those who revel on domination over others?

6. Council of Nicea, council of Trent, and thats just what we are told, how can you put so much blind faith into something without questioning it?

Id appreciate some responses to these
In response to your questions above:

1. Well Christians aren't anti-nature. In face, they say that nature is a beautiful reflection of God's creation and you should revere it as such. But they do use the Bible to justify cruelty to animals and meat eating, citing verses about how man was given dominion over animals, so they can do whatever they want with them. So red necks and hunters will use the Bible to justify hunting or eating meat.

2. Yeah the early Christians had a problem. They wanted to worship Jesus as God but they weren't supposed to have more than one God. So at the Council of Nicea, set up by Emperor Constantine, they decided to make the Trinity doctrine official, which says that God the Father, the Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit were all part of God. They are all manifestations of God and so are God himself and can be worshipped as God. That settled a long dispute in the church.

3. The Catholic Priests and Jesuits believed they were doing God's work, so they believed they would be rewarded for it. They saw the money they collected as their earthly reward. Come on. What do you expect? Human nature is greedy. What happened to the money they collected in the last 1500 years? Who knows. It's probably in their bank accounts and in the pockets of those they have to pay off too. Why do you care? It's not supposed to be any of your business. Also, I've seen Catholic nuns in fancy restaurants, so they do not live such austere lives. The Catholic Church was corrupted long ago, that's why Martin Luther broke away and set up the Protestant Reformation in the 1500's, so the story goes.

4. That could be. But then why do miracles only happen to some but not others? See the recent film "Miracles From Heaven". http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4257926/ It deals with this issue. Ultimately no one has the answer. It would seem that the gods are not fair or unbiased. They play favorites, just like humans do. If you stop expecting God to be perfect, as Adama and his kind expect you to believe, then a lot of things start making a lot more sense. When you are dealing with the unseen, there are many possible explanations.

5. Well that depends on which verse of the Bible you are referring to. Some verses say to love your enemy. But others say to fight and be strong. Remember that Jesus at the temple threw out the money changers and overturned tables. He took action to correct a wrong he saw. The Bible is not a monolithic book. It contains 66 books and many writers and verses which say different things. Some verses are pro-war too. And others pro-slavery. It could be that Jesus originally said to turn the other cheek, but other Bible writers added more teachings. It all depends on context.

6. You mean faith in the Council of Nicea? Well you are supposed to have faith that God guided the early Church fathers to select the right books for the Bible. It's circular logic I know. But what do you expect? Every religion has to justify and protect itself somehow, and often by circular logic. We all defend what we believe in. So why wouldn't Christian churches?

Btw, here are my lists of Christian imponderables that goes deeper than your questions. See both pages.

http://www.debunkingskeptics.com/Debunk ... Page23.htm
http://www.debunkingskeptics.com/Debunk ... Page32.htm
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Re: I struggle with contradictions of Christianity

Post by Adama »

4. That could be. But then why do miracles only happen to some but not others? See the recent film "Miracles From Heaven". http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4257926/ It deals with this issue. Ultimately no one has the answer. It would seem that the gods are not fair or unbiased. They play favorites, just like humans do. If you stop expecting God to be perfect, as Adama and his kind expect you to believe, then a lot of things start making a lot more sense. When you are dealing with the unseen, there are many possible explanations.
That's pretty sad that you don't believe God is good. That's what you really mean by perfect. You are saying that He isn't good. Is this a proper conclusion? I think so. Man, I feel sorry for you guys who can't believe. You've rejected the Lord. Who is it that has rejected God, if not the man who can't even believe that God is good and perfect? That's up there with those reprobates who are mad God killed the first born Egyptians. I don't know if this is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, but when I think about it, how could it not be, cause it's practically the same. Only a fool confuses God for Satan.
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Re: I struggle with contradictions of Christianity

Post by Adama »

1. The so called 'pagans' or unbelievers historically and to this day, live in far more harmony than nature, which according to the bible is gods creations. Aren't Christians supposed to be moving towards the garden of Eden, not away from it?

That's like equating Christians with scientists. That's like, whatever.

2. Dont the 10 commandments say don't worship any idols before me? So whats with all this Jesus worship? How can you prove that this man called Jesus existed and was the son of god, when a simple exercise of Chinese whispers with more than 5 people doesn't work to pass on info accurately?

Jesus is God. There is no contradiction there.

3. Where is all the wealth the Vatican accumulated since the dark ages, and why are they hoarding it? Surely if hell is real those bastards would be very very scared to go there, as I would be if i committed the Spanish inquisitions and to this day hoarded the greatest load of wealth and knowledge

The Vatican and the Catholic church are Satanic idolaters and are not of God. Listen to the Pope, he hates God and Jesus and denies them both, saying belief in God is unnecessary and that a personal relationship with Jesus is dangerous. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that these homosexuals who rule over Kings are just another part of the NWO.

If you don't believe they are Satanic, look at the statues, the gold, the pomp and pageantry, even the man's title is a direct insult to Christ. It is the cult of Mary complete with the worship of the dead, with idolatry and the preservation of Roman pagan idolatry with their statues.

Catholic is not Christian. It is just a confused version of Christianity that has taken over the world, but it is from Satan. Luckily for Catholics it isn't as terrible as being a Jehovah's Witness, Mormon or Scientologist. You'd have to be complete insane for fall for those three.

4. How do i know that all the miracles and works which i think have merit, aren't just because of the masses of faithful who direct their beliefs onto the energy of our experience? Even quantum physics confirms that our perception is creating reality, have you considered its our own power not necessarily Jesus?

You don't. You either believe them or you don't. Simple choice. Don't put your faith in men. Men are liars.

5. Why should you love your enemy, when he is literally going to kill you, as many globalists have done, and are actually doing? Have you considered you are being brainwashed into being a pacifist obedient slave and that the real hell will come to you when you don't protect your loved ones and communities from those who revel on domination over others?

Because your enemies aren't necessarily God's enemies. There is a chance your enemies can still believe and be saved. If a man is God's enemy then it is too late for him no matter what. Pray for your enemies that they find the narrow path to God and heaven through Jesus to escape hell. No one should go there, and if you believed, you'd know how important it is to warn people that it's real. But when you warn them, they hate you. Those people are often haters of God (the ones who get angry when you love them enough to warn them).

6. Council of Nicea, council of Trent, and thats just what we are told, how can you put so much blind faith into something without questioning it?

What about them? Just more proof of collusion between the Catholic church and Royalty. Don't get wrapped up in it. The Catholic church is not Christianity, although they love to take credit for it. The Catholic church has damned many to hell, by torturing those who brought the truth to the people in their Inquisitions. The Catholic church suppresses the truth.

I was under this deception also for a long time, but that's all it is. There is the Catholic church, which is a deception of Satan. Then there is God and His Word. They are on opposing teams. Don't fall for the false conclusion that just because they claim to be godly that they are of God. That's a lie. The Catholic church is not God's church. Listen to the Pope. He calls himself father. He denies that faith in God is necessary for salvation, and he says a personal relationship with Jesus is dangerous.

Id appreciate some responses to these.
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Re: I struggle with contradictions of Christianity

Post by Winston »

Adama wrote:
4. That could be. But then why do miracles only happen to some but not others? See the recent film "Miracles From Heaven". http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4257926/ It deals with this issue. Ultimately no one has the answer. It would seem that the gods are not fair or unbiased. They play favorites, just like humans do. If you stop expecting God to be perfect, as Adama and his kind expect you to believe, then a lot of things start making a lot more sense. When you are dealing with the unseen, there are many possible explanations.
That's pretty sad that you don't believe God is good. That's what you really mean by perfect. You are saying that He isn't good. Is this a proper conclusion? I think so. Man, I feel sorry for you guys who can't believe. You've rejected the Lord. Who is it that has rejected God, if not the man who can't even believe that God is good and perfect? That's up there with those reprobates who are mad God killed the first born Egyptians. I don't know if this is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, but when I think about it, how could it not be, cause it's practically the same. Only a fool confuses God for Satan.
I'm just going by the evidence. Logically, a creator would be a reflection of his creation. This is common sense. Since we see both good and evil in this world, it's logical to assume that such qualities exist in our creator or creators too. Since our world is imperfect and full of suffering and bad things, we gotta assume that that is a manifestation of our creators too. Or the designers/programmers of our matrix.

I am thinking in far broader terms than you. You are the one assuming that God MUST be 100 percent good, perfect and flawless, just because the church and its religion say so. You are the one without logic or basis here. You are the one making assumptions here without basis.

Your logic makes no sense. Assuming that a creator or designer must by default be perfect, is like me assuming that the team of men who built my house MUST be perfect because they built my house. It doesn't hold water or automatically follow. If the characters in an RPG game believed that the programmers of their game MUST be perfect and all good, would their logic hold water? No of course not. Yet you make that kind of logic flaw.

There is a book called "When Bad Things Happen to Good People" by Harold Kushner. In it, the author says that if you keep trying to understand how a perfect all powerful God would allow evil and suffering and injustice in this world, then you will go crazy. But if you accept that God is flawed, imperfect and limited, and cannot always help everyone or control everything, then it will all make a lot more sense. You will stop holding God to impossible standards and stop trying to reconcile the impossible. Everything will be easier to deal with after that. Makes sense.
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Re: I struggle with contradictions of Christianity

Post by Winston »

Here is something interesting. There are doctrines which are fundamental to Christianity which have no logic or truth or evidence to them at all, yet are an absolute necessity and must exist anyway. Here are two examples.

1. The doctrine of Biblical inerrancy. This teaches that the Bible is perfect and infallible. Every word is from God and therefore cannot be questioned. It contains no mistakes.

2. The doctrine that Jesus is God and should be worshipped as God Almighty.

The thing is, these doctrines do not make sense. They are baseless and not supported by any evidence. Plus they are extreme and truth does not usually exist in extremes, but usually in shades of gray. Yet these doctrines are a serious NECESSITY regardless. Here's why:

Without them, the authority of the church and religion would be undermined. If the Bible was less than perfect, then people could question all of it. They could pick and choose which parts and verses they want to believe and which they think are mistakes. There would be no authority, stability or reliability in any Christian scripture or teachings. It would all be undermined. And Jesus has to be God, or else his teachings would not have absolute unquestioned authority. Without absolute authority, there can be no order. Everyone could pick and choose, like in a marketplace.

This is why Christian fundamentalism exists, even though it's absurd and illogical. The fundamentalist doctrine became serious and official in the late 1800's and early 1900's, because at that time, the theory of Darwinian Evolution was being taught in schools, which seriously undermined the Christian church's authority and credibility. If Evolution were true, then the Bible would be seen as false and outdated. Therefore, in an act of SELF-PRESERVATION, the Christian churches began declaring FUNDAMENTALISM, that the Bible was inerrant and perfect, and therefore an absolute authority. Thus fundamentalism was a necessity for self-preservation and survival of Christianity.

So you see, often these doctrines and dogmas exist not because they are true or logical or make sense, but because they are necessary for stability, order, and authority not to be undermined.

There is a lesson in history and philosophy for you all. :)
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Re: I struggle with contradictions of Christianity

Post by Eric »

This is why Iread a lot of the Old Testament, Ican't figure out what or why the divide/ who gets along with what as it regards to OT and NT. I can't figure this out, it gives me headache.

I do know I get tired of being confused/ Lost or otherwise in the ocean w/out a paddle - that's the feeling.
I'm also reading a bit of Talmud.
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Re: I struggle with contradictions of Christianity

Post by Adama »

Winston wrote: They are baseless and not supported by any evidence. Plus they are extreme and truth does not usually exist in extremes, but usually in shades of gray.
That's an astute observation.
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Re: I struggle with contradictions of Christianity

Post by Adama »

Winston wrote:
Adama wrote:
4. That could be. But then why do miracles only happen to some but not others? See the recent film "Miracles From Heaven". http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4257926/ It deals with this issue. Ultimately no one has the answer. It would seem that the gods are not fair or unbiased. They play favorites, just like humans do. If you stop expecting God to be perfect, as Adama and his kind expect you to believe, then a lot of things start making a lot more sense. When you are dealing with the unseen, there are many possible explanations.
That's pretty sad that you don't believe God is good. That's what you really mean by perfect. You are saying that He isn't good. Is this a proper conclusion? I think so. Man, I feel sorry for you guys who can't believe. You've rejected the Lord. Who is it that has rejected God, if not the man who can't even believe that God is good and perfect? That's up there with those reprobates who are mad God killed the first born Egyptians. I don't know if this is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, but when I think about it, how could it not be, cause it's practically the same. Only a fool confuses God for Satan.
I'm just going by the evidence. Logically, a creator would be a reflection of his creation. This is common sense. Since we see both good and evil in this world, it's logical to assume that such qualities exist in our creator or creators too. Since our world is imperfect and full of suffering and bad things, we gotta assume that that is a manifestation of our creators too. Or the designers/programmers of our matrix.

I am thinking in far broader terms than you. You are the one assuming that God MUST be 100 percent good, perfect and flawless, just because the church and its religion say so. You are the one without logic or basis here. You are the one making assumptions here without basis.

Your logic makes no sense. Assuming that a creator or designer must by default be perfect, is like me assuming that the team of men who built my house MUST be perfect because they built my house. It doesn't hold water or automatically follow. If the characters in an RPG game believed that the programmers of their game MUST be perfect and all good, would their logic hold water? No of course not. Yet you make that kind of logic flaw.

There is a book called "When Bad Things Happen to Good People" by Harold Kushner. In it, the author says that if you keep trying to understand how a perfect all powerful God would allow evil and suffering and injustice in this world, then you will go crazy. But if you accept that God is flawed, imperfect and limited, and cannot always help everyone or control everything, then it will all make a lot more sense. You will stop holding God to impossible standards and stop trying to reconcile the impossible. Everything will be easier to deal with after that. Makes sense.
Hey, whatever you believe is fine by me, Winston. It's your soul you're betting against, not mine.
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Re: I struggle with contradictions of Christianity

Post by Adama »

Tsar wrote:
I think you should also add:

7. Why would Christianity consider Jews the "Chosen People" which no other religion had a "Chosen People." Other religions' dieties might have had a "Chosen City" dedicated to them but not an actual Chosen People. Most Pagan religions would also be easily relate to each other because their gods and goddesses were similar or parallel to other pagan religions. Wars with pagans were never about religion, they were about wealth, power, or territory.
This was not always the case. Back in the 1800s, Freemasonry and Jews infiltrated mainstream Protestant Christianity. Just as the goyim are being manipulated through TV, so are they even in Bible colleges.
8. Only since Judaism (and especially its offshoots, Christianity and Islam) have there been massive amounts of wars in the name of religion (a veil for pilfering wealth, resources, and enhancing the power)
Islam is a political ideology of conquest. The Roman Catholic church was similar to that hundreds of years ago, even murdering those who believed differently from them. That is not Christianity. That is men and their political ideology. God didn't command them to do any of the things which they did in His name. I bet they will pay more dearly for trying to mask their warmongering quest for glory as godliness.

9. Most modern day Christians (especially many North American Catholics and Protestants) exalt the Jews/Israelis as the Chosen People of God and ignore their own plight. After all, if the Bible says it then it must be the "truth." Do you believe that any true God (creator of the world and cosmos) would chose a single race of people on Earth, and allow them to exploit all the others and spread immorality across the planet (sexual deviancy, debauchery, p***, fornication, homosexuality, usury, etc etc etc)
The Kingdom has been taken from the Jews. That is explicit and clear in the New Testament. Some Christians are just brainwashed by their Bible colleges and those denominations which were infiltrated (even started by) Freemasonry.
10. Why is it that pagans were massacred and their shrines, holy sites, and traditions wiped out? Many pagans valued virginity and virgin brides just the same as the Major Three Abrahamic religions. Was it about control and destroying the Pagans because they would not easily be controlled by the Israelis/Zionists.
Pagans worship false gods, also known commonly as demons.
11. Many other religions had several possibilities for an afterlife. Christianity and Islam only have two (heaven and hell) while Judaism doesn't believe in a Hell.
Judaism doesn't have a hell because modern Judaism is from the Talmud not from God. The Old Testament has HELL in it. Sometimes it is written as HELL, other times called THE PIT.
-Infiltrate a country by taking over it's government, it's media, it's court and legal system, it's financial and banking system, corrupting it's monetary system, corrupting its females first and then the rest of society with it, and infiltrating it's religious system (or destroying/abolishing it's religion like they did in the Russian Empire and pre-Communist China).

They have infiltrated Christian churches that are organized by a centralized structure. Infiltrate the head, and then all the other churches under them are therefore corrupted.
In the ancient times it was easier to infiltrate a religious system compared to doing any the other aspects of control. Then once they got control of the religious system then it would be easier to influence or control a government. Although the Zionists did not have much influence because the early Christians blamed them for killing Jesus and just as many Jews died as Muslims in some of the Crusades to retake the "Holy Land."
That's incorrect. They have always been up to their tricks. You think there were no false Jewish converts to Christianity? Paul even warns about the people of the circumcision in the New Testament all the way back then.
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Post by Ghost »

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Re: I struggle with contradictions of Christianity

Post by Adama »

MarcosZeitola wrote:Blind faith is unhealthy.

You have to filter it, because if you don't filter it you will go crazy. It will strengthen you if you use your brains, but turn your brains into mush if you blindly believe without questioning.
Just look at me. :oops:
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Re: I struggle with contradictions of Christianity

Post by Winston »

MarcosZeitola wrote:Blind faith is unhealthy. The moment you believe everything in any given book, whether it be the Holy Bible, Das Kapital, Mein Kampf, the Quran or Talmud, to be 100% true... that is the moment where you enter cultist-territory.

You should ALWAYS be critical of just about everything you are told. If you believe God is the one who gave you your mind, you would be disrespecting Him not to use that mind for your own good and the good of others, would you not? And if you use your mind, you WILL find inconsistencies and contradictions in the Bible, this is inevitable. There are passages where God orders the Israelites to commit genocide, for example - a habit they haven't broken with to this very day. It would be morally incorrect not to notice these things, and question them.

If a man uses his mind and critical thinking ability, he will discover that the Bible relies more heavily on story telling as a device to teach the reader valuable lessons in morality. Some of these stories have a base in truth, others are no more true than, say, Harry Potter or some other work of fiction. You have to filter it, because if you don't filter it you will go crazy. It will strengthen you if you use your brains, but turn your brains into mush if you blindly believe without questioning.
I totally agree with this. But the Christian Church can't afford to allow everyone to think or question or choose which part of the Bible they want to believe. To do so would undermine the whole foundation of the Church and of Christianity too. If the Church admitted that the Bible contained falsehoods or mistakes, then everyone could pick and choose which parts are true and which parts aren't. They could even question the most foundational doctrines such as the Trinity, Virgin Birth, Atonement, Original Sin, Baptism, etc.

It would be like the IRS saying that everyone can decide which laws in the IRS tax code they wanted to follow and which they didn't. The whole IRS foundation would crumble if they did that. Thus they have to say that all their laws must be obeyed and have authority. Or if the government told everyone they could decide which traffic laws to obey and which not to obey. If they did that, the law would have no foundation or authority.

So every institution and system, including the Church, MUST declare absolute authority in its book of laws and teachings. Otherwise it cannot survive. That's the irony.
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