Ask Winston Q&A: Post questions for Winston here

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Re: Post questions for Winston here

Post by chanta76 »


You mentioned that you have steady income. Its it only from this site? You also mentioned rental income? Is it family money? Sorry if it sounds too personally . I think for many guys the biggest issues is the income. They can't quit their jobs back in the states for fear of losing their security. Like to hear what steps you did to over come that. I remember your old post in the Philippines how making income was hard but it seems like things are better now.

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Re: Post questions for Winston here

Post by Winston »

chanta76 wrote:Winston,

You mentioned that you have steady income. Its it only from this site? You also mentioned rental income? Is it family money? Sorry if it sounds too personally . I think for many guys the biggest issues is the income. They can't quit their jobs back in the states for fear of losing their security. Like to hear what steps you did to over come that. I remember your old post in the Philippines how making income was hard but it seems like things are better now.
Yes I have income from this site and from family rental property. This site is self explanatory. I started out small and gradually earned more and more. Now my online income is stable.

I guess the key is that you have to produce something unique to have online income. The stuff we talk about just isn't talked about on other sites except for maybe rooshs site. I also have some charisma in my writing too which draws attention.
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Re: Post questions for Winston here

Post by JeyanCalderone »

Winston you had girlfriends in America so why do you advocate that US society cannot provide suitable partners for men? I got a girlfriend. It wasn't hard. I didn't have to use PUA or any magic tricks.
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Re: Post questions for Winston here

Post by Winston »

JeyanCalderone wrote:Winston you had girlfriends in America so why do you advocate that US society cannot provide suitable partners for men? I got a girlfriend. It wasn't hard. I didn't have to use PUA or any magic tricks.
Because it took me many years to find them. They were flukes. Two of my three exes in America weren't even really my type. I just settled cause I had no choices. I don't like having to approach thousands of girls for several years just to find one date. Nowadays it's even worse. I can meet 1000 girls in America and 100 percent of them will blow me off with excuses, such as "I got a boyfriend" or "I'm busy" or "I just got out of a relationship and am working on myself" etc. which I've heard millions of times. It's a zero sum game.

In the US you take what you can get. You don't get choices. At this point I can't get anything. Every girl thinks she's too good for most guys and me, and enjoy rejecting every guy who hits on them as though it were a rehearsed routine. Ultimately it's a waste of time and a zero sum game where you put in a lot more energy than you get out of it. I wasted 10 years of my life on it from 1992 to 2002, and am not wasting any more. See here:
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Re: Post questions for Winston here

Post by JeyanCalderone »

Because it took me many years to find them. They were flukes. Two of my three exes in America weren't even really my type. I just settled cause I had no choices. I don't like having to approach thousands of girls for several years just to find one date. Nowadays it's even worse. I can meet 1000 girls in America and 100 percent of them will blow me off with excuses, such as "I got a boyfriend" or "I'm busy" or "I just got out of a relationship and am working on myself" etc. which I've heard millions of times. It's a zero sum game.

In the US you take what you can get. You don't get choices. At this point I can't get anything. Every girl thinks she's too good for most guys and me, and enjoy rejecting every guy who hits on them as though it were a rehearsed routine. Ultimately it's a waste of time and a zero sum game where you put in a lot more energy than you get out of it. I wasted 10 years of my life on it from 1992 to 2002, and am not wasting any more. See here:
I admire your courage and truth-telling to change your life and to inspire many others. Sir Winston, you have my fullest respect. I will defend you from trolls, haters, doubters, propagandists who try to discredit or ruin your name. This HA site has really transformed my life since I got out of jail. My family is from Cebu City. I hope to work and live there to realize my HappierAbroad dream.
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Re: Post questions for Winston here

Post by Winston »

Thanks Jeyan. Hope you are able to stay out of jail. How long were you there? Were you there for doing drugs? Tons of young people smoke weed, but they don't get arrested for it. Only the distributors do right?

How has HA transformed your life? You said you had friends and a girlfriend in America right? What is wrong? Why do you seek to be Happier Abroad?

I answered your questions in your intro thread by the way. You can check it there.
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Re: Post questions for Winston here

Post by Banano »

It sounds like exaggeration when you say 100% of women would reject and find you not good enough for them but unfortunately that is reality.
On the other hand most older people ( 50+) would have hard time believing what you have just said, they would label you as being too picky and wanting women above your league.
Its got something to do with their perspective and how they see things from their angle but to really understand the situation and dating scene you have to be a single male., sometimes it pisses me off when i talk to older people and they cant see how things changed over the past 20 years or so.

Looking back to 60s, 70s and 80s single mums were looked down on by society, no decent dude would date these women let alone marry them, nowadays guys are are happy to date and live with them so you cant tell me that womens value hasn't gone up. Actually back then you were guaranteed to marry a virgin or maybe a woman that had a 1 bf or 2 max in the worse case scenario.
The worst thing is you are not allowed to talk about this issues as you are risking being labeled all sorts of things.
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Re: Post questions for Winston here

Post by dug »

i want to leave and need someone with experience. i want to move to one of the top 5 most peaceful countries (mostly white like my ancestors) on this earth.
i see that most of this site is about women so is this a site to help me move overseas or is it a dating site? again i am sick of the american bullshit and i know i can make it anywhere i just need so guidance so do i find it here or should i look elsewhere.
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Re: Post questions for Winston here

Post by USA_luxury_prison »

Hi Winston, how have you been? I'm new here and have a few questions for you that hopefully you can answer.

I know its been awhile since you last replied on here (May 26,2015) and hope you get a chance to see this.

I'm a 24 yr old guy and it seems like with each passing day things are getting worse here in the US economically/socially/and freedom wise(more laws). I live in Tx and was raised here most of my life. I love traveling thanks to my dad that always took me to places since I was small. My dad's driven me all the way to North Carolina and Mexico since I was a kid. Even though Mexico is not overseas I see a huge difference in day to day life compared to America. So with that being said I'm not afraid to travel and would easily go overseas by myself if I was given a couple thousand dollars. I'm fully confident in myself despite all the BS in America and feel that I could travel the whole world if money weren't an issue. I do however have my doubts and hopefully you can help me out.

Here is my situation:
I'm currently free of any responsibilities (No kids, no gf/wife, I even live for free under my parents roof!) lol. They help me out anyway they can. What do you recommend for someone my age and in my position? I have a hs diploma, attended college for 3 yrs but didn't finish because I was unsure of what I wanted to major in and didn't want to use up the rest of my financial aid (grants,free money to go to school), I know both English and Spanish very well, and like you I consider myself pretty smart overall. I feel like we would get along if we met in person. One of my biggest concerns (or should I say fears?) is being able to find a stable job overseas to support myself. Is a degree important when going abroad to get a job? Most of all can I survive overseas without a degree? And if I can what type of jobs can I get abroad without a degree?

I don't want to waste the rest of my life here in the US as I know things are for the most part the same in all the states: (Present day alienation from one another even though social media sites keep us in touch, fear/paranoia among strangers, fake interactions among people, brainwashing tactics via Tv/media/mainstream, wage slavery, toxic "foods", love for money/materialism/power,etc.). I just want to live FREE like a bird and see all life has to offer before the world ends Gahhdammit!! lol. All I'm asking for is your help/advice and am willing to follow any advice you give me as long as it's safe and logical. I'll even buy your ebooks and/or donate money to you to keep this site running. Will you help me out?

What do you recommend I do?
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Re: Ask Winston: Post questions for Winston here

Post by Winston »


In order to help keep this thread organized and focused, I'm adding a new RULE to this thread, which I've posted in the opening post as well. Here it is:

Please note everyone: Other than myself and the questioner, I would like to ask everyone else here to NOT reply to the questions posted for me here, otherwise the thread will get confusing and lose focus. Also please do NOT debate topics in this thread or discuss topics at length with other forum members, or else it will lose focus and go off on a tangent. Keep in mind that this is a thread for questions to me personally, not a discussion thread. However, if I happen to make any factual errors in my responses here, feel free to correct me here in this thread or by PM, but do it nicely please. Thanks.
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Re: Post questions for Winston here

Post by Winston »

dug wrote:Winston,
i want to leave and need someone with experience. i want to move to one of the top 5 most peaceful countries (mostly white like my ancestors) on this earth.
i see that most of this site is about women so is this a site to help me move overseas or is it a dating site? again i am sick of the american bullshit and i know i can make it anywhere i just need so guidance so do i find it here or should i look elsewhere.
Hi Dug,
Thanks for your questions, but they are kind of vague. All you want is a peaceful country with white people? Well that's easy. Most European countries are not at war and have low crime. Does that qualify as "peaceful" to you? Or do you mean peace and quiet in the countryside? I'm not sure what you're looking for. You could even say Canada and Australia are peaceful too since they aren't involved in any foreign wars and are white dominated. It's not clear what you are looking for. Can you be more specific?

If you read the home page of this site, you'd see that this site is about both, foreign women and about seeking a better life abroad. Why do you think it has to be about one or the other? Please read most of the site on the home page and main introduction pages. And if you have any more questions, please be more specific. Thanks.

Some additional thoughts and advice from Winston, for you and others here:

Keep in mind that I can't tell you which country is best for you. No one can. You gotta go with your intuition and gut feeling as you research the countries on your top interest list. Your heart and feelings (not changeable emotions) know what's best for you and what's right for you, a lot better than your intellect does. So listen to it. Then you gotta make trips there and see how you feel there and your chemistry/compatibility with the people/culture there and whether you have any synergy or energy there to be there long-term. It's kind of like dating. You can't know whether you will like the person until you've met them. Until then, no amount of compatibility test is gonna accurate predict whether you will hit it off with someone or not.

Generally, if you have some synergy, energy or chemistry with a country, you will know within a few days there. The universe or collective soul of the country will let you know whether it likes you or not, usually via signs and omens, such as coincidences going your way, new friends you made, new women you've met who signaled positive interest in you, jobs or apartments falling into your lap, opportunities appearing, etc. Each country kind of has like a "group soul" or "collective soul". It will tell you if it likes you or not, and when it's tired of you and wants you to leave and try another country, etc. I think most veteran expats and travelers have noticed this. Ask Ladislav for example.

Look for a pattern in the coincidences and synchronicities around you, and whether they help you or go against you. See whether doors are opening for you naturally, or whether they are being shut. See whether the energy/vibes are flowing or stagnant. Are things happening for you, or is nothing happening at all? Even little things matter and are often meant to tell you something, either from God, the universe, or the collective soul of the country. In my experience, the collective group soul of a country often lets you know in 1 or 2 days if it likes you or not. You just gotta pay attention and be aware.

Hope that helps someone out there. I know the above sounds kind of New Age-ish, but it's true and you will understand what I mean as you acquire life, travel and expat experience and wisdom.
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Re: Post questions for Winston here

Post by Winston »

USA_luxury_prison wrote:Hi Winston, how have you been? I'm new here and have a few questions for you that hopefully you can answer.

I know its been awhile since you last replied on here (May 26,2015) and hope you get a chance to see this.

I'm a 24 yr old guy and it seems like with each passing day things are getting worse here in the US economically/socially/and freedom wise(more laws). I live in Tx and was raised here most of my life. I love traveling thanks to my dad that always took me to places since I was small. My dad's driven me all the way to North Carolina and Mexico since I was a kid. Even though Mexico is not overseas I see a huge difference in day to day life compared to America. So with that being said I'm not afraid to travel and would easily go overseas by myself if I was given a couple thousand dollars. I'm fully confident in myself despite all the BS in America and feel that I could travel the whole world if money weren't an issue. I do however have my doubts and hopefully you can help me out.

Here is my situation:
I'm currently free of any responsibilities (No kids, no gf/wife, I even live for free under my parents roof!) lol. They help me out anyway they can. What do you recommend for someone my age and in my position? I have a hs diploma, attended college for 3 yrs but didn't finish because I was unsure of what I wanted to major in and didn't want to use up the rest of my financial aid (grants,free money to go to school), I know both English and Spanish very well, and like you I consider myself pretty smart overall. I feel like we would get along if we met in person. One of my biggest concerns (or should I say fears?) is being able to find a stable job overseas to support myself. Is a degree important when going abroad to get a job? Most of all can I survive overseas without a degree? And if I can what type of jobs can I get abroad without a degree?

I don't want to waste the rest of my life here in the US as I know things are for the most part the same in all the states: (Present day alienation from one another even though social media sites keep us in touch, fear/paranoia among strangers, fake interactions among people, brainwashing tactics via Tv/media/mainstream, wage slavery, toxic "foods", love for money/materialism/power,etc.). I just want to live FREE like a bird and see all life has to offer before the world ends Gahhdammit!! lol. All I'm asking for is your help/advice and am willing to follow any advice you give me as long as it's safe and logical. I'll even buy your ebooks and/or donate money to you to keep this site running. Will you help me out?

What do you recommend I do?
Hi USA luxury prison,
Thanks for your questions. Well generally, it's not easy to get a job overseas unless you want to teach English. But it's not too difficult either. Usually a country will try to fill its local jobs with local people rather than foreigners, unless that foreigner has special skills that the local don't have. So it depends on your skills and qualifications. No you don't need a degree, but having a degree helps. Many top companies will not hire someone without a degree. But small companies that are desperate will have lower standards, especially if they are in a town with not many qualified people. The same holds for English teaching jobs. If you have a TEFL or TESOL certificate, you can work for top English schools with higher salaries and benefits. If you don't have one, you can still teach but you'd earn less and not get jobs with the best schools.

Some expats work overseas without having to be an English teacher though. For example, when Rock went to Taiwan, he went to work for some company there. He didn't have to teach English. I'm not sure how he got that job and whether anyone else can easily. But keep in mind that Rock had no prior work experience either before coming to Taiwan. Sometimes if something is meant to be, it just happens, even when you don't expect it to, or it goes against probability. You can ask Rock about that in one of his threads if you want, to see if he has any advice on that. Perhaps a good thread to ask Rock about that is the "Winston and Rock" podcast thread: ... hp?t=24147

Or maybe we should start an "Ask Rock" thread too. lol

Anyhow, to be honest, I haven't worked overseas that much. So I'm not the best person to answer such questions about working abroad. I did work as a journalist in Moscow and an English teacher, but I got those jobs in the newspaper classifieds at the time. And I did editing work for a Korean online gaming company in Manila too, where I edited the characters' dialogues and story text of the game. A friend of mine referred me to that job. But beyond that, I don't know a whole lot about working overseas. We do have many threads about working overseas though, which you can find by entering "working abroad" or "working overseas" in the Google search box above, or browsing the topics in the forum category "Working Overseas":

Also, in our ebook catalogue, we have a book just for guys like you! It's called "Expatriation Apocalypse", by forum member Ghost, and is written for young guys who don't have much money but want to move abroad. I strongly recommend it. It only costs a few dollars and would help you out a lot, as the info in it pertains to your situation and it contains a lot of good practical advice that will answer your questions. Go to the link below. You can get it in ebook or paperback format. ... apocalypse

Also of course, as you mentioned, I'd appreciate it if you got a copy of my ebook or ebook package as well, which you can find at the same link above. :)

Hope this all helps. I'm sure the ebook above that I recommended will help you a lot too.

Best Wishes,
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Re: Ask Winston: Post questions for Winston here

Post by USA_luxury_prison »

Hi Winston, I appreciate the time you took to read my post and responding back.

So you're saying Rock (I don't know who that is, lol) will respond back to me like you did here if I post a question as to how I would go about finding a job (other than teaching English) abroad on that podcast thread you posted above?

Also, do you think I'm on the right path to living the life I want at my age (I'm 24)? I've witnessed first hand how many people here in the U.S even the ones with good careers that make a lot of money look stressed out/unhappy/soulless despite having a good income, nice house, nice cars,etc. It's almost like they're slaving their life away or something, idk. Deep down inside I know life wasn't meant to be lived that way. I don't want to live my whole life paying off a house or making car payments and paying endless bills. I want to be free and go from place to place traveling, living the life of an adventurer and be happy. I've even thought about getting a career in the trucking industry because of all the traveling but after thinking about it I know I'll still be stuck here seeing the same things everywhere I go (Alienation, insane people, businesses and establishments everywhere,etc). It's almost like America was made for business only and not living life. I feel I still have the spirit of a child that want's to see the beauty of the world and I don't want that to end. I don't want my soul to be crushed here. What do you think? Am I on the right path by thinking this way?

Hope to hear from you soon, thanks. :D
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Re: Ask Winston: Post questions for Winston here

Post by starchild5 »

I agree about the soul vibe of the country very much. Happened to me in Philippines and Germany/Europe travel. In few hours to days, i found out Philippines was for me and Germany/Europe not. A country can indeed reject or accept you. Different countries have different soul vibes.
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Re: Ask Winston: Post questions for Winston here

Post by Winston »

USA_luxury_prison wrote:Hi Winston, I appreciate the time you took to read my post and responding back.

So you're saying Rock (I don't know who that is, lol) will respond back to me like you did here if I post a question as to how I would go about finding a job (other than teaching English) abroad on that podcast thread you posted above?

Also, do you think I'm on the right path to living the life I want at my age (I'm 24)? I've witnessed first hand how many people here in the U.S even the ones with good careers that make a lot of money look stressed out/unhappy/soulless despite having a good income, nice house, nice cars,etc. It's almost like they're slaving their life away or something, idk. Deep down inside I know life wasn't meant to be lived that way. I don't want to live my whole life paying off a house or making car payments and paying endless bills. I want to be free and go from place to place traveling, living the life of an adventurer and be happy. I've even thought about getting a career in the trucking industry because of all the traveling but after thinking about it I know I'll still be stuck here seeing the same things everywhere I go (Alienation, insane people, businesses and establishments everywhere,etc). It's almost like America was made for business only and not living life. I feel I still have the spirit of a child that want's to see the beauty of the world and I don't want that to end. I don't want my soul to be crushed here. What do you think? Am I on the right path by thinking this way?

Hope to hear from you soon, thanks. :D
Hi USA luxury prison,
Yes I'm sure he will. If he misses it, I'll just let him know where to find your question. You can address a question to him in one of your intro threads too, where I think you posted some similar questions. Or post in one of the topics in the Work Overseas board. For now, you can use the podcast thread.

I can't tell you what your right path is, because no man can know another man's destiny, no matter how wise or arrogant he is. I'm not one of those know-it-all types who likes to tell others what to do with their life about every little thing. Wise people try to stay humble, so the universe reveals more to them. Arrogant ones are the ones that look foolish in the end.

But yeah I understand you feel. Most of us do I'm sure. Your soul doesn't fit into America and all it's artificiality, toxicity and meaninglessness. Life in America seems meaningless and pointless. You work hard for NOTHING essentially. There's no love or connection or true friendship, and nothing to live for except making money and consumerism. In short, you aren't validated, and neither are your feelings, emotions and soul. That's definitely not a good feeling. And the social environment feels lonely and isolating. People are paranoid and avoid others and keep their distance from others. None of this is natural but you are told that it's normal, thus what America tells you and what you feel are at odds with each other. It's constant INNER CONFLICT in America, over and over and over again. You know what I mean? It all makes your soul sick. So as you say in your username, the US is a "luxury prison" alright.

So I guess your destiny may be to live abroad too, it seems. Have you seen my Happier Abroad checklist? Does most of it apply to you?

Also you could definitely use our ebook "Expatriation Apocalypse" that I told you about. It's only a few dollars and will answer a lot of your questions. The author wrote a blog post introducing it too. ... -read.html

Hope all this helps.
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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